j I FOUR THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. THE DAILY NEBRASKA Cornhuskers Parade Qridiron Wares no ft N, 1 X N G B THE H . T NIGHT In Fact Every Night Is the 11 Night at o o A N T, E L O P E P A R K o The Choice Of Smart .College Men And Women 3 ANTELOPE I . fTA PARK PAVILION I Jjpy mioht ec "'""' ' : Watch This Column X, for the Opening Announcement of the LINDELL PARTY HOUSE ... t it rr gi BIBLE PUTS FOUR TEAMS ON DISPLAY Sophomor liat-Lfield of Smier, Bauer, Murterfton and BoKwrll Works Smoothly Behind eterun Aggregation of Husker Linemen. SQUAD OF OVER 60 I.N SI IT AT PRESENT TIME Mcl lierMin. Justice. Koster, nhca, Gilbert. Nilnourne And Petz Show Quality in Practice Session; Mentor Plan to Srlcct Firnt Squad. TIIK ONLOOKER. BY MURLIN SPENCER. Dy MURLIN SPENCER. With the opening game of the 1931 football sr-Kxnn with South Dakota only a little more than a week off, the Cornhuskprs went Into practice Wednesday afternoon with Increased spirit. Coach Dana X. Bible kept four teams scrim maging during most of the hot afternoon. The Hunkers are ahead of the for mutually displayed at this time, of the year and should round Into form In plenty of time for the first game Sept. 26. Several men stood out In scrim mage yesterday. A sophomore HELEN TWELVETREES "A WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE" Added Attraction MASQUER COMEDY "Oh-Oh Cleopatra" Paths Newt Ripley's Believe It or Net STATE Lincoln's Only Independent Theatre WINS HUSBAND ON A BET I How She Keeps Him Telle The Year's Most Lovable, Human Romance! L-1 B Pt. 1 VINA DELMAR'S Sensational Novel "Bad Girl" starring the urprite lovers of the new season Sally Eilers James Dunn Added Comedy Cartoon News STUART Xowl New Prices Mat. 1fle-35e N'lte 10c-30c t0$she begged " him to marry her,. i But did le . . . Would hct Oh, no! Tor he had met an other girl, with beauty, wealth. pu.i- turn. ..and In remnvt I lie little furtory irl looked poor indeed "AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY" Band on Dreiitr '$ no: c PHILLIPS HOLMES SYLVIA SIDNEY FRANCES DEE back field comprscd of Saner Bauer, Mastcr.sc n and Boswell working behind a vctcrnn line made up of McPherson. center Justice and Koster, guards: Rhea and Gilbert, tackles, and Petit and Kilbourr.r, ends, looked especially good. Se.iirr and Boswell got off several g-.nd runs for big gains and Petz, candidnte for one of the end positions, looked good In grab bing passes. This sophomore bnckfield is the one used by Coach Browne on the frechman team last year and works well together. Brown, Paul and Krelzlnger also gave notice that they would have to be counted upon when the first eleven Is drawn up for the opening game. Squad Increases. The squad has Increased from fifty at the opening of the season to over sixty at the present time. Harold Dcmpry of North Platte is the latest addition to the squad and will make a try for one of the end positions. A squad this size will not be carried during the sea son, however, Coach Bible indicat ing that a cut will be made after the open practice Saturday. About thirty-six men will be carried on during the entire season. Scrimmage between varsity elev ens will to held Saturday to give the fans their second opportunity to watch the Husltcrs perform. Petz. Jonca and Schmitt seem to have the inside track on the end positions which have bothered Coach Bible so much this year. Petz is big and fast and should develop into a good end before the end of the season. He also dis played his ability to catch passes yesterday. No definity informa tion can be given as to the prob able backfield which will see most of the action this year. The four sophomores mentioned compose one set of backs, while returning lettermen are pretty well divided up among the other three teams. Contest Positions Hotly. McPherson. Ely, Campbell and Keriakedes are fighting it out for the center position with McPher son, who appeared for practice some time before Ely having the inside track at the present time. Guard positions will probably be held down by Koster and Jus tice altho Updegrove, DeBus and Adams may cause them some worry. , Rhea is almost a sure bet to hold down one of the tackle berths with O'Brien, Gilbert and Kroger fighting for the other place. The four teams used in the scrimmage