The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1930, Page TWO, Image 2
WMINLMMi. tK.IOHIH 22. WUt i nr. "ijaii. i r.nn .ikv I I The Daily Nebraskan OFFICIAL TOOtST PUBLICATION ilNIVtNtlTV PP . aki,W ImtJir AMMttin. Taw?. fr r m,mi MW4 . TMiNTtlTH VtR a-' . ! tlnm. '. Ml tM. M.. . , ! fl '' ' I 101 OtUMI i. JWf ao. '4- yMH iihIii ! IK IM lwl(' OaC"ieTION NAT! U tin Cr t M MwtllX T; -! imu. him IOIT0MIAL TAF Mninam T. McCiM'V .f.Ut4 KlMM Kdly rampua !( dedicated themselves to iumU llfnrt, liult majr he ifompliihl. Peihaps their put'lin education program inol- i ttnsira plaus fur sou line in leataurant. 1r rooms ami on fire escape. Nook Hal, in revolutionary iiumm. aug that all sororities might start a mckliiir in hou campaign. If tha varloua hoard ami organizations about tht rampua refu to art, thia majr occur. NIGHT SCHOOL RE GISTRATION JAKES DECLINE ..flnwM Wall ..... Arthur MiliM , w " ! VVmn' " aiy aMr Su Crf rtiM Mm.. uaiKtaa siam ChtriM Lwir Ani Slide Mf AMUUnt ButlntM "' Marmaa CilUKtr J Thm CMBE A Big Hand. starting their seaon rith an except tonally fine drama, the Iniveraity Tlarera have at traded reasonably large crowd's to their first tti narformaiirea of "Journrv'a End." TK rnivartitT of Nebraska should be protjd o iU actora. Many largrr univrriitiea would b ahored tintf remonlonily into the dra- mti ahad by Ncbmka playera. hew atu dents, how-ever, appreciate the Univeraity Tlay. m. JTanr LLwoln people are anxioua to wt TMJwinn in the Temrle theatre, aince tby ara aooualnted with the remarkable work dono by tneia ttuaem aruam. inc men wnoea who attend the university and ahould K mut ymcerned about the local actora, how fretf, era apparently too dull to appreciate their Voirroey'a End" Is a ntaatcrpiece. Ita lrl& charactera and scenes are waaterfully portrtved by the ebmkan. ll proviaea an venJng cf extraordinary entertainment and even Joa College and hi date would find them selves enjoying a first el aw production. All Over. Campaigning coed have departed from the Temple steps; activity men are numng swollen right hands; political bosses are mus ing; the election is over. In the past, elections have been very ex citing little affairs. Boss Jones of the under shirt faction would slip home from the polls at noou with a handful of ballots. He would de ploy a squad of freshmen to mark them prop erlv, and then return them to the ballot box. Kle'ctions were gay old affaira. Throat-cutting was the collegiate pastime and the minority confined its activities to bleeding and howling. Behold, a new state of affairs! Electtons are now operated on the level. Despite a few indiscreet violations of the election code by over-ambitious factionalists, everything in yes terday's battle was square. Student elections are enjoyable events. The sedate senior may ignore them, but the normal students find pleasure in thronging to the Student council's makeshift polls. It is a part of the thing we call college life. Di verting the student mind from studies and cak ing for a moment, It offers a taste of something JL heavy student vote indicatea a general interest in student government and campus ac tivities. That Is to be desired, for no matter how mueli we may ridicule activities, they rep resent an essential slice of collegiate existence. Flashlight pictures, with their gusts of pow der, would not daunt the boy who has waited tabha n a coffee shop. Quarter Up. Quarterly reports are hovering maliciously over tha student body as the first quarter re tires in favor of the second. Some alleged stu dents have picked up a few stray facts during the initial heat, while others are still wander ing around in a dream, guessing at every thing. All students, however, receive practically the same treatment from their beloved in structors. The backward lads and lassies rub shoulders with the intelligensia in classrooms. The latter do most of the reciting, while their colleagues sit back and let their heads swim. Seniors in underclassman courses are given juvenile quizzes along with the rest of the troop. Instructors seem to be baffled by the variey of scholastic material presented them. It was once considered improper for instructors to "turn in" juniors and seniors at the end of the first quarter, but now it seems they may. "What good does it do one to learn study meth ods through his first