T'O" ID JL JL JL D AILY N E BR ASK AN Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL. XXX1-N0. 27. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS H fiERS TAKE JAYHAW TO 0 KS 6 M ri Judges Name Prise Winners in Decorations Contest SIG ALPH, DELTA GAM ARE WINNERS JUDGES ANNOUNCE Tekes ami Alpha Thcts Win Second and Third Among Fraternities; Chi Omega and Alpha Chi Omega Are Sorority Second and Third. N TWELVE ACTS FOR E NOVEMB ER REVU ( I VMV.HA.U SAYS DECORA HONS EXCELLENT Judging Committee of Oz Black, Mr.. EHery Davis and Harry F. Cunningham Praise Originality; Crowds Throng Street. Kosmet Klub Committee Chooses Skits for Its Annual Show. VARIETY, TALENT COUNT Reviewers Find It Difficult To Choose From Number Sketches Entered. WILL DEBATE UNEMPLOYMENT TUESDAY BY DICK MORAN. j Sigma Alpha hpsilon fraternity and Delta dnnmiA sorority ; w awarded first place in their respective divisions on honio-i Twelve acts selected fiom the winine decorations, according to a statement isstieM bv 1 he entry of twenty-four for the Kos- , ii t...,. ... ..i 'met Klub moraine revue were an- judeing committee yesterday. Twcnt six fraternities and nounced by Uje judging committee -jguimi soroniu's (ioiuraicu inrir ijuums jij uhmtvuiicc vi iate yesterday afternoon. tr. l.'a- V rtf t : v m i? v; , fell v.. m FORMAL QUEEN TO BE REVEALED AT AG EETE FRIDAY SCARLET THRILLS N K.U. VICTORY Saner Coes Over for Only Touchdown. But Nebraska OuldoMii Kansas l. to 3; Win Advance' Bihlemen in Conference Battle. SCIIAAKE IS BIG NOISE OF KANSAS BACK FIELD Students at Barnwarming Affair Will Ballot for Honor Miss. RI iea and Jov Shine in Cornhns-kcr Line at TacLla And End; Homecoming Crowd Estimated at' 20.000 Witneies Nehra-ka Triumph. ' FILINGS CLOSE MONDAY ! CHARLES E. GRAY. ConrteiT nf The Jnomnl. I BYRON CHERRY. Nebraska coinii'r Satnrd Girls Gettino Next Hiahest the K.-.nsas j.iy Number Votes Will Act As Attendants. idnicfoiuinir tradition. Tau Kappa Epsilon was awardedo second place in fraternity decora- i lions, and Chi Omega won second among the sororities. Alpha Theta Chi acd Alpha Chi Omega took I third place among fraternities and sororities respectively. The fol lowing groups were given honor able nention: Lambda Chi Alpha, llltfl Phi PVil tlamma Dolt a and TbtU Clii fraternities: and Pi ' GfOUO Made UO Of FOUrtCen judging all acts. Some acts which VARSITY GLEE CLU! Commenting on the selection the j judges Dick Devereaux, LeRoy Jack, Jack Thompson and Joe Al tersaid that it was a veiy diffi ' cult job to pick twelve skits out ' j of the twenty-four which were en 1 1 tercd in the content. 1 1 According to the reviewers, some were very good hut were similar to others. Variety and 1 talent were the two points used in Zeki and Rifat will represent Robert college of Istanbul, Turkey. Tuesday evening In the Temple when they debate against Gray and Cherry of the Nebraska team on the question, "Resolved, that com pulsory unemployment insurance should be adopted by the soverign nations as public protection against the vicissitudes of the machine age." The visitors will support the affirmative side of the question. (! to 0 score notch in the Six ! . it o the close Annour.c mcnt of the election of : Faimers Koimal tiueen will be n;ad'.- Kiidav 'r.ing during in tr emission at the annual college of agriculture barnwarming :u- Ketwecu two anil three bun- GRAY CHERRY SELECTED MEET Theta, j Kappa i Beta Phi. Alpha Dc-ita Sigma Delta Tau, and Delta sororities. Crowds of homecoming alumni, university students and Lincoln esidents thronged the streets iround fraternity and sorority row Friday night to witness the dec rations. People started coming about 7 o'clock, and Sixteenth i-eet was jp.mmed until late in 'if evening. The following fraternities dec orated their houses for the annual toaecorning festivities: Alpha 