The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1930, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
iincoi.s. M ink. ii i:im. octohkk 21.
Philosophy of Rural and
Community Life' Is
A. E.'S Topic.
Sees Danger to Mankind in
Rural Exodus; Advocates
New Social Order.
George Russell. Internationally
known Irnh economist, poet, phil
cisophcr. and Journalist, will speak
At the Stuart theater at 11 odor
todav on the subject "Philosophy
cif Kural and Community Life."
Mr. Russell "AE" to the literary
world it speaking In Lincoln un
der the auspices of the university.
In an interview with a Nebras
kan reporter yesterday afternoon
Mr. Russell explained the agricul
tural organisation that has been
accomplished In Ireland, how this
differs from the type attempted tn
America, and of the problem which
faces America in the rural exodus.
Rural Exodus.
It is estimated, said Mr. Russell,
that if this exodua from the farm
continues, within a few years 0
percent of the American people
will be urban. We do not realize
what this means, because our cit
ies are constantly being replen
ished with a vigorous manhood
li-om the rural communiteis. In
England one need only to see the
extent of degeneration in the three
or four generation city dweller to
realize the horror of the situation
which A mere a faces if this rural
exodus is not stopped.
New Social Order.
Mr. Russell's remedy for this
rural exodus is the building up of a
rural civilization, a new social or
der. Almost always, he says, civili
zation is centered around a few
square miles of brick and mortar.
If we can build up a rural civiliza
tion with true culture and other In
terests then the mere production
of food products, we will have
reached the solution of our prob
lem. , .
Referring to his own country as
a laboratory in which social and
political experiments can be
worked out. "AE" with a truly
Irish love for his home country'
told of the natural endowments of
Ireland, but failed not to overlook
its liabilities in lack of land.
There, he savs. the average size of
a farm is from ten to thirty acres
and the farmers make a comfort
able living off these little farms.
Mystic and Poet.
The roost, impressive thing,
however, of the interview was not
Mr. Russell's theories of agricul
tural economics. It was "AE," the
mvstic and the poet. The rich bar
none voice, the tempered cadence
of his words, the slight very
slight Irish accent, coupled with
the physical appearance of this
broad, eix foot, bearded sage of
Ireland overshadowed his eco
nomic theories.
Mr. Russell was met on his ar
rival in Lincoln yesterday after
noon by a committee composed of
Governor Arthur W. Weaver,
(Continued on Page 3.)
Car Strikes Bridge on Way
To Ames; Companions
Are Unhurt
Richard P. Fitzgerald, Denver,
Colo., senior student in the Uni
versity of Nebraska, was seriously
injured in an automobile wreck
about 100 miles from Lincoln Fri
day evening. Oct. 37.
Accompanied by James K.
Dowd. Guthrie Center, la., and
Frank K. Konkright. Kimball.
Neb., both students in the univer
sity, Fitzgerald left Lincoln Fri
day afternoon for Ames, la., to at
tend the Iowa State-Nebraska
Misinterpreted Sign-
Fitzgerald, who was driving a
new Ford coupe, misinterpreted a
road sign to read "curve" instead
of 'turn, and failed to make a
sharp corner. The car struck a
bridge on the other side of the
Fitzgerald sustained a broken
collar bone, a broken left arm. a
broken rib, and a punctured lung.
He was taken to the Bryan Meme
rial hospital when brought back
to Lincoln on the train, and is re
ported to be doing as well as
might be expected. Neither of his
companions were injured.
All three are members of
Kappa Sigma.
Cornhusker Seller
Must Turn in Book
All Corn Cobs snd Tassels
who have Cornhusker sales
books are asked by Ed Ed
monds, business manaoer, to
ch:ik them in immediately at
the Cornhusker office.
I !aiililalr
f - ' -.. I
it , -
i Ay J ;
fturtr ot lb Lincoln
Who Is a candidate for honorary
colonel. Her picture was not se
cured until too late for the Sunday
edition. Miss Tauber comes from
Greenleaf. Kas.
A. W. S. Sponsors Campaign
To Get Crads Back for
Annual Homecoming.
