FRIDW. OCTOm 21. Vim. Mil lm M.HIt K AN I MR Mi FOR BOBCAT ATTACK Bible Will Probably Second Team Agrinst Montana State. BY MUKLIN IPCNCtN. The Cornlnikfr ticl.l their lal hrd w.nWoul TlnitsiUy mcht he fure the Montana State Ram Sat tiidav. I'rmlic-e thl afternoon will I rnait mriely of ainnal uartire j an. I limli'iinf up ttinlfi 1 Hlr'H aa Ui.l a uaiial nil - Ing and receiving Both haa of (lh rm Mikr.1 he-llei than f"l i 4mit lime. Ixinj! mi. I Yount; writ in the, thrnwirv rn.1 ami luiikr Ityilira. Hotiul. 1'itiika anil Nr.- niilh wert rtrrivmg Start ; Th RuIm ata arrive in Lin- El halir- tnretu tnntaln. abalrait ( metenal for the iitrmamM qilf-ll -n Ml firf-ru-lo hicptie'i. (irahmn axicHt' l lefnrnie I. bit linn 'l lli nn.ei.y lutiaiy. ih rm.ili r ft Hie nninil in tre bulletin --( II A hite ol Ijii rtiln ar.. C K f 'uin if T But Green Headgear Sticks Until First Snow II Huskcrs Lose. ml ( ItlllV lltiilfr, iv. ill 1 f 1 1 n I TYPEWRITERS Ke u. (.r Hi Itoyal orlil type. rilri. Ihr hlral niathllta lot thm tiiii.nt AM rnha of marhinra ..r mil Ail m-k-i of used ihinr. my inrrna. Nrbmks, Typewriter Co. CH B lf tt O HI. . i rolu at 1 inluli Hun afterniton. having kit the M.mtini rampua W t.ln.ailay. 1h. ....I lean, ill m.y ,,,,, ,rir . M.iMhj. icame Sa unlay hrll,,Kr(ir Nv , lf N.. J.UH....K I. . I. huthly ,.r..U ly that . f h )( Ihr l..t at, in, ill te tit.on be. ,,,,,, ,hnl .,,. -,.. fort Ihr f niah. Mtirow will act a. j UrmUl , ,h, , , hv ,h ,n. Ctmt rtpttln. ' n.rnU .irfV wta ma..e Thui- Cimt Slant tt 2 P. M. . tiny by Kill Mit'lnty .teM.lnit nf rollnwlng la thf tentative lineup: I Ihr iuftniiiNlir a'i pre. triil ree l,t leaj-.o ( I'r.Si-.futi llki llmll I t'mlrr W'j nl KnifN II i Mario Beats Miller; Other Matches Held Up Due To Injured Player. I ant i re roiirl diivrt thai k t tb match Miller aa nr.ttlr In keep par th Iheie ahott a nit th'i i-at the matrh 'It.r rlll'irn 1.- k Ihr Ira. I by winning Ihr fuat i'nir i t the firt art an.1 from Ihne in br nrv.r a bra lr.t Mr h 1 a let.t of ,VJ I in the f.iM nl uhrn M...rr I r I It i !( H ainl t. k the tixint tn 5 4 The lenih fane .aei.l In .leu. r ! f re Ma no br. kt lhnu la Itkt the tel. Todty'i SpKtkl Chun, taiman Ar 0'ik Rettor'i Phmrmtcy i t tl. 30C llfin niihinglull (r I IUII H cnr , . . Mxillll Mnr . . . , . . MMttr ..... MittMintl t'rrit . , . , , K nan , , . ! o lran .i: Jut If rrtr s Halrcuttlng 35c Kearns ; Barber Shop I 133 No. 14th ta Wally MARROW . Dorii NEW YORK SCHOOL OF -DANCING- Special Routine! in TAf, ACROBATIC nd BALLET Call B1172. 228 No. 12th SL A New Austin Coupe I now bi1ii-I to our line of Quality Kpnt-a-Cms. You can rent it on the name basis an Korils. No special jjuaranter. MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P Street Phone B 6819 Smart New Autum Footwear Onfert fnr camput wear. I'M lua'd. tilMk calf reriil turn. hr.n aura comtinaliftfia. 100 $ rjQ5 OTHER j STYLES j I 1 Ntr.k , home nuun1rt lamlins i ur im.kM i trni retai.tinr Ihr matter, ae .'amiJM ! lo MrOreiy u.iK.r.. If Nrtuai-ka loe in Mi'iiil line fionh will runtinue In rm frern ap until the fitt mikm fllea. Tlie Col t,hiixr i -Tir i itrhl Iron rontln I will alao be the if. alon of honiiM uminj for tliouaaii.lo of Nebianka jra'ta. The Alumni tan intion la attemptinK l Ret many foimrr atintenta but k for tlir game aa poaaible. The Mlaaouil game haa Inn nr lerteii k the nlie lo rle. -- the wearinB of grrrn ap. arioi.lmi lo MeC'lerry U-i'Miiar it In Die mml traditional battle of the aranon. ShouM tht Ti;ei rmeigr virtor loua they will raWv home the Ne-bra.ika-Miaaourl Ih II. ml;KM'i:. K K. riyfirh. pirn b"ve turn.. I f.