Timi r UET WILL CLOSE I.Ml I III U h ill 111 i."i. at .in an I iwn GDEERST PROGRAM , Cochran Slated to 7, Main Address At pmal Dinner. . which la to -...art rT'" - tr ... i ,.rln hotel at A L i at U it l,htenth annua MK. I- " rikiorr, l III MART I.-.fNT KINO lT.aoT TMAILU ASO Hit NO I i 6H THf STAOl hpjOH WILKINS ryj. Tnr'i Styli )a Duces" Twist ! J Mtyr HIIXIE FOUR COHCL ME md ELLIS 1 Sooff-A Laufb tad Song" Cent'nuom r rem , Twe '0 l"9 J"' -PRlCfS La AT. DU. CIOKCE 3ANLKUN w Cv. Cnil. 7 1. I ?''' All ' '' Jj Technl 2)T 'V"A eolor X3 ERYTHING with Winnie Lightner ind Joe E. Brown ftafunniFrt comedy you've m. Five new song hits iikgrui of teventy-two un. t tunkist brauttes and mare ntin a studio full e cup- ptfi. Better than "GOLD IH OF BROADWAY." Mitt Sound Sherti mat VS-S-7-t P. M. 1. K. Eve. 50. Chil. 10. with Janet Gaynor Charles Farrell ' P?0 ABOUT -t ' PLOVE WW you'll leva this nalr at Ptlng lover. fDED SOUND SHORTS mowi 1..&.7. p. M. L Eva. 60. Chil. 10. 1111 RIALTO HEAR Rogers ,f All Talking Picture PUD TO SEE PARIS ""flawa " thorts Mat. Ke Eve. 35c Chil. 10c thowa 1 -1-5-7 -t all l.-n,l,W. ( i haife i. Mie iail, Mil l.-a-liltaalrr A I 'lie l-aii.j ,rl j.irat i.tat..iia if Iho t i-m ai.fc.n-, -rn a; aai ia i I lie ,ar vil l ,,,.r ,,, ,, ,, ,j , thiae (ttti.li air .r ii j rr, (llicmrc ktij. Ilin . jvaa. ytr riiui. imjf m n..Ui h ai. an.1 ll.t kn i a. n liiu'i ji Iht aiih.. ,i.. nirnl ,.( i,r nrt f4t r l'.; ... ',,( ,.,.( ! Iw ma ir at 'ha l i.ii.pr I Mr. n a. Ilia fP;iLrM a. nn.l hrrl. will e lnii.hir, l-irrn the nuiKi Hi. j ,!.,( ,,, tllll by r"amtwrt tt Ihc ar.c.nn rn e C-llrea I'rinlnl I r I m i Nifuriin 'nriM ii Nmaly Ihaoaand Kett v bn pr.nltd for r'rmrt fair, I vai announced by MulMH atit. vK hiadt lh licatll coinnutii )or I ha lrHn nual (arm Ida on May 1 TKart jyono i miman Uhrli. .0DOO aUma Maala nd WAX) txkait Conceal. oik. Olnta llckaU ha bn printed r n DO I. " Th icat Mr printed trt C coil th Cnt ook lr. A crod e 10 OOO peon ! drawn th t.' fair. Prepara tion a be in a made fr avert moi vititeri in. year. man. Qt aitrrl. Ad.1iticwi.il park ing apace lor car hat O d out. T W ' . an. I lai1rnt Kai.i IWla Itulh Haclirll aa rir V t.lria rliria. V A A lHifa tP'J ! Ih V. S t" A laL.urt ffr I rtr iurh I' anvij hat brrn pii drill it W. A A ! ! ! hhr te mnilr t( H'l Sialrr UfU. A W A Ui.l Miaa ln m.4Ml ia a(lilial4 with (trchreia ii.t l-twaxal JutMHi club Mi riam M i-rnl ia baa br treaa titer ( V. V. C A t to )! an.l it lh r.ai editor ( It ii.iphuakrr Ph ia metub thr iuniur-arntr riu commit All III all. it r of lb tnnat Kliirtoua tvy day Ihit uimtrtit ha a r iinal f nuely atl upon, but ilk toula ; prhd. that men i n Mm I ptaa It OH l yrJ - - r plai lleifirl.i aa (ia In him I ptaa it dm to yog tnt t Ih l-a(u l W nmra 4I, j k uftMi) NiiMiaf M i a irvrmSar el Of . HjM t epleadld Ntct lo ktaf (i put urea, "In dralir.f tatth aurh ta tb- tht l rv . ir lib rot ttrnjfTl f'T ail" "At Nebraaha are ti r.iie ta dem4e our attention tu th in. ttiat MutUai aa tbit. lb iUvai-. wuai rv rmr inao in uni- trg tt apmt and olhuaiaam. I am 1 ''JT t h.l . r.n.rin emindrd oe? KeihartJl t lift from outlvt thifly :n Ih lialrrmi) S.i t-t Irwlian Wan "Cleat , I rou- C'""P ni Ih Xi n.l ma la all irlea. hit and riniii.t tr-1. and ritchH on be blu ' and -! but buainaaa adminiatiaii.n mitn alifhl inlrat in the un.iet- .ly ilae.f t are all .N'rt.iakn. a-i let u take drf nit atrpa tmaard irmriiunt; lb tkinxla 4 bat It nirane tu hav tl.at in comn'4 I jrl lit unify our aiiclrnt gt'n' pirnt and uixli(ia.lial Me. Ue- I-i U K an ( neciatk n f t the rrat fri... aa au'itbrr ('ornhuakrr. 