FOUK TFIE NEMIASKAN, TUESDAY, JUNK 21, l'MO. Forty-Four Engineering Students Spend Six Weeks at Survey Camp Alone the bank of th TUtta ner the national guard camp at Ashland u "Camp Nebraska' where forty-four university atu denta in civil engineering are tak ing a lx wmki furveyins course this summer. Camp life ataiteJ June 7 and will cud July 19. The course la a requirement in the de partment of civil engineering. Directing the camp are: Prof. Claik K. Mickey. Prof. A. K. Urne. Dan II. Harkneaa. an J a resident rhviiian. Dr. Kenneth C. taker. This year the young men are at work on a practical hydro-electric power plant project. They are making a trianirulntion aurvey of the Platte valley and foothills east of the river from the state fih etiea to Wateiloo. One of the ra vines on the north bank of the Tlatte near South bond will be sur veyed for a reservoir site to hold water in storage and to act as a control reservoir for the hydro electric plant. The water will be conveyed from the reservoir to the water turbines through instocks. It will be returned to the Tlatte through an open ditch tail race. June 22 and July 13 were set aside as official visiting days. Camp life, while rigorous, is not devoted entirely to work. Tourna ments in swimming, baseball, fish ing and horseshoe pitching have been arranged. One evening a week a moving picture is shown in camp. One a week the to glnecra have, access to the Ashland Country club rolf course. A new radio provides music. No work la scheduled on Sat urday afternoon. Sundays, or boll days. Tents are used for living quarters, each tent taking kitchen police duty one week, ureaiuasi and dinner are served la a Urge mesa hall. Lunches are taken out by the various parties which leave In the morning and do not return until early evening. Their daily schedule: S II A. H Kiral ea.l. ft M A. M Hveill ft A. U -turmiii. morning mil Mil S A M T. Hi S M A. M - Hrra.uil J 'I A M In.iru. lina rlmk out la- Immmla. park lunch. M I M - Al .t in firkl or lud. 11 M A M I-uti. h 12 l - .rk yt P. M - s. .rt iimp I . M - MMinmml S 1 V M I:nn ft .VI I' VI . . I. M - Rrtreat. . IV M Tn Hi o'm 7 iM I'. M '!. M l M - TM.K ft ? I. M.-"all Id quaitra t I M -Tap, roll rail in tenia Thir Sunday routine: 7 II A. M - Kirat rll. T 2 A M - Keve.ll'. .' A. M Aamll . morning roll rail T . A. M Ta th eolara. I M A. M Brkll V n A. M Hrvirea mhw ali-lixl I II P. M Dinner 4 fit P. M Kmmminc. 3l P. M Uim h I Ml P. M - AiirmM), .S l. M Krlrral IM P. M -T Ih rol.ra t M P. M Talton. t ? P. M Call to quarter I 31 P. M. Tap, roil rail m twita. I'xprrU Slut!) Soil Of Wralcrn 1'tniiilit'i The atatt department ! soil survey, ia co-operation with the United States bureau of chemistry and soils, is working this summer in Knox, Furnas. Harlan. Hitch cock and Dundee counties. Inves tigation of soil conditions In these five counties will be completed by the end of the summer, according to Dr. tleorge H Condi a. A8ASKIN NEW SURVEYOR. Itaatl Abankin. graduate of Prague university. Prague, Checho slovakia, and for four years a stu dent In soils and agronomy at a Crechoslovakian technical school. has been appointed uaalxtant sur veyor lu the sUtc noil survey do pmtment. CAPT. FLECEL ON LEAVE. Captain Hail C. Flegcl. on ex tended leave from the department of military science at the univer sity, is taking a trip to Oregon and the Pacific coast. Lincoln's Busy Store Corner 11th A O Sts. "The Best lor Less" S. A H. Green Stamps An Added Saving E Another Big Group of These Novel li - hi H:ti 3 13 NVk Lilirarv Hook? New books to be found on the library shelves are: Aminoff. storm." ArmnmnE insert " Billon R:il Kmin.lert of New Kn- lan.t. Bracdon. dent." Bnwks. 13-m7." rhiKU. ' fun-lull. 