The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1930, Image 1

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    he - Daily "Nebra
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
VOL. XXX NO. 59.
Favors Centralized Rule by
One Organization of
Speaker Declares Opponents
Of Subject Are Not
Meeting Issue.
Upholding the cause of student
government and approving of the
present move toward centralization
of student power in the Student
council, David Fellman, instructor
of political science, former member
of the Student council and author
of the proportional representation
plan which is now the basis of
representation in the Student coun
cil, addressed the Wednesday noon
meeting of the World Forum.
The danger in considering stu
dent government, said Fellman, is
to impute to it those inherent
weaknesses in all popular govern
ment and to condemn it for them.
"Sometimes unfit students become
leaders," he said, "but are public
officials always the best available
Fellman questions the validity
of the argument which condemns
student government because not
all students vote and then accepts
popular rule in regular goverment
affairs when the lack of voting is
one of the greatest problems of
modern democracy.
Perfection Not Possible.
"Perfection cannot be expected
in campus government, when gov
ernment is nowhere perfect," he
declared. "It is not correct to say
that student government means no
faculty interference," he added. "It
means absence of faculty interfer
ence in those affairs which the
students themselves are capable of
A number of spheres of influ
ence where student government
should be effective were cited.
Among these were student groups,
extracurricular activities, and some
fields of morality as the honor
system and late hours.
Lists Assumptions.
He lists the following seven as
sumptions concerning the student
on which he bases his argument
lor more student power:
"That this generation is no
worse than any other perhaps
"That the student has far more
ability to govern himself and to
exercise self control than eitner ne
or his teachers realize.
"That the normal college stu
dent is at heart sound and can be
"That stutfents are interested in
constructive programs.
"That the greatest asset of de
mocracy, and its great need, is
comradeship between groups and
"That the world is at present, in
great need of a social point of
view; that there are many diffi
cult political and social problems
to be solved today.
"That self government and self
discipline can be learned only by
Bell government.
Sees Great Gap.
Fellman maintains that there is
too great a gen between real life
and campus life, that campus life
lacks reality, and mat student gov
ernment will help to overcome this
by providing an element of reality
In campus life. In addition stu
dent government would be a step
toward overcoming the paternal
istic attitude of teachers over stu
dents all through school, .n his
The change provided in the new
constitution of the Student council
for centralization of final authority
in student affairs in one body has
the great advantage of creating a
body with the authority to speak
in the name of the student body,
he believes.
"Centralization and decentraliza
tion are not mutually exclusive
terms. The centralization does
not Imply that all local groups will
be utifled or lose their identity.
It means that there will be one su
preme student body with the power
to voice the opinions of the entire
university on important ques
tions," he concluded.
The Arts club will hold an initi
ation dinner at 6 p. m. today in
til china painting room of Morrill
frail Tickets were priced at forty
icecta, but the sale was stopped
yesterday afternoon. at 5 o'clock.
Those to be Initiated are: George
Harold Hart, Alice Imhoff, Clara
Bartak, Marjorie Bernstein, Helen
Davie, Morris Gordon, Sarah
Green. Constance Kiser, Alice
Duncan. Harold Fierce, Adlyn
Moeller. Mrs. Dorothy Simons,
Felix Summers, Clara Hardung.
Christine Nesbiit. Jean Ohler. Ma
rie Osterloh. Eennetta Kennedy,
Mrs. Rose O'Counell, and E. Pctti-
Featuring Hazel Olsen Hedeen
at the organ In a program of
Christmas music, the University of
Nebraska Scandinavian club will
hold its monthly meeting at the
First Presbyterian church at Sev
enteenth and F streets next Tues
day evening. The organist is the
wif of Prof Carl Hprieen of the
foreign languages department of
the university.
Prominent men in Lincoln have
been secured to speak on the pro
gram, which probably will be given
in the Scandinavian language. The
club also plans to have a Christ
mas tree. The entire program
will be built around Christmas
with traditional Swedish carols
featuring the program.