yesterday are compos ed of: White team: Ely, center; A.dams and Debus, guards; O'Brien and Clark, tackles; Joy and Neswith, ends with Nelson. Stnab, Manley and Raiifh in the backfield. Red team: Keriakedes, center; Gartner and Bishop, guards; Kul bcrt and Krokrr, tackles; Jones and Scott, ends; with Paul, Krel zinper. Swanson and Mathis, backs. White team: McPherson, center; Justice and Koster, guards; Rhea and Gilbert, tackles, Petz and Kil bourne, ends; and Bauer, Saner, Boswell and Masterson in the backfield. Red team: Campbell, center; Updogrove and Holmback, guards; Eno and Scroggan, tackles; Milne and Wenke, ends with Brown, Roby, Miller and Penney, backs. LINCOLN Now I KANSAS STATE STARS Kan-as State is looking to its 3ophomore material to furni.-ih its main power this year. Although thirteen letter men are returning Coach McMiliin feels that his sec ond year men are his chief hope. K-Aggies lost a number of stars from their 1930 team thru gradu ation. Nigro, Riser, Meissinger, Swartz, Prentup and Sanders are the backfield men who will not be with the squad this year. Norton, Errington, Yeager, Daniels and Brookover are the linemen lost. Have You a "Depression" Appearance? If you have, visit the Mogul Barber Shop. It's so close to the campus They do such keen work They are always glad to see you. Mogul Barbers 127 No. 12th Following the example of former sports editors of The Ncbraskan, we shall attempt to write a col umn. Discarding the custom of former cJilors, the column shall not appear in every issue. It will deal solely with the subject of sports, and we will leave the mat ters of campus elections, hour dances, dating and other such sub jects for somo one elso to worry ubou;. We hereby, with all due for mality, christen this column "The Onlooker." After several sleepless nichts and davs of bothering the rntirn T.'fh'fl.nknn ataff nlna mrm bers of no less than ten fraterni ties, the problem was solved by Oliver DeWolf with the above con tribution. We are gratified to know that we were able to follow the custom established by those who have preceded us by going along until a name was suggested by someone else. "The Onlooker." is an appropri ate name for a column of this kind. We merely go down to the field and watch the practice. We know no more than anyone else about what is going on. We are not able to predict the outcome of any game with any more degree of certainty than the usual by stander who has followed the team through their practices. These are nil the ereuses that we can think of for the name; we have none whatsoever for even putting out the column so why should we try to give one for the name. Evidently the depression has not hit the university so far as the price of football tickets for stu dents is concerned. The price for a student book will remain at nine dollars. For others, the price has been i educed from eleven dollars to ten. I Bob Zuppke, University of Till- i no'.s coach, has already made his I decision regarding the results of the Big Six conference. He picks Kansas to take first with Nebraska second. We'd like to know lust where this noted coach receives all of his information. So far, we have been unable to find out much from the Mt. Oread school. Con trary to last season, they have been keeping more or less quiet re garding their chances in the con ferenco race. The Cornhuskers look good this yeir. Weather conditions have been against them for their first weclt and a half of practice, but in spite of the melting tempera tures, they are displaying a spirit which, if it continues, is apt to take them far in making this year a successful one. A great deal has been said about the problem facing Coach Bible in filling the end and back positions. Jones and Schmtn look like good prospects. One tnlng Is certain, though. Teams which meet Nebraska are going to shoot a lot of plays at our ends until they find that the positions have been well filled. Nebraska Is not the only Big Six school that will have to depend a great deal on sophomores this year. Oklahoma and Missouri are planning on using second year men in an attempt to fill positions left open by graduation and ineligibility. vidua' are expected to bring up the total nearly to the fall enroll ment of 19S0. according to J. R. Sage, registrar. Official registration