Ti'i:snY. jammiv n. mo. FOl R TUT DAILY NKHHAMvAN i I Husker Quint SCARLET STANDS IN BIG SIX LEAD Hirer-Place T. itlt .Mia.ouri, Kau-a. and .Nflirwlm Neck ami Nock l Itretilt of I irl rrk I ! l . i I ur, Alien, inn wriifra or nguni Ncliraoka to Mot ! I ItftTa Nitiinlu. ( 0read. has developed a ta.t mov- j mg court lean down at Lawrence I and apparently he i out tor bust TiMllC r.l I' I HI I'MIll V I 1 I. l Kill I KDt.Kinrss and a championship. Mis- South Dakota Haiti Scheduled fur Tonight i l.amv U Expected to He rl; Northern Una-Let rer Diplay Speedy Court Work So I "nr. B7 JACK ELLIOTT. A threc-placo tie in tlie Vig Six ciufiictci' li.iktlmll rut- : the result of tlu- first wcik of com;u tirion its th 1IKJU cuuit MOMn Rets unJcr way. Mivsouri, Nilwiiska an I Khmi are tin three victorious tiints in the first wu-k'n outttptiitfii. Nehinska i-kfj out a two-point vin ovrr Kmimis state while Oklahoma waa downed by Kansas for tbeo first conference defeat la two I vears ana Missouri toppra State. 10 SIX (TANOINCS. w I p-i pte p Nehranke s 0 l i1 41 S9 k-n i oi i- m :: Miatoiirl 1 0 11"" VI Oklahoma 0 1 .( i'2 34 Kana AKk'Irs 0 1 . S? 41 I-jwa. titate 0 1 .lH) 2i 31 BeSULTS LAST WteK. Conference. l.r.wlii 41. Kne ArI 39. Kniui 34. Okliilioma 2-. Mlauiin 31. loi Slate H. Nenconference. Mnnuna 5i'e t. Nebraska 3" Miuoun -i. - Knui S9. ral of Mexi Oty jn. okliilioma AscIm I'V OklnlioDia, -i Mitaourl 33. Vuhineten 30. GAMES THIS WEEK. M..n'ly Mlwourl . Kamaa AaRlea :ii Columbia. TueKluv Nebraika s. South la K..t State at Lanroln. J-nday Iowa iilhte va. Kansaa at t.a-rnrf. , .aturdav Miswurl v. NbraVa at (ViuinMa.' Iowa State va. Oklahuma at Xorman. Hutkers to Meet Mizzou. The srcorid week of conference ptay finds the Huskers meeting Missouri at Columbia Saturday but not until they have appeared for the Kcond time on the home court, this time against the South Dakota quintet, which is scheduled for tonight at the coliseum. South Dakota has been displaying some speedy basketball during the open ing weeks of the court season and is expected to give the Scarlet five a fast eame. Missouri and Nebraska at Columbia Saturday will find things rather difficult Doth teams are fairly evenly matched with the Tigers possibly having a alight edge over the Dlackmen. The Missouri five met and defeated Iowa State last week und showed a great scoring ma chine in Waldorf and Welsh. The Iowa Hawkeyes also fell before the Edwards team, losing by a single point. Outstanding on the opening slate of games was the Oklahoma Kansas game In which the team trom the banks of the Kaw at Lawrence turned back the Sooners for their first conference defeat In two years. After running rough hod over conference basketball for a string of 31 victories, Coach Hugh McDcrmott and his Sooner band tasted defeat for the first time down at Norman Saturday night. Big Jim Bausch. the stellar Kansas fullback, led the Kansas icoring attack which swept the Sooners off their feet while the dose guarding of the Jayhawk de fense kept the All American Tommy Churchill and his cohorts from getting any place near the iron rim. Tigera Down Iowa. Against non-conference teams Missouri was successful over the University of Iowa five although the Tigers looked none too im pressive, gaining a bard fought une point victory. Nebraska's Scarlet basketeers. which the pre ceding night downed Kansas State at Manhattan, looked exceedingly ragged against Montana State in its opening home game In Lincoln Saturday. Harvey Grace, veteran Husker forward, Is leading the Big Six scorers after the opening game In the conference by virtue of his bsfket shooting spree at Manhat tan while Jim Bausch, the Kansas sophomore, appears to be the basket ace of the conference. Go ing in the Kansas lineup his first vear as a regular center, the Wichita youth is turning out to be the sensation of the court in tho Big Six. Nebraska's right to 6tay In the conference lead will be tested Sat urday when the Huskers meet Missouri at Columbia. Engineers May Secure 'Blue Print' Thursday Engineers may secure their copies of the January issue of The Nebraska Blue Print from tables placed in the mechanical engineering and mechanic arts building Thursday morning. Ac cording to John Clema, editor-in-chief of the publication, the maga zine will be released on that date. Several interesting articles by Marvin Von Seggern, John Clema, Dean A. M. Candy, Ralph S. Humberd, Dean O. J. Ferguson and others will be found in the new issue