WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1930 nintu ,RE DAILY NEBRASKAN Assistant Curator F. G. Collins showed thirty-one students from Columbia school, Omaha, through tne Morriu nan museum Thursday, The party whs touring in a Union racinc stage coach. Prof. Dwight Kirsch of the school of fine arts lectured at Friday luncheon of the Women's club of Aurora. His topic was "In terior Decorating." f A V ft "What a i"'W' 7HOOPEE" is Flo Zieg- feld's own . . . and it's everything that "whoopee" means! A mad swirl of gorgeous girls . . . picked by Flu himself . . . the grandest settings you ever saw ... a couple of the catchiest tunes you've ever heard . . . and seasoned thruout with the most delirious comedy stage or screen ever conceived! In short, "Whoopee is the whoopiest cntert a 1 n m e n t we've ever offered! tarring that mad-wag is Soitw Shmc! Note: We have run out of aJectivesl ADDED riCTRE DALLE-ARMY Fooifcall Came in C-ound News A DAiS - - 1 grand title or a grand SOCIETY Red tapers and poinsettas sou will lend color to the Pan Thursday to create a feeling among the pledges of all sororities. The pledges will be received by the advisory board and officers of the organization. The tea has been scheduled for the hours between 3 and 5 o clock at Kllen Smith hall. All sorority invitation to attend. Dhl rim mm l.kuliila U Formal at Lincoln Members of Phi Gamma Delta will entertain 300 couples at their formal dance to be held in the un coin hotel ballroom Friday eve ning. Chape rones for the party are Mr. and Mrs. John L. Champ and Professor and Mrs. Burt. Con' fettl and streamers will be added features of the affair. Theta Pledges Employ Modernistic Decorations The pledges of Kappa Alpha Theta are giving an Informal house party Friday evening. Forty cou pies are expected to attend the party. The decorations will be appropriate' to the season and will be carried out In & modernistic manner. Chaperones for the affair are Mrs. Inez Sargent and Dr. and Mrs. H. Winnett 6rr. Music Is to be furnished by Ed Vandenburg's orcnestra. Yellow Jackets Will Play for Beta Party The pledges of Beta Theta Pi are giving a party to the active members of the fraternity Satur day evening at the chapter house. The Yellow Jackets orchestra will furnish the music. The theme of Christmas will be carried out In the decorations. Alpha Phi to Honor District Inspector Poinsettias and Christmas colors will predominate as decorations at the Alpha Phi tea. which will be given Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Jane McMonies, dis trict inspector, who is visiting here at this time. Luncheon Given by Chi Omega Mothers Chi Omega mothers met at the chapter house for a 1 o'clock luncheon Monday afternoon. Twen ty mothers attended the affair. Small Christmas trees and red candles decorated the tables. A business meeting followed the luncheon. Mrs. S. P. Jonas of Omaha was the only out of town mother present. Mrs. A. J. Wea ver and Mrs. C. P. Caylord were guests of Mrs. C. E. Mickey, presi dent or me ciud. Lutheran Students to Give Christmas Party All Lutheran students in the uni versity have been invited to attend a Christmas party Friday evening in Morrill hall, gallery B. The af fair is to be sponsored by the Lu theran Bible league and the Lu theran club. Herman Siefkes is general chair man in charge of arrangements for the party. Various committees are at work preparing for the affair. The program committee, which is arranging for musical numbers, is Writer Thinks College Spoils Girls For Home "For an average girl who in tends to make marriage her chief business and thank heaven, they are still in the majority to waste four precious years, that ought to be devoted to romantic adventure, at college seems tragic," says Nina Wilcox PutnAtn in a recent maga zine article. I think It is a heap more important to get married than to go to college and I sin cerely believe that college Inter reres with marriage, at least a successful marriage." Miss Putnam believes that col lege should be kept for grinds and our "marriageable daughters should strut their stuff at home, If a girl wants an occupation, the author believes that she should get a job, which will teach her more in a month that will be of real value to her tnan she'll get out of four years at a college. "It seems to me that the usual girl who attends a co-educational college lacks that romantic illusion wnich is such a precious posession. She becomes bored and sophisti cated about sex because of its fa miliarity to her