two or three years, only to be slapped down with the beginners in some general course? In most cases there is no excuse for a stu dent to be delinquent at the end of the first quarter. Carelessness, procrastination, laziness are tn blame for most of these bad stsrts. Fra ternities and sororities growl and roar at their iiii iiiliers, but the down hours continue to float into the scholastic reservoir. AORNINC MAIL .ihm! I ecmu-ork. TO THR FDITriRt Thi is supped to both amok) ami firey. You are rljlit that something ahmiM don about the conditions that the NVhradau has been deploring. You art wrong In think ing that girli at content to continue in th-hrKrrni-al poaition in which they automati cally find thnntf Ivm. Hut nobody seems to he brave or ait frrtftivc enough to come to the front miiIi n plan of attack on thete existing condition. Okay, how'a this! A vote In nearly etery house and dormi- tnrr Mould undoubtedly show a majority in Loss ol 187 in Enrollment: Nine Courses Dropped From List. BLAME ON DEPRESSION Is Reed Thinks Decrease Out to Hard Times in Business. ir tt.ii nM and Biranott port ing vnl which hua airtarty b rxma fumnua. hat it amount! tn la tvltinf in the length rt th Sunday aermona of lh tor. SUeordl PotUd. In in roma of tha organisers .f the -ptaka ara charta showing tha recorda fit pat per fmmanrea by tha divinai. and lha tta ranging from two ahlllinga lt ton akllllfla miV h Datd 110 Kinal regitraiin figurrt for the ,0 ( oro-i every Hunday on any university niffhl chKl clae f tn0 rfayg prearheia. how a total of 3TQ pupil enrolled j A (roUp ,,f official timet take In twnty-ia rlae. According to ,hr ,IOp watrhe to Ih varloua Tfof. A. A need, director f the rnr,h-, Wlth them, and keep eatenoon divlaion. Nine rlae rr,ul irck fit the number of Student at Camhridav, England, Develop New Pastime for Sunday In lictting on Length of Sermons AMI!i;iliK, Kiiflaiid-dl) Thr aiie. irNli i. lion hit-h lend to tnak life dull for Caii.l.ri.l university students .... c... i I........ l.ol.l nv thrrat to the ii'.ln m of a larg of the nndergrn.luates since the inaui;uratl.iii or . . .. ........ i ' the "Siiiulay ernuns n rpi. t'liwitlinglv. the paatora of tneha .k al rliiin hi i. play iK I. -.! nart in tha operation overtime each paator prenrhe. After everal wecka of otwerva tlon. the affair haa Inwoma ona of handicap, and there are dopater and tlpMera who regularly clean - . lk irvlriiliim " nn'iT.-i -m " jrninule . . . -i i . ii.l I favor of the of the custom of j ? " V'J rZ'iV,': -.I' a a a a 1' iuau ta, a saw ' i tnmking in the house, (iirls ho do not 1 hnn- i i,,vl to he a reult of general ecs smoke would Quite certainly approve buine depreion over the tateJ of thia comfort for their inhaling aiatrra. XZV U H WeVe'en"?.' the why don't they all get togt ther on It. agm- on ; Urf,,t wlth jhiny three tuci-nt j a date, ami ail atari smoKing in mrir nour mi rnroiled. Next in aire u tnt n i that date. Nothing like team-work ! And there ' in accounting under Mr. Cola. I. nothing like defiance for showing up the fal- j r- lacy of a time-decayed rule. AmriraB himorv ic with twen- Thev can't liuch owners of atores for not tv-thrt tegiatered. Thi eoure having hitching posts in front of their entran- covera the era of tha American ( Clat In Interior Decorating- i Uarnrt Annminrp P SflS 10f I 1 14 1 ay v t i f Vw - - up pecaune they have carefully tudied tha bablt of the mlnlnler In tha town. Unknown 'Quantity. Tha unlverlty preacher, uetially viaitor. la an unknown quantity, and la the object of the bet of the raiual followera of the eort. He I uaually given long odd. Odd on a bwhop ar automatic ally cut In two. however. Not long ago tha eweepUke narrowly eecaped bankruptcy when a minuter who substituted for a long ahot and on whom beta were allowed at regular mlnlater'a rate, aet new record by preach ing for fifty-l minute. HtalUtlca reveal that twenty-one and a half minute la th average of a aermon, with one which la-led only nine mlnutea holding th rec ord In that direction to data. Length of prayera la not taken Into account In calculating the extent of the paator a remark. PUBLISHERS TO PRINT COLLEGE Maze A tray. Betty Cord, Smoky Sal and their cohorts arc becoming interested in the smoking room situation. Others of their pious friends and winsome companions are disgusted with