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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1930)
I DNKSDVY. KF.niUHKV 12. 10.10. The Daily Nebraskan tatioa A, Lincaln, Mbraaka CrUCIA. tTUOINT rOBLICATION UNIVkSl.lTV OF NilHAInA lir ncian af Huda gbliil'e TWfNTVMNTH ViAA rubliih.4 Turdy. Wadwilay. Thuraday, ndy, aa) tunday nterningt )urinaj tha dmie ar. ira 0a u'var'ty Nail . uamaat OM'ia U"'varUy Hall 44. laiaphanaaOayi !! NigMi !. I H! (Journal) Atk fai Nbfmn ad'ler. tnlarad a ed-"a. maltar a "'''J 1" tincain. Wabra.aa. M"ar act a jongraaa. Mart I. wn. and aaacial rata ai pa.iaoa prav'd.d for a"" t10. set tr Ocleftar t. 111, eulhoruad January 10. 1KJ UtSCNIPTION MTK U yaaf iQia Ceay ctll 11 W a aamaaUi tDIT0SlAL TAF Sana aiobb fcdaar iKkui ... Roba Ktlly Maurlca Akin William McGaff'B Managing Caitera Nvt Iditeri tlmenl Wa'ta lil'tnr .Atatxiata Id'toi William McOaai y WHHam O Tayioi flta Waajnar ly Margarat Oay David Fallman LaaaM Oilman Mart N. Andian W. Joy-a Avraa Ha'an K. Day Naal . Oomon Manhall Pllitr... Uey Jack tperti Iditor Contributing Iditeri Mary Nichoia Paul C. Plan Jaan antnuu'W tatur P. ac me Gordon .. t-araon Harold K. Marceit Rilpn Raihaa Alan WHIiamt USINt&t TArr tuamaaa Managai Aaaiatanta Cnarlat Lawlor taatar Lehmayar 'With malice toward none, with charity for all. with flrmneM in the light 0d givet u to ee the right, let u at rive on to finieh the w ork w e are In; to bind tip the nation's wound; to care for him who ahall have born the battle, and for hi? widow and hla orphan-to do all which may achieve and cherih a juat and lasting: peace amon our' aelvci and with all natlona." Abraham Lincoln. PANHELLENIC PUBLICITY. THAT student sentiment Is practically tinani moufly In favor of publishing- reasonable at counta of aororlty downtown parties, now consid ered violation of local ranhollcnic regulation!, it evidenced from a.lditional comment appearing la this ifsua of The Nebraskan. Stnra la?t fall when the Panhellenic council in formed The Nebraskan that stories of sorority parties appearing In its "On the Campus" column would have to cease to comply with the rules, this newspaper has sought to have the reli Idioua ie moved. When no results were forthcoming at the end of the semester, a new request that Panhellcnlc authorities investigate the matter was presented. Any action they might see fit to take, it was understood, would be deferred until after consult ing the national Tanhellenic association president who will be in Lincoln late this month. By solicit ing opinions of sorority presidents and other campus leaders. The Nebraskan has sought to crystalize opinion In order that local Panhellenic representa tives might know student feeling on the subject. In fairness to the advisory board of the Tan hcllenic council It 6hould be stated that The Ne brabkan is In no way trying to coerce it into action The Nebraskan is pointing out what it believes to be an existing evil. That its criticism Is more than a "shop" matter Is shown by the many ideas ot students found to be in accord with the view of the situation it has taken. The advisory' board of the council now knows just how students feel. Its positionln presenting the matter to the national president must take this student attitude into account. IN' CONSIDERING the publication of sorority news. It is well to be aware of possible excesses which might result. It is not altogether improb able that some sororities would seek to have their .social functions reported In minute detail detail that news Interest does not merit. The extreme on this aide of the question must be avoided just as the extreme on the other side, now prevailing. In publishing stories of the parties this must be con sidered in order that unjust and undue emphasi.s may not be placed on sorority society. It ia recognized that unless there were definite legulations some newspapers might print excessive party items. Conversely some sorority party might occasionally b omitted from the paper by error or oversight. To avoid these possible evils and etaMih sorority party news on a legitimate and reasonable basis, The Nebraskan suggests that the following plan might be put into operation: J. Information concerning parties may be fumed in at a central office under supervision of the Panhellenic chairman at the option of tb ororitl. Croup who did not desire pub licity would not be forced to accept it. X. This Information