FOUR Till: DAILY M'.lllt VSK AN I III HI) V. MHCII 6. vm. GRIDS TERS BEGI SPRING FOOTBALL 1 D SESSIONS Candidates Start Working - On Line; Backfield Gets Under Way. 70 APPEAR IN LINEUP Several Letter Men and Promising Freshmen Add to Squad. Spring football practice tvr braaka'a Cornhutkers brgao to look Uk the genuine article lal night beo both backs anJ line nen ere given drill In tackling not dummies but fellow players. Despite tbe fart tbiit I be tack ling was gone through in a leisure iy manuer, tlie smack of boulJer padi on pant brought mfrarnn of encounters on Memorial talium field, tun! indicated tbat within two veeka football fan will have a chance, to pee two same on Sat urday, March IS. Fom seventy men were in suit list tight, among tbem lied Young, teterao of year's backfield. vbo made bit first appearance. Clarence Nelfon. Tork. a member of tjie NunMn."'' and later the varsity aqtiad lat fall, likewise waa in suit fr tba first time, as ai Man-In Paul of Fremont. Al though no heavy work was jrlven t ttw candidates, they were kept movie if constantly. Backfield men practiced starting tt night for the firt time. Slow getanay and fumbles were evi dent throughout the workout, but vere attributed to tba earllnena of the season. Sidestepping, pivoting and bopping1 from one old automo bile Ore to another were continued, j Kicking and passing formed par? i of the eening'a work for the I speedsters. Two Work Out at Center. Coach Dana X. Bible and his a&lrtants are already looking for- ward to the development of a ceo ter for next j'ear aquad. Chief candidates appear to be Ell, fresh man pivot man la.t year, and Mamdam, varsity letterman of 1929. Linemen received their share of work during; the period. They were ?iven more than half an hour In mooning aummies. followed by a longer Instruction In tackling. Charging and crouching likewise contributed to their workout. N'o Inkling of the Identity of the quarterbacks for next season could grained at the workout last night. Leading candidates for the vacant poet appeared to be Man Iy. freshman of two years ago; MiUer, Mathis, Etaab and Brown. The latter made his letter at quar ter while playing for Crelghton two yeara ago. Men who have drawn uniforms Jnce Monday are: fire:d Frahro. ItbtHy. rt.'rnard Lock wood. Un9la. i-. .. nya, onui. I. -sin Huff. Omah. mrr Grsbtrf. Omaha. W m Bly. Bianr CltJ. Mrk MirtUi Lincoln. MIHm Sing, Omaha. H'iMeJ "remn, Betrtc C'.arw.c NJon. Tork. Bob Vovnff, Jorfo!li. Mrvta Paul, Fremont. Intvrjratcrnlty t'olle)hall Schedule The ifitt rl rsWrnity volleyball acneduie, as announced by the intramural o'tice ytiUrdty, fol io; THURSDAY. MARCH . Court I. 4 'look, Delta Sigma Lambda vs Sigma Alpha Mj. i o'clock, Delta Upnioa vs. Farm House, Rtterte, Rhea. Cou't II. 4 o'clock, ligmi Alpha lp silon vs. Tau Kappa ipsiion. 5 o'clock. Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Alpha Sigma Phi. ntttree, Ashburn. Court III. 4 o'clock. Dtlta Chi vs. Phi Sigm Kappa. ft o'clock, Delta Tau Delta vs. Kappa Sigma. Referee. Msllette. FRIDAY, MARCH 7 Court I. 4 o'clock. Tntta XI vs. Alpha Camma Rho. ft o'clock, Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Beta Theta Pi. Referee Teply. Court III o'clock. Alpha Tau Omega vs Otlta Siqma Phi. Referee, True or White COED CAGE PLAY GOES 10 FINALS AFTERjIN, HE Alpha Chi Defeats Delta Zcta; Sigma Kappa. Phi Omega Pi Play Tic. POPS TO ENTER FINALS Given Win After Dispute Between Sigma Kappa And Officials. fremied attempt to play basket ball knocked the lvl:a Gamma's esrs down and go into the semi finals of the i"la A clemination i or DPr tnm tourney. Mgma iappa ami nil umrga n fcoi ir eay ana irew fle oam( ryes wB r0 a.s.i puis nem in me; lne , cm,,d wltn ,Ua r, semlf.nals which will be played I hvmi i,..t menr. t.i t. . r.,in off Wednesday. th;tl ltcng nMlt b Lmi tte Knox Aipna mi iook a ncKir.g irom on . , overhead flint Al- Alpha Chi Omega completely. overw helmed IVHa Zeta by n ore of ;'d-l, and igma Kuppn and Thi Cimega I'l played a li game of 1010 in tlie of (lie women x intramural elimination banket lutll tournament lal eve ning at i urliHk in the gymnas ium. The Alpha Chi Omcj lenni din-1 played unusually good teamwnrk 1 throughout the game. Kvaline; Snavelv made thi firft wnie of, the game ou a free hot. Mm fnl-i Irwed It a few sei-nndx l.tier wlih' tho firrt flelj g-al of the ;iinie. ! Stic amnMhed a lotal of H ixiints: tuAMiii? i buckets . and scoring on I wo free fhots. .7t7if Tt'imii CouiIm To Ito lltdilv for ('! 