The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1930, Image 1

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    he Daily Nebraskan
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska .
I'Klt'.K'KIVr. HUM'S.
fL .NO. 22.
Scholastic Honorary
Organization, Sponsored ly Morlnr Honnl, Of llrht
Year Women Outstanding in Sclmlnrliip,
Desire Charter With National.
Constitution of Sigma Kpsilon Sigma and Alpha
Lambda Delta Are Investigated hy For
mer Society Memhers Year.
Fifteen freshmen women liave been tunned ns members
of the freshman scholastic honorary organization for women
which has been established by member of Mortar Hoard this
fall in an effort to encourage high scholarship among fresh
men women.
An average of ninety p. rce
membership in the group. The
fourteen honored women held a .
roeetltig Tuesday evening to de-
dde oerinueiy 10 "
tion they, wished to apply for
Begun Last Spring.
The establishment of this new
honorary waa begun last spring
by last year' Mortar Board mem
bers who named nineteen fresh
men aa eligible to membership,
fourteen of which have returned
to achool Una fall. Delays pre
vented the establishment of the
group last year, but members of
Mortar Board definitely assured
the charter members of the organ
ization of mich a group and gave
them the opportunity to petition
for membership in the honorary of
their own choosing.
Mortar Board investigated con
stitutions submitted by similar
groups at various universities, one
of which was Sigma Epsllon
Sigma. This honorary has chap
ters at the University of Colorado
and at the University of Missouri.
It has proven very successful in
raising the averages among fresh
men women. Another- honorary
investigated waa Alpha Lambda
, The following girls are members
of this new honorary:
Pauline Nelson, Lincoln.
Hildegarde Batz, York.
Leta W'empe, Frankfort, Kas.
Lidusa Ninger, Humboldt.
Ruby Schwcmley, Wray, Colo.
Aileen Warner.
Helen Nootz, Lincoln.
Aileen Atkins, Kimball.
Dorothy Ann Evans, Fort Col
lins, Colo.
Lois Gittins, Griswold. la.
Virginia Ann Jonas, Omaha.
. Clara Holm, Platte Center.
Elva Williams, Lincoln.
Margaret Upson, Odell.
Juanita Bolin, Kearney.
Speaker Tells Purpose of
1 Voters' League To
College Group.
' Mr. Ellery Davis, president of
the State League of Women Vot
ers, addressed the college league
i, on tne i-ruuicuii,
9 Aims of the Organization" Thurs
1 day afternoon in Ellen Smith hall.
'Problems of the county health
unit and the county welfare unit
will be brought before the next
legislation. The Nebraska league
will study the proposed legislation
and send their suggestions and re
quests to the legislators. Mrs.
Davis stated.
In giving the history of the
Jeague she said that women have
fought for suffrage for sixty years
and have voted for len year..
After they secured education for
women they wanted woman suf
frage. The league is the only group
confining itself to government and
politics with a view to being good
citizens. It assists women in voting
wlsley, and owmen have more time
now to spend on such things.
Ethel Sievers, the new president,
presided at the meeting. A short
program consisted of a whistling
Hendricks To Address
Group Of Slate Teachers
Dr B. C. Hendricks, of the chem
istry department, will attend the
district meeting of the Nebraska
Teachers' association to be held in
Norfolk Oct. 20.
He will address the physical
science section of this meeting. His
topic will be "A Square pe,for
the Superior Science Student.
Ask Girls Unable To
Sell Candy To Call
Any person who have
signed up to ell candy at the
football games and who will
b unable to sell Saturday at
the freshman game should no
tiffy Bereneice Hoffman Friday
before 8 o'clock at F2641 or
leave a note In the Intramural
nt or more i a prerequisite to
'Sink. You Sooner'
Is Impend Tut Out
For Freshman Tilt
By the Rag Man.
