. (ft I V" i foi:r TIIK DVIIV M.HItSK H)MDVV. ociohi H BIBLE PLANS USE ! OF RESERVE Iff AGA1NSTB0BCATS. ) . finance Diite Cttvtuint U ill Meet AH nam ctpUmt work. r in the onivrtily V. M. C. A. induce campaign will held 41 meeting TrtuildJy evening m Ihi Tempi crlri ( o'clock. Thi meeting UI for In purpot Uunchirg dr.vt on the downtown tmpu Rcoulars in First Games Arc to Be Allowed NeedrdJUM. OPEN PRACTICE BILLED Freshmen Using Montrna Plays Will Battle ! Varsityjoday. i Tm rve men will h ien chance lo ho I ' ,u'' n,'r jialui'tUv when Nrl.Mi.U uncles with Mntn Stl'. Tlif Corn-i huekci have layrU thrr hard , gamri in conwcutive e-W anil a ( ieM bt fore Ihe Pitt and Knnn i i:. m will he Iwni'ln ml t" mt m Ivris r( Ihe leain that n't 'f j the action in the early jianie There la no indication Ihnl the Hunker are inking thf Hot l ' name too UchllV. nrvrr. nu TuenUy nlRht practice was long ind concentrated. Coach Bihle used two net t ba.-ka lat mpht Young. Krahm. Kieiiincer anJ Brown compoaril ,.ne art and Marrow. Paul. Piukei. Perry and Nelson alternated In the erond aet. Stani.be! ry l was Kiveo chance to work out ana showed up well. McPherson at Center. McPhemon will probably get the call for center Job with Adam and choice between Oreenherjr. Ju ttro and Hoster at the guard por tions. Kno and Kroger seem likely choicea at the tackle positions, and Byrne. Durkee. Milnee and Brok enkroger will tatlle It out for the wings. . Basslng-. blocking paMie. and tunning ply were stressed in practict Tuesday. Pausing is im proving: rapidly although the breaking: up of passes is still a bit week. ...... j A practice will be held W ednes day night and la open to the pub lic. Freshmen, using Montana State plays, will give the varsity their weekly battle on the stadium field. Bqichwamicr rhey ctn. They etuff They t iniurr " Head thu ovei thiee time and then lake two cuee as to what la being completed Correct the fitt time Meet inn. While thia la primarily a mU column and mine misguided "ul niay wonder hl ele turn goip ha to do with the apoiting woild. 1 nnixl explain. Anything thai involve t-omitet. kit king, biting and p.ihing muM be clawed a a om it. Klertioii.. call (or all of thu o it i a pil. If yi.u tan get the eon net Hon you aie better than rood ol u .-pi gel iMik to the ubject Mn j 1 dint elections at N'ebia.ka have become more r les of a Joke. 'The univeiaity would be Ju.u:nd in giving one hour ciedil in j 'stuifing" to various political lead I er and their cohort. Honest, folk. lt getting to lie : terrible. Jut neoni a though an honest man doesut have a chan-e any more unless he wrara the I right color shut. , j Let us consider foi a moment I the sad case of Zander Jiihncon uf Herman. Little Zander a sen! down to school to gel an educa tion and learn to be citizen. RICHARD FITZGERALD SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Kappa Sig Injured in Auto Accident Convalescing in Hospital. Richard Fitzgerald, member of Kappa Sigma fraternity, who was seriously injured in an automo bile wreck while enroute to Ames, la.. Oct 17, Is now convalescing in the Bryan Memorial hospital. Although Fitzgerald is doing quite as well as can be expected, It is doubtful if he will be able to attend school this semester due to the seriousness of his injuries. Accompanied by Frank Kon right and James Dowd. fraternity brothers, he was driving his new Ford coupe to Ames, to witness the Nebraska-Iowa State football game when the accident occurred. The wreck, which happened about 100 miles from Lincoln, was due to misinterpretation of a road sign which caused the driver to strike a side of a bridge. Although the car was almost completely demolished as a result Of the terrifie impact of the car against the steel railing of the bridge, neither of Fitzgerald's com panions were injured. FORTUNE, KANSAS TWO MILER, GETS CONFERENCE BOOT LAWRENCE. Kas. Eddie For tune, elected captain of the Uni versity of Kansas two mile team, has been ruled Ineligible by a com mittee of the Big Six. and will not be In competition this fall. Fortune was out of school the fall semester threeyears ago. and would not have completed three years of competition until next February, but the