The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1930, Page THREE, Image 3

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TUF.SmV. IT.HKUAKY 11. 10.10.
On The
' Val' iitiin'' !.iy ki rms to funiKli iiisituii"ii lor lln dcro
ratlve tlieinr at mm ml it 1 1 i pluumd for ilu- vmuitii; vik
end. The informal purl irk nu nnv h llu- foriuul miimui un' .
Frethmen Croup Will
tT"htuen comrni.-iMnn, j;nup
of tbe university Y. W. C A . un
lr the direction of Ituth Robert,
mill meet for a Valentin party at
lUlm frollh hall. Tliura.lay after
norm. Fro. 13. from 4 to 4 o'clock.
About seventy-five jirla v. 01 at.
tnd the Joint xlJ meeting of the
tnrea groups.
Bta Sigma Pal
It Hoit.
At the chapter hmixe of Drla
Rijtna I'al. fraternity for Lullx tan
men. twenty rouplea v.ete enter
tained at a valrotme can! party
ea rrlday evening. A chaperrma
mart Rev. Mr. ami Mra. II. Krtk
and Mr. Herman Otte.
Literary Society
Holds Banquet.
Members of tha Union Literary
society gave their annual banquet,
tha fifty-third, Saturday evening
at 6:30 o'clock In the garden room
ct tha Lincoln hotel. Peroration
pertained to tba Indian theme, with
reds and browns predominating.
On the prvRMm. the Tow-Wow.
tttrt a piano duet by Dorothy
tJreen and loe Foaxler. and a vo
cal eolo by Don CarNon. Margaret
Neilaen presided as toaxtmi.Mrr.
Thoae h mere on the toast list
Included Evadnc Jefferson. Inea
Kossler, Rodney Phillips. Russell
Un!kog and Mr. Gilbert II. Doane.
Evrft Irtfttruetion m the
Latest Ballroom Oancrt
Morning Afternoon Evening
Phon B 4819 tor Appointment
ins Nhr St. Bk. BID g 15th 4 0
r chord
The International Star
"Francis Renault"
"Tha Sisva ef Fsihien"
'Fauntleroy and Van'
"Tha Oklahoma Si'Cktra"
Ethel Marine & Co.
Fahirr) Plata ef the At"
Stuart Symphony Orchestra
Shows t to S T t 11.
Mat. 40. Ev. 60.
Tha Funny Boys
Laurel & Hardy
in "Blotto"
oriiiri now
Shows 1-3-5-7-9.
Mat. 5c Eve. 60c Child.
The Great Lover of the Screen
In His Greatest Role
With Lowell Sherman, Marian
Nixon, Armida, Hobart
Bos worth
Shews 1-J-5 7-.
Mat. Si. Eva. 60. ChU.
L ttactfrr Madam
ltd an All-Star Cast including
Ian Keith Myrna Loy
Oeorge Fawcert-Creighton Hal
fat, tbe Eva. 35e Chll. 10e
Mows at 1-3-S-7-S
2o Long Letty'
Grant Wither
Patsy Ruth Miller
Comedy "Sioep'na Clrtle"
Motr4ldwyn News
b tea Eva. e Chll. 10c
Shews at 1 J i 7 t
y Mary NicHolt,
librarian. Mr. Itoane gave a nunv
tier of reading dealing with the
life and iharatteiintua of the In
diana. Engagement of Students
Annount-enirnl h.i" leen made of
the en.iju-niint ot Sybil llalliday
of Ural rue to Dr. IJoyd K. Unfim.
n. iw M atrd nt l'allidc. The wed
ding will take place in tlif late
summer. Mm h.tUiday. who was
enrolled a a Junior in the college J
c( asruullure clunr.j; the firt
mestrr. is a meinlx-r of .iiiu .M
I Hit a. She wax Studi-ul council
repreeltatlvt from lier college (or
tbia year. lr. Urlffin. a member
of I'hl Hho icma. waj graduated
from the I'niversHy of Nebiaska
School of Medicine nt Omaha In
Betas Give Formal.
IMi Theta I'l fraternity enter
tained at a formal party lu tbe
batlioom of the Lincoln hotel on
Friday evening. Home 250 couplea.
including members, alumni and
giients. attended tbe dance. Mr.
and Mra. II. K. Low. Mr. nnd Mrs.
(1 S. Hamilton, and Mrs. Eva
Langvorthy were cbaerons.
Further List of Neophytes
Supplements Those
Quoted Sunday.
