The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1930, Image 1

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    -HE Daily Nebra
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
UL XXX M. 2-'.
Srvrn Girl Seek Position; Two liiil'inl-iit. Hint'
Shirt, Barli. Yellow Jurkrl on In'slimmi
Slate; Three Sophomore ICiiniiiiifc.
Don Ma el ay, Keiinelh Gninmil untl Slunlrj MrnpiVr in
llace for Presidency of Senior ()Ium; All
N- Are Kligilile, ltegitlrur Report.
Tlit? t wriity-oiie .students who l'ileil for t lit eliiss presidi-ncx ;
Mul honorary colonel positions at t lie Stinlnil Activities tifi'iei j
r'ridav have linen tlocliireil eligible bv tlie registrar. Tin- names.
will be placed on Imllots in readiness for the SSt nIi-iit Council
fall election Tuesday.
Seven women filed for tin
Five men. including two independ
ents are to be listed on the fresh
man ballot, while in the case of the
other three classes there will be
three men on the roll, suported by
the barb, yellow jacket, and blue
shirt political factions respectively.
The honorary colonel nominees
include Sally Pickard, Evelyn
Stotts, Frances Holyoke, Jane
Lehnhoff, Dorothy Clark, Bessie
Tauber, and Irene Dawson.
Sally Pickard is the Pi Beta Phi
candidate for honorary colonel.
Miss Pickard is president of the
Mortar Board society, former
president of the Tassels, member
of Theta Sigma Phi. women's
journalistic society; and a mem
ber of the A. W. S. board.
' Holyoke Is Nominee.
The Delia Gamma nominee is
Frances Holyoke. news editor of
the Daily Ne'oraskan, member of
Theta Sigma Phi, members of the
Vestals, and a former member of
the Awgwan staff.
Janie Lehnhoff, member of
Kappa Kappa Gamina sorority, is
another honorary colonel prospect.
She is member of the University
Players, was junior attendant to
the May' queen, and has been ac
tive in Children's Theater work.
Other candidates for the honor
ary military position are Dorothy
Clark, member of Alpha Phi so
rority and the Tassels society;
Irene Dawson, an Alpha Omicron
Pi who was active in Kosmet Klub
work last semester; Evelyn Stotts,
member of Delta Delta Delta so
rority; and Bessie Tauber, an inde
pendent. The barb political faction is sup
porting no one as a candidate for
honorary colonel.
Five on Frosh Slate.
The slate for the freshman presi
dency is well filled. The yellow
jacket political party is supporting
Willard Anderson, Lincoln, mem
ber of Tau Kappa Epailon who at
tended school last semester and be
longs to Pershing Rifles. Bill Weir,
of Delta Phi Gamma (Acacia) fra
ternity, is the blue shirt nominee
for freshman leader. Weir is also
from Lincoln and was prominent in
football and track circles last year.
The two independent candidates
for freshman president are Don
Edwards, member of the staff on
the Lincoln high paper, and Merle
Smith. The barb party is support
ing Gordon Williams, a debater
who took third place in the Iowa
state debating contest. He is a
freshman member of the barb
Sophomore candidates are Law
rence Ely, yellow jacket, Ralph
Copenhaver, barb, and Chris Ma
this, blue shirt.
Three Sophs File.
Lawrence Ely belongs to Kappa
Sigma fraternity.He is varsity cen
ter on Nebraska's football eleven
ano is a ' member of Persh
ing Rifles society. Chris Mathis,
the blue shirt nominee, is a mem
ber of Farm House fraternity and
plays quarterback on the Corn
husker football team.
The junior class will be repre
(Continued on Page 2.)
S k Q i 4 (
f j VvTT t I
I sliiiisfr TTr
.. ... .iinun ffdj who
at the coliseum, the date of th ' '
Mis. ''L DelS cLa c?. Omaha.
Taubfrrof Treleyaf Kas., anbthei candidate, 1. not shown. All are
position of hoiuu.iiv colonel.
Irene Dawson.
Dorothy Clark.
Frances Holyoke.
Janle Lehnhoff.
Sally Pickard.
Evelyn Stotts.
Bessie Tauber.
Kenneth Gammill, blue shirt
Don Maclay, yellow jacket.
Stanley Mengler, barb.
Glen Burton, barb.
Steve Hokuf, blue shirt.