The program is scheduled to
start at 7:30 p. m. Officers of the
club are inviting everyone to at
tend. 10
Black, White and Silver
Only Tones Used in
New Production.
The initial performance of
Importance of Being Earnest" will
be presented by the University
Players Monday. Pec. 15, at 7:30
p. m. at the Temple theater. The
entire production will be staged in
three colors, black, wnite and sil
ver. Costumes down to the last
detail of the jewelry worn will
confonn even the lorgnettes are
silver in color rather than gold.
A special set of wicker furniture
is being made at the state peniten
tiary to carry out the color scheme.
The story of the play hinges
about the preference of two girls
for the name. Earnest. Algernon
Moncrieff and John Worthing, two
friends with plenty of nerve and
deviltry, do everything to oblige
the girls, even changing their
names to Earnest. The trouble
comes when the two love affairs,
progressing secretly, reach the
point when the girls confide in one
another and reach the startling
conclusion that they are engaged
to the same man.
The play is full of witty satire
and real comedy, and is one of the
be.-t examples of OFcar Wilde's
art. The University Players pre
sented "Lady Windemere's Fan"
by the same author last year with
notable success.
Dean J. E. LeRossignol of the
college of businers administration
was in Iowa City Wednesday,
where be pave two lectures before
student and faculty members of
the University of Iowa.
The subjects of his two lectures
were "Labor Cost Theory of
Value." and "Economic Basis of
The college of commerce of the
University of Iowa was host to
Dean LeKossignol during his visit
John C. Tirie and Richard L.
Jewett, Nebraska Rhodes scholar
candidates, took examinations in
Den Moines, la., Wednesday in the
regional Rhodes scholar competi
tion. Two representatives each
from Minnesota, South Dakota.
Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and
Iowa participated in the examina
tions. The result will be announced
later by the secretary of the
Rhodes scholarsnip committee at
Swarthmore, Pa.
Prof. William Quigiey of the
University of Minnesota conducted
the examinations.
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1 -Cwrtpy of The Journal.
Photo t MacdonaJd.
These coeds will enter the competition of the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben, being held under the auspice' of the Block and Bridle club at the college of agriculture Saturday
evening, and will vie for the title of the grand champion coed showman of the college of agriculture. From left to right they are: Christine Mallick. Indianola; Catherine
Stoddard, Lincoln: Kleanor Dixon, Blair; Muripl Moffitt, Lincoln: Ruth Durst. Tecumseh; Thelma Tincber. Odeli; Evelyn Krotz, Odell. and Gertrude Christensen, of Alvo.
The winner of the coed class will compete with the winners of the various men s classes for the title of the grand champion showman of the college of agriculture
and the trophy offered by the management nf the Ak-ar-Ben of Omaha. The program ia echeduled to begin at 7 in the evening and will be followed by an Ag dance
given by the Ulutk and Bridle club in the activities blading at 9 Saturday evening. '
Speaker Traces History
Irish Poetry at Chi
Delta Phi Affair.
Temple Address
For 11; Will Speak
On Education.
Sketching the history of Irish
poetry since ifs revival, Dr. James
Cousins, noted Irish poet, ad
dressed members of Chi Delta Phi
and their guests at a tea given in
his honor Wednesday afternoon in
Morrill hall. More than one hun
dred fifty persons attended the af
fair. After quoting the "Unknown
God" by AE. Dr. Cousins paid trib
ute to the author, whom he said
would never be forgotten. He
pointed out that within the poem
one could sense something from
the realm of the immortal.
"There is a vast difference in the
science of that day and this," de
clared Dr. Cousins. "However,
there is an interior reality, ex
pressed in poetry, which never
changes. AE, after the attitude of
Tennyson, did not write argument
in aesthetic way against a scien
tific conception of nature. He only
expressed the inner beauty which
(Continued on Page 4.)
Physical education Club
Plans to Teach From
7:30 to 8:30.