Annual "X" stamp sale drive be
gins Wednesday. Oct. '22. The
sale, sponsored by the A. W. R.
board, is put on for the purpose
of bringing all the grads to home
coming. Nov. 15. The sale is held
every vear by the board and is
successful in getting the grac's
back lor one of the biggest events
of the year.
The stamps are sold in ai: so
rority and fraternity bouses, as
well as ciormitories. and used by
the downtown business houses.
Two freshmen chosen from each
sorority will be assigned to a busi
ness bfock to handle the sale in the
downtown secuon.
Prizes Offered.
Unt-errlassmen will take charge
of selling the stamps in the fra
ternily and sorority bouses. A
prize is to be awarded to the. team
of two girls which is most success
ful in selling the stamps in me
downtown district, according to
Jean Ratbburn, chairman of the
Stamps mav also be purchased
at Long's book stoie and at Mil
lers. A stamp should seal every
letter that is mailed, according to
Miss Rathburn, in order that every
grad may know about homecom
ing. All sorority representatives
are asked to report to the sale
chairman in the A. W. S. office on
the second floor of k-llen Smith
hall between 3 and 5 o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon.
A house-to-house rally, featur
ing musical entertainment, mu
cheers, is being planned by Corn
Cobs for Friday night, according
to an announcement made today
by Arthur Mitchell, president ol
the group.
"The full program win ne an
WerlriPHdav moraine:." he
said. "Corn Cobs will stage rallies
at all sorority houses Friday eve
ning before the football game with
Montana State on baiuraay.
A meeting of the Corn Cobs has
v...n railed for 8:30 Thursday
night at the Temple, room 203. At
that time, a number of junior
members who were not initialed
iot enrinr n-ill be riven the initia
tion ceremony. All members of the
group have been asked to attend
the meeting, which will be held be
fore the initiation.
A prize of $25 will be awarded
to the University of Nebraska
student taking a course in philos
ophy who can write tne oesx essay
r,n some Dhase of contemporary
German philosophy, acording to
an announcement made today by
Dr. E. L. Hinman, chairman of
the depaitment. This award,
known as the midget, prize in phil
osophy, is granted every year.
The essavs students eubmit
should be limited to 4.000 words.
General interest of the theme, a
r-xiitinKble mastery of the subject.
independence of treatment, and
clearness of presentation will be
laicen into consideration in judg
ing the manuscripts. The contest
will close April, 1. llMi. Juugca
n-iil he 1hree members of the de
partment of philosophy chosen by
Dr. Hinman.
Comeniue Club Elect
New Officers for Year
twtirm of officers of tbe Com-
enius club for tbe ensuing year
was held last iriaay nigut .i uk
,!ir hncinKK meetinr of that
organization according to Stanley
Mengler. retiring presiueiJL.
The newly elected officer are:
Ervin Breiina. president: Mildred
Bsrtoff. vice president: R.ose No
vak, Mtxrelaiy and trt.isur-r.
Prep Group Plans First of
Meetings Here for j
October 24.
The Tentative Constitution
Awaits Approval of
A notable array of jekers a-
eluding some of the best known
Nebraska newspaper men will ap
pear at meetings of the Nebraska
High School Press association
which convene in Lincoln. Oct
24. The high school journalists
will be guest of the University of
Nebraska school of journalism.
Francis Flood, the Nebraska
Farmer's globe trotter, will tell of
his travels in far away countries.
James F Lawrence, managing
editor of the Lincoln Star, will
discuss the functions of the news
paper in society today. Fred Sea
crest, business manager of the Ne
braska State Journal, will explain
the work of the business office.
Prof. R. P. Crawford of the uni
versity faculty, will tell how to
write and market feature articles.
John Bentley. Nebraska State
Journal sports editor, will speak
on sports reporting.
Several group conferences and
round table discussions will be held
on high school publication prob
lems. A questionnaire has been
sent out to all schools which have
newspapers by the school of jour
nalism for the press association in
order to secure data on expenses,
support, and worth whileness of
such publications. An effort has
also been made to secure informa
tion on school annuals, particularly
with reference to advertising,
rates, and methods of finance.
Have Constitution.
Copies of a tentative constitu
tion which will be voted on at the
convention have been mailed to all
high schools which have publica
tions or courses in journalism. Ad
ditional suggestions or amend
ments to tbe constitution have
been requested.
