The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1930, Page TWO, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Station A, Lincoln, MtDraska
Published Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Sunday morning during th academic yaar.
KntereC aa acond-elass matter at tha postoffies in
Lincoln, Ksbresks, under act f eenoress, March S, U7t,
and at apeelM rat at eoitaos provided tar In section
1101 act of October S, 117, authorised January 50, 122.
Undar direction of tha Student Publication Board
M yaar Single Copy cant S1-8S a semester
i a yaar mallad B1.7S aamaiter mailed
Editorial Office University Hall 4.
ualnaaa Office University Hall 4A.
Telephones Oayi B-M1 Night: B-68at, S1A3 (Journal)
Ask for Nsbr.tskan editor.
William T. McCleory Edltor-ln-chief
Manaln Editors
Robert Kaily
.Elmont Walta
Nawa Bdltera
Arthur Mitchell
Euaana McK'm
Francaa Holyoke
William MeAaffln..
Sport Ed'to'
Woman'! Sport Editor
....Society toitor
Guy Craig
Eva! vn aimpoon. ..
Barenlac Hoffman
Chanta Lawlor Actina Bualnaaa Manager
Aaalatant Bualnaaa Managara
Ksrmas C.aWwr Jack Thompson
Edwin Faulfcner Harold Kub
TW4. auv a laaiaaaata fa
Tka Wiaaaaaa rrsas
advara4ac br
Will Greeks
Play Santa Claus?
Although the Nebraska weather man is play
ing spring songs on his fickle flute, Christmas
is onjv a few weeks away. Hard times and
unemployment will make it pitifully impossible
for scores of Lincoln parents to make the ule
lide a time of cheer and happiness.
Hundreds of innocent, scrawly letters to
Santa Claus will go unanswered.
Here is an excellent opportunity for Univer
sal t of Nebraska fraternities and sororities to
gladden a host of childish hearts and lighten
the burden for many poverty-stricken parents.
It is not too early for Greeks to arrange Christ
mas parties for poor children.
"We do not claim any credit for the plan,
since many fraternities and sororities have
been entertaining children at Christmas time
for many years. Our hope is that more of the
social organizations will help to answer those
letters to Santa Claus. Enemies of the fra
ternity system are quick to gobble up any
publicity" dealing with the misbehavior of
Greek-letter groups, but few are. aware that
these organizations have opened their doors in
the past to urchins of all colors and races, giv
ing them toys, candy and a flesh-and-blood
Santa Claus.
One who has witnessed a fraternity or soror
ity party for little children mar wonder
whether the collegians themselves do not derive
more enjoyment from the affairs than the
urchins. "We have seen sober, serious Phi Beta
Kappa prospects leading colored waifs around
the carpeted expanses of their fraternity
houses. Husky athletes fumble with toy trains
for the apparent benefit of the chil 1 who has
received such a gift. Big shots from the ac
tivity field have the time of their busy lives
with the five-year-old members of families
that are stone broke.
This is the Christmas.spirit. Holiday dances
cannot compare with these simple, spontaneous
parties for actual enjoyment. Fraternities and
sororities will be foolish to paas up this oppor
tunity to see a flock of kids, poorly-dressed,
beaming in childish thankfulness for their
The Lincoln Community chest provides a
medium through which social secretaries may
invite a number of needy children to their holi
day celebrations. Toys that will thrill the
Juvenile guests magnificently can be purchased
ior almost nothing. Christmas is a time for
generosity and goodwill. It is so easy for the
Greeks; it means so much to the guests.
Colleges Compete
With Correspondence Schools
Seniors are applying for their degrees this
week, contemplating graduation in January or
June. We wonder what the precious label is
going to mean to thousands of young men and
women who will be ushered ceremoniously out
of colleges and universities this year.
Will Oswald Jones, A. B., have a distinct
advantage over just plain Oswald Jones?
Would he have had a better chance to be suc
cessful if he had plunged into the icy world
after graduation from high school? Or has
his four-year stay in a "cultural" institution
endowed him with the priceless elements which
will enable him to forge steadily on to some
dream goal?
if any cf the black-rofccd graduates may have
learned how to balance books, write news
stori?s, teach fourth graders or survey pas
tures. They might have a better grasp of these
routine tasks if they had spent their four years
in the school of experience, University of Life.
