TWO The Daily NUbraskan fclal'Ort A III.!.. SiHuim OlMCiil kllDISI PlBclCATlON CMVtHllll i tltill il..t..HI kl ! -" 6- J A(T MSIH 4AH Putt. Tytlill JI..I .!. .! '0 tyllJar MHMo (Jul." t (t,i-l ii'i I) Mil 4 u.n Clt.(-l'f'll HI'l A T..tfDyi '. Ndl. .' P i n . J.-." i Al t Kill iJ I.' Inter l W.4 f 4 ml'"' l r4t.'t L.n. Kb.k. ti.j .i il V 1 Id tl ft el r (fne-Jcl ! a i '01. at! Coeo' V '''. awiam . j 0 ,1.0, r. ' l.BC HirM ICS HAlt U v' ''o' Crv '.- ' TIIK I) MI V M ItKNSKA.N to tome to atli-ft find theni-elve uiut.W to ""-t umak ulale.l tm ft'uiy rvn Vht Ja u. give attention (. lhe jealous and ea;rr fic.-h-iiien Ht I mic ..Urn critical from a fuiaiunU -land l..iiit ia ttuir university career;. At If l titk II out Itur rr tlrptl final, tal li.l. I.iilps. tlliwt Itl.lU tl( able I J fllull tlx II fouilii ear wl.ethei they leteive at holt.i lup oi not It I the firt rr trial l uually the itaiur' tirvtel. nut-l iMteni.l I'.cvk tkrUilC Hie iunj;l-i ' i Wendy tle.iroua of n ed tit at Ion that ti.r Mill foii-go aderity and ill fortune la liuly ttotihwliue Oilier alumni interested in their alma matci ait.: Jtier kluJciit iitiKl:t will envilate Reiie fa toi Nitkrl and leiiitmtfl Ihf fie!,inen. DiSTRlSUTE FEBRUARY ISSUE OF AG MONTHLY till EDiTOrtlaU STAf 9 0 ...... talc ' ew ' ' to l. M r- j - f. ft I Set I .1 l.'-t to.H ant V.Oi'l" f Will f lattr 4. ' eo.or Cxt l-wl nj . Ij Mi ii.M O.r w L.. P ken t'ah' l'.riri tolllol I luilv Kixlrrn m'i ue-lt uiitil Jni..l tht viitriue: 111 i la.k thai J.-an u tj-. e.' c. ' . t t ' .' M j . .1 K V i'C. ' Wr J0; Hon t Ur Nal . wcmji laiMii Tr Ml IH'I lit' . . 0-' Vjojjri Att tt.rtt lrtlr Lr1"'!" M)l M) i.ox; (.(. IT WAS ity-vt.e j-.r i yr't lv t!..t T'-tkr. fotrr.T f N'l'i.l.j a rt.artri tUl h! H to (. M.i'f tr.' I "r i "ty . ( Nft in'i 4 It II :T..f:. .1 t t!.. t ! tli in ! r..l attiT tfcCV -! IICh!rrv1 H.V.k. "l. tlir I IV vt Nr- br&ika br.t n l.:rg a '. .' :nJtH th! l.r.iri :! v h; tkiu .:; tr.Tly tn f ifsn of r.xtv-in. yc.i: roteu orthy. Vr in .-!'.!!.! ul.i.ti ft.:- ..f lTl hen the u?::cr.ty 5 r. 1. t - u:.:veri ty to three .r:e v.-a:s hv- jr. n i.:. ..!::. !' BUEbrJ rr.oie than 6 V.-J (!.;;::.,; the . ; ..Mr acv !en:io er tr.J - tv al t!:r ..i!.:r.. r It i row f.vm r.t! :n nr. !:n : t ht. r.p ." u::.v ;::. cf thf co- r.try. Z'. jt y:cal J.r.r t:-... ' f:,t Ucrt remarkab e. Fri ru 01 1 :; t.v..:.!.r.i: v '. . r.'.y . few yer after it fr:: i. ., I ; 1 reru:lt t rf t1- .- t -.r. f :r 't: n ued in t r r:n:. t:.-r.. th. k.-:.v :. r. h ex Vnled u t'.l ;t ni:e than n s - if f.:.- Mnjti:ie- on the L!'' '.n 4 :!y err; , 1. Ih.V. The Student Pulse t girl tonlf ibul'0" pr1il IB mtl' lual ! aJ ! gntv'.lf icnwJ ty t"1 oeP Op'"'1' uM"'Ud iKoulJ bt bixf n0 CO"t' Article on Carter of the Late S. W. Pcrrin Features. '! ho 11 Uff ! tl"- t".riihu Un 1 . illill w tn lC' i tlx tnl ot It v..'ia V4.!h the itj!raiali.-4 Cf Ihr IVI.iuaiy lue u In. t innird i4 it tratuiV itili. If a rrvu vv it l hi- 4iiii-4 Ui-ii the Ute S W. I'er lilt 11. ami a'm -I vulh I lie ..'lleer 4.f . all ullwie nv.f ti lilt ..lilrr.ri; a m I iIeli.. lit of 111. !ale lai 111 III l'-'4 The mil. le, wnU.11 iV Hailall ' r...; te..ii. t:.e K,,,vv,n 4i4-vrlniriit .f the ..i.hinal 8ttf Karru into vlnl It 1 on the iv:l. .