In compiling the list of second
semester pledges for the Sunday
edition of the Nebraskan, the staff
was unable to obtain the names of
pledges of some fraternities. Those
fraternities whose pledges were
not announced in the Sunday edi
tion and their new pledges are as
Kappa Psi.
Carles niivens. Dakota City.
Ernest Mones, Trenton.
Delta Sigma Phi.
Oris Bridford, Carlton.
Russell Freeman Beatrice.
Nnrbert Noonan. Lomis.
Elton Kowe, Pilfer.
Kappa Sigma.
Alan Smell. Denver, Colo.
Fred Gorder. PUttsmouth.
Phi Gamma Delta.
Waldcn Fclbcr. Wayne.
Eldon Davis, Ord
Sigma Alpha Epailon.
Robert Jay, Lincoln.
James Nesmith. Juanita.
Roger Ruhlman. Lincoln.
Richard Stafford. York.
Sigma CHI.
Ralph Rogers. Lincoln.
Gerald Wally. Edgar.
Ed Richard. Oregon. Mo.
Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Shirley Ba.s, Ca.pcr, Wyo.
Robert Reagan, Lincoln.
Sigma Nu.
Everett Mead. Hamburg. Ia.
Clair Kos. Lincoln.
Bill Hidgon, Joodhn, Kas.
Theta Xi.
William Barkley. Lincoln.
Waldo Ramsey. Dawson.
Walter Gary, Ravenna.
Marion Stanley Appointed
To Gotham Office for
News Gathering.
Marion Stanley. Nebraska grad
uate, class of '26, has received
appointment to a position with
tbe Associated Press, and is con
nected with tbe New York office.
During his four years at Ne
braska, Stanley was connected
with Tbe Lincoln Star, and in his
last year was editor of The Daily
Stanley became connected with
the Associated Press in Chicago,
about one year ago, where he re
mained, doing feature work for
several months, concerning news
events of national importance.
Several months ago. Stanley was
transferred to Atlanta, Ga., where
he was placed in charge of the
feature service of the Associated
Press for that region.
Stanley's duties with the New
Tork office are chiefly gathering
news material.
University of Kansas
Shows Large Increase
LAWRENCE, Kas. Two hun
dred and ninety new students reg
istered at the University of Kan
sas the first week of the spring
semester, bringing enrollment for
tbe year to 4,553. This is nearly
100 more than at tbe correspond
ing period lart year, when the to
tal registration was 4,406.
Emilio del Rwario of Manila,
Philippine islands, a student in
the university, will speak at the
World Forum luncheon, Wednes
day at 12 o'clock.
The University
"Enter Madame"
(by G 'a Varetl and Dolly Byrne)
Feb. 7 to 13, 7:30 P. M.
Tickets at Ross P. Curtice
Association Exhibit Will
Open Wednesday at
Morrill Hall.
The annual Nehranka Art a no
rm I ion exhibit will open Wednra
day. Feb. 13. at Morrill hall, I'nl
vernity atmlenta will be ailmittetl
free ol rharga by erial arrange
ment nf Chancellor K. A. Burnett
and otficiala of tha association,
but they are asked to present their
identification card.
livery Sunday a niiecial seaker
will talk on the pictures on x
hibit. Mra. Dean IL Lelund will
eive the lecture next Sundnv. Feb.
-'JJ. lo the gnllei-y of Morrill ball.
The Ucaux Aria bull ia tha ojx-n
Inir feature ol tba exbibiliou, at
tvhich a scrlrj of k. and dantra
will be picented. Tbee are In
tended to show the underlying
hlrils of (bo four art period: the
rla-sslc, the Baroque, the Rococo
and the modem.
Miiny former and piesent stu
dents of tbe University of Ne
braska will take part. Orcbeata,
women's honorary dancing soci
ety, aud Beatrice Rirbardjon.
daucln,: lnlru.tor. will present
Dr. Pound, Former
One of Group Proposing New Bible
Prominent Educators Send
Letters Making Plea for
A Modernized Religion to
All Leaders of Thought.
Dean Roacoe Pound of tbe Har
vard law school, and formerly dean
of the coUege of law at the Uni
versity of Nebraska, haa affiliated
himself with a movement to mod
ernize church teachings, accord
ing to an article In the Harvard
Crimson of recent date. Dr.
Pound baa Joined a number of
prominent educators led by Dr.
Jesse H. Holmes, professor of phi
losophy at Swarthmore college, la
sending to the "scientifically
minded" a letter proposing the
compilation of a modern Bible to
add to the ancient Bible.