of the engineering book. DeMolay Plans Meeting To Select Councillor Lincoln Order of De Molay will meet Wednesday evening, Jan. 15, at 7:45 o'clock in the Scottish Rite temple and elect a junior council lor for the coming term. CLASFIEJrWAJfTADST AFTER A IX tta yea vit. rruend pbotograpB COLsr: yoor "rtocrapn trom Hautk'i aendto will pn. report 10 oiuuwv aiu.ivw. vi.i.w The two-year reign of the Okla homa Sooners In conference bas ketball seems to be doomed for lower places during the hectic 1930 basketball campaign which Just swung into action. Tha Soon, era which have had their way in regard to all matters of the court for the past two years and have won thirty-one straight conference games, met their first downfall last Saturday night when Coach "Phog" Allen'a Kansas Jayhawk era administered the first licking tha Sooners have had for quite a long time. In fact it ao surprised Coach Hugh McDermotts Okla homans tnat they apent all day Sunday wondering what had hap pened Saturday night when Big Jim Bausch and his cohorts swept down from the banka of the Kaw and so completely repelled the hopes of a 1930 championship Sooner outfit. It had been ao long since Tommy Chucrhill and his Sooner Red men had tasted defeat that It waa beginning to be a tradi tion at Norman. The Oklahoma de feat and Nebraska'a victory over Kansas State Friday puts the Cornhuskers in a triple tie with Oklahoma and Missouri for first place In the championship race. Basketball fans on the Husker campus are still pondering over the way the Huskers issued in the 1930 home basketball season on the coliseum floor Saturday night against the highly touted Montana State Bobcats from Bozeman. So completely were the Huskers an nihilated by the Montana Stater,s that the game took on the appear ance of a large fuzzy cat playing with a wee small mouse. So inef fective were the Blackmen that the westerners went into the second ham of the game for a real good workout and shooting prac tice; of course "Cat" Thompson didn't need any practice on hit ting the iron rim so the ball was fed to the other four men for a bit of polishing up on their basket eye. Of couise Montana .State ciearly outclassed Nebraska, there was no doubt about that, but U seems to us that the Scarlet clad warriors on the court for Ne braska did not function and click together as they should. Many times it seemed as if the Husker team was functioning as five in dividuals and this as Coach Bible emphatically declares is the easiest way to lose a ball game. Team work is essential In all sports and to even begin to get the upper hand over an opponent, a team member must understand each of his team mates and learn to piay and cooperate with him. Montana PAUJL 8PEGHT sets you off on the right foot: rPFIRE'S no better way to start this year in your pleasant pursuit of Tbe Latest, than to get your clutcbea on Paul Spccht'a newest Columbia record. Tbe melody maestro makes perfectly grand dance music out of these two talkie bits. The other pair of records listed here are excellent, too bear tbem vben you bearTm Following YouP And if you want a big surprise, bear them all on the $50 Columbia Portable! Speak to your dealer about this he'll be glad to oblige you! Record No. 2036-D, 10-inch, 75c I'm Following You! (from Motion Picture i r t- "It's a Great Life") I tox Iro" I'm Sailing on a Sunbeam I (from Motion Pic- ( Pau' Specbt and ture"It'a a Great Life") J Hia Orchesu Record No. 203 7-D, 10-incn, 75e SmTN'ON A Doo.fr ;ef Fox Trots You Came. I Saw. You Conquered Me f Ted "'Sufitoya Record No. 2058-D, 10-inch, 75c MotXY (from Motion PictureThe Grand Parade") ) Vocals That Wonderful Something (Is Love) (from t . Motion Picture "Untamed") . Charles Lawman Columbia &-Records V?va - tons! Recording The Records witboot Scratch T Meets ' Hate a tl. ami they er hot ' : Saturday inj;l.t but Nibraaka aa nut off lini ant n n4 30 1 ' (K.i nt inferior t the lUxky Mua-1 lain trtw. The elope buck in the tenter , tin beginning taka en to" ! as Int. king of thf tinter sports' begins to get under may, to lar it i ( appears that the kintit aggrega " ' J' j Bauson, wrill dominate thing lor I hiie m the tig in conference 1 I aouri, Oklahoma and Nebratka rat in that order with only one! ::5Tn.KX ! but not until tht Purplt had Qivn tht Huaktrt a grat battlt to It I aaa Ka a k nar I A that thai Aflfll! will not be a second divmon team for very long. Mitioun showed Its apected power over tht Cyclones at Ames while tha