-e 4l A 1 14 hi in.'in, an I Mi IV i nt tan.' . 4'innu iiiii during ttvtt nnic-. Thr t.'Vrl llluliatln l MiiIrr ri.f ..f tli' C lan.pua i.tuims the i.TM n of m .lent in front ! Aj hall. I ;..y l Von Sefi.'rn feature tbe couie tn hime ec n.'ir.l. lot the men. uhi.h i U ins oltetet for the time I v th H m-.e Kooiioninn .lepartnn nt of the I'olVce 4if Asrt- 'I : . - "y. T'.e :! e u n i'iii-1.- 1 wii n-.i re .. . in the la:! , KEEPINO OFFICE HOURS. To th.4 r.iitor. I li in iven iii-t.'inary toi .in.e time al the 1 .. ..1 v.1,1 .L f.ip inMiiucfora to maintain i::( h..u-lHMiHU when atiulenl may M-e them rutins interview M.M Mar- ,.r r..l C4 ...uiutloa It may he . un,vet - Xpirn, ru!e .r ivthai' It u jut traditi.m. Arfde on Judging Team, j la ar.y Titice U certainly ru.t lul- fxiliru,n ,lf th, Junlor hvr. il. wel ly a i-uablr proHHti.n 4f the ln.-tru.toif iti(k l!U ,,, p,nrr an-t the na- me i f tin m do n. t even po thn.ugh the f. rmality tutl. ,.f ti e j i leini: i.-niest in I . ... .. 1 . OTr.i. ih.i .1.. r .,1 ..hi, h Ih. t...i!il 1 of.'.l-eted 1 the I 1 ' them lani.ot fmJ it with.n their convemrni e to ot m 1 ve thi -i.i. One if the mo-t fie.iurt.t indutnient. Raiat iiVKicrn coi:. ,:e u that theie ia not the pr. per per ' Sonal cot tart between the teacher anj his utu.lent. The rtuiiects aie partly at fault but certainly th to.ic her i not ai.img matter by locking hia office iI.kt an .1 hidir.g out sumcwhere. ...... A--n n t V 1 r i; the protcr are uh, uu.-, i ' ' ,. m.f ,kM at the!.- they aie of little use to the l.nivers;i 01 A-ru-u'-.uie darme Netra.k.v whiih is primarily an e.lucatiocal icstitu- 1,, rv nr t r?i v. t the aMrcss of . . t tt A . !- C. ttti-A rklirfllll fst l.oii. Thev ere being rau ir.cir i-.....;rS j.iz;.c v. ' t , , X-s, ar.,1 "nl for their outvie activities nor tbe th- K.-.S, r..l Farm U-rJ. oohverej J J J iii.i.lenuc Jries they attach to thnr name. Alti till Oitira. Slul.M i-oun. ill. an.l Cainn.a imia Chi. Itaijone Williams. U a.ilat r.titor of ti e i'.hi. lacker anl liinio U-r of Ka.4 Ka.4 tlainina. r al4 vieiiie tor Ilia 1.41 T tte fiateimtii ilt t rrii.nrJ i.t lutitld over liv 4iiator an.l neiiior aiiJ Junior pieiuUiuie kit). 0 no l am 1 aii.tiit.ltr are liMed in the filing The line liirt have plai'r.l lUiaxll Mitlx-n on then lal vy ilay II I pirM.lent Ol I'ttl lrlU I'hl. plr. dent uf the twillor I.t w 4laa. K" Ilirl Klull lllater of velelllolllr. an.l ineinlwr of I VII 4 1'mIoii (.liustian U jrn ha U-rii a.l vaiue.l by the yellow Jukel In Matuoii for the Iy lav mii tfolin. l-arrn 1 a iitruit-r f Hit year' lt trtt n.; tam. i an a.irlalallt III the .1. l-al tir.elit of Ih t. lrll. e a'1,1 li afl.llnlej itn Alph Tli. ta tin. John liiown an.l Ailol h' ai. 4ni alter trie alitor piem.ieney. The former 1 a yillow j.4fket. a j.iiihi r.M.flLill t.i'tfirr li.