This letter baa been sent to lead
ers of thought In all occupations
and makes a plea for the modern
ization of religious teaching. The
purpose of the new Bible Is to rid
modern man of the necessity or
formal acceptance of many "me
diaeval superstitions' In which all
the great churches persist." The
modern man cannot and does not
accept them actually, so we have
the unfortunate and essentially
dishonest situation of thousands
professing to believe what they
really do not believe." declared Dr.
"I not only admit, but assert, the
great value of the Bible aa the
PAUL C. PLATT, Editor.
Dr. McEachern Visits Alpha
Kappa Alpha.
Dr. Malcolm T. McEachern at
tended the regular business meet
insr of Alnha Kappa Kappa frater
nity Tuesday evening, following
the meetings of the American Col
lege of Surgeons in Omaha, Feb. 3
and 4. After the business meeting
he gave a talk on choosing an in
ternship and other subjects of in
terest. Dr. r. J. Murray aaa ui.
O. M. Cope were also present at
tbe meeting. Dr. McEachern met
the members of the fraternity with
Dr. F. M. Conlin Sunday evening.
He was their dinner ruest Monday.
Dr. MacEachern is director of
hospital activities and associate
director of the American College of
Phi Rho Sigma Elects Officers.
Phi Rho Sigma had election of
officers last Wednesday evening.
The following men were chosen to
direct the fraternity during the
coming year: Harold Gifford,
president; Manford Waggoner,
vice president: Ray Mangalls, sec
retary; Max Grow, steward; Ham
ilton Morrow, corresponding secre
tary; and Elmer Coates, senior
warden. Delbert Judd is the re
tiring president.
Greek Tournament Begins.
The interfraternity basket ball
games of the medical college in
Omaha started Thursday night in
Technical high school gymnasium.
The first game was played In
Technical nigh school gymnasium.
Tbe first game was played between
tbe Alpha Kappa Kappa and Nu
Sigma Nu fraternities. The Nu
Sigs won by a score of 21 to 8.
The game was not at all spectacu
lar and neither team displayed a
very good brand of basket balL
Mileski was high scorer of tbe
game counting four times from
the field and three times by the
charity route. Rosenblatt played
the best for the A. K's.
In the second game, which was
played between the Phi Rho fra
ternity and tbe Phi Chis, there was
a better brand of ball played. Tbe
Young Belgian Tenor Will Sing Role
Of 'Jose' in Bizet's Opera 'Carmen
Rene Maison, Belgian tenor who
will sing the role of "Jose" when
tbe Chicago Civic Opera company
presents Bizet's opera "Carmen"
at the University of Nebraska col
iseum Thursday, March 20, is a
comparatively young man al
though be has nlna years m grand
opera to his credit
13 Ls on was corn ana grrw up
in Belgium. There he attended
school and bad his friends. As
his splendid physique will attest,
he Is particularly da voted to ath
letics and during the period of his
school days, bis principal recrea
tion w-a tennis. Maison at one
time was listed among the leading
Coit i Corn iu Mincralogiat
iit iNcliruxlcU Canipti
Dr. Walter Bradley, atate miner,
aloicist 'f California, with offices
at han Francco. waa a visitor on
the l'niveiity of Nebraska ram
I Hi. Wednesday, at oMrrlll hall
and the geological survey division
Dr. Bradley waa on hia way to
Washington. D. C. where be will
attend the meetings of the na
tmnal association of atate geolo
gists. Feb. 12-13.
the firm of tbe rniaodcs. "The
Judgment of Pans." It will be
dance representing the clasaical
Baroque Period Is Formal.
The formal tone of the Baroque
period will be the second episode
Margaret Ames, former student of
the university, with Mrs. Lyle
Holland and Mrs. II. W, Meginnia
will portray the Rococo period of
artificial art.
Mra. Flavla Waters Champ
former student of the university
will portray the last of the four
periods by a dance depicting the
Wilbur L'henoweth, graduate of
the university, baa arranged all
the music for the episodes. The
settings will be designed by Leon
ard Thiessen, who haa spent some
time to Vienna studying art.
Only members of tbe associa
tion will be eligiblo to attend tbe
Ilusker Dean, Is
time-sifted literature of a great
people. Its legends any mytholo
ries are mines of wealth In the
understanding of primitive minds,
which include the child minds oX
our own time. And no age will
outgrow tbe stimulation and en
thusiasm or the noble propnetic
writings. But that does not In
volve the acceptance of their won
der tales aa literal Truth. . .
Man must stultify his intelligence
in accepting it," Dr. Holmes said.
Special emphasis was made In
the article on the need for a reli
gion made more of the dynamic
Inner ideala of modern man which,
drive him in his actual life instead
of with moral stories which are
incompatible with his attitiide of
mind and its scientific method.
