The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1930, Page THREE, Image 3
TUESDAY. DF.CKMBKR 9. 1930. Tnr n ii v ml inu Infill- a ntiuuauiijiii t SOCIETY . I i r - - i .... . ' A variety of social events will enliven the week's activities, (ircck organizations are vying with each other in staging num. tous and different, social functions, ranging from early morning breakfasts to evening parties. House parties planned by pledges as well as activities will take up the evening hours while teas mid dinners will break up the schedule and give an added zest to the formal dances. Thuli Rinma Phi Plans O Dutch Treat Dinner A dutch treat dinner wilt be given by members of Theta Sigma Phi, women's professional Journal istic sorority, Thursday evening at the University club. Pisces will be arranged for twenty. A program is being planned for the dinner which will be served at 7 o'clock. Alpha Sigs Wll Give Chanticleer Breakfast Alpha Sigma Phi will give a chanticleer breakfast dance for member, of' the fraternity and their guests from 5:30 untill 8 o'clock on Saturday morning. The chaperons for the party will be Miss Coleita Aitken, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ramsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard K. bakes. Vrhetas And Phi Psis Breakfast Together Nearly sixty Thetas and Phi Psis had a waffle breakfast to- pother at the Thi Psi house Satur day morning at 9 o'clock. The tables were decorated with small Christmas trees anl red candles. After breakfast, cards and dancing entertained until noon. Pledges Of Sigma Alpha Mu To Entertain Actives A hupe pledge pin of Sigma Alpha Mu displaying the scarlet and cream as well as the frater nity colors, purple and white, will he a feature decoration at a pledge party to be given for the active members at the chapter house Sat urday evening. Small birch pad dles cleverly engraved with the name of each guest will be dis tributed as favors during the eve ning. About thirty couples will at tvnl the dance to be chaperoned by Mr. find Mrs. C. L. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. David Zolat. The Melodians wil! play. i Delta Sigma Poi Gives Annual Sisters' Dinner Delta Sigma Phi held its annual : sisters' dinner Sundav afternoon at the chapter house. Those sisters present were Misses Dorthea Ma son. Marraret Danielson. Zelma Bloom. Mable Rosse, Helen Free- i DORMITORY PLAN IS OPPOSED BY BARB STUDENTS Continued from Page 1.) same reason. He is working his vay through school. He. too, has wo;kei part time lor his room and believes that any regulations com pelling students to reside in dormi tories would work an economic hardship upon many. He, too, re sents any infringement upon his liberties All Right for Girls. "Dormitories may be all tight fur girls," declared Arthur Krecek, an engineering college junior from Omaha. "ir:l I believe men are perfectly ahle to take care of themselves. I don't want my life to be regulated by a set of rules," he f-aid. William Taylor. Hebron, a sen ior in the school of journalism Flnted that he believed the plan was a good one, "but 1 wouldn't want to live in a dormitory my self," he said. Walter Kollmorgen. a senior in the college of arts and sricno from West Point opposed the plan because it would deprive barbs of their present state of freedom. Wouldn't Work Here. Arthur Murrary, of Bird City, Kan., a junior in the school of journalism staled that he did not briiev the dormitory plan would work at Nebraska, although it wag successful at many smaller schools. Robert McVicker, a freshman in the college of pharmacy, and Glen Morris, a first year student in the arts anci science college, both of Cozad, are opposed to the plan be cause of the regulations which it would entail. They also stated that they were satisfied with present conditions. Herbert Ron in, a junior in the arts and science college from Au rora, is very much opposed to dor mitory building. "J am decidedly against any measure," he stated, "which would curb my present lib erty of doing whatever 1 please, when 1 please." Ag Men Join Opposition. Dean Eckhoff, '31. Arcber; Leonard and Frederick Peterson, both freshmen; Walter and Steven Holcomb, also freshmen, and Kcene Ludden '31 of Surprise, all of whom are registered in the col lege of agriculture stated that they opposed dormitories. They gave lor tneir reasons the belief that the plan would lead to strict i emulation of university men, de priving them of their present state of freedom, that they did not think they would get rooms any cheaper, that the present bousing