The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1930, ANNUAL DAD'S DAY EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. Al-.0. 2o.
Twice as Many Expected at
High School Convention
As Last Year.
Editors to Be Guests of i
School of Journalism,
Registration so far this year lor
the annual meeting of (he Ne -
br.tska High School Press ajutocla -
lion In twice as great a me loiai
attendance of. last year's meeting i
muiSX" anfi J";:!
m..nt high school. Belle 1-aruam
of Lincoln, president of the organ-)
izatlon. announced Wednesday. ' i
I lie meetings win oe neiu in
coin Friday and Saturday under
the atvpu-e ot n
Mchixil ot Journalism.
rhla la the third annual oonven-
'henrmNoHh J. hono' Vional
, w Sve "ag" , hrti'moeUnJ , " oro, Uy. S uteU
,n i i... ,m " for Thursday, Nov. 6. at the Annex
was called by Louise Baistov,. ' vwu
president of Quill and Scroll. , ,h - .w.,,iin- fi
high school honoraiy Journalistic ; .."-en sem? anaty I
tialcrnily. ,'.,;.,, .Sigma Delta Chi. Journalism fra-
Will Adopt Constitute t,Pnity. lo ,,. wriler of the best
One of the story printed in the Ne-
up by the organ iza ion ia the ado p- bra,kan foV hP preceding oe
lion of a constitution, fhla w I ,.,.,. .. k. ,,,. A-Ard!i are'
t . .1....: I U.i kninacii .a.
ic u.'nu uuiuij; iuc iMiniio-c.' ' "
siun Saturday moinmg ration will ctart Friday
morning, followed by an inspec
tion trip lo the Unciln Daily hiar
and the Nebraska Stale Journal.
hs well an th? capitol iniilding and
ns "in .... n
,h. r points of interest about the
Banquet Friday Evening.
n . Jiih. l.iipsI. of Lin-
i, the vixltors vtl be gi lesls of f-'"
'I iH.Ch'rhool 'mU;
at the h gh Mhool ,
Salillduy morning .M-.r ... -
a hiisinss session ol me associa
tion. In the nfternoon the guests
will attend tho Montana State-Nebraska
football game as the clos
ing event of the two day meeting.
Final Discussion of Rally
Friday Set for Meeting
At 8:30 Tonight.
Corn Cobs will meet tonight at
8:30 In the Temple building, room
203, fort a short business meeting,
in iv fnllnwed bv a snecial initia
tion for junior members of the or
rranization who were not initiate.
the OI'-,,
not initiated ;
last spring.
A request that all members of
the group, whether Juniors or
sophomores, be present at the
business meeting was made by Art
Mitchell, president, Wednesday. He
said that, all men who have not
turned in S4..10 for their athletic
tickets must do so at once, and
also turn in their Identification
cu'dfi. "Every man must buy a
ticket." he said. "Those who
bought tickets at the regular stu
dent rate must turn their tickets
in, and they will get a Vt.50 re
fund." Plans for a house to house rally
Friday night will be completed at
the meeting. The rally will fea
ture novelty piano .numbers, pep
talks, and cheers led by varsity
cheer leaders.
Those who will be initiated are:
Carl Beekman, Alpha Sigma Phi;
Harold Castor. Delta Chi; Sandy
McPherson, Delta Sigma Delta;
Wally Frankfort. Delta Upsilon;
. Robert Glover, Thi Gamma Delta;
Charles Costin, Phi Kappa; L. Tif
fany. Phi Sigma Kappa; Keith
Turner, Theta Chi; Herman Self
keg, Beta Sigma Psl: and Herbert
Ronin, Delphin Nash, Ralpher Kll
zer, and George Thomas, barbs.
Representatives of Phi Delta
Theta, Omega Beta Pi, and Phi
Alpha Delta also may be initiated.
A program consisting of a play
and music is being prepared for
next Friday night by the Arts and
Science students of the Palladian
Literary society.