The dancing club sponsored by
the Women's Physical Education
department, will hold its next les
son Saturday, Dec. 13, from 7:30
to 8:30 in Grant Memorial gym
Beginning Saturday, the lessons
will be conducted under a new
system. The social committee un
der the leadership of Ruth Hat
field and Blossom McDade are
planning accommodations so that
more members will be able to
dance, and for an additional room
where instruction can be given to
those who are in need of drill
The committee is also planning
to include more girls who can as
sist in giving lessons. It will hold
a meeting soon and discuss a defi
nite lesson program under the su
pervision of Miss Richardson.
Music was formerly furnished
by a pianist, but arrangements
have now been made to use the
new Majestic radio purchased re
cently by the committee,
Because of the enormous num
bers who 8 re coming to each class,
it has been necessary to limit the
attendance. The class is open only
to those who are really in need of
instruction. Members are re
quested to present their identifica
tion cards in the future, and the
girls are asked to be more prompt
so that ther;e will be partners for
everyone and the lessons can be
gin on scheduled time.
Hermann T. Decker, instructor
of music in the school of fine arts,
will be base soloist at the Sunday
evening service of the First Pres
byterian church. Seventeenth and
F streets. He will sing "The Holy
City," by Gaul.
University Uses
Only Small Part
of Tax Dollar
Less than 68 cents of the taxes
paid on each valuation of $1000
in Nebraska during 1929 went to
the support of the university, a re
cent bulletin issued by the school
shows. This 68 cents represents
only one thirty-second of each tax
dollars collected from a $1,000
valuation. State funds obtained by
taxation account for 55 percent of
every university dollar received.
Federal funds account for 7 per
cent, and cash raised by student
fees and departmental receipts
makes ud the other 38 percent.
n'y 3 7 cents out of the aver
age tax aouar 01 went 10 ine
state university. State taxation
during the year 1929-30 accounted
for $4,852,000.00. The estimated
cash and federal funds are $2,100,
000 and $554,6650.00, respectively.
The grand total of all university
funds amounts to $7,506,660.50.
Salaries Biggest Item.
Salaries of 'nstructors aggre
gate the largest single item of uni
versity expenditures. Sixty-one
and one-half percent of the ex
penditures of 1929-30 were for in
structional purposes. Fifteen and
one-half percent was expended for
agricultural experiment stations
and extension. Commercial activi
ties claimed eight and one-half
percent. Capital additions needed
a like amount, and six percent was
spent for special activities.
The number of professors in the
university as given by the bulletin,
"Primer of Facts" shows that
there are ninety-eight, with each
one drawing an average salary of
$4,209. There are forty-six asso
ciate professors with an average
of $3,385. Fifty men and women
are assistant professors, each
drawing an average yearly salary
of $2,772. The average wage of all
instructors is $2,120. There are
twenty-seven assistant instructors
with an average salary of $1,363
Average Salary $2,948.
The average salary of all of the
332 full time members of the in
structional force for the past fis
cal year was $2,948. Exclusive of
those faculty members holding full
professorships, the bulletin shows
that the average salary of the
other 234 instructors is $"2,420.85.
A check-up made of the rolls of
the faculty showed that there were
seventeen members who had been
teaching here since 1900. One pro
fessor has been on the faculty
since 1889, two since 1891, one
since 1692, three since 1893, four
since 1894, one since 1895, three
since 1896, one since 1898, and one
since 1899. Twenty-two otners
have been with the , university
since 1905.
The total enrollment of unre
pealed names in the university for
the school year 1929-30 was
Annual Affair to Be Held
At St. Paul's Church
Friday Evening.
The Epworth league of St.
Paul's Methodise church will hold
its annual Christmas party Friday
at 8 p. m. at the church. Twelfth
and M streets.
The church will be decorated in
Christmas colors and there will
be a Christmas tree on which will
be a present for each of the guests.
The program will feature James
Miiler, xylopbonist, accompanied
by his motner Mrs. John H. Mil
ler. They will play Christmas
carols and popular music.
Guestr will include young peo
ple in Sunday school classes of the
church, their teachers and all
other young people attending St.
Paul's church.
Junior Ak-Sar-Ben to Open
At 7 O'clock; Dance
Ends Program.