It Is possible that the Declara
tion of Independence. Constitution,
groups of noble, prophetic essays
from men such as Emerson and
Carlyle and poems of longing and
vision from Lowell. Whittier and
Tenny son. together with a few of
Lincoln's addresses and other in
spiring writings of our modern
times might make this modern
Bible, which is to be added to the
ancient book, such that it would
not suffer from comparison.
Dean Pound, when Interviewed
by the Crimson had nothing to say
because the pressure of his duties
had made It impossible to give tne
matter much thought.
Iowa University Employs
Nebraska Botany Grad
Miss Theodora Klose. who re
ceived her master's degree from
the department of botany last
spring, left Sunday for Iowa City,
where she has accepted a position
in the department of botany at the
University of Iowa. Miss Klose
did her graduate research in plant
physiology at ienraska.
Phi Chis had a more expirienced
team and kept the game in band
at all times. The high scorer in
tbe game was James Alison with
10 points to his credit. Shanner
and C. Mason did the rest of the
scoring for the Rhos. Groat and
Dewey played well for the Phi
Chis. Every man in the Phi Chi
line-un broke into tbe scoring coi
umn except Baker, who played a
great passing and defensive game.
Next Thursday evening the Phi
Chi team plays the non-fraternity
team and tbe Ju Sigma team
meets tbe Phi Beta team.
Booklet Contains Complete
Works of Composer
And Biography.
Prof. Paul H. Grummann, di
rector of th school of fine arts,
has recently published a booklet
on tbe life and musical dramas of
Richard Wagner.
The booklet contains all of his
operas including Rienzi, The Fly
icg Dutchman, Tannhauser, Lohen
grin, Tristan and Isolde, the Mas
terslngers, Parsifal, the Rhinegold,
The Walkure, Siegfried, and Got
terdammerusg. It Is used in the
course of dramatic literature In the
school of fine arts by Professor
A brief resume of the composer,
Richard Wagner, is given at the
beginning of the book. All of his
operas were based on the gods of
the North, and on northern myths.
With fragments of the myths and
bis own imagination, Wagner's
operas were evolved into a Har
monized story.
tennis players on tbe Belgian
courts, but once started on his
operatic career he abandoned such
strenuous exercise as tournament
The first seven years of Malaon's
operatic career were spent is tha
provincial houses of France, then
in Paris and Monte Carlo. At tha
last named opera he spent three
seasons. Maison sings with equal
facility in French, German. Italian
and English. He came to Amer
ica to join the forces of the Chi
cago Civic Opera company during
the season of 1927-2&, and haa
risen rapidly. Maison haa made
two coajit-to-coast tours with that
Prof. Werner Is Author of Book on
'Every College Student's Problems1
Editor's Note; The following
la a brief review of Prof. O. H.
Werner's ntw book "Every Col
lego Stuaant'e Problems" taken
from a recent number of
"Schools,'' a magaiina devoted
to the school and educational In
terests. Professor Werner of the
department of education haa
made this book a discussion of
tan problems of college life,
study, and money which face
svery college freshman. That hit
new book la receiving a favora
ble reception In educational
circlet It shown In a notice re
cently received by Professor
Werner from his publishers that
the high school of Patsadana,
Calif, la giving a copy of the
book at a graduation present to
each of Itt four hundred ttnlort
thit year.
Professor Werner declares that
be has found an amazing variety
and confusion in the difficulties
that beaet freshmen. The first
great problem artaea because of
the environment; second, tbe new
student la without persectlva in
the new life which faces bim. and
which offers him so many things
that he cannot yet evaluate with
regard to his own life; and third,
while tho student does not know
himself as aa individual, neverthe
less he baa been placed almost
upon hia own resources.
Come to College to Live.
Accepting tbe axiom thai the
student comes to college to live,
rrof. Werner states, "Tbe college
must be vitally lotereeted In hia
activities twenty-four hours In the
day and seven days In the week.
His success or raliure noto in col
lege and out of college must be
measured In terms of bis whole
development and not merely by bis
achievements in scholarship. This
does not imply that the college can
or desires to supervise the activi
ties of the student. On the contrary
what tho college must do is to en
able the student to become as self-
directive as possible."
Prof. Werner offers the student
positive help in adjusting himself
to college life aa well as to life is
general. He discusses health and
its relationship to auccess; college
organizations; wise Inveftment of
time, effort and money; personal
ity, and how it may be developed;
the laws that govern learning;
achievement, and how it is to be
measured; the enjoyment of wise
living; and the choice of a coca
tion. Given Practical Help.
