The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 09, 1930, Page FOUR, Image 4

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rimrlry Wack' Itrgnlur 11 llnnl Timr Scoring On
YrrliiK in Welnrtlay Krtilng Srrimmapei
Workout ! Quite Kaggrtl in Shi..
iiavey iuti-aces mokmk kisiikk at iimwAiniivsyS
Lanky Sharpshooter Irovr Worth ly OutM-oring All
Other in amr; Oake I Developing Fat
Ami Aggressive FirM Year Train.
Nebraska's boop artlnta Ungledo
uto the frosh tn lt night,
Aiib the yearling putting up a
very alronj defense. The- varnty
had considerable trouble In slftm
through the first year men for
the all vlUl two pointers.
Seldon Davey replaced Morrle
Kuher on Use first quintet and
proceeded to make more polnta
than any of the other vars'ty
men. lie haa acquired a shot that
appear! to be about the latest
tbinr IB ehootinfr. He carries the
ball in on a fat dribble completely
under the basket, tben comes the
difficult element when he gives
the ball a flip over bis head, com
plefly guarding the shot with
his body.
Lewandowakl was Instrumental
in breaking up most of the fronh
scoring plays. He seems to be able
to scent just where thmota are
going to be made, then fills 'be
hole himself, or has someone else
In the unprotected upoL Wl en
ever the varsity broke down the
floor on a scoring play. Lew was
usually at the bottom of it.
Bunny Oakea has developed a
fairly powerful frosh quintet, con
sidering the fact that the material
was only mediocre. Lenser is the
outstanding man of the freshmen
team, ringing up several counters
against the varsity. He is x
former Hastings college basket
bailer, and disports himself in
great style on the maple floora.
Paul Beattle. former Lincoln
high school athlete was holding
down his end of the guarding
Intramural Office Wants
Smooth Arrangements
Of Rehearsals.
If not more than six girls re
presenting one organization come
out for basketball practice in the
womena' gymnasium, at a sched
uled time, mo'e teams will be
scheduled to practice with them,
according to announcement made
by the intramural office.
The teams scheduled to practice
this week are:
Thursday, Jan. 9.
4 o'clock:
Bancroft school, Alpha Delta
Theta v. Independent group.
j o'clock
Bancroft school, Alpha Delta Ti
v. Chi Omega.
Women's gymnasium. Alpha XI
Delta team v. team two.
Friday, Jan. 10
I o'clock:
Bancroft nchool,. Alpha Chi
Omega v. Delta Delta Delta.
Women's gymnasium. Kappa
Kappa Gamma v. Delta Gamma.
Saturday, Jan. 11.
10. o'clock:
Women's gymnasium, Kappa Al
pha Theta team one v. team two.
V. W. C. A. Alpha Pi team one
v. team two.
Women's gymnasium, Pi Beta
Kb! team one v. team two.
Y. W. C. A. Kappa Delta team
one v. team two.
Women's gymnasium, Kappa
rbi team one v. team two.
Regular games sre to start Feb.
3, and all teams are urged to
practice as frequently as possible
Statistics Show College Students
Come From All Classes of Society
MADISON, Wis. One out of
each, ten students in the freshman
class of the University of Wiscon
sin comes from the farm, one out
of each four comes from the home
of a tradesman, and one out of
seven is the child of a worker in
manufacturing or mechanical in
dustries. Among 1,825 members of the
class included in the study are the
children of . pareDts engaged In
156 occupations, according to a re
port just completed by the univers
ity statfclan. The figures in the
tabulations indicate that the lure
of a college education knows no
class lines and no social barriers.
Professionals Lead.
From the homes of thirty vari
eties of professional men come 16.5
percent of the freshman. Only one
percent behind these in numbers
ars children of skilled, semi
skilled, and unskilled workers tn
manufacturing and mechanical in
dustries. Next come offspring of
retail dealers, 11.8 percent, fol
percent Other percentages are
transportation 8.6, public service
2.4, officials of organizations S.5,
clerical 1.4. personal and domestic
8.9, bankers and brokers 2.t of
ficails of manufacturing a id me
chanical Industries 2.4.
The data show also that there
art among the freshman more chil
dren of carpenters, of grocers, of
mechanics than of bankers, more
children of unskilled laborers than
of officials of manufacturing: and
mechanical Industries, more chil
dren of farmers than of a com
bined total of bankers and brokers,
AfTBTR ALL Its s Townaaod photograph
yoa wauiU
nr COURSE ywir pnetocraph from
Hawk a etudlo will p!a.
UOtfTA large brwwti leather nntetooo
btlontns to Dorlo Treat. Reward.
KliTimwit In liazElintr fashion.
Several times he broke down the
floor and made long shots that
dropped dead through the hoop.
Only in flashes, did the van!ty
show the form that they are reallv
capable of, and the rent of the
time they were playing only rag
ged ball. This can be attributed
to only two things, either the var
sity U not in the best of shape, or
the frosh are getting plenty good
Varsity Is Weary.
Since the Huskers have returned
from their road trip, they have
tangled with the yearlings twice,
and each time the play has bee:t
very close. The long eastern Jaunt
certainly was very wearing on the
team and they will have to im
prove greatly If they are to take
the K-Aggtea this Friday.
