XlGWT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 THE DAILY IMEHKASKAN C i J !Ri ETT : DFSIMFS TlWENT PLANS .FOR CURRENT YEAR pnscnt -Economy Policy 'Forced By. $215,000 t?r. Cut In Budget. jte university begins the current M'Wnlum under a stringent jnomy .: and retrenchment pro em necessitated by the appropri ate Cut passed by the legislature jh special aeelson early In the Jimer. Provision for several lm JvemenU was, nevertheless, in- ea in me measure. Chancellor Burnett, In a state- ht Yesterday ouUlned the sltua- and plans for the year. The steclal session of the Win. lira Which convened on J tine 9 vented the consideration of the varsity budget before the rinse 'ha last year. In that session the Land university maintenance Is cut 5 percent, or 1183.000 ami other commitments of the uni alty which, carried over from previous year made this oe- aao. equivalent to szia.ooo ich must be reduced from the veralty budget during the next k years. As finally worked out the totni intenance and expense budrret the university for 1931-32 wrs proved at S3.692.29fl.65. Of this Lai 11,768.209.67 will come from Ration . sources, $1.304. 113. Vt hta cash funds, and 1294.975.45 m federal funds. The cost of maintenance was Uuced ft rut by a reduction in the tit of Alteration and UDkeeo. sec- j Jd by cutting out all approprla- 1ms for new equipment ror oe- rtments, third by reducing me imber of crraduate and student sistants, and lastly by consoll tlng for the year the chalrman ;lpa of bacteriology and classics th other departments. "SDeclal appropriations wore ade by the legislature for enlarg g the heating plant and an acldi jn to the nurses' home at the edical college In Omaha amount g to $85,000. Plans for the heat g plant have been received and e contracts will shortly be let. ana for the nurses' home are still preparation. "An appropriation of $75,000 as made to cover the fire loss at e ..agricultural college. The dglng pavilion is being repaired a fireproof building at a cost of ut $25,000 or $30,000 and the lditional appropriation will be wd for a seed laboratory and pos bly combined with additional wm for the department of ani ,al husbandry. "The legislature reappropriated 93.700 for the erection of the omen's dormitory. They also ,seed a law making it possible ir the regents to borrow money 1th which to finance a larger jllding. At a recent meeting the rection of the central dormitory ait rather than one of the smaller ' nits was approved, subject to Br inging the details for financing le balance of the cost. It is ex pected that this dormitory will be available for use in September. 1932. Under the present plan it will houxe 175 women student. "The central unit of the dormi tory will be located on the Hlle of the old SiKma Chi house find the reaidenre standing directly north. It will have a frontage of 101 feet oh Sixteenth street. The length of the building will be 100 leet ex tending cat. The two north wIiirs which were contemplated In the orlRinnl plan will not be erected at this time, "During the summer the main quadrangle of the campus hn.s been graded and the contract has recently been let to pave the drixex between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. These will be of bilca fifty feet wide, which will provide additional parking spare for the faculty and students. Thin quad rangle will be landscaped in har mony with the memorial niall and will become one of the centers of Interest on the university campus. The contract for the 'swimming pool was let some weeks ago and is making rapid propress. Tt Is expected the pool will lie ready for 1 use by the end of November. I Some minor Improvements such ns the enlargement of the mad testing laboratory and Ihe filling of the old boiler house so that it may be used for university pur poses have gone on during the summer. The legislature provided for a shop building to be built at the Curtis school of agriculture at a cost of $20,000, The architects are now preparing the plans. The legislature also provided for two residences at the North Plette ex periment station, plans for which are going forward at this time." HICKS PI I.L1SHKS HISTORY OK FARM RELIEF CRI SADES The Populist Revolt, latest book by Pcuti John D. Hicks, of the 1'nivorsity of Nebraska, will be ot tered to the public within the next lew weeks by Its publishers, the University of Minnesota Press. The book gives a history of the agrarian crusade for farm relief wlm n characterizes the Populist movement In the eighteen eighties and nineties, and presents this dis tinc tive , political group to the rca.liiiK public in a new light. v Misve Never Seen A Pen ike This ;5k 1L. You (Hill.. Cent. Un Noik tlmaiy turning ltt ltnrl4 of lilt bairtl like IouwindawitcK. eak -proof, smooth, asiy tc Hon. You won't find this in the fcf- icnca library it's too new. You've tot to 90 down the street to tilt most up-to-date supply ttorct to see the Conltiin Norte "the pen that winds like a witch." Visible ink section or oil opaque barrel as desired. The visible In lection enables you to look right into the ink compartment at any time and watch the birth of a sentence, lhc Notac holds 35,5 more ink than olhtr pens