-t. tenant colonel In the nulitaiy ilepartnient. a ineniia-r 01 m tuiuin mm IVrahine P.iMe. anl S:(;m tTil Simic, the tlne Man. con- ' nette.! with varnty athletic, 11'ia.kf I,., . n.t. I f.i..fl.j.!l .tntt la a1 member 'f the N clult anj Alpha tlamnut Kho. Kelly vs. Robmton. NEERING COLLEGE ENGI RECEIVES EXHIBITION Only two Junior have . unified j leir intent I'T ol beirg ila .t nu Yoik ai beinir nhovAn at the Vnlvenity of Ne raka tlepartment of architectural enfineerins In th former wueuru buiKlinJ. Anuxir the nutr outtan.linfi pu'te 4.1 woik tn thi 1 ol let 1 1. -n re: -A Fixture for Ufc-ht an.l K...,n.l " -An Arena." A ltetau- rant the Water." and "A ! tla Tiimb." The clrawinc will be on exhibit alon.lsy and TueJy hl ,k an.l are ojen to the public. The aepaitment of anhitritural enfii neerinfr haa aUo ma.le arrange ment tn fhow th collection Mn ilav mcht. F.ihl ml.i-wetern univrrtitira hive been acheiluled for tin col lection. The drawlni: ,ne Kana Sial aprtcultural collepe . . n. . l'.i.,.rilV . . - ... 1 . 1 frnm .nr44ii. 111c . i"'p,,j eCe of ASH- wie.r inirm,..P. ... ur.. k . - ..,...,,, , -rvhl- culture tin. uV.r. tn an; .ive.ty ot ,ne n ,h, lVaux rnuia is m iiin.n-i i-t mr ..i... - - count il. a nisiiavinir e.litor of The Art institute of dealpn. I'a ly Ncbr.ii.kiMi. an.l 1 alfihate.l . with n Kappa Alph.. As tneir rholce the yellow ket have Koser Ilobin.M'n. a I'hi Kippa a meniter of Kmet K'.i.b, jxn aor 4'f the intertr iteriutv sinp. and one of the incr in the Fniver l!v quartet. The ,nlv in.!firn.:t rt caililul lte on the entire l tte 1 Al. '.ii le I'.urr. a Garimti rhi IMa, an t A . S txianl and Ir.tram lard mem ber. Sh Is fttivire to be aoi'b omore c!.if pit ilrit. Mis !5;irr' opponents- three In r.urnber are member of c.i.p is factions. Pinkerton For Yellow Jjekets. I Wilh tm C m:N rk. v U ).v J.o kct is a Fhl D.It.1 Thet't. Corn O.b ar.l Is as.-:stir. in V. Corr.husker 10'fir r..l lv..".er Ivluh si'.ndvy. n nm'Mtv u. vM I HANK KOI.AM tki:s ( uahci: or m; CAMPl'SSIIOI A Caiiipti Hli" e.U a ill l formally oprlle.l Febltiaiy It. by Mnjire It I l.iMe.l next ii.-r t., Mat'er r5ltot. lolllielly Heltnttt and Muritad Frank Koiand will be in t liaise t.f the new hop whuh caul. out a color tuneine of led bla. k. and silver, lb Inuit will h4 ... . .. I.i 1 1 I II V fleteiiteen Colo.ed tli aw inp . j n "rl'" , -"i. .,:..h. n.ll. t.n a travelinc exhibition n-ni in - Croup Art from Is of Drawings Institute Displayed. f r.oe article whi". h N-ars the title "Jutlpei !Kr.o.v T'-.-ir Livest.Kk." I A'.h'i. tos aii.t phvMral education ; of the fol'uce of Acricullure arc wn.itJ Iv K.hird Mynn In an artiile tle-i'inj: bti.tly with the intramural participation of the va-ri.-usi A: te:irr.. I ARtKiilti.ial Show Pr, --, cners th-' orcini.'e-J c.:! f..:!ct i f A;ricur.uie o.irir.R jsn ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES NOMINEES Voiua lleiiitr and Ftelyn totl .if the I'liiver.ity. will 'l Mi. Kowl.tnd at the htiop. ti-:acih:ksoi.ij:..i-: r.cri:rv aitkmis mi:i:ti.(;inmahv jSix ineiiil'en of the teathei' cillrKe fatuity and two other in structor of the university at tended the nuetinj.' of the Ne braska School Mahter" club at timaha -nieadav. 