As the association is now organ
ized, two sludent delegstes and
(Continued n Page 3. i
Mew Members Chosen From
Group of Forty-Five
Pershing Rifles voted forty-five
men eligible for initiation into that
organization at a meeting held
Oct. 16 in Nebraska Hall. Forty
of these men will be initiated. Ap
proval of Colonel Oury, vote of
Pershing Rifle members, eligibility
and military efficiency will deter
mine who will be initiated. Tbe
final selection and the date of ini
tiation will be announced later.
Following are 1he names of the
forty-five men eligible for initia
tion into Pershing Rifles:
K. GrHham. R. Chittick. F. Mor
rison. W. H. Congdon, W. Gordon.
W. R. McEachron. P. D. Hays, J.
Koubik, G. Hughes. R. Brodky. R.
Moore, R. Moran. M. Houck, S.
Asher, B. F. Clark, M. Nevin, F. R.
Abbott, G. S. Fleming. J. Beard, D.
Groves, T. L. Duckworth, R. Doug
las, H. N. Powell, L. Young. W. B.
Potter, E. H uddleston. R. Rice, C.
G. Humphrey, C. Bishop, H. Swan
son, H. E. Winter, R. S. Hsrdie, 1
F. Koos, R. Jov. C L. Omaway, I
V. Well"r. W. E. Farr, H.. Beyer.
H. Ruegge, Mryon. Sorenson. Hul- i
ter, Scott, Humphrey, Jeffrey.
Colorado Frosh Are Ducked in Icy
Water for Not Wearing Green Caps
Nebraska Men Witnew Strange 4(url of ijonor on
Boulder Cainjius 156 jNen Men (riven (rood
Soaking by Irale
Editor's Note: Marvin Von
Seegern was one of tie three
Nebraska representatives at
the convention of the National
Engineering College Publica
tions association held at Boul
der, Colo., last week. He was
impressed with the manner of
enforcement of campus tradi
An original method of enforce
ment teaches campus traditions
to the freshmen at the University
of Colorado at Boulder. Freshmen
are cade to adhere rigidly to rules
which are designed to show them
their place on the campus. Green
caps are not much of a problem,
nor is the enforcement of tbe other
rules, namely no smoking of cig
arets on the campus and no walk
ing on the grass by tbe frosh.
Violations of these rules are
Sophomore cops, appointed by the.
llrad Iliirli
(''urt t ff 1h I 'n",tn Slftt.
1 Who is the newly elected head of
jthe hath faction. He is a junior in
i the college of agriculture and
comes from Henry. Neb.
Picture Taking Commences
Tomorrow; Students Are
To Make Own Dates.
Pictures for the junior and sen
ior and fraternity and sorority
sections of the 1931 Cornhusker
will be taken starling Wednesday.
Oct. 22. according to the editor of
the annual.
A new plan is being followed
this year and students will make
their own appoints at Hauck's or
Townsend's studios, instead of
having them made and announced
by the yearbook staff as has been
done before.
"It will be necessary to get the
pictures earlier," stated Kenneth
Gammill. editor, "in order to con
form with this year plans for the
Cornhusker. Our copy must be
sent to the publishers at a rela
tively early date."
As in the past the junior and
senior pictures will cost 3 each
and uhotos for the fraternity and
sorority sections will be priced at
Lower Price Not Feasible.
"We had hoped thai it might
be possible to make picture reser
vations at lower prices this year."
slated the Cornhusker editor, "but
this will not be feasible because
of the new plan upon which tbe
yearbook is sold."
Students may make their ap
pointments for pictures at either
Hauck's or Townsend's, as tbey
personally desire, according to the
yearbook' editor. They are urged,
however, to get them taken as
soon as possible in order that com
plete plans for the annual may be
laid out as soon as possible.
Time Limit.
"There will be a time limit set
upon the picture taking process."
asserted Gammill. "but this will
not be until we can determine how
the student body is coperating
with us in this matter. It is our
sincere hope that, starting Wed
nesday, students will make picture
appointments at their earliest pos
sible convenience. A better book
is sure to result if we have the
pictures in sooner."
Tbe editor of the Cornhusker,
especially stressed tbe fact that
there will be no xersonal list an
nounced e.ah day in The Daily
Nebraska n as was done last year.
