NINE FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1931 "tDKA3MIX CONTRAST WITH SPRING COSTUME COTTON MATERIAL STEPS OUT Hats, Jewelry Go Together; Shoes, Gloves Match; Purses Optional. GLOVES JNDESPENSIBLE White Exceedingly Good in Any Details Chosen; Earrings Worn. Be bright, in reds, oranges, startling cerise colors. Be dainty in cool pastel shade. Be practical In dark, rich browns and navy blues. But steer away from black. Don't; forget white, dead white, when you are choosing accessories and remember you must have a contrast somewhere. Those are but a few command ments of style that could be named for modes are as varied and nu merous as a girl could wish. Smart accessories, as ever, help make the costume. Shoes, gloves, purses, jewelry, hats all may match, but it is newer to combine them in groups. Hats may match jewelry. Shoes and gloves go together. Purses may be purchased to match either of these pairs. Gloves Essential. Don't forget about those gloves! Attire is more formal this season, so onlv in moments of extreme re laxation can you go without them. For street or campus wear, gaunt lets to match your shoes may be worn. Shorter sleeves mean longer gloves, and longer gloves mean el bow l.-ngth at least. It is fash ionable to wrinkle them below the elbow. Your afternoon gloves are best If they are white. If they do not match your dress, find some other excause for white, such as white slippers or hat, for there is no belter shade. With vour evening dress, long gloves of white or some sharply esntrasting color may N worn Mitts dved to match are also good. Costume jewelry is good in small quantities. Long earrings are popular, but are worn without beads. Or, if you prefer beads, wear them, and you can wear big ones at that, but leave your ear rings at home. Bracelets in nov elty designs are exceedingly pop ular. Pearls of all shades and siies will be seen, and will be espe cially good with formal wear. Per sonality can be emphasized more by jewelry than any one thing, so choose your ornaments with care and you do yourself a favor. Small Purses. Your purse may be any color or two or three of them as long as it is flat and not too large. Small beaded and lace trimmed bags are extremely smart accessories for afternoon and evening. Scarfs are a new method of rnlnr sHrlitinn If VOU have nO other contrast note, depend on the small tie scans in Drmiam muun striped, plaid and figured. What is one to decide about prints, incidentally? One French house says checks. Roman stripes and plaids only. Another of equal prominence emphasizes small flow ers ana ngures in an ucoj6ua. All one can do in the face of such argument is to follow the color j contrast rule and feel fairly cer- , tain of a smart appearance. In foot wear, high heeled ox- ; fords are second to none in popu- j larity. Cut low about the instep, the dainty spring creations add j grace and loveliness to the femi nine foot Pumps are still in full sway. Strap pumps of other than the T strap variety are a thing of the past Feminine foibles are too numer ous to follow ad infinitum. So just watch your colors and you'll get along. No Comeback. She fisn'ng fcr compliments): "How old do vou think I am?" He (the diplomxt): ' You don't look it"--Montreal Star. on Social Calendar This spring finds cotton ma terials suddenly appearing for formal use. The evening dress shown at the left is of cotton or gandie, finished with bindings. The square neck In tront Becomes a deep V in the back. Small circu lar ruffles rinlsning tne armnoies and a sash with long ends start us lnnkinir backward to Dinafore days. The Kale ureenway snirc who rirrnlnr nifflp added is a new old note. The slip may be of rustling taffeta. FVlt-mhroiHrpd batiste forms the graceful in-between dress at the right. Interesting is the cape collar which becomes a girdle at the waist line. Trim Model t I DR. CLARK 6IVES TALK SOCIETY ' Members of Mortar Hoard will entertain members of Tas sels and the newly formed freshman honorary group at tea this afternoon from 4 until 3:30 o'clock at the Pi Beta Phi house. Several freshmen from each sorority represented in Mortar Hoard will assist in serving while Mrs. Frances Welch will pour. The active chapter of Mortar Board will be hostesses to approximately