Charley Black is not overly ex
cited over Nebraska's prospects at
the present moment, but Ue team
will undoubtedly be fighting it
out tn the first division. Charley
regards the games this week end
as plenty potent, and that the
team will do well to gain an evsn
Basketball in the Big Six is on
a higher plane this year than it
has been in some time, with all six
teams in with a real ball club
At present the race seems to stand
between Oklahoma, Kansas, and
Missouri. Even though these
teams are credited with playing
the best game, they will face stiff
competition in every conference
The formal name of the Big
Six Is the Missouri Valley Inter
collegiate Athletic association and
is called by spert scribes for short,
"The Big Six" which proves that
it still Is the valley and that Ne
braska remains "In the Valley."
We have had many queries of late
In regard to the formal name of
the conference of which Nebraska
Is a member and we hope this will
clear up this matter.
Iowa university still persists in
hanging on to the apron strings
of the Big Ten conference after
they were spanked severely and
told to go to bed without their
supper. After the final decision of
the western moguls was handed
down to the Hawkeye school we
expected the ousted member to
continue as a free lancer and per
haps profit by it change of condi
tions. But apparently the author
ities at Iowa City still have a fond
liking for the friendship of its
former Big Ten members and
would like to be pardoned and
come down again within the bonds
of the western loup. The latest
l t ! . 4 V..-. Tnn,. o 4 j
lull. Ulaltuu uu luc Auna .i lh l u 13 . o nauana auj nttvu iui . ,
that a committee from the Big with total points of 535 for Kan
Ten conference is going to pay a sas and 436 for Oklahoma,
visit to Iowa City for the purpose Kansas' victories this yefir have
of investigating the eligibility of been the following: over Missouri
... . .. it t IT 10. Ur.khiim AO
the thirteen Hawkeve athletes
who were disqualified for borrow
ing from an alleged unethical
loan fund. The conference com-
physicians and surgeons, lawyers,
and manufacturers.
Occupations Vary.
Junk dealers, piano tuners, shoe
repairers, janitors, teamsters, sail
ors, cooks, chauffeurs and miners
are represented In the long list of
parental occupations along with
judges, missionaries, publishers,
congresmen, presidents of corpora
tions, and writers.
From the home of professional
men come 301 freshmen, semi-professional
workers 37, tradesmen in
cluding retail dealers and sales
men 515, workers other than of
ficials in manufacturing and me
chanical industries 284, transporta
tion 66, public service 44, officials
of organizations 65, clerical 27,
personal and domestic 163, miscel
laneous 111. Exactly one-half of
the freshman come from homes of
farmers, workers in Industry or
retail and miscellaneous tradesmen.
Fraternity Sorority University
Colored Crests on Full Sized Skins
FormeAy $9. Sale Price $540
mitlM makes this talt to lOUft
L1t at the request uf ,0
board of athletic coutroi.
Pittsburgh's fstt moving basket
ball quint has won its igt
straight basketball games of 'he
aeon and from all Indications
the. Panther court Uam is goinq
through an all victorious season
Th last scalo added to the sver
liiciatslnu Familiar list l.icluJi
the much touted Montana Stat
five which meets Nebraska Sat
urday night. The Pittsburgh tivs
wan tha asm 38 to 37 with Cap
tain Charity Hyatt of Pitt seor.
and high scoring horsrs.
Mlunuri university nf the 'tlk'
Six conference has completed thel
signing of a four year contrary
with Teaa university at Aunn ,
Texas ror a serira w mur nn
ball games, the fintt to be played
at Austin on npxl October S. Slur!-
Ing last season members of ibe
Hig Six conference broke Into Lie
schedules of the Southwest run-
- a a L. .. .ft. . ... H m I
lerence anu in uw i-mi . "
five members of the Hir Six bnv
CHIWCU Pi"""'1" -
rn uhnnlii. Next fall Will lee
Nebraska playing Its
Southwest conference team.
Texas Aggies.
Kansas and Mexico Try Two
New Styles of-Playing
I-AWRKNCE. Kaa Two new
styles of beskethHll. both of which
eliminated the tlpoff at center af
ter scoring, were tried here In the
Kansas-Mexico game. The plays
were offered as moans M doing
awav with the inequality that
exists between teams where one
has a center much taller than the
The changes were particularly
noticeable in the trial here because
of the short stature of the Mexi
pan I1 How much of their scor
ing was due to the elimination of
the center tiporr. ana now muto
to their agility and teamwork, was
not certain. Dr. James Naismun
of K. U. faculty, inventoi of the
basketball game said the elimina
tion of the tipoff made the game
monotonous, but believed it was a
little faster.
Jayhawks and Sooncrs.Will
Tangle Saturday at
LAWRENCE. Kas. With prac
tically all of ita non-conferenre
games out of the way, all of them
victorious, the University of Kan
sas basketball team is ready to
open its conference season next
Saturday with the University of
niiinhnmi nt Normnn. The first
home game will not be until Jrn.
Prospects were somewhat
dimmed early in the week when
Forrest Cox, star guard, went to
th h,. unit nl with an infpeted foot.
but it whs hoped he would be out
in time for the Oklahoