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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1930)
Sl'MlAY. IMMU HV mo. Cornhuskers Emerge SOONERS, KANSAS, GRINNELL TUMBLE lliikrr Tiiumpli in HavVrlUll. Soiuming. resiling. Hioh- l Veil in K. C. A. C Indoor Meet; lclrU Mrfii K. I'. .Monday NigM. A.MATO MlKAkS MAKK Coiifli t,fit rr NaUtor Dronn lo Opponent In SmmiihI Meet of Jv-ason; Maclay U Iliffurst Swcr in Oklahoma Till. Wi:ii 'line i mi. J m n tlii'ir. nn im 1 1. NM.rnskfi ntl.lctie ";,CK III! I I. - i ' I l S K II 1 1. It I 11- l mil ian.- I u . n.i l!-.i'i;t'U of (onipf titit'ii tliis unk end with polnrs flying. Corn ' Lr M'n! Ks regit rod a 47-.'!T triumph in Imskctl'all. a 202 11 7' win in wrestling, and a .YV.'fl runaway in swimming. Playing fast basketball all the way. Vvmch Charley Bliirk'a eag er' plastered another defeat on tc.p c Uar-holtlinc Univcts.ty cf Oklahoma five. Maclay. Fisher, and Grace were bot on the basket, accounting for thirteen, twelve and ten points respectively. The Hunkers meet K. U. t Lawrence Monday night. Th Grinncll-Nebraska stvim mir.g meet was featured by A main's record-breaking perform ance in the J 00 yard lm, in ruch he, shattered the Fig Six icord. Hiii-ker splasher made a lan sweep of thin meet, annex ing first in all events. Conctj P.ihly Vogeler takes bis team nvor to Ames for a dual meet with Iowa State Mcnday r.ight. John Keilogg's matmen bad a pleasant time Friday night dis poring of tha Jayhawk crew, win nitip two matches with falls, and taking three decision. In the K. C. A. C. mwL Bob i.stcrgaard, pophomore, running his first Intercollegiate race, won I tie special 600 yard event for a first place fir Nebraska. Osslan was pood for a third place in the pole vault. NORMAN, Okl.. Feb. S. (Spr c ml to The Daily Nebraskant Maying a lightning style of bas ketball the University of Nebraska downed the University of Ok Inhnma squad here tonipht in a b.tter pame by a 47 to 37 score. Cornhuskers led at the half 24 : 9 but found themselves with three points ahead of the Sooners Uircc times in the second period. Don Maclay. Nebraska center, look scoring honors of game with hiitcen points, but was followed i loscly by Fisher with twelve and Crnce with ten. Captain Churchill .r the Pooncra led his team with twelve points. The pame was the sixth straight nig Six defeat for the Oklaho nians.. The score: hraka. tg fi. f pt s o l jo :i v o r, s 2 in 2 a o s 0 0 3 0 S 2 0 12 '.-nee. f ..... ir.p. f 'ac.iv, c .... M''uf. K -.'-vapnowskl. i-..-h'.r. t i'ota.s 20 T 17 fK ft f 1 f pt 1 i 1 0 1 10 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 0 1 6 ' Ih.i'rh.l!. ',-vly, f 'ievrr. f .firome, e vrsalman. i nhfrtffin, a .rji'i Tn-1 , 16 S 37 RMorf: T. r. juii;iy St. Mar-'n; umpire. Hurry Houston, SouthweBtern Kan ran. Wrestlers Smother Kansas. Coach Kcllopg'a wrestling team had an easy time of it Friday night registering a 20 1-2 to 7 1-2 win . over the University of Kansas matmen. The Nebraskans took two falls, three decisions, and one draw against the two decisions earned by the Jaybawk-. Adolph Simic, who won the Big Fix championship in the 36o pound r lass in 1929, wrestled in the 155 pound division Friday and pinned his opponent, Hutton, in 2 minutes and 1 second. The ethre fall was scored by Vane Rees, 135 pounder, who took 6 minutes and Zh seconds to throw Christenson of Kansas. Captain Steve Church of the Kansa3 team, who was Eig Six champion in the 165 pound division last year, had his hands full with .lohn Hengstler. wrestling in his first intercollegiate match, but was able to win a decision. The summary: 115 pminl el:ift Ko.riU'ky. N rirarka. won over Srhnrbly. kn.MRs. Tim! advuntfcK. a rnlnutrs 20 semndg, 125 priund rl:, Ntirska, won ov?r DunKfn. Knni8. Time sd (nniaKi. 4 mlniitog 3r. Hfcon't. 135 pound !;ina: Rivs, Nehraxka, won by fall ovr ChrlMtfniifn. Knnnan, ith half nHon and arm lock. Time; minutes 3S HecondK. 145 pound rla: MaKnret. Nebraoka, iiid fprel, Kuimas. draw. Extra period Itout. 155 pound ilacn- Slmlc. X:Wka. on t.y 'all over I-Iatton. Kanaa, m-lth 'luublo bar arm lock. TlMf.: 2 minutes I frond. 1H5 pound flmi: Churrh, Kansas. on over Hen(.').t.r. Nebraska. Time advantaKe. 7 rnlnutea 35 nerondn. 175 pound inMf Cochrane. Kenoaa, won over Hunt, Nebraska. Time ad aniage. 3 minutes 45 second". MeavyweiKht: Robertson. Nebraska, won over ( umrulnir. Kansas. Time ad ntace. 7 minutes 21 seconds. J:clree: Hujjo Otopollk. .Nebraska. Phog Allen Loses Jim Itaitxch, Itub Thompson for Mix When Nebraska clashes with Kansas Monday night in a cage game at Lawrence, the Jay hawks will be minus the serv ices of "Rub"' Thompson and of Jim Bausch, the versatile ath lete who plays football as well as basketball, and does some work for an insurance company on the side. Thompson is suffering from influenza; Ciuich has a sprained ankle. IN .HINNF.IL STUM MUM .in cut in baU tl'ull. Mumming, n ir''l sliowint in the K. C. A. C. indoor tfnins ra-n. through an ettcnsivc GETTING OUT OF THE VALLEY Bv Klmrr Skov It is evidently the solemn duty of a sports editor to conduct a column of comment Hence, this. But the problem of finding a name for it is weighty. There are two reasons why It cannot continue to be railed "In the Val ley, hv Jack Klllott." One reason is that it is not to be written by Jack F.IIiott. Jack, after three and a half yea.-s of faithful aer vice as sports editor, haa decided to devote bia last kemestcr tn school to occupations other than writing sports. The second reason: (and this is important) John Bentley objects, on the grounds tbat Nebraska is no longer tn the valley but Is in the Big Six. The present regime is not well enough established to start right out with an alterca tion. I May Pe Wrong" is an ad mirable name for a column. It is indicative of that highly desirable meek, unassuming attitude which so many columnists lack. But if that name were used, there would be accusations to the effect that it was not original Furthermore, better men than we are, Gunga Din. have thrown that beading overboard in favor of another. The present beading on the col umn is only temporary- Sugges tions for a permanent one would be welcome. All Insinuations to the effect that the paper would be better off without any column at all will be ignored, although there may be a lot of truth in them. The sports staff is still unor ganized. As soon a possible, however, The isenrasxan win carry complete coverage of inter fraternity and intercollege ath letics as well as or varsity spons. As a starter, standings in the interfrat basketball tournament have been compiled, and will be corrected from time to time. Criticism of the sports depart ment will at all times be appre ciated. FOR TOURNEY TIRE Standings in Class B Cage Mix Are in Jumbled Condition. Standings in the Class B inter fraternity basketball race, with the preliminary league games al most completed, are jummea, giv ing several teams an opportunity to climb to the top. In league one, the Alpha Sigs and the Sig Alpha are tied for first place, while the Phi Sigs Have a a chance to get tnto tne tie. uena Sigma Lambda appears to be a cinch in league two. League three offers the same possibilities for a scrambled finish as does league one, with Delta Tau Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, and Omega Beta Pi all shape: the three teams involved are Theta Xi. Xi Psi Pi, and Al pha Gamma Rho. Class B standings: League I. Alpha Sigma Pht Sigma Alpha Epsllon .,, riil Sigma Kappa .Sigma Chi Sigma Phi Epsllon .... MANY HAVE CHANCE son nmo 110 I'uXl 3 2 1 .068 3 1 2 .333 4 