1 hone ol the teacher college faculty w no ml len.letl were t'r. O. H. Werner. I'r. K. F. Henrlik. Pr. K. 11. wren a v. Pr II. C. K.kIi. Pr. N. 11. Morton .n.l tr a. it. foncdon. The oth- r two faculty menilara wer Prof. Kov 11. Oahran. of the depaitment iii.torv. and Prof. G. O. Filt hs of the d.-pnitment of ancient and modem liinnuapea. Cain and Davis Will Run in Race for President; One Year Term. Jean B. fain of rail tity Setrl S. Pavis of p'attsrnouth were nominated Siturd.iy f r pros-1 Idcnt of th University of Ne braska association. Pyn n , H Yodcr was chairmm of n.unin- I'NPKP.WOOD. many at the agricultural col.ece. - .r.l nt 'h? r.:-vi-k al d 11je jn Cn sl.ri. n 1 rc I .: Irv h africu.tu-al exj"i.rrT.t t !.:. r iV. th- -.'.c j.UT n' ther jr-.y.-ual feitwth r. r .r.r r.t in crease is a d!.r.:te cnteri. r. t pr-f - V.: r. cnsiJerirg a ur.:vr:ty ere th.r.K (i r.s rr.c ah.evemects. When th:r.k:r.; f the li.. v. :-.: 1 Nebraska it is natural fi:t to t. n.-. icr i.'.e n-n v. ho since the.r pra Ju&t i n have Va:-.-1 ir.t r. r. il prorcir.ea.e in ' r.e f,.: j -r Seveial ur.iver.-.ry pre.'i.iiits. it.r.ur: 1 1! ic lege tieats 87.J pr-.l-.-. r. f ---: i it th;.- .-t.i: and ethers. jci'.;t:e Hi !. 1 i in general. ):.-.-.- ex ecutive, u-til l:n---wn r.v r. '! ;ire l..-'.e I among the alumni f the Ur. vt-i'x of Nvf-u-ka. Tfce facu.'tv irr.Vr r'. the '.r.:vcr-:ty hive m a large Btasure trf-en repf-r.:! f-T th s tnllii-t array of tn'-n an: w nr v.h . h-.t -r-'i-ht n -t only their a!:r..i r.-.avr bi:t the .tc f NiLsaka catioral pi Thy e.--rve ro .-n:r.:i .vf.are e.f the r'-1-t f r b j.i ::r. :n N.-l .-ki an edj cation&l inrt.tulion t wfcrch rt or.!y 'fJ.,-r.t anl alun.ul. tut the utt be .1 --.: .!..;. . IN' THIS iun-ey th- stwte .-t- 'uU r.-t t- for- gotten. Ey Ihe rute iMT.'r.t it.- j"j- IrVTl tave been !; n i r.'.r.p a y:X ' tax to the ui..vti.-.ty. At 1 :-.- r.t Jt .t every dollar 4i-..ns for .-tilt tax'-, n.r.'t cm .? " ap proximately c-ne-lifth. fin. is i'.- th' i--ilr? of the Vr.ivcrsity e.f Nth-ia-kf. That the Cit;-n. of N'-r r-i-i-.-i are b. com.ns more arjd ta'ire alert to the ajvaniatts a 'in.vemty can give to a ts-.ate 5-. ajpa'tn' 13 the ln-ciea-.ed appropriati' n J which have tfcrough the Nebraska leg: -it u.. Th re aave- b-'r, l'luc.u-aii'-iis fp and down veial tirrie. t-ut "'- g"n-raj and p!f-3orri:na.t::jg trend has r- n Uj.waro. The University '1 S' bra-ka. tntn. h--s muiii to be thankful for ..r, its m.i y-f,t.-t i-.itny. It also has -nu.h to ho- fr-r in th- lutur- Ax n.'-re of its -iia'juat--.- achieve naimua! j 1 ;;r..l;. n and as more ot its .tu2cr.t con; tai.U" rmV.zi- the rela tionship between t.o-ir slate and then s-Lool, the Consbusker cit.zer.ry v. .11 tror.-.e --ji Ki-.;e ui.ixer ii.'!i ;.nvertfd to the benefits of a .-.tat uiuvei .-ity. STUDENT REFLECTIONS klub work ffenc. blue sh.rt. Corn i at r- committee. I i.-.. ... ....... o i...; i . 1 ni.. nr.-fl.n(4 aie Mrs r.. ... l.OUai.U4.!.i.4f Hi...4Iil..l3AII- .".'