All university students will be
welcomed at this open meeting in
Palladian hall of the Temple at
8:30 o'clock.
Dearest Dud :-
I really don't owe you a letter, but J have something
special to tell j-ou about. It's Dad'n day.
You know I spoke to you about it before school started
and you said you'd be sure to come down for it. Well, No
vember 1 is the big day. We can go to a luncheon at the
Chamber of Commerce together and see all the other stu
dents (T) and their fathers. I just know you'll have a good
After the luncheon we can go to the football game. I
tVink Nebraska plays Pittsburgh. All the girls say it w ill be
vonderful game. We can sit together and have just a mar
velous time.
Don't forget, now. It's a week from this .Saturday.
November 1. November 1. .November 1. Let it sink in.
The Daily Nebraskan
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
w in i'iki' iln iiMirtiiiiit v, ilni(iit(li i In- i iiliinnis
of 'I'llr N ll mhKmii, lit i Ili-tul N w i Ii'm It ii Id llll till' fdlll-
i-rn ninl iiinl ln-i s w lui ha v on ut daughter) i k ' ' 'I " I'"'
I'liivn rit y.
IihI 'hiIiIX Lit In i ii iliniii'i Inr ml. Vnill soil or diill.ih
l-r i VmiU yon. They t til In- iijipMiiiiti if' ton ilii mil
I'Oim . Thr W Hh In fclinu Mill till- i-illiillH lilnl III'- place.
H In rr tin I lli- i.lnl work. Inrhli ntidlt , 1 ln-v want In Oiow
ml koiiii lliitiK nlmiil tlii- iliiili lil lil.- ninl ihl ii.lili r toil In
their ihIv
Tin- siiiiiii hi thr Unix i-rit mi' iriiinl of tloir dad,
mill mothers. Tin t luivc ilniiiiiil to kIium iiii ii iiiihI linn'.
Tiny mi' in dcml tiirm'st . u Ih-ii llnv m ml urn this iti it ill ion.
Other duds are coiiiim. on li t 'h conn '.ilou;;. Tin I'ittsluilg
XilnHska ifiiiiii- will In- n ureal uaiiic Hitter sny "yts" and
joill till' crowd. Mill Will III' oll I'Hinr
Tin: ham;.
. 6
Theta Sigma Phi Sponsors;
EVCntj FranCCS HofyOke
la IU ricaiUL.
.The annual hoot of J'"rnnsm
i Uo made for the second and third
i " . . '
best news stories and first, sec-!
ond. and third high ranking fea
ture stories.
?irngc muni.
...., .1,. -i .hi
j u- iinjiii ! "
vr , cMled A Newspaper in
Making ", and the program and
drrorations will attempt lo create."
capacity as editor In chief and!
,, ,,.. her.
ir have been assigned to
varlmw beats wllhin the
,., ,, uill nrvld. tne Dr.
university will provide
gram foi the evening.
Kelly, McCleery, To Talk.
Bob Kelly, managing editor of
The Nebraskan, will report on the
mllUaiv di'OHitnienl. Cliff San-
idahl has been assigned the athle
tic department; Gene Rohh will,
leal with the administration side'
'of the university. William T. Mi"!
't 'leery will center his remarks I
1 around Kllcn Smith hall and all it J
! embraces. Neal C.oman wdl talk
on the extra curriculiir activities ;
of the university.
Tlrkels fur the afWir will go
on sale next week, and they n.ay i
be purchased from any member of .
r-v... ui.. rm tnr iv-. roni a. Th I
occasion Is one of the few during
"" - :-v. -;
the year in which the scnooi oi
journalism convenes a. a body, and
all members of the school, as well
u nther neonle who are interested
l,llui:on, d ra ut-o'pH In nttpml.