While jazz orchestras are pound
ing out "Sing You Sooners" and
Heidelberg students are singing
"Down Those Schooners." pla
cards on student cars here will
bear the legend, "Sink You Soon
ers." The cards were put out yester
day afternoon and this morning
by the Innocents society. They
call upon Nebraska's freshman
grid team to rise up and smite
the Oklahoma yearlings, who will
meet them Saturday on Memorial
stadium sod. The freshmen,
should they win, would avenge
their 2 to 0 defeat by Oklahoma
last year, and the defeat of 'the
Nebraska varsity last Saturday.
Theta Sigma Phi in Charge
Of Arrangements For
Annual Affair.
The annual Journalism banquet
will be held Nov. 6 at the Annex
cafe, according to Dorothy Sylvls,
president of Theta Sigma Phi,
honorary journalistic sorority.
Plans are being made to make the
affair as unusual and entertaining
aa former dinners have been.
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary jour
nalistic fraternity, will announce
at the dinner the winners of the
awards made annually by the
fraternity for the best news ar
ticle and the best feature story
appearing in The Daily Nebras
kan. Minature newspapers and poli
tical speakers such aa the Hon. Al
Smith of New York and, William
Hale Thompson of Chicago, who
used their able ability to expose
for the good of all concerned (all
wero concerned J the scandal, so
cial and otherwise, that was prev
alent to a marked degree among
the members of the School of
Journalism, are memories of Joui
nalism banquets.
Much myatery surrounds the af
fair, but according to Miss Sylvis,
the best public speakers on the
campus have been procured for
the occasion, and an excellent
menu planned.
All students In the school of
Journalism are invited to attend.
Tickets will be on sale next week
for 65 cents and may be secured
from any member of Theta Sig
ma Phi or at the Daily Nebras
kan office.
Morton, Sealock, Koch Will
Give Addresses At
Teachers' Meets.
Three faculty members of the
Teachers college have been en
gaged to deliver lectures and ad
dresses to members of secondary
schools in various parta of the
W. H. Morton, director of teach
er's training, Is engaged at Alns
wnrth Neb., where he addressed a
body of teachers of Brown county
at the teacners insiuuie yeB.-i-day.
He will lead discussions of
v.rinm tnwH there todav.
Dean W. E. Sealock Is to deliver
an address to students present at
an honorary high school convoca
tion at Plattsmouth Tuesday. The
honorary group Is a division of
Phi Beta Kappa which undertakes
the task of encouraging better
scholarship through contact with
secondary schools.
Dr. H. C. Koch will be the prin
cipal speaker at a meeting of the
Nebraska State Teachers Institute
at McCook, Oct. 30.
OF V. M. C A. TO
V. 'F.. Thomas, slate boys arc
retarv and known to hundred of
high school hoy a "Hill" Thomas.
will be pte.ent at the dinner at the t
home of O. V. lUyes. gem-rat ec.
relaiy of the I'niversity Y. M. C. ,
A, at h2!V North Twenty-! "In
Sunday. About fifty Invitations
hav been ent out to university
mrn who know Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Hsye stated that any man
who knew Mr. Thomas w wel
come to come and visit with him.
Befgre the dinner members of the
Christian World Education com
mute of the university Y. M. C.
A. will meet with Mr. Thomas and
several high school students head
ed by Harold Soderland to consider
plans for the program of the state
older boys conference in Lincoln,
Nov. 28, 29, 20. Aldret Molcnaar
is chairman of this commute.
Two Days Remain to Buy!
1931 Annual ai iu
Percent Discount.
Plan of Selling Book on In
stallments Meets Pop
ular Favor.
Students have only one day left
to purchase their 1931 Cornhusker
annuals at a discount. The week s
campaign has been sponsored by
ih. torn-honk business staff, work
ing with the aid of the Corn Cobs j
and Tassels soc.elies. ii closes
urday night.
It is hoped that at this time the
quota of 1,500 books will have
been reached in order that the
original plans for the production of
the yearbook will not have to be
Staff Encouraged.