It seems logical, then, to assume that actual
culture, a background of true education, is the
justification of colleges. Universities which
'onetntrate their energies upon giving students
1 lie inside dope on money-making are compet
ing with -correspondence schools.
If I were advising a college juurualisi upon
lfi course, 1 would tell him to get the cultural
things and slight the classes which claim to
instruct him in writing news stories, features,
or headlines," declared a newspaper man in the
convention hall of a professional college fra
ternity recently.
This applies to other lines of study. Maga
zines are crammed with coupons and tdvertis
ing guaranteeing knowledge on special subjects
in a few simple, easy, learn-at-home lessons.
One who attends an institution of higher learn
ing should absorb something more intrinsically
valuable than specialized information.
' Perhaps it is too late to advise the class of
31. Other classes, however, will make the
same mistakes. They will spend four years
and a neat sum of money learning things that
th business man might pay to teach theni.
When colleges forget that, they must show
dollars and cents return on their labeled grad
uates they will be more useful to society, more
helpful in advancing culture and civilization.
tut Down the
Football Overhead!
Before the shook of Nebraska's $10,000 de
cline in football receipts has blown oyer, we
call attention to a spirts article which appeared
recently in the Nebraska Daily News-Press.
The "Aftermath" columnist, has some perti
nent suggestions concerning the unpleasant
plight of the Nebraska athletic department.
"It is hoped that the university's intramural
sports program will not be cut. one i tne
greatest evils of collegiate athletic depart
ments is that their programs do not include
enough students, but tend to eliminate all ex
cept the favored few who are able to make the
first string," declares the outstnto journalist.
"Under Conch Schulte, for the most part, a
program has been worked out at Nebraska
whereby anyone Mho cares to participate in
athletics may do so. Games, competitive in
nature, are conducted throughout the vcar
for fraternity and nonfraternily nun ami
women. That program is just gaining univer
sity interest at the school and it would bo a
shame to curtail it in its infancy.
0 o o
"Rather it would seem that expenses in ihej
department could be clipped and do less
harm." The Nebraska City paper refers here
to the football department, striking a signifi
cant point. The article continues:
"For instance, expensive coaches could be
eliminated and replaced with men who d not
demand quite such high salaries; the "first j
team' prohablv could play just as good foot-1
ball or basketball without expensive parapher
nalia that has become a part of every college
athletic department, and it might not be work
ing a hardship on the player if he were asked j
to outer a game without his customary brand
new, spic-and-span outfit." i
o o a
It is unusual to find a columnist commenting !
in this manner, favoring the whittling down of ,
llie iooiunu e. jr nui iui . .'iiii'ii "i inr huir,
glamor that has come to the grid game may
be traced 1o sports writers who depend upon it
for their bread and butler. The influence of
football and packed stadiums extends far be
yond the walls of the university ilself.
Most citizens and many students would be
appalled to know the sum of money that is
spent on a football coaching staff alone. To
assert that these highly paid specialists are
employed to improve the health and physique
of college students is evidently absurd. Of
course we must grant the argument thai fool
ball helps to provide physical facilities for .
many students who do not participate in Ihe!
pigskin game itself. j
But when an athletic department slashes the ,
intramural and physical education program be
cause the football turnslile has not yielded ilsj
expected receipts, it is slicing dangerously near '
the football throat. I
a o a
The Nebraska City columnist also objects to :
the high price of Cornhuskcr games. ;
"The spectator, no matter whether he is a '
rabid fan or just one of us who likes football, j
isn't going to put up $3 for games that used'
to be seen for $2, without selling up a h wl." j
He believes that some of 1he slump may be I
attributed to this price-boosting, for fans were '
discouraged from watching the searlet-jcrseyod ,
sons of Nebraska do their stuff when the taxj
w as $3. i
Former Coed lias
Regular Wedding,
Though in Russia
What we really need is more fraternity
breakfasts for sorority girls. The poor things
probably crave some nourishment if their
meals are as bad as they report.
Russian marriages? , Well, they
ought to be pretty revolutionary
nowadays. And they are. The cou
ple sign the dotted line for a nomi
nal sum and a mere matter of rec
ord. They can unsijm for the same
considerations. Which is precisely
the way things should be in the
U. S. S. R.
A former Nebraska coed appar
ently didn't agree that things
should be like that over there, or
else she didn't think she ought to
be in Russia. Still she was in the
very heart of the vodka country,
and wanted to get married. This
is how she solved the matter, ac
cording to an invitation that got
by the bolshevik secret service: "
"Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cowan an
nounce the nmrriage of their
daughter Helen Irene to Mr. Cecil
W. Means on Wednesday, .Novem
ber twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred
and thirty. Tcter Paul Lutheran
cathedral. Moscow, Russia."
In the lower left hand corner of
the invitation, which looks just as
if it had been engraved fight her
in Lincoln, is a note in small char
acters: , . ...
"At home after. November thir
tieth, Otrada. Russia.''"
So it's quite plain', that women
have their way the world over.
Miss Cowan or Mrs. Means
was graduated from Albion high
school in 1921. She enrolled at the
university the following fall, and
graduated with a B.- F. A. from
arts and sciences in June, 1926.
She majored in dramatics.
English Professor Finds
Poet Interesting In
Three Ways.
Browning is the most interesting
of all poets," Dr. Will T. Hale, of
the University of Indiana English
department declared recently in a
lecture to students studying "'Life
Views of Great Men of Letters."
"Browning is interesting . for
thiee reasons: the variety of char
acters in his poetry, his . liberal
point of view and his ideas," Mr.
Hale said. He explained that
Browning sympathetically inter
preted all kinds of people, including-
the poor, the rich and the ar
tistic. "Browning could interpret
in a kind, friendly and sympathetic
manner ideas with which be did
not airree," Dr. Hale declared. Al
though he himself was a Conpre
gationalist, his most intellectual
character is a Catholic Pope in
"The Ring and the Book," the
speaker explained.
"One of Browning's interesting
ideas was that of heaven as :
place where one progresses for
ever." Dr. Hale stated. Other
ideas expressed in his poems are
the beliet in love at first sight,
that love is its own reward, love is
the only good thing in the worla
and tnat true love is always re
warded. In the last idea stated.
Erowning believed that the lover
had all eternity in which to suc
ceed, it was explained. .
"Browning believed in the sj rit
ual value of u:ertainty," Dr. Hale
said. The fine thing about this
world is that it is a place of de
cision by which we develop.
Browning thougnt that life "is a
glorious chance for splendid peo
ple to rise, and equally aa good a
rhance for others to fall," Dr. Hale
Eastern College Students
Will Meet in New York
During Vacation.
NEW YORK. Students from
two-score eastern colleges and
universities will gather at the
Union Theological seminary in
New York City, on Dec. 29 and SO,
to consider from various angles
the. problem of unemployment, iU
causes and possible cures. The
League for Industrial Democracy,
112 East Nineteenth street, will
sponsor the conference which will
bring together leading authorities
in the field of economics and soc
iology as speakers and discussion
Within a few days of the New
York conference, the Chicago - of-,
f ice, of the league will sponsor, a
conference which is expected to at
tract student . from . midwestern
and western colleges. The Chicago
conferees, on Jan. 2, 3 and 4, will
try to answer the question, "What
Happens to College Radicals?"
The subject as announced la, "The
Radical Fadeout. Can liberalism
Survive Graduation?". .
Will Discus Unemployment. ..
The frrst session of the New
York conference, .to be held at 10
o'clock Monday, Dec. 29. will hear
Benjamin Marsh, executive direc
tor of the Peoples Lobby, and
Clinch Calkins, author of "Some
Folka Won't Work," discuss tha
extent and effects of tinemploy
ment, Howard Westwood of Col
ombia will preside. The afternoon
session, at 2 o'clock, will hear A. J.
Muste, dean of the faculty of
Brookwood Labor college, and
Colston E. Warne, of Amherst, on
"Types and Causes of Unemploy
ment." Charlotte Tuttle of Vassar
will be in the chair. Monday eve
ning the students will be guests
for supper at the home of Norman
Thomas, codirector of the league.
Having canvassed the causes,
extent and types of unemployment,
on Tuesday the conference will
turn its attention to a considera
tion of "Immediate Remedies for
U n e m p 1 oyment," Charlotte E.
Carr, industrial .consultant of the
Charities Organization society,
and Dr. Harry W. Laidler, codirec
tor, with Mr. Thomas of the
league, will be the speakers.
Paul Bianshard to Speak.
At the afternoon session, begin
ning at 2 o'clock, Paul Bianshard,
writer and executive director of
the city affairs committee, and
Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch will
discuss "A New Society Where
Economic Security is Assured."
Joel Seidman of Johns Hopkins
will preside at the morning session,
while Martha Stanley of Smith
will preside at the afternoon meet
ing. William Mellish, and Riva
Stocker of Vassar will lead the dis
cussion at the afternoon session.
The conference will close with a
supper meeting Tuesdav of dele
gates to discuss organization of '
college, liberal and radical groups j
and suggest activities to direct at- I
tention toward the unemployment j
crisis. Peter Nehemkis, president
of the Intercollegiate Student
Council of the league, will preside.
Interpol in Interracial
Work of Y3I.C.A. Grows
Daily Xebraskan
lias Setr Lost and
Found Department
New organization of tht
classified advertising depart
ment of Tho Dally Nebraskan
and tho lost and found depart
ment have been completed by
Charles Lawlor, business man
ager. Alt goods which were found
and turned into Mr. 8elleck's
office have been transferred to
The Daily Nebraskan office
where they may be claimed
upon identification. Any ar
ticles which are found and
turned Into the office will be
returned to the finder in sixty
days if they are not claimed.
Janitors from the various
buildings on the campus will
turn in all articles found, to the
Ruth Raber, Jean Rathburn and
Bereniece Hoffman will be In
charge of the new department.
Gopher Dean Says Military
Training Not Suited
To Colleges.
MINNEAPOLIS. M i n n. Vari
ous phases of compulsory military
drill again are drawing fir at col
leges chartered under the land
grant plan throughout the entire
Dean K. M Freeman of the Uni
versity of Minnesota recently ex
pressed some theories which have
created a great deal of discussion
on the Gopher campus.
Dean Freeman believes that
compulsory military training has
very little value because it has not
been properly adapted to college
"The United States must train
men along scientific lines if it is to
realize the fullest advantage from
compulsory training in military
science and tactics," Dean Free
man said recently.
A series of editorials in the Har
vard Crimson, student publication
at Harvard university, is continu
ing to attack the present policy or
military training in American col
leges as opposed to the purpose of
Payment of Officers Hit.
Attractive uniforms, polo teams,
coed majors, parades, bands and
credits are beld out as bait, ac
cording the editorials, which
complain against the system of
paying the officers and giving
them university credits. The sys
tem now in use is a propoganda
tool, they charge.
From the west coast, too, come
reports of dissension over forced
drill, with the system being at
tacked and defended at the Uni
versity of Washington, Oregon !
university and the University of I
Southern California.
Students of the University of
Minnesota will have an oppor
tunity to air their grievances con
cerning the present system of re
quired drill before a group of St.
Paul clubwomen Feb. 13.
Dean Announces a Sweeping
Investigation Will Be
Made of All Sports.
BERKELEY, Calif. Under ad
mlnistrative guidance a sweeping
Investigation into all phases of in
tercollegiate athletics is now tak
ing place at the University of Cal
ifornia. Announcement of this In
vestigation waa made recently by
Thomas M. Putnam, dean of men
at California.
The inauirv is the result of a
decision revealed two weeks ago ia
a telegram sent to Proressor H.
wniett of the Universitv of South
ern California, by Dean Putnam,,
in which he declared that it was
hoped that a similar investigation
would be taken by other Pacific
Coast universities.
"In view of the publicity given
to alleged subsidization of athletes
in cnoference institutions. I be-
lieve it would be best for all con
cerned to make thorough investi
gations of their own institutions.
I Complete Inquiry Will Cover Sev- ,
eral Weeks.
"The University of California
j wishes to place itaelf on record as
intending to do this and trusts that
I the other members of the confer-
i ence will cooperate with it."
rvan Putnam stated that the in
vestigations will extend over a
number of weeks if not months.
He said that steps are now being
taken by the administration to
study the situation and gather in
formation, while the A. S. U. C
executive committee also laid plans
for an inquiry into athletic con
ditions. At this meeting last Tuesday
night the executive committee au
thorized the appointment of a pri
vate investigating committee,
which will operate in the name of
the Association Student. In order
to protect the members of this
committee, their names were not
The purpose of the investiga
tion will be to suggest construc
tive changes, if needed, in order
to improve the athletic situation
both on the campus and in inter-
collegiate competition.