. " . .. ., at tr.a mte mi. .,,- in... 1 ... -....r I ii:.r.'v if Lincoln and Mi. J r.n r- , "S'Z VcTaVicl- oi P-. .Jtr.t. as is K 1 vn Leo, I he Uwlt'r of Hastings, vice present: 0.1 l.r. home e.r- r cs art., .e o . J , ( jj C..Mce of Chadron and the m..p..7ir.e and s th. . f v,....., ,,.. Uivde B. Pemnstcr of Pxatnre for T1' A" ': rcprc-i member at f ...y to .... r rn serteJ in the r.m f-r lint vcar 'corumiltee. lialMir.K as usuii ; mr -.ilprcsiilont. f.:ln P. rooks', a will b by mail. Tne prciiJ-n. V5 "'i r-Iit'u F wH clb ' w'v AH ha. is the blue land vice presidency are one-year i!' l? Ve h-rt ycarl.rt: lr.e Lyon. ! P , .tims. wh.le the committee man fovlr- V- ,M snirv W fl.rr.:a besket-,at large will erve two years. Th-,sity student should achieve, abc-e all. jeeta pertaimr.g to the Ag camp,:, ---- j u-ir? I v fce'.l by the MISS OLSKN WILL I yellow j.i' kt ts. He is a Sigma Al ; rha Epsiion. THE OPEN MIND. , v.,;; .u-v.:. rf i mind. His intellectual point ot view is. r should be. the mark of distinction which .-ets him off as the recipient of a higher education. As we have previously indicated, his mind sboulJ attain to that state of perfection that it is op-en. r.:::u:.J. scientific, objective, and spir.ted. Opr-i m.nJe-dness is tne first and last quality : a correct mental attitude. The history- e-f the v .-r:.i mav be tpitoii.iird in the story cf the free-.nR f men's minds from the shackles cf the traditions f iv. r.-i-t from the hide-bound outlooks on life hkU have rv. j-ersi.ster.tly dominated tte world s th AMLESTONES AT NEBRASKA Febuary 16. 1525. I hi Kar r a. rati' Catholic fritcrnity. installed a chapter here. BARB DECLARES ALTERATION IN DOCUMENT BAD (Continued from Page 1.) Williams explained. The Parb Council was unit.le to agree at LEAD DISUNION AT V. W. VESPERS . v.. I t . . -1 eke All students voted f-T class pr- it t submitted with suia changes teresta cf the V. W i ier.ts. Ivy l'.iy e iator. and three u -je were w.lhng to make, the j she-wing that it offe :f.'l::.t ci...-.cil vaa'.neics. change in name not berrg one for everyone. The di bought- Mans appaienUy inborn trait of looking, a.kward has fought a long struggle to repress his lU:...,,rs a .W -v-r-A aif-A T"-"i ("- fftVOT - Th fust Jourr.a'.ism-Week pro- eef-.i -.ii'h aj.iiesses rv :.ur.J table dis- ir.s.:r.:l i i-k-k lumtm " aLle cirt-umstances to be found where the possibil- -r.-.ary ti -parrmcnt an- ,J41 t,t the ore-i mind are greater than in r.o.:nced ma: ca -e's lu.kht Lave to If 1 1 h . ttnll with bared heas. die 10 a the college atmosphere. !,a- shortai-e. It is fortunate tint un-versities anounj in ice a lanJ Wi.u.'ri f.eshrr.en won a 10 the attainment of such ends. The worio 1 bask lYlA l f.. ri,m tne Arm neeus all the clear thinking men she can muster. The phv-Kal assets ef Medievalism may have been reltgated to museums, but the medieval way of .-t.ll persists 121 its tenuous hold on the v. rriJ s m:n-J. The darkness which is said to Char s'ctVnze the Mid Ages has relerence pnmanly to a mcnuJ and intellectual darkness which stiflti free and open inquiry. tr'-r.e ClctL.ers. citv league lead- t r s. Fr .f. George Foster of the ct.l l"ire of law published a book on "Lawyer's Legal Search." 1915. The K- elb held their las', r.