Th Cornhusker staff is very
much pleased with the encourag
ing response which Nebraska's
student body has shown during the
last two days." stated Business
Manager Edmonns 'lnursaay.
v sinrerelv hone that we shall
reach our 1,500 mark by tomorrow
night for if we do it will mean mai
one of the best annuals ever pub
lished will be ready for next
spring. If we continue to get the
support of the undergraduate body
as we have recently we shall in all
probability reach our quota."
Art Mitchell, president of the
Corn Cobs reports that many of
he members of his society, who
have been selling the boons, cora
niain that there are a ereat many
students who think they shall be
able to buy a yearnooK in mc
spring as in the past.
tnniinir in the official report
of the publication board this group
of students is going iu
c.-TMiami fnr this vear's annual
staff is allowed to order only as
many books as have been con
tracted for this fall.
Down Payment Plan Popular.
Many have bought book on the
new down payment plan Inaugur
ated this fall, whereby it Is pos
sible to obtain a book by paying
$1 down, Jl Nov. 15, $1 Dec. lo,
and $2 next spring upon receiving
.K- Thin navment Dlan was
IUC U"""' ..... x j .
devised In order that students who
are going to school on an allow
ance basis may get their year
books without getting into finan
cial straits, according to the busi
ness manager.
The last stage of the campaign
will take place today and Satur
day. This Is the last opportunity to
obtain the liberal 10 percent dis
count and it is the last chance for
the student body to support the
annual collectively, Edmonds as
sert. Tmo Nebraska Write
. Articles On Chemistry
Dr. Cliff S. Hamilton, professor
of chemistry, has written an ar
ticle "The Arsonatlon of Aromatic
Aldehyde" which appeared in the
October Issue of the Journal of the
American Chemical society.
Dr. Raymond 11. Lambert, grad
uate student of Nebraska '19. also
has an article "Heats of Neutral
ization by the Continuous How
Calorimeter" in the same publica
tion. Dr. Lambert Is associated
with the Eastman Kodak com
pany, and his article was Issued
by the research laboratory of -the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology. Want Year Book Sale
Receipt In Saturday
Corn Cob and Tassels, who
are selling Cornhuskers have
been asked by Butinest Mana
ger Edmonds, to turn in their
fully sold books by 1 o'clock en
Saturday in order that the
business staff may take check
upon the number of book sold.
University Secures Irish
Writer (or Program
Next Tuesday.
Philosophy of Rural and
Community Life Is '
Topic of Talk.
George Russell, known
world as the "sage of Ireland
deliver a public address at the S
art theater next Tuesday at 111
a. m., according to announcement ;
made today by the University of J
Nebraska convocation committee ;
sponsoring his appearance here.
The Stuart theater has been ob- i
tained through the courtesy of
Charles Shire to cnablo a large
audience to hear Mr. Russell,
writer of fame under the name of
"A K." Invitation to attend the
convocation is extended to farmers
in this section of the state and to ,
Lincoln townspeople. Many unl-j
versity classes will be dismissed so
students may hear him.
Illustrates the Practical.
f I7ti0nAll unl cnontr nn "Phil
osophy of Rural and Community
Life." He will illustrate the prac-
tical application of poetry and eco- j
nomics in every day life. j
Brought to the United States
from Ireland by a cpmmittee of
fifty noted Americans. Mr. Russell j
is making a six-months tour of the I
agricultural section of the country I
addressing university and farm
audiences on the theory af agri
cultural co-operation which brought;
him fame in his native land.
Advocates Co-operation.
Tn acrririiltural enumeration Mr. I
.ssell see, the only cure for
farmer. tils" He contends that co-
operative marketing makes a con-1
ihiitistn nvAr Arid tAVA I n rTO- I
nomic advantage which it offers
thA innivinuni iarmer anil ih3
preat dividends in increased "on-
tentment and general
He believes that the co-operative
agricultural community will be the
soil out of which a national culture
will grow.
AE. aa he is known to tne m-
erary world, rode a bicycle through
the Irish countryside as a repre
sentative of the Irish Agricultural
Co-operative society, establishing
banks, forming creamery and poul
try groups. He feels his work at
home is now at an end. Its re
markable success has brought him
International attention.