should Include: a. Number of Invitations issued: b. Dr-coration whema; e. Refresh men! s; d. Chaperonoa and special guests; e. Time and place. ft. Cards filled out by sorority representa tives containing this information would be ebckd bffore tbey were made available to all reporters. UCT-I plan 1a practical for neveral reasons. Tt entails a minimum amount of supervision. The work of handling such a news bureau would be very light Giving the general plan of the party without elaborate details would prevent overplay of the news. Each sorority would have an equal op portunity. Tet the news as it truly exists would not be suppressed but open to all who cared to know about it. To answer the objection of one sorority presi dent who today expresses the belipf that publica tion of party news would result in spending more money for such parties is to look across the street at the brothers along fraternity row. Do they en gage in cutthroat party competition ? Do they upend large sums of money on parties so that news papers will publish lavish reporta of such events? The reply is an emphatic no. No cogent reason why The Nebraskan and other papers should not publish stories of soiuiiiy parties has as yet been presented. Nothing will ever be gained for sororities here at the university or throughout the state by stifling the press. very day, hi) meeting him at social function only ta awing him at hia beat. "8h ran obaerv hia bad qualities well as hla good onea, Fha will eara which typa of wao she can beat get along with. Whether or not aha marrtea a rollega mate, b will havt gained the experience necessary to bar futur enjoyment of Ufa." Pr. Peed conclude. The Idea of the university aa a matrimonial bureau U revolting to some peopla. Yel aa Pr. Head plainly illustrate. It ta that aa much aa any thing a la. If it succeeds In this unrecognised but exit-lent field. It may contribute mora to tha at ate than by turning out bachelors of art, mantera of science, and dx-tora of philosophy. L:fe (a a dismal failure If tha home la an un happy place, great men hava oft time repeated. On the other hand the fellow who worka for I4'i a week all hn life but finda enjoyment and eiice In hia home la happier and richer by far than hia grumpy and gloomy hoia whoe domeMic diffi cult lea overshadow hia biiMnem life. The male aggregation at the university ha- always believed it picked the wive from the coed crop, however. Pr. Heed'a Insinuation to the con trary may be a revelation to them. Be that as it may, the university haa nothing to be H.shAincu of if It serves as a wholesome matrimonial agency for Iti men and women. FINE, REPORTS STAFF New Art Division Will Be Included; to Appear in Many Colors. FIRST SECTIONS READY MILESTONES AT NEBRASKA A flying rumor never haa any trouble making a landing. UNIVERSITY AND MATRIMONY. yOUNG college swains will be surprised, and may hap a bit chagrined, at a recent statement of a Nebraska alumna. Dr. Anna Y. Reed, professor of personal administration at New York university, who pictures a coeducational university as a de sirable place for girls to go to select their husbands. A girl going to a coeducational school meets many men, Dr. Reed pointa out. This association with men is even more beneficial in the huhhy culling proceaa because it shows the man as be is Marriage Isn't necessarily a failure. There's always a fighting chance. THE PRETENDERS. JY TRKTENDING to be vitally Interested In every course, by making frequent and extended visits to professora" offices, and by assuming a meditative air In all classrooms, a number of students seek 'to get by in the university aa quickly and as easily as possible. This practice, used to secure favor of Instructors, 1s contemptible In the eyes of most students. As a result all conferences with professors, even to the extent of common courtesies, are regarded as efforts to Improve one's standing In the course with a better final grade the end In view. A fellow haa to highbrow his teachers if he expecta to escape this Indictment by hia friends. It la lamentable that such a condition should exist at the University of Nebraska where the large enrollment makes personal contacts with professors limited to a relative few. It means that those stu dents who seek to associate with professors for the individual good which they may gain rather than to achieve a good grade are not respected In the eyes of their classmates. Certainly chic coeds and languid cake-eaters who strive to win approbation and a passing mark in their courses by cavorting semi-weekly up to their instructors, by laughing uproariously at their stale attempts to be humorous, by veiling deceit with simpering smiles, should be discouraged from such asinine actions, but Just as surely those others whose motives are laudable should be encouraged. 