ui:n.M:snY. ocrwini 1. ,on. TIIK DULY M HIUSKAN roun WEATHER LIKELY 10 BE IN F ' OF Old Sol Threatens to Aid Longhorns at Expense of Huskcrj. BIBLEMEN SEE ACTION Stadium Set for Saturday's Conflict: Grass Given Hair Cut. A Teaa un bn 4n Tur. Uay aflrrnw i Memorial dium in nirb activity '" ofd from th varsity lrr.hu tr wealinc. atraininf. rrlin every ffrt i carry it Iht curt order of 0acb' HiM and Oakea. i)..0 to the overallrd workmen v.bi hurried here and ther about the bo I preparing thinr. fr the Ibmoff ir foe. ball enthuil bo will probably h va band Saturday. vira in auil puahed dummy linei around, threw pae and tau(hl tbem. blocked and kicked j and verytmnj mat mif.ni pt aibly b don in a regular fame. No atone U beinc left unturned that might prevent Nebraska run ninf out on the field Oct. 4 in any other condition except it beat. Whatever el may be the cae. Texaa A. M. la not biinj under rated. Tha Texaa lonirhorna are cominp here for battle. The weather ta worth conaideration. Men. who aie auppoaed to know, explain the triumph of teama In their own territory, auch aa Ala bama aeveral year ajo and Geor gia and California mora recently, by pointing to the climatic condi tion. The boya from tn north cannot atand the beau If It la aa hot next Saturday aa it wa yes terday, the Texana will be rfRhl at borne. The Huakera can't take off manv rlothea but If It I cold the southerner can bundle up easily enough. Memorial aUdium haa been freahly weather proofed to put It in ahape. The grua on the play in: field waa cut yesterday and trucks hauled away enough green bladea to furnish every ateer in Texaj with a souvenir of the game. KANSAS TO MIX WITH CREIGIITON IN SECOND CAME LAWRENCE. Km.. Tha Uni versity of Kansas football team leave Friday evening for Omaha where. Saturday evening, tha Jay hawkers will meet the Creighton eleven to open tbt 1930 season. While Kansas and Creighton have played frequently at basket ball, this is only the second foot ball contest between them. The former one, in 1923, was wan by Kansas, 6-0. That was an undefeated year for Kansas, with only two field goals scored against the Jayhawk ers. Kansas won the Oklahoma game 7-3 but the Missouri game was a 3-3 tie. Other ties that year were scoreless games with Neb raska and Kansas Aggies. That year, also, Kansas defeated Drake 17-0 and Washington uni versity 83-0, piling up a season's sotal of 116 points for Kansas and 6 for oponents. FLU K1SOCKS OUT FOUR OF TEXAS AGGIE PLAYERS COLLEGE STATION, Texas Captain Graceton Floyd, star full back of the Texas Aggie team and Byrom Mag-rill, veteran tackle; Charlie Malone, sophomore end, and Willis Nolan, center, were placed on the sick list as a result of an Influenza attack in the Texas school. The starting lineup for this Sat urday's game with the Nebraska Cornbuskers at Lincoln is some what doubtfull and will be affected to a large extent by the condition of the men suffering from the at tack. Despite his illness, Floyd did not take to his bed and was in uniform the first part of the week. Mag rill was released from the hospital Monday. Malone and Nolan are still in the hospital but it is be lieved they will be permitted to re sume trainings Tuesday. Only light workout was held Monday night, but the squad set tled down to intensive training Tuesday night, which will continue until the departure of the team on Thursday. Indications that about three hundred Southern fans will accompany the team to Lincoln were made public by the Aggie school. CLASSIFIED WAIST ADS. AFTER ALL it's a Townaend photograph that you want. LOST Alpha Omleron PI pin. B50&8. Reward. Call LOST Jeweled A. T. O. aiater pin. Finder call B1297 for reward. Ber nlce Loutzenheiaer. Will aacrifice a gold trimmed, melody (j conn aaxapnone. sau. lua Dakota. AVOR SOUTHERNERS Watch Repairing Look to Your Watch M Well as Your Car Tour car. without oil, would aoon be Dorsad up br friction. Your car seeds a aeuDdaoce of oil. Tour watt needs anlr a drop and rr rarely, bu. it aeeds that drop badly and It needs lb service of a flsaa woe knows bow to put on that trap lust exactly right to prrrent '.gumma; up