1 1 l'ie enj trut e may have a dr-r an I m ii rf(4n1 alrnira. t. a hit driotun to the foe'eni g pi.i! her " " Thrro tnnat he torn c4inextinc li.k bi twrt n auminwtratiiat. Mlutiini fariilly and atutrnt Thrr nn:t I a.imr croup In vihu h r U' 'n.'il'il.t y i .in he di lrratrd (of HAMLET OPENS TONIGHT. ENDING PLAYERS SEASON ii'iHiUnueti rrni pcatanr with lb Ha araann IHbrr merohera pf Ih dramatua tViartment bi ill t arrn I amofif th ra Yriiix aa I lor at t, are friend SENIOR HONORARIES MUK NEW MEMBERS K'oiitinur.t 'i .,n r.ij; i nit in n-.l.uic lr l.ai a!o tar ried a tiral i.f tu, ., nritrj mth KoMiirt Kiuii tin year. On of the tifchr.t ;.iiira ol the) day vrn li th i vrt ncrnt 1 vr atria wli.i nlu.va r m to know wh'ia (!'ir; t. lr t.ir. aa th rliHl'on of km Ma. Uy rv.no,, junu i.i aav that .V i.iav xarioua and aundry dutiea that ti, v. Zolley Urnrr aa IVIooma. n .irn.i.K . i ii rtimiir h.iv to he prrfnrmr.1 , the lord rhambrrtain. and f'aultn JV i. "nj""1 " J""1 h'M lnrt n",, n,v' lv born tuy ten- oilatly aa a atudlirc flar Kf that h a not tinc toiim.lrrrd timrnt and th.-v rre atvtavi ' t..r. Tavloe and Ja. k Rank. by evriMin vine .ma oil.. .. .... . . ... i .a...... .. on t Incn t.r - J't I i-ontrnd it aa a il , way in "My Maryland" and other! l-dwin F.dmond. avMatant tnai- founded fa. t that th Innocent , i.r..hi. mm. mtll rlar the part of1 "r" ninnnijrr oi inr l...rnHukrr. mrty aa ll haa bcrn ruad up U mrnioer of Com Cuba and Koanirl the tint arveral yrara haa not bn Klub and conr.eilrd wilh a i;.nlly a rrpirrntatixc group. Khar ot iitm-r a.tixHiia. v.m rn- Qualifu ttiona of th candtdatei titled to th rl h rrcrtvrd for I brlicve were thrn undouWedly bin prnior rar He ia a mrmlirr ahimned in preference to fraternity affiliation and politiral alien- mnt Thia year, however. dif ferent morv mut b told. Pr. 55 PIE ACCK SHOES MIT IS FOOIU FAR r n :---Ayx (lai Ihi '-f V " ha dramatua ! ' k '..' a . llrltwit I J.J All 1 1 r. erione a were a .me oth.iv f..iem.v--t in mv mind dunne my j .lumnl and former fntverany i ii nv di.layrd hi r.irihip .tav in the e.lilot a ihair. What 'lt)Tii favontea ala.i take leadinf I t VTJ ii" '"ll"" n"1 ""ly ""! ditrens lo m tn, to part Mr Taylor. ho haa for th ; i.kv It tl!y but in the int.ie i. nfrrm. c unv nnmlwr of other waa th fail ' paat three jear br-n on Hroad-' Uuirwal ...... C r r y . the ft Mr nana. io "" KCArOCK SHOES d aian been playtnit fn Hroa.lway. ! ' c ,nw" m'9 aw will appear aa Uaerto. aon cf M Ki. -,1,4.1. ... ,tv. i- - i , of rvit I'pnilon. William Surprtaet. But hore'a the Intrnt KnvA'mn of Ui hole eihixil ycat. Who wotild have thouhi trial Al Will lama would he an Innocent ? In n!te of the f.i. t tht no b.tib hat been elected lo thm aociety for poodnea kn wlj.n. a' whs among th.e Inpfx-.l J'hurlay nil- ermon. lii.t qualificalionx are not to be doublet -it is not that, for everyone realirea that he po.