TWIFE TUESDAY, J AM) All Y 14, 1930. THE DAILY NKHK ASKAIM Winners of Prohibition Contests in Nebraska Schools T Valkyrie' to Be Presented Feb. 14 in Auditorium by Group on Tour. OMAHA. Neb. The German Grand Cra company, who ap pearance In Omaha Feb. 14 and .15 i bring awaited by muilc lovcra if the vicinity, now la on Ita way went ward, having opened Ita sec oiid American lour with a prem iere at Washington, D. C. Pre dispatches related that an "audience of dlatlngulihed aoctal and musical Washtngtonlans and many prominent people from other citlra heard Johanna Gadskl aa Umnnhilde In The Valkyrie-'; aa well aa Sonla Sharnova; Juliette Lippe; Kudolf Hitter; Carl Uraun; Gotthold Dltter; and Ernest Knoch, the rondiictor." The Valkyrie" will be given the opening night at the Omaha audi torium. Friday, Feb. 14. and It will be followed on Saturday, Feb. 13, by TrUt a and laolde." Both are favorites, from Richard Wagner's worki. Tickets Now On Sal. Many orders for tickets art be ing received at German Opera headquarters, 1601 City National Hunk building. The company will piny in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, In tllananolla, Chicago and St Paul before coming to Omaha. The American Legion and the Associated Retailers, sponsors of the concert, now are arranging special railroad round-trip rates for these dates. Grumman Encourages Students. Prof. P. H. Grummann, director of the school of fine arts, stated that as yet not special arrange ments bad been made for students to attend the opera, but be de clared his Intention to attend to the matter. He said that he intended to encourage all students, who pos sibly could to attend the opera. ;THE KIBITZER A met or Laughs with Harry Green Mary Brian Nail Hamilton "Burt" preaants South and Wait Vjetor Oliver and Co. The Stanley Rolllckers In a Faat Snappy Stags Shaw Symphony Orcheatra cf IS Shows 1 to I. 7 to 11. STUART Mat. 40. Eva. SO. Loot 79. Song Hltsl Dances! Girls! Laughs! Thrilis! Chasing Rainbows" with The Stars of "The Broadway Melody" Dessie Love Charles King Shows 1-I-B-7-S IRIPMEIUM Mat. 35. Eye. 60. Chll. 10. - 1 The Musical Romance J Hit of the Tear! i Ramon Novarro In Hie First All Talking Singlno Picture Devil - May - Care A Vital Colorful Romance Also Selected Short Subjects Showa l-S-S-T-t LINCOLN Mat. SB. Eve. 60. Chit. 10. EliALT THIS WEEK Warner Bros. Present Ted Lewis In '1$ Everybody Happy?" Sound ComedySound News Mat. 25c. Eve. 35c. Chll. 10c " Snows at 144-7.9 COLONIAL THa "Queen of Melodrama" III Her First Starring Bole Evelyn Brent "DARKENED ROOMS" A Paramount Picture Sound Comedy News 18c. Eve. tSe. Chll. we. Stows at 1-1-S-7-S. rr-M x .iii.V.- - -A i t J A La-aHl Thmia, l.llk. rr e K t - , . . . - v .' f. ? f: ' T MMiwe. v . a If laatrf fhrlalaaw, aaaim St. Taaekcra. University Kadio Program for Week BROADCAST OVER KFAB. Taeatfajr, Jaa. 14. t:S0 to t:.15 a. m. Weather report. S 35 to S V) a. m. "(Jueatlona and An ewera on Poultry Problem!." by Prof, r. R. Munaehl. chairman of the depart nent of poultry huabantry. :&0 to 10 a. m. t-H club crier. 13 to 12:10 p. m. "What'a What In Bee-KeepInK?" by Don B. Whelan, ! lant profeuor of entomology. 12:10 to 12:20 p. m. "The Banana," by W. W. Yocum, lnatnictor In hortlcul tura. 12:20 to 12:30 p. m. Farm flash. 2:30 to J:4 p. m. A talk by Dr. O. W. Roaenlof. director of secondary education and teacher training, atata department of public instruction. 1:43 to 3 p. m. "Some Fundamental In Statistic," by A. R. Congdon, asso ciate professor In the pedagogy of math matlca, teachers college. Wednesday, Jaa. IS. 30 to 0:35 a. m. Weather report. 35 to 10 a. m. "Last Word on Dlsh waahlng," by Mrs. Tme Homeroake,. 12 to 12:30 p. m (Silent.) 1:30 to 2:45 p. m. Sociology talk. The Bureau of Child Welfare and Ita Relation to the Local Community II," by Lillian Johnson, director of atata child welfare bureau. 2:45 to 3 p. ra. "Star Cailng Through the Ages," by Pur fee Larson, of the ge ography department. Tharaday, Jan. 14. :30 to 9:35 a. m. Weather report . 8:35 to 10 a. m. Weekly museum talk by F. O. Collins, curator. 12 to 12:10 p. m. "The Cream tn the Can," by P. A. Downs, asaoclata profes sor of dairy husbandry. 