Ins wooia wonts.'' Oar watrai efftrleary eVoartmes isakca kutla Meads. Hallett Mitrv Cnra rrtlrtl lor Taking Tnut titilort (In Tour A call tee mare student "4 faculty car ta be um4 tar I Teats A. ana M. raxaptiaxi Fii slay w 'Imu taday by Don Carlae-i. c "" I rsxp ii eammm. Fitly marj car Mill t neadad la ! car t ! Ttaai visitor, far wham tea stared I la be bald. Tk cars Mill be ntedad fram I Mt'clMk la S It cla. Frl. day a'tamae. All volunteer Save been aiatit la notify Sill McClsary, r Bob KMy at In Ntbrsahan office or Carlton at Una. The artd will (tart front in coliseum at 1:M o'clock and will a lad by Chancellor I. A. Burnett, who mil' be accom panied by T. O. Walton, presi dent of In Ta colltg. Fol lowing tn chancellor's car, one hundred oe mere car will bear th Ttatt vititors on their lour of th city and agricultural campu. th rendenlial section of Lincoln, and th slat capi-to'. TOUR, BONFIRE RALLY F( Southerners Will Be Met With Band; To Be Shown City. TO ARRIVE 1:45 FRIOAY Dan for welcoming th Texaa ApRies when hy pull Into Llm olti Friday afternoon include a rally at the train, tight seeing tour and greeting at the Lincoln hotel early in the evening, climaxed by a huge bonfire rally. The Texans will arrive over the Missouri Pacific at 1:0 p. m. Fri day and will be met at the train by th R. O. T. C. band and stu dents. A parade will be formed In Ihe downtown district with the Texas A. ard M. hand of 100 pieces as the honor gne.ta 250 Coming. Coach Bell is bringing a squad of approximately 50 men to Lin coln, which with the 100 pleco band and 100 more rooters that in cludes a delegation of aome AO business men, will make up a party of 230. The Aggies will work out in the stadium in the afternoon and re ceive their official greeting in the evening at the Lincoln. Students are planning a big torch light pa rade headed by the band. The Aggie squad will be introduced after which they will retire until battle Ume. Hargiss to Scout Games. The Aggie game will be scouted by the entire Kansas team. Coaches Bible and Bill Hargisa having entered into an agreement to scout each other this week. Hargiss and his staff will be on deck for Saturday's skirmish with Texas A. and M. while Bible will see the Creighton-Kansas game at Omaha Saturday night. r CROUPS PLAN AG CAMPUS PARTY A Joint T. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. party will be held in the Ac tivities building on the agricultural college campus Friday evening Oct. 3. at 8 o'clock. Special entertainment will be furnished. Games will be led by Genevieve Brehm and Ralph Cope haver. Lunch will be served. 4-H CLUB TOl!OLD MEETING THURSDAY The University 4-H club will hold its first meeting of the year, Thursday evening Oct. 2, at 7:15, in room 306 Agricultural hall. Plans for the school year will be discussed. Dr. F. D. Keim. chairman of the agronomy depart ment is scheduled to address the group. Wilbur "Junior" Coen of Kansas City, Mo., eighth ranking tennis player in the United States, has entered in a tennis tournament at the University of Kansas the week of Sept. 29. Gold several centuries old is possessed by a strange band of gypsies in Rumania. PRICE $1.25 Semester $2.00 Year $1.75 Semester Mailed $3.00 Year Mailed TODAY IS DEADLINE IN TENNIS TOURNEYl Applications Must Be Voaclcr's Office by 5 O'clock. in MflRF FNTRIFS WArJTFfJi . ...w rlv o'tliHk I lu afteiitoon mark the dVa.ltm for tmnia n trtea w lotting to partlrlpat in the all university tournament Only amclea ill b played and anyone rnilld in tha nnivetaitv may en ter. A (old mrdal Will l (ivrn t" the winner, while the runnrrm. will I iven a ailver one. Mr. Voj,eler, head of the depart ment of intra-mural athletic r preaaed th irir for niorw eiittlra. and urge 'everyone inlerrated to rea-uter at tiia tiffue in Ihe roll- arum Ufor 5 o'ihk tomcht. I'ji In & o't li k yesterday allrnin th following hail hren rntrrrd for tournament play: V. 1 Fling W. Ilcrn an K. I fcra c II. J Miller. K Puriath U Thinigan. A. Moag. II kin. V. Mrlhke. M Woodfiel. M. Pa il. A. Hollea V. Hulterfielii W. Hargen. K. Mano Schedule Sent. Schedule hive been sent out to all fralcrniliet for Hie intramural tennis tournament. Ml. Vogelei wiahet to impre the importance of following this schedule en close!'