13 .250 3 3 0 1000 2 11 .500 2 1 1 .500 3 1 2 .333 2 0 3 .000 3 3 0 1000 1 1 0 1000 2 1 1 .500 2 0 2 .000 2 0 2 .000 2 2 0 1 000 2 2 0 If! 3 2 1 .S6A 2 0 2 .000 3 0 3 .000 League II. Delta Sigma Lambda Beta Sigma Tsl .... Delta Lpsilon Sigma Nil l'hi Kappa Psi League Delta Tau Delta .... Delta Sigma Phi .... Omegi Beta PI Phi Kappa Tau Kappa Kpsilon League Theta Xi , XI Psi rhl Alpha Gamma Rho . Alpha Tau Omega .. Zeta Beta Tau .... III. IV. Five Men Are. Chosen to Officiate in Cage Games Following are the names of men chosen to officiate in interfrater nity and intercollegiate basketball games during the coming week: Tuesday, Feb. 11. Court I. Bittner. Couit U Bob Horney. Court HI, Elliott. Thursday, Feb. 13. Cou t IT. Snygg. Court III. Malette. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. aVTKR ALL II a Too mend photograph yoii -ani. OK . OL'RSK 1 o'lr" t'ajrk'a eludls nl 1T:' Kiglo rim m b: !:, photograph from pltaae. , ii:h Rera. ram T NEARS COMPLETION Phi Gams. Kappa Sigs. Betas Cinch Leagues. Other Classes Doubtful. ROUND ROBIN FOLLOWS Winners In e h 'f 'e prelim inary leagues of the clas A In terfrMternitv baketball turm ment ars practically determined, with but a few gaiura lemaimng on the schedule. These winners, when definitely decided, will enter into a round rlnn schedule to de termine the interfraternlty cham pionship. In league one. Phi tlamma Delta, finalists In lat year a tour ney, are permanently n ti-p. with four vu tones and no defeats In league two. either Sigma Alpha Mu or Sigma Phi Sigma will me through with the leil percentage Should the league-leading Sigma Mus dron a game, and the second nlace Siirma Phi Sltmas win one. the two teams would be tlrad- locked. IkKue three seems to be seMled with the Kappa Sigs leading. This quintet, winners of rln A the past two years, has scored wins over Phi Sigma Kappa and Alpha Sigma Thl. generally conceded to be two of the strongest teams in the leapie, if not in the tmirna ment. The Itctas have league foui sewed up. league five is very much in doubt, as is league tiv Class A standing: League I t i I ,4 I II 1 1 .1 1 .T V , : -i 4 t .1 .".-i ! 4 li 4 KH ' I 1 1 ii I'""0 ' 3 i .'' . r : ?. .. :i i a .sss ' . S ? O .mf. 1 .1 : i 2 I 1 3 i : i i 3 t I ..133 '. K 0 !'mn 4 3 1 .:m 4 1'- .S'l"! 3 1 Tl i ; 4 1 3 .J.-.'! 3 o '.' ir' . i .S 4 I 4 s i 4 3 I .7Vi .s -j 3 .vi 4 0 4 '""I I 2 0 1 .(W I .4 4 'i Imvi i 4 3 1 .750 4 3 1 .7:111 4 1 3 .2.VI 4 1 3 .2.VI 4 0 4 ."00 j Thl C.nrnma Iielia . Mcma Pin l.piUm Minn Nil Mitma 'hi Phi Kappa I'n ... League II. Sifitvi ;phi Mil . . . Smnia Pin Sigma . Ielta t'pnli.ii Lanibiln flu A'l'ha Alpha Theta t hi League III Kapp Sina Phi Sigma Kappa Alpha Sicina l'hi IViia Sikina I,Hin!"U l'hi Alpha Peltu League IV Peta Theta Tl Theta Chi Alpha Tau ninega fi Kuppa Alplm Thl tied a Tli'ta Delta Theta flu League V. Tmi Kf.ppa Epslloti .... peila Chi farm Il'inne . . Phi Kappa Delta Sigma Phi Kappa l'ei League VI. Alpha Gamma ltho . Aiana ri Kappa Phi relta Tau Delta Theta Xi Sigma Alpha Kpsilnn Events Are to Be Run Off During Week. Plaque Goes to Winner. Opening events in the annual in terfratc rnity indoor track meet will be run off Monday afternoon on the traci; under the stadium. Entrants in the mile, the high jump, or the 50 yard dash may perform at cither 3:15, 4:35, or 5:15 o'clock. Scoring is to be done on a pen tathlon basis, as in the past. Per formers are graded according to I relative merit, and points are ! awarded accordingly, regardless of j the place won by the individual in any particular heat. The meet is to be in progress all week with events being run three times during the afternoon. Tuesday the pole vault, the 50 yard low hurdles, and the 440 will be run. Wednesday athletes are scheduled to participate in the shot put, broad