The Daily Nebraska n for brazenly recommending the establishment of smoking rooms in sorority houses and dormitories. For ore thing, certain feminine lobbyists claim that they have done everything within their power to get smoking rooms. They eon tend that their present inactivity is intended as a refreshing pause, during which the public will become educated to the use of cigarets by women. Since the coed organizations on this Th rour In Interior decora- ( tlon. which I new to the night rhool thl fall and taucht by i. i ' i i .i i . . i. .. ces. iriey can t kick an ne soromir on campus for laughing in the face of a regulation that is equally sensible and in keeping "ith . i . . IBB tlllie. .... !-,.... u. tri,.,i. I. fourth In onrnll. They say there is a national panhell.-uie i f tntv-two persons Of I a l. 4 ! . Ir 1 ... . rule against It. ine iact remains m' " i reglaure I It l a lecmre conmr violated bv most sororities on many other cam-. llluirated with lantern lide and puses and It doesn t seem to tc a serious oi fense. Why not get together on the subject and prova that our howling for smoking room is a heart-felt how If Yours for a little action. SMOKY SAL New Anthology: Will Appear in Spring. other examplea. following are the enrollment In th rent of the night school rlaime: Fifteen In American hlMory Pc un der Blanche Lyman, elx In land economic under T. T. Bullock, eventeen In the modern novel taught by F. A. Stuff, nineteen In Fnglish 'compoeltlon under Mr. Alice Hupp, eighteen In ahort torv writinr under Melvln Van den Bark, ten In tre hortator under Mr. A new anthology or American college verae will be published In i May, 1931, by Harper ana romer I It ha been announced by the pub lisher. The book ylll consist solely of poetry written by student at tending college during 1930-31. It will bo edited by Jessie C Render, Randolph-Macon '29 and Colum bia university 'SO. All atudenta. either undergrad uate or graduate, attending any American 1 college during the current year. Van den ! are Invited to submit poem for In- Bark. Thirteen tudenta have en- I elusion in the anthology. The vera rolled for A. R. Congdon's class In tn will be selected for publication hall. TTw's It Logic. TO THE EDITOR: Now that the issue of smoking in sorority houses oceunies the center of the stage, l wish . .i i ruiiru iwi to add one more comment to those that liave method, three inl0uiv uoon their literary merit, it alreadr been made. It is obvious, firt of all. Charlea Fordyce'a iandardizcd : WM announced. If the venture is a that airls smoke for one or the other of 1m o testing, and thirteen in mechanical : iucceM it u expected that it may i ,i. : i1-,.11l, thev drawing under N. ... Hill. become an annual affair. reasons because they enjoy it, or because tne Jtn r ftklnf flne artl 51c and msy N written upon think it is the smart thing to do. j2c from Pauline Gellatly. and ' any ,Ubject. but mut be limited to First in importance, although prolwblj ' seven taking children classics, i fifjv ,ineg or .students wlh- i. tv. ,;!. M.w .,U 1. I Seventeen are enrolled In the class : , , rnntrihntlon ahould U 12 n ."'I.: K : i hawing under m. Faulkner, to the cause uie.v c.iju.t iu .... i ' and eleven In juvenile an unner , Prarlrle Schooner, station A. Lin some women enjoy hniumng juri s hhmvui.... e,u wittie. coin. Neb as men. If a law were to oe passea ioi okkiihk ouneen iiuumu are rriicu men to smoke in fraternity houses it would be JXL' met hr an avalanche of violent protests. i i sim.n v.n in ibn there any reason why men merit thia piivil-j,nd trigonometry under H. P. ese and women do not? Is there any reason j Dooie, five in philosophy I6ic un Ay a girl who enjoys smoking should no. SSfi smoke at home just as readily as a man! MostjWalton 1 ' assuredly there is not! j In the physiology department. i. inaa irl who smoke heeausi' Iliev i iweniv-seven are nrii-u iui lvl . . . Iv-.l-. think it the amart thinir to do. there is one excellent cure to allow smoking in sorority houses. This extinguishes the Inst spark of cleverness from the cigaret. Smoking is no longer smart, because it is too commonplace. What waa once unique becomes rather a bore, and the attractiveness of smoking dwindles tremendously. Institutions which sanction womon's smoking, Byrn Mawr for example, report a notable decrease