The entire responsibility for mak
ing the appointment and getting
the picture taken rests with tbe
student alone and it is hoped that
immediate co-operation will be
The custodian of Nebraska hall.
John Perkins, wa injured last
Tuesday when be fell from a lad
der and broke three ribs. Mr.
Perkins will be away from his
work for a short time.
I'jipf rc-JaoMiien.
' student marshal, give tickets to
the law breakers upon observation
of the crime, whereupon the ac
cused must spjear before a moot
court which is conducted by the
law school. Senior laws act as a
defense council for tboise few who
plead not guilty- However, most
everyone is found guilty of some
thing or other, contempt of court
if nothing else.
The convicted frosh are marched
down to a lake in the center of the
campus In groups of t-n and are
totd off the bridge by members
of tbe "C club. Last Wednesday
at the first court of the year 156
tradition violators went eplaciting
into the ley water. A court is
held every Wednesday igtt and
the" habitual violators are given
heavier sentences.
Before many weeka are over the
freshman learns to respct tbe tra-
(Continued on Page 8.
War Drama Attracts Large
Crowd to Its Initial
Walter Vogt Stars in Main;
Role of Stanhope.
Young Captain.
A lane and appreciative audi-1
nc witnessed with approval th
premier showing of "Journeys
End." the first production of the
I'niversitv Players' season, at the
Ten-.ple theater last night. The
curtain rose on a realistic dugout
scene where five officers eat.
sleep, and drink rather steadily.
The effect of war on the souls
of these five men and those who
take their places when they "go
west" is the theme of "Journey s
End." Walter Vogt plays the part
of Stanhope, the young army cap
tain, very effectively. He handles
hii portrayal with restraint and
an adept touch here and there
which makes it very realistic.
Thompson Comedian.
Herbert Yenne'i interpretation
of JUIeigh, the impetuous school
boy. with pep. vigor and sup
pressed excitement, is very good.
William F. Thompson, one of the
guest artists, as Trotter is respon
sible for many laughs in the show.
Trotter is the genial fellow who
always enjoys his food. Robert
Reade plays' Mason, the cook, and
does an excellent piece of work
with this comical character.
An unusual bit of acting is done
by W. Zolley as Hibbert. tbe chap
crazed by his fear of the war. One
of the most outstanding scenes in
the play is the one in which Hib
bert tries to escape from the war
and Stanhope holds him back with
the aid of a gun.
Theodore Diers. a guest of the
Plavers. is very well cast for tbe
j part of the kindly school teacher.
Osborne. He plays tne pan who
fine understanding. The rest of
the cast is well chosen and they
play their parts well.
Leland Bennett as Captain
Hardy does a clever piece of act
ing. Art Singely plays the com
pany sergeant major. Harlan Fas
ten "the colonel. Jere Mickel the
frightened German captive. Joe di
Natalie and Eldbridge Brubaket
I the soldiers. There are no women
I in the cast.
One of the roost noticeable fea
tures of the play is tbe conversa
tion which has to do almost en
tirely with unimportant elemental
things, especially food. What th
characters think and what they
say have no connection. Tbey talk
to relieve the strain and get their
minds off of the war.
"Journey s End" by R. C. Sheriff
is a gripping war story that pre
sents an entirely new angle of the
war problem. It is well staged
and presented very effectively.
As a prologue to every' act, the
entire uniformed cast assembled
and saluted. Decorations in tbe
lobby of the theater also add at
mosphere to the play. Tbe dough
nuts and coffee served after tbe
first act were a realistic note as
well as very enjoyable.
Scheduled for Speeches at
Vespers,. World Forum,
Commission Groups.
Matias Cuadra. a Christian
leader among Filipino Moros. is a
guest of the university this Tues
day and Wednesday.
He is tbe son of Mohammedan
Moros, descendants of tbe ancient
Malay pirates of tbe Pacific. When
a child he was btolen from his par
ents by a German Jesuit priest
who took him to Borneo where be
began to prepare him for th
Last year Matias Caudra came
to America. He has been studying
in the Pacific School of Religion
and spending many of bis Sun
days preaching to the fifty thou
sand Filipinos who are scattered
through California.