12:10 to 12:20 p. m. "Wee PigKlea" Mammas," by Paul McDIII, assistant atata extension agent In animal husbandry. 12:20 to 12:30 p. m. Farm flash. 2:30 to 3 p. m. Seventh lesson of the radio correspondence In "Better English for Everyday Use," by Maurice H. We seen, professor of English. Subject, "Soma Letters Wa All Have to Write." Friday, Jan. 17. 9:30 to 9:35 a. m. Weather report. :.15 to 10 a. m. "The University Home Management House," by Mrs. True Home maker. 12 to 12:10 p. m. "Reclamation Section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers." by Ivan D. Wood, state ex tension agent In agricultural engineering. 12:10 to 12:20 p. m. "The Nebraska Economic Situation," by Harold Hedges, asrletanl professor of rural economics. 12:20 to 12:30 p. m. Farm flash. 2:30 to 2:45 p. m. Health talk, "Why W Behave Like Human Beings, No. 2," by A. W. Cunningham, Instructor In phys iology. 2:43 to 3 p. m. "Ta Art of Saying 'No,' by W. K. Walton, of the philos ophy department. Hatnrday, Jaa. II. 9:30 to 9:35 a. m. Weather report. 9:35 to 10 a. m. Seventeenth lesson of the radio course In beginning Spanish, by Dr. 1. E. A, Alexis, professor of romance language, assignment, lesson IT In the textbook. Power Company Will Give Safely Address A demonstration and discussion on safety for engineers will be given by the safety committee of the Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power company oerore a joim meetlnc of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute 01 Electrical Ene-lneera. and the American So ciety of Civil Encineero Wednes day, Jan. 15, at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting will be held in room zoa of the Mechanical Engineering building. STUDENTS Start the New YearTsy Learning' to Dance Will guarantee to tearh you to dance In six private leesona. Ballroom, clog and tap dancing. Lady Assistant Lee A. Thornberry LS251 "A Private Studio" 2300 V Learn To DANCE At The Franzmathes Academy 1018 N. Lessons free If you fail. Open ing class Tues. and Friday, 8 p. :n. Private Lessons any time. The oldest and best place In Lincoln. .... J .... i . r i I -- j . 1 . . 5 nwnaa. tatarr. uaaaa. 1 ui?7j!n w Mstfcrl t4a. : j ...v.. ,:h MIMrr4 Wai., W Jrxh., aknMi 4. n. ruiMv, rk tUev inlnla MrNral. H. M Hawata. rara atata 1 Li WEEK OF CAGE PLAY Increasing Interest Being Shown by Entries, Says Director. The second week of women's basketball practices continues, with more and more Interest be ing manifested by organizations participating. All teams are being required to complete at least four regular practices before the open ing of the tournament, on Feb. 3. The gymnasium floor is to be available for extra practice periods after dinner on several evenings, practices to be arranged with Miss McDonald In the Intramural office. The schedule for this week is as follows: Tuesday, Jan. 14. 5 o'clock: women's gymnasium: Majors. Bancroft: Alpha XI Delta, team 1 vs. team 2. First Christian church: Phi Mu vs. Sigma Kappa, Wednesday, Jan. 15. 4 o'clock: Bancroft: Majors. 5 o'clock: Women's gymnasium: Pi Beta Phi, team 1 vs. team 2. Bancroft: Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha Phi. Christian church: Kappa Phi, team 1 vs. team 2. Thursday, Jan. 16. 4 o'clock: Women's gymnasium: Majors. 5 o'clock: Bancroft: Delta Zeta, team 1 vs. team 2. Friday, Jan. 17. 5 o'clock: Women's gymnasium: Alpha Delta Theta vs. Delta Delta Delta. Bancroft: Kappa Delta vs. Delta Gamma. Saturday Jan. 18. 10 o'clock: women's gymnasium: Chi Omega vs. Dormitory A. Y. W. C. A.: Kappa Alpha Theta, team 1 vs. team 2. MANY GRADUATES IN ENGINEERING VISIT COLLEGE The pat holiday season proved to be a homesoming for many of the graduates of the college of engineering. Among those who visited on campus were: Floyd F. LeFever, '28. with the United States geological survey, on hy drographic work in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Ne braska at the present time; Frank C. Summers, 29, with the Inter state commerce commission at Washington, D. C; Albert Smrha, '29, with Westinghouse In New York City; Howard a Kenda1, ex-'03, manager of the engineering department of the American Trad