-..ie. leartorship to the nth drpree. lt.it the very fart that lie wa.i a non- fratrrnily student hhould bar turn from mcmlerjhip in the lnnKrnt.. unless Al will do l:ke all olhrr barbs have done -join a fi.i!iin.:y i;li! atter he is tupped. There ia no dMnj;er of him doinj that, however, for the michtv barb iltS jAdoniua. Other member of the ca.t are: I Kenneth Tbrelkeld a Ktanriaro: I Lrland Bennett aa IWnardo; Art ! ,.ali.m.i Smrlev aa Marrelhia: Harlan G. i mdStr Cfailimtjn I L'.yM . r1.ti.1itia kine or ten t-orce K. t'ondra. faculty adviser mark: Thuia t;en Fay aa Ophe of the lnn.HCtita. aptlv expreaard , lia. danehtrr of rolonim: Ituhard it when he ald that atx of th memix-rs of the 192t..tt aorirty drrmrd the welfare of the univer sity and the society of nimh Itieater importanre than their own fraternity ronnecliont. thereby for Mkmc entirely th "fraternity aelf perpetuation Idea." Leader Needed. A mrnibrr of lat year group, who fortunately, was among the few who really could qualify, also gave the npbt tmpreMon of this year .'elections when be taid to me personally: "This is the sqtiarest election I J have ever seen in my life. Ther is not a one w ho has been chosen I Pace as Rosencranti: Jer Mirkrl as tJuildenstern: R"bert Head and Taul Miller as grave dijrgers: rl ward TaW aa Osric. Paul Thompson. Ralph Truster. Pauline Gellatly and A I Tiffany as stroll ing player; Iceland Bennett a pnest .'and Merrexlea Ames. Pni dence Brown. Kdith A me and Ed win Quiiin attendants. Dwighi Kirsch. prenic artist on th I niversity Playera rtaff with the help of th student of stage design, has desirnrd unusual stage nettings for the production. hand(athiontd by . and worn by womtn who appr dat- anddtmand thtBEST in fatMonabl lootwtarl ENGINEERS NIGHT ATTRACTS CROWD OP 3.500 PEOPLE l Continued from Pag l l their activities. A usual, th can- department conducted tours a'l up nor will I have any obligations 1"lal 'r well supplied with ac through the museum and exhibited leader has pe, nutted him.e?f to he 'hn h" n,t n leader tn some quoted thus: j "'"V r other on th campus. .-sew tor tne .Mouar uoaras ana. "It was certainiy a suiprie to me. l was not elected on any et- lo meet, now that I am chosen. I have made no promises to any fra ternity and I will prove it. too." The fact that Williams, the man who. according to himself, "has fought with every Innocent who elected me" at some time or other, should lie included among the rep resentative thirteen and not the luckv thirteen as in former days complishments during their first , various geological equipment and three years of university life, so museum collections in Morrill there was no need for questioning hall. their rise to senior superiority. But Kngineer's week has been an an it would he only fair to those who nual affair for about thirty-six were electee! to show the public ' years. It was begun as a celebra what they have done here. jiion by the electrical engineers. Mitt Pickard Prendent. Kach year some enlargement was c.n.. t...i,., .. . ..i made. The display this year was arnJIY a It nniU I I'l t I 1 1 tk "Minett" shown la Hampton Creen and Purpl calf. French heels. New and distinctive stylet by Peacock. Cordon a Ik bos In karmany with Peacock sheet. Peacock Shop i w ar Are You Critical About Ice Cream? Most people are. lliey look for that some thing in ice cream that makes it the king of all delicacies. They find it when they sample Koser's perfection ice cream. It's the way it's made that counts. Made of all the wondeiful pure ingredient.., and natural flavors that contribute that irre sistible home made taste. Just the pleasure ou need for your sprint. party. Sunday dinner or special eent. When you have jour sister's, mother's or dad's oxer for dinner, don't forpet to order KOSER'S