Group Decides Meet Twice
Each Month at First
Meeting of
Spunl.-ih club members held their
first meeting of the year at -1
o'clock yesterday afternoon in
UnlversHy hall. James A. Cuneo,
of the Spanish department, acted
as chairman during the program
Plana were made for a schedule
of two regular meetings each
month, following much discussion.
The following officers for the
breseitt term were selected: J.
Plachy, president; Ruth Wolf, vice
president; Wallace Waite, secre
tary: Bernice Hunter, treasurer;
Allen Muman, reporter; Kather
Ine Piazza, corresponding secre
tary; Lloyd Teale, adviser.
Spanish Jokes were told by Carl
O. Hedeen, Swedish Instructor, and
the program was cloned by group
singing of "O Sole Mlo" In Span
ish. Ket'eptiou for Fine Art
Fuoully Planned Friday
Chnncellor and. Mrs. E. A'. Bur
nett, in conjunction with Prof, and
Mrs. i'aul H. Grunimann, will give
a reception for the members of
the faculty of the school of fine
arts, including the accredited
teachers of applied- music. The
affair will hA held Friday evening
from 8 to 11 in gallery A in Mor
rill hall.
m reran" v Student
Hill Kereiie Medal
I'nurl ?
il Thr .loiirml.
For her part in attempting the
rescue of a drowning man in the
Little Sioux river last aummtr.
Mm.. Ktith Schel beiir or i.imana. a
. .. " .
l freshman at the University of Ne-
i hrxiin will receive a medal on
: J. n, d.l "ill be
j ' "a"K''; hvKan 0n,Bha ivlr rlu.
nnrnrilT iflT HI llinlll
Methodist Group to Stage
Religious Drama, at
Wesley players, religious dra
matic organization, held its first
reg-ular dinner meeting at the Wes
ley foundation parsonagt. 1417 R,
" -.iiir..,jr r,r B. -
Carolyn Cooper, president of the
group, presided and heard reports
committees which had been
previously appointed.
.... , - I-.,- ..
I ne wora "i un" gn'iif n"7
coining year Is under way and next
Sunday evening the players are
scheduled to present "St. Claudia"
at the Greenwood Methodist
church. Last year this was the
play offered by the organization.
Due to the demand from churches
not included in the itinerary of the
group then, the drama has been
recast and will be given again.
"St. Claudia" is a religious drama
centering about Pontius Pilate and
Claudia. The Crucifixion and the
Resurrection are portrayed in the
play and the respective decisions
of Pilate and Claudia regarding
Christ are featured through the en
tiro three acts. Appropriate music
which strengthens the drama is
used between acts.
Names Cast.
The cast of Sunday evening is
as follows:
rmitlii" PUSH". Roman uovcrnor of
JurtM. Hiihi Mnittkiiit.
Hernial, Pllme' chief courmelor. Pw
Mrou, a nmn centurion. Gre
lRrlliiieui. who wan born blind. George
Hlmon. who hd been a leper, Harold
BKHier. who hd been healed of a with
ered hand. Paul Thorn imon.
Phirneah. who had been cured of a
pallet'. J'k Bllhop.
Ijiitorui. who had been railed from the
dead. Norman Pelen.
judai leoarlot, who betrayed jeu. KU
Kell Ulndekoi.
Olauilia Procula. Pllate'i wife. Caroln
l(Be.1'lah. "maiden In Olaudla. tniehorg
Nlpetronla, maiden to Claudia. Ada OiK?
Miriam, a Hehren" singer, Rulli Buhr-
"ari- , .
Alarv of Magdalene, from whom en
j ..... . ...... .. A.I. rli u. v
rrhnperona are tin. Ruby Water, and
R.-V. W. C. Kawell.
Wesley players are considering
a number of religious plays from
which they will select their major
production for this year. Among
them are "Barter," "The Betrayal,"
"CleopRs," "The Light Upon 'the
Way" and "For His Namesake."