ing company at Tokyo, Japan. Others were Meredith Thomas, '29, who has been with the Con solidated Steel corporation at Los Angeles, Calif.; Prof. J. E. Smay, of Norman, Oki. who was a former member of the architectural en gineering staff at the University of Nebraska; Robert Slaymaktir, '25, assistant professor of mech- Mr. (Iltln I IM It N NEXT SErvQ ESTER Get Some Business Training Register Monday. Feby. 3 for work along commercial lines that will quickly put you in touch with aplendid opportunities. Ask About It Today Linpo'n School of Commerce P & 14 St. B6774 i 4 v d .V Batkor mm, laaa. Rlrfcar N. . bf4 lls. ft Ijunn hhm. aj. Courteay ot The Lincoln Journal. These young people were winners In the state prohibition contest sponsored by the Antt-Saloon league In Nebraska, umler the direction of F. A. High. Both essay and oration were on the subject 'Ten Years of Prohibition." The essay was limited to 2.000 words, the oration to fifteen minutes. These thirty delegates will lenvo Lincoln to attend the biennial national convention of the Anti-Saloon league of America Tuesday at 7 p. m. The convention Is held at Detroit from Jan. IS to It). A feature of the Detroit meeting will be an Interstate oratorical contest between a representative from Kentucky and one from Nebraska. Most universities and colleges sponsored both oratorical and essay contests. At tho University of Nebraska, only the essay contest, won by Lowell Thomas, was held. Athletic Managers Must Secure Tickets Athletlo managers of all fraternities today were re quested to call as soon as pos sible at the office of Rudolph Vogeler for basketball tickets for interfraternity players. The tickets will be necessary for ad mission of players to the Inter fraternity games. anlcal engineering at Southern Methodist university at Dallas, Tex.; William Bertwell. 26, with Ash, Howard, Nedles & Tommen, Kansas City; Stanley L Betzer, 28, Bartlesville, Okl. Some recent graduates were William Conant. '29, Westinghouse, Pittsburgh; Joseph D. Novothy, 29, Westinghouse, Pittsburgh; Fred Chase. '29, Case Threshing Machine company, Rockford, 111.; George H. Christensen, '28, Phil lips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okl., and George S. McKenty, 25. A. T. A T. in New York City and recently returned from the Mexican T. & T. company at Mex ico City. Whittier Principal Will Address Pi Lambda Theta Mr. Culler was formerly assist ant principal of Lincoln high school and is well known in the educational field because of the efficiency of student government at Whittier. Pi Lambda Theta is an honorary teachers' college organization for senior women and graduate students. C. L. Culler, principal of Whit tier Junior high school, will be the main speaker at an open meeting of Pi Lambda Theta Thursday evening, Jan. 16, at 7:15 o'clock. His subject will be "Extra curricular Activities and Student Government In Junior High Schools." The meeting will be held in room 320 of teachers college. Bizad Executive Board Will Meet on Tuesday A meeting of the student execu tive board of the college of busi ness administration will be hid in the office of Dean Le Rossignol at 5 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. 14, accord ing to announcement of Bernarr TOP AT HOTEL D'HAMBURGER for . SHOTGUN SERVICE "Btty 1m by the Back" 1141 Q St. 1718 P SL a Lincoln, Nebr. V, 4 M MlalM, I.. but IwM, r. Katun taUra. htaka taalnU. THrlma ArwnlS. MaMlaaa laUria. Wilson, chairman of the board. Various matters of student self government will be discussed. PSI CHI HOLDS OPEN MEETING ON MONDAY An open meet nig of Psl Chi, honorary psychological fraternity, was beld in social sciences, room 224, at 4 o'clock Monday after noon. C E. Sikes and P. R. Miller conducted a Socratic dialogue and "Instincts" was the subject of gen eral discussion. Miss Orveta Brunily Plans Piano Hecital A junior piano recital will be given by Orveta Brumly in the Temple at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning. Miss Brumly Is a mem ber of Floyd Robblns' class and will give a program composed of Siclliano, by Bach-Hughes; Six Waltzes, opus 39, by Brahms; So nata, opus 7, by Grieg; A Watteau