jimmy, ononnt !' 'Jt" Till! DULY M I1HASKAN Timrn SOCIETY w I Social Calendar A laltfe riu.o mi' '"I"' "" 1,1 .um and supported l' '' ' .,1!,,v M II." .il.ji-rl Uh.ii '"' """" ' the All-l'liiv. i't v pa.K j.lny.'.l upon t!; l"''' ' ' "' ' ' I....;.... t'l iiiiil'. The -Miami I-"""" .lilh,in, I.l .i U ..I oil. i ki i i-.iiin m i i l.i .. .1 hi ,r!.t " I (till .U t r A t..flateil flkll IT- II i.l. ini. r' T li r r . in a n l. r.. llil t,-.hr 111 I l. V ..III 4 - lij i.r women! Ii Till Cpoilers REX BEACH SmrriiiK GARY COOPER Start Ini! LINCOLN a ! J .liunr I hi. I f.ntii lii-. tie ii i ik ii- I M.i I i! . ii I:. i. il ii. ni'ti.-Ma. j limn " I !.' '. ' . ; f.; i t u a j fc.iiu.ii.. - 1 n. Ii f I In- l.npnonea nrre pi. . --ii i v .in a r"A i ran r. II. .r a I it i: A Pit ii. II and t'lipr-itt . .; 1 Mil C'l. v utri" p.. U ill tin- i utv iii.n 'i was i-liii t t.i , v '!' in I '"i. I Mrs I ini y. ( i'l mi ut Mi.v : U. ('i.plmii ii' 1 Mr.- SjH-iiy. I 'a p. turn nn I Mm. l.).'ii. IVipLnii mil Mm. I' iiiriu i: Irr and 1 'i n and Mm. I'.mi. Kappa Dell C n Fall Houie Dance. l-'llty inupV.t ijlir.il.il III Kpnt lvlti I n .!' t"f : v on llhliiV iv.lhni; Mi. and Mr. lvdd. lr. nml Mm. I pn and Mm. K W. ! h:i prion .-.I the Hllaii. Tratrrn'tv C:'ort Used At Delta Tr.e-t Parly, limn and while n sterility Ci.liiM, rlr itvti',iil in the iln millions or tin- I'.-lln Tin la l'l Ii. ii .-o prutv :i .''it 1 1 I v evening. ! CI'ii'mthiii-h for tin" ilfnii rie l'i,,ni. nr.il i :! p I' 1'rne. Mr. nti-l Mi... V. :i!i K. .V.tsihu- Pit ntnl l'l. I'.iaUil. Phi Delts Attend Annual Aluninl Dmnrr, Two n- In; Is i f phi li.il left Have You Tried the AT TME J i t rT Tl t Of L.rci i j, rrrsS, u MILTON SiLLS rflU AA-arrvnil lui n i j oiui.i'1." v "Man A Tidal V7av exci drama ' t 7 Karl Dane Geo. K. Arthur Sportlight MON. Comedy in.7 ?lf--oY r Always a k"1 KllOW- 7 COLONIAL MON. Friday. Iaii. Uta till Alpha hu party, tilt-ma llil 111 party al unroln hotrl. Ttitt XI hu party. Saturday Ai a'la full party at t'nrnhuakrr hi il. Kaipa Kapp Gamma liouac pnity lUn.ma I'M lirta. huia party, ivita .da. hu party, lunday. All L'mvrmity church day. miry ptayoia rm umlon. rii.l.iy afirrnin.0 for the annual parly fivrn for them by thr Dm. nha alumna. Ihe ilinnrr will be lirl.l at one nf the Omaha party hoimra aflrr whli h the rent ot the tunc will Ixt dr voir. I to a ;riirtal Hi t logethrr he lollowin natten.l rl. Oiatlm Ktrvkart. Joarph Holf nmn. W illiam Ivnkmn Jat k II. link. IVn Johnnon. Hcriiie Itrf nhniiKC fharlra Wat kin. Carl W illnrd and Wilrf Hmick. Delta Sign Lambda Pledget Jerry Madden. IXIta Sifc'ma ljmNla annouiiir the plr.lj.-mf of Jerry Madilrn. of t'oiimtl !Uif(. la. Sigma tta Chi Civet Picnic Supper. Sigma l"ta llil entertained at a party al the ac tivitlea building nn rura.lay evrninf. A pirnic hml bren piantu'il, but on account of the weather, via changed In an In door meeting, l.un. neon prepared hv Ml Jean Meld and her mm. rnittee -aa aerved. The evenlnjf cloed with aocial hour. Alpha Chi Pledget Entertained at Dinner. Mi!