seventy guests who have been invited to the tea. Friday. Bet Theta Pt house party, iinhi VI Ttalta unrinr nartv at the Cornhusker hotel. Alnha Tau Omera spring party at the Lincoln hotel. Kappa Alpha Theta house party. Tau Kappa Epsilon house party. Mortar Board tea at Pt Beta Phi house. Thi Omega Pi house party. Saturday. Aloha Mu dinner dance at the Cornhusker hotel. Delta Upsilon spring pany at the Cornhusker hotel. Theta Phi Aloha spring party ai the Lincoln hotel. Pht Delta Theta house parly. Alpha Phi house party. Phi Sigma Kappa house party. Sigma Kappa house party. Delian soring banquet at Wood- burn party house. . Sunday. McLean hall dinner at the chap ter house. chaperons about sixty couples. Favors ana content win aau m mc attractiveness of the party. Phi Slama Kanoa To Give House Party Decorations significant of spring uriu ha nuri at the Phi Slrma Kappa party Saturday evening. ror wnicn me ieuow jmmi ui cbestra will play. Phi Omega Pi To Give Yard Party. Phi Omega Pi will entertain rnr4v.Hv rnnnlA at their house dance Friday evening. The theme of the decorations win oe a yarn party. Doris Root and Katherine Dole. Omaha, Marian White. Te cumseh and Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Houcben, Utlca, will be honored guests. The chape rones will be Miss Lola Garrison and Mrs. Anna Hummel. College Club Engaged By Alpha XI Delta The College Club orchestra of Omaha will fumlsn tne music ror tka Alnha VI Dalta snrinr DartV Firady evening at the Cornhusker hotel. The chaperones for the affair will be Prof, and Mrs. an4 fiaa T.11I11 Dimo-a. Mrs. A. Harnsberger and Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Reynolds. 3Igma Kappa To B Hostess at House Dance The Yellow Jackets will play for the Sigma Kappa house dance Sat nrHnv avpnlnp- A snrlnsr motif will be featured in the decorations. Many Phi Psi's Attend Convention Many members of Phi Kappa Psi will attend the annual district convention which is being held April tenth, eleventh, and twelfth at Lawrence, Kansas. Official dele gates to this convention are Laverne Sprague, Chadron; Oral Barber. Lincoln, and Edwin Faulk ner, Lincoln. Others who will attend are Ellery Davis, Jr. Ltn- I I ura la lh riniihla breasted eoat which some Nebraska men prefer thi. mrinr. Oood dressers are wearing auch Jackets for aeml- clress occasions. i nia cori, wnm not seen in great numbers, is one of the popular university models. Pastel shades will be featured in the decorations for the affair with spring "flcwers and tall yel low tapers tied with orchid tulle decorating the tea table. Spon sors of the honored groups. Miss Beatrice Richardson and Miss Winona Perry, will be special guests of the occasion. Theta House Party Planned For Friday Several alumnae are expected to return for the Kappa Alpha Theta house party Friday evening. Mrs. Inez Sargent, house mother, and Dr. and Mrs. H. Winnett Orr will No Middle Clan in Tuesday Speech. There Is no middle class In Mexico, according to Dr. Marjorie Ruth Clark, professor of home ec onomics research at the agricul tural college, who talked to the Home Economic association Tues day evening at Ellen Smith hall and exhibited examples of Mexican arts and crafts work. The lower class has been kept in Mexico." Vhe" peasants live misera bly. The Mexican government is now struggling to give Its common people an integral education, teach ing them not academic subjects but how to keep clean, feed them selves more healthfully and build and furnish homes. Dr. Clark went to Mexico last summer to study the labor move ment of the common people. She found this movement largely communistic. And Hain't Changed a Bit. "What will the girl df'4igttii be In tea years'. tima?1 .akatS critic. Twenty-one.