Mr. Russell's visit to America
has been arranged in the belief
that he will be able to give a strik
ing insight into the larger implica
tions of the economics of co-operation
and to help American farm
ers set a new goal in. contentment
and prosperity as he did in Ireland.
Baptist Affair Set For
Tonight; Rev. Durden
Is Toastmaster.
All university students are in
vited to attend the Baptist student
banquet to be given in the First
Baptist church, Fourteenth and K
streets, at 6:15 o'clock tonight. Dr.
Charles Durden, 'pastor of First
Baptist church in Omaha, will
speak on "Fares, Please." The
toastmlstress will be Miss June F.l
rod of Lincoln and toasts will be
given by Albert King of Denver,
Colo., who will talk on "Ground
Work," and Miss Averyl Mocroft
of Lincoln, whose -subject Is "The
First Flight."
Musical contributions to the pro
gram will be made by an orches
tra composed of Herbert Holmes,
Lucille Aura, Hollis VanKleeck,
and Naomi Randall. Miss Ruth
Randall of Belleville, Kas.. accom
panied by her sister, Miss Naomi
Randall, and Karl Stucrmer of
Lincoln will give vocal numbers.
The blue shirt faction hclievcs that the presentation of
a platform in the flection of class officers is a childish, fool
ish, useless practice.
(.'lass officers have no power 'whatsoever nnl are abso
lutely helpless to promote the promises which their factions
niak". 'e believe that a sensible plutforni should be pre
sented it the time of student council election, for members
of that body would have soiic power to make good the
factional promises.
If asinine factional platforms are in order, we offer this
for the entertainment of our followers:
1. 1 o'clock nights for coeds.
No more classes, especially S o'clocks.
All-university picnic grounds.
Free football tickets.
N'ew uniforms for the band.
Klevated railways to relievo the parking situation.
to Affiliate
hy instktctoks
The laboratory manuel "Kiter
rise in (leneral Chemistry." "writ
ten bv Dr. II U. Ifmmit and Dr.
'S. B. Arenson Is meeting with tin-1
usual sales. The first printing .f
the third edition came olf the ptc
less than a month ago and the sup
ply i exhsurted already.
Professor Pemlng ha made a
few minor rhanees and another
I printing will he made immediately.
I This msnuat Is used by Dr. Pem
Ing his chemistry 3 course in con
junction with his text book, "Gen-
leral Chemistry."
I Thl text is generally recognlfed
I aa one of the best on the market,
and is used by college chemistry
; students throughout the United
i States.
KSiR. O.I.C.
Regimental Sponsor Will
. Be Chosen by Entire
Soldier Corps.
Each Battalion To Select
Coed; Only Captain's
Choice Remains.
Hans for electing the regimental
unonsor and three battalion spon-
r bv lh). R q. T. C. cadet at1
the University of Nebraska were
announced Thursday by the de
. , .
P"""?1" I 'IL.rnr
w ".
"nrtPS?Sta and the battalion
- 1- n thA
sponsors hv the majors oi
three battalions. Sponsors
r,. lir hl nniveraiiv
I.VIll ......w
. e.r
Regiment Selects sponsor
The regimental
selected by the enure pment.
."f!!.0.! :.ta1
voietur "r"-V",
! and the men of th
talions will elect their respective
The honorary colonel and regi
mental sponsor will accompany the
cadet colonel and lieutenant
colonel respectively on special oc
casions. The company sponsors in
cluding the headquarters company
will be selected as in the past by
the company commander con
cerned. Elections in November
Nominations will be made by
Nov. 1 at the student activities
office, and the eligiblity of the
candidates. checked, after which
the eligible nominees will be certi
fied to the Military department.
Elections will be held during the
week of Nov. 10-15. Ballot boxes
will be placed in a room in Ne
braska hall and out at agricultural
college, and companies will vote as
they come in to drill. Colonel
Cury will count the votes in the
presence of the cadet colonel.