facilities were sufficient to care for all stu- Classified Want Ads Will Get h for You FOR SALE CMKR for alr. Ukr tww 1A Anco WMdr. 0.S lens. ' JM- Sell lor 129. John Baentell, 2WK) R. L71M.S. PHOTOGRAPHS JHE HAITCX BTtl'JlO. iai O Straat. E2081. Dutlnctiva iinotosrapa. AFTER ALL it's a Townsend photograph that you want j,OST An A.i.rln fiiiU-niity pin. ward, flume i:3W7. r " J LOST AND KMI U j,: He- man and Elizabeth Redfern. Pledget of D. S. L. To Give Christmas Party Fledgea of Delta Slgm Lambda will entertain active members of the chapter at a Christmas party at the chapter house Saturday eve ning. Prof, and Mrs. Daniel Hoover Harkness, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Easterday and Mrs. H. C M. Burgess will act as chaperons for the dance which nearly forty cou ples will attend. Alpha Delta Pi formally pledged Louise Wallace and Grace Wilson Saturday afternoon. At a formal dinner followirg the pledging the girls were given Godey placquea of ladies of 1851, the year war. me sorority was founded. Theta Phi Ahha will rive a pre-Christmas rummage sale Sat urday afternoon. Don Munroe. Phi Delta Theta, spent last week at the chapter house while in Lincoln on busi ness. Earl Walker, alumni, is spend inr a few davs with the Delta Sirs He plans to resume his studies at the university next semester. Theta Phi Alpha pledged Anne Loch of ralrbury and Ruth Lefers of Lincoln at the chapter nouse Saturday. Lillian Benda, alumna of Theta Phi Alpha, who is teaching at Odell, spent the week end at the home of Florence Mulligan, also a Theta Phi Alpha. Walter F. Sturek. '30. now with the Phillips Petroleum company, spent the week end at the Delta Sig house. Pledges of Theta Phi Alpha i skipped for the third time Sat urday Virginia Randall and France Lackey, both Alpha Delta Pi alum nae, were in Lincoln for tLe Mili- tary ball. dents and hence dormitories were Vf D Wimpr a senior in the school of Journalism from Burwell, is another oaro opposcu w gram of dormitory building. In ad dition to the reasons which have been given above. Wagner saia ne believed the university could spend its money for something else to a better advantage. "While I do not claim to be any authority on Lin coln real estate," Wagner said, "I believe that the price paid for a building site last year was unrea sonable. I have heard other say that it was about twice the actual value of the property," he said. Suggests New Library. "I believe we would do better to build a library or some other building on ground which the uni versity already owns, if we are go ing to construct more Dunaings. We have placed too much stress on buildings. I believe," be said. "it takes someuung more una large, beautiful buildings to make university. I favor a plan of spending any added appropriations granted tne university m an enon. to secure a stronger faculty and a higher wage scale for our present teachers." Wagner stated that very few of th rnominr houses near the cam pus were full of students and many houses were no more man half full. "The enrollment of our afhnni hn nen its vesrs of rreat- est growth," Wagner declared He pointed out mat me population oi Nebraska was increasing but slowly and that fraternities and Lincoln people had erected housing facilities which were perfectly ca pable of handling the situation for many years to come. LAW REVIEW PRINTS ARTICLE BY L. VOLD (Continued from Page 1.) wherein the short sighted human being is represented as selling his soul to the devil in return for a few years of magic power. Ac cording to Professor Void such bargains if gives unrestricted le gal operation would become an ef fective means for reducing Im provident sellers to perpetual beg gary. This is explained, In that., such parties would effectually transfer away in advance, for whatever they could get, all the produce of all their labor in the only lines of work in what they are able to make a living. In a citation of the present law on ordinary cases. Processor Void, points out that it does not give effect to such bargains as .present transfers of existing chances to acquire goods in the future which are self -operative to transfer the goods when the goods come into existence. Instead the law treats such bargains as contracts to sell which are not self-operative, but require a subsequent act of per formance by the seller after the goods have been acquired. A few exceptions which are confined to narrow limits are recognized. This, asserts Professor Void, in his article is the background for the legal questions which often ap pear in the technical