of new stu dents will not start until Sept. 17. Registration of upper class ftu donts will be held on one day only this year, Sept. 21. A total of 650 students had been admitted by Friday evening. Many new student have Inquired but are undecided concerning their en rollment and many old students have Indicated their intention of returning. Class work will open Sept. 22. Large Return Old Students Will Keep Total at Former Figure. AMES, la. Although advance registration of students at Iowa State college indicates a 10 to 15 percent decrease, increased enroll ment of tipperclass students and late enrollment of undecided indi- Students and Professors Special Rates on City Y. 1M. C. A. Membership r.vninaalum. Special Exerrlao, Showers, Elertrln Cabinet. Ultra violet, Hwlmmlnft. Bankotbill, Handball. Volleyball and Fellowship. RATES FOR NINE MONTHS Young Men up to 20 years...! 7.50 Young Men 21 years and over 11.25 Business Men's Club S18.75, 137.50 and 75.00 Learn to Dance Can teach you to dance in one lesson. Guarantee to teach you in six private lessons. Classes every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday afternoon. Private lessons mornings, aft ernoons and evenings. Mrs. Luella Williams Ilallroom and Tap Cull for Appointment Very select private studio. B-4258 1220 D Such Chic Becomingness for only You will mar vel at their style details--all copies of higher priced models. Suit styles or tailored one piece dresses of Jersey, wool crepe, Travel crepe and plain crepes. BDBafWffiOWSlnC 1131 O Street It's All in a Lifetime' 1. Balance' ends. 2. 1 n n e r cap a i r- seaispoint. 3. Gold fillcd ball clip. 4. Gold filled re inforcing band. 5. Double action self filler. 6. Rubber reservoir. 7. Dead-air chamber' around sac. 8. Special feed regu lates flow. P.Solid 14-lcarat heavy gold nib. 10.Cen-ter-sawed iridium point. V ioVnririee sS I ShtalTer'i.tht I JrJ0A$- C11 genuine j&&j:tfr Lifetime pun. J r mm ShcaiTer First in American Colleges A aurvey made by a disinterested or&cnization shows Sheeffer first in fountain pen sales in 73 of the 119 leading American colleges having a regis tration of 1700 or more. Documents on this in vestigation available to anyone. YOU don't have to take anybody's word for the difference in a Sheaffer Lifetime0. Just pick it up and you know! Smooth as your best fcirl alibi-infe herself out of tomorrow night's date. Free as the holiday after exams. Decisive as "No!" from the dean. Man . . . it's a pen! If you want a writing companion that'll take you through college . . . and your son, too, when he comes alonfc . . . remember these inside facts that made Sheaffer first choice in 73 out of 119 leading colleges in America. The ONLY genuine Lifetime" guarantee is SheafTer's; do not be deceived Other pen may be guaranteed against defect, but Sheaffer 's Lifetime" is guaranteed against everything excepting loss for your lifetime. Sheafler'a Lifetime" pens from $7; Sheaffer' Lifetime" 14-karat solid gold-band Auto graph pen suitable for duplicate of your actual ignatu?e (serving for identifi cation) from $1Z"5. Autograph pencil from $9. Other Sheaffer pens from J3. SAFETY SKR1P. SRMP HLLED, Me o S10. Csrrr non-lesluble Safety Skrip ia your pocket or bik to ol... proueis clothei, lintni, fund. tore keeps fluid freth, mak ing, ail pent write better. SHEAFPER'S PENS-PENCILS:DESK SETS-SKRIP J? W. A. SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY, TORT MADISON.IOWA.U.S.A. -im. u. b. rat. Oh. S) w. a. s. p. Co.. I9U Tucker-Shean 1123 "O" i nwr'Q CoUeee LiUllU O Book Store Facing Campus Latscli Bros. 1 1 1 fi iV (5'irni(ir?i'iTj SUPIPLDES For All Departments of the University NOTE BOOKS Priced 1 0c-20c-40c-90c Imitation Leather n-$1.75 Fine Leather $3.75 Your name in gold FREE. FOUNT'N PENS All leading makes. A large assortment to select from. Priced at $1.00 and Up Your name in gold KKKE. on nil Tens over $1.50. Special School Pen, $1.00. ENGINEER'S DRAWING SETS All Leading Makes Fully Guaranteed YOUR NAME PUT ON FREE! HISTORY PAPER 39c Per Ream of 500 sheets "GREENEDGE" The Finest Taper QQc P&T RSaiD Botany and Zoology Sets Finest Material Laundry Cases Chem. Aprons Lav; Books 1 Fine Leather Brief Cases Three Pocket 3 $t5o ART SUPPLIES LATSCIH Ubrotkers STATIONERS 1118 O St. I Where You Buy Football I Tickets f 5