conference com mittee ruled that years of compe tition were based on the academic year, June to June, and as For tune had had three years of track in Ue ppring he was declared out. Fortune has been one of the best distance runners in the Big Six conference, holding a record of 9:45 in the two mile and 4:28 in the mile. North Carolina U Tries AVir Idea in A tliilt Education TTuh the fust election little Zan dor Is Instructed to be a "poll cat." (This Is a new term I His duty Is to persuade reluctant voters that they should cast their ballot for the Pirty Shirts. In cidentally, he is given a handful of identification cards to vote as many times as he possibly can. Little Zander seen his duty and he done It nobly. Many students and studentcsses' fell victims to his cunning ways during the course of the day. That night he wrote to his proud parents telling them of his feat and papa Johnson spent the next day in telling all if his friends what a wonderful son he had and what he was doing down at Lin coln. Pull out the handkerchiefs, com rades, because this is the saddest part of the story. Little Zander never finished school. He was shot In the back by a girl at the mili tary ball. He had told her con fidentially that her sorority's can didate had won the honorary colonel boots. It was another case where the tongue is faster than the eye. Njow this little moral lecture Is 1 over and the tears have been dried away, we still continue with the discussion. If half of the stu dents who voted more than once on Tuesday were kicked out of school the authorities would have to close the place up. The only safe way to conduct an election is place each student in a solitary confinement cell im mediately after he has voted. When the election is all over, let the man out. If the cells run low the only remaining solution is poison or shoot the man. Another thing why limit everything to the athletics. Give the P. B. K. club a chance to get a little pull by having a class of ficer. Which reminds me of the story of the old maid who kissed an attractive young man. Looking at him sweetly she asked if she had scared him. His silence was assent so she invited him coyly to "scare her." "Bool" he said. He sure cured her. FIVE MEN STAY IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT Competition in Meet Crows Stiffer as Small Croup ! Lett to Battle. 'includes BEST PLAYERS AIM'nierity tennia touwia liienl ha nar totted "e vmvoia ton to five ia tiete rt who in dude soroe of the brt t'irlrial that ever trod N lra oiul In III lipei blathel Holito Maito and J Millet ieiiu.ii u i drfeated Mario come lrol the I'hilippinea. MiH-r K"i I- e I if . h Oian r!tn.inrl:oii to.,i r.tin 'ill lit npiing and play a e!H'il u-a.l; game. Lewer n--lt. A piieiWliig o( - ' ti it -- il'.o. rld the lov ri itak: A:-. Ha( took his L.'ll Hill d by ilupait lum a Ih.j r..ir"i'd '! jn who lie:,"i I Im win th- -utf jimiir double.. hampton-luii of Nebraska Hits Mimn.'i :l u altHi Nrbi. -I.a ju'i'i'i jinij'e iluni pion Slid ik'prd lo will t'l All I'ldvrrntv . KMdie iV-aslei. toiiiii'ily ol !!. tintfa colli ge, ir. ay fiiiiih l'iiij competition, lie played '-ar.it tennis at Hailing- He .i f . j r low. pUtinx sn Mu.t ". -.. many h"ls over w'mli n;oie .-p.t i a ii in I players ttuuh' l;illii Kent lt-r lA t- do- n Leon mi lnil.ini th thud cpx.voi in l!v lower lril-l. briie h "u en counlei H a, A. IV. s. council m IMP VCCTCDMV IL Jean Pathburn Gives Report On Progress o' 'W Stairp Srle. Au A. W. S. council meet ins composed of the president of the organl-ed groups was iu'id In Kl leri Smith ball Tuesday nfu:noon to discuss plans foi ihe "N" stamp sale and to bling up avl settle anv questions ii; ieaid to self- ; government problems. This preliminary meeting was the first of several that will be called throughout the year. Presi dents ot the groups i!is.t'i.ss theii problems iu council n.eeting. All violations arj taken to th A. V. S. court composed of Ihe df fleets of the board which nienns a repre sentative for vaih class. A short report of the "N" stamp sale wa given by Jean Rathhurn. ' chairman of the salei who asked each president to co-operate with her by appointing two freshmen and an uppercla.ssmr.n to tnke charge of the sale. Katherine Wil-; liams. vice president oC A. W. S.. ; presided at the meeting. j norrtai, tchtdul. ' Orntiktl vl. Cn)inr ThUf da, 0(1. 