-a GwendnKn Haer will en tertain the pledpe of Alphn Chi Omer;a at a buffet tupper at her home- on .Sunday evening. Place Imve born ariHnRed for twenty Kuet. Yellow hryanthemuma will form the table decoiation ami the evening hour will be spent Informally Chi Omega Pledget Give Formal Tea. The pledge of Thi Omega Kftv a formal tea at the chapter house on Thumdiy afternoon. Invita tion were isued to three pledpes at each orority on the rampu. I Mr. Lily William and Cecelia llollinfr presided at the tea table , which was decorated with yellow j tapers and tea rosea. The commit-1 lr In thaige iomp.rd of Opal Mr, Oiri-tme Mol'm k, Marjjarrl and J-an MMt.all. Anindrl Mull and Jla.le Un.le. man attendnl the Amn nam fimn the riiitma Alpl.a l'l '' liiiii Urorge relt and Kotxil ftatphum rrprt iriitr.l the A'aiia I. mine at the came. Mr. and Jr. Tarr an I m.ii. liuueit. f Wuninii i f Kit, were j'iet at the l'l KPP ! .l..,.n II. in'11,1 l.ilir?. Of their an. :iij;rne, vilio i enrollrd In the univermty. AmnRK the at the l'l Kappa hue tho are Hn.tirp li e irk end at home aic I.Ho II 'dee r-airfit'ld. Kiank ilm -r. .v.oux City; Jran r.ol.lil '..i l!eml: Mernanl Srhwiec'i. i.-tnd 1 .iaii.l, lcwi 7.Uiiiii krr, Piinl City. Mra. A J. Tiarlir and t -n. Wi ley. ol Kulltiton. wne e.iesta at the l'l Kapp bue Thuitday. Mr and Mia A. K. tiryn ai 8 lieulnh f W ateniMi-. K.i . pent the week end It. l.m- Sn .ti.",' their ilauKhlrr. l-m-lla nnd luia tieyer. tiiediret r-f I'elta .da. Mildred Oveih.l ti IM'n .. left Klliiay to allind Hie K'inif i.l A mra, la. Ilrlt n Iri;;. '"'V h i teach In at rr.ion. p. nt the wrck en I at the lelta 7. .in house. IVIta JC-tn who .i-nt the et l end out 'f town weie loi.i;e Kitz Kerald. W'aterMlIc, and I tvi-ln O'Connor. Omaha. Hone econiinin Min'i nl who live at Ihe ho'tie management house entertainr'l with a bi.tfit supper Friday. Twenty tabli wrie piand for players Tuesdiiy afternoon at tl'i' Ix-lHiil hrldgo given by tho nieni-, bi-rs of the Theta I'hi Alpl.i mothers' club the naptc-, house. Kveiy gill nt the Tin t.i I'lu A!- pha house went h'ftne over the , week ei!i with the exception .f j Marjorie Parr of Manson. la. Helen Walter. June gunluate, has returned to Lincoln. Theta Thl Alpha's pled:,' s d.--clded to go to a show Monday eve- i m:v ii m: ivki) i:MIY M ( ICAUS Mrj.iie Alter. Alma. PI IWta I I. i. an t IMd H.int, Unroln. Rirma Nn ll.-l.ii li.rki. pledge to Alpha (iiui. iun It. and Ivn Mat lay. K. rSigma !... R!er. Lancoln. Delta Zeta. and Cianl ritewiart. ling and were pleasantly iul- pn.M'd ujM.n iheir irturn. M.u,"arrt O'loiinil. pledge of Theia I'hi Aij'ha waa in an aut mdint al I'wenty-arvenlh and J Mrcets. Sunday. Her eye was I. a .!y Pruned, Mi Anna lld spent the week rim al her home in Kt. Cik. Mi Mine Havlicek ac r, n.panled her as l.er hnuse-rusl. lii'.h Rill are Alpha Delta Th -U . leaving Friday afternoon. Mia A. i,i Mar Jam.