In addition to one major play, the
group expects to produce several
one-act plays during the ensuing
year. '
Dr. Rebekah Gibbons, head of
the foods and nutrition division of
the home economics department at
the college, will address the Ne
braska West Iowa Dietetics asso
ciation on "Recent Nutrition Re
search," Oct. 24 at a dinner .meet
ing to be held at the University
Pershing Rifles
W ill Meet Today
Perching Rifles will meet
Thursday, Oct. 23, in Nebraska
hall at 5 o'clock. The attend
ance of all members. Including
the newly selected pledges, is
requested by Claud QUIespie.
i iv, m.i x VLiiiwL Till W IK' I (till-It !1. IQM)
i.i i.ui... nil-"''"
Gamma Phi BMas Awarded
Second at W. A. A.
Mass Meeting.
Physical Education Head
Says Girls Now More
Athletic Minded.
Kappa Delta and Gamma Thi
Peta weie awarded firat and sec
ond place trophies, reflectively, for
obtaining the highest number of
points and participating in the
greatest number of sports offered
In the Intramural program last
year at the second annual W. A. A.
miM meeting held In the women's
gymnasium Tuesday evening.
Individual sport awards also
were announced. The following or
ganizations were given placquea.
with their name and the name of
the sport won engraved on them:
bowling. Sigma fcta Chi: rifling.
Alpha Delta Theta: swimming.
Gamma Phi Beta: tennis, Delta
iv-lin jut-il, a. - - i r
Alpha Theta: archery. Chi Omega;
basketball. Aipna -ni umr,
baseball. Gamma Thi Beta; pad
dle tennis. Delta Delta Delta. These
placques, which are new this year,
may be kept permanently when
they are won three times in suc
cession. Girls Athletic Minded.
Misa Mabel Lee", head of the de
partment of physical education,
gave a brief talk on the history and
activities of W. A. A. "Never in
history has the American college
girl been so athletic minded," she
said. More than two thousand girls
are members of the national W. A.
A. At Nebraska last year 314
teams and 2,196 girls entered intra
mural sport. This number repre
sented twenty-eight groups and 500
more girls than participated In
Intramural sports the year before."
Miss Clarice McDonald, intra
mural head, gave a few pointers
on fair play. She urged all par
ticipants in sports not to let the
desire to win overrule their judg
ment of right and wrong. She
stated that there have been only
two forfeits so far this year.
Ruth Diamond. W. A. A. presi
dent, presided at the meeting. She
introduced a short program which
consisted of a dance by Irmanelle
Waldo and a group of songs by
Marcia Swift and Blossom Mc
Dade. Jean Wv itney outlined the prog
ress of the speedball tournament
which has three more weeks to
run and Ruth Kier, hiking leader,
announced the organization of a
hiking club.
President Chicago Seminary
Will Address Students
Tuesday at 11.
Rev.. Albert W. Palmer, presi
dent of the Chicago Theological
seminary, will address a convocs
tion at the Temple Tuesday at 11
o'clock on "The Art of Self Man
agement." At a luncheon Tuesday noon
sponsored by the council of reli
gious education, he will speak on
"Religion in the Secular Ages."
Outside guests will be invited to
The Y. W. C. A. vespers service
at which Dr. Palmer Is to officiate
Tuesday at 5. will be held in Ellen
Smith hall, instead of in the Tem
ple, as previously announced. The
vesper topic will be "Building a
Friendly World."
Dr. Palmer will close his cycle
of talks in Lincoln with one Tues
day evening in the Social Sciences
auditorium. This address, though
primarily for the benefit of stu
dents, will be open to the public as
well. Its title will be "The In
evitable God. and the God We
Home Ec Grad Teai-he
At Minnesota College
Mildred Larson, home economics
27, is resident instructor at the
home management house and a
teacher in foods at Minnesota uni
versity this year. Miss Larson
held .a fellowship in the depart
ment of foods and nutrition at the
college last year.
