TWO THi: DAILY M HKASK.W I HID A V. SriTKiMHKK 2". 10.11 V; The Daily Nebraskan button A. Lincoln. NeDraeke OFFICIAL STUDSNT PyBUCATION UMVKMSITY OF NiSAAfcKA Publiihfd Tut id y, Wednaaday, ThurUl. FrUay end Sunday morning during the academic year. TMIFlTV FIR&T VIA. Enured tond-dae niatur at trie poatoMice in Lincoln, NBrl. unlr act of congraai, Marctt 1. and at ickhi rat of reatage provided for l eee'" HCJ art ef October S. 17. .uthorued January K. IW Under direction tne fctudenl Publication Board SUiSCAIPTION FiATI J a year tingi Copy ft ceMe I' S5 eemeewc J a year ma. lad t.7 a iimiilir mailed Eoilonai (Vfice University Mall 4. nnil 0l'"-U"l,'Hlr Mall 4A TaiBhona-Oayi Mil Mignti t-4M t Journal) All t hut can be said now in that regard is that fraternities and sororities must loik beyond the present. Since the success of university l pciids uDim the success of each student, individually. ! mid sine so ffpriit an item in the yearly costs ! of each student enters into the KIMSODKS Y OLIVER DE WOLF. Introducing to you a little col umn which shall henceforth bo known aa "Epinodes." According ) iniiiicinir of; to Webster an episode is a .epa- .... .,AM MnM .exf OnliAM I W . . a ,;, : ; . I inic diui , iiiL,ijc;ui i ciiiiwu - fraternal group or other organizations, it is , ,,.,..,.., nH1.rHtlon f,,r the mir- up to those bodies, largely, I" make it lu- poe of elvlng a great 'variety to sihle lor evcrv man and woman to puss t j the event related; an Incidental one year a economically as possible. ( joe College and Miss Josephine must pat loach nickel very gently us it leaves the chap i ter archivei. oitoil STAFF vrt Ven ftaao'rn. Hiwirrl AiliMay Laurence Hail Murlln ftMncIf Darrmaco Hoffman Jack Thompaon. Newa Editori USINtftt STAFF titer. in-ehief Managing Editor Jack Enckeon . . J oo Miller . Seerte Editor Woman'! Editor narrative And .so It is. This col' umn will deal with a wide variety of incidental subjects gleaned from the columns of various newspaper.-', and from current periodical! It will have no definite boundar ies. It Is not subsidized by any clg aret manufacturers, And will be newt paper women are the most charming, companionable gala oo earth a a o Tli. United States It evidently not the only country InftatetJ with bootlegger. Advices from Havana, Cuba. Ml u of clgaret bootleggers who are well versed In all the tricks of the trade, such as fake labels and the like. The four popu lar American brand sell for six bits a park and the writer Is plenty glad that he la not attend ing college In that country, espec ially if the Co-eds have learned to smoke. tor In the department of geogra phy, bpent a considerable portion of his vacation In field work gath ering material on tho econormo gef.grs.phy of the Black Hills re. gion. Nothing like having fraternity parties sclm tiled for Thursday night! At Ifiist. it slio'v t written to the best c,f the writer's I that Husker students read thoir Nctirnsk.i i j ifiiite thoroughly. And that "a soinethiiv.' ! uaineaa Manager Ataman! Buainoat Managers Norman Oflenef Cerlyle Sorenten arnard Jennlngi nhilitv. Anv hiuI all Mirerstlon.s - -era i . . 1 - j T . ...II ..!.. U 1 H.rc wr.toiiu'u. il w hi uic mi; i place of Gene McKlm'a excellent column "Looje Threads" intro 1 (luced Nov. 26, 19.50. And now that ! "FpLsodco" has been duly Intro ' duced. we will take a elnnt at the news of the dav. THE CAMPUS GROWLER rkia raOT M an imatoa (or gawiaj adWerUalna br Tka Nabraaaa) rraea Aaaoclettaa. Sow That You re Initiated. Vrnshmrn. now initiated, are duly re- Snrded as members of the campus throng Following their official plunge into this uni versity, yestrday morninp, the new men and women feel more at ease, it is hoped. They have had an opportunity to learn something of this frir.c to school business. C'las of 19:5, we welcome you! Despite tho fact that everything is hi? on this campus, evtrr member of the administration and every member of the student body wanti to be close to vou in helping you get things started sat isfactorily. In spite of the fact that the campus seems cold because of the bigness and because of the numbers trampinfr over the hallowed acres of learning, there arc thousands hrre who have warm hearts and an interest in your welfare. o Ctf one thinp. you must be warned: This is really a place in'which to study. Vou were told that at the initiation exercises. You had undoubtedly surmised that oven before, you had entered thru the channels of registration. Yet. countless numbers lose sight of hat fact before the first semester is completed. The buzz and hum of social life weakens niai:v; others fall to the enticement of extra eurricular activities. till others become bored, or unambitious, or indifferent. There are a number of whims which take possession of the st,i,rnt "ho begin to lose sight of his supremo purpose. (iii an average, ihe freshman class shrinks i. .. one-third or one-half by the time four ., i .s have elapsed and the sheepskin is tucked ii. id'-r an arm. Lack of funds, or other press i - circumstances are accountable for a part to' that d.ernise; but hundreds are known to : i lu'v up tin job because of a weakened de t emulation to really gain from the universjtv that kuowl.-dge which it is able to give. You must exert a will power to co thru with your .inii; u niiisi pack a wallop in your every ii"M- from now mi. a a o There are many thinus which can be ob t.iiin d from colkgc life aside from books. They are the social and extra-curricular activities just referred to. Indulgence is encouraged, yet with considerable and weighed thot. Some of them are cood, others are not so profitable. ,s a freshman, vou are advised to lay low for a niestfr or two so that tou can look over the fi. Id. And during that time, you can lay jour foundation for a good scholastic average w'nii'h will be the greatest beginning any stu dmt can make toward a successful four years. A sain, read the oath as it was given to you. It will do no harm for upper classmen to r. read those pledges. Then, put that oath into efffi't as one of the creeds of your daily life. That is hsit makes Ornhuskers of Nebraska ire u. And if you need any luck you have our ishis for Ai&t, too. Now, dig! And let's fc'nr irom o four years from now. This Frfc Hospitality Racket. rnhees pi-cist e red iLitCS at the offiei' ; . . I of the Interfranrnity council than a yenr ,,, : Co;i; That yeUow g Uenng More freshmen, also, were presetit at uie an- , ti0n or mM lnat hfmey do(?s for nual freshman day activities of rrg ist nil mil : the bear Is no longer the monetary week than attended the program last fall. ; standard of Great Britain. From That led some to believe enro.lnien, would l-yg't SnVr'Moni heavier than previously. ; aav s aftirm was that since last But enrollment has dropped, not as se- jujv funds amounting to approxl- riou:dv as was supposTd. vet there has been a niatcly $1,000,000,000 had been! drop Fewer p e ges. hv iiii even our nun- i..c - I . Y . I 'i i- . .1,.., 1 kct. conf.equentlv the redemption dred. have been taken m by tratc nut n s than , act was 8U.spended. The Bank of during the rush week of last year. England discount rate was raised This shows two things, at least. Fresh- from 4s to 6 percent, and the man day activities are at last drawin, the new ; &eZ& men as it was meant lor tnein to io. r lesiiumn no way tn minlmiM tne danger to day is comparatively new and it takes time lo the country's finances, declared fret thintrs starter!.' The other rtoinl is this : that the present measures were of Men coming down to school rr ever f.-.stei- , temporary nature and that the j ,. 7 , , . , , country is substantially sound, catching onto the idea of how to bone the trals . n.. ' u ,n strppt 'h-, a for free room and board during rush week. nounced that it is in sympathy Newcomers cannot be blamed for their im- with the Eriiish action. Just what positions upon the fraternal croups v hich j be de concerning the itua 1 ,. . . , , i . . i tion is not evident, since Premier olfer their brother-like hospitality so n-eely. Ramaev MacDrnald has an- Warm hearts of fraternities are beating to the ; nounced that it was impracticable i extent that, almost anyone can borrow a few ; to establish a silver basis for cur- good meals and a night or two of lodging. The I rency. , , , . I frats. evidently are being royally honked. 1 r,ycholoiil,u slv lhttt nino. ! So the lnterfraternity council's rush card, tenths of what a child learns is I figures were no prediction of enrollment lie-1 forgotten within a month or two ; ures. In the matter ot treshinan dav, on t lie " . " "" other hand, the increased attendance can In laid onlv to the fact that plans are better or ganized and a greater percentage of the whole i P.udyaid Kipling has made a class is beginning to learn of the values of this ! ffw approprate remarks about the cwi.l AuV r fn. n.