21. Reiu'ti. M Mappa dtUated ThtU Chi. 2 1. Tau Kappa Epidan deflated eta Theta Pc 1-0. Thtta Xi dttcated Phi Kap pa Pll. torttit. OtMa Sigma Plu drfratad lignia Alpha Eotdon, 9-1. ligmi rii d'lteted Phi Sig ma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha dc'eattd Al pha Tau Omega, forfeit. COED TENNIS TOURNEY GE IE More Than 1.C00 Take Part in Hit: Before H?'krll Jayhawk Battle. I. W KKNc'K. K.w II i Tip l. i.I in Ion . mi- ,ii. d t ii'int.ng ol !iae. f.lii m-el lh ti.i'.pus of l.i Mil lii-iili e he e a mote tln.;i i i'!'i Iml.i.... atieinllii)! a I illlO-l-VV ill- pO'-.V.IA lllllil. nl to i li-tv. -en H.: k il and lite I'.ii' 1 1 il v ot Kwi-:ts, .intlu iirt'.i d in tlie A.'t iliiic-j. of then Ion i. i:i i.. 'I ll '-it.il lr . h-ld in the .ill.li-i. Ind'Uin of the .o'ein :u 'lit i. I:nliai .'hoot. Ihe luaves Ii. r.',.(. a ios lh" i hulk lines of I...- in i .n:: .mi lootl all t.cld. the in iivili Iwltle gt und of Indian youth-. luilo ical Pageant. I oil. iv ili th (l.i.n ei. the Indiani ,i..rli' .p.itt-i in a loi ful pageant oip!iii: ;r Ihe liitory of a number n, S'i'I'iin Inhte. Tiio li-xt til-. 111. a bind of pres i nl ilay Indian vHrrioi s, Huskell s ioi;!liail tr.im. went on th? war pulh aj;ir.t Ihe t'niver.dly of Ksna.s eleven, and lost by a score ol ."..I to 7. It was the fir it meeting of the two teains iu t-n yraiK. The pow wow. a!led in i It'hiatlon of the levumplion of athletic relations be tween the two Mi'hiMil.4, was in tended at first only for graduates nnd students of Haskell. It was made nation-wide, howevei. when Indians from all parts of the coun tiy announced they would attend. Wed- Team Winning Most Out ot Twelve Games Will Be Champions. RECORDS KEPT ON FILE Women paddle tennis tourna ment, uhiih i-onaula o! four eliini nation rounds, is nott- Iwmg played in the women's (nuaaium. Teams are plrtie in Jimt on tomnamrnl. The winner of th match l the ! leant winning Ihe highel nunibrr f games out of twelve. After the game la played the team aie to I'll cut a blank, which may ie se fined from the top of the cabinet M the left of the gym dooi. and slipped under the door of the inlia mm a! nlfice. Iteroid of the win will be kept .on file in the intramuial office and teams will he notified of then next match either through The Ne hrnskan or Ihe bulletin hoard in the women's gymnasium. The same pattneia aie In l throughout Ihe louinauirnt. Schedule. The following will phiy neaday at 5 o'clock: Mnile Noble. Kather Scolt. Kap pa Iella va Lei ha P.astede, W intii ' lied llaxtede. Mpha Delta Pi. i Hester Hunt. Kvelyn Kaa.h. Al , pha Phi va Kmma Phelps. Cordelia : Alderson, Zela Tail Alpha. Phylisa CiMik. Helen Kunkal. I nil a Zeta va Kate t'lark. Alice I'eadly, Kappa Alpha Theta. ' Marlalice Ley. Katherine Wil ', hams. Alpha Omicron PI vs Jean Katblmm. Betty Keimers. IH-lta ' Gamma. I Thursday, Oct. 23. Oda M:c James, Jchii Bahliitl, i Alpha Delta I heta vs Kern Wun enleig, Dorothea Howard, Kappa I Delia. Matgaiet Machechnie, Gene ' vieve Eoslaugh, Gamma Phi Beta vs Mary Helen Prvor. Helen Smith I-X-L. Mary Hutton. Neva Bolmcei, ; Alpha XI Delta vs .Mary Kay Huff : man, Helen Landis, Kappa Alpha Theta. Cecelia Holling, Marjorie Ditk 'ensen, Chi Omega vs. Irma Phell- burn, Gertrude Chittenden, Delta Zeta. I Friday. Oct. 24. I Audrey Cameron. Klizabeth .Vi;ua for Drnmutic ( luh Mint ipi'ly Todoy All application blank for membership in Iho Dramatic Club rnuat be fillad out today, at the main detk in the Tempi building from 12 to o'clock. HiKikwaller. I-X-L. vs Helen Mr iKinnon. Aha Veiguts. Gamms ; I'hi Met a. Oma Knoll. Helen Vohn. Ivli i IVIla Hrl'a va Norma I loud v. Ma rie Hrood, Alpha Delia Theta Kleanor Dixon. Doiothy J-mitli. ' Chi (lineita va K-ther DiaUe lor-, iothy Diiinei. Kappa Alpha Theta BIBLE, LOCEY NAMED AS WESTERN COACHES Cornhusker Mentor to Select Eleven Men (or Annual Grid Battle. MFET EAST ON DEC. 27 Coach Dina X. Pihle ol Nen- iaka and PetreV Locey. roa Ii of the Olympic ciuh 'f San Krhn ' cico have been named as the joint ; coaches and seleclois of the all- star western loot ball team whiigj will meet the all-star ea.