Matias Cuadra is trying to help
open a whool to train teachers, so
that these teachers may go out
and earn their own living.
Today at 9 o'clock be will speak
at a tiattH in Race Relations. He
will aodress tbe upper classmen
commission and vesper service at
Ellen Smith hall tonight at 4 and
It o'clock, respectively.
Matia Cuadra will speak at the
World Forum luncheon at tbe
Temple cafeteria tomorrow noon
on the subject "America is tbe
Far Eaat."
Yearbook Staff Atked
3Ieet Today at Offie
The junior and senior staff of
the V-'oO Comb'irker i requested
to meet at the annual office at J
clock Tuesday and the fraternity
and aorority staff is to meet at
: o'clock of the aame day. accordii
i to Kenneth GammiU. editi.
Blue Shirt. Velio Jarkrl Faction SImh Ken Malrh
In Past; llarU Itrlalitrly Weak; 1.653 Cal
Ballot in l.aM Vole Content.
tjain ,,,.tPB on Kail Flection Hate; Macla. Ilokuf,
TonwMi Hate Lettered: IJj. Mathi We
Sophomore Foothall Men.
Tin4 r;n - l "H !
Ami from all app ;iran- it i to !.. .n Mh'. ti-- ra t at li e
ballot lox, at 1 a-t on r (ranis tin i-i.nt.M l. t" u ih tvn
campus fraternity factions Hi.- llo j.i. k.ts aiid Llii' liirt
over thre of tin4 rlnv. )in si'J' pei' N.
When tit- polU op. n at ! a. m. in tl T -inpl- 1"1a. tfc
" i student electorate will have t de
Irene Dawton.
Dorothy Clark.
Frances Holyoke.
Janie Lehnhoff.
Sally Pickard.
Evelyn Stotts.
Bessie Tauber.
Kenneth Gammill, blue shirL
Don Maclay. yellow jacket.
Stanley Mengler, barb.
Clen Burton, barb.
Steve Hokuf, blue shirt.
Coburn Tomaon, yellow
Ralph Copenhaver. barb.
Lawrence Ely, yellow jacket.
Chris Mathis, blue shirt.
Willard Anderson, yellow
Don Edwards, independent.
Mario E. Smith, independent.
Bill Weir, blue shirt.
Cordon Williams, barb.
,,i'fc' ttLV,,v"
Von Seggern. Kelly Warn
Factions Against
All rules set forth by the Stu. j there is only one athlete ocit of the
... three and in the list of five fresb
dent council in regard to elections ! m(,n m)y ofM inchtl m4 ,f
will be strictly observed in the j former elections are to be regarded
polling for class officers and bom- ; as presagers of what is to happen
rarv colonel today, it was stated ! ' 'r-u f" I"" f " "
. " , w ! eider the athletes elected,
bv Eovd on Rfggern who is
chairman of tbe elections commit- 1 Year for upsets,
tee. I E'Jt since this seems to be the
Bob Kelly, as president o) the year for upsets in tbe field of
Student council, and Prof. E. W. j foot ball a sport, mind you tbe
Lantz. as faculty advisor and same might hold true in the non
member of the university fatuity athletic contests indulged in by
committee, have asserted their d-- j the sportsters.
sire that an orderly election o? This is the first election that
conducted. 'Continued "n Page 3.)
A. oriel summarv ox tne ruier
that will be observed in the
tion is as follows:
the polls or in the building in j
which tbe election is being held.
2. No money shall be spent on
behalf of anv candidate.
8. No printed, mimeographe.j.
tj-ped or otherwise published ma-
terial in behalf of any candidate , nstrUCt0r IS leW FaCUlty
shall be permitted except the ini- j. 1 1;. :f ..
partial announcements of the can- ; SpOnSOr Ol UniVCrSltV
didatet appearing in the press. Dramatic GrOUP.
