r T jUNtiSDAY, MARCH 4, 1931 H THE DAILY NEHKASKAN FOUR 1 V '4 7 GREEK BOWLERS REACH FINAL BIT OF Alpha Theta Chi Will Meet Lambda Chi Alpha Thursday. VICTOR TO MEET PROS Alpha Chi Sigma Wins Out In Professional Frat Race Matches. BY JOE MILLER. At 4 o'clock Thursday. Alpha Theta Chi and Lambda Chi Alpha will clash in the finals of the in tramural bowling league cham pionship for social fraternities, at the Lincoln bowling parlors. The winner will meet Alpha Chi Sigma, who came out on top in the profes sional fraternity scramble, to de termine who shall be designated as All-Intramural Bowling champion. The Alpha Thet pin-smashers earned their way into the finals by plastering a defeat on the Sig Eps, Monday, in a battle that was hot and furious all the way. The Alpha Thet Chi keglers won all three games, but the margin of victory in the first two games was so nar row that a few pins either way might have meant an entirely dif ferent story. Nineteen pins in the tirst game and twenty-two in the second furnishes concrete illustra tion of the slim advantage pos sessed bv the Alpha Thets, but it was sufficient. Glenn Guild was the bright and shining star for Alpha Thcta Chi. knocking down a total of 593 pins for the three yames. Lamoreaux and Morten sen also performed in good style for the winners. For Sigma Phi Epsilon. Bike Hirst bowled the highest score, being credited with a series of 543. Other Match Close. The other semifinal pin-fest brought together Lamda Chi Alpha and Phi Gamma Delta, in a match that was as close and hard fought iia the one already described. How eer. the Lambda Chi's, with Don Carr and Gross leading the way were just a mite too strong for the Phi Gams, and the latter club was defeated in three straight games. Carr bowled in big league style for the victors, bowling a score of 611. Hopewell did the best work for the Phi Gams. He rolled a 571 total. The finals between the Alpha Thets and Lambda Chi's will be a scrap from start to finish, if the matches already played by these two teams are any indication at all. The outcome appears to be a toss-up. and, as. in any other type of competition, the team that hap pens to be "right" will win. Box score: Sigma rhl Kpallon. lt 2nd Srd Plavera Gmf CimeGimeTl. y.g?lton 147 i;.6 w 44 Uurkee 158 161 1M 493 Ohambere 163 176 ISO SOS Kremer 150 173 2H .".24 Hint 167 207 14(1 M3 Ton.! 825 63 795 2513 Alpha Thru Chi. lat 2nd 3rd Plavera Game Game Game Tl. Mortrnsrn ...1 148 189 2 It 633 Lamcirau- 181 !! 1!S MS Sprar 172 l.'R 175 Ml Guild 179 223 l&l f.93 J a. Ian 164 108 176 &0& Total 844 915 926 26S5 UmD4a I hi Alpha. 1st 2nd 3rd Playrri Game Game Gam Tl. Willi 16.1 17(1 166 510 Davis 137 16S 169 474 Junni.cn 147 ISii 147 4M i iron !.',. 197 172 52.) Carr - 173 227 211 Gil Total! 77S Ml S6.r. 2C74 Phi Gamma Delta. iat 2nd 3rd Player Game Game Game Tl. Kin? 1M 222 13 2!) Butterfield 148 116 161 425 Crulg 129 189 187 .sot Hopewell 149 244 178 571 Baker 15g 14 1 154 453 Total 737 912 833 2482 OKLAHOMA U HAS TEN CONFERENCE GAMES THIS YEAR NORMAN. Okl. f Special j. Ten Big Six conference baseball games will be played by Coach Lawrence COMPETITION Classified Wajit Ads PHOTOGRAPHS LOST AND FOUND LOST Black and white Kheaffer ... .,, pencil. Call L 7393. Reward. THE HAT r.K UTTTDTO, i atraet. B29H1. Dlatlnctlva photographa. 7 . u -- .-, --- -- - LAHGK HLHI'LV ot Glovea yet UDciaima in Ualiy .'raakao office. Claim taem lnimediately. AJTER ALL. Il'i a Townaeod photograph Oi wan KOL'ND Several flgurra tcarfa of varloue colora. 