-. Alpha Delia 'Hula iM-nt the wrek end at her ! !. in ('iiin.il Ululfs, la. ! Mildud Johnson. Alpha Delta Tli't.i. and Itnby Nrhon drove to i I I'd. In go Saturday where they ! wrre over-Sunday BUeMs at the ' home of their parents. Anita Mrhrcna and Marjorie j Tftt drove to Omaha Saturday ! itlt'-m.xm. Mim Mehrens ROing to ; her home at Ft. Calhoun to spend ' Sun. lay. ' Mr. Hairy Wilson and Itnnna , I Jua. and Mm. P. li. Ncff. all of i i (irand l.iland. were entertained as 'gui-M of Mis Not ma Ooudy 'nitirsuny al the Alpha Dt Ita Theta . houfo. Mi iTilier of Sigma. Chi alumni who were bai k for a week-end visit weie "Sin k" Mernam, Dave linimc and Frank Uorfirlnk. 1 inf In the lair bury kifh b.l. vuited at the Chi Omrt hoUM Kriday evening. FJoise I'ollard of Nchattka was alo a tue.t. Carols n LocWo.. ("Jii Omrga. menl to Ames for th i iu.e. I)H. IlKADI i: VISITS A(; C OU.KCKCIMn s Dr. George W. Beadle, who re ceived bis bachelors drgree in 1B.'6 and bis master s drrrre in 1627 In the drnartmcnt of atrioii- omv visited aL the arrlrull oral campu Friday. Since leaving Nr. I hraika. I'.ra l.e haa leceived hi d.t .rale Oigiee ii Cornell uni- vttaity at lu,. a. N. Y. i Hra tie la m,- a National he sear, a t-ouni d fr;i.,w in ger.elu land c yt .1. ? llr u ttanatemng ti hen,! iil. ia ti.-m Cornell uni- I vr raity t.i the Calif ri la Institute j of Tetbixl tv at Pasadena, Calif. Alpha This who went to Ames this week-end to attend the frame are P.ulh Hubert. Jane Amidon, Kvelyn West. Mildred Chappell. Claiiys Omnn and Esther Kirk. Evelyn Simpson, Jean Whitney and Leone Kelterer. Chi Omegas. !perl the week end in Omaha. LaV'anche Peterson who ia teach- I 1 XiMM'- : REG'LAR I FELLERS ' come to the Tla-Mor with their reg'lar girla, because they like It!' When there is a dance the regulars are called out! REMEMBER! ' Every Saturday 1 and Sunday Nights j AT THE , PLA-MOR 5 MILKS WEST OX "O" .iiiiaiij. """ "f , f nal .; "... -s' jf: :- j".. nil - . -,: .Wi tt - v. ... if. Iff ijt ! "W; i tfOlB?-?) A""- ' -' Ail'. i "'Z.-r - - m, '-fft - S is Mightiest Air f 'iM ? : f " ! I v t ' . - " "'ft 1 li as : ' '..'" i' ! I i.l B ''- ii .it k m r . "S t y patrol mm j ;r Neil Hamaion H c C:AncrQ r..'-l 700 airpl.inei. 4C of the I ' nroHriitln Vl f world'! oic.itcst stent I -. ..irn ianO" 't I 1,1 fliers. Untold thrills. I , "DRACON UANO 1 l Story by "John Monk f-'j Orchr.tr J 1 Saunders," author of "Wimji"! ,i.irr u"Vru j F: - ' "8,..' ;; ' i I ' -. I "Ten cer's a r..' I ,v-..-v-'C'--.''v'''1,' Here It Romance the World H, -ver rvnown Once only jIKe In oncarte coniST a nlcfuic t humnn, so outal.-nd-l"q. ao truly nre.-o. , W,H live n inn your memory (Richard a Va'aiJFSivntl Ud a FTssV Assi Wall fmt Organized! Union Dance Orchestras t ARE BEST AND MOST j RELIABLE "Blondy" Baughan 4. Orchestra . Phones B-5389 and F-4334 Leo Beck and Orchestra 2025 So. 25th Phone F-2268 Doc H. C. Cook and Orchestra i Phones B-1074 and F-tis Eddie Junqbluth and His Collegians 130 So. 28th St. Phone B-1014 Dave Haun and His Orchestra 138 No. 12th Phone B-2008 'Harmony Boyt" Ed Hoy, Mgr. 1225 F 8t. Phone B-2124 Red Krause and His Band Phone B-2504 Bill Larimer and His Band Phones B-6939 and L-7271 Ray Lindemann and Orchestra 2903 Arlington Phone F-3223 Julius Lurilam and His Music Phonei Bus. B-6725. Res. F-5877 Matthews "The 5 High Hats" Phones F-2Q00 and F-7083 MHt Nelson's Danoontans 1126 Qua St. Phone B-4996 Shefferts "Lincoln Syncopators" 830 So. Iflth Phone F-6212 Herb Smith and Orchestra 2766 Cable Ave. Phone F-671B Stafford Night Club Orchestra . 