Oklahoma-Kan-sas game showed both tha Sooners and Kansas loon, as the foremost contenders for tha 1910 crown. In the one game played Nebiaeka has mown the greatest offensive work by scoring 41 points on Kan sas Stale while Missouri was able to score but 31 points at Ames. ON DEFENSE TACTICS Basketeers Go Throucjh Big Drill Session Before Tonight's Game. OFFENSE IS STRONGER Charlie Black and his squad of Cornhuskera went through a lengthy defense drill last night, with the regular guards Maviug off the scoring attempts of the second team. This practice waa very appropriate, considering the walloping that the team took at the bands of the Montana Bobcats. Nebraska's defense was woe fully weak against the powerful team from the northwest, but It is very hard for any team to try and bottle up the offense of Cat Thompson and company. The zone from which many of the points was made seemed to be from about the fifteen foot line. If that waa the case, the forwards are going to have to start dropping back as the opponents start to sift through the ranks. Lewandowski and Witte were having a great deal of success in stopping Davey, Jensen and Conk tin. and they appeared to show more fire in scrimmage than was shown throughout the game on Saturday. It requires plenty of pep and aggressiveness to collect the two-pointers In the hard court game. Davey Hot Again. After the first team retired to the showers, there was some fast, milling around the basket, but not to much avail. Selden Davey was having greater success in drop ing the ball through the hoop than any of the other members of the second team. Lew and Dutch were having a great deal of difficulty in taking the ball off the backboard in tne Montana game, due to the altitude of Ward, the opposing center. Yes terday they received plenty of practice in this art. as the seconds were playing the ball on the board from every conceivable angle. Steve Hokuf, the pride of the sophomore class, was displaying ability at getting the ball out of the danger zone, but he was noi in the game very long. When Nebraska goes up against the strong South Dakota team to night, it will reveal whetner me Montana team is exceedingly powerful or the Nebraska team is not as good as usual. The Jack rabbits trimmed the St. Louis team last week, and it is easily remem bered that it was this same team that handed the Huskers their first loss of the year. South VRESTLERS GET SET FOR MEET Squad Prepares lor Trip To Norman Jan. 25; Works Daily. RESULTS SATISFY COACH Team Feels Loss of Simic And Margaret. But Hunt Fills In. (Will Johnny KelUgg'a wrest lers wre back home and bard at work today, preparing for their fust Big Six meet, which will find jttH-ni In th lair of the Sooners at Norman. Okla., Jan. 2b. The aquad waa profiting ikhis larned In two meets wtth I'.lir Trn aohoola last week. Coach Kellogg Raid that be waa well aat tsfird with the showing bia squad made at Indiana, despite tho fact that thev lost. "They looked bet ter than I had expcld at Purdue, when they won. and just aa good at Indiana when they lost." be de clared. Loss of Men Feft He said today that if Simle, Big Six champion in the 165 pound rl last year, had been on the trip, tho Cornhuskers would have repeatrrl their triumph at Indi ana. "Reimers or Margaret would have helped plenty, too." bo de clared. Keimrrs. veteran of two years in the 135 pound class, was ineligible, a muscle Infection in bia arm. Tho arm was la slightly bet ter condition today, and the grap pler is expected to make the Nor man trip in two weeks. Tho condition of tho entire squad as described aa good today. All the men were in good condition on the trip, and looked better than their opponents, Kellogg said. Rob ertson injured an ear on tba trip. It was lanced this morning. Hunt Shows up Well The showing of Hunt, new man In 175 pound class, was mentioned by Kellogg as one or tne raciora in the victory at Purdue. "He showed promise of real ability," the coach said. "He won by a fall In both meets, and should be a sure point-getter for Nebraska this year. Webber, 125 pounds, won from Conner, second best in the Big Ten last year, at Purdue. Other news from the wrestling headquarters said that Hugh Rhea, heavyweight who worked out at borne during the trip, was frt gaining on Kelsselbach, a member of the squad up to date. Both men are about on a par, and a nip and tuck battle tor the right to represent M WITH SOONERS A SEMESTER Dakota tho Ctrchuikeri at Oklahoma la lu tba offing. At Homo Ftb. 7. Tba Corcbuakera will make their first borne appearance Feb. 7 when they meet tho Ixauaaa Jaybawka. Una mora trip will m made m for tba botu appearance wben tba aquad inert the Kanaaa AfC mat men at Manhattan reo, l. Tba abedule: Jan. 25 Nebraaka at Oklahoma (eh. 1 Nebratka at Kansas Ancles. Feb. ll-Kanias U. at Ne braska. Feb, 1. Iowa IT. at Nebraska. Feb. 21 Nebraska at Iowa State. Feb, 28 Mlaaourt at Nebraska. March 6 and 7 Conference meet at Manhattan. 