Some regimental and battaloin
functions will be planned later,
separate and apart from the Mili
tary ball, dec. 6, when the honor
ary colonel will be presented.
Instructions for filing
In filing for these honorary
positions, the young ladies should
file for the position desired, and to
assist in mnking their choice, the
officers of the regiment are listed
First Battalion; Major George
E. Mickel; First Lieut. J. Slayton
Company A-Cap. Harry N. Cal
leher. First Leut. Charles W. Koes
ter, Second Lieut. Gordon Eno,
junior officers: Verne McGowen,
F. L. Garner, Henry Seger, W. L.
Walker, R. A. Rogers.
Company B-Cap. G. A. Schrimpf
First Lieut. Henry G. Armatis,
First Lieut. Harold Ecklund.
Second Lieut. Rudolph L. Meyer,
junior officers: E. L. Brubker,
Willard Swanson, Robert Cochran,
R. A. Rodgers, L. M. Ruth, R. M.
(Continued on Page 3.)
Activities Office In Control
Of Ticket Sale for
Jayhawk Trip.
University Students Only
Are Eligible: Guests
Arc Excepted.
The faculty committee nn tu
dent organizations approved John
K. Sellerk s plan of an exclusive
sas-Nebraska game at Lawrence, j
dav "afternoon in Kllen Smith hall. !
Nov. S. at their meeting Wednes-.
According to a statement Issued I
hv th. committee after the meet-
in., .h tr.n will be conducted on!
,h:, ht.. The student I
.,iivi... r,.f,r. will charter the
train which will be run over tne
Cnion Pacific railway lines. This
railroad, according to Miss
Amanda Heppner, dean of women
and secretary of the committee,
has taken charce of well con
ducted trips in the past. j
Ticket Are $4.00.
Tickets will be. sold at the stu-1
i dent activities office at the estab-1
! lished railroad rate of $4.00 to stu-
dents with identification cards '
only. All students purchasing
tickets will be listed. According to j
Selleck two hundred tickets must j
k 01.1 iw rrAn tn -tinrfnr train
persons other than students and
faculty members who wish to pur
chase tickets. If approved these
people will be considered as guests
or " friends - or me siuaeni Dooy.
The train will be composed of
! rhir, "" "M '?ve
1 Lincoln at about 5.30 a m. Satur-
i rence will begin at midnight Sat -
UHV, I Ijr IVlllIll LI I i lium
l"r v-'" -
Lincoln at about 8 a. m. Sunday,
Nov. 9.
UnjvePS,ly To Send Sponsor,
, univorsity wil, send eight or
; sponsors on the train
w.thgthe students. The committee
ur.M students to ride the train in
preiercnce lo gouiR uy nuio.
Regarding student conduct on
the trip the committee issued the
following statement, "It is under
stood this is to be an exclusive
student train as far as possible.
The assistance of various student
organizations, the Student coun-
Continued on Page 2.)
Work Started on Removal
Of Smokestacks and
Four Boilers.
The old uriversity heating plant
stepl smoKesiacK, an oki campus ;
and city landmark, will be taken j
to the heating plant at the agri- j
cultural college along with two of ,
the boilers from the old plant. Two
other boilers will be used by the i
medical college at Omaha.
The old brick smokestack will l
be removed immediately, but the
old plant itself may not be de
molished until spring unless favor
able weather makes its immediate
removal possible. All four boilers
which will be used at the other
two Nebraska campuses are in
good condition according to L. F.
Seaton, operating superintendent
of ths university.
While the present cold' snap has
made necessary the heating of the
campus buildings and capitol, the
high pressure main supplying heat
to the capitol Is being repaired.
Consequently, heat from the low
pressure campus main is neces
sarily diverted to the capitol while
the university buildings are re
cevlng less heat than they ordinar
llly will. Only a few complaints' of
lack of heat had reached the office
of the operating superintendent,
however, and the capitol main will
be ready for use within two weeks.