Perfection Ice Cream 4ls4t I)niry 'rirtrf Phone M2397 Tssaela acere'arv of A. W. g the most extensive that has ever j is another great boon to the senior board this vear.'and member for I n nwn by the college of n- society. next year. She is a member of : Ph'f "n ur,n Of the ren.aining hix. as compli- the senior prom committee. Theta I ntr ' ' mentary words can be .said as of Sigma Tbi. honorary professional' Others in Charge, j those preceding. Don Carlson. ' journalism society for women: as-1 In addition to the departm ntal Alpha Sigma rhi. has done a great aociate editor of the N handbook. J chairman those tn chaige of the many things in university and has and the Cornhusker staff. exhibition were Gerald Kvans. , done them conscientiously. Kos- Ruth Roberts is the sorority edi- Hoyd Peterson. Jerry Briggs, I met Klub, Sigma Delta Chi and tor of the Cornhusker. member of Charles McRevnolds. Rhuel Ander- the . . C A. cabinet for two on. Bob House. Russell Lindskog. years, and senior member of A. W S. board for next year. (Catherine N illiams 's vice president of the A. W. S. board for next year. She is a member of the Big Sister board, junior- senior prom committee. Student ; ,,.,0 honorary society for women In! nusher. a position wnicn unqi.au- Teacners- coiere fiedlv Justifies a man to be an In- I ... . , noccnt Mli Nemechek Treasurer. The Daily Nebraskan haj; Minnie Nemechek is vice presi claimed most of the time of Bob dent of Y. W. C. A. for next year Kelly, Fi Kappa Alpha.' He is at nd member of cabinet this year. rrcsenl co-mananne- editor of the She is also affiliated with Pi , Dfiner with till McCleerv and the , Lambda ThetA. student council. team has proved successful. He is i junior-senior prom committee, and j also one of the holdovers in next 'Math club. year's student council. Betty Wahlquist is vice prtsi- Kennrth O.immill Delta 1'nsi- ' dent of V. A. A. and assistant fra- j Com Cobs are just a few of the j activities with which he was ai'fil , iated. ' Cy Winkler Ag Worker. I j Cyril Winkler has done big ! things on the ag campus. He is a Delta Tau Delta. George Kennedy. . Alpha Tau Omega, is this years Zurtal Zi manager Ronald Dvsart. W. W Franfurt. Louise Westover. Bernard Oster loh Richard Devereaus. Ed Knight, Fxlward Parmalee, and Leon Ash- ton, Tony Kurnit. Koy Henry, 'Charles Novak. V. E. Rees. Jo H. I Bishop. J. H. Rinker. B. Osterlob, tensen, A. Molenaar. J. I. C antral. E. J. Procbaska. G. Bird. H. Coo i per, R. E. Corbett, O. Cooper, Darrell Schneider and Gordon Gib- ton. Ion, is one of the managing editors of the Cornhusker. He is also a member of Sigma Delta Chi and connected wilh other activities. Carl Hahn, Sigma Nu, has Kosmet Klub and Inlrfraternity council as his major activities. He is vice president of the latter group. He has also shown much interest in ternity editor of Cornhusker. She is a member of PI Lambda, Theta, Tassels, and a member of A. W. ' S. board for three years. 