Dr. Charles Fordyce. teachers
college, will address the university
men's class at St. Paul's Metho
dist church, 1144 M street, on "The
Secret of a Virile Manhood" Sun
day, Dec. 14, at 9:45 a. m. The
meeting is open to all men.
"Your Drug Store"
New ahipment of Ladiea Compart
1um Ihe thinf tor parties er
Xmaa prwents.
Whltmnt Chocolates
The Owl Pharmacy
148 No. 14th A P Sta. Phone B 106S
4 Big Order
Did B. M. (I., who complains of lack of liie
games on Nebraska's home schedule in 1'Jol
ever hear of the word avaricious? Did he ever
hear it applied to football, and athletic direc
tors in particular? .Maybe not. Therefore, let
us tell him a few things.
First, let us set out the difficulty of gelling
nationally known teams to play Nebraska here.
We will ask him only one question in doing
this. Why should Notre Dame, for example,
come In Nebraska where the stadium will s-at
only 40,000 people, and get some 90,000 at the
outside as their share of the gate reeeipls. when
they can play Chicago university and lake far
less chance of losing, and at the same time get
some such sum at $200,000?
That, in brief, represents the attitude of ath
letic managers toward playing the ('ornhusk
ers in Lincoln. The long trip, with its result
ant loss of physical energy on the part of the
players and its great expenses, is another
factor which deters many eastern and Big Ten
teams from scheduling Nebraska here. Any of
(hem will schedule the C'ornhuskers at their
home, where they can take the lion's share of
the revenue and run less chance of losing.
Nebraska is unfortunate in being located so
far away from other large universities, but.
why blame that cn the athletic department or
director? Js it his fault Nebraska has a repu
tation of upsetting invaders? Is it his l';uilt
that the Corn buskers do not play in a thickly
populated section of the country, where 100,000
persons can be assembled for any gridiron
affair which promises any thrills whatsoever?
Then, f.o, let B. M. (i. take a look at the
teams on the Nebraska home schedule. Okla
homa the team that beat the 1930 Cornhusk
ers, 20 to 7. Kansas always a tough apple to
pick. Iowa with her golden clad Haw keyes
who defeated the Huskers 12 to 7 this year.
Iowa State a team the Huskers defeated by a
bare two points, 14 to 12.
How about it? Do not the scores show that
the Biblemen of 1931 are in for a tough season
as it isf In fact, these teams are just as strong
as many of the more noteworthy, which B. M.
G. feelg are so important. The fact that son;e
of these "big" teams have had a little more
ballyhoo than others in this region does not
make them a bit better.
If Nebraska can pull what she has in 1931,
the football crew will have completed a man
sired order, and don't let B. M. 0. forget it.
A. M.
Former Indent-Heads
Psychology Research
Arthur Jersild. '24, who received
A. B. and A. M. degrees in psy
chology from the University of
Nebraska, is now in charpe of
child psychology research in the
teachers college of Columbia uni
versity, according to word received
by Di. E. L. Hinman.
In a letter to Dr. Hinman, Dr.
Jersild expressed appreciation for
the work he received at the uni
versity. He obtained a Ph. D. de
gree in psychology at Columbia
university, served as an instructor
in Barnard college for one year,
and as assistant professor in psy
chology at the University of Wis
consin last year.
Increasing interest is being!
manifested in the interracial pro-
grams of the university Y. M. C. j
A., according to C. D. Hayes, gen- i
eral secretary. Saturday evening,
the committee of the association
beaded by Lewis Swingler, sent
Ben Hill and W. E. Kaplan to the
Christian church at Valparaiso to
speak at a church supper.
Next Sunday evening a quartet,
Pahio Hill, negro soloist, and Ben
Hill, negro speaker, will be on the
interracial program at the Second
Presbyterian church at Twenty
sixth and P streets. The program
will be held at the 5 o'clock Ves
pers service.