-London Opwa' Ion. LKARN TO, DANCE Can teach you taad la one 'aeaaij. QuarantM to taaeh you In alx prl. vat laeaana. Claaaaa tvary Monday and Wtdnaaday. Prlvaft laaaona morning, afternoon and evanlns. all "lom and Tap. MRS. LUKLLA WILLIAMS Private Stud la I hont B425S 10 D tTMIT Dnunm coin; Richard Mulllner, Lincoln: Run Dfliirlas. Omaha: Ralph Clark, Stella: Walter Henrlon, Wicheta, Kansas: John GeDdon. omana: Kay r.avin Lincoln, and Elwood N. Tho.npson, Lincoln. D. II "a Honor Slaiters And Daughters At Dinner. TVi annual Sister's and Daurb ter's day of Delta Upsilon will be neia ounaay ai uc cnapier nour. There will be a dinner at 1 o'clock. Places will be arranged for twenty guests. Blue ana goia, iraienrny decorations which include spring flowers. The afternoon will b spent informally. The members of McClean hall will entertain twenty couples at dinner Sunday noon at the chap ter house. Jeff King, Arapohoe, alumnus of Sigma Phi Sigma, has been a guest at the chapter bouse this week. Cup for bob awarded as Inter national Grand Prize on display at Agnes Beaute Shoppe. Permanents $10.00 Let Us Design Your Bob HOTEL C0ENHUSKEH B3122 B6I71 IT PLEASES YOU in Gold 1500 rt uses of CREPE PAPER What can you make with crepe paper? Dennison oflere time aplcndid pria ia gold for examples and idea: .5000 $400 S250 $250 in cold for the beat new tun of Crepe Paper ia gold for the beat Flowera in gold for the best Costumes hi sold for the best Party Favors and Decoration Ko doubt you car now nake tome of the object for which prizes are offered. If not, you can quickly kaxn through the instructions that we give you free And the biggest prize of all are for new ideas. Dennison believe tome of the beat uses for Crept Paper may yet be discovered. Who knowt, you may al ready have won a prize with tome use ou have discovered that nobody else Jtnowt about. TF.EE ! To Help You Win Come in now and get your copy of the folder telling about this fascinating con test. And we will also give you free tep-by-ttep Instruction! for soaking teverai kinds of flowera, costumes and party favors and decoration. 1 Slake it a weekly habit. It is one that brings happiness by the mile to thousands of uni versity people and their parents! "Its good to hear your voice, Mother! Hows Dad? . . . Sure, T m all right again. And my work's going well . . . knocked off a '90' in Math, last weekV You have no idea how much inspiration and genuine pleasure you will get from weekly telephone chats with the folks at home. Let Mother and Dad hear from you in reality and regularly. This newer, faster, far mora personal way of keeping in touch with them is mighty popular with University men and women all over the country. Why not telephone the folks at home each w eek T If you prefer, you may have them call you and "reverse" the charges, which will be placed on Dad's monthly bill. It's easy, quick and inexpensive. For out-of-town calls to places 25 miles away, the day atation-to-station rate ii about 25 cents; 40 miles away, 35 cents; 75 miles. 50 cents; 125 miles. 75 cents; 150 miles, 0 cents. Where the atation-to-station day rat is more than 35 cents, the rates are lower dar ing the evening and night periods. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. "A Nebraska Company Serving Its People" Dr. Dean R. Leland was a din ner guest at the Sigma Phi Sig ma house Wednesday evening. But We Need More Old Ones Visitor I see your are putting up many new buildings in these parts. Workman Yes. sir. New build inga is the only kind we puts up. Yorkshire post, THERE'S nothing betur than ft bowl of delicious Kallogg'a Corn Flake and milk. So easy to digest, it invites aound sleep. Dietitians advise it. How much mora health ful than hot, heavy foods. So order Kellogg'a when you drop in at the campus restaurant tonight. Enjoy with canned peaches, or aweeten with honey for an extra treat. Good . . . and good for you! Tht F.aoler eereala arrea ia the ttiBiBfreeaae Americas eollegea, allaf eloWa ana frataraitlaa are aaatta j Kellogg ia Battle Croak. TW iacluaa AU-.BBAN, PEP Braa Flak... Rice Kriapiet, Wheat Knsablea, aasi K.llaf g'a WHOLI WHEAT Biacnit. Alae KaiTee Hag CfTaa lU aie Ae leU yea deep. CORN FLAKES rWff Kmlltr't IW Umsi,. traWaa (Mr WJZ md oaaaiiafal atatsau a thm It. I. C. wry 5eaaV) xitna at lO-SO t. S. r. AIM KM Lt Ant''. KOMO StH tit 10.O0, m! KOA Danvar at 10.30. fflnuafl tnjnw hotel cornhusker presents its famous facilities foe: your approval in num erous and attractive spring functions private clining room for student and faculty 'dinners and luncheons grand ballroom of unusual distinction for banquets and parties tasty pastry shop always the choice of the discriminating college crowd . under schimmel direction striving to phase you 1 Tucker-Shean STATIONERS 1123 "O" St.