1 1 id ay or Saturday "Oall one!" Very soon now that cry will be heard again from the university tennis courts. Tennis enthuslatMts can again put on their pretty while clothes, mtnng the eld racket and dash forth to tha fray. According o Harold Sher men, who is fiing up the play, ing grounds, there will be eight courts ready for use by Satur day, and ptrhapi Fuday. If the warm weather continues Mr, Sherman hopes to have th lout It leajy lor use by lomgr row. Besidrs the su courts north of the drill field there will be two courts west of the coliseum ready for use. The two to the east wil not be ready till latci because of the construction of the heating plant. diving champion f the conference, was confined to the collrje hospi tal Kb mumps. II A. riuith. r-f ular Uaati man. is alo ill and will ur unable to comjvele. Loss of C'bukrii and Smith will fnico Coach C. K. Pauhert to aluft his lineup. Hei. a ahomore, will b the only Cyclone entrant In the fancy Uivrs. while M Smith, instance alar, probably will awun the breat atroke In the medley rr day. B. finutb probably w ill be replaced by SwoUnia in the riab rvrnta. Captain Aithur MnldiiiK 13H pound champion in UC9. was the Cy clone t inno uiiifi inM year. Six Individual champions from Mm yr-ar will lx Imck to defend titles at Manhattan. Cox of Kniih.m. 1 11-poiindcr. la the other ihunipion who will not wrrntle this vear. Klve Ioa Stale men will be roniptui; in their last ltic Six niert. n.H inllnwM Captain I.lnn. 13s pounds: Mi Cormick. I In; linn urn. Us: Si hnM-iier, liis or ITS: nnd (SntNialo, hoavywciulit. AMKS SVN IMMKIMS SICK Willi Ml. MPS Delta Zeta In the Class H tournev. This Class H tourney must have some other members, but to date the writer has been unable to dis cover them -it's all In knowing how after all. S ail: BETAS MEET A. G. RS IN SEMIFINAL TILT Ag College Aggregation Favorite With Shifty Offense. Is TAKES DECISIVE WINS W. A. A. INTRAMURALS Flies of arms and legs dotting me r;oor create lne most lnteres ing point, of the free-for-alls called basketball that are yet in progress. One would almost be led to believe that basketball waa played on tie floor. Every position from reclining to standing may be seen and the re clining have It! Practice throwing the ball from a Bitting position should be Included in the practices. One must admJt, however, tbat it is certainly an art to play on parts of the anatomy other than the feet and legs. Charging Is only one of the minor difficulties, but considering the extent to which it Is carried, one might deservedly expect a herd of wild bulls to be somewhere In the vicinity. Elbows are an ex cellent weapon of defense if sharp-! enea m ine right flegree. and iron j jaws would undoubtedly be a great asset j Technique Developed. , Necking technique la developed to perfection In guarding and some ; of these would be neckers could j jaln a few valuable pointers. It Is really surprising how often the ball does manage to go through ! the basket after the little game of '. tag ataged by the forwards as a ; preliminary to tossing the ball In- I to the basket. I Anyhow, the Alpha Chis in a ! tnterfraternlty class A basket ball championship will be at stake when Beta Tbcta Ii meets Alpha Gamma Rho at 7:25 o'clock Thurs day evening in the coliseum. At 7 o'clock semifinal play In class B will find XI Tsi Tbl encountering Kappa Sigma. rredlctions as to the Beta-A. G. R. conflict vary. The boys from the Ag campus have bad little trouble working their way into the final contest and have dis played scoring power to spare coupled with a defense that held their opponents to free throw points during the first halves of the last two games they played. Take League II. Tbey won easily from Kappa Higma and Sigma Alpha Mu in League II of the round robin, scoring more than twice as many points as their adversaries in each case. They play a conservative game, keeping possession of the ball and have a fine point gaining: combination in Pbipps, Dueser and Hartley. The Beta five relics on a fast breaking offense and long tries by Wescott and Rccknor for its scor ing strength. Narrow margin vic tories over Sigma Alpha Mu and Phi Gamma Delta permit the Beta boys to be represented in the championship engagement. Outcome Uncertain. Kibitzing individual pick the A. G. R. aggregation to triumph Thursday but the Beta forward line has proved itself reliable in the pinches and capable of pulling an upset. Class B contests are being con ducted on the elimination basis with four