since tin; ban has been lifted. Girls who enjoy smoking will do so. If not allowed to smoke in their sororities, they will go elsewhere. Girls who smoke to be smart will do so as long as it is novel, ana n win con tinue to be novel until smoking at home low ers its level to the commonplace. The solution lies in allowing smoking in sororities. This will appeal to those fair-minded individuals who want to see the problem settled justly. and it will also appeal to the righteous and holy who want to see this great aoeial evil diminish. BETTY LUfcli. Earth It Crowing Warmer and Drier, StateM Projetnar LAUSANNK-OP) The earth I growing alowly warmer and drier, aa It waa thousands of yi.r ago during the interglaclal period of relatively recent geolog ical history, according to Professor P. L. Mercanton, of the Univers ity of Lausanne. The professor, who ia chairman of the scientific committee which haa recorded the advance and re treat of glaciers aince 1881, bases his opinion on th fact that glaci ers of th Swlsa Alps have been re treating for a number of years. Whether or not thia condition of earth temperature may be con fined to the Alps, or may have aome connection with tha recent drouth on the other aid of the Atlantic cannot be determined ao quickly, weather aulhoritlea ay. Whether or not the glacial re treat of the past mew yeara marks a temporary recession, to be re placed in a few years by an creased advance, scientists they are unable to predict in- 3' PROOFS FOR PRAIRIE SCHOONER RECEIVED Short Stories. Plays, Poetry Will Be Featured in Next Number. WALLER WRITES ARTICLE Fitl prif for the winter Uu of Prairie ftchooner mag ails have been received by th editorial taff. A number of toha. play, article and poem will appear In the number, which will be aent out within a short time. Prof. Wlllard Waller of th ao rlology department haa contrib uted a diM-usiioo of scholarship entitled "Should Profeaaora Think?" -Indian." by Martin . Teteraon. Instructor in Engllih, la considered outstanding. Two ahort lorl, on "In Irv ing Memory." by John E. Under wood of DuRol. Wyo, th other 'The Dowry," by Olga Fold. Clarknon, Neb., ar appearing In thl issue. Th latter atory haa Ita setting In Moravia. Ml Evalln Parson Jack ion, Atlanta, Ga., haa also contributed a ahort atory, "The Dark Boy." Miss Park Writea Play. Dorothy CI Park haa written a play for th number entitled "Nothing Too Much." A large amount of poetry waa received for thia Issue. Among th poem accepted la "Dream Ship," by Harol i Vinal of Farla and New York City. Mr. Vinal ia editor of the maAne. "Voices." Margaret F.. llaughawout, a resident of Pittsburg, Kas., and a frequent contributor to the Prairie Schooner, haa another poem which waa se lected, "Relict." Jess fit u art, a student of Vanderbllt university, Nashville, Tenn.. haa written "Des olation." "Something Strange" ia another poem, contributed by W. D. Crow bridge, Green Valley, III. B. A. Botkin of the English department, who Is working for his Ph.D. de gree, haa written "The Gulls--Provincetown Harbor." Mr. Bot kin formerly wa connected with the University of Oklahoma fac ulty and ia at present editor of "Folksay," which is published at Norman. Okl. Librarian Gilbert Doane has contributed hi regular feature, "Blbliana." and Prof. L. C Wlm berly, editor In chief, has written I the "Oxcart." The Midwestern I Writers column by Marie Langden j denls with a review of "Prairi I Women," by Ivan Beede, a former Nebraskan. Other stories, articles I and poems alao appear in this win i ter number of this magazine. , (irorpraphies Will LUl i New KuroppHii Name A committee of Judges to be announced later will aelect j the poetry which wilt be sent to Harpers. It may be delivered in : Haeathall Srhpdlllp BeinCT NKW YORK.--i IP l -According usher. The book win consist solely oasKeiDaii icneuuie oeing , a storv ln lhe Nw York Tln)(. berlv s office, room 121, Anarew Mt t aiiueu 101 I UUlllo At Short Course. hvtiene. thirteen in human physi ology under Dr. R. A. Lyman. vn in nersonal hygiene and SPAIN SETS I P UNIVERSITY IN MEXICO IN 1553 vi'isuiNf.Tnv 1IP1 Scarcalv tnree in principles 01 nuriiiK . nd lhe ppani8rdg conquered Mex der Lulu Abbott. I , . tnev fgan to erect a Many erun ! univeraity according to an article! There have been quite a few le- i . ... ' tn.Amrlpn i fund, to atudenta enrolled in the 'D' CV"E. castanida. night achcol because some have ! prms8ion WM reecived from moved out of town, and others are , chftrle8 v , 1551 for the etab- The classes ln Business Nebraska farm boys attending the annual farm operator's short course at th arricultural college this winter were assured of active ! m class rooms in New York public political changes effected by tho World war in the spellings of old established cities, rivers and other geographical units of Europe and the far east will be noted in school geographies and receive mention forecast-! of the Royal and Pontifical ' 8j-CU8 torecasi- ......, , u..!.. m. tin - of Bethai athletic participation by Director H. K. Douthit Tuesday. A achedule of twenty basketball games is pending. Otto Dillon, agricultural college student, w.ll direct athletics for the farm boys this year. He shvs games have already been defi nitely scheduled with Greenwood, and with second teams schools, but in most cases will ni t take precedence over the more fa miliar designations used in th schools heretofore. . 1 . 1. : tv. ,,n, ui 1 1. 1 1 n 11 . niiu .vjiictkc ittv.. , ' i t ine. agricultural credit, principles nff lpi.v OD,ned two : Ion is now seeking HAVANA (IPi-- A strange fish which was sucked up through his newly invented electric power lube from the bottom of th ocean, hna been named after Prof. Georg Claude. of economics, character education Boy Scout leadership, Junior high achool, business management of schools, teat construction, and be ginning French were dropped. The following classes are new to the night achool this fall: The American short story, business psychology, descriptive geometry, illustrated history, interior decora tion, land economics, lip reading, personal hygiene, psychology, sec ondary education, statistical meth ods, standf rdlMd Testing and trig onometry. "Although the yellow jackflt fac tion was defeated at the polls we are pleased to see the strength which was displayed by the thir teen fraternities which represent us. It was gratifying to note that ln no case was the blue shirt ma jority more than some odd to fill other dates with Waverly, Ashland and Seward. A week end trip to Nel- votes. showing that our iacuon waa Increased in voting strength nearlv two hundred votea." "I want to say in behalf of the faction that the election was fairly held and that we feel no illegiti mate voting or soliciting was done on the part of our chief rnmnpt it lot s. the blue r.hlrts. We Little Helper. TO THE EDITOR: Now, take the third page ot your news- paper. There is a nice miie aoo-uaa mm "SOCIETY" in it and on the sides, or ends, of "SOCIETY" there are some leaves or some thing; like in the Nebraska State Journal. Then, underneath, there are some items that say that the Alphas, Betas, or somebody ; fcovine- a ira. a ball, or something. Now, i. .11 rirr,t beeauae I suDnosc that is what believe that by the time of the 1 thi year, are Homer, . : . . next election we win oe luny r- years later with a regular faculty I mnn and .Qtmfrtr H at Hn nlannprl For aome t me there naa rjeen a question, the author aay. as to m addition the farm hoys are whether Peru or Mexico had th. "f" ' . 'h.e "'If ?2?Z2-J$J1Z evidence i n1uri?t nr.rehV; The Mexican institution has re- P' i" the league if tbey arc. mained in operation con.tantly admitted. Entrance will mean the , from the timePof ita founding to f J"'1 " the present day. and many of the thirty-game schedule. , leaders of the Mexican government I xEW BRUNSWICK N J - and private life have been iU (IP,A new school ' for' child 1 graduates. atudv, opened at the New Jersey ! fttAt rnllnff foi U'omn hrm this year, is designed to offer children advantages which they would not receive at home. Physically and mentally normal children from two to four years old are being admitted. Study 200 of Clansics CHICAGO. (IP I Twenty se lected University of Chicago fresh- forty I men, half coeds and half men, will begin a two year study this year of 200 classics of literature, rang ing from Homer to Freud. They will be taught by President Robert M. Hutchins and Dr. Mortimer Adler, associate professor of phil osophy. The first ten authors. ' selected for studv during the first quarter the Bible, opietv ir. sort Of But then here is what 'a the matter. 