'T'O THINK that those who do seek to make the most or university experiences oy acquainting themselves with the ideas that have made Nebras ka's best teachers recognized leaders in their fields should find themselves criticized and scoffed at for making such an effort seems entirely out of har mony with the attitude any university should as sume. Of course few students fool professors. Those suckers who string a line of soft conversation to their teachers are easily identified. Perhaps a few get by but very few. Instructors have the ability to discern the true purpose of a student's visit un less the student is very unusual or the instructor very incompetent. General atudent opinion about consulting pro fessors is what is in need of criticism. Students should know that professors realize when they are being lathered with soft soap by sudsy individuals. They also should recognize that there is no element of dishonor or deceit involved if a student's aim in chatting w ith instructors is not to make a grade or secure his professor's favor for approbation's sake. Let students flock to the dens of their instruc tors. And let professors be the judges of their motives, not the students. The Student Pulse Sigurd contnbutiona pertlnrn to niattera of atudent lire and the university art welcomed by thia depart ment. Opiniona aubmitted ahould be brief and conciae. To the editor: In the recent questionnaire submitted to the student body one of the main questions waa con corning whether it did a person good or harm to have outside work to do. In our opinion, if more of the student body aid work, at least one aim of education would be met more successfully. Work, aa all who have tried it know, tends to increase resourcefulness, initiative, and confidence in one's self. Is not this an aim of education? Would it not be better if many of the members of the social organizations of the university had some work to do to keep them occupied. It is very evident that many students have a hard time obtaining worthy use for their leisure time. This is Keen from the number of limousines parading up and down the streets of Iirrtn. These students surely do not make worthy use of their time? What say, do they? R. C. K.-D. C. H. The moon you ga at through the trees at night in the country is the one you see in town. Only in the country they keep it shined up a little better. Current Comment LEAD OR FOLLOW? One of the most dangerous elements of a uni versity training, as far aa the student himself is concerned, is that it provides an almost ideal setting in many cases for the development of followers rather than leaders. Regular assignment are made at each meeting of the class, and the atudent pro ceeds to read them without asking himself what it is all about. The instructor calla for an outside re port, and the student sees to it that the report gets in promptly. A good student? Yes, but that is all. And far worse than thAt, he is rapidly training him self to unconsciously submit to the leadership of others. The desires of his individual instructors and the whim of his personal "chums" aoon come to take precedence over what individuality he may have had at the outset of his school career. His very personality la forced to the background by the stronger of the various stmuli exerting their influ ences upon him. Purdue Exponent. An elaborate feature for the r.nnriinker i an extraordi nary art stilxliviMnn l-emg illus trated by Marvin Kolnnson, a ti drnt In the fine arts college, who who ha extensively studied art work In the cast, and I now em ployed by the Art Craft company at Lincoln, in conjunction w'lth his cho work. Mr. Itobinson will raw all subdivision page simi lar o Ihe style of the famous art- Novel features of the Cornhua- ker Include many new and unusual cut, which will comprise a chron ological scene section presenting every college event from Rush Pay to the planting of the Ivy. Four Nebraskan queena will be pictured In the Cornhusker. and In addition to their photo graphs, there will