Coburn Tomson, yellow
Ralph Copenhaver, barb.
Lawrence Ely, yellow jacket.
Chris Mathis, blue shirt..
Willard Anderson, yellow
Don Edwards, independent.
Mario E. Smith, independent.
Bill Weir, blue shirt.
Gordon Williams, barb.
Student Council Seeks to
Prevent Students From
Voting Twice.
Students who have lost their
identification cards and want to
vote at the student election Tues
day will have to get new ones
Monday according to an announce
ment made Saturday by Bob Kelly,
president of the student council.
"We are asking the finance of
fice not to issue any duplicate
Identification cards on the day of
the election," he said. "That is to
prevent students from voting more
than once. The student who for
gets to bring his identification
card is just out of luck."
Identification cards . will be
punched and only -students who
have their own cards will be al
lowed to vote. Registration re
ceipts, acording to Kelly, will mean
nothing to the election committee.
Will Take Up Cards.
If any student attempts to vote
on an identification card belonging
to someone else the card will be
taken up by Prof. E. W. Lantz,
faculty advisor to the student
council, and the owner of the card
will have to call for It.
Only members of the student
council will be eligible to issue
(Continued on Page 2.)
1, . P
Phofn by 7?auck.
are candidates for honorary colonel.
University Seeks to Promote
n, i . . w II
DeVOtlOnal Life by MeanS
Of New Group.
' Expect to Bring Prominent
Speakers to Campus
For Addresses.
To advance the religious life of
t'niver.sity of Nebraska students,
a council of religious welfare has
been organized under the direct
sponsorship of the university, ac
cording to announcement made
today. While religious influences
at the university have been em
phasized by college officials for
many years, this fall is the first
time any comprehensive organiza
tion of all religious groups has
been affected.
The new council of religious wel
fare is composed of five faculty
members, student pastors and sec
retaries of religious organizations,
and student presidents of religious
groups. Suggestion of its organ
ization along these lines came from
Chancellor Edgar A. Burnett.
All Denominations to Join.
All denominational and interde
nominational groups on the campus
have signified their desire to join
the council. It sets forth as its
purpose to consider constructively
i the religious life of university stu-
dents, to recommend such activities
j as may advance the spiritual life of
I students and faculty, and to pro-
I mote a livelier and more generous
minded interrelation among all re
lierious organizations.
Within the vear it expects to
bring a number of prominent
speakers to the university and
hopes to have several counsellors
to work amone the students. Com
mittees on eeneral survey and
study, on interrelation of local
groups, on campus problems, on
courses and methods of religious
instruction, and on church affilia
tion have been appointed.
Making Investigation.
Religious education is encour
aged by the council, which Is un
dertaking an investigation which
may lead to the university offering
courses in various phases of reli
gious education. ... .'.
Member groups are cooperating
with the council in its program for
Oct. 26, set aside as church day
by university religious organiza
tions. On this day university stu
dents are to be given opportunity
to affiliate with local churches.
Dr. O. H. Werner is chairman
of the council, C. D. Hayes of the
university Y. M. C. A. is vice
chairman, and Miss Lucille Led
with is secretary.
Mrs. Samuel R. McKelvie has
given the university museum a
water ousel's nest, which she
brought from her summer home at
Mystic, S. D., this fall. The nest
is regarded as a rare one and is
the second ever presented to the
It was found on a rocky ledge
above Slate creek and had been
used for fifteen years. Each year
the water ousels would add a little
more to the nest. Mrs. McKelvie
waited until the nesting season
was over this summer before tak
ing the nest to give to the museum J
Mr. and Mrs. McKelvie nave
been frequent contributors to the
museum collections last summer
donating an unusual collection of
ammonites or fossil nautilli.
Filing dat closed Saturday, but
taTah PickaTd. Omaha, belong, to
seniors at the university.
Nebraska j i w;i:s
CLEVELAND. O - The Univer-j
iiity of Nebraska dairy products,
judging team was expected to ar-.
rive here today iitig cniereu in
udcnU nHllonal conic t son-
by the educational wet ion of
American Dairy Si lence asso-'
I elation.
' Thin contest is Ihe pie-opcninR
event of the week filth annual
( Dairy Industrie exposition pon-
I sored by the Dairy and Ice Cream
Machinery and Supplies Assocla-
'tion, Inc.. of New York which this
' year ha selected the huge public
i auditorium of Cleveland fur the i
housiug of it r.iKI exhibits,
Eighteen colleges are entered in
the contest from as many states.
