THURSDAY. ShTTKMBKR 17, 1931 THE DAILY N KB R ASK AN seven 1 INTRAMURALS 10 START AT ONCE SAYS DIRECTOR Vogeler Schedules Meeting Fraternity Managers For Next Week. PROGRAM OPENS OCT. 5 Rules Changed; Athletes Must Register With Dean Thompson. Nc lime be lost in starting the intramural athletic program after the beginning- of school. Ru dolf Vcprler, supervisor of intta muiaJ athletics, has asked all in tramural manager and all men in terested In trying- out for aopho more managership! to meet In his office In the eollseum Thursday Sopt. 24h at 4:00 o'clock. Frater nity athletic managers will meet al 7:30 o'clock on the same date. Men interested In a sophomore t lanagership are urged to attend this afternoon meeting. Mr. Vo geler expressed the desire, that a larg number be present. The athletic program will prob ably get under way with the start of soccer Oct. 5. Soccer and tennis are the two spurt that will run during the first month, the former gelling un der way Oct. A. Tennis matches will again be run off the tirst month, weather conditions and court facilities being more favor able during this time than they are in the spriLjr. For Non-Varsity Students. Sever! hundred more men par ticipated in intramural sports this pasl vear than ever before. In tramural sports are designed to not take part in varsity competi tion through lack of time, ability or inclination. A large number of men are required to handle the I program. Herbert D. Glsh is dt- The Student's Sendee Station Engineering Sets and Supplies Botany and Zoology Sets J. P. Note Booki 25c to $3.75 Your Name Free on Any Rook at $2.00 or Over Round Books Law, Chemistry, etc. Lab. Aprons FOUNTAIN PENS 1.75 to 10.00 Your Name on Any IYii KKKK Parker Conklin Shaeffer Swallow Stationery "Write homo n Stationery from (irnvcs. Ij is correct and the lriov is reasou- SPECIAL! On University Seals Graves Printing Co 312 No. 12 South of Temple Thr Friendly Store for Students rector of inter-collegiate and Intra mural athletics with Rudolf Vo feler supervisor In active charge of the program. Roy Behrens is senior intramural manager with Krnrst rvmlnf and Gilbert Web ster assistants. Robert Glover, Lvle Lydlck. Melvin Adams and timer Durt.nh are junior man agers. The senior manager is awarded sweater with the offi cial intramural marker s letter in recognition of his services. It is planned this year to have a student church league with about fifteen churches represented. In this way it is hoped that more non-fraternity men will be able to be on teams in actie competition. The church league program will start with volley ball. Inter-College Work Continued. The inter-college work will also be continued this year. Men may represent teams from their respec tive colleges. Soccer will be the first sport for this group. Several changes have been made In the rules for Hie coming year. All must be registered ai the dean of student aftairs' office at least two weeks bofoi they can represent any fraternity. No mem ber of a vataily squad" or B team may participate during the season in which he is competing in the varsity sport. A physical examination will be required of all men bof. re they are allowed to compete. This exami nation is given as a precautionary measure to determine the fitness of the man. This rule holds for all men whether they are in a frater nity or not. The examination Is given free of charge and may be obtained al the student health office. Men may be examined for Intramural athlclica In conjunction with the examination for stuuent drill. A change has also been made in the point system. A definite num ber of points will be given this year instead of a proportionate number as has been the custom in the past. Alpha Cnmma Kho won the all year cup last year with Delta Tau Delta second and Tau Kappa Kp silon third. 6RAMLIQH ACCEPTS HONORS Husker Ag Professor Again To Judge Livestock al Several Shows. K. 0. PLANS DEFENSE BIG SIX Gi TITLE Hargiss 'Sings No Blues' as He Fills Big Gaps With Recruits. s Trof. H. J. Gramlich, head of the animal husbandry department at the agricultural college, is again to Judge hoof rattle and horses at some of the -eauing livestock ex positions in the country. He an nounced this ir.ornmg that he had accepted dates for the American Royal show, the Ok'.ahoma free fair and the Denver western show. The Cniveisity of Nebtarka in structor is to judge the 4-H club baby beeves at the American RovrU exposition which is one of the lnrgest livestock shows in the rouniry. ai Aiusaogee. UKl., Gramlich is to judge Hereford cattle and Percheron horses. ' MULLINS IS ASSISTANT Although littla or no dope is i being sent out from the University of Kansas In regard to tnetr prospects for the coming grid sea son, the Jayhawkera are again expected to put a strong team on the field in defense of their 1930 I Big Six title. A number of stars from the 1930 championship team have been lost through graduation or ineligibility, but several good men are returning around whom Coach Hargiss ex pects to build his team. Larry Moon- Mullins, Notre Pame star of last year, is new backfield coach at Kansas, taking the place of Murphy of Pennsyl vania. Men lost to the Jayhawkers in clude: Smoot, all Big Six star, and Jl. Sorem, guards; Davis. McCall and Atkeson also guards lost by failure to meet sholastic require ments. Two tackles. Charles Smay and N. Sorem were gradu ated last spring. Four letter men at ends were missing this tall when the team reported. Ramey and Paden, lost through gradua tion and Stuck and J. Shroyer. Inst through Ineligibility. Jim Bausch. "Krodty" Cox and Paul Fisher are the 'backfield men that graduated. Returning backfield men in clude Smith, Madison, Schaakt. Beach and Tage. Phil Bortllo, a Kansas City boy, is expected to see action this fail in the barklield. Coach Hargiss stated that there was no singing of the blue at Kansas although they do not ex pect to have quite as strong a team this year as lat. NEW RAM ADDED TO IMVERSITY SHROPSHIRE PEN Prof. M. A. Alexander of the Agricultural college announced thia morning thai a new ram his been purchased by the University of Nebraska to head the Shrop shire, flock of sheep. The purchase waa made thru Professor Alex ander. The new Shropshire leaders cornea from Chappell Brother herd at Greencastle, Mo. He is a registered animal. At the present time there are about fifteen head In the Shropshire herd. TYPEWRITER ... See us for tk Royal tmrubl trj mr th. i4m! iM.hin All xikM el msrbtn. f.