-h'-arsal f-.r the-r fourth produc tion. "The Kasy Jtaik." Although only thirty-four of the re o' number c-f forty girls reg istered for rwir.imir.e. 11 was ex- RAPS TOE WRAPS. YKAf:lNG a tux stun lor two or th"- v.-eks at a stretch is rapi Jiy becoming an imp '-:.-jhiiity. Getting a threadbare, dark coat., a pun-tured d'-i by and the- elates luxurious fur wrap from the (berk room at downtown par-iei invoJ-. ts too n.-j b sciap pmg. Perhaps a no-fun (beck lav. -houlj be pas.-ed in order to remedy the cridit.ori that exists. Tits are skewed out eil shaj.e. ft. it lionts are wrmkle'J and cracked, satin lapel.- are worn to frazzle in the weekend fight 1o get coats Jom hotel check rooms. Sc.'ial contact, fcowevee. i j.'ovio-1 in the rurh Men rub shoulders and kick shins with fellow Ne braskans. Survival of the fjttext comes into ts own in the tug ef war which results when some lucky lad succeeds in actually getting to first base with the checking girl and receiving his bundle of wearing apparel. If the crowds of raters ant crashers con tinue to increase, the hotels won't need tangeia for the WTaps. They'll need a hangar. ,t-,Tr, is the nroud boast of this democratic ute of oui isti. Pafr T.rr.rlMim the ,v 1,1 free assemblage, freedom from the re- i buding. oiainu'of arbitrary govemment. And courts all 1910. over the vcoild will enforce tbebe guarantees in con- : The rail for candidates for 1 . , Ihe bascda.l team was lijsued. tested eases which come before 11. , A turlUr of students at- But the state is only one of many social agen- ltnJ(.,j tfce ii;rtieth annual Ne ' tie designed to facilitate the living of man with ' br-is):a V. M. C A. convention at 'c,., cas evolved other constitutions for .Wesieyan university, man. .society has exo.veo e rer,r,lXa cli the first smes- tbe enforcement of tvial codes codes which are 1 slh,.'Uc taslaijUf.s fhw-ed enforced bv such weapons as worn and prais. 1hjtl ZQ s;uderjt.s out-failed the i friend-ilup and dislike. Herein lie the stubborn seeds ( women, five to one. ! of the closed and backward looking mind. Under! 1505. ' nu r- c crxs" itutions are thousands of cases fought out , All the students and faculty of 1 , -.vt ih. leat vestige of , the Iw college were seeking to la-,d decided, many without the least vesiige jTied to go to Harvard. justice i.e. i't'jj'j L'j ro i'j jaj 1 he most unjust man in the world is the man j jUEj0r caT,s made their appear- -no would condemn witiout hearing. He is mort Ur.ce on the campus They rese-m-wno a"uia nj. a bled golf caps, and were brown I unreasonable who mues co ettenng ' r,ror,osition with which he disagrees. our opponent y M A , ' i . . ...niui ir, tiia dav at .i.. r,, t-irts rave a . . . . ;. tr. rfav 1 t... 1. . . . .. J ... ' T.ff f 4 i mav be au wrong, - c.,.J.,..vJ. .... ' the' ba, of justice. A first law of human nature is .boys in Art ball. that man and bis ideas are not infallible. The pos- j FACTI0.TS S0UARE .. . r.A .rrir.rf rt-eroeriT is eeJ sibiiliV z corjecciou j present. REWARDING FRESHMEN. D ECOGNTTI ON of the bard working who has battled against heavy odds to get an education at