while she is yet too young to get a proper kick out of it. However, I believe there is a lot to be said in favor of co educational colleges. In fact, the worst that can be said about them Is that they throw people of op pose sexes who are still pretty young for the task, Into a lot of grownup situations which they are really not capable of handling." says Miss Putnam. "How can a girl be interested in a home if she is given no training in regards to one?" the writer asks. "She nevr sees a home ex cept between dances during holi days. How can she be expected to make a good cake when she is only expected to make whoopee? Just as long as husbands have stomachs, good home made pie will mean more to them than their wife's college reunions." And moreover, men simply don't take the average college girl's career seriously. The girl whose career in college is worth considering seriously, eligible men are not apt to know well enough to discuss. And unquetionably the average boy at college still has a faintly contemptuous altitude toward his feminine costudent. Her tepid or fervent thirst for knowl- STUAIIT j jt hli "0 m "ie meioarm REMOTE CONTROL' STAG Brosdus Erie Sldnev Pro Co. in keeping with the holiday sea Hellenic lea which will be given of friendship and co-operation pledges have been extended an composed of Martha Bakenhaus, Letha Rastede and Marie Outer loh. Games will be arranged by the entertainment committee, Mar earet Koertine. Hildegarde Batz, Magdalene Lebsack and Reinhold Kiltabeck. Ernest Klinger, ueorge Neuman, Vera Fenster and Irene Hansen are on the refreshment committee. Prof. Philip Hudson will lead the group in singing Christmas carois, The party will begin at 8 o'clock. Sophomore Commission Plans Annual Banquet ' Members of sophomore commis sion will rive, their annual Christ mas dinner Wednesday evening at 6:15 o'clock in Ellen smith nan. Places will be arranged for forty guests. Tall red tapers and poin settias will form the table eeor tion. Favors are being arranged by Alice Quigle. Ada Mae James Is chairman of the committee on arrangements. Elaine Hadsell is in charge of the ticket sale, as sisted by Estle Anderson and Ruth wimberly. committees are plan ning decorations and a program, MJss Bernice Miller will sponsor the affair, assisted by Lyndau Brumbach and Bereniece Hoffman, leaders of the groups. Nsi-'icsl Motif Carried Out At Delta Gamma Pledge Party Nautical decorations in harmony with the anchor of Delta Gamma featured a house dance given by the pledges for the active members of the chapter Saturday evening. A gangplank provided entrance into the bouse where lifesavers in scribed with S. S. Delta Gamma hung on the walls and portholes disguised the windows. A large silver anchor hung at one end of the room and flags were suspended from the ceilings. Life saver, cookies, and champagne bottle horns completed the nautical ef fect. Margaret Dawson, Kappa Alpha Theta pledge, has been forced to leave school for the remainder of the semester because of ill health. An informal fireside party was given in her honor by her sorority sisters Monday evening before her departure for her home in Wy more. Miss Dawson expects to re turn to her work in the university by the second semester. Marvin Robinson and Elmer Lohr, both of Delta Upsilon, spent the week end at Robinson's home in St. Joseph, Mo., where they were honored at a studio party. . William Adams, San Francisco, grand president of Sigma Phi Sig ma, was a guest at the local chap ter Friday. Soci'al Calendar Wednesday, Dec. 10. Sophomore commission, Christ mas dinner party at Ellen Smith hall. Thursday, Dec. 11. Panhellenic tea at Ellen Smith hall. Theta Sigma Phi Dutch treat dinner at University club. Friday, Dec. 12. Delta Upsilon formal dance Corn husker hotel. Phi Gamma Delta formal dance, Lincoln hotel. Phi Alpha Delta formal dence, Llnconl hotel. Kappa Alpha Theta pledge party at chapter house. Saturday, Dec. 13. Delta Sigma Lambdahouse party. Alpha Delta Pi formal dance, Cornhusker hotel. Sigma Nu pigge dinner, chapter house. Phi Kappa formal dance, Lin coln hotel. Phi Kappa Psi house party. Sigma Alpha Mu pledge party at chapter house. Delta Sigma Phi house party. Alpha Sigma Phi 5:30 o'clock breakfast dance at chapter house. edge rather cheapens her in his eyes, fully aa often as it evokes his respectful admiraiton," Miss Putnam says in concluding. Prof.'W. C. Brenke, Prof. M. G. Gaba, Prof. Lulu L. Runge. Dr. H. P. Doole, and Mrs. Madeline P. Grenard attended the meeting of the American