THURSDAY. SKITKMHER 17. lo.JI THRKE WELCOME BACK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME BACK TO DEAR OLD NEBRASKA - - - DEAR OLD LINCOLN - - - AND GREETINGS, FELICITATIONS AND AGAIN WELCOME YE NEW COMERS DEAR OLD ET CETERA! RUSHEES - - - FRESHMEN! Jr- . . 1ww',,wwwlM,1"MIIMM""MMwwWMSMwMMwwMwwwwHTOew Mini w, UM t t r' . ml I Despite all rumors to the contrary University Men will continue to wear Suits this fall A BREAK HEH? . And this year you'll find that University Style depends on good taste. One Buttoners will be good they're trim have lots of style and will be worn by many men. Two Buttoners will be good the young man above is wearing this type. Double Breasteds will be very good and if you can wear a double breasted they're smooth. AND- It all depends on which style you look best in be fore its good taste and university style. $35 Other fine clothes guaranteed for style, value, long wear $2150 $2750 $40 $45 SECOND FLOOR. University Style Is Good Taste There's No Dust on these Alluring Jacqueline Modes for fall "Enticeia" A pump of Muck kid and Kajii Liz.'ird vamp. $585 "Lurca" A genuine ring lizard "Temptia" Rrown kid, liiffli heel pump with reptile trim also in Black Kid. $5 85 GENUINE JAVA $5 85 "Autumn" Genuine Raja Lizard ox ford also in genuine python. $5 85 LADIES SHOES FIRST FLOOR In Tune With the Times SMART SAILORS CLOSE FITTING TURBANS EUGENIE STYLES $5 MILLINERY THIRD FLOOR. McCALLUM Pure. Silk Chi f fun HOSIERY Full fashion Cradle foot Silk to picot top EVERY NEW COLOR FIRST FLOOR. Collegiate 99 Fashions Musi Be "Style Right ODD 5? ORES , What may be sauce or the gemder 15 i5ita' ae 5aicc for the gay collegienm who demands that the fashions she wears, be" Authentically Style Right' JUST FOR INSTANCE These Excitingly New Empress Eugenie Sleeres nnd Collins . . . .Vi I'oris I rr'.ns . . . The Delightful Anc "7" ii.i . Kiiscinatincr trims of jcwilcd Imcklts . . . l;n-o . . . f.i i'ii L' . . transparent velvet . . . r;l,Mt lf'itli'''- tr.i rl.-:;i:is . . . Minl' ito crepr! iuits with contrast nip lilmiscs . . . Sl'Ml. NliJUT Frocks . . . Dresses for nm t, sjn-rts. af' ' noon ! In t;"'. red, uooj brown, black and other colors. '; 11-4'). $10 $15 $2950 You simply must see them You 11 love them THIRD FLOOR 3 Piece KNIT SUITS Solid and Tweed-Knit Jerseys Two and three-piece effects .. colorful controls. Don't fail to see this striking collection. Sizes 14 to 20. THIRD FLOOR $345 4" "Ide" Shirts Thoroughly Pre-Shrunk Ide pre-Bhrunk hlrt sre world famous for their urntrt tyle n ver-flttln eolUrs. Geo. P. Ide made collars for years before they made ehlrtu they know how to make collar that fit. ini all. Ide ahlrta are better looking and certainly bigger valuea than ver. Ide pattern are exclusive. Ide quarter size shirts esn new be had In plain white, blue, tan and green, at J1.95. $195 Sm if a ly uiy (L k-svu &w First Floor. FORMERLY ARMSTRONGS. Gorgeous Neckwear &-rf rn f In the Very Best, of Tusie Ij -J Voull he thrilled to say the iesf iwn you rrm mi. T" "r' wenr at tl y. Ci.nstrw-tion an-1 qunllly Ju like you hae Imsmj paying 12.W for. They are the type of t; murh In favor by goojj rtrewrs. and they are construried to give you ererlistlng good looking neckwear." First floor.