-lern in gregHtlon at San FranclMO Dec 27. The game is played each yenr f..i- th. h..tiefii of the Shriner'a hospital foi crippled children. The previous live games having netted in excess of J'Jimi.ihiO, with which a new wing has been con.o i u ted. ' Andy Kerr, coai h r.t Colg.ite. and Dick Htnley. conch at Notth i western, are the Joint rlectO' a and coaches of the eastern team. ' Bible will select elevrn stars ' fiom colleges of the Pig Six. Mi i sourl Valley and other confer ! enccs. a well ns Texas. Colorado and other slates and Locey will ' srlert eleven m-n Iiom coest schools. CYCLONES GET SET FOR MM TH T ' COiif h Workman PuK Z" A Tliro'iyh Scries of New Cci'Sive Plays. A.MKS 1.4. W 'Ir'e I tie r-o.1 nd thud vlevr'i-' i t.iuinere, . C'oti h Noel W i'iktiiiin uas 11;. atriKling Cv l ne .-. t y in u ariirs of new oftn-ive p'ay.-' Li be iiaed Mgaiiinl KalWi al -r-i .'f. S.tlui .!. Th'1' nnl pi c . will le tilt'd old eaily in Ihe e k when th" repliant li kle the fiedi nian ( nn. KveiV melllle 'he team . J..U out of the Nel.ia.-l a hixmi' witho'i at-iious Injmy. Ui!y a fe-v biu.. . . and humps wet evideiued. a:-.d Ciiach Woikn:nn experts to hmu hi whole squad in s.-ik cable 1 lillon for Ihe Knn-as iiiv.i . Paul Tiauger. who l-i .iiimi- 01 ' ness. was f i-reed lo vlo.v tin1 .V- bia-ka lcwa State game fioni 'lie pl'l IhIX. WIH III IllUOIIlV I" .l Snulh. who played Sail tlav .11 spile of a iievions arm Inir.. came thioii-li Ihe game in lino shape. ftcr Tiie.-iiiiy'f si ntiim.'.gi- th" piHciui' will tv light and Ihe re. mainder of Ihe week will be spent on .-telling th" dei-ne nnd Kicking. Th" Cyclonen leave for Ijiwumo IhmsiMy nig:il. A New Austin Coupe Is now mldr.l to our line id Quality lni-.i-Cars. Vou inn rent il on the .ii"iie ohms ai Kurds. No special runrsntec MOTOR OUT COMPANY 11i0 P Street Phone B 65V' orkiiir-ii Dig I p I!n in Of Uli Norman Clmrcli LONDON t IP 1 - Workmen lay ing new pipe two feet below the f!oor of Westminister Abbey here have unearthed what appears to he the foundations of an old Norman chinch. LEARN TO DANCE Can tench you to lead in on lesion. Guarantea to teach you In nx r" vat lesfoni. Clse every Monday and Wednnday. Prlv.ite Irurrt morning, afiernoon and evening. Ball Room and Tap. MRS. LUELLA WILLIAMS Private Studio: Phone B42M 1220 D STREET ' t ' I UranJjim I , j $ M.WASSEtfMANN VN CHAPEL HILL, N. C. (IP) Somethlnjf entirely new in the way of adult education, and another method of keeping in touch with alumni, has been instituted at the University or North Carolina here In the form of the Alumni Book club. The new library is believed to be unique, circulating- as it does at a nominal cost a list of selected books recommended by the faculty of the university. To make the af fair a success, three university agencies are co-operating with the faculty the alumni office, the li brary extension service and the university library Under the plan of the Alumni Book club, a list of five new books which may be borrowed by the alumnus Is furnishde each grad uate. Each book will be mailed to the borrower, accompanied by a critical review, written by a mem ber of the faculty best informed on the subject dealt with In the book. This commentary is designed to show the book's relation to otber books on the subject or to furnish information about the author and bis work. The most densely populated body of land in the world in Java with i nopulation of 690 persons per square mile. "hanging goals seems to offer quite a problem to women speedball artists. The general practice has been to change the goals at half time but numerous difficulties have arisen. The main objection to this change of goals is the fact that the gals get mixed up and score points for oponents. Queer, isn't it? But it really is quite a problem. When you start out with one goal and make touchoffs. or what ever they are, at that end for a full half hour you naturally ex pect to keep going that way. Aw. what's the use? They ought to know better, even if they don't. PLAYER'S liNJl'KY STOPS SORORITY SPKEOHAL LGAME The Alpha Phi-Lambda Gamma speedball game waa suddenly ter minated last night when Mag deline Lahsack, alar player of the Lambda Gammas, was injured. The game which had progressed until tne third quarter was a 3-3 tie. MIhh Lebsack was running when she fell, dislocated her knee, and fainted. She was carried to the gymnasium by member of boih teams. The game will be continued next week. Professor Obtains Vouvr From (lulj Stream I ariations Lincoln's Busy Store Corner 11th & 0 Sis. "The Best for Less." S. & H. Green Discount Stamps Always an Added Savins! 