the University of Nebraska comes to day with the announcement of an annual $2a prize for the first year student who has made the great est triumph over many obstacles in .seeking to go to school Walter J. Nicked. Nebraska alumnus, deserve bighert commendation for making possible this award by establishing a $500 trust fund. In years past succesjfuul graduates have been ager to up scholarships for def-errr.g upprclassmen who have prm-eTi their rottle by previous good work. The freshman who is fighting valiant jy against financial odd to secure an education is usually forgotten. AWAY FOR BATTLE Continued from Page 1. Kt,iivitv to new ideas and fresh nuJuenoes j ..lvr(.:. iiavM, n-i a reiri- i. Tr,,Ki a n;-ed '-n the university campus as it is ;mwjtA sponsor. She was a mera- on the general world campus. The rtvrt-m come to college w-itb a mass of traditional points of view firmly in bis system. Some of tbem are good. ,r,,er;rane.e of centuries of pound social usage, . , ... ..;en tioTir Kfrf-ial nrocess. But evolved jrora uic yauiAij ef them. Would Make Council Powerful. "Of course, the Student Council mav propose charges which then vioujLi vr f'jLi:i,.ii-j t:4-. x tu tur j , orrani7arj,-,n for its ir.rovl. hut If; o arbitrarily charge such a con-institution would be erantir.e it i " power to make any or all changes ! of whatever nature they may, .choose to tr.ake. i. such a of course, would pilace the Student council in abso lute control of ail organizations on the campus. As the Student council would thus absorb all r.aiir r.s wcuia ucpena on the whim j and fancy of the Student council. ,( "The constitution mentioned in Jo Thursday's Netraskan cf the Barb ! Kxecutive board is net the con- j stitution of the Barb counc:L Such j s cnange wuun nave io oe suo- council for are sv- Barb coun- aie. and the privilege of selecting its own name should surely be allowed it. "If they are allowed to change the name, there is nothing to pre vent ft from changing the pur pose of the organization. If the student council considers a change in the constitution of the Barb council desirable, it will sub mit it to the Barb e-ouncil for consideration. But the constitu tion of the Barb Kxecutive coun cil never emanated from the Earb council and is not its coniti tution." Upon bearing of Williams' statement, Raikes reiterated his stand on the question. 'The ac- tion of the Student council was fair and legitimate-, and within its , powers, nuikfn ej"C!areJ. Camp Fire Girl SluIy Hi-loriral Collect ion Lincoln campfire girls are using the collections of the state hii torical society in studying Indian culture and crafts. Most of the exhibits shown in the bistorieAl society's quarters in the library ouijcj are irom .'-oraKa irioe-B. "Feminine Foibles" will be dis-cu-ssed by Miss Violet Olsen. girl rcsene secretary' f the Y- w- c A, at the vesper service at 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon ta Kllen Smith hall. She will describe the many tn- '. W. C A, in offers something '. The devotional ser vice will be led ny rauia r-ai- ; .,.,.1 ar-,.. thre will be a rroT&m i of special music. I Student Supplies IMITANY ci.