Thursday, Oct. 23.
Pershing Rifles. Nebraska hall,
5 p. m.
Sigma Delta Chi. Theta Chi
house, 6 p. m.
Corn Cobs meeting and initia
tion, Temple 203, 8:30 p. m.
W. A. A. executive council,
woman's gymnasium, 12 noon.
Friday, Oct 24.
Kappa Phi-Phi Tau Theta picnic,
Auto park.
Open house Baptist student
bouse, 1440 Q, 3 p. m.
Sunday, Oct. 26.
Sigma Upsilon literary. Alpha
Theta Chi house. 1806 D, 8 p. m.
Wesley Players present "St.
Claudia," Methodist church.. Green
wood, 8 p. m.
Hi ar la.l :
It is in. In -I a iiiimiiv lo join Midi nin ami iliniuli-
li'in in eOi'inlitur von an urgent iiixitmimi In 'tin- uni
viTsitx Saturiluv. Nov. 1. In lad I Inline mi know li nt
ou hiive a htamlitiK hivitaiioii at tin- ui.iv. rt.iiv at any tinm.
V hlmnlil like to liave fin- o.pnrlunit In n ! (i i a i i t ymi
mure fully with llie t i of work lone In tc You woulil n
joy. I am sun-, olis. tx ing jour won or ilnugliti-r Hlout ii
ilaily school lunks.
Then, too, iimiiy of inn nouhl fiiul ui.ui ohjnt of in
tensi ahout tiw university in ,1 In form of the iuimiihi. the
lahoi-Htoriea of natural ami applieil Kcimeis, an. I the li
braries. Many from aiming ou lime v sseil a ih sin to inn t
the instructora w ho tench your soun niul ilnunhfi t. ami we
hope that in time you tuny Income aei-unintcil with the
splendid men and women who are (riving instruct inn in the
I'erhaps if you run Hot meet all of them, yom umy find
time during your visit on Nov. 1 In ml Heiruaintrd with the
favorite iiislruetor of your son or daughter.
In conclusion please know that while o" I"1'' ov
1 or any other time for that mutter, the university s" latch
string" i. out. If it occurs to you that the university
through any of its agencies can make ml more eonifortahlc
while hero, please fed free to cnmiiiiind us.
Yours sinccrelv,
Ii mi of .Mi ii
Students Can Trade
Tickets Dad's Day.
Sellerk Announces
It is the sincere wish of the
Sttdent Activities office to aid
as much as possible in making
Dad's day. set for Nov. 1, a real
success. To insure such a suc
cess, we are offering students
who hold student athletic tickets
for the game an opportunity to
exchange their tickets for other
seats, so that they may be
seated with their parents on
Dads' day.
Since it is impossible to pro
vide tickets for parents within
the student section, it is our de
sire that students exchange
their tickets for others enabling
them to sit with their parents
If they wish.
(Signed) John K. Selleck,
Dr. Walcott Plans Special
Sermon; Dr. Stuff Will
Address Students.
A special program for Go to
Church Sunday, which Is being
annnanml hv l he Bic Sister board
and Interrhurch council of the V.
W. C. A., has been planned for
students of the Baptist faith it the
First Baptist church on Four
teenth and K streets. Next Sun
day. Oct. 26. has been named as
Go to Church day.
Dr. C. H. Walcott. pastor of
First Baptist church, will deliver
a sermon for students. Special
sections will be reserved for their
use and students will be given an
opportunity to join the church by
affiliation. This will not sever
their membership with the stu
dent's home church, but makes a
stronger tie to the church while
he is attending university.
At noon Dr. F. A. Stuff of the
department of English will address
the special university class on the
subject, "Ideas of God." Young
People's meeting will be held at 6
p. m. for a social half hour. At
6:30 Mrs. Ralph Gemmell will lead
the discussion group.