'Sanna Rho. Atpha- Theta--Chi, Ben Thta Pi, Delta Tau Delta. Tenors, Nine Basses, Six Baritones. SEVENTY-FJVE TRY OUT Twenty-nine students were se lected lor the University Glee club according to a statement issued by Harold Hollingsworth, director of the chous yesurday. The group consists of six first tenors, eight second tenors, six baritones and nine basses.. -- Fifty-three names were sent to . i rt. T T-i , ... w Umbda Chi Alpha. Sigmu Nu, Pi rhpcVpA (nr .h.rfi, .ihiiitv Alpha, Acacia of DelU Rni, t.pnf v.nin. ra h-i9h Kt- Dclta Chi. Delta ! ' . ... t, Kappi ?ti Ganma. I rr.t Um. :,, . nm. ?ha Delta, Phi Delta Theta. Phi Hollinesworth stated. He added (Continued On Page 2.) ! (Continued on Page 2.) were good but did not get in were eliminated, say the judges, be I cause another act contained better , talent. Show Set for Dad's Day. According to present plans, the show will run for about two and a half hours the morning of Dad's day, Nov. 7. The judges declared, however, that since more than the usual number of acts were picked this year, one long act and one curtain skit could be eliminated without materially, affecting the how. If any one of the large acts and any one of the curtain skits are not showing improvement by the end of next week they will be eliminated, according to the Kos met judges. The judges expressed apprecia- Continued On Page 3.) TURK DEBATERS MILITARY GROUP BANQUETS Scabbard and Blade to Honor Roosevelt's Birth at Dinner Tuesday. j First A'! University Fete Draw; Large Crowd of Nebraska Team Will Argue With Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey. Charles E. Gray and L. Byron Cherry will represent the Univer sity of Ncbraskr. against Robert college, Istanbul. Turkey, in an In ternational debate at 7:30 Tuesday evening, Oct 27..iathe Temple theater. " 1 The Turkish debators are A. Galib Rifat and Suha Zeki, both natives of Istanbul who have re ceived their advanced education in the United States. Last year Rifat studied engineering at the , (Continued On Page 2.) j In commemoration of Theodore Roosevelt's birthday the local group of Scabbard and Blade will hold its annual Scabbard and Blade day Tuesday. A dinner is to be held at the Delta Sigma Lamb da house. Cadet Maj. Frank Denton, leader of the Nebraska group, is to be toastmaster. The toast list is com posed of Maj. L. W. Young, Dean T. J. Thompson. Col. C. J. Frank forter. Capt. J. W. Crissy, and Ca det Col. Albert Lucke. Candidates for Ag Formal Queen File 'Candidates for Farmers For mal queen must file their names with Mrs. Polk, in the executive office at Ag hall, be fore 5 o'clock Monday, Oct. 26. Candidates must file in person. TOM SNIPES, Pres. Ag Ex. Board. f-ir. di-d couples r.ie expected to wit-1 r.c?s the event, accoiuing to Tom ' Snipes who has charge of enter tainment, ticket suits, and presen tation of the queen. Klaction of a queen for Farmers Formal has been a tradition on the college of agriculture campus for several years, each fall a junior or senior woman being chosen. Fil ings for this honor will close at 5 o'clock llondav, Oct. 26, it was ruled by the Ag Executive board, j The ballots will be detachable! from the admission tickets, as has ! been the custom in the past Snipes ; SOrcd bv the Innocents and held in revealed. There will be a ballot i the Coliseum last night was at- box placed in the executive office ; tended by over a thousand merrv- BY MURLIN SPENCER. lucil the finishing touches to a sn-ce.vsfwl Home ly nl'tc moon in Mwm.rial st;;liiim by sending hawks back to .Mt. dread on the low end of a The llnskers' victory advanced them another ace. scoiv. the L';.ine was one sided with Ne- "r.iaska running Kansas all over j the field and chalking up 15 first j downs to 3. The Huskers threw : away numerous chances to score while a fighting Hnsker line kept Kansas from any scoring