The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1931, Page FIVE, Image 5

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George Dunn on Executive
Board With Misses
Huston, Zutter.
Gladys Zutter of Hebron, Mar
garet uiton of Polk nd George
Dunn of Pierce are atudenta who
were members of the student ex
ecutive committee of the summer
session, which was appointed by
R. D. Moritz, director of the ses
sion, and Prof. E. W. Lantz, who
acted as general chairman of the
group of eight. Miss Zutter had
cliarge of activities for women out
side of athletics, while Margaret
Huston was hostess at all parties
and picnics. Mr. Dunn handled
publicity for the group.
Other members of the group in
cluded M. R. Colson, principal of
the high school at Alliance, who
was taking graduate work in
teachers college. He had charge
of the golf tournament. Another
graduate student in the teachers
college was Sara Upton of Union,
who had charge of women's ath
letics. , .
Jones Heads Playground.
Arthur Jones, superintendent of
schools at Elm Creek, and Wendell
Dodd, superintendent at Belgrade,
are graduates of the university of
the class of 1927, and are mem
bers of Sigma Phi Sigma fratern
ity. Jones had charge of the play
ground ball games while Dodd fur
nished entertainment for each
Verne Jones, another graduate
of the university, and graduate
student In teachers college, had
charge of the horseshoe tourna
ments. Mr. Jones teaches in the
Osborne school at Phoenix, Ariz.,
and formerly taught at Culver
military academy.
Prof. E. W. Lantz of the de
partment of secondary education,
acted as general chairman of the
group and assisted at parties and
other functions.
Six parties and two picnics were
givsn. The first party was given
at the armory but the large crowd
necessitated moving the parties to
the coliseum. Two parties were
also held at the Student Activities
building on the agricultural col
lege campus. A picnic was also
given at that place and another
was sponsored at Capitol Beach.
A special performance of "Ladies
of the Jury," given by the Univer
sity Players, was also sponsored
by the student executive committee.
LAWRENCE, Kans. Reductions
of as much as 10 percent in main-'
tertance funds of the various de- !
partments at the University of
Kansas were proposed by Chan
cellor E. H. Lindley In an address
to faculty members at the opening
of the school year. -
Thus, the chancellor said, it will
be possible to meet Governor
WoOdring's request for reduction
of some $116,000 In the university
appropriation as provided by the
legislature. Departments plan to
defer purchase of equipment, in
some cases, and in others will re
arrange courses to make greater
use of laboratory material.
Back to the Good
Old Days at
WELCOME Xebraskuusi
The Nebraska student
who has shopped with us,
we know he will be back.
He likes the friendly iit
mosphere of this busy lit
tle store he knows he is
always welcome.
"We want you new stu
dents, freshmen and new
comers to drop in and
get acguainted. You, too,
will went to make this
your store.
You'll find plenty
young men's suits and
coats at your price. The
snappiest new hats, ties,
shirts in fact everything
for the young man. This
is strictly a young man's
1212 O Street
"Chaznpe Says
Now that your vacation is over,
you must prepare yoursslf for
a fall and winter of school,
parties and social activities.
First of an, consider your hair.
Has your permanent wave
grown out? Is your hair dry
and bleached from too many
days in the sun and wind?
Champe's Beauty Shop can
give you quick, efficient serv
ice, and the individuality that
comes with long years of ex
perience. Permanent Wave, $3.50
Steam-Oil Treatment,
Shampoo and 7ingerwave,
Shampoo and Fingerwave,
K 'T i (ft 1 k
K'Lfrm.f. ft
wv i r in m m m v
Special Sale
History Paper
Note Books
500 Reams of 2 -Hole History note
paper, per ream
100 Reams 3-hole History Paper,
per ream
All excellent grades of paper.
Come in novo and get your supply
before the stock is sold.
200 Notebook Covers I Q(
Reg. 50c and 75c Values y
1 00 Notebook Covers . ,, TQ(
Reg. $1 Values Two Hole J J
50 Notebook Covers "7 Q
Reg. 75c Value Three Hole J J?
Here's your chance to get some
good notebook covers. Better come
in as early as possible.
Hong's have been the principal student supply center on
this Campus for seventeen years. We are always
pleased to see the students return and new ones come
in each year, as this means that Long's have the oppor
tunity of forming new acquaintanceships and renewing
old ones.
Come in at your first opportunity and look over the items
listed below for your convenience. We have a most
complete line of everything for the students.
New and Used
and SlippiiCS
We carry a full line of every
kind of Laboratory set.
We handle nothing but the
recommended sets, which
are approved by the Colleges.
for All Classes
You may have one of these clever maps of the Campu3
by calling for one. These maps will serve as a Directory
or as good reading material. Ask for one now. We
have only a limited supply.
If you want to frame one, ask for one that can be framed.
All standard makes of
fountain pens. Name en
graved on each pen pur
chased FREE!
you come after 3 p. m.
you can avoid the rush
Co) Rtf
You will need one of these Laun
dry Cases when you run out of
clean clothes. These are durable
and excellent to send clothes
home in.
you come after 3 p.m
you can avoid the rusn
J Chaise's Bs2ty Shsp
1229 N Street Upstairs