0ntra may claim by identifying i anl paying for thu ad. nCAIITV CUnDC i LOST Dark brua toponat on drill DLUW I I OriKJl) fifld. Toward t3. Call WLb Bfr:97. T . r . , , , LOST 3 atrand psrl nerk!ar Friday ALL LTNES beauty work. Shampoo nieht tn or nr r)tral c;fe0 WWio. urittta -Sti'-S"?- Can B2i36RwjId. B.dE. C,H BS464. LO.-T-Thr-e book,, and R. O. T. r. f rap. Lrft in Ford aniian near roti- wim by mlatake. Lh at Xe UAUTTn braskan Loat and Found Dept. WAIN I CAJ ! 'LOST--Klgin watch at 12 and Q istwrT l Call Elmo Keller at L4187. Reward.' WANTED Kverjona to bring artk-lea I whh have been found to tha Dally Nebraakan office. Retard. TYPING PnCmnWC I TTPIXrj Manuacnpu to type. Will call rJJllljnj for and deliver. Phone L4767. TEACHING Joba bit be aecured through Tha Darls School Service, 3i-t Stuart . BMf. CaFELS nitoiinotii . i COLLEGIA CAFE Ueala 25c. V- BUSINESS COURSE rl:'-Ajmy " VVK aerva fooda A aualltv ororlw ore. Becretarifcl School, i Klcharda Bite BARBER SHOPS LIBER TT Barber Bhop gpcfJaltsta in j tutien barberir.g. 131 X. 13tb Su THESE NEBRASKAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ONLY TEN CENTS A LINE "Jap" Haskell's University f Ok lahoma baseball team thin cui. season. They are: April 24 MIhiouiI at Norman. April 26 Mlaaourl at Norman. May 4 Kanaaa AnKlei at Norman. May A Knnaaa AKBlea at Norman May 8 Kannaa at Lawrence. May V-Kanaaa at Lawrence. May 11 Nebraska at Lincoln, May 12 Nehraaak at Lincoln. Mnv . Iowa Hiata at Norman, ii-.y id lowa tfiate at Norman. INTEREST GROWS IN Play Starts Saturday Coliseum;; Continues Monday Evening. in Much interested has been shown In the inter-fraternity volleyball contests being held this week, at the coliseum. This game is won wheu either team scores a two point lead with fifteen or more points. The match is decided by the team winning two out of three games played. The following scores are the re sults of Saturday's and Monday's play. aSturday's scores: Delta Sig ma Phi beat Acacia 15-7. 15-10. 17-8; Sigma Phi Epsilon won from Farm house 13-1, 15-1; Fi Kappa Alpha defeated Theta Xi 13-15, 15-G. 15-5; Zeta Beta Tan de-7-15, 15-12; Ta.i Kappa Epsilon de feated Delta Sigma. Lunula 1H-14, feated Beta Theta Pi 15-11. 12-15. 15-5: Sigma Alpha Mu defeated Theta Chi 15-7, 15-7; Sigma Chi defeated Kappa Signm 15-10, 5-15, 19-17; Delta Upailon defeated Sig ma Phi Sigma 13-S. 15-12; Ph. Kappa won by forfeit from Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Mondays score were: Phi Kappa won by forfeit from Farm House; Delta Tau Delta defeated Zeta Beta Tau 15-7. 15-10: Pi Kappa Alpha defeated Delta Sigma Lam da 15-2. 15-2: Alpha Theta Xi won by forfeit from Kuppa Eigma; Phi Sigma Kappa was defeated by Sigma Phi Epsilon 15-1. 15-0: Del ta Upsilon defeated Delta Sigrrla Phi 15-5, 15-6. Tau Kappa Epsilon defeated Signia Alpha Mu 15-9, 15-2; Alpha Gamma Rho defeated Theta Xi 15-0. 15-4; Alpha Tau Omega defeated Sigma Chi 4-15, 15-9, 15-12. 1 1 IIP 1 f nn I nil mnnillTrn KANSAS COACH APPOINTED i Meehan Notifies Hargiss of Placing on Football Association. LAWRENCE, Kans. Coach H. W. "Bill" Hargiss, head football coach at the University of Kansas has received word from John F. "Chick" Meehan, football coach at New York university and presi dent of the American Football Coaches as-sociation. that he had been appointed as representative of the association for the sixth dis trict He is to report at the an nual convention on the various phases of the game in this section. This survey will take into con sideration tne style ot play, popu- i larity. the outstanding players, the 1 attendance and various other lac- tors ot the game in tins section, which includes Nebraska. Kansas. Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas loving the 1931 season and on this 1 coming reason's play. DR. POUND JTTENDS MEET Instructor Goes to Eastern Coast for Guggenheim Gathering. Miss Louise Pound of the de partment of English left Sunday for New Yor kcity to attend the March meeting of the Guggen heim Memorial foundation. The preliminary selection of candi dates for foreign fellowships was made in February. The final se lections are made during the first week of March. Those serving on the advisory board are Dean F. J. Woodbridge of Columbia university. Dean La fayette Mendel of Yale, Professor E. B. Wilson of Harvard, Miss Pound of the University of Ne braska, and Henry Allen Moe, se cretary of the foundation. Miss Pound expects to return to Lin coln within a week. OVilSii ana d.nciiii at Oilckeb Little lin, SI ami O. C. W Tun,tera;, cr. MEET ME at Slitrbume't Inn. lit .N'orLB -,urtetuih. r'l-od eu prepared. CAMPt'S CAFE 512 North Utb. Hem conking fd putriea at u A.rt POP CORN KOR i-n'fo KarTnli.ore f tft onooa'a. Leonard CqnkHn WE'RE OFF Now we might say Shucks Or we might say Shucks Or then again we might say Shucks, But on no potential contingency, Or detrimental exigency Would we say Shucks or Shuck3. YOU can believe that or believe 1 It, but don't believe It. Being christened, this kolyhim felt entitled to a little literary bust, a sort of "May we present," all squakie in colors (black and white), with short features as often as the Daily Nebraskan is desperate for copy. By the way, that Isn't pootry up there. Those are just contempo rary remarks. CHUCKS, in case you hudn't no J tlced, is the new name. Just who thought of it is one of the great mysteries. A solemn group was gathered round in broodinj contemplation, when one bespoke himself of Shucks In mournful desperation, and Shucks it Is. There is some connection. Coin- . husker, corncob, corn, cornhurks, j shrck.-. Vic S'heizir.gcr did thJ , drawing and decorating. Which , stands as proof that a man can be an athlete nd rtill be an artist, j Shertz lotteicd :tl Nebraska in ; football a year or so eo. THE king is dead. To h - - with j 1 the king. Strange that the athletic department's smiling bene- i volence toward a varsity auueie suddenly ceases when his sport is out of season. In a rather too zealous endeavor to be sure no one appropriated socks, shins ami other articles belonging to the uni versity, the varsity lockers were legally ransacked immediately 8ft er the basketball season closed. Certainly this school is entitled to its own equipment but the swetp ing cleanout left the lockers bare in several cases of personal ain- Not a very good ex ample to promote the theory of j honesty and individual rights.. , THIS Don Grey broadjumped 23 j 1 feet S inchel .the other day in ! the Kansas Aggie meet, unai-: tached. It rather looks as if a man would have to be unattached i to leap that distance. Watson, ! the two-miler. ran and lari auor 1 ran in the same contsst. His breath began to come in short I pants. Watson decided that two, miles was a lona way and that any i extra trousers were superfluous, so he shed the customary ones to finish third. That's strategy. There is a baseball player who always greets us with. "Why don't you ever write me up?" And we answer. "How about doing some- j thing that's news like biting a : dog." It's a long throw from third base to first and the number three j sack was distinctly well covered rr. VoKotVo rr Kut that ! doesn t mean t,;at -MlIt't Davison ! wi make a j shortstop. He's ) jjable to though Shllri,; ,hnf n u