Gold, silver and bronis medals will
ne awarueu ioi in. si, wi-nnm ;
third place in butler, milk, cheese, ;
ice cream and dairy product divl-
stuns. Loving cups to be won three .
times before permiinent posses- I
siono will be awarded the success-
ful teams. Scholarship having a ,
cash value of 7.V earh will Ik- ,
given the six men having me
largest individual scores.
Wants to Break in New Man!.
For Position: Delphin
.. Nash Jhosen.
Alttn Williams officially an
nounced his resignation as presi
dent rf the Barb council Friday
- . . i i,....U if w n I ati,.iQ linlfl
Bi. me ihii ' , ' .. 'T
at the Grand hotel. Delphin Nash
was 'Sleeted To Ta Re TT1S place.
Williams, in announcing his
resignation stated that due to the
fact he was a senior and would
graduate this year, he wished to
give another man the opportunity
to gain experience in leading the
barb party. He stated that Del
phin Nash is the man with the
best qualifications. Wjlliams has
been active in barb activity for
three years. It is largely due to his
efforts that the barb party has
become recognized. He organized
the Barb council last year as a
body of representative non-fraternity
students. Williams in in
charge of the university parties
and is a member of the student
council. He was tapped an Inno
cent last spring.
Williams stated that his resig
nation as head of the Barb council
did not mean his retirement from
barb activities. "I intend to con
tinue to support the barb party as
long as I am in school." stated
Williams. "However. I do believe
that someone else should be given
the chance to take the leadership
and I think Delphin Nash is the
right man."
Two new offices were created in
the Barb council. Gordon Williams,
brother of Alan Williams, .was
elected vice president. George
Thomas was appointed publicity
Members or the noniraiernuy
faction went on record as favoring
the return of the Awgwan provid
ing nonfraternity students get a
fair representation on the staff of
the publication.
"We feel that it is .no more than
just that at least half of the staff
should be nonfraternity students,"
Williams told The . Daily Nebras
kan. "If the Awgwan is to bo a
representative university magazine
it should represent the barbs as
well as fraternity and sorority stu
dents." '
Dr. L. J. Mitchell, grand master
of the Delta Sigma Delta dental
fraternity, visited the local chap
ter of the, fraternity and the col
lege of dentistry during, the past
Photo by Tonerl.
the identity or tne Honorary coionei
M ju..JJ.Ii ..,. irniai ,d , in ! i nl 'is ' '' in- in i n hi " '
i. member of Alpha Phi. and Mis. Evelyn Stotts. Lincoln. affiliated with Delta Delta Delta
Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mis. Irene Dawson. Wymore. 1. affUiated with Alpha Omicron Pi. Mis. Bess..
Address of Noted Irish
Economist Scheduled at
Stuart Tuesday.
Twcvf StatiOflS tO
Be In
Hookup; Lecturer Also
Famous Author.
Arrangements to tnoadcasi loci
speech of George Russell, noted 'i
Irish agricultural economist, from
the SI null theater at 11 o'clock
iTuetday morning over the western '
nelwoik or Ihe Nationa. tsroau-1
casting company have been made
by KhAB, local radio station.
' Mr. Russell, known to thousands ,
who have rend his writing as 1
"AK." is being brought to Lincoln ,
by the University of Nebraska
and will deliver n public address
on Tnilosophy of Rural and Com- j
munity Life" at the Stuart theater ,
hi 1 1 o'clock Tuesdnv morninc.
The Chicago office of the Na-
uonai nronoi hsi utg i-unijmny m
sending a special contact man and
an announcer to Lincoln, accotd
ig to word received by Prof. Paul
H Grummmn. chairman of the
university convocations commit
tee. Russell Here Monday.
Mr. Russell wil arrive in
coin Monday afternoon at
o'clock over the Rock Island.
the station to greet him will
Gov. Arthur J. Weaver. Mayer i
, chancellor Kdirar A. !
Burnett. "Chancellor I. B. Schreck- j
engast of Nebraska Wesleyan uni-
versity. Dean W. W. Burr of the .
college of agriculture. Col. John C. i
Ma her. Frank D. Eager, John j
Ledwith, and Prolessor Grum-1
Monday evening Mr. Russell
will be the dinner guest and
speaker at a dinner given in his
honot by the Faculty Men's club
at the I'niversity club.