he a pencil sketch of each by the Kansas City artist, Furn Brockman. New Process Being Tried. Through the exclusive patented Guenther process, which will be used in the Cornhusker for the first time, an effect of oil painting in two colors will be achieved In the scene sections. Following Us use in the Cornhusker the Guen ther process will be marketed for general use Commenting on this new color feature, the Cornhusker editor, Art Bailey, aald "Scenes of the campus will be so beautifully done that studenta will mistake the Ne braska campus for paradise." F.ach college will have a feaiure page with some fpccial Items of interest to all sUidcnts of that col lege. Sections will be devoted to all organizations, and these will be grouped according to their func tion, ir.rtcad cf alphabetically, as in recent years. The opening section of the Corn husker is off the press. KKI.HU Alt Y 12. 1925. Leslie it. Bhaw, ex-governor of Iowa and former secretary of the treasury, spoke at a convocation in the Temple. Wendell Bergn. editor of thf Cornhusker. announced one of the proverbial dead line for senior met urea. M. M. Fork, director of the m hoo of journalism, picked the varsity debate team. 1920. A keen fight waa anticipated in the coming electiona. with the frehhman and senior presidencies the most In doubt. The subject of military training waa finding an Important place In the editorial columns. The university Commercial club room in Social Science were for mally opened. 1915. The Innocent society proposed a method of limiting participation in activitic. The Nebraska basketball team defeated Drake. 14 to . with Dick Kutherford starring for Nebraska. The Interfratemity Athletic board met with Dr. Clapp to dis cuss "dirty playing" and to ap point an official board of referees. 1910. Beta Theta Pi sprung a surprise and won the annual university In terfratemity indoor athletic meet. The tug-of-war decided the meet. lown State defeated Nebraska In a hard fought basketball game at Ames. Delta Zeta Installed their Zeta chapter here. 1905. Tryouts were being held for the Charter day track events. Tickets to the basketball game with Baker university were on sale for twenty-five and thirty-five cents. The Girls' Pan Hellenic council met and decided to adhere to their resolution not to attend the Glee club dance. REED GIVES RESULTS DR. GUILFORD. PSYCHOL OGY PROFESSOR. MAKES ' LANTERN SLIDES IN i SPARE TIME. i Continued from Tage l.i graphers in town. "That was rather expensive,'' he said, "and with our own apparatus now It is much more convenient and saves a great deal of time. And, too," he smiled, "it is exciting to ee llic picture gradually appear on the negative at it is developed." Accurate Work Possible. Most of Dr. Guilford's slides are reproductions of diagrams or pic tures from books by well known and authoritative psychologists. These must usually be absolutely accurate and copying them is often impossible and would require a great deal of time. Photographic reproduction and projection by means of a lantern, have solved the problem in the psychology de partments of most schools. Careful and concentrated work is essential in every stage of photography, and for this reason Dr. Guilford believes that his hobby is cxcelcnt for worthwhile recreation from mental strain. "Every man should have a hobby," he said earnestly. "Psycholog ically we all need a variation in our work no matter how interest ing that work is. Something en tirely different makes the best hobby something requiring dex terity perhaps but. not deep study is a very good thing for mental workers.'1 COUNCIL COMPLICATES MAY QUEEN ELECTION (Continued from Page 1.) tory in the opinion of the Mortar Board. Another Resolution Passed. Addede. to this recommendation is a resolution passed by the Stu drnt council during the past se mester which says that at least one member of the student council must be present at the place where the votes are counted following the balloting for Nebraska Sweetheart, Junior-Senior Trom Girl and sim ilar elections. It is the last part of the stipula tion "similar elections" that doesn't set so well with the Mor tar Boards. Although their activ ity, their selection of May Queen, is' not explicitely cited in the coun cil's resolution, it nevertheless comes under its scope and pewer. The Mortar Board members be lieve the election of May Queen, which has always been participa ted in by