THURSDAY. SEPTKMRKR 17. 1 o.t i NEB R ASK AN IfTT 11 TREfiCHMENT PLANS YEAR n - II:" fWKjent. Economv Policv 'Farced By - $215,000 " Cut in Budget. ih university begins the current 9X' blenlum under a stringent pomy .; and retrenchment pro ms necessitated by the approprl ut passed by the legislature j ( special seslson early In the j liner. Provision for several im- J vementa was, nevertheless, tn- 1 led in the measure. r Chancellor Burnett, In a slat e j it yesterday outlined the situa . i and plans for the year. ( The special session of the logis 5 iia Which convened on June 9 ' vented the consideration of the varsity budget before the close ' :h last year. In that session the I kral university maintenance a cut S percent, or $185,000 ami ; other commitments of the unl I slty which, carried over from f previous year made this ri : ase. equivalent to $215,000 ' teh must be reduced from the t varsity budget during the next - years. 'As finally worked out the total lintenance and expense budiret the university for 1931-32 js proved at $3.692.29.63. Of this Ml (1,768.209.67 will come from cation . sources, $1,304,113.53 ' XQ cash funds, and 9294.975.45 " m federal funds. "The cost of maintenance was jluced first by a reduction in the pt of operation and upkeep, sec f Id by cutting out all appropna - Ins for new equipment for de s lrtments. third by reducing the Imber of graduate and student isistants, and lastly by consen ting for the year the chairrnan dpa of bacteriology and classics :th other departments. "Special appropriations were ade by the legislature for enlarg g the heating plant and an add: n to the nurses' home at the edical college In Omaha amount -g to 983,000. Plans for the heat g plant have been received and e contracts will shortly be let. ana for the nurses' home are still preparation. An appropriation of S75.0O0 as made to cover the fire loss at e , agricultural college. The dglng pavilion is being repaired -. a fireproof building at a cost of xut 925,000 or 930.000 and the Mitional appropriation will be ted for a seed laboratory and pos bly combined with additional torn for the department of ani al husbandry. "The legislature reappropriated J3.700 for the erection of the omen's dormitory. They also 3seed a law making it possible u- the regents to borrow money ' ith which to finance s larger ail ding. At a recent meeting the rection of the central dormitory ait rather than one of the smaller nits was approved, subject to Br inging the details for financing m balance of the cost. It is ex- CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CNLT TEX CENTS s. ' A LINE !lnlmum Two IJn k ftr all it a Townsend nhoto- J graph that you want. pected that this dormitory will be available for use In September. 1932. I'nder the prenent plan it will house 175 women students. "The central unit of the dormi tory will be located on the site of the old Si l; mil Chi house nml the residence standing directly north. It will have a frontage ot 101 feet on Sixteenth street. The length of the bmldtnir will he M feet ex tending east. The two north wings which were contemplated In the original plan will not be erected at this time. "During the summer the nnun quadrangle of the campus hns been graded and the contract hns recently been let to pave the drives between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. These will be of b;ica fifty feet wide, which will provide additional parking space for the faculty and students. This quad rangle will be landscaped in har mony with the memorial mull and will become one of the centers of interest on the university campus. The contract for the swimming pool was let some weeks ago and is making rapid progress. Tt Is expected tne pool will be ready for use by the end of November. Some minor improvements such (is the enlargement of the road testing laboratory and the filling of the old boiler house so that It may be used for university pur poses have gone on during the summer. The legislature provided for a shop building to be built at the Curtis school of agriculture at a cost of $20,000. The architects are now preparing the plans. The legislature also provided for two residences at the North Platte ex periment station, plans for which are going forward at thla time." HICKS Pl.'KLISIIKS HISTORY OF FARM RELIEF CRl'SADSS The Populist Revolt, latest book hy Ivan John D. Hicks, of the r'niversity of Nebraska, will be of fered to the public within the next few weeks by iU publishers, the I'niverstty of Minnesota Press. The book gives a history of the agrarian crusade for farm relief which characterizes the Populist movement in the eighteen eighties and nineties, and presents this dis t'mtive . political group to the reading public in a new light. TRAVEL EXTENSIVELY Some Attend Camp Perry; Others Choose Varied Vacation Spots. Directing their vacations along lines common to their Interests, a number of members of the mill tary department Instructional staff attended the National Rifle meet at Camp Terry, O., near Cleveland. Those present at the matches included: Captains Baumeister, Crlssy, Scott, and Lehman. Lehman also spent some time touring in the east and in Canada. Wisconsin was the scene of some of Captain Baumelster's other vacation ac tivities. CAplain Crissy and Cap tain Scott attended the six weeks advance R. O. T. C. camp at Fort Crook, Web. Sergeants