Meeting Of Couieiiiii
Club Planned Tonight
The Ceimenius club will meet to
night in room 203 of the Temple
to elect officers for the coming
year. A debate on the question
"Resol 'ed, that the Christian reli
gion Is ant'iuatcd and inadequate
a a criterion for present day
moral conduct" has been arranged,
according to Stanley Mengler,
president of the organization.
Baptist student banquet. First
Baptist church, 6 p. m.
Set ni l-'raternilie lleeeie Ten Dollar I'ine l or Not
niietitw ltiiliiii Hub' IjiiiI Doit Hj
(irerk Frpniiiution, I Jit W;ir.
Jiidiriar (Jronp Aert Atitbority l or I'iM Time In
F.nforre LepMation; Fledge I ail
Hepiler Date With Official..
Tin- i nt rfiat- tuitv ruuin
oniniittcc lat tiiuM nt tlio
it authority l.y fix -naltu' fr violation of ru-h:nir ru!
this cr. i.tii !U" ati'l fratrrniti. Mitfrn l h tho vinlift
of tin counril.
I'lli;c of Mxtfi u tin 11 nlrt.nly W'.iiinv: tl." ir. k ln:tt.
were hrokrn. mostly f.r failure to
Former Student Here
Direct oil ?imry
A. Rockie
former graduate :
Undent and
aM!tant in the de
ceocraphv. has been
Plr."l " chr' " V1.'!" 1
. .'7
Mr. Rockie wu conauci n.
investigations under ine personal
supervision of Pr. K. K. nenneu.
tiurt kii i fn viwon.,,.-, ... ...
Washington. P. C.
University Affair Will
Be Held at Coliseum
Saturday Night.
Margaret Whitney, well known
Lincoln blues singer, will be fea
tured at the AU-Lniversity party,
Saturday, at the Coliseum. Mis
Whitney will sing several blues
numbers, dance, and play the xy
lophone. Special favors nave Deen pro-
! vided for the chaperons and a ra
vilion Is being constructed for
them. The pavillion is to be of
southern mansion type to corre
spond with the orchestra decora- ! fjne WPre Delta Upsilon, Beta
tions. Allan Williams, chairman, . Theta Ti. Phi Delta Theta, Alpha
said Thursday that all possible , Tau Omega. Delta Sigma Delta,
means are being used to make the : l Psi Thl, and Tau Kappa Ep
party the most elaborate and best 1 Son.
decorated affair ever attempted i The men whose pledges were
by the Barb council. broken by the council will be given
A one act skit will be presented. . until Nov. 1 to get out of the house
The scene Is laid in a living room : due to having paid October house
and depicts a comedy sketch of ; Bills. Also it will require some
laughable confessions. The stage
decorations for the second act.
Miss Whitney's number, will lie
black and " white modernistic
streamers with an unusual light
ing effect. The colored light pro
jector which was used at the last
party will be mounted and used
again. The immense cone that is
to occupy the center of the deco
rative scheme is now in the proc
ess of construction the numerous
Barb committees are planning to
contribute several ideas bott. in
decorative and lighting effects.
The punch stand, under the direc
tion of Magdalene Lebsack and
rosier rsoyer, win uc urtumicu ;
correspond with the. general,
scheme of elaboration. j
The orchestra, the Miami Loons,
Plans Include Sketching
Classes Wednesday of
Eack Week.
.. Formation of the Sketch club
was announced yesterday by sev
eral students of the painting and
drawing department of the school
of fine arts. According to Morris
Gordon, business manager of the
organization, its purposes are; "To
stimulate art spirit to help se
rious students work out their prob
lems in whatever medium and by
whatever process they may
The club will meet for sketching
every Wednesday night from 8 to
10, in room 304 Morrill hall. Gor
don is the only officer needed at
present, and has the duties of hir
ing models and collecting the
Instead of having professors cri
ticize their effort as in the vari
ous courses, the members of the
club will hold a forum and criti
cize each other's work.
The Immediate program of the
society includes: An exhibition of
work from other institutions: an
exhibition of work within the club;
the establishment of a prize for
the best drawing or painting made
by a member; and obtaining noted
art speakers.