ball clubs still In the running. Tbe winner of Thursday night's encounters will advance to the finals. plia Chi Omega had totalled 13 point. Charlotte Lehrnck. jump-! Ing center, made ponMble in.inv vi j tbe Alpha Chi baskets. In the Phi Omega-Sigma Kappa' same, a tie resulted. One to the. fact th;it eoiue question vas rai.vj by Sigma Kappa over some tech-! niral point in the ;ame that' v.lght nave had some bearing on the scrre. Tbe Kxcctillve council ba deeded the tie In favor of the Phi Omega Pi team which will piny tbe Alpha Chis tonight from 7 to 8 o'clock. Tbe Pops in the brown pinny. and the Sigma Kappa team in the green were equally matched op-! ponents. The Pops" bid the ball in1 their corner of tbe floor the ma jority of the lirM quarter, oda Vermillion, forward for tbe Pop team, made the first basket that was greeted by much Minuting from the ride lines. Margaret Northman on the opposing team evened tne score by sinking a pretty one a few minutes later. Pops Ahead at Half. For awhile, things began to look black for the Pops, but the cap tain. Ola Vermillion, called time out. and when the whistle blew again, her team began a series of plays executed with perfect team cooperation, and the half ended with a Pop advantage in a score of 6-4. j The Sjjma Kappa points were made by Mirgaret Worthman. whose total of six was gotten by two neatly tossed baskets and two one-point overhead hots. Ktbr Jensen, the other forward, scored one basket and two free shots. In the Clasa B tournament. Kappa Delta defeated Kappa AI-1 pha Theta 10-6 In a game played j laft nicht at Bancroft. Klimina- tion tournament for the Clays B j teams will occur some time next i week, end with its completion, in-1 tramt I basket ball season will j come to a close. AMKS. la.. Manh .V A second regular memlier of (he Iowa StHte tollcg'? KUininung team was lost to the squad for the Big Six meet tin week end when it became known that Neil Chicken, fancy Learn to DANCE Will. TUCH vou Tr DANCE IN SIX PRIVATE LESSONS Ballroom, Clog and Tap Dancing KANSAS (;ivi:.n CAKNKCIL CHANT 1 OH FINK ARTS LAWRENCE. Kas.-The graut of 13.000 to the University of Kansas, by Ihe Carnrgie corpora tion of New York, to be used for promotion of music nnd the fine arts, waa announced today by Chancellor K. II. Lindtey, when be received a Inter frrw y, l. Krj. TvntWrlfrr pel. president of the coiporatioo. sjjvfrmn CLASSIFIED WANT ADS JL1,,, . .k-k u .7i. " ' '' " . I nJrroJ ne, I ii In iu ll! f .ti "" "' drm. to K,., i.rnt. or ---rt ..i,i NebraJu Typewriter Co lUixk iu ,m. I IJJJ O biiL Uuruln. Ml r. w SPRING IS HERE Get Your Car AH Set for Caking Wiihliinj Cur j im I (ircufciiij; far 7", W'aahiiijj k fJr.nsimr J 'Siu.ici.t Kates) j A. B. A. OIL COMPANY 0. A. Barber, Prop. mine, AMernnon ly ApiMjIntjiirnt n1 RESULTS GUARANTEED Lee A. Thornberrv j I8t "P 'Private Studio'' 2300 Y IOWA MTATK KNTKHS j MAT ME FOK MEETi AMES. Ia. Iowa State college probably will be presented at the Big Six conference individual wrestling championships at Man hattan. Kas., F'riday and Saturday. ! -AND JACQUELINE GOES TO EVERY PARTY -JUST LOUK at HER! I THE RALLY Lieut. Pike, while on aa expe dition from St. Louis In 1806, waa tbe first man to raise the Ameri can flag In this region. by Gordon Any Time of the Day Is a Good Time in the Day for Good Eats STOP AT THE University Candy Kitchen 244 No. 13th 8-7933 LOW KATES OVER WEEK ENDS Tickets are on sale each weekend for all train Satur day and Sunday. Returning to Lin coln before mid night Monday. Between all points in Nebraska, except ing Omaha, and Kansas within radi us cf 200 miles also to Kansas City, Mo., on tbe basis of one fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Spring's Smartest Hat The brim a little narrower; the crown a little higher; the newer colors of light tan, bluh, miow hihI pearl make this the season's smartest hat for young men. $5 ,9 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES at' III Style Scouts Know What University Men Want: Ifs FOUR PIECE Knicker Suits FOR SPRING ; To say that they are ' merely "good looking" is putting it too mildly for they're tailored in two & three button models of Rugged Harris Island and Breezy Cottage TWEEDS The Jackets are with or without the short belted back. The Plus 6 Knickers sport a very Jaunty overplaid. SmSimmScSenS- FORMERLY ARMSTRONGS i is z, $ A it t 1 . ' iaaiiUtuitM.i,t.,Trrrrn.TiiUMa.,H.wuia.TO i p O BUY TICKETS O AT BURLINGTON STATION Mil ) Hp 1Mb CITY TICKET OFFICE 142 S. 13. B6337