senior women under their direction, should be in their own hands and no one else's. They should be allowed to work out their own salvation in this respect, they think, as shown by the fol lowing statement made by Julia Rider, their president: "We don't like to say anything about the system of election until it is definitely decided upon. But if the election of May Queen is to continue as it has in the past, then we object to the recommendation put thru by the Student Council. Senate Acts. Action taken by the university senate at its last meeting hasn't helped the matter either. At that time it was decided that Ivy Day should be held a month earlier than usual May 2. Instead of late Alay or early June. If the first resolution passed by the Student council were to be followed then the May Queen could not be elected until aftr the ceremonies were over for the council's move calls for the election of the May Queen at the student general elec tion In the middle of May. The Honorary colonel, another honorary position, slighted but im plied by the council in its resolve for "cleaner elections," will be elected as formerly. There will be no change made in this respect and the approval of the military department in the action taken by the student council is evidenced by the following statement of Lt, Col. F. F. Jewctt: "Mr. Lantz, faculty member of the Student council 1, has always assisted me in the counting of the votes. When the cour,ing was completed we have always called in the president of the Student council, giving him the ballots and our count. He had the privilege of recounting or verifying our count in any way he desired. "It waa not generally known that this member of the student body knew the identity of the hon orary colonel, but we wanted to have our count confirmed by a representative student. The new Student council ruling merely makes this procedure a necessity. The election itself, of course, is conducted by the Student council in its regular fall election." DISCUSSION WILL FEATURE MEETING WOMEN'S LEAGUE "A Family Too Big for Its House" will 'be described by Mrs. John Senning in a talk at the meet ing of the university League of Women Voters on Thursday after noon at 4 o'clock in Kllen Smith hall. The reorganization of the fed eral government will be the sub ject of the discussion. The international relations group o:t the league is in charge of the meeting. Following Mrs. Senning's talk the constittuion of the organ ization will be read by the presi dent, Marie Herney, who will pre side at the meeting. This will be an open meeting of the league. Davis Coffee Shops Day and Nigrht 108 N. 13 Facirg Campus 1131 R Fountain Service Vaelenttdnes FOR Fa m ily-Sweethea rt- Friends MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Comics by the Score EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Inc. 1217 O Street Extension Director Lists Finding of North Cer.tral Group. Prof. A. A. Iteed. dire, lor of the extension division and uni versity examiner, has made pub lic the result of the repoits made by member tnhwl of the North Central association. Theie arc 114 school In Nebraska with an enrollment of St.tWt student, ac cording to the rcpoit. In 1 0 '.'!, . 2.7ST hoys and 3...M girls weie . graduated from these hish schools. The length of the term vaned, from thirty-ix week to thirty-, right wek. Classes were hold , for a duration of time varying' from fortv to seven! v-five mm- Xcbrafkan Hon ,nr SignMitt to Shou Location of Office Two lKn have been palmed and hung on I'nivenuly hall. Th. y are both guide to the office t.f The Daily Nebraskan. ami hne added matennllv to the beauty of the exterior of I', hsll. a well a Ix-ing of much practical value to those not yet acquainted with the whereabouts of said office. The fact la. these ninn are mi. h an innovation and have proved k satiMaclory that there have U-etj minora that those at the head of tha Cornhusker office are threat, rnmg to a id a few more to I I.e. exteiior of U. hall In order that the newspaper be in no way su perior to the annual. Color Schema I Good. The sicns are on alrge blahs ot wood glaring white ba.k grounds and large Roman letter spelling "The Daily Nohrahkan" in blac k. The contrast la rental k- ute or more, while salaries varied able. The fact la. the artist spent frrtm 11 304 to 12 009. Men aver aj;ed 1.179 and women M.1.VL Teaching Load Varie. Other data regarding teaching