Block and Bridle Club Will
Present Ten Different
Livestock Classes.
Arrangements have been com
pleted and only final preparations
have to be made for the first an
nual staging of the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben
Saturday evening in the
judging pavilion on the Ag cam
pus from 7 until 9 o'clock. The
show is the successor to the Baby
International which for twelve
years was held as a major event
on the Ag activities calendar.
At a meeting of the Block and
Bridle club Tuesday evening final
consideration was given to the
program and the arrangements for
the show. The various commit
tees reported everything in readi
ness for the final developments
which of necessity must wait until
Saturday. The program of the
Junior Ak-Sar-Ben, which is a
showmanship contest in the form
of a livestock show, will present
ten different competitive classes
in four different divisions of live
stock, all of which have reached
(Continued on rage 4.J
Museum Collector Finds
Object in Deposit of
Bison Bones.
A flint dart head, found with
some fossil bones of bison in Cus
ter county, Nebraska, indicates
that man has existed in Nebraska
considerably longer than most
persons believe, according to Bert
rand Schultz, chief collector of the
university museum.
The bones, with which the dart
head was found, were encountered
sixteen feet below the surface July
16, 1929, bv Mr. Schultz and Frank
Crabill. but they were not removed
until a short time ago, when
Schultz and Dr. W. D. Strong un
earthed them. They were located
in a type of ground which dates
from the period immediately pre
ceding the last glacier.
The work of removing them was
done so carefully, according to Mr.
Schultz, that there is little possi
bility that the dart head could
have fallen among them from
sjije higher ooint, thus proving
the existence of man at the time
of the deposit of bison bores.
The bison fossils und in the
deposit present certain peculiar
ities when compared to present
day bison, the bones being larger
and differing in other ways.
, I
ants who have signed up for the
annual freshman debate for the
"Long cup have oeen made by
Prof. H. A. White of the English
department as follows: Woodward
Magee, first affirmative; Maurice
Pepper, first negative: Byron
Cherry, second affirmative; Gor
don Williams, second negative.
The debate will be over the ques
tion, "Resolved: The United States
should enact some form of legisla
tion providing for unemployment
Insurance." Any others wishing to
compete will be assigned sides al
ternately as they report to Profes
sor White.
Petition of Journalistic Fraternity Is Accepted
Publication Board in Meeting Wednesday;
First Issue Planned in February.
Material for Fun Magazine Requested From Students;
Appointments on Staff to Be Made After
Original Number, Based on Work.
Ketuin of the Awgwan, ousted campus humor magaziue,
was virtually' assured yesterday when the publication board
provisionally accepted the. application of Sigma Delta. Chi t
publish the first issue of t lie magazine and to take editorial
and financial responsibility for succeeding issues. The vote
lavor ol the proposal was
State Will Be Divided Into
Sixteen Sections Under
Latest Plan.
Nebraska accredited high schools
will be divided into sixteen dis
tricts this vear for the annual Ne
braska High School Debating
league competition, according to
plans made at an executive meet
ing in Omaha last wepk and an
nounced today by Prof. H. A.
White of the University of Ne
braska, who is president cf the
District debates must be com
pleted bv April 1 so that the win
ners may. compete in the state
tournament to be held in Lincoln
April 16 to 18.
A membership drive to bring
mere high schools into the league
was discussed and approved.- In
the last three years 200 different
schools have entered the league
but in any one year the number
competing in debates has been
slightly below 100, according to
Professor White.
Division Is New.
The division of the state into
sixteen districts was anothei new
plan adopted at the Omaha meet
ing. Heretofore, division has been
on the basis of the number of
schools competing in a given year.
The system as adopted, officers of
the association believe, will serve
to stimulate entering the debating
competition annually.
Routine duties of league officers
in the future will be administered
by the extension , division of the
University of Nebraska, it was
agreed at the meeting. Prof. A. A
Reed, head of the extension de
partment, will be in charge.
Morse Is Secretary.
C. K. Morse of Curtis continues
as secretary and treasurer, and
will be in charge of districting the
state. Prof. H. A. White will re
main as president to advise league
members and direct educational
(Continued on Page 4.)