1 Charlotte Joyce is president of Big Sister board for next year, j president of Ag Y. W. C. A. last year and member of the cabinet next year. She is affiliated with MATTSON ADVOCATES NEW UNION BUILDING (Continued From Page 1.) that each class upon graduation present the school with a painting. The suggestion has not been defi- other fields and has always been omicron u im lasseis. an asset to everything which he Esther Gaylord is vice president has attempted. of Tassels. She has been memebr It -p u-ithoiit t..mcr Oiul Iho "I IDC J. . o. uuoiu lui wo rry. - .' e - university has seen 1he dawn of a l ,ri:ira Irnn ci.rer c corihomore new df.y in so far as student acti vities arc concerned and it is with especial pleasure that the campus can now boast of a genuinely war ranted senior men's society. No Apologies. The writer does not choose to retract or apologize for anything that was said last semester. It is not the purpose of this article to point out any misdeeds or mis statements that were made then, if any there were. It is the pur pose of this article, however, to show how the hopes of the writer along with a number of students and faculty members have finally been fulfilled. Bveryone agrees, I believe, that an administrative body, such as the Innocents is fundamentally j T constituted, is ai integral part of j I is. i Glorious Ivy Day.' Helen McAnulty is president of Typewriter For Rent Royals Smiths Remington Underwoods. Special rate to t denta for long term. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 132 0 Street, Lincoln. Nobr. B-illi? 77i? only Home Owned Exclusive Millinery Store in Lincoln U Universal Specializing in an Exclusive Line of Millinery A. M. WITZMNG Northwest Corner 12th and N Lincoln, Nebraska jWTTTTTTTT the university and Its environs. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. i LOST: A. O. Pi pin. Kinder call Done Honman. B-WMC Rrward aFTER LLiVi a Townaentf phoUiBranb you want. Of COX'RSE your ptiolograpb rom Hauck a Stuaiu will pick"!. The Davis School Service Nebraska's Leading Teachers' Agency Established 1916 B-4954 635-6 Stuart Bldg., Lincoln (Formerly 138 No. 12th Sn) OLONIAL a0S. PRESENT nde Open Remember Mother With a Book There isn't anything that vyill bring more lasting pleasure. We will Tap for mailing. Prairie Schooner Book Shop Gifts! I FOR THE Graduate Fine Leather Goods Fine Stationery Fountain Pen Jewelry Diamonds Watches and a host of others 1 WE RECOMMEND De Lu.vr CHENEY RAVAT 5 V - For men, who have that subtle, indefinable thing called good taste) for men who appre ciate that much-coveted thing called quality for men who know the importance of that elusive thing called style ... we recommend Cheney Cravats Ties made from the finest Cheney silk ex clusive in Lincoln with Miller & Paine. Plain colors and small designs in new patterns that you can be sure are style-right. They are guaranteed to satisfy pletely. Come and see them! Judge for yourself! you Have corn-one! 1 .50 and 2.00 First Floor. Russell Moccasins We've been recommending them for four years, and we're recommending: them more heartily than ever. Light and airy mocca sins that are as comfortable as an old shoe and that wear exceedingly well Smart looking in brown and cream-colored elk skin or in black and white elk akin. Wear them for all kinds of aerrice. Priced pr. 5.50 and 6.00 First rioor. Nuhide Coats Coats with a finish that closely icMmbies leather so that they may be worn as sports coats as well as in the ram. We recom mend these coats, especially, because they are not only swanky but are guaranteed not to split, peel or become gummy. They come in black, tan. green, red and navy. PricetJ 10.00 First Floor. d l" rf Ll l le -n id r e i- r- r-b- TUCKER SHEAN JEWELERS STATIONERS 1123 0 St. tAD a;vril Miller Paine 'u"iA WURPHV t. Alao 122 N. 12. Taul Alcorn ea 7 ck. t . im Mi'lli't"" I.iy Cnrds . V aai aa A.