Mathematical so ciety held at the University of Missouri at Columbia last week end. Fred Brandes of Omaha has given the university museum a large shield from Luzon, P. I., on which is carved in ivory minia ture musical instruments and im plements of war used in the Philip pine Islands. FRENCH, shriner 6URNFR mericabJinest Shoes for Men- V LDehbss SDtkocbs LINCOLN MAN GIVEN Prof. R. H. Haecker Gets Honor for Work in Dairy Field. Prot. T. H. Haecker, pioneer in dairy work in Minnesota and now a resident of Lincoln, was given agriculture's highest honor Tues day, when the American Farm Bureau federation bestowed upon him its distinguished service award. Word of the honor was received from Boston, where the federation Is holding its national convention. It was given to two others also, one a man and one a woman. The honor came to the Lincoln man for his work In founding the co-operative dairy system in Min nesota. for research In livestock and co-operative marketing, and for organizing the farm creamery system which has resulted in Land o' Lakes, inc., wnich has 4uu mem ber creameries in Minnesota. Lives With Son. The first knowledge that Pro fessor Haecker had of the award came to him when he was tele phened by a Lincoln newspaper this morning. He is spending the winter in Lincoln with his son, who is secretary of the Nebraska creamery butter manufacturers as sociation. Professor Haecker was recently named one of the "Twelve Apos tles " of Minnesota for his work in feding of dairy livestock in his pioneering efforts in co-operative creameries by the late William f, Folwell, former president of the University of Minnesota in a com pilation of the history of the state. His early youth was spent on a farm ten miles from Madison, Wis., and his interest developed early in the caring for dairy cattle and bettering their production. Mr. Haecker said, "I attended the first dairy school founded in the United States at the University of Wis consin. I enrolled in the course one Monday, and the next Monday I was on the teaching staff aug menting the theoretical knowcldge of the teaching staff with my prac tical knowledge. Within four weeks after the school opened I was in vited to Minnesota to organize the dairying school there. Was Executive Clerk. "Previous to this time I had served seventeen years as execu tive clerk to the governor of Wis consin, being originally appointed by Gov. W. R. Taylor, who had a farm adjacent to ours. I was given the "grand bounce" when a democrat came into office, and thus came about the trend of events that led to my going to Minnesota. "During my first spring in Min nesota I was commissioned to make a survey of dairy conditions in the state. I found them in de plorable shape with both consum ers and producers thoroughly dis gusted. Churning plants were scattered over the state, and often times the consumer was getting a low grade price. I found this con dition prevalent until I arrived at Clarks Grove, where a plant man aged and operated by the produc ers was on a paying basis. The price obtained for their products was ten to fourteen cents higner than other farmers were getting." Developed Co-Operative. It was from this bit of informa tion that Professor Haecker, aided by the faculty of whom A. J. Mc- Guire, of the Land o' Lakes asso ciation, is now general manager, developed the, co-operative move ment. The mentioned association during 1929 shipped 738 carloads of cream, and did a business of over $50,000,000. Thus during the first part of Professor Haecker's residence in Minnesota, he spent the winter six months in the class rooms and the other six developing the creamery industry in the state. Research work in feeding and methods of obtaining the largest production from dairy cattle kept him busy. His search for new standards in milk and meat products occupied his time for twentyjseven years "Year Drug Store" New shipment, of Ladies Compacts just the thing lor parties or Xnma presents. Whitmans Chocolates The Owl Pharmacy 148 No. 14th i P Sts. Phone B 1068 That Are Decidedly Correct $ to the tasty pastry shop features the best in lincoln hotel cornhusker jj KILLIAN'S 1212 "O" i" t " '"S)'S "' Phi Gams, Fijis Throw Eggs and Amuse Selves at Annual Field Day Formlne a parade more than a block in length, the PI Gamms and Sig Alpha, Saturday cele brated the second annual field day between the two fraternities with a procession from the Phi Gamm house to the Sig Alph household and then to the stadium where the contests of the day wero held. Keith