Jump, and two mile run. The meet closes on Thursday with the 50 yard hi'Ji hurdles and the 880. The u s u fc I ,i.iCjue will be awarded the fraternity piling up Student Supplies BOTANY and ART M:!' PLIES, Laundry Casts. Ex pense Books, History t ov ers All GrarjVs. MONROE High Qnailty History Paper Waterman's Ideal, Shaeffor Lifetime, Parker, Dimfold Fountain Pens $2.50 to $10.00 We Can Supply Every JicquiiTinent. Tucker-Shean 1123 0 Street LINCOLN, NEBR. 30 Yei't ef Sn-vice to the Cernhuikera Victorious In t roteinily Vuper Sclu tliiled for 1 1 (.aim 7 hit M V A Fourteen interfralernity games and n intercollege game are on tne basketball card 'or tint week. The sched ule: TUC&DAV. FCB. 11 Court I (Stage) Class A. 7 o'clock, Tnrta Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi. 7.J5 oclocfc. Delta Theta Phi . Phi Delta Theta. 1.40 o'clock. Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Alpha Tau Omega. Court II i Neat to Stage.) Class A. 7 o'clock. Bitad college vs. Lav College. 7:25 ocloca. Theta Xi vs. Pi Kappa Phi. S:40 o'clock. Sigma Alpha tpvlon vs. Delta Tau Delta. Court III (Varsity.) Class B. 7 o'clock. Omega Beta Pi vs. Delta Sigma Phi. 7 !S o clock. Tau Kappa Ep Ion vs. Phi K.tppa. 8:40 o'clock. Phi Sigma Kap pa v. Sigma Alpha Epsllon. THURSDAY, FEB. 13 Court II. Class B. 7 o'clock. Delta Uptilon vs. Beta Sigma Psi. 7:C5 o'clock. Phi Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Nu. 8:40 o'clock. Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Acacia (Class A.) Court III. 7 o'clock. Xi Psi Phi vs. Alpha Tau Omega. 7.:'j o'clock. Theta XI vs. Alpha Gamma Rho. 8:40 o'clock, Sigma Phi Ep- ilon vs. Pi Kappa Phi. I lie higlir. t score. To receive ti'iinta in an evnt. a fraternity must h.ive entered at least iwo mm who finished. Men who have been in intercollegiate meets arc The Program. Mondav : Mile run. high jump, 00-vard ) luesiiay. 1 oie auiu u-jaiu li.w hurdles. lKi-yard run. Wednesday: Shot jump, two mile run. Thursday: :0-yard dies. SSO-v'ard run. put, broad high hur- Amri Toacli (iives l it :all for Barla1I Mm AMKK. la. Keb. 8-Thc Initial call 10 baseball candidates for the Iowa Slate college varsity team was sounded today by Neal Work man, head coach. A meeting for all candidates will be held Mon day, Feb. 1". after which the bat tery men will work out regularly until the first of March. All mem bers of the squad will start work regulnrly at that date. We Take Pride in The Personnel of Gold's BEAUTY AND BOBBER SHOP t-'i'.v-. j w vy ' ' JULIA DESMOND Miss Tiernond hns been stis fni f.rily nerving her clientele at Oold's fur over 6 years. CERALDINE 6AILSBURV AlthmiKh with fiolds hut months, Miss Salisbury has large personol clientele. I. y "sr J f y: i ' l? VP? v. A .f X fM RALPH HOLLOW AV Mr Hollow-ay has always spe cialized In women s hair rutting and rame to Cold when fills r.rvire was fV -ffere4 hr over t years ( . TWO HUSKER BOXERS Dunkak and Kinoshita Trike Titles by Means of Knockouts. Two University of Nebraska boxers won titles In the Midweat ern A. A. U. tournament at omnha jthis week via the knockout route. In the heavyweight division Louie ; Dunkak. a Phi ivlt. tok the title . bv a one round knockout of Ted Wallace of Omaha. Dunkak. who' weighed JS2 pounds, won the in - j terfraternlty heavyweight cham pionship recently. Bobby Kinoshita. university student fighting under the namei of the Lincoln Y. M. C A., wored j two one round victories in takinj , the 114 pound title. i James Anderson. PMta Theta PI lightweight, was knocked out In the first round of his final bout, j AL1:STISL$ ! Ki'iuiniie rie:iliona III -o(l. charm Ine cior. . Vuallil nld tJi 'e and lti.K'.Yi Iwwi le-irte liav and Colorful Mmlenie Valeutinrs. Sineere Sent linenl . runny Creel- J Ins. Children' Valentine and ,liji'i 1 i'i .mm.,.