The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1930, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    si nvv. f riri kmukr :n. 1010.
- , - - aa. mw am.
rnrnnnirrM a-i m JTT-W&iipys
m I .iiaiiiir a nnlk of Kill
malum in the lreal of trim Unt
C.Milui.kri. l Hi Var.H y-Kirnh.
man fame tut utility Mritnn All
ul two r Ihrp nf Hi lli-iiivl
Vkfto di.mnl falluira
111 irilin i (iilrl wvi!!
i Hie iinoeUlvi miiIIi Kill' fr
Hi mighty miiiioii oi yell lml-r
niAiiM. iiomt, iom;. khi:iim;i it i hik;;;; T.
""V "" oul k"',"",j "ur
' ( lira it a me of llu ne klHK
Minor Injiiiif Hnl Oukm'"" '"'' " grniwwn "
," . in,!. . frulil hi lIlnLllllllli-'l r"
I iiinikvi hnt lillle or tin liirli nt all.
VfIIKN lite liunm-nla
make III fliuil arli i tlo'l llK-y
nIuiiiM be gnviMltnl In H Iuik' ex
Ifiit by Hi i-tiion throw ini-n
HMivfil Halurilay afti-im n. It
wa an nirllmt tlott.l lo tiy th
nun nut on 1ml amui of (In- tivrt
were piolMinly (inti dim imrn ;r. J
Public wntlmeiil arrmeil I"
way mul ebb rmth way, nrror.l
liiK li Hi li'M impn-'Mi n l Hi
R.tlt Vouiig MAra Tho Out f IIiiiv I Ii.Ihhii.
Iji.I Ouurtrr Hrtlllf lriiti iirliiij:-. I'ir-I
MriiiK nt Stadium SiUiidii.
Paul., I thru IIm
I!rrl Tlirm lo Mr UvntU for Tru Acjiir
,Nrt Stitimlu), luiitf: ..Mik lli-llrr.
i.. I ami fillfi ii .linly nua AUo
lh Nvlwri twin, i am in for their
har of Ilia aliiM wlill Art
l'uarrtn waa likM uii with Ilia
I'lllki'lloh mtHhm! all In hold
i. iiin.r a lull Iwiirr lhan a
IrW of III o.- i rlli lanl.
tMMiitlly fioin Inn bom ln
Nr'W lrarlinrnl t. !! I
rlabliliil ilh Hi beginning
of III fix -1111 MKMill 1'h lalirl
ri.ulil h "llriiihl Kavlnii of N
fiom road la toaal lminf Into
follow i ir(raa of Ilia Uailinif
Irania of laat )'tar In lhlr fori
rn iMinlrr
Noli lni yia itMnrally irr
I i'iii-.l aa Iba Ul Uam laal ara
, ax n. although Hirltia, Taiaa ttina-
Han a inl Tulan rr unbraUn
I 'lb l"-1 raUn of Ilia trailing
ilrvrna mail by lr. Kranh luk
i inaon of lh I'ulvr rally of lllinoia
; follow Miib Nliaka In rnth
I Notra Imm. Irdu. I' UUburnn.
bta.ka Ci-U at Iwillmll t.nmi'i I'alilontla. lllinoia. Moulharn f'all
Aa a atail an.l Hi o-mn kiiii '. fnrma Nrbaka. Ttaaa Chi I.Han,
lh .oliiinn lh folloMlnic ' HiHiibrrn lthKlil. Tulana ami
It rid; I'rniKvlvaiila.
.Ni iinkn I 'ol tllllsli r Klnrk look It iln liliil lnml liittliliU
the ky Satunlny afliTt i In n ai-il i on tin-
yriirliiiK". 41-H. ill 1 lit niiiiiul Vnrsiix l- n sl.iiuin o.n,o . A
lriiiiMt ly fotir IIkiiimiihI 'M Ii- piii-l 1 1 . a n mi" il"
atnJiuni, iuhciiiIi from tin- t urn- L'"inu to llo I'""! l i'"! ' '"
R. . T. liiiml wua mmiii mul ln ! ilurinu I In- fiuuf. in
R. O. T. C. band wil pm-nl anil. . .
'. ,, iT i ... .7. ,i . .., h i. furmi-r onmlia Irin aim
war. rhVr 1.c;i Wl.,le of Kin..,.!! n ,,..
and down lb. M .k. a .1-' n " X
two of tha thr tourhdimna in tl :
flnaJ qtiartr. The la ling Jtix Six
On fair younji co-rd nond Hi
way Hi fionh liniM up for in
klikoli. bavin a lin Mllh four
i-ii-n In I'lottil lh ball iarrir.
"(lh. ati'iit'a llioM' liltli frrhmrn
J ii. -.I tii nil for wniiU th ay
llii-y lin up!" Tin. Iiolli' and
ri-ntli im ii. km a irmnrk by a Kirl
al tin- Ciiiiii'. linin.Uy and truly.
foa rli !ioaii will iiotM,liy ap
piK iiit" Hi Hpiov;il of Ilia to-d.