'Cm narhnc th College Slu The DukM a( York Water Under Atnerl. lal-or and Capital " A Hiaiory ol Britmh Color PamtlnK" Dewey. Qiu-nt for Certainty." Huhrueil. "Rolxita or Men " On if iik. "MaatrrinK a Mnropoli " Klliotl, "Th Cyl ol Modern Poeti Krvinic. "Morality ol Pumahmmt." Klher. Ttieory of Interem." t;ia.inelt, "Tli Comic Artiat." Haider. "Capital and lahur Faacinm. " Henr. "Conqtiehn Our Oreat can Plains. Hewart. "The Ne Dexpot mm " Holcomh. "Th? Chines Revolution Hunt. "An Audit of America." Hitchinaon. "Unafraid.1 Kanaaa. ' I'. A. immigration Rxclualon nd I eportation. Killouth, "Raw Material of Ind.iatrlal tam." UDnrrif. "The Fllen Stor." Lincoln. "Testlna Before Invest inc " Lodee. "Energy." t.yon. "Hand to Mouth Buying " Morey. "University and College Ac count Inf." MacKaye. "Weathergoose Woo." Mottram, "Hutory of Financial Specu lation." Pupin, "Romance of the Machine Scott-Pear.ion. "Church and State." Schroeder, "Handhook of Phyairal FMit cation." Sheldon. "The Wilderness of Denall." Sherwood "Waterloo Bridge." Snider, "Business Statistics." Tannenhaum. "The Mexican Agrarian Revolution." Tracy, "American Naturalisu " Vrt, "Th Nationalist Trogram for China." Van Nam. "Vanishing Forest Re erves. " Williamson. "Dandelion Davs." BUSBY STUDIES GEOLOUY. C. E. Busby of the state de partment of geological survey has been assigned to secure and iden tify cuttings and cores of wells LEARN TO WILL TEACH VOU TO DANCE IN SIX PRIVATE LESSONS BALLROOM, CLOG and TAP DANCING Lessons Morning. Afternoon and Evening by Appointment. RESULTS GUARANTEED Lee A. Thornberry L8251 Cooled Studio 2300 V being drilled around Omaha to de termine relative positions and constituency of various geological strata. DOCTOli Ll'(;.N WILL STl'DY UNDKKFLOW IN rLATTL VALLEY Dr. A. L. Lurn of the univer sitv department of ceoloiry who will spend the summer on techni cal ceoloc-ical work in Nebraska for the war department left early last week on an investigation tour of the lower Platte valley where he will investigate the underflow of water and general geological conditions which might affect the location and construction i" stor age dams for reservoirs. Tucker-Shean JEWELERS OPTICIANS STATIONERS STUDENTS' SUPPLIES For All Departments Fountain Pens ALL MAKES Engraved Free History Covers and Papers BEST PRICES Everything for the Student Tucker-Shean 1123 "O" St. The Downtown Supply Station. THE MILWAUKEE DELICATESSEN The Headquarters for Your Picnic and Weiner Roast Home of the Dutch Lunch Original and Old Reliable Delicatessen Open Til Midnight and Sunday 1619 "O" Free Delivery Phone B5 192 66 SaedM Frocks 99 The Daring, Modern, 3-Piece Costume Jacket or Shirt. Shorts and Detachable Skirt in Undergarment 7 IB j w I fm i m Ba - incoln women are talking ;i'i')ut this now Frock sensation... i '.n ce-pieee costume, saucy, perky, mol rrn. larinr. . .hundreds of fresli. new. gay Frocks just received, here for your choosing. You'll love them golf. . for tennis, outings or homo wear. I'nnted materials with blouse fastened to panties so it ean't pull out... and a de tachable skirt... a jacket too, with some. . .piques. prints, broadcloths. Sizes 14 to 20. O.OLTVS-Third Floor. 93 WOMEN'S White Cab rrtts Sandal Tie with Blue Kid trimming. Cobs a Hl. Same Style with Red or Greco Kid Trimming. AIm in lido Sand with Hone1 Beige trimming. WTilte Kid Pump. High Heel. A Stylish Pump ft- all Summer Occasions. Black Crepe Mule Tump with attractive l'.w. A Very Smart Style. Hosiery btc.i- i his Week At KINNEY'S Iadlea' full fashlonea crilffn aervtce weight, peclal pr pair $1.00 pr. 2 pair 9T.S4 Patent Center Buckle. Pump ; trimmed with Black Kid. A Real Snappy Style. Iji'1i' lull la;u,i.mj pure aiik. saolaJ per pilr $1.29 pr. 2 pair $2.50 We have ut weired an entire new Btock f tliv desired aummer colors, featuring allk top an French hel. Satisfaction puaranteed with eery pair. Joia our Hoalary Club. With the pwchaw a gvm mumn vwaj pwit; & fjOZCA u , iiX y A-v, z7 r .(Mtmm.:. 1024 "Oh