Landscape, by Godowsky; and Two German Dances, by Beethoven. in mm Maaamaa. Itoa4 mm Iff a mm 0m 1mm : IP .mM mm ywm IM - 10mtrgf wW'4S(Mf?W "S&$r -6JU mmm-m$w m It takes more than a degree to make an engineer It's pretty hard to keep your mind on a study of fatigue-of-cable-sheath-alloys, when you are thinking of the joys of artistic creation. And why try? There is work aplenty in this world for engineers and artists, for doc tors, lawyers, builders, salesmen. The difficulty is that the individual Round Robin Contests End Friday of This Week; Schedule Listed. Triuniiihaiit. disappointed, or anxious-eyed girls yesterday con tinued to roll the wooden balls down the alleys In an effrt to win the game and put thrmaelves in tournament that will determine the championship group; the round robin tournament will end Friday of this week, and the lt a within the leagues are being played off this week. Results of yeatenlsy's games were: CM Omega 4U. Indepen dents 54a; Kappa I'hl 24, Gamma I -hi Brta team two 3M2; Kapp LVlta .V. Alpha Delta in team one 307; Rigma Ra Chi forfeit, II Beta I'hl 172; Delta Gamma team two S&3. Alpha XI Delta team one 310; Delia Zeta team two 303, Delta Gamma team one 205. T ) . M. O'rtw. r.smma ltii tMa ma l va. rlta tm ana. Ksi rhl vs. TWtniliwy A. Aii'hs OmicrMt It isam m VS. Alpha Chi Umosa ink ox a a o'rt-vsu Alpha rxt'a T(a inh ana va. Alpha I)iia II lm lo I'M Omraa II tsara ro v. All'ba Dolta Thrta "m I . t.smma I'M Hsla Itaai MM va. PIU IVIia Ixita loam x !ndtpnr Kappa ti'a loam on. KrlttUir, Jan. It. 4- t U'rVarti. Iwils rxma Iwta tMm la va. Alpha Cht urns Inn I Kappa lma tam tars va. Alpha XI IVIia leam ism. I'hl Mu va. Alpha rhl Omasa Isam ont. a -a o'cM. Kappa Dflla laara on vs. Chi Omra Alpha Itoita Thfta tsarn on va. Alpha IVna 11 trnim loo. Kappa Phi v. Ixiia Zl mm on. Thar?. Jaa. I a. -a o'raarti. 8'aira Ft a Chi va. Alpha IHita Thtia team lo. I'hl Omrra PI liiffl l va. PI P'la Phi. Indrpradrnia s. Alpha Ptlta Vi Isam on. 5- OVM. I'hl Omi a Pi laara ona vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma. cimmt Phi Beta laara two va. Dormi tory A. Ixita Gamma tsam two va. Alpha Dlta PI Irara two. All Doita Tlitta Uam ona vs. Alpha XI ltta team on. Chi Omr- tram on vs. Plma Kappa Mm two. tlamma Phi Beta team on vs. Italia (iimmi learn on. Sigma Kla Chi vs. Alpha Delta Theta team two. DANCE Clatsaa every Tuaa. and Thurt. Beginning Jan. 14 Privata Instruction by Appointment Phon B41 or Information BORNER SISTERS DANCE STUDIO 108 Neb. St. Bk. 15th and O SU Good Haircuts Make A COMMON LOOKING ' PERSON HANDSOME This theory has been proven time after time. Massages clean the skin and add attrac tion. We are experts in all lines of barberlng. The Mogul 127 N. 12 B7830 Western Electric RUSSIAN WORKS OF ART ARE ON EaXIimiTlOaN HERE nudge and Guentel'a are show ing a collection of woodwork, tap at ry. rugs, ivory carvings aad sil ver work brought from Russia. This collection, hlcb la oo the Hub floor of the store, fets 6m gathered from all parts of Ibissi by the soviet government, from the Mibertaa steppea comes Ivory carvings by the Kaklmos. Peea ants have contributed the wood rantngs and duabled veterans ' nave made the reaC llnrinplojnirnl It Topic For Womcn'a Discus. inn ''Unemployment and the Kftect of StuJrnta In the University oa the Kittiatloo." will be the stihjei-t of dia -uai-lon at the meeting of the lnt Industrial staff of the League of Women Voters and the Y. W. C A. oa Thursday afternoon at ft o'clock la Ellra Smith ball Eve lyn Adler. chairman of the staff, will lead the discussion. EAT St i Rector "Our Blare Is Too Store" TUCKER SHEAN Purveyor! to Discrimmatingf Cornhuskers For Over Thirty Year STUDENTS SUPPLIES STATIONERS JEWELERS OPTICIANS Manufacturers of Fra ternity Kings and Pins, Athletlo Trophlea and Medals. 1123"0"St. IF ITS FOR THE STUDENT WE HAVE IT. Mm doesn't always connect up with his work. Too many college men never take the trouble really to analyze themselves. Self examination now with the lid of your faculty advisor may save yean of groping later on. And at grad uation it will help you off to a good start. (IMCI 1111 MAMVFACTDUSI FOR IHI BILl Y T S M