It u rtili ' vv l lin up but
lb fro-n duln'l M-riu In bav nun h
lui k with ll.
l bra rat iik a wu bad iiMn i
lhi airnrth of Inmi and ippo
urn It. rathrr lhan arorta.
,'rxi HnnKt
Si ' , nlli in 'J J
tHiilh'ill lulling
Km l hri nunc, no om will p-t miy
.1 . k. ... - Ik I Iw.
ihiih thrv will ni l rrxpoml to uny , p? V."t tf'8, , .
wl.ip.-iii pl-a to k-iv a ri-rtam " r"' N' '""!" rank hni(
vrll. II nilLhl woik In Omaha but U- P". nl arnjon fliM
i u'un'i ... i .iv,.r in l.iii.nlii a clow . KiH'tbnll la In lh air,
amrr nf laat Var looka rvrn Ix-t
tr than ha did year aci and la
th driving pla in the Nibraxki
Minor Injuries.
Taul. Kroner nd Rha w re all
auftrring from minor Injuilra and
wr not. 10 m Kama r very k
nn.l utrintth thiin ha any firch-
miin ti'Rin in year and hhould
Kiv a pn-tlv PhmI ariMiint of
Ihrmwlvra in thi-lr Kanira thl
Nclitanka lonrhoH Iihii bwt thrlr
woirud look Siiluriiay Hfter th
Cam and ar rlly bcKtnninK to
Ik lli-vc that the n,UNd w ill di-velnp
Into aomethlnc The loam play in
mil in wui i
i-r not In th ram for very long. ,.,, TK,.,..i i .nolx
lthouch Line Coach Bunny Onkea ' ... ,i
imi s.iturdav nflornoon wai
as aura they would a l be In H.(,,.r than at any other time Ihla
aliup for the openlnic game of th y(.nr BNHkinjf and panninK wore
aeason next Saturday agamat the .n, improved, thrnr two depart
Ttxaj Aggies. 'menia beinfr ronsldored aa the
r ranm, iiurui, -uiti. '""" wruKrw, in mic- nuun-i
vardity pennllli-a ior muuuiK
rauned a little discussion an thin
aort of penalties are pretty ex
pensive in a big Rame.
Lineups. '
The starting lineup:
Varmty Krlmirn
Tnii ka le Klllmlirni"
and Krelrlnger acocunted for the
The Huaker paaalng attack
looked really poltahed Saturday
afternoon wiLh Younc, Long and
Rowley all heaving the ball. A
long beave Younjr to Trucka
placed the varalty In position for
their first acore and another pass.
Young to Hokuf accounted for the
second tally. Rowle yand Long
also had good luck with their
toanea, the varatty completing more
paaaes In the game than they have
In all of the work outa so far this
Wally Marrow, GreenterR, Jus
tice and Campbell all looked better
than they have In previous Rames
this season. Marrow has been a
little slow In getting started but
anagged one of Long's passes for
the feature catch of the afternoon.
Greenberg and Justice at guards
and Campbell at center served no
tice that they Will have to be con
sidered when Bible thinks of a
starting lineup for the opening
Brown Men Look Good.
For the Browne team, Lincoln
high seemed to lead the attack if
the credit must be given entirely
to one institution. Out-state play
ers looked god DUt the real Power
of the frosh combination came
from the former Lincoln men. Mas
terson and Sauer acocunted for the
PANY specializes in Rent-A-Car
services; new and new cars at low
rates for all kinds of trips.
We invite old and new cus
tomers to call us. MO
B-6819, 1120 P Street,
Always open.
""piK HK.NVIIWAK.MKR-' luail
1 ily etidorsiH the lolluWinK
five mm and thinks tliey would
make an t-xridknt chi-ei r:idlug
crew for the rnmlrm arason of
yelllnc; Art rinktilon, Ralph
Rogera, Ralley anil th Nelson
twins, Howard and Harold.
All of these hoy a got plenty of
cooperation out of the mad mob nt
the game and whatever the Inno
cents lo, our fervent player la that
they don't put in a man who will
not get any co-operation from the
I A week tuoie and Hie grand oh
inc. o( the K:iil cra.ion will lake r with tuoie than ,V team
Adult bfiinncn and int-rmrdirfte
MrAiltrri tiy prAclUJt atudrttt woth
nine ytaia p ine itching apcn.
Phunt litUrm nd t Ml'
Plenty of that
nALril ROOKRS. a track man
1 of lasl year, stepped Into a new
Rlira H-.
.Iiihiii r IK
Klv '
lirernliiiiK rt .
Kn'KiT . rt
It.ikuf rr.
Krahnt rl'-
Vniinif !
Senr by penults:
umpire. Henrv Srlmlt: fii'in Jiui;r.