1 1 MAT.ANZAS. Cuba (IPi After two failures which cost the backers hundred"of thousands of dollars. Professor Georges Claude has at last demonstrated the prac ticability of his electrical power plant operated by utilizing vari ations in temperature of Golf stream water. As cold water flows from the huee tube more than 4.000 feet a 1 College M en . . . See These I ... iw 1,... t . . nf II, A n.Aon ll J lOIIf, IU IOC IWUUIII Ul l, it 1 - warm water from the surface ' ; J flows into great vacuum tanks, where it is converted into iteam because of the lack of pressure. In a short time the steam reaches such a pressure that the adjacent tubes begin to revolve. 1 and the cold water flowing about the vacuum tanks condenses the 1 steam in one while the other is j filling. j The condensation produces a j fresh vacuum, so that by the time the full tank is exhausted the , other is ready to begin function- ' ing. Prole.-sor ClnuUe was able to light forty bulbs with his strange turbin. Observers believe it will mean a revolution in industrial power methods. 11 ' ; iT 1 I -t.l BSC. BURLY PILE Overcoats MILITARY SCI EPs CE OPPOSED BY VOTE OF IOWAJ ARMERS AMES, la. The Iowa Giange went on record Thursday as op posed to compulsory military training in both the state college nd university. Thu decision was reached al a session of the an nual convention here. The organ ization was decidedly aguinHt re quiring military drill of students. The Orange also passed reso lutions favoring more rigid en forcement of weed eradication laws .and was flimly opposed to the repeal of the prohibition amendment. About 100 persons attended the banque, which con- 11 J ! J 1 ;H y I H 1 , . featured in a Qr eat Special Wednesday Qroup for only . . . 1 il ' 1 ! ! t 11 '.' 1 1 RotanUt Put Plant Through Slrange Antics ST. LOUTS. (IP) Plant life was speeded up and literally turned upside down in a small ex perimental garden when student botanists here made plants grow upside down and mature In half the usual time. By the aid of chemicals, ultra violet rays and other means the plants: were made to lose their sense of gravity and sprout their roots above the ground while others grew durirg the night under the treatment of the students. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. New York City has 1, 200.000 j J, school children. i il i 3 'J1 TYPEWRITERS S us for tnr P.ojal portable type wrilfr. th Kleal m hfr.e for ih student AU makia of mai-hlnes for rent. All makes uf ii.-ed ma chine! eusy pnimeut Nebraska Typewriter Co. Call B-2157 1232 O St. THE HA VC K STCDIO. "12111 O Street, j B29PI. Dimlnrtive photograph. SLEEPING ROOM One rarjreToom j for i men. Chap If taken this week. Also single. Clo." In. 1417 Q. B1783 A tTKK ALL it's a rownseni photograph that you want. I Delicious! Out Candled Pop-Curn with t Butter-Scotch Flavor OPEN SUNDAY CRISPETTES MADE FRESH DAILY Peanuts Poaited Freih Daily Lincoln Crispette Co 2 Mo. 13th t e e m -. if v Ik 111 Ml 11 I , Jt 1 i a, 111 ' J Pile Coats have been accepted by well dressed men as the most important of garments . . . we have them in fleecy, warm, Cam el's Hair pile fabric that have been adapted in a smart way to this full belted model . . . beautifully lined . . . big luxurious col lar .. . rich looking and yet unusually serviceable . . . well made . . . roomy . . . warmth without weight . . . Today when Value pUys such an important part in every man's wardrobe this group of big, burly pile Overcoats of unquestionable quality and dependable service offers warm stylish Overcoats in one of the finest collections from the point of value we have been able to offer for many e.asons . . . priced at only 22.50. In a a. I COLD S Men s Store South Annex.