Deans On Platform.
On the platform at the convoca
tion Tuesday morning will be th;
deans of the various college of the
university: John D. Hicks. G. A.
Grubb, (. J. Ferguson, Rufus A.
Lyman, W. W. Burr, J. E. LeRos
signol Places have also been re
served for Professor Grummann
and Chancellor I. B. Schrecken
gast. Mr. Russell will be intro
duced by Chancellor Burnett.
Dr. Ti J. Thompson, dean of stu
( Continued on Page 2.1
Matias Cuadra of the Philippine
islands will describe the life of the
young people in the Phillipines at
the Vesper service Tuesday eve
ning; at 5 o'llock in Ellen Smith
hall. Mrs. Ellery Davis, state
... I , . .1. - t 11'. .
Voters, will feature the nroeram
with an explanation of the power
I will attempt lo explain me
deep province of the league,
stated Mrs. Davis. The coopera
tion of the Y. W. C. A. and the
League of Women Voters na
tionally and locally will be de
scribed. Mr. Cuadra, son of Mohamme
dan Moras, was educated primarily
under missionaries and has had
some graduate woik in the United
States. He will tell of social cus
toms in the Phllliplne Islands and
of the educational and home situ
ations. Berniece Hoffman, former pres
ident of the University League of
Women Votert, will lead the meet
win not De reveaiea unui we
You lift uutl Lony lleiir Brunt of ,VIruku Attack;
Iohu Slate laiN lo Equal 1 M Athaiitajre
Kollnl ! Ilihleiuen in first Half.
n ; tkkn ikom gvmk in sklond pkhiod
I Ph-m- in l.-t Half Neiuh m-II Doleat
or art
Scarlet and (.ream: Weather Near
- Team Haltles to it-lory .
AAIKS. hi I'llinu up n I'ouricui i"iut inl aot.ip- it tlie
first liiill". n I'iglitii.jr X lirnska icnu nvertcil their two tr-
for-ioiuN after touchdown to win from tlie Ames I'yelouo
14-1 if. Tlie jiliility to nuike I llu-n kicks iiltir touchdown
i wis tin- loaiuin tluil spcllcil
'I nn otrciiks oi liuht niny.
lirceilioH jor (Ir'ul
Tvam Set for 9 til
Kurlinizton Station
Coach D. X. Bible and hit
football squad will arrive in
Lincoln at the Burlington sta
tion at 9:05 this morning.
A welcoming rally is planned
by Arthur Mitchell and Betty
Wahlquift, presidents of the
Corn Cobs and Tassels respec
tively. All members of those
organizations as well as other
students are urged to meet the
team at the train.
Ralph Rodgers and the Nel
son twins, varsity cheer leaders,
will lead yells.
'Journey's End." First Play
Will Be Presented in
War Atmosphere.
Opening under realistic war at
mosphere, the University Players
usher in the first play of the sea
son. 'Journey's End." tomorrow
To make the setting mue real-
II,- ti Iilnnii T?iflc n ia ill
Wilt IHC X l-I .-Minima ,.....o
charge of the decorations for the
play. A machine gun. sand bags.
colorful bunting, national flas
and the cadet regiment colors will
be the warlike setting, according
to Claude Gillespie, captain of
Pershing Rifles. Guards will be
stationed at the, doors and ushers
will be dressed in cnnleen outfits.
Miss Pershing To Serve.
Miss Mae Pershing, sister of
General John J. rershuig, will
serve coffee and doughnuts on
Wednesday nighl. The Women's
Over-Seas league will take charge
on Monday night, the American.
Red Cross Tuesday, the Knights
of Columbus Thursoay, the Salva
tion Army Friday, the Y. M. C. A. i
at the Saturday matinee, and the j
American Legion Auxiliary at the
last performance Saturday night.