- nm ' 'l?lg abilities of the east and V ' s U t ' t aa91VV ' I'llli 1 dren to school to leai'n. I wonder U this applies to college students? j The red caps are out! Here, boy, my jgage! I it if - There will be all kinds of growls. Soma are rather embarrassing. I'll try to keep mint from being puch. All of which reminds me of the Elg Chi senior who thought that B. M. O. C. meant the busi ness manager of the Cornhusker. Button, button who's got the button? Buttons and the red caps were not very mirth In evidence duricg the first day of their ln agural. We wonder if the fresh are taking Dr. Sondra seriously. With the campus Beautiful be ing beautified the question pops up as to when the campus fathers are going to deem It necessary to have that suburb stretch of turn pike between the mall and the Chemistry building. The front yard of the stadium has been cleared, it is true; that homelike atmosphere that was awakened by the ticket booths haa vanished, but that corregated terra firma rematas. Four score, more or less, of freshmen made their movie debut Thursday morning. Few of them proved to be camera shy. The lassos with their Empress Eugenles tried to look coy or sophisticated as befitted their physiological state. It would really be something of th right honorable Innocents de creed that the frosh red headgear should be a la Empress Eugenie. Oh death, where it thy pang! The "as the crow flies" between social sciences and Andrews is as mucky as a "moon special." It affords plenty of opportunity for the pulling of "Ralieghs." Some of those rush week mud stingers ought to feel right at home amidst the mire. YOUR LOOKS AND SUPPLIES ARE AT J1. IX! m. JJUJM lis Ml . ,n i M iiji mi in. ii! Jr.. nr-MT-: T wr : j I n I (SB F AC ING CAMPUS 'ALWAYS CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS I" New 3nd Daringly Smart ... the style pictured is but one of the many styles featured here at Over in Andrews hall they are wondering which is worse tractors or R. (I. T. (' enee? MORNING MAIL west but at this time it seems that a lew remarks would not be out of place concerning the mingling abilities of two Oriental nations Japan and China. The trouble cen teis about Manchuria, which at the present time seems to be a vitual "No Man's Land." Man- ' Hi- thir.a. nltho a Chinese province enliilains large Japanese eco ! nomic interests. According to the Chinese, the Japanese forcibly took control of the important points of the province. On the other hand the Japanese charge that the Chinese troops destroyed property of the South Mancnuiian railway which is backed largely bv Japanese interests. Anyway both parties claim that they will j Geographer Collects Black Hills Material Dr. William Van Royen, instruc- "YOUR DRUG STORE" Snappy noon lunches. Whit man's Chocolates. Toilet Goods the best and newest creations. THE OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th Sl P Phone B 1068 We Deliver WIDTHS AAA to C SenSimm&ScnS- FORMERLY ARMSTRONGS Cfjj)85 The Daily KeVtraskan will not pay the difference between 1..S0 and $11.50 on the excursion, needless to say. j Patting Each Nickel I'cry Ccntly. Interest is already loose from its static condition in regard to the move for a reduc tion in W'cial and other items in the budgets of organizations on the campus. Fac ulty leadership is ab!e to do much in encour aging the general progress of such a plan. Some ask. do proponents of this move mean that all social functions should be dis carded for a year? The answer is no, or at Fast, not nepeiianly. The big idea, if one o wishes to call it, K to trim down on superfluous items in each und'-rtakijip. Formal parties are Ihe main . !jrrt of attack, for it is in their connection that the expense bills pile high.. There are !-.".:y items, su-li as bids, favors, decorations I'.at enn be toned d wn or forgotten about "inpletf ly. I'rateiintie.s jtnd sororities have certain ;i-ial standards to maintain. They fe,l they MU't keep in the general campus rating. Rat H!ir. altho it should not be put above actual lite of the particular organizations, is a factor v ith which to reckon. It rests on the should ers of every individual in every organized proup to se that expense items are diminished. Trimming on the party aspect of the house budget is not the only point which can lr heavy thot. A sliding scale cut on every ilem is imperative, as all chapter treasurers rind presidents are undoubtedly aware. At the same time, however, there is a constant fear that the chapter will lose preMigt if it clamps down on things: and there is a wanton feeling that something will W mised if the gayncs.s and the brilliants of the "Siir party idea i shunned, and if other expenses are reduced. Thingt That Count. TO THE EDITOR: They are a peculiar species, these colli g-j do everything in their power to ians. They are a thoughtless, heedless, and