-l AIJT Sfl' ri.I I-S. Latin. !ry fast s. Kx p, r.sf Hook"!. History Cov ,.r. a'i i;t."-l-v NtONROI: Hi.. . i ,,! IliN'orv r;y V..t. rum li.olf-i I.i". tim.. I'.irk. r. M'.iofol I K. . . M n I. i s $2.50 to $10.00 W,- Cmi '.pl''v l.'ry I," .j-iirciii'i'.t. Tucker-Shean 1123 0 Street LINCOLN, NEBR K Ye' of V'-vce to th Ccrr,hull(f The thinking fellow calls a YELLOW ENSIGN Yellow Cab and Transfer Co. TAXICAB PHONE B-33-23 BAGGAGE PHONE B32S8 'z&M' Xljou'll Cnjoy Shopping at j 1 iitt O $lrf ber of the Kosmet Klub sbow cast and was master of ceremonies for the Coed follies. Mins Orr is af filiated with Delta Delta Delta. A member of the Y. W. C. A. art staff, of the Comhusker staff. Though they la oor Ion? 1 dii gTt!y marjy freshmen wbj have tinted their natural youthful in order to board together enough money ...v,. it. iar.pline discord with the ' of modern times. They must either be tempered or cast aside. Whatever the student does to those conceptions which ba-d hitherto been unknown to him, whether be accepts or refuses them, modifies or ewaiiows them, be should always be ready and willing to give them a bearing. But the mind need not and should not be open as a gutter which swallows into T1 tV.sit .rrtmfeif ill IT 1L5 cavfruvuj uz. 1 - 1 k.-. f)rn as a stere which sifts the wheat from r . .... i : the chaff, the essentia! from the non-essemiai. I Thi i i primary function of the university, to 'train the student in the development of the oj-en j mind. The instructor wbo falls into a narrow, closed point of view, and refuses to allow himself or his j students to see other points of view, is r2tT rjt ' treason to a precious trust. A prmge-like aborp ) tkm of facts, barren book lening. is not the 1 sent of education. Education 1 easentlally a mn 1 tal habit, and its finest eharac-Uristic is an inbe'Jj- gent and djcriminalJxg spirit of toleration. --ncies! Sigma Lambda, art sorority. eiamma Aipna ni. auveixu-.ujg , svironty, and of Alpha Delta Pt, ' Virginia Pandall is also in the race i for the Junior-Senior Prora girl. Nyle Spieler is the Gamoa Phi Beta bid for the coed nonor. She is a member of Tassels. Dramatic ; club, and Unirernity Players. ! Helen Whitmore, a member cf Davis Coffee Shops I 1 Day and lPfM ICS H 11 y&rixf Caapvi 1131 E DO YOU WANT The Gemant-Wailsh Player, Now Plaing t t BRNDEISTfEtTPE CF OVM for a Limited Ens9rrnt erf Dramatic Stock in Lincoln? DON'T WAIT Wail or DeOv' TH t Coupon tfl RECTOR'S U A. NAVE ADDRESS . TEL SO. . Fashion's Favorite the Spring Suit The whole fashion world is talking Suits and here is a new col lection that presfTitg e very fashion-riifLt version Mad-.' of Springtime fab-j'-fc the softlip.! w "f'r.t Iwe-e-ej COVCrt aii'3 twjij Many with short o r three-quarter 1 A ft jackets. n m a large sixes 40. range from 13 of to s25 s35 4950 JOLD S-rtinJ rw. and the Blouses N Wahti-"ie Eloofcei. .-m r.4 eltin-.y. rf!ectir.j J! ti. uerw Ir.liiiK Vjw i t& rnrt tfjr'vsot. rjs Ti r;.f ir- boti a- ' vka. KtAi-Jy t.i- Pi'k ITatMt la m . - y rri"3 t, if:. --9 OOLLi 6 Tiif 1 r. 9 1