He offers practical suggestions
as to the use of the library, on how ,
to make notes on lectures and
reading, how to cultivate the abil
ity to think and to form realiable
judgments, and how the student
may grow to be a mora under
standing reader. There aro excel
lent exercises and reference lists.
Tbe book is written in simple, un
"Your Drug Stora"
Try tbose Delicious Toast wtchef
at our Luncheonette.
Whlttmaji Candle
The Owl Pharmacy
144 No. 14th A P.
... and that
IO OK where you are going. It's
J a method that gets the hockey
player through and a business man
on the way to success. The fellow
who scores consistently is the one who
picks his course.
Yet many a man comes out of
college, eager to make a name
for himself in business, who has
Western Electmc
affected Kngllah. and while at
timra there aetma to be a little too
tnmh explanation of certain point i.
neverthelea anyone wbo know
college freahmrn will realise that
thia plain talking and repetition is
not wasted effvtt. The book con
tains a wealth of quotations from
many other men who have touched
upon tbe problems luvulved.
At the end of each chapter there
ia a summary of it. For example,
at the end of tho chapter on
"Thinking." there la a pate sum
mary which includes rules which
tbe atudent may use to Increase
tbe fund of hia Ideaa and Improve
tho effectiveness of bis thinking.
Tbey are:
"No. 1. Keep your rolnJ active
No. 2. Increase your stock of ideas.
No. S. Make your alock Ideaa use
able. Na 4. Frel the need of think
ing. No. 8. Locate the spot where
tbe difficulty Ilea. No. ft. Sugg'
solutlona. Na 7. Study the Implica
tions of your siifgetlnne No. !.'
Come to a decision. Na P. Keep
an open mind."
Included inthe summary of tbe
chapter on "Tbe Enjovment of
Life" Is the following: "The varie
ties of enjoyment are great In num
ber andtheir nature is exceedingly
complex. No individual can deter
mine absolutely wnai anoiner
should enjoy. Nevertheless the
atudent will do well to consider
tbe ancient and fundamental en
joyments that are as old as tbe
race, we suggest inereiore mai ne
(one)) look for the enjoyable as
pects of his experiences; (two) en
W the rifts of nature: (three) en
joy the fine arts; (four) enjoy the
nature or the worm ana man;
(five) enjoy companionship; (six)
enjoy many things but make a spe
cialty of one type of announce
ment. Enjoyment Centers Discussed.
"In suggesting how enjoyment
centers may be built we said that
tbe building of enjoyments should
begin where one s interests lie. One
should analyze what nature has
given him for development. He
should remember that enjoyments
are largely marginal responses,
that Is, tbey come along with
other activities in which he en
gages. Therefore, it is Important
that he pay much attention to the
pbysicial conditions under which
"Bny Tn by the Sack"
1141 Q St. 1T18 P St.
w 1
holds for careers, too!
bo works, that be utilise the laws
of learning to help him build do
treble enjoymenta. and that ha
aaaociate with people whoee Ob
jovmenta are of a bigb order."
Tbe book la full of good com-,
in on sense and harjbeded prae
luality. aa well as sympathy and
Kiglita or Frankfnrtrr'g
Invention Still Tending
Rights are pending on a patent
whub was aked fur by C J.
V'rsnkforter t,t the department of
chemistry, on a method of remov
ing sulphur from petroleum com
pounds. The application was made
last AurusL following a year of
iaDraiory resrartn.
Misa Kluahrth Jones
Appointed Art Teielier
Mra Elizabeth J. Jones bas oetu
appointed instructor of tbe juve
nile art claaa conducted at Morrill
ball in the school of fino arts. Tbe
claaa ia for Lincoln children In the
grades and in high school, and
eneeta from 9 to IX o'clock every
Saturday morning.
For Rent
Rnvala H mil ha Rainlnitoa
tixlrrwood. lipM-JaJ rate lo
dmta (or long lam.
NebrukA Typewriter Co.
1303 O Street. Uooola. Nabr.
PLIES, Laundry Cases. Ex
pense Rooks. History Cov
ors A!! Grades.
High Quality History Paper
Waterman's Ideal, Sbaefftr
Lifetime, Parker, Duofold
Fountain Pens
$2.50 to $10.00
We Can Supply Every
1123 0 Street
M Years of Service to tha
i 4v Mia4
failed to look where he is going
who has no definite goal in sight.
While you're still in college, study
yourself above all else analyze four
interests and capabilities. Get all rho
help and advice you can rrom
your faculty adviser. Pic no
kind of work you'll like oest
And after graduation go tw ill
T U K 1ILL Y I T at If