The member of the club a es
tablished Wednesday night are:
Morris Gordon, Felix Summer,
Carl Froehllch. Harold Fierce,
Crlsty Hohbs. Jon Stenvall. Har
old Hart, Philip Oobrofsky. Har
lan Wilson and Milton Furtak.
il in
;.i v
I'lii li.unm.i lioti.' .
register date properly. Seven fr
. . . ...... f i.i -w rt.
.,,.,, on P1X -.,. tU Wiln.
i hi,i
h m,mN rf ,h iuj.curv
committee are: L. R. Pyle. lr.
e.-lf v Bo. ker. and Dr R. V.
Adams. Lincoln alumni of the unl
vp",tv- member F- K. Schramm
and C. J. Frar.kforter. faculty an.l
Bl,viier, tn thf C()un, -a. and the of
fr,r, of ,he founu, Kr,j Gnllii
B,nnln(rton. '31, president: Carl
Hahn. Twin Falls. Ida.. "31. vie
j president: Charles Law'.er. Lincoln,
, "31. formerly secretary and treas
urer: Wray' Russell. McCook. '32,
rushing chfirman and secretary
' and treasurer.
Committee Give Verdict.
The following is the verdict of
the committee: rie.iges broken:
' Lantrecht, Robert, Beta Sigma
1 ri.
Lent. Kenneth. Delta Chi.
Countryman. Allen, Pelt Sigma
! Lambda.
I Countryman. Pale. Pelta Sigma
i Mevers. E. Pay, Omega Beta rt,
' Sharp. Scnttie. Pelt Sigma Phi.
Johnson. Walter. Kiippa Sigma.
' Halter, Reg. Kappa Sigma.
flutru. Clark. Kappa Sigma.
Collins. Lee. Omea Bota Ti.
1-lk. Harold. Phi Alpha Delta.
Mausata, Wincent. Fhl Kappa.
Weston, Jeff, Pht Kappa Put.
i Segsr, Henry, Siema Phi Sigma.
Hackman. Roy, Tau Kappa Ep
' silon.
ATes, Francis, Delta Upsilon.
Greeks Fine $10.
The fraternities given the $10
time to find new living quarter.
Council Makes Plan.
iJist spring the council drew up
a plan of rushing rules with the
purpose of eliminating throat cut
ting, promiscuous date breaking,
and other unfair rushing methods.
It declared that the rules would be
fully enforced for the first time In
the' history of the council' rush
ing regulation.
Last r.ight at the meeting of the
judiciary committee of the coun
cil rushing committee complaint
and defenses were examined and
the penalties fixed with regard
, onlv t0 g,,, each case.
Hog Raisers From All Parts
Of State Will Attend
Program Here.
As many as 1.000 Nebraska bog
raisers are expected to attend the
fe.urth annual Rooters day on the
college of agricultural campus to
day. W. J. Loeffel of the animal
husbandry department is general
chairman for tbeday.
Events throughout the day will
center at the studont activities
building on the campus and will
begin at 9. 15 a. m. The program
is headed bv "A Tip from Seward
County" and will be followed by
the presentation of the winning
4-H demonstration team. Prof. H.
J. Gramlich. chairman of the an
imal husbandry department, will
Many on Program.
Speakers for the morning in
clude Dr. S. W. Alford, who
operate the university serum plant:
W. F. Nolte, of Mynard; W. J.
Loeffel; H. J. Gramlich; R. R.
Thalman; and A. D. Weber, during
a personally conducted tour an In
spection of experimental animals
In the college barns will be made.
Lunch will be served under the
supervision of members of the
(Continued on Page 4.)
Nebraskan Staff To
Sleet at 3 O'clock
Member of the editorial
taff of The Dally Nebraska
in requested to attend a spe
cial meeting this afternoon at
3 o'clock at the editorial offlc
In University hIU The .t
Ino wu announced lt yes
terday by William T. MeCleery.