of tht same siic because there is no rubber sac in (he band. Examine tht Noiac. Try it. And see if y;u can s?t elon) without one. D-otu;ion-croof prices. The pens 16 and $10 ptnciis to match $3.50 and S5.00. THE CONKLIN PEN COMPANY io:.:do, ohio Piietfo DEALERS, stock and show the pens that tell. Write for Catalog. y, (Stt art other Conkllnt- btand ntw col ort flR thtpet. Tht pcmSS.75lo Sft pencil lo nttch S1.00 l I4.0. urn CLASSIFIED Mil ADS ONLY Tfc'.N CENTS A LINK Vlntmum Two Une " k,fter all, it's a Townsend photo s ytaph that you want. J ' . Long's College t , c, n c rucker-Shean dook stores (Facing Campus) 1123 "O" Latsch Brothers 1118 "O" 98 m mil u . ere Tis - - sV ' -w Supplies for All Classes BOOKS Texts New and Old Save 20 to 40 on Used Books ANY NOTE BOOK Purchased Over $1.00 Name Stamped In Cold Free Special Quaran'eed Fountain pn with Your Name in Gold $1.75 Laboratory Sets All Fixed We know you're not lazy. But oh! it is ever so he.n-ly, .so we've fixed everything. Just ask for the set by course number. "We Serve You Smiling plus Our Coupon Introduction" Co-op- Coupon Saves you money $5 worth of tickets. Hood for 25c in trade It pays us you stive buying from us. TRAVEL EXTENSIVELY Some Attend Camp Perry; Others Choose Varied . Vacation Spots. Directing their vacations along lines common to their Interests, a numher of members of the mlll tary department Instructional staff attended the National Rifle moot at Camp Terry, O., near Cleveland. Those present at the matches included: Captains Bnumoister, Crlssy, Scott, and Lchmnn. Lehman also spent some time touring In he CHst and in Canada. Wlsconsl the scene of some of C. 'i Baumrlstpr's other vacate u- tlvttles. Captain Crissy and Cap tain Scott attended the six weeks advance R. O. T. C. camp at Fort Crook, Neb. Sergeants McGimsey and Ferris also attended the Fort Crook en campment. Captain Lyons and Captain Fle gel attended the C. M. T. C. camp at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. Lyons also spent a portion of his sum mer on leave In Tennessee. Mrs. Flegel went to Oregon while Cap tain Flegel was at the Kansas training camp, Segeant Richardson Included North Carolina, Florida, and Washington, D. C, in his vaca tion Itinerary. Captain Spoerry toured the west part of the United States during the summer. Miss Llltrel, military clerk, also traveled In the west as did Snrtresnt Stewart. Sergeant DeVaughn attended' the ceremonies at Akron, O., when a new army dirigible was chlrstlaned. LACKEY IS EDITOR f,E0f;RAPHY KOOK IN RHODE ISLAND Prof. Earl E. Lackey of the University of Nebraska was one of the seven geographers meeting re cently In Providence, R. I., to fin ish editing the year book on geog raphy being published by the na tional society for the study of edu cation. The group also worked In Barrlngton, were guests of Prof, Robert M. Brown, and did some sightseeing In Rhode Island. The year book, to contain some 800 pages, is designed to e.ld teachers on making geography a more vital and attractive subject. Professor Lackey will return to Nebraska' this week from Colum bia university where he has Bpent his year's leave of absence. AGNES' BEAUTE SHOPPE Telephones B-3122 B-67t Hotel Cornhuaker Lincoln, Nebr, HELLO"Everybody! GUtd to Soe You! Rector's Pharmacy B305J 'Thr tttmlrnl'it Storr" C. C. BUCHHOLZ, Mgr. 13th and P Sts. 3 m . AUK DINE OUT QUALITY FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES $r50 Meal Tickets $rq U for Ask the Cashier for You FREE Red N Sticker Y.HC.A. Cafeten 13th A P Streets From GOLD'S Kampus Korner Frocks For Classroom Ti'm little one - jie'. Woolen Frocks tlmt "o smartly to cliissroom mi iiMin. in m jor tile it nfterwnrds. I'riccd only LESSONS IN ECONOMY STUDIES IN FASHION Toss your budget worries in the wqstebasket and treat yourself to a view of the most alluring styles you've seen in many a year that have dared wear price tags as low as these! Thrift becomes automatic when you shop here, and it's a revelation what a wealth of quality and smartness your 1931 dollar will buy. The 1931 mode blends youthful spontaneity with a worldly sophistication and tops it off with a touch of romance. Never have fashions been lovelier, never better suited to the college girl's personality, and never easier on allowances. Shop and Save in The Kampus Korner urn m m f f itiiiii I mfi : Smart Coats Sport Coats that attend all football games and breeze brightly across the campus on cooler fall days. a "must" in every well-dressed college girls' wardrobe. You'll Live in a Flannel Robe In the dorm nr nororlty houe you'll "live" In a comfnrt iihle flannel robe. They eell at only 95 For Formal Wear For Teas and Parties Frocks The prom . . . white satin shimmering: In the glow of colored spotlights, sway ing to the rythn. of latest glance melo dies . . Miss College Miss at her love liest . . '. in Evening Frocks from the Kampus Korner ... at 75 Frock: At sorority teas, and informal dances at the frat house, many of these smart crepe or satin frocks will appear ... a very smart and a very large selection for the college woman ... at 6 GOLD'S Third Floor TonVf s Shoppihff at Chimin's llimH ,'lloir SM 9 1229 R St. 1229 R St. ail i