-r pre teaaon (railirr tn ba-kell-atl al Ih t' of Kanoaa 1 r K. All.n. .!ulor of alhMlra anil ha-kill.iil io will '(anirr ban.tall touinaiunil a- an rtrly . on.liti inrr PnitTUMi. rr ill nrw r"lir ' lliri Mrmoritl LI biaiv inir if the m.-l M-aitlfiil biiil.linr on Ihr Iteeil . Ili-ije . am pua. . . imallv -l hrir .pl II Ihr all-univtrtity tennn lour nanirM went into Ihr fintla in Iht upper brtrkrt We.na1av when Kotx-fM M.nn ttefeate.1 J. Miller in Ihe aemlfiral i.mnd. -l tn tower bia. krt pity It .till lit Iht quarter final aa onr of Ihr run Iratanta It unahl. In pity hi mat.h brrauar of a iprained ankle ; i Owkltn It t hrdule. ! 1 Tb ! rltv KearMer in Ihit match but i PUMPS STRAPS & TIES At Ohio Stair t.'urritv fra it-a tie put on probation toJiMl(r1n ratrn.lrd .lenii .l nvinl pi iMl. tf.-a w h. nr r , ihrouL-h with a victory LEAGUE ANNOUNCES TEAR'S DEBATE TOPIC High School Organization Plans Twenty-fourth Annual Contest. Iinlihtrit lo the liit.rf latrtnity conn, il foi title. A. a niran f briiifctr'K Ihe pmliy oiRanuration ar. .iiii.l. the nnii!.- of the houe aloi.e uitn tne anioimt .liie the roun. il In puhihr.l in The Paily 1-Aiitrrn. aluitent newapaper NK.W VOKK. ill'i The intr ! 1u. ton of .ampa Intel the pnbh thHi aalrm aa a ni.ara oj ge". tinu hio i Int. lien out of ilmira, ha been a.lviaeU by Or ;.! in W at.on. pr. leaaof .if nlii. at lonal phsyroloKy at ' ia The Mh annivrraiv Ihr fotiiiilm the In vol ol nir.ln me of the t nivrraity of Vt nnvlvania the ol leM on the rontincnt it heme rrlrbtatnl thia year. ihr match hat been roaip.neJ br- rtuM tteacflrr haa a aprtined tn- kle. Man.) rlrtielv ahowrj bia au prilorily over Wilier In Wrdnet .lava mii.h althiHith Miller ahou rU ttublMMn delenar and' to com It wta Manoa jMwrrful forrhamt dnvr CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. TMr H.ITK rrrruo 111 O traa tyl r-i.iiar.'va rTrap AKIKK A IX. li t a rownaeni phin.-sraph that you want. Ill V AVTKI) Plx.rliinlly l"f iin er .n l le t t In pera-n f.-pitil. .miiT , i.r.i anl inoia ir.'n Mil rouic i i;. r'irmillliA Kav ip.'lir. l-r R.,-iii. Mna(r. lilv ,r.rakn ) A .1 - I -- I III V Mil fmms 4J nit o tt. A Wonderful Value For OA 60 SHEETS PAPER 50 ENVELOPES Neatly printed in rich blue Ink on beau tiful riDDlc finish caoer. Name nd ad dress or monooram. GRAVES PRINTING CO. THE STUDENTS PRINTER AN O STATIONER South of Temple on 12th St. Sa-.EETIV.USIC All of the Latest Hitt at Dietze Music Shop (Conn Dealers) 108 No. 13 Rraolved, that the nation" should disarm except for aurh i forces ta are r.eeiied for police I purposes' haa been ihnscn aa the' question fnr the members of the Nebraska high ijrhatin leapie, aeoor.linj: to the Kxtension Newt. Tbe lfl.10-31 contest will I the twentv-fourth annual conte." held by Ihe league. Jackson high t.hool of Lincoln won the tlate championship over Auburn high school In the final round of the tournament held !n Lincoln on April 24-2R of t hi year. The question debated wm "Hes. lved, that the present Jury syiteni 'n criminal trials In the Vnlteil States should be abolished. " High schools in the league aie divided into fifteen districts cov ering the whole state. Preliminary debates are held in the districts, and the winners in each district compete In the finals of the state tournament. Ninety mate high schools aie members of the league. Members of the league suggest and vote for questions to be dis cussed In their debates. The bulletin Issued bv the le- THE JeW mil "so Be Stylish! Wtth t Haircut From MOGUL BARBER SHOP 127 NORTH TWELFTH Welcome, State High School Press Association! It's an Old Scottish Custom This being tlirifty whether journal istically, wilh words or lnerehnii (lisingly, with