Students will conduct the church
services at 7:30 o'clock. Reports
will be given of the Estes park
student conference held last sum
mer. Walter Kiener, a university
student and a park ranger at
Estes, will show lantern slides of
various mountain scenes. Special
musical numbers will be offered by
Prof. Carl Hedeen and Naomi
Second Baptist church at Twenty-eighth
and S streets has also
extended an invitation through its
pastor, Rev. James Macpherson, to
university students who may wish
to affiliate.
Bertrand Schultz of the univer
sity museum staff lectured to the
Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night. The
"Y" requested Mr. Schultz to
speak on the elephants in Morrill
hall, a subject with which he was
conversant, a he has done field
work for the museum for the past
three years. He secured many of
the specimens in the museum.
Bertrand Schultz returned yes
terday from North Platte and vi
cinity with an elepTiant skull for
the collection in Morrill hall. The
skull dates from the tertiary pe
riod, and was found and donated
by Charles Gardner of Blooming
ton. According to Dr. Barbour,
the museum has long sought for a
skull of this particular type which
he says is exceedingly rare.
Stamp Saleswomen,
Failing to Report,
Must Do So Today
Four sororities failed to sund
representatives to the A. W. S.
office for instruction regarding
the "N" stamp sale yesterday
Will representatives o f
Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Delta,
Phi Mil, and Sigma Kappa
please report to Jean Rathburn
in the A. W. S. office in Ellen
Smith hall promptly at noon
Gets Box of Candy for Work
At Oklahoma Freshman
Game Last Week.
Katberine Jensen was high
salesman for the W. A. A. con
cession at the Oklahoma-Freshman
game last week and was
awarded a box of candy. Aleen
Neely won second place and was
a close rival. Other high t-alos-men
were Betty Jacob. Sarah
Peterson and Kleanor Dixon.
Fifty-one additional salesmen
are needed for the Montana game
Saturday when the customary
prizes will be given to high sales
men. Totals will be included in
the final sum for the grand prize.
All salesmen secure free admit
tance to the game. Applicants
may sign on the bulletin board in
the girls' gymnasium.
Any persons who have already
signed who will be unable to sell
at the Montana State game have
been asked to notify Berenices
Hoffman, concession manager, as
quickly as possible.
STATE' FOR $10,000
Ruth Cole Wants Money for
Damages Suffered When
Thrown From Horse.
Miss Ruth Cole, now of Dea
Moines, formerly a student at the
University of Nebraska, has filed
a claim for $10,000 against the
state of Nebraska alleging that
she was injured while riding a
horse in the Capitol Riding acad
emy. The claim was sworn to by
the claimant Oct. 29, 1929. as
shown by a copy filed with State
Auditor Johnson by Richard F.
Wood of Lincoln. It will be sub
mitted by the auditor to the legis
lature next January.
The claim states that Miss Cole
enrolled at the university as a stu
dent Sept. 15, 1927, and was later
enrolled as a full student in the
colleges of applied science and fine
arts and as a student in these col
leges was regularly enrolled in the
class in physical education, "as re
quired by the curriculum of said
institution." Oct. 21, 1927, she al
leges she was thrown by a horse,
that she was three weeks in a hos
pital, lost a full year's time at the
university and paid $333.25 hos
pital bill and $150 to physicians.
A fracture of the vertebrae caused
great pain, disabled her and neces
sitates wearing of a brace.
The claimant alleges that the in
jury was the result of the negli
gence and carelessness and impru
dence on the part of the instruc
tor in riding in falling principally
to provide a safe animal for stu
dents who were not accustomed to
handling horses.
Miss Smith to Give
Food Demonstration
; Evalyn Smith, home economics
j '30, now taking advanced work at
: the college, Vill give model food
; demonstrations Wednesday and
Thursday afternoons of this week
at the college for the benefit of all
girls taking foods study courses.
Lincoln, Xehr..
t Somebody swiped Ihe calendar.)