-. everj-one. at every price froin... lc up to $1 It Givine ... Valentine I'artx? I Th-n come dnmn to George's and revel in ini inufimny mi- .i.-.,, of pav Valentine lieroratlnn. r"a vors. 'Out-mits. Nu Cup.". Tallie-. 8llrler., and other Tarty Acces sories. i 11 iCeorce Bros! I George, Different.' B3400 l ii A )& ''By George, Its Artists all! Skilled coiffeur artisans, beauticians, ro metologists! Expert operators and bair-cutters who achieve marvela of flattery with llielr lieft.-artlwle flnKern. You will he rleiichted with the unueuai aenice of our heauty aalon if you are not already among the thousands of discriminating women who have lonp enjoyed the auperlor reaulia obtained through the hands or these smiling, helpful envoys of Beauty. Perma nent Waving by he REAL ISTIC Method V- 1 x - " 'i. RUTH EDDY LARSON recently came to CJoId's to assume charge of the Benilty Salon slier months of special training In Chlrago. Mrs. Larson haa a laige local clientele, havinc spent six years In beauty wort In this city. We Prescribe and Apply the Beauty Treatments ef CHARLES OF THE RITZ GOLD'S Fourth Hor.r (DOLLLD in r n. i- 1 GLEN E. CARPENTER Tat 19 years. Mr. Carpenter h been rutting hair, having be come a rrlailet in womn a and rhlldrrn a hair ruttlr.g oter 4 years ago. t Three iistim;s tkauh hs rr. N. A. lngtin will ad dress tbe teachers of the Hauling schools. Wednesday eening. r'rb. IJ. on the subject. "The Oeo graphic Aspects ot the Carnbbean L'ountriea." C.alrl Kiflc Trurltrr SrhiHlulrtl Tlti Week Annoutueiiieiil waa made by the military depart merit niday mai an.i ecn,. n,. " all freMimcn will begin small l-re,w.ll .Me. mine wlnlher the blue fle practice next week on ,he( Mar will I w ranre. The record mitue win stitute 50 percent of the gradJ i . - i ,r1. k eaai arikhlr rnm m ni.r , CADETS PERMITTED TO WEAR BLUE STAR War Department Has New Method for Rating Training Units. nine Mais will le sewed uiv.n the Nebraska K. O. T. C. uniforms !i fin 'V A 1erm p:iper written on our Haniuiniiill buiiil piipir will lirinji a smile to the id'nfi ssor's nml remit r's lips Why? Krcaui' this paper cninliines stvlf, m-;it ucs ami ooiiiiimikIs nltention ulien-vrr il is si en. . ninety-five helps tlic avf-rac more llian -ii' know ce tis ami 1 t tis sliow you this higli prmie paper tlmt noils at such an amazingly low prii-r. Our Term Paper Covers Are Only 10c The Co-Op Book Store 1229 R St. Marcel ling Bobbing Mini. Duuns Color Rettor. inq Facialt Oil Treat. menj, 1 tf 'A ROY FRCDINeuRO Mr 1 re.jtnourir joined (he OuM I'o. Hair B-.l,hers about 3 vram aeo. He h; b-n a l,au-i-'iiting specialist (or the pan S year or o. Sports next week a an aw aid for mili tary evcelleiice ccrdit! to K F Jewell. The w ar department submitted au official "'' h l iuverMty 't Nrhrn ka military dri-art merit thfct the hails fr tbe awarding t tbe blur lara bad Ken chanced. Aitual rating has i..i ihe roniix-t.iive rating ut I foimrr yeaia i p, the iiew plan i put iintu elfect selection was mads by . five iwrcent of tho ranking in the d:Hngui.-bed rla-v I'lider the new ry.-teni ml'i' rank a un al isfactory. satisfactory pi" - ..." re- rxieiirnt I'M me i--i '" ; The Davis School j Service :: Nebraska' Leading Iters' Agency l'.'lti I1'" ti. S t. M 11.1 I t , l.inoiiln 4 I'nllinllv 1: No t? :n si. t : t 1 i. Hammermill Bond Paper East of Tenple. OHLA SAYLES CARPENTER Mr. Carpenter Is another favoi ne operator, havlnc been wltli this Beauty Salon nearly b years. f'x .! 4. ' ILIFFE STEWART nro all otir cosnielolocims, s htewart Is a llrenned ou- m all beauty lines. CLAY FREDINBURO rM Mr. trertmi.urg v.ined hi brother t G-.ld a about year seo f,,r aloiit s ver in l.'a :tv s;v,p t or, sprciallxlna I I. air cutn.ig. IwmK"1!1""111'' u UIIJI 1 I vwhwt1 f - Mir eruior ;, . v f-riM in a- 1