-r rm. All aukx n ur.l tu Nebraska Typewriter fir i ins o $5 50 Meal Ticket for $5.00 Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA Ut 4 a He "got by" for years without1 a good per' Our ffieial TOeosie TO OUR MILITARY HEADQUARTERS Army Drill and Garrison Shoes Specially Priced at 2.45 "to 3.95 Cordovan Cowhide Garrison Army Belts Regulation Wide Brass Buckle, 50c-65c ea. Officers' Sam Brown Belts Officers Boots See Our Complete Line of R. O. T. C. Insignia and Equipment Our Ladies' Line of Breeches, Jodhpurs, English-Boots and Riding Togs Are Most Exclusive LINCOLN ARMY-NAVY STORE llth & N Sts. 202 So. 11th St. ft W ? tut what a price Ac pa j Behind the courteous consent, there frequently smolders an aversion to k-ndir.g one's pen. "Sine he borrowed mine, it has never been the, same." is often said, but NOT of Parker Duo f"ld. For here is a point no hand can distort. Yet it write aa easily as you breathe with amazing Pressureless Touch. So be careful not to borrow any other penavoid the risk of becoming unpopular. Better yet. atop at the nearest pen counter and pick up a Tarker Duofold. Then you won't cre ate ill will by borrowing. And you can gain good will by lending graciously. Youll find other pens which are priced b0e higher than the Parker Duofold Jr. or Lady Duofold at IS yet with 22fc to 69 leu ink capacity. You won't find any with Farkera stylish streamlined snap, jewel-lika color range. Invisible Filler, and Pat ented Clip, which holds the pea (or pencil) low and unexposed. Gotodayandtry it. Make this amax ing companion of value that winning new thousands to Parker every day. Tbt fv-ktr Pta Coapsay. JsnUt. Wcc I V&YK.erDiiqfofd PEN GUARANTEED FOR LIFE 5 7 ' 10 Other Porker Pent, 12.75 and $3.50; Pencil to male then oil. tZ to 15 V;t P ilhttrotre VV'W 'i Tucker-Shean 1123 "O' LONG'S racing Campus College Sook Store Latsch Bros. 1118 "O" i The most convenient student note system yet devised. j Condensed data on all technical subjects in Loose Leaf (Leaf-facU) Pocket Size 200 Blank Forms j Ask for Lefax Catalog Your Professor Will Explain Lefax Students Supplies for Every College Department Sana w Laundry (Cases ! T. M. C. QUIKPAK and others in Brown and White Duck Canvas. Extra filler and labels. j Chemistry Supplies Milford Aprons Chemktrr Note Books LOWEST PRICES DLRAWBNG OUTFBTS Drciwiiig Iiislrumculs aiitl Sliilc Utiles For Students in A. M. Genuine Eichter, Dietrg-en, K. & E., Post and Others All 5nstrumcnts and outfits offered the st'udenls are ex amined and approved by your professors. We personally guarantee every instrument thruout your University course. Your name gold stamped FREE on instrument case. BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY Outfits and Supplies Examine and Compare Them We put only tbe best quality instruments in jur outfits and they cost no more. Student Expense Books Studenlspedaiiy Priced Lamp 2 00Vlue Sfl48 SLPLBOALLY The I-P Brown Whirl Grain Leather With U of N Seal $3.75 The linest and most popular cover on the campus. Your name gold lettered KHEE n leather covers. Othef covers all standard sit-s $2.fK) down. LAW NOTE Eii$ Specially Made and Approved for Law Students OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Monroe Mills Histcry Paper FINEST GRADE, BOXED IN REAM PACKAGES: Round Comers. Green Edges SOc per ream "Capitol" Standard Grade 50c per ream T & S Special Grade 39c per ream Loose Leaf Field Books for C. E. Students Leather Erief Cases Specially Made for Students with Your Name Gold Lettered FREE Art Student Supplies Water Colors ... Crayons ... Papers I The Right Fountain Pen is an important and necessary item of your equipment We have the largest and best assortment in the city, including Yaterman's Ideal Shaeffer Lifetime Parker Duofold Wahl Pen and Pencils to Match Your Name Hand Engraved FREE on Above Flakes to Others at 1.00 . 1.25 1.80 . 1.7 Optical Department Before you taae up your sciiool work you should ha-e yrur eyes exsmir.t'i by our gn.A ual optometrists - if you need glasses rt a change in your present jre-rpi:on is Indi cated they will te'.I you. We puarsntee all refracting satisfactory. Fine optica! repairtr.f. broken lenses dup!Kste4. Watch Department In ihia d5.ftrtmnt you find all the new things in ladies' and (rtntlemen'i wrist watches Klgins, Ham iltons. "Walt hams and fine Swiss. Social attention is drawn to our Sturdy-True time tf Uinp sport wrist watches prieed at $70 - $10.00 Ladies' Wrist Watches per illustration $10.00 - $12 50 Clock Department Here yon will find just 'what jou w.nt in a good clock from $i-V0 up Come in and let us show yon- : I The Oldest Established Student Supply Store in Lincoln ON 0" STREET BETWEEN THE 10 CENT STORES t : t ( s. Manufiich I Fraternity Rings, Pins and Charms j Designs in Colors and Estimates j Furnished Free ' J