form of con troversies over the validity of sales or mortgages of future crops, fu ture young of domestic animals, future machinery and equipment, or future stocks of goods which the seller or mortgager expects to acquire. Edward T. Foster, graduate In architectural engineering in t2S and bow field aegtBeer for the Omaha Steel Works, was a campus visitor ilaat week. RENT A CAR Fet-ds. lao, Owanta and Ahmm. Yvwr IwHwt Aparaciaasd MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1 120 P St. Always Open. B-eSll. It 11 ETA CHI WHS HIGH TOTAL LAURELS ConQregational Intramural Group Bowls 579 nns 10 Beat Own Score. CHI OMEGA IS SECOND Sis-ma Eta Chi last night again won first laurels when they beat their own score and increased their martin bv which they lead their nearest competitor Chi Omega team (1) from l to 63 pins. Last Friday Sigma Eta Chi were two points ahead of the Chi Omega team when they bowled 518. They are now high point team In their league and In the whole tournament with a 579 score. Mary Hance was high point girl on the team with 142, nosing out Cecelia Holllng of the Chl Omega for second place in individual scoring. scores Listed. The remainder of the scores are as follows: Phi Omega Pi (2) 86. I-X-L 2l 346. Kappa Phi (1) 42S. Kappa Alpha Theta (3) 303. Lambda Gamma 370. Delta Zeta (4) 257. " Delta Gamma (2) 297. Sigma Kappa 3P4. Kappa Delta (2 ) 404. Alpha XI Delta (1) 327. Alpha DelU PI (2) 295. Huskerettes 434. Kappa Alpha Theta (21 249. owllng Schedules. The bowling schedule for today Is: 4 te O'Clock. Gamma Phi Beta (2) vs. Alpha Chi Omega (2). Phi Mu (II vs. Ksppa Kappa Gamma (2). Phi Omega Pi (1) vs. Alpha Kappa Alpha. Nergettes vs. Alpha Delta Pi (1). S to O'Clock. Dorm A (11 vs. DelU Zeta (3) Phi Mu (2) vs. Alpha Omicron PI (2). Chi Omega (4 vs. Huskerettes. Wednesday 4 to S O'Clock. Alpha DelU TheU (2) vs. Chi Omega (2). Pi BeU Phi (2) vs. Theta Phi Alpha. S to O'Clock. Alpha Xi DelU (1) vs. Sigma Delta Tau. DelU Gamma (2) vs. Kappa Phi (2. Kappa DelU (1) vs. Alpha Chi Omega (1). Huskerettes vs. DelU Gamma (4). , Nebraska tall Schedule. Tuesday at S O'Cleck. Alpha Xi Delta vs. ZeU Tau Alpha. Kappa Phi vs. Chi omega. Wednesday at S O'Clock. LEWIS SWINDLER, A YOUTH .FROM TULSA, MAKES WAY THROUGH SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1.1 teacher, who spent the early years of his life in slavery wanted Swingler to attend the Fisk and Walden school for negros in Nashville, Tenn. He himself was a graduate of Fisk. Oklahoma, also, maintains a state college for negros at Langston, where about 2,000 students are snroUed. (Negros are not permitted to at tend the university or okianoma. ) When asked why he chose t come to Nebraska, Swingler re plied that he did not attend any of the negro colleges because of the inferior facilities which they offered. He pointed out that only 2 per cent of the money appro priated for educational purposes in Oklahoma goes to the support of negro schools. He declared that he had experienced very lit tie racial discrimination at Ne braska and had been treated farlly by all members of the uni versity faculty. Finishes Course in June. Swingler has not taken full time work in the university on account of his part tints employ ment and consequently five years were required to complete the course of study which ordinarily Ukes but four. He will he grad uated in June. Swingler is pres ident of Alpha Phi Alpha, one of the negro fraternltltes on tne campus and chairman of the ra cial commission r? the T. M. C. A. Me is active in T. M. C. A. work, Since early youth he has al ways been interested In church work and dulng three years of his high school career he was superintendent of the Sunday school of the negro Baptist church of Tulsa. At present he is president of the B. T. P. U. of the Mount Zion Baptist church in Lincoln. Since he has to work Cunday mornings he is unable to attend Sunday school and morn ing worship at present Swingler is a correspoodanl for the Kansas City CaS, a negro weekly. The field of journalism offers broad opportunities to negro journalisU, according to Swingler. At present mere are no negro dailies but there are prospects of founding one in cities containing large negro pop ulations, such as Chicago, Detroit. and Atlanta. Changed Course. When he first enUred college Swingler intended to study law. but when he saw the many oppor tunities which the journalistic field offered he changed his course. However, he has not given up hia desire to study law and cxpecU to enroll in the law college after he has spent several years