. All game mut be played on their eclticd date. B.id weather will not be excepted as an excuse, for In lhene canes games will be played in the indoor court. al the coli.-eiini. The intercollrge soccer tourna ment start next Monday. The fol lowing games will be played: Monday. Oct. 13- A and S vs. Aggie. Tuesday. Oct. H- 1 ilJtiliiacy i. Laws. Wednesday. U t. IS -Teachci vs. uents Thursday. Oct. 16- liginccrs vs. Birads. All game v. ill ly pluyed at 4 o'clock each tiny at th urill Hold. All sonhomore wishing to be come Intramural athletic man-1 agers should see Mr. Vogeler al bis office. i INKW IilZAU CO A HI) OFFICKKS ML'KI 10 PLAN YKAR'S WORK Frank B. Smith. Omaha. "30. was named official student head of ; the college of business ncimmistia-; tiun. when he whs elected presi- 1 dent of the Bizad executive board i at Its first fall meeting held rci cently in the office of Dean James i E. LeRossignol. Don Ex!cy. Lin coin. '31. was chosen vice prcsi- ' dent of the hoaid and Florence : Anderson. St. Paul, '21. was' named as secretary-treasurer. , The members of tlie new board : met Tuesday afternoon in the of fice of Dean LeRossignol to con- sider business plans lor the cur- i rent year. Plans were foiniuiaied ; concerning the Bizad convocation which is scheduled to take place in me near luiu.e ..u t university to visit with Mrs. Hat tmn nf thp varirui nrir.ps and non- - . ' 7 7 : , . ors. which are awarded to out - standing students of the college of ' business administiation, was a subject for discussion. 1 i : i The largest flock of freshmen in j years turned out for freshman football at the University of ; Kansas this year when Freshman : i Coach Steve Hinshaw issued hi.s call. John Masefield, poet laureate of j ? England, who used to be a New ! J York bar tender, and whose poetry 1 frequently sings the praises of : wine, is a teetotaler. : TYPEWRITERS See us for the Royal portable t p wrllr. the ideal machine lor th-r-iudent. All makes pf machines for renl. All makes of used ma chines ea.-'y payments. Nebraska Typewriter Co. Call B 2157 , 1232 O St. Fraternities and Sororities Send in Your Rlock Subscriptions This Week No More Free Papers After This Week Wcr ii33fe CI.Nl. r. aiauaiua mean nmnm and at rnrrlly a lmnh ! j lira. I.t take Ih avoid r nir enunnit uih"riti. brio are wm I 1,1 lira l-ast r NebiaaWi nrnla" til. II Ihl bad an wen ono 'hiiue name Nrbiaak would have ' t.n tv an advantac of 21 pointa. lb iiaeiew iratut of ,ii.t..-a ( ,irariv i.n in Ihi summsii- i.vi..n .N'rhrnnka (lulu t win all t I'.t janir laal var. Out of euht ganiet played Ne hiaaka i-n four, lied Hue and l.ut oi.e That a one grxxl thini; alMut the tram lal year If they r.ml,.i I win thrv wocld tie Ihe ! Kne up o me ...nrr .r. ..-.... n'l tn ntiir MtirK facta. u I k.,r..l Iti.b Young, (be larting. Iwiaiin;. twilling drrvun from Norfolk, wat hiKh M';rt man in the nig mx ii ytar .nd h pUynl for Nebraska. Neither Miaaouii nor Oklahoma hid a first plie man In the stor ing ctlumn. SI.H they lied Ne hiatka. The litter Iru k of veianty in u ; of ai at iM it i la rli-aily shown by jth.se ill lairationa thnt no further comnu nt need re made. Nerr Vdieve statlllr. if you know they are line. F.vrn , TIIK diaappeamnce of Morri Fi-iher iront the football line- little comment iii insv c.ume this fall and Idh iiuciie may be vi iced at to his absence. IVhrr has competed only year ard has ore year of varsity competition remaining. He Is still In i.chool a'id seems able to walk ar.iur.il. Wliv, then, is he not out for .v.:rwl?' THK ciMiclie of he schxi have 1 decided thin to a large extent, altnoufih Fi'her'a wishes were also consuliej. It wss considered tin wire for ruch a valuable busket iMill man to risk Injuries on the foiball field when .t was not rcc- fs.nry. An ebundunce of end material maieriHi ha taken awsy the necessity of i Ki'hrr competing and basketball followere will rest ensy this fall I whi n lhy know mat one of the j ni'Tt briHinnl men Nebraska haa ' ever piared on the basketball floor ( i Is not risking needless injuries Man off to Morrie Fisher, folks! Heri" is one athK'..