1'n derneath that you've ot a lot of stuff like "Betty Smith spent Sunday in Omaha" or "Helen Jones waa in Wahoo Saturday," or "Mary Jonson bought a dog." Now that's all right if you want to go through with it, but the way it is now it is un democratic, snobbish, and detrimental to our present social system. Now you should do something about it, and knowing you are busy, I have worked out four schemes for you. All you have to do it to take your choice, and our social system will remain unshaken to its very roots by what used to be a pernicious evil. So just go ahead and takoi your choice. J. Announce that personals like "Mary Smith had Sunday dinner with relatives in Seward" must be paid for at the usual rale and run in the "Want Ad column. (P. S. Thin will be a way of increasing the revenue.) 2. Check up and report on the doings of everybody in the university starting alphabeti cally with A and ending with Z. (P. S. This will increase the si of your paper.) 3. Every day just print a list of those who want their name in the paper. (P. S. This will satisfy everybody and save time.) 4. Don't say anything about it, but just go ahead and cut out all the personals in the Society eolumn. (P. S. There are some aw fully good jekes in "Jokes of 1929" by Joe Millar that' you could use to fill up tha space. That's where the actors at tha Stuart get their jokes.) . Constructively. Criticizingly yours, A FORMER NEWSPAPER BOY. ltcligioijs Education Is Described Aa Haphazard MILWAUKEE. (I.P.) Speak ing before the conference of the United Lutheran church in Amer ica, of which he is president, the Rev. H. F. Knubel of New Rochelle, N. Y., declared that the develop ment of theological education in this country haa been haphazard. "Like Topsy, it Just grew," he told the convention. . i Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, ganired into a closer faction union j Herodltus. Thucydides, A r i a t o- and will be completely ready to ; phanes, Plato and Aristotle, swing the balance at the polls." Considerable latitude will be al Delphin Nash, the new preai- I owed the students in the books by dent of the barb political party, j these authors which they wish to stated as follows: select. "I am not pleased with the re sults of the election, naturally not, but the vote shows that the barb faction la still alive on this campus. All it lacka is effective reorganiza tion following Al Williams resigna tion. We didn't care particularly about the ultimate result of thU contest but we are looking for ward to the Student council elec tion next spring and we are going to bend our especial efforts to ward that end." Ag College Scale. The interesting feature of the election rest in the fact that in the case of each class president the agricultural college students held the balance of power. In every case, with the exception of the freshman race where the number of candidates affected the result, the farm campus held the balance of power. At present the agricultural campua vote is mon opolized by the blue shirts, who are represented there by Alpha Gamma Rbo and Farm House fraternitiea. For the present at 'east, poli tical bargainings are over, as far aa surface appearances are con cerned. What new alliances or new source of strength ar gained by th respective factions during the next three months will only be known when student go to th polls ln February for the aecond semester elections Senhora Bernardina Conrado da Silva Guimaraea, of Pernambuco, Brazil, died recently at the re puted age of 113. She had 129 di rect descendants. mtll! ' going to the cornhusker so are we tasty pastry shop hotel cornhusker The Anglican church in China is considering the closing of all its j schools there because of the ani mosity of the new government. i TODAY'S SPECIAL Meat Loaf Tostette Pie a la Mode Any !5c Drink Rector's Pharmacy 1J and P Sti. 30C HELP! I he Advert iseri in This Paper Are Loyal Cornhusker Boosters Patronize Them and You Help tho4 Who Help the University Does She W jip A BERET Well. I xhould say she does! She not only wears one, she has sev eral one to match her ariou campus outfits and she can do it he cause these cute "Pan cake" lierets are only $1,75 all colors I And when it con; ing hats she's comes to wear- certain to find just what she wants in style and color at the Cam pus Shop. S5.0 Co-Ed Campus Shop 1123 R Street