sMewi- Get Her Something to Wear by Neily Don! ( , Smock. rroeU. Aprons 1X0 3.tS Soci'al Calendar Wednesday, Deo. 10. ftanhamora commission. Christ mas dinner party at Ellen Smith bail. Thursday, Dee. 11. Panhellenic tea at Ellen Smith hall. Thata Slsma Phi Dutch treat dinner at University club. Friday, Dee, 12. Delta Upsllon formal dance Corn- husker hotel. Phi Gamma Delta formal dance, Lincoln hotel. Phi Alpha Delta formal dance, Unconl hotel. Kaona Alpha Theta pledge party at chapter house. Saturday, Dec. 13. DelU Sigma'Lambdahouse party. Aloha Delta Pi formal dance, Cornhusker hotel. Sigma Nu pigge dinner, chapter house. Phi Kappa formal dance, Lin coln hotel. Phi Kappa Psi house party. Siama Alpha Mu pledge party at chapter house. Delta Sigma Phi house pariy. Alnha Sis-ma Phi 5:30 o'clock breakfast dance at chapter house. paper work and saved some money to finance ms course. After four years of working his war through school. Swingler says that he has no regrets. He doubts that a whiU person entering scnooi under ue same nanaicaps wmcu he did would have had an easier time. "I realise." he said, "that shining shoes is the lowest, most menial type of work one could en gage In, but one should not look with ukinct UDon anv iob which enables him to earn a living and at the same time nnance nis educa tion." OILMAN WRITES OF CUS TOMS OF NEW ZEALAND PEOPLE (Continued from Page 1.1 Gilman remarks that the citizens are very haughty to Americans. "No one has a word for you. Thev are stiff, conservative. They object to the fact that American products flood the market ana that the United SUtes tariff ex cludes their own commodities. They are starting a campaign: Buy New Zealand and untisn made goods. Oilman eventuallv left Welling ton and went to Lyttleton on the south island, where he first sUyed at the Y. M. C A. ana nnaiiy moved to th; place from which he wrote the letter. The district is very peaceful and reminds one of stories of dreamy tugnsn vil lages. The cost of living is very diun. At noon, the entire popula tion journeys to the river bank to lunch. Everyone rides nicycies. visits Americans. Gilman called on the Rawletts, the family of an American electri cal engineer who has lived out there for about twenty-five years. That ha rained a rood example of life at home. Tea was very much in evidence as a beverage. The New Zeaianders seemed to dc of the opinion that Americans nnt thir time fis-htin? Mexi cans, galloping horses around the plains and running peer, i ne peo ple are all very fond of England, and though many have never been ther and are about as far from there s they will ever be. they still refer to England as "Dome. ine speech Is also very queer, even though many American expres sions are used. Gilman is. how ever, quickly identified as an American. He planned to sail Nov. 18 on the "Niairra" for Honolulu, and ex pressed the hope that he will meet people more like himself as ne wiu I ; nearer home. ROD LA ROQUE PRAISES UNIVERSITY TRAINING FOR PERSONS WHO DE SIRE TO GO ON STAGE OR SCREEN (Continued from Page 1) after the tour of the United States thev would spend the summer in London featuring "Cherries Are Ripe." Following the stage produc tion it is probable that they will mV a taikla of it and average the sentUnent of their some nine hundred audiences in producing it. ha aaid. He t raised faichlv the rhrHp work of Georpe K. Ar- liss, who be declared followed the same plan. He lamented the appar ent stupidity of some of the unde sirable material things which ac company stardom, saving that his chief joy ana rewara came m i r,laaura of his work. In a jovial manner he recalled his first appearance on tne stage at the age of seven in the old l,vrtim theater in Duluth where he played with Willard Mack. As the prompter tapped on the door calling a live minute warning, jar, ljiRvi!i closed his visit, declar ing that of all the pictures he had made ne most enjoyea wonting uj the "Giglio," "Resurrection" and the "Ten Commandments. BIG SIX ADOPTS RULE FORBIDDING FRESHMEN GAMES A etar vntJna- net-mission for each Big Six team to play nine games next I ail in oroer wai tvansas mirht be riven a place on the arhadule. the facultv represents Lives of the Big Six decided to abolish all extramural iresnman rifintlt ir.fl . A further proposal that the con ference follow the example of the Big Ten in placing ' teams in th field was deferred until 'the next meeting at Norman, Okla homa in Marcn. ine commiun fiir-thitr wtrt1 that no Biz Six ahnni aha.n schedule rames with institutions which have been E OH ALL