-" who really hi.s seme sene and tries to save him-rlf foi the sport In which ne i.i besa. WINONA HORRY KMKKS SOCIAL SERVICE WORK Mm Winona Rorby. Nebraska zraduate In lP-'S. visited at the university recently on her way to Washington. D. C. where she will hae charge of organizing a com munity center. Miss Rorby ma joicd'in sociology during her un-cjersrad-iate years at Nebraska ami on leaving this university took .giaduate work "at Miss Body's recreation school at Hull house in Chicago. For th; pist four years Mi's Rorby h is been director of the girls' department at Lincoln hou?e. n social settlement in Boston. Last .summer she accepted th3 position of organiei and . director of a community center to be estab lished at Georgetown, a subuib of Washington. D C. She has been spending the past month at her j home at Neligh and stopped at the ; tic r'lum wiuiams 1 Six Popular Productions Including "Journey's End" and "Holiday" UNIVERSITY PLAYERS SEASON TICKET CAMPAIGN t i I i I i u I ! : i t..j.-. - $20 Sff it "Tasser - - --e - SUBSCRIBE AT College Book Store Co-Op Book Store or at Office "U" Hall Tournament to Start Oct. 6;. All Croups May Enter Teams. NEW ON SPORT PROGRAM 8eelhall. th first competitive aporl on lh inlramural program of tha Women' Athletic aaaotia lion for thl year, will get under way with practlrea all of this week followed by th tournament begin ning Monday, Ott. 6. Thl sport I being offered for th firal tim on th intramural progtam and It t expected to be come on of th moat Interesting of women sport. 8peedhll Is a combination of baakeiball and soccer. Lew Heel Required. The only requirement to enter l low heeled shoe be worn. All groups are urged to send at least three girl to the practices which 1 are to be held Wednesday. I nurs jdav'and Friday evening al ft I o'clock on the vacant lot back of Social Science. If every group doe this there will then be several jru on every team who will know I fomething about the game I Ten minutes practices are sched- uied before every tournament I came al which time the eleven membere of the team can develop their technique. Fleven players are not required on each team, but It will be to the advantage of each group to see thst they have eleven members representing them. If further information l re quired call Jean Whitney at B1.M6 or the women's Intramural office which is located In the women's gymnasium. Mike Getto. line coach for the I'niversitv of Kansaa football ' tam. has been selected for one of , . ... , .n .lnt. me lai Kie orrwm 011 mi University of Pittsburgh team, picked bv James Long, veteran rports writer or the nttfburgh Sun-Telegraph. LEARN TO DANCE Can teach you to lead In on lesson Guarantee to teach you In sin pn vst lessons. Classes every Mono.' , and Wednesday. Private lessor morning, afternoon and venin Ball Room and Tap. MRS. LUELLA WILLIAMS Private Studio: Phon B42M !220 DSTREtl 25 Average REDUCTION Rent-A-Cars NOW We have lairly redu-ed imi rem., rates a fourth anil will continue fiirnlKh hi;h sra'le rars. Includin Kordn. Reus and Duranla. AJ.Ii in.tuil Umcotinis for long trips. ALWAYS OPEN WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P Street. Phone B-WI'9 for Sluo'cnl Kulfs a ? GOILD CQ aj l intern' It's all bo t Fellows! and he got It at GOLD'S For Only He's a welcome guest wherever he goes ... the profes sors like him . . . the coeds worship him . . . the fellows in his house and other houses admire him . . . it's all in the clothes he wears . . . he'll tell you he gets his Suits at GOLD'S . . . where he gets more style for les money . . . excellent tailoring . . . faultless styling . . . and a swagger that makes him known as a well-dressed collegian. All wool hard finish worsted fabrics in blue or brown . . . dark blue all wool heriingbone cheviots . . . style excellence plus the greatest value we've been able to offer in many years ... a great lot of quality suits for only in this IV V f 1 v w s a GOLD'S Men a Store South Annex. 6. 0 Cat. 1171. 117 So. 12. n