vnlm's! AVasled words, or unskilful buying iii-o as demode hs the dodo! But you and wo are up-to-date! t Need we say more l&dgezxGuenzel Co. "Many Were Cold But Few - Were Frozen" it a 0"i adage for lome dance halls. If you really like tan talizing, blue, music, you'll never be cold blooded at the PLA-MOR. REMEMBER! Every Saturday and Sunday Nights AT THE PLA-MOR 5 WILES WEST ON "O" ls--:- (iinr lo the SILVER BALLROOM in 1 lit- Smartest Coat on the Campus College men who know wh.t to wear and how to wear it chooae Alligator "50" the new College Coat . .. Alligator "50" ist .mart douWc-hreasted raglan long full cut roomy full-belted, with big patch pockets, and a convertible collar that gives extra protection around the neck ... Light in weight serni-rransparent abso lutely weather-proof. Four rich, original colors Deep Sea, Tan, Blue, Black and only $7.50! . . . Other Alligator model, from $5.00 to $25.00. THE ALLIGATOR CO. St. Louis, Mo. Hotel Lindell Tonight Saturday Night Leo Good j Trk Music!) and his V and! Orchestra Fun!; Let's go to Magee's Campus Shop. Best looking shoes just $6. Say no more, brother, I'm with you! Campus Shop I 127 R St. RENT A NEW CAR 0)")) l 0' dl II is) 1918 0 St. National Motor Car Co., Inc. Are Flaying ihe Sigma Chi Tarty Tonight and the Aeaeia Parly Saturday Night Leo Book Trosents at the Silver Rail Boom Tonight Bed Kranse and his Varsity Vikings SATURDAY NIGHT cTWEN! '3v rrfffi'. It torn Here ure tips on wrarahles tornc t-tnart for DISTINCTIVE HATS Cute liltle inoclpts that will be different. A wide choiie of Metallic, Felts, Soleils, Velvets and Fabric in cricket, brown, wine, navy and black. SMART FOR THE CO-ED Just the hats tn give the co-ed that fasrinatirii: expression of beauty. Smart looking, but really inexpensive. NO HATS OVER $5.00 (wfike Band Boi VCi LINDELL HOTEL 3UILDINQ ' AT YOUR SERVICE We Deliver Study Table Appetizers Do you know that we deliver .andwiche of .11 kino nd v.rleu .hort ordar until midnight? DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL US ANY TIME B-5585 Minimum Order 5 Sandwiche T "Colli-gians" II Either of these orchestras may lie I I hooked thru Leo J. Beek. Call F 226S. 1 1 - II I ' ajnBBBBBBBBaaaBBBBBVBtVBtBBaala.BBBBVBBl 1 ' 1 AytTgwgygg 1 1 1 tpMi 11 H Si V A I 1 1 f " I III - c d SI a film a SPECIAL 8 im QUALITY I ! PLAIN S 111 60C S Hi To $1.00 IK t? 'z. BUB TintTwn II I 1 uvathcr- Lined Gloves Capeikint and mocha. Fleece lined, ieamless woo! knit lined (which gives full lined finger) and fur lined. . Snap wrist, strap wrist and pull on styles. 1.50, 2.50, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00 and 7.50 Dress Gloves Imported capeskin, genuine blackhead mochas, Peccary pigskins, deerskins, buckskins and goat skins. Snap wrist and pull-on styles. Unlined, silk lined and chamois lined. 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 5.00 and 7.50 Squares and Reefers An unusually fine assortment at these price. Scarfs in prints, plain colors, paisley patterns and other handsome effects. Scarfs of such vari ety that you are sure to find one for any outfit. 1.25, 2.00, 2.50, 5.00 and 7.50 Coat and Slip-on Sweaters Slip-on sweaters of all wool sleevelesp or with long sleeves. Coat sweaters of wool mixture in medium weight. A full range of desirable shades. 3.50, 5.00 and 7.50 Wool Mixed Hose A variety of patterns featuring stripes, small pla.ds and clocks. An interesting selection sizes 1 0 to 12. 50c pr. Mm'? KuniisliinpH First floor. Miller&Paine 5? University Stationery CRESTED BOND DE LUXE 85C To $1.25 PER POUND BOX SAVE m JW LONG'S COLLEGE BOOK STORES Facing Campus LINCOLN DELICATESSEN 1439 0 Street B-5585