BATTERIES (New Home Northwest Corner 17th and N) PROMPT DZLIVY ON RENTALS WESTERN STORAGE BATTERY CO. 1-S391 WITlari LINCOLN, NIBE. Basketball Results GAMES PLAYED MONDAY. Clase A. Phi Kappa won from Phi Delta Theta by forfeit. Alpha TheU Chi and Phi slgma Kappa tie with soore of 23 points eseh after six extra periods of play. Alpha Gamma Nho wen from Lambda Chl Alpha 32 te 13. Sigma Phi Sigma wen from Alpha Tau Omega 13 to 11. Dtlta Phi Gamma won from Sigma Alpha Mu 22 to 12. Dela Upsllon won from Theta XI 25 to 2. Kappa Sigma won from Delta Sigma Lambda 27 te 16. ta Sigma Psi won from ZeU Beta Tau 20 to 19. Delta Tau Delta won from Pi Kappa Phi 21 to 9. dropped from the North Central Association or uoueges. The action on freshman games came after tte directors of athlet ics at member schools have peti tioned for the right to play three yearling contests instead of the two that have been permitted the last two years. DELAWARE U OFFERS F( Course Provides Students May Spend Year in French Schools. Delaware foreign studv bureau. in a communication to Dean J. E. iRmimol'a office recentlv. an nounced the pis us of its operation for the present academic year. The plan nas Deen in operation ior several vears. but a few changes have been instigated. The plan is lorwaraea tnrougn the financial aid of the service cit nf Delaware. It was insti gated because of the recognized need or tne service or citizens oi the United States who are thor oughly versed in foreign social, economics and political conditions Such a need is oecommg more ur gent, according to the announce ment, because of the ever growing foreign relations of the United SUtes. Good Standing Reauired. iTridersraduate studenU in good standing from any university in the United States which is recog nised in the list of the Association of American Universities are eli gible. It was announced that stu dents in their Junior year were preferred as candidates for the year oi study in irance. The year of study is accom niuherf under strict supervision. The time consumed is approxi mately one calendar year, starting on July 1. A twelve weeks' sum mar jukn berins at the Univer- site de Nancy during the latter part of July. Tne session is spent in the stulv of rhonetics, gram mar, and the Fiench language In general. Study In Paris. Foilowine- the summer session in October, comes the regular term or eignt montns. i ms term nnt at the Universite de Paris and the Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques where a varied program of studies, including literature, hiutorv. e-eoerachv. philosophy, ec onomics and other studies are of fered the foreign student. The reg ular form of instruction is fol Formal lectures are riven which are supplemented with out- i r - 1 J I side reading ana miornuu uiw-mr ainn prnuTtS- The foreign study opportunities are open to ootn men ana wome tndent. The students live in pri- vmt FYpTirh homes, and thereby are subjected to a typical French atmosphere, women stuaeuia ix required to comply with the strict mls made necessarv bv the more strict, rules of convention which are in vogue in France. Must Speak French. Applicants must know the French language, must nave an ntitiirfa fnr fnreie-n lanruares. and mint be acauainted with a reasonable number of French books. Such studenU must have a strong character, excellent schol arship nleaslnr personality, and must be fit to represent his college and his nation ravoraDiy. ine stu dent must nied re himself to con sistently use the French language during his wnoie year ra r ranee, and must agree to accept the su- nmrUlnn and authoritV Of the Delaware foreign study bureau in France. Application blanks for admis sion may be ODtainea irom tne ec NEW I Crested Ring Pullman Sets j Leather Billfold j Cigarette Case For Him Bracelet Ring Vanity Doraine Jewel Box For Her IIALLETT Eitb. 1871 117 So. 12 SERVICE Battenei 1646 N INTRAMURAL SPORTS BASKETBALL Games listed below are to be played tonight (To day). CLASS B. League I. Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Alpha Tau Omega, Court 1, 7:00. Sigma Phi Sigma vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Court 1, 7:20. League II. Theta XI vs. Phi Kappa. Court 1, 8:20. Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, Court 1, S.40. Pi Kappa Phi vs. Acacia, Court 2, 7:00. League III. Delta Sigma Phi vs. Phi Kappa Psi, Court 2. 7:20. League IV. DelU Upsllon vs. DelU Sigma Lambda, Court 2, 8:20. Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Kappa Sigma, Court 2, 8:40. League V. Sigma Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi, Court 3, 7:00. Alpha Sigma Pui vs. Delta Tau Delta, Court 3, 7:20. Professional Fraternity League. Phi Alpha DelU vs. Xi Psi Phi. Court 3, 8:40. DelU TheU Phi vs. Delta Sigma Delta, On Stage. 7:00. Alpha Chl Sigma vs. Omega Beta Pi, On Stage, 7:20. CLASS A. The following games have been postponed until Dec IS: Delta Chl vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Delta Sigma Phi vs. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon, Sigma Chi vs. PI Kappa Alpha and Theta Chi vs. BeU Theta PV. This was made necessary by the conflict with the water polo schedule. retary of the foreign study com mittee. University of Delaware, Newark. Del. New Type of Deer Is Prepared for Museum Paul McGrew has lust finished a panel mounting of a new type of fossil deer found by himself and the museum field party south of Valentine last summer. This deer Is new to the experts, and has peculiar flat horns over Its eyes. It is smaller than an ordinary goat. It will be placed on exhibit as a part of the collection or Hec tor Maiben. who has been a donor to the Morrill hall museum. 10 10 $200,000 A YEAR Committee On Militarism Advocates That Drill Be Made Optional. IOWA CITY, la. More than $200,000 is spent every year in J militarv training in the University of Iowa and Iowa State college, j the Iowa committee on militarism i reported Dec. 2. The committee f alan rannrted that 2 .VK Iowa COl- ? lege studenU are Uking compul sory military orui tnree tiroes a j week under the instruction of j fortv-four regular army officers and enlisted men. Since the defense act of tne i sUte does not require compulsory j militarv train inr. the committee advocates that it be made optional, j letting tnose mterestea tane uic course for credit, but not requiring i it for c-raduation as is done under the present system. The objec- i tlons given oy tne committee wt that it is of no physical value. I Ht7 littW training that would be of value in lime of war. instills a millUristlc attitude into tne minus of some of the youths required to taka it and leads them to depend upon the military method of set tling disputes. University Prints Prinier of racls Th TTniveraitv of Nebraska has published a "Primer of Facts" to , r : 1 , J t VahMclra fay. DC aiatnuutcu i,tuiwn payers telling of the organization of the university, student enroll ment finance, faculty, athletics, student life and buildings, it ex niaina what the university costs the Individual taxpayer and dis cusses some of the needs of the schools. Only Ziegfeld Could Produce This Show! With iU 100 gloriiied girls goi-e-ecoaly coatumed! WHh Gaorge Olson and his band! With Eddie Cantor, the pop-eyed come dian! With aerea aoo sjiiI dance hlta, tocludlna; "Making Whoopee!" A full-nedged laugh carnival with an "It" caat! Spectacular ensembles, sur geon scenes and sets! Direct from the New Amster dam Theater, where it dai sied New York audiences lor s solid year! NOW PLAYING Lincoln HOUSE of HITS f'-f fJlOTCt)z z,'e2felcJ U fJ Samuel Goldwqn . X g$r EDDIE S I CANTOR p IZiegfelds Musical Hit )i 1 'WHOQPEE" f " 01 Z"'clT Jroadwa, Beaul jfe- l" echmcolor! Jy ANCIENT AX FOUND. The worn and rusted blad of a. broad-ax used by Pierre Borahlieo who setled near Julian hv 1953 has been given to the Nebraska State Historical society museum by Al fred Aldnch of Auburn, The eye of the ax which fits around the handle ' is peculiarly twisted to make a hewing instrument out of the blade. The ax will be added to a number of other historical in struments Mr. Aldrich has donated to the society. When fifteen studenU at Iowa SUte college entered a nutrition class and discovered that It con-, cerned itself only with the theory of cooking, they demanded a re vision of the course. The author-, ities installed a laboratory in which the male cooks could ex periment to their hearts' content. Edgar J. Boschult, assistant pur chasing agent of the university addressed a meeting of the profes sional chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma, chemistry fraternity, at Kansas City this week end. Mr. Boschult is district councillor of the fraternity. r I ? Tuesday Special Lunch Baked Beant , Bread and Butter FT Cold Pork XJJa Any 5c Drink W RECTOR'S PHARMACY 1 and P 'SjSt'MtM l IMP - 'y . IT a a r at r a a a e k atacaa I aad thrttfe. I W'llian Haines Remote Control STAGE BROADUS EARLE The Boy Musical Prodigy SIDNEY PAGE oV CO. with Petite Marie Peggy Earle I VMBiaBBBaBBBBBBBSMaBBBMBsaiaaBSBBBBlBBBBBBBSBBSBMBaVSBSSBSaBH id in No. ! j . . I j Cartoon j j v -. ' p 12 to 1 S ' J ) V s