Hopewell, the Fiji challen ger, mounted upon a white plug, led the parade. The events of the afternoon starting with the parade were: the bicycle race, won by the Sig Alphs, a soccer game, also won by the S. A. E.'s and a freshman spe ciality, consisting of tossing rotten until his retirement Aug. 1, 1918, from the staff of the university. No Publicity. "My work has never been pub licized," he said, "because even aa there is opposition now to the farm board, so In those days influ ential political men in St. Paul and elsewhere opposed the estab lishment of co-operative cream eries which threatened the exist ence of their private plants. And so in a quiet way my work went on out in the stt with the farm ers, wiht the practicability of the movement proven by present re sults." The acknowledgment of his work comes in Professor Haecker's eighty-fourth year. He celebrated that birthday in May. The keen interest he takes in life, and the appearance which belies his age may be creulted to the lifelong interest he has taken in bettering the farmer s condition thru the ap plication of scientific methods to production. He feels that the farmer is ap preciative of steps taken In his behalf, but that private interests are the main obstacle to general improvements when I hey feel that their own interests may be harmed thru any advanced step. PROFESSOR OF ENTOMOL OQY DECLARES MOST PEOPLE AREN'T 'BUGGY' ENOUGH. (Continued from Page 1.) mess. No attempt is made to dis cover whether that particular type of insect is really detrimental. It may be a soort that helps to make human life itself possible." Many insects of course, Prof. Swenk. reiterated, injure growing crops and other valuable plants. Some attack and annoy man and animals and carry dangerous dis eases to them. Others destroy or depreciate the value of stored pro ducts and possessions. Produce Products. Useful products or articles of commerce, on the other hand, are produced by certain of the benefi cial insects. Many of these small forms of life act as instruments effecting pollinization. Some in sects serve as food for animals that are in turn valuable to hu mans. Still other kinds act as pre- BEST No, it doesn't cost a dime. Drop in . any time and have Maybe you'll be one of the lucky four. Some have guessed 500. Others say 4,000. WHAT DO YOU GUESS? GIELS ejected MeoEilace eggs at ten paces. This was de clared to be a draw. Besides the members of the two groups, about 100 spectators witnessed the af fair. The parade included a band, sev eral hayracks, one hearse, Cars and a tandem bicyclo. A tempor ary halt was made at the S. A. E. houoc for Uic i cubing or the chal lenge by Hopewell and its accept ance, by Thomas vanaernoor, S. A. E., from a position on the house top. Following the field events the two organizations held an ex change dinner, after which a hard times party was held at the Rose wilde. dotors upon harmful insects, and there are those that increase the fertility of the soli, or act as scav engers. "No, sir, it would do no harm for everyone to become a little more 'buggy'," Prof. Swenk con cluded. "There is something about life that few people understand. Insects, as low as they are, reveal much about that life." ALL UNIVERSITY SWIMMING MEET SET FOR TODAY The all university swimming meet will be held in the Y. M. C. A. pool this afternoon, the first Lincoln's Busy Stort Corner 11th No Wagging Tongues j An To Sketched: Oxford S Last, t y p I c a 1 ly 5 English in its lines $S . . . black or brown . . . Alpine Calfskin. Smith Smart Shoes You Can't Wear Out I heir i-ook FOR THE HOW MANY IN A Facing Campus event getting under ' way at o'clock. Any man enrolled to university la eligible for tali meet. Silver and bronze medals U1 be awarded first and second .place winners In each event, according to Rudy Voegeler, director of in tramural athletics. Wednesday Speoitf Lunch. Baktd Ham Tea -mmm. mmmm ' ttt, Prunt Pit 1 fT F W. Crtim, Any kJMVa. Drink, RECTOR'S PHARMACY 13 and P THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST BUCK'S COFFEE SHOP (FORMERLY DAVIS) SPECIAL STUDENT LUNCH J0C Hot Rolls and Drink Included A O fitraeti "Th Btat for Ltii." S3 Worry You The Mi le and puisu of Smith H Smart Shoes nre never . dis- y . , . . . i . vvh poileu uy a tongue innx wag- gles sloppily out of position. Smith smart fcnoe tongues Inniir tlioif nlnnn and ltPeT) & it . . Smith Smart Shoes arc 3 ideul for the college man . priced at 8.50-slO S3 I GOLD'S South Annex Meimnine. BOYO COLLEGE BOOK STORE TT 11DCCX i i n I