1548 S St. Phone d-ibzi Cornhuskers, T.Tompkins, Mgr. ll- r O l . , , w i . c r'Tiiu, - Jess L. Williams "Songsters" 3245 Vine St. Phone B-4579 Lieurence "House Party Orch." Phones F-S145 snd B-2852 Ed Vandenberg A Orchestra 1141 H St. Phones 8-2193, B-2407 'Cheer Leaders" Call Gea. Cook 1433 R St. Phone B-6953 "Boots and Her Buddies" (All Girlt) Alts Lillian Nelson. Mgr. 1441 B St. Phone F-8S2 m via mm n Dainty Chiffons $1695 All the charm of full sweeping skirts . . . delicate touches of lace . . . yet the spirit of the 1930 Co-Ed is evident by the way she wears these dainty chiffons at house dances, at fall parties and for Sunday. MAGEE'S CO-ED CAMPUS SHOP 1123 R Street Talkmd AbouF Well Dressed Ulen ! -and my dear, he dresses so smartly. His ties are too good looking for words and I just adore him in his Magee's shoes. I love to walk with him when he wears them, and he al ways does!" CAMPUS SHOP DOWNTOWN STORE 1 127 R Street 1201 O Street I BASEMENT 51 IOC PKrAP.TMEVTi Imitation may he sincere flat tery but don't be deceived Tbere Is only one licensed Karmclkorn Shop IN LINCOLN That's JOHNSONS at 14124 O St. Opan for busi ness 10 a. tn. to 11 p. m. every day but Sunday. Halloween i Paiiv '! Decorations 1 ! la) lls I ll;e , f rT -tl I.r 1 Hi lie- tr trl Ii-m.I o Maks- Derorationi Nut Cupi Confetti Horn Serpentine Everythirg GEORGE 1213 N Street "HN THE CANTEEN" Doughnuts for the Doughboys And All Guests FRlED-FRESH-FilEE JOURNEYS END UNIVERSITY PLAYERS OCT. 20 to 25 Doughnuts and Coffee "I STILL ETA THRILL w G r taj 0.6(. , 4or fcaeWALi Vtoiry-chested GreeVi ND vou'll cct one loo . . . whether the cause be blond or brunette, extra or intra-mural, v hen you swing to this ringing, singing "Come and kiss me" waltz... on a Victor Record played for you by Ted JFrems and his well-known dance orchestra . . . The world's "big shots" in music every kind of music . . . record exclu sively for Victor. They bring you the latest hits first! Here's a hand-picked, 5-starred list... both hot and sweet... unleash the old dogs on these! VICTOR RECORDS 2251S I STILL iiKT A THItlLL led Weemt Sing Orch. 22504 OX A LITTLE STREET io Hawaiian IX IIOXOLl'LL" Orch. All Through the Niylit 22516 LEARNIXG A LOT Johnny Johruan FROM YOU Orrfc. A Big Bouquet for You 22511 nU.LAB.lLOO JlfcKfnney's Cotton Baby Von1! You Please Picker Come Home jjKN THE MUSIC TOU WAN. WHEN TOU WAINI II Vict! IHLecoii'ois Lincoln's Largest Music Store. welcomes you at any time and invites you to our record and phonograph department. Headquarters for the Victor and Columbia records. Try our approval plan. SCOLLER & MUELLER P1AK0 ?J!.'PA!IY 1220 O Street. j Lincoln Musicians A'n. T bi.... a Smii nt Cam. Bids. ' l! i Lincoln. Nebraaka