threat whatsoever, j Sauer scoied the lone Husker ! touchdown early in the second quarter. Schaake of Kansas kicked to Nebraska on her 27-yard line, I and the Huskers immediately started down the field with Sauer, I n ill tTCtn orirl U'ro'viritA aUamh.!. '."V4 M l.llim,l nilClU4La ividi i yi;i;j.!er5. HOMECOMING AFFAIR ATTENDED By 1,039 SUCCESS PLEASES WOLF in Ag iiall, and all voting must be lin.sbed by t:ve o clock on Thurs day, he added. The woman In the coliege who receives the greatest number of votes shall be proclaimed queen, and custom has it that those girls ' receiving the next highest votes . JvilL . be attendants. . Genevieve Brehrc was selected last year as queen of the formal. Eligibility Rules Listed. Rules stating the eligibility re quirements of those who file for, the annual honor have been drawn mg in hipping the ball. Nebraska marched the 73 yards without tast ing the ball and Sauer plunged over from the 4-yard line. Master son's pick for the extra point wa : wine. Nebraska's first annual all uni- Nebraska's line receives most of versitv homecoming party soon-' the credit for the victorv. With Ely at center. Koster and Justice, at guards; Rhea and Gilbert, tackles, and Durkee and Joy. ends, all the Nebraska barks had to do was to run thru the wide holes this for ward wall opened up. On defense, the line stoppe'fi the vaur.ti-'i pin ning power of the Ja hawkers, held the-m for three first down and foroM them to take to 'he air. Joy. Rhe-. Sa- d 0''4 stands out in ihis forvMi J wall.V akcrs. Commenting on the success of the affair. Art Wolf, in charge of arrangements said, "the party was a great success, and we hope the full measure ot the success of the first homecoming party is perpetu ated in succeeding years." Hundreds of couples thronged ' the floor of the field house, trans- j formed for the occasion into a gala i ballroom. Alumni back for borne-! coming festivities mingled with , undergraduates, and many visiting .' Kansans took advantage of the op- .Inv nlflvirc :... k. the end posnon Mded Nvrariai'f V march for th. . n by tnak: ing 10 yards on . j.y. trom Bauer, He also was a power on defense. bv Snipes, who is president of the portunity to spend an evening as j forcing the men from ML Oread to (Continued On Page 2. 1 . (Continued on Page 3.1 (Continued on Tage 2.) ak t jer. 1 Winners in Greek Letter Homecoming Decorations Contest ca r, I 1 an rAii- t : it. 4 wtf. -W ; . 1 i -H ?I)!FHIT - .. -II.. HIM -H- 9 , - 'w'i.w iiWW..w...a...,. -'-'V f i 5 1 i V . , : - , jFT -f- ZZ - &L A f ' " if Lit I jump,.. i'.f- . iElllli l -X) '-J 1' J" -;.-, . lit i AArKt 7" ""'I- flmoVi ..i.-.. ii ..mmlm.t,, . i f s,r.. w.. , fUTW nmMaiaw. .1 i nj-w(OTiH"'w''JI"' ' """ "" I i - "-it f ! I hl ::--.i.'.;' . "CM 4lt iMOyii'i w imc wmec t f ftmsvMM urns - 3? f- V t '....'.i..jp.46r;iJ:. fix' Em ump '4, ' Ill ... . "l ti rm,rairTiMfiiar it i It v it i ii H II l II . l ta W n. Is In'Tsyiwt r it r tn mum s iniHiijii.yi''JIHiJ fiWcJfc'(.itiW--,wf:-"-' i- - " " w t, . w : t . :-r . ,i v 0 - itm"'"'' - 2... W t W . . iflrtl "j7(UtA ALMA fVLO 33' A'O. 6 i t- '- fA 1- " 'ZZ,t$ c . ' ft .. ' . r-CTt.ii7j1iW,l,p,MU t. TXT" hsifil xfSLOV- W A'Q. 'V. I. 9..P."i 7NLTA CH-60b D -St - THMJJ PI ACE fKAT?Y ........ In ntlAV'h -m"nB "rorili,' on homecoming decoratlorw. Delta Gamma won first with a display of what Dana Bible and Lis Cornhujkera were destined to do, to the Kansas Jaybawk. Chi Omega and it "Good Ship Nebraska" layout took second pic 'rJri'rnit!' competition Kigma Aloha Epsilon carried off honors with a portrayal of a puzzled Jayhawk being outweighed by a Nebraska ear of corn and a Cornhuskera football. An elaborate miniature "Dally Nebraakan" telling; about the KansajNebraska - prize uiiniu, T , . m . , . i . - . t t-- . - vi aau rwppa r.psilon. inira piacv wcixi. vv ntynm iucw eui. , t