THE NFJ1RASKAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930. TWO HE NEBRASKAN MMirn A, Lincoln, Nbrik OfflCIAL TltDiNT PUBLICATION UNI Vt H ft I T V or NDnin intr mxMtw eiON season PbbWtrd lutiitijr rrMy '" tng, tfurtnj M""W tch I. EnteiJ T " mmr l the poatutrtc h LlfKfln, Nobratha, under t f t"Oit Mart . and nl arwclal rat. ! Mt provided for 5rtioM t. act Of'obtr 1. IttT. aiithoriftd January M, 1922. Oirtctrd by Student Publication fcoairt. . i &UOSCRIPTION RATI rr Nir WM t4 tent mailed cewta a" campul Uene fcobb... K leroy Jack Buini Manager tlwood Ihampior V Assistant Buslneit Manager SUMMER ATHLETICS SttuJonU. so eager lo attend fHoi that they eiulur swelter ing summer to do no, need no cx vrtalloiw to atudy. In fact 0ey nomelimes study loo much, become hollow-cheated bookworms, fall to realiw their Innate Intellectual ability because of the maltieat nwnt of their bodies and their brains. Exercine and recreation of wire Mrt are Just as essential a por ing over the printed page. No one can hope to get and retain the most from his courses if he Ih mentally weary, if his brain has Wen clouded by an endless series i.f facts. To keep that brain in trim so that it wiU be In shape to assimilate the material that Is of fered is a duty of every student that can be performed only through refreshing and Invigorat ing it by outdoor exercise. The university, however, should o-operate with the student. It tloes provide a few tennis courts for general use, a Coliseum for men, and a physical education building for women. But it makes no active effort to encourage the ! ummcr session student to build up his or her physique concur rently with his or her store of knowledge. To interest summer students in sports is the difficult problem the university should face squarely. As a whole these students take life and schoolwork too seriously, or rather place too much emphasis on study and not enough on keeping themselves physically fit. Because the average summer session student lacks Interest in athletics is all the more reason why the university should do everything possible to encourage some recreation program of out door tournaments and contests. LEARN TO WILL TEACH VOU TO DANCE IN SIX PRIVATE LESSONS BALLROOM, CLOO and TAP DANCING Lessons Morning, Afternoon and Evening by Appointment. RESULTS GUARANTEED Lee A. Thornberry L8251 Cooled Studio 2300 Y Let Us Shine It Up And Take Out The Squeaks Washing Car $100 Greasing Car 75 Washing & Orensing $1.50 (Student Rates) A. O A. OIL COMPANY 0. A. Barber, Prop. LONG'S COLLEGE BOOK STORE TrtEXTT BCDXIDKS FOUNTAIN PENS All Good Makes HISTORY PAPER-SPECIAL Hammermill Bond SETS FOR ALL COURSES ' No waiting already assembled USED CORONA TYPEWRITER Almost new worth $60 NEW CORONAS Terms if desired $60 STATIONERY-"U" SEAL Choice New Line PENNANTS Save on these at PILLOW TOPS Prices are low NOTE BOOKS Every Kind Needed . BRIEF CASES Genuine Calf Bargains TENNIS RACKETS Reliable Makes TENNIS BALLS GOLF BALLS PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Cleaning Out Stock, 75c record at PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS To Clean Out LONG'S COLLEGE BOOK STORES FACINQ CAMPUS ...... T'ff"' $3 and up 75c a ream $40 50c and up $1 to $3.50 ' -- $2 and up 50c and up $5.00 and up $2 to $15 ...50c ..50c crt tlw.v. - 35c i re 20 OK : f "J ' j i i