j av0ld war . , . foolhardy outfit, taken on the whole. One New Features .Another bj: boost for the schools may well stop lo speculate on the percentage ' ot journalism Stanley Walker, of them who appear to have a pitiable mis- writing in the current issue of the conception of the purpose of a university. This year is one of rather peculiar cir cumstances. There are many students who are here only at the expense of parental sac rifice. Some of them possibly do not realize his credit, however, he admits that American Mercurv is evidently a hard-boiled city editor. He advo cates that all or most of the schools of journalism be torn down and that the inmates be set to studying crglish, history litature, what it means to their family to keep them in "dif .h'ey wnt.tuOT scnoni xnis ear. i areius, as a rule, say imie them learn to drive a truck. To about the financial side ot the affair. They only warn their son or daughter to be a little more careful, not caring to have their children share the monetary worries of the family in addition to carrying a school course. Hut. whatever is said, the fad remains that there f The Church W ithout are a number of students who nre attending! school this fall at the expense of parental dc- j privanons. ; , Unitarian Church Corner of 12th and H Furt What, one is caused to wonder, is the stu dent reaction to such a situation? The distress ing fact is that they show little reaction. l)e spite parental warnings they are planning a.s many parties, are buying as many clothes, and in general arc more particularly concerned C.rtpl "Not the Truth but the Search for Truth" Arthur L. fi fatherly. Minister j SEPTEMBER 2711 A. M. I i Subject: "The Waning and ? ,U,B "" ar, particularly concerned ,t Waxing of Religion with the soeia hide of the r I i;r i,u.. i 6 With trlf Hnr t l-m H-VlirK ic nxonamn, k,.n for future careers. It would seem that stu OOOOOOOOOO dents might give extra consideration to their J' MnfTtif purpose here at the University of Nebraska. : 0 WOUI Certainly they must have a certain amount of ! Barbers social stimulus. Hut is it necessary to place : Q this foremost in mind, rather than eoneen irate g for tk trtaiM-it. rtt niiA..i:, .i .i m ... iiinjwin. .,i ain-iuiuii upon me tilings I which really count books and studies MORPHKUS. that you will not want to miss, are poin? to aonear in o -o a the RAG this year. hermore without this social calendar, sports news, editorials, fea tures, style columns, special stories, you will lose contact with your school home. A T? m. - expert NEWSPAPER TALK O liaroering q 117 No. 12th O o o oooooooooooo o ii Best Ol of AI Sot Exactly a Gripe. TO THE KDITOli : This isn't exactly a gripe, neither is it intended to be destructive criticism, but rather to point out an existing condition that necessi tates a great amount of inconvenience to stu dents. I am taking a eouise out at Ihe Ajr cam pus. Most of my classes are on the city cam pus. Twice a week I have to drive to the former. 1 notice about half the class is also from the city campus. When I say "half." it is a conservative estimate. Wouldn't it be less inconvenient lo llie majority of the persons concerned ith this particular course if the class met on the city campus? Many of the city campus students inakin? these trips to the Ag campus have no ars and have to ride with friends or go on a bus. Hoth arc expensive, speaking in terms of a semester, The instructor and the Ag students in the course would have to make the trip to the city campus, but it would cost , them lesa per oemester since there are fewer numbers. " There would be les.s speeding tickets patted out. less narrow escapes from car acci dents, 1cm ears being frozen, and best of all, lesa students will be late to class. Fewer stu dent will cut classes (as many are prone to do during cold weather). More work will be accomplished with less inconvenience to the ' whole. In every way it seems to lie a more desirable plan. , KDFKli. (Loose Leaf-Facts) is an ideal st udi nt note system in a handy pocket size, including loose leaf printed data, technical in fornialioii h n d tables on every engineering and busi ness subject, written by emi nent college professors and professional nun. 230 blank forms in every ruling. Covers to fit from loc to $2.50 Ask for Catalog Individual data sheet may be selected from our library nt. a small cost. TUCKER-SHEAN 1123 0 St. 3c you can get this publication at a minimum of cost. It is impossible to produce it any cheaper than' er Copy $2.00 For the Entire Year LONGS CO OP U-HAL1 "id. .1 ,