McGimsey and Ferris also attended the Fort Crook en campment. Captain Lyona and Captain Fle gcl attended the C. M. T. C. camp at Fort Ieavonworth, Kas. Lyons also spent a portion of his sum mer on leave in Tennessee. Mrs. Flfgcl went to Oregon while Cap tain Flegel was at the Kansas training camp. Segeant Richardson included North Carolina, Florida, and Washington, D. C, in his vaca tion itinerary. Captain Spoerry toured the west part of the United States during the summer. Miss Llttrel, military clerk, also traveled in the west as did Sergeant Stewart. Sergeant De Vaughn "attended the ceremonies at AKron, u when a new army dirigible was chlrstlaned. LACKEY IS EDITOR GEOGRAPHY BOOK IN RHODE ISLAND Prof. F.arl E. Lackey of the University of Nebraska was one of the seven' geographers meeting re cently In Providence, R. I., to fin ish editing the year book on geog raphy being published by the na tional society for the stuaiy of edu cation. The group also worked in Barrington, were guests of Prof. Robert M. Brown, and did some sightseeing In Rhode Island. The year book, to contain some 800 pages, la designed to aid teachers on making geography a more vital and attractive subject. Professor Ijrkey will return to Nebraska' this week from Colum bia university where he has spent his year's leave of absence. AGNES' BEAUTE SHOPPE Telephones B-S1M B-6971 Hotel Cornhutker Lincoln, Nebr. Y&m Misve Neves Seen A Pen Ike This Conk- NrST-taX in Ih ret- SivYVv YooftlttH It Woitc kirttMl nd tht barrtt i en wind cwrtK, L fc proof, fawoth( MSV You won't find this fence library it's too new. You've ot to 90 down K street to tnt mort vp-to-oet supply stotts to se the Conklin None "tK pen the! winds like a watch." Visible ink section or all opaque benel s desired. The visible ink section cnebles you to look right into the ink compartment at any time and welch the birth of a sentence. The Notac holds 35S B10f ink ir"n other pens of the same siic because there is no rubber sac in the band. Examine the Noiac Tiy it And see if ycu cn -l along without one. D-o: js:ion-c:oof rnices. The c;ns $6 and $10; pencils to match S3.50 and S5.00. THE CONKLIN FEN COMPANY lO'-IEO.OHiO CVcaro DEALERS, stock and show the pens ihetscIL Write for Catalog. 1c-..- - :j".'-i.K.-ta:- f ... h V fcert hi Hr lie M ill i I M Long's College T i c, , o. Tucker-Shean book otores (Facing Campuil 1 . f&UBmammmmmmmKMmmmmmmmKmmmmumiam i1 . is--:.. Supplies for All Classes ANY NOTE BOOK BOOKS Texts New and Old Save 20 to 40 on Used Books Laboratory Sets All Fixed We know you're not lazy. Hut oh! it is ever so hanly, so we've fixed everythine. Just ask for the set by course nuruber. "We Serve You Smiling plus Our Coupon Introduction" Co-op- Coupon II MJ S i n i.v.-.s; 1 I .v. ..iiimi .. . ii F jrjpy on in Ann. t v ''-'fix " ' 1 TtMpmS! 7!l I : -JriSsgsi, i xtli S1.00 ea I f V'f id l a 4 I Ibl I f ' V; SsS-.l III l iWt A EMI Kmm -i! imvmp v 1123 "O" ' I r i ; rrocKS For Classroom 'kHZ W$S& T. ,. , rmm AVoolon Frocks that ?o r&F l rfy- ,mm'mmr4 smartly to classroom ami S "N. fJ l)r Jl I 'fUnvnr('s 1i'',1 ct f. jj' S:3'fs f rlere W IJl S'Lq p-. 'Tis-- rpO liSw i i ii i f.vTV sr mm i i aj m if .-raaax m m i x 1 i 1 Xrrt3natVMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBn I I I II 1 I M M I iU. I II ' I I ' 1 - a i m i i ii i i faTi'Tii .aI v v is i u mim r HELLO"Everybody! Glad In See You! Rector's Pharmacy B3952 'Thr Stutlcut'a Storr' C. E. BUCHHOL2, Mgr. 13th and P Sts. 1? U 'yH. DINE OUT QUALITY FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES $r50 Meal Tickets $r00 0 for J Ask the Cashier for Your FJ?EE Red N Sticker YJ.C.A. Cafeteria 13th A P Streets From GOLD'S Kampus Korner m Latsch Brothers 1118 LESSONS IN ECONOMY STUDIES IN FASHION Toss your budget worries in the wastebasket and treat yourself to a view of the most alluring styles you've seen in many a year that have dared wear price tags as low as these! Thrift becomes automatic when you shop here, and it's a revelation what a wealth of quality and smartness your 1931 dollar will buy. The 1931 mode blends youthful spontaneity with a worldly sophistication and tops it off with a touch of romance. Net er have fashions been lovelier, never better suited to the college girl's personality, and never easier on allowances. Shop and Save in The Kampus Korner Purchased Over $1.00 Nime Stamped in Gold Free Special Guaranteed Founta'n Pn with Your Naie In Gold $1.75 j I ' mmMmiym -i ll Smart Coats Sport Coats that attend all football games and breeze brightly across the campus on cooler fall days. a "must" in every well-dressed college girls' wardrobe. 7950 You'll Live in a Flannel Robe In the dorm or aororlty houae you'll "live" In a comfort able flannel rob. They aell at only For Formal Wear Frocks The prom . . . white satin shimmering in the glow of colored spotlights, sway ing to the rythm of latest glance melo dies . . Miss College Miss at her love liest ... in Evening Frocks from the itampus corner ... at Saves you money $5 worth of tickets. 5ood for 25c in trade It pays as you save buyinp from us. For Teas and Parties Frocks At sorority teas, and Informal dances at the frat house, many of these smart crepe or satin frocks will appear ... a very smart and a very large selection for the college woman ... at l I675 1675 GOLD'S Third Floor 395 11 kIIII 'TJ - TS , " 1229 R St.