load, number of teachers teaching daily and pupil teaching ratio were also given. Some of the in btructois had doctor's degrees while others had masters and bachelor's degrees. Some had no degrees at all. The tenure of the teachers varied from one vear to more than five years, with the ma jority holding their positions over the five year period. High schools In the state taught mathematics, Fnglish, Latin. Greek, French and Spanish as well as German and Sweden lan guages. Social studies including history, economics, civics, and sociology were also taught. Much commercial work, of which type writing, bookkeeping, stenography (shorthand, arithmetic and office practice were included was avail able. Manual training, household arts, agriculture, music and art were taught to varying numbers of students. quite some time seeking a color scheme smiaoie io me arcnuee tnral beauties of the mobl famous and useful building on the campus. For the information of those who have not hail the thrill ol be ing stunned by the beauty of the new framework as yet, one sign hangs majestically over the base ment entrance of" I'niversity hall, and the other proudly adorn the entrance itself. KLUB SCHEDULES CAST TRYOUTS IN NEW PRODUCTION (Continued fiom Tt&v l. ing Wednesday evening's trials. Bennie. too, must be able to take solo parts to sing harmony with Bob. The original "dumbguard" is George, guard in the penitentiary. His semi-conscious conversations and comments provido much of the humor in Kosmet Klub's latest show. He is scheduled, in the show's book, to offer one solo, a comedy number. Miss Shedd, the "Sob Sislchr," is a flighty, nervous character, brimming over with useles ideas for the prisoners at San Menquin. She figures prominently through out the production and is included in singing numbers. Virgil. Miss Shedd's brother, is oBb's competitor for the hand of Mary. The author of "Sob Sister" suggests that Virgil is the sauve, flowery type. His part demands solo singinp. Other male parts include Inspec tor Dugan, legal bloodhound; the anion, a rather gruff character; Frank, an officer of the law; and other extras. Feminine roles, not listed indi vidually, are: Mrs. Smith. Mary's mother" and a group of "sob sis ters" who trail through the peni tentiary during the first act. MEN SAFE ONLY IN GRAVE FOUT WOKTll "I am fie quently asked, 'Is the college a safe place for our American youth-' I don't think that it is," says President K. M. Waits of Texas Christian University. Then be hasters to acd: "The only real ly sate piace tor young men or old is in the grave." "A college is a good place in which to grow, and growth implies danger, since it means the possi bility of growing worse as well as better. Perhaps one of the most difficult things in our American life is to be moral, and yet not be narrow minded. It is tihs thing that we seek for our college students.'" Typewriter For Rent Koynls Smiths Remington I'lulerwoiMl.s. prclMl rue lo tu dntH (or lone term. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 O Street. Lincoln. Nebr. B-215? A la H f .aCT W tm Cl M M aW M) THK.N CAMK TIIK 1CK CKKAM! OF COI RSF. IT WAS Delicious Nutritious vgSTCfc CREAM "AND A (,001) TIMK W AS HAD HY ALL' TRY TT FOR VOI R MAT PARTY YOU .11 ST KNOW IT'S PURE SANITARY GOOD COLLINS 1CK CRM AM CO. R-5030. T HIS BIG NOTE-AND-SCALE MAN puis nciv polish in your footwork . . . Kr Srii-; Idlest reeord is packed with the, hit-master's smartest brand of melodic syncopation. He has your feet eager and venturesome by the time you've heard the fourth bar! And the subjects of Sebin snappy craflHinaiiHliip are the two song hits of Hroadway's new musical comedy sell out, "Sons O' Guns." Try and tie that for brilliant dance record value! 7enr this prcat new cteppcr and tliig other pair, too . . . Tteeord No. 2077-1), 10-iru t, 75c WHY? (from "Sons O Gun") y Fox Trots Cross Youb Fingers (from "Sow O' Guns") Ben Selvin and His Orcbertra Record No. 2078-D, lO-inch, 75c Fox Trots NJ I ( Want To Be HPPY (from Motion Picture Pro- duction JVo JVo Nanette") TtA FOR Two (from Motion Picture Production "No No Nanette") Ipana Troubadours, S. C I jnm. Director DolTCH-BOY-9 LlTLLABY Production "Blaze O Romance (from Motion Kirby") Record No. 2079-D, 10-inch, 7Se Walxxes The Cavaliers (Walts Artists) (from Motion Picture Glory") I n Picture "Cameo I T Columbia pxZ&xr Records Viva -tonal Recording -Ihe Records without Scratch