Dear Dad :
About thai extra money don't bother. I 'sold an old
suit yesterday, so 'U get by all right.
Say don't forgot about Dad's day. It s Saturday.
Nov. 1. That shouldn't be hard to remember, because it's the
day you shoot me my allow ance.
Well. Dad. I want you to come down for the big affair.
All the other g'uys' dads are around and I want you to meet
them and the fellows I play around with. They aren't much
to look at, but you got used to me.
And there'll be a real football game that afternoon. Ne
braska plays Pittsburgh. It ought to be a darned good game.
You've heard about Pittsburgh that's where they make the
Just found out that I owe the money I got from the suit,
so maybe yon better slip me a little. Not much. -See
vou Dad'R da v. dad!
Fathers of All Students Will
Be Honored at Noon
Chancellor Burnett, Dean T.
J. Thompson, Dr. Condra
To Give Talks.
Ninth annual Dads day mill h
oberve.i at the University of N
braaka Nov. I, on the occasion of
the Pittahurfc-Nehmska. football
game. The dada of all on and
lUuEhtrra In the university bv
ben Invited to be In Lincoln on
that day. according to Don Maclay,
Innment in chatge of the arrange
ment for the day.
There will be a Dad's day lunch
eon at the Chamber of Com me rot
at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday tn
which all Cotnhusker dads and
sons and daughttra have been in
vited. Mothers, too. have been
asked to attend the luncheon. Mac
lay said today. "You don't need to
hesitate about coming to the lunch
eon because your wife Is with you."
he told the dads today. "Bring her
alonjr." Arrangements for the
luncheon are In the hands of tha
Innocents society. A short pro
gram has been planned, over which
William T. McCleery. president of
Ihe Innocents, will preside.
Chancellor en Program.
Secretary Walt Written of th
Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
will give a welcome talk which will
he followed by nhort talks by Gov.
Arthur J. Weaver, Chancellor E.
A. Burnett. Dean T. J. Thomp'on,
and Dr. George C Condra.
Ralph RodRcrs. varsity t heor
leader, will he piesent to lead the
(fuosts in Cornhusker songs and
yells. Corn Cobs and Ta.ascls. pep
in ions, will also be there to
assist in Ihe cheering.
Tickets on Sale Today.
Tickets will be sold at fifty
cents per plate and will go on
sale jume,lw UUJW-Brm-4--ri--tickots
will be placed in each fra
ternity house. Tassels, women's
pep group, will sell the tickets al.v.,
according to Alan William, in
charge of ticket sales. They will
be on sale in the book stores also.
Fraternities and sororities his
being urged to close their tables
for the noon meal Saturday so s
to have as large a crowd as pos
sible at. the luncheon. According
to Msrlay about TiOo people are ex
pected to attend the affair.
Started in 1922.
Dad's day is a Nebraska
tion of long standing. The
was inaugurated on Nov. 18,
at the K-Aggies-Nebraska
and has been an annual featurs
The cheering section in the stad
ium will carry out the Dad'a day
theme in its silent cheering as in
years past. Dads of the football
players will be placed in boxes
with numbers on their hacks cor
responding to the numbers on the
backs of their sons on the field.
Miss Marjorie Shanafelt of
Museum Tells of Magpie
Captured Here.
An article entitled "Just Mag
gie" in the current issue of Nature
magazine Is from the pen of MifcS
Marjorie Shanafelt, of the univer
sity museum. This is one of a se
ries of fourteen items Miss Shana
felt has promised to write for ths
The story treats of the first ap
pearance on record of magpies
flying over Lincoln. Many people,
not recognizing the birds, thought
them harmful and shot them.
The university obtained one
which had been wounded, and it is
the subject of Miss Shanafelt'
The magpie was maintained and
nourished in the museum, where
it was a center of interest for
many months last winter. When
last heard of, it was the pet of
a boy to whom Miss Shanafelt had
given it.