Marjorie Slianafelt to
Give Talk on Christmas
Marjorie Sbanafelt, director of
visual education, will, speak on
"Old Christmas" at the Sunday
afternoon adults' program at 4:15
p. m., Dec. H. Miss Shanafelt
will explain the origin and signifi
cance of Christmas and its cus
toms. "School Pain," a film, and a
youthful ventriloquist named Ken
neth Carlson, from Council Bluffs,
will furnish the fun for the chil
dren at 2:30.
These programs will be the last
of the year, he next numbers be
ing scheduled for Jan. 11, 1931.
O The first issue will appear in
-February, provided Sigma Delta
Chi is able to meet the provisions
stated in its petition, most import
ant of which is the guarantee of a
subscription list of 800. The Feb
ruary issue will be edited by mem
ber of Sigma Delta Chi who will
work without salary if they are
able to obtain subscription sup
port at the hands of the student
Manner of the sale of paid sub
scriptions will be decided by
Sigma Delta Chi at its Thursday
night meeting and announcements
will be made after that Under
present plans, the subscription for
five Awgwans, February to June,
will be sold at fifty cents.
Will Solicit Material.
Material for the first issue will
be solicited from the student body
and a regular staff will be selected
by the publication board after the
appearance of the first issue. It ia
supposed that the board will base
its judgments for staff selections
on the accomplishments of various
individuals who help with the first
-The former Awgwatr- was
abolished November 26, 1929, fol
lowing the appearance of the sec
ond issue of the year, due to the
publication of material which was
considered unrepresentative of the
reading taste of the University of
Nebraska student body and fac
Under the present tentative staff
organization of the Awgwan,
Sigma Delta Chi will provide a
special committee to act as an ad
visory board chacking on both the
editor and the business manager.
The group would act as a board of
censors and the journalistic fra
ternity would assume full respon
sibility for the editorial contest
and financial soundness of each is
sue. Second Revival.
The publication of the February
issue will mark the second time
tint the Awgwan has been re
vived. It was suspended for the
first time In 1923 due to the publi
cation of the scandal sheet,
"Shun," which appeared in Feb
ruary of that year. It was re-es-taMif
herf in 1925 and was pub
lished from that time until it was
again suspended in 1929.
Agitation for the Awgwan ' re
turn was started almost immedi
ately following its suspension last
year. Sentiment for its revival
was displayed intermittently dur
ing the rest of the school year.
j through both the editorials and
, student opinion in the Nebraskan.
j Oldfather is Leader
I The first move in favor of the
re-establishment of a humor maga
zine during the present school year
was made by Dr. C. H. Oldfather,
newly appointed member of the
publication board who expressed
the opinion that there was a place
for a humor publication of some
sort on the Nebraska campus. The
spirit was immediately taken up
by Sigma Delta Chi uri the Jour
nalistic group appointed a commit
tee to arrange plans for the Aw
gwan' revival. The movement
started by Sigma Delta Chi was
followed by its petition to the pub
lication board and the latest devel
opment is the formal acceptance
of the petition.
Bill McCleery, president of
Sigma Delta Chi, baa asked for
applications from students who
wish to woik on the first Issue.
One studert member and one
faculty member of the publication
board were absent at the Wednes
day afternoon meeting.
Iowa State Student
Cet Degrees Dee. 20
AMES, la. Approximately
seventy-five student at low
State college will receive degrees
at the close of the fall quarts,
according to J. R. Sajre. reriatrar.
Commencement exercises will be
held at 10 a. m.. Dec. 20.
Campus Calendar
Thursday, Dee. 11.
Sigma Delta Chi. Sigma Phi En
si) on bouse, 6 p. m.
Dramatic ciub meeting in Tempi
club room at p. m. Question
of going national will be discussed.
League of Women Voters Christ
mas meeting, Ellen Smith hall at 4
Saturday, Dec 13.
Social dancing class. Grant
Memorial hall, 7:30 to 8:30.
: 1 ' r