Mult Vol: liriHlliiiemiin. R1 ., . ,
T.iiii'lutKwns. Krelwnper I. "")"'
1 l.oni I. YmniK S. Kralim I. Mnsti
,n I. Sailor I. Pnlnt- ""'r ,nm ll"
duwn: Krahm . Un 1. Mnstersi.n 2.
1 1 Hrlrn
. . Blliiii .
. . . . Jnnos
. Si hnnlt i
SrrunK"" :
J..y i
. . Murray
. .. Whit".
. . Ktwhor
Can teach you to lend In ont leuon.
Guarantr to (each you In m pri
vate lenona. Cl.ittet every Monday
and Wrdneiday. Private leuont
mornlno- afternoon and evening.
Ball Room and Tap.
Private Studio:
Phone B42S8 1220 O STREET
Yellow Cab
You Need a
Brief Case
and w have J not received a
shipment of caa apeclallv
arranged for
'Vnuine Leather Three
Pocket m Low as
S hea n
Jewelers Stationers
1123 O St. Lincoln
, i:t 7
ii 7
(I 21 tl
7 n- II
AMES, la. With a crew of eight
varsity and freshman runners
from "which to mould his six man
nm tho nou.- two mile team-rai
ing which will take the place of
cross country mis iau is muw
Coach Simpson's liking. The Cy
clone coach has Putnam, a sea
soned veteran, to lead the distance
men. Other runners are Nagcl and
Walter Thompson, who won letters
last year.
Of the five sophomore aspirants
for the team. Eickelkraut, Labtr
tew, McCarnon, Petty and Chap
men show the most promise.
This new event will be handled
on a round robin schedule with
each conference school participat
ing. The race will be run off on a
team scoring basis between the
halves of the football games. Since
the event is to be run on the cinder
tracks, the runners will be In full
view of the spectators from start
to finish.
WANTED! 1,000 Picnickers at Picnic
1439 "O" Open till midnight and Sundays B 5585
wi RUOQEST Wiener. Red Hot Bum Steak. Mar.hmallowt Po' .-.
WE SUGGEST w..ind Sali,dplcke.oiive.-Fruit.
Sandwiches and complete picnic lunches put up at request
PHONE B 5585
T ...a,. .a..
Rut that doesn't mean that
want you to hurry away we like
to have you spend as much time
at the Campus Shop as you like
but getting back to the hats these
felts are positively precious in
dark and light green, rubylom:
beige, blue and black. . . .
Magee's Coed Campus Shop
1123 R Street
Downtown Store 1201 O Street
.W riO
itcto. orAe ko'w
' -. i oi ' . we " r j.jio1-
AW .D' . ..OH' . ..Al1'
ihA v J.
d"7 ot
. hO'
1201 O Street
1212 0 St.
Campos Cords in All Sizes
m.--- - .M,4 0 ..-T H ...n.M A, Ada., Eaa o. "fQ
n ,
o a----t
Phone B3323 I;
"Organized J v
I Responsibility" i
I ' In I (4.4.4- l 4 1 l'lT 1
m vnv i . 1 ' t . trll 1 I .ia " . ru-
I V.j6 i Wrt iK
& ... ' . WiP-W- ..r,W ea V1
cji .wc i . c 1 1 1 . in ii
You'll Sec at
the Big Games
MM m . -m ., A i v ml
When the crisp winds blow
You'll want one of these new
Fall Coats
-From Gold's Kampus Korner
If you're on the fifty yard line with the gang . . .
over with the Tawel. ... or just an ordinary coed
waiting for "Red" Young to crash through with
a gain for. good old Nebraska "U" youU be com
fortble and cozy and aware that you re just
right" in one of
these lovely cloth
Coats . . . of
tweed, tricova.
broadcloth or nov
elty woolens
Priced at . . .
You'll score a touchdown
In these clever
Campus Capers
are the daily
dozen of these
Clever "rocks.
Novelty woolens . . . tweedsy
mixtures of Afghan brown and
sunny yellows . . . navy blues and
crimson reds . . . smartest styles
. . . newest modes . . . Frocks that
will look well at the game and
after the game for informal af
MWf fx. tl
I 1 1 j I
Everyone Is talking
about the Kampus
Korner . . . It's simply
smart . . . come In and
meet the girls ... see
the clever new things.
GOLD'S Knmpiw Korner
Third Floor.
8' 'U
It may be blizzardy outside
But if you1 re in one of these .
rur loats
You'll Never Know It
Colder days are coming . . . here are Pony Coats, Sea
line. Muskrat. Mondoza Beaver Coats . . . silhouette
styles . . . lovely col
lars . . . the newest of
the new . . . and the
LOWEST they have
been in a decade . . .
Now is the time to buy
. . . these quality fur
Coats at only
GOLD'S Third Floor.
A smart tie for campus or street
wear with a laced vamp in the moc
casin niodel.
The stock is soft. pli-'.
"able, "durable elW
skin . .'. the color is
dark brown . . '. and
the effect is marvel
otis. . . . Come ami
0 3 trv thorn on.
. 7
a in