ran think Qj. t0(jav I-X-L, POPS, SIGMA i Three Teams Pile Decisive Scores in Tuesday Cr.ge Battles. I-X-L, Phi Omega Pi and Sigma Kappa were winners of Tuesday's basketball games, all three defeat ing their opponents by decisive scores. The I-X-L's downed the Alpha O's by a score of 25 to 7 and Phi Omega Pi piled up 21 points over 15 earned by Alpha Chi Omega. The Sigma Kappa-N Ergett ; game I the N'Ergettes with 18 scores went down under a barrage of 30 points scored by Sigma Kappa. A slight change in the schedule has been made which leaves the following games to be played: Wednesday, 5 o'clock. Delta Delta Delta vs Gamma Phi Beta. Phi Mu vs Hobby Club. Thursday, 5 o'clock. Alpha Phi vs Lambda Camrr.a. Chi Omega vs KBB. Thursday, 7 o'clock. Alpha Phi (2t vs Kappa Alpha Theta 2. Kappa Delta 2 vu rlta Cam ma 2.i. Friday, 5 o'clock. Delta Zeta vg Kappa Phi. Alpha Kappa Alpha vs Kappa Delta 1). AMES CAGE TEAM CHOOSES ROADCAP AS NEXT CAPTAIN AMES. Ia. Jack Roadcap, Kansas City, star forward on the Iowa State basketball team, has been chosen by his mates to cap tain the Cyclone cagers next sea son. Roadcap, second high scorer of the conference last year and leader this year, has been one of the outstanding forwards of the middle -.vest, being in line for a post on the all-conference team. He is a deft ball handler and one of the cleverest of floor players. All of Roadcap's teammates will return for another year's competi- tion. ! j cyclone track a:;d tank teams arrange .meets Inn'i ft. a Tim a Stale Cyclone grappers are pre-; paring for the final road trip of j the season, which will take tbem to Lincoln. Neb. and Lawrence. Kins , two other Iowa State Uama ; are concluding arrangements tor j competition this week. The swim- men, winners over Nebraska, and j Grinnell to date, meet Drake at I Des Moines in a dual meet Satur- 1 day: anu ine tracKsters, back from their unsucce.viful engagement, Tl!''ZZTZl E IS F I! 10! !l.!i!0r0 Track Coaches Are Gloomy Over Prespects as Meet Nears. MENTORS SELECT AMES Hokuf Is Out Following Cage Season, Rhea HeavesShot. Illti MX IMHKIR REfORDSl. 11-1 rd d.ali: 5.1 arcnmla, Urady, Mi-janl lunii 0.1 aeeotda, Meier. Iowa stali-, I (MO. . ,, HO-varil ttmh: M.t aeconila, Hlltera, Inwa Mulr. IWS. MMI-yard runt t mlnulea and a arcoiiaa, l.rnlii'r, Ni'lnnil.u. 1U41-SS. Mile run: 4 infinite and II aeeonna, I'titram. lima M.itv, II'JH. Vii mil'- "in: - mlniiira and .17.8 ere ii.iiK rluln-r. Ilaawn tlt. I12A. Mt-ynril hlh hunllrt! . rrond. lun i.n, kliih..nm, 'it mi Jnliiibk, c hrn.Un, HtiH. . . . tu-yarn hl:;h Imrdlea! 7.1 aonna, Th'iiiiiHMMi. Nfbra'itii. t Ii-S. aril , hnnllrai 1 arronda, Hafr, ,.i Mali. ltd). ...... :'..rv line It '! .toll l- Inrhra, Oa alan. ciir.iik. ..... . Hi nil jiinii: i' In-' meiiM shrlh., Ol.la.ioiim. mi. Mlulpll!: 41 l-i Olid 7 Inrhra, Kiuwli. Kll:i. 11110. .... Ilruuiljninn: ll nd 1-1 Inrhra, r mniaoii. Nrbrakii, .. Mllr rrf i 'j niniiiira arronda, r braikn, While out stale and local fol lowers of Cornhusker track teams have given Coach "Indian" Schul te's 1231 squad of cinder and field a-t'sts more than an even chance to win the 1931 Uig Six indoor meet, to b held in Columbia this Saturday, sentiments as expressed by members of the Husker coach ing staff would seem to dispute the dope. According to tho gloomy predic tions of Coach Schulte and his crew of assistants, alter pouring over the record book and outcome of Big Six competitors in early spring indoor meets, the nest the 1,0,0 .nn hone for is a third place, with Iowa State leading the list and Kansas second. However aittr c.rai'uuK " " T , : was Uiscovcreu iuu the Husker experts, oniy iuu. points would separate the tnira place Huskers from the winners, Hokuf Return, With the return of Steve Hokuf to the track squad, the Husners should add a few needed points m tho ahiitnut. In the same event Hugh Rhea should walk off with first honors easily, having tossed the shot in the vicinity of fifty feet in practice with a regularity -- i :,.. . , U that even mings f , Vwh gloomy otiiiwu w Schulte. Tomson. holdler of ihe PrJfseT Big Six broadjump record, shouia be able to account for another me nnintu and the strength of ie- braska should be greatly increased in this event if Gray is able to clear the scholastic barriers wnitn Prevented him from participating in the K-Acgie meet Smutny Should 6tar. George Smutny should be one of the outstanding "stars of the meet after naving tied the existing Big j Six record for the 60-yard high hurdles, running the 60-yard low hurdles in almost record time and 1 coming within a tenth of a second j of the world record in the 60-yard ! dash in the Kansas Aggie meet Saturday. There is still some doubt as to Lamson's ability to get into shape ; for the Big Six indoor cnampion ' ship meet as he is still limping I from a bad ankle suffered early in the season. His aosence win weaken the Nebraska hurdle en teries considerably as he has been running the 60-yard highs and lows in close to record time. Coach Schulte has not as yet de cided on the enteries for the meet Saturday. This afternoon tryouts ...:n v. naM anA iha nartirinflnts cted. aitho it is expected that renorts on the eligibility of a few oi ihe enteries will not be finally decided until just before the team leaves for Columbia. ALLPH1N WHIPS KANSAS SWIMMING TEAM INTO SHAPE ! LAWRKNCK. Kansas. Coach I Herbert G. Allphin of the swim ming team of the University oi Kansas is whipping his team into shape for the Big Six meet to be held March 14 in Kansas City. With the propable return of Clark Stephenson the team will be strengthened considerably. Coach Allphin believes that his team hai an excellent chance of taking the Big Six title. Members of the squad who will be entered are John Bowdish, Ike Aokl. George Marshall. Clark Stephenson. Maurice Kite, James Burcham. Robert DM, and Harlan Jennings. SOONERS WILL MEET K-AGG1ES ON MAY 6 NORMAN, Okl. (Special) On May 6 at Norman the Kansas Ag gie track team, coached by Ward Haylett, will vie Coach John Ja cobs' Sooners in a dual meet, it was learned today from Ben G. Owen, director of athletics. Last spring at Manhattan Okla homa defeated the Wildcats pretty badlv. However Haylett's team is stronger this year, having already conquered Missouri In an indoor dal meet at Columbia, 65 to 28. Your Drug: Store It won't be long now 'till Forlng. (Stop at our Soda Fountain on the way. WHITMAN CHOCOLATES CILLAN'S CANDIES T Tk CVm Phurmarv ul ifZ loc , , , , , , t f f I? p A rAR a UL'11 -A- i 1 1 Koida ij Fomi t-o. Ounmi and Auatm. OP BUCKET AVORABLE TO H!!P!rn o HUOIUK UilHIMO J voui 8ua.ne if Appreciated J?.R SSI SSPiS.. z o o o o o Lost: lost at school that returned knew who owne Why not agent an 0 o o o articl e is he does the item Found: Deople brine thiries I office to help you. For Prompt Returns o o o a y 11 j Nebraska rir LOST AND FOUND DEPT. M any if the finder on I try our medium as i i to help The finder of an I not a crook because I not know belongs. E be identified. Let 7 ef3 n I J he i Sin i? i lr 4 items are would be y d . i tnem.i you? 4v II x to wh A omi day very into the! 9 US I v. a - i Minimum Two Lines i 141- I I O t-trrl. - 'M ' '' f V.-.,.-