101 STATE QUINTET PREPARES TO TRAVEL Will Meet Kansas, Oklahoma In 'Hardest Trip of Present Year.' AMF.S. la. The Iowa Stale college varsity basketball team to day began preparations for tho first road trip of the season, Kan aaa at Lawrence Friday, and Okla homa at Norman Saturday. In ability to bit the hoop and ragged handling of the ball spelled defeat for tho Cyclones against Missouri, her Friday. Coach Louis Menza considers the two games this week aa the hardest trip of the season. Tba Jayhawkera possess two of the best forwards in tha conference in Bishop and Thomson, while Oklahoma's championship Sooners of last year need no introduction. The same lineup that battled Missouri. Captain Woods and R o a d c a p. forwards; Heitman, center, and Hawk and Kleke, guards, continues to form the first string for Iowa State. Basket shooting and a defense to stop the Kansas forwards and Captain Churchill of Oklahoma are the major problems upon which Coach Menza will work. LXTERCOLLEGE BASKETBALL IS STARTED AGAIN Teams in the intercollege bas ketball tournament will resume rivalry Thursday night at 8:40 o'clock. The pharmacists will meet the lawyers on floor one, the blzads will meet the engineers on floor two and teachers will play dentists on floor three. Typewriter For Rent Royala Smiths Remington Underwoods. Special rate to stu dents for long term. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 O Street. Lincoln, Nebr. B-J157 jjl n. ins fir i! lil State GREEKS START CLASS B PLAY Class A Games of Tourney Will Recommence on Wednesday Night. NINE CONTESTS LISTED Class D Interfraternity basket ball will make IU Initial appear anca of tba year Thursday night with a program of elx gamea. It waa announced today by Rudolph Vogeler, director of Intramural athletics. The program will at art at 7 o'clock, when Sigma Phi Epailon meeta Phi Sigma Kappa on floor one (atagei: Delta Upailon meets Sigma Nu on floor two (next to stage I ; and omega Beta PI meeta Phi Kappa on floor inrea tvar- aity court l. Other games acncduiea in ciass B for Thursday nlgbt are: Sigma Chi v. Alpha Sigma Chi. 7:25. floor one; Thl Kappa Psl v. Delta Sigma Lambda, 7:2 noor two; lau Kappa Fpsilou v. Delta Tau Delta 7:25, floor three. Claaa A Fight Continues. Clasa A basketball teams will resume their round robin tourna ment, baited by vacation, Wednes day night The program: Floor one ( stage i: ineia v.ai v. Dclt Tbcta Thl. 7 o"clock; Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Delta Thcta, 7:25; Delta Tau Delta vs. n Kappa Phi. 6:43. Floor two (next to stage): ini CAGE FIGHT Wanted Sorority and Fraternity House aRtirc$cnltilics FOR Alpha Chi Sigma Delta Chi Delta Sigma Thi Delta Thcta Phi Kappa Psi Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Phi Sig-Eps Theta Chi .4ft Attractive Proposition to Offer. Fashion Cleaners i" B1SO0 . A ii Tonight Camilla Lvlia v. Mk'ina I'm F.in Ion. 7 otloi k; tma iui v I in Karl 7 " 'Uu KapjMt F allon v. Phi Kappa. '. Floor thre.' tvarnty cmut. Sigma Alpha. Mu v Lambda n.i Alpha. 7 o'rliM'k; Alpha Thru t in v. (Vila t'iln. 7 V i. I .! t'lil v. Ikrlia Si-cma Phi. e Drlla .Sjjina Pi I'lau Klcrtion of Orfirrc Flection of (iffit-eia ! the lm.il ! rhmitrr nf itrlln SlL-nlS II Mill l-d hf Id at the Commercial lub t: at 1:15 p. m. WVdiifiMJay. Jn. IV The meeting waa railed by the out. going president, lUrnair Wilson MILLS TEACHERS AGENCY 8. C. Mills, Managn. A few emergency calls comii.!' In. Sovond sementrr nearly here. lt us make an effort to help place you. J AA.a B...I.J .mm Lincoln, Nebraska PHONE O 1ft New York School Doris and Wally Marrow OF DANCING 223 No. 12th 51. EB'e ApU. Bldfl Lincoln. Nebr. Latrtt btrp and Routine From Eastern fctaor Special Rates Prr WreH and Semetter TAP ACROBATIC BALLET BALL ROOM Kiddie Claitra Satmdys Alpha Xi Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Phi Uela Kappa Delia Phi Mu Phi Omega Pi Sigma Kappa Theta Phi Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha 1S20 SEMESTER r zzz 1 l