4. Each voter shall check the
names of tbe candidate or caDdi- , Herb Yenne. instructor in dra
dates for whom be wishes to vote matics in the school of vfine arts,
on a ballot furnished him by tbe : esl accepted the position of fae
election officials in its respective 1 ujty advisor to the University Dra
box. i matic club. Mr. Yenne s aeeept-
5. There shall be a separate bal- 1 nre waJ announced at tbe club
lot for each class. ' meeting Thursday. Oct. 16. in tbe
i. Identification cards must be i Temple cub roonis.
presented before ballot will be ; Membership in tbe club has been
issued , ' restricted and tbe number of new
7. Each faction may have two j pjedFes to be admitted has been
representatives at the polls during ! jimiiri All applicants to mm
the time of voting and during the : bersfljp are required to fill out ap
time that the vois are counted. f,iKation blanks which will be ob-
h. The ballots shall be counted . tgjnibj, from members of the
bv the election officials. tun, Wednesday. Oct- 22 at tbe
'The polls will open at o'clock itDllm desk in tbe Temple building
Tuesday morning and will remain , btww.n J2:00 and 4:00 p. re
open until b o'clock p. m. The , Tryoots Thursday,
scenes of voting will be at the Tryouts for admission will I
Temple building and at Agricui- , Tj,uwiay . Oct. 30. and ad
tural hall on the college of agr'-' mittanc will 'be based upon ira
cultuie campus. malic ability. A monologue r
skit by one or more applicant.
i ll. If ..!...- i.iMIh1mI lasting from three to five mm
OJcJialher .N lieuuleU ute, Lail be required. Costumes
For Jliree Addres-s ; krt recommended where appropri-
I ate. but are not essential to the
Tr. C H. Oldfather. chairman j
of the history' department, will give , '-j- tu0 jj, preparing a
three talk on the life and influ- i pity t0 preenteo to the public
ence of the Latin poet Virgil, dur- j At a election this semester
lng the coming week. i tie club officers chosen were:
On Wednesday he will go to the Marguerite Danielaoo. president;
Northwest Stat Teachers college jaE Sensible, vice president: Jvlor
at Marysville. Mo., to address etu- ton P.ichards. secretary and re
dents ther. Tnur4av be ill re- porter: glavton Pierce, treasurer.
turn to Lincoln t- spe.k before mj j-jdd Brenton. ergear4-at-the
first district meeting of the arms Tbe executive committee is
Nebraika State Teacher asocia- composed of Francis Sherman,
'tion. Fndav be will rpeak at an-, Vera Walters, and Madeline Wea
otker district me-ting of the sta'.e toopal in aoaiUoo to the above
i tethers aaociaUon in Norfolk- : officer.
ride on f'"ur class presidents from
' a list of fourteen candidates in all.
But that isn't all that will have
to be determined at this election.
There's the selection of the hon
orary colonel to be made. too. In
this field only one is to be chosen
and she wili have to be picked
from seven possibilities, including
Snllv Pickatd. Pi Beta Thl: Dor
othy Clark. Alpha Phi: Frances
Hol'ynke. Delta Gamma: Janie
Lehnhoff. Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Irene Dawson. Alpha Omitron Pi:
Eve'yn Stotts. Delta Delta Delta:
Bsie Tauber. nonsorority.
Heie are the lir.eupp fi the
class presidencies:
Seniors: Kenneth Gammill. Delta
' Vpsilon. blue shirt: Don Maclay,
Kappa Sigma, yellow jacket: Stan
ley llengler, harb.
Juniors: Glen Burton, barb.
Steve Hokuf. IM Tau Delta, blue
shirt: Coburn Tctmson. Phi Kappa
Psi. yellow jacket.
Sophomores: Ralph Copenhavei.
' barb: Lawrence Ely. Kappa Sigma,
yellow jacket: Chris Mathis. Farm
House, blue shirt.
Freshmen: Willard Andeior.
Tau Kappa Epsilon. yellow jacket;
Don Edwards, independent: Mario
; E. Smith, independent: Bill Wei".
Delta Phi Gamma, blue shirt: G:i
I don Williams, barb.
Popularity Tests.
Tbe races in the sophomore snd
junior classes are almost sure to
bitii:-oMih"uehh ?J-
tered in each of the contests it .
almost safe to prognosticate that
the battle will be between tbe e.
lows and blues over their sports
ment. B"th of the athletic con
tenders in each of tbe two classes
are strong candidates and it might
as well be anybody's "game "
Of course, there are athletes in
the other two class contests, too.
In the senior class. bowevei.
;.:r.;iHERB yenne accepts