(lain pus League of Women
Voters to Meet Dec. 11
Lucille Iedwilh to
Jjeak at Ag Vesper
Vesper services Jill be hfcld on
the agricultural campus tomorrow
noon in the home economies build
ing at 12:20 o'clock. .Lucille Ledr (
with, who attended the regional
conference in Kansas during theH
past summer, will .speak on that
Engineering Students
Make Plans or Tour
Ninety-nine students iu the -college
of engineering have signified
their intention ol going on the
Kansas City engineering inspec
tion trip during the spring recess
in April. With the exception of
students in architectural engineer
ing, all students in the college
muut take an inspection trip dur
ing their junior or senior years in
the university. A number, how
ever, take the trips both years.
Two teeth of mammoths have
been found recently and turned
over to the university museum. Al
vin Kleeb. university student,
found erne ten feet underground
while he was digging a cistern on
a farm twelve miles northeast of
Broken Bow. The tooth weighed
fifteen pounds. Dr. A. Parsons of
Valley found another one to the
Marion Brown sandpit eat - and
one-half miles southeast of Valley.
Christmas meeting of the League
of Women Voters will be a general
meeting on Dec. 10 in Ellen Smith
hall at 4 o'clock. Ethel Sievers
will preside at the meeting and in
trrvliir the rKnker who han been
secured through the efforts of j
Airs, cilery uavis, prcniucn iu uie .
League of Women Voters. The I
indents will be the guests of the :
"ledgpe and will be served candied j
popcorn and apples. This is to be j
the last meeting before Christmas j
N. U. Graduate Joins
Faculty of Temple U ;
Fredrick Lund, graduate of the 1
university's department of philos
ophy, has joined the faculty of
Temple university at Philadelpljia,
according to word received by Dr.
E L. Hinman.
Dr. Lund went to Columbia uni
versity for a Ph. D. degree after
obtaining his master's at the Uni
versity of Nebraska. He has been
at Bucknell university for the past
two years and is writing a new
book on emotions based on experi
ments he has performed.
At a university convocation in
the Temple theater Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock, Prof. Carl
Frederic Steckelberg will play
Grieg's sonata. Opus 8, No. 1 for
violin and piano. He will be ac
companied by James W. Pugsley.
Learn to Dance!
We'll Teach Yu to Dance In
Six Private Lessons
Special Course in
Ballroom Variations
I Specializ in Correcting
Detective Dancing
Lessons by appointment, one hour
each, strictly private. Morning,
afternoon and evening. Results
Lee A. Thornbeny
L82S1 Privats Studio 2300 V St.
Yon are invited to watch the
j University Girls bowl every
tfternoon from 4 to 6 p. m.
We never charge admission at any
time. Watch the schedule and
boost your favorite team.
Lincoln Bowling
M No, 12 St.
a.. m-m-rn mvmm m fl:! m i
From the Most Charming Sbpp in Lincoln
Large New Stock of Oriental Gift.
All Imported
Phi Upstlon Omieron
Initiates New Members
....... f
Can teach you to lead in sne lesson.
Guarantee ts teach you m six pri
vate lessons. Classes every Monday
and Wednesday. Private lessons
morning, afternoon and evening.
Ball Room and Tap.
Private Studio:
Phone B425S 1Z20 O STPEfcT
Initiation of new members of
Phi Upsilon Omieron,' home eco
nomics honorary, was hekl Satur
day afternoon, following' which
the new members were entertained
with a dinner at the University
club. Initiates were Carolyn White,
Lincoln; Helen Baeder. Lincoln;
Evelyn Krotz. Odell; Hazel Ben
son, Lincoln; .Christine. Carlon.
Lincoln. and Lucille Cooley. Wav
erly. Two faculty members, Ber
nice Klwell and Evelyn- Metzger,
were made honorary members.
A large framed picture of Queen
Louisa, mot!r of Frederick J,
Germany's first emperor, bag beew
given the department of Ger
manics by Cora E. Vine, graduate
of the university in 1903. The de
partment previously had a small
picture of Queen Louisa but it was
stolen during a vacation several
yean ago. MLis Wise is librarian
of the Los Angeles city library.
''An Alire in Wondrrlantl Display"
12S 0. 12TH STREET
. a ..a a
! Now !
Is the Time
! Here !
Is the Place
127 No. 12
Says ....
"The Co-Op- Ha that -aid High Hiatory Note-Book Paper
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500 Sheet Ream.
Co-op Book Store f 7