Exhibiting their dramatic pow
( Continued on Page 2.1
, - 1
! AKh 1 A?5YA1 vi
Two articles by Dr. Samuel
Avery, research professor in chem
istry and chancellor emeritus of
the university, have been pub
lished in chemical Journals re
cently. One on "Carbon, Hydro
gen, and Nitrogen Determinations
Using a Metal Tube" was written
by Dr. Avery and I). Hayman and
appeared in the July issue of the
analytical edit ion of Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry. I
Tlin ntkuK iirriltun ill ft I I II h,t a .
tion with G.'C. Jorgensen, was er.. j
titled "Isomeric Alpha, Beta-D-
nhenvl-Delta-Kctonic Acids'' iind i
u-fls nuhlished in the Journal of !
h AmUn f'hnmicnl Biiripi v tor '.
o u.
CourUjy of The Journal.
Pho'o by Tonend.
nigm oi me jimuiry du.
re ciuc
Mctoiy in tin I urn itiskffs.
It I l oiiur ,-nnl llustT l.ui..
did the major portion of the ball
lugging Hnd were responsible Ioi
the two Nebraska scores. Young
went over the chalk line for the
first touchdown and lead the Ne
braska offensive until he was in
jured in the second period. The
Wyoming cowlioy took up the bur
den ;f the work for the rest of the
game and plnced the ball in posi
tion for the second Nebraska
touchdown of the game.
Young Crosses Line. '
Recovering the ball on the Ames
20-yard line in the early minutes
of the game, Mathis and Young
teamed to carry the ball up to the
2-yard line. Young slipped acroa?
the line for the first touchdown of
the game. Frahm kicked goal to
give Nebraska the lead.
Young was injured early in th
second period and Long was in
serted in the lineup with the ball
on Iowa Slate's 27-yard line. On
six successive plays, Long carried
the ball to the Iowa State 1-foot
line. Frahm going over for the
touchdown. The try for point was
i good, giving Nebraska a fourteen
' point advantage at half time.
Penalty Costly.
Forward passes placed the Cy
clones in a threatening position
i early in the third period with Chris
Mathis barely nabbing Bowen
when it appeared that the Iowa
State man was headed for a touch
down. Working the ball to Ne
braska's 6-yard line, the Cyclones
received a first down on the 2
yard line when the referee ruled
there was interference on a pa??.
On the next play Tegland slipped
I,. u ,!,,- f,. (V, ,n,.hJ..
j ' -
Ille Kuk was lcm'
I The final Ames touchdown came
in the fourth quarter when the
! mmpson ieum scored on a iweniy
nine vard pass, Grebe to Moen.
but missed the try for point.
In the dying moments of the
game the Cyclones again threat
ened after a fifty-five yard pass
had been completed. Buster Long
again broke up tne loucnaown
march of Ihe Cyclones when he
intercepted a. pass on the Nebraska
3-yard line. The game ended soon
after Nebraska had punted out of
Weather Near Freezing.
The two teams played in ncai-
freczing weather with Buster Long
galloping around the field bare
legged, the only man in Iowa with
out any socks. The Wyoming con
tribution to Coach Dana X. Bible's
squad was the outstanding man of
the game, carrying the ball for
several long gains in addition to
flipping several successful passes.
Long is the first Nebraska- back
field man to have much success
with his passes this year.
The Nebraska defense, which
functioned so smoothly in the first
two periods, seemed to crumble at
times during the final part of the
game. Pass defense was especially
weak, the Cyclones accounting for
both of their touchdowns by the
aerial route.
The lineups:
Nebraska- Iowa State
Trucka e Swoboda
Rhea It Pear
Knster Iff... Dupspnhprp
Aiaasuam c jagei
' -reenberg
rg Bennett
rt Smith
Hokuf re Moen
Mathis qb..
Kreizinger Ih..
Frahm i rh..
Y'oung fb..
Score by periods:
Nebraska 7
Iowa State 0
Officials: E. C.
. Hawk
. Wells
7 0 0-11
0 6 612
Quigley. St.
Mary's, referee; Ira
Illinois, umpire: Sec Taylor, Fair
mont, bcadlinesman: Earl John
son, Dosne, field Judge.
A. I 31. I. GROUP
Prof. Roy E. Cochran of th
university history department last
week received word of a meeting
of the public affairs committee of
the American Professional Men's
1 institute. The national conven-
tion of the institute will be held
in Omaha Nov. 14 and 15.
! The public affairs committee of
which Professor Cochran is a
member will meet at that time.
Dr. Benjamin F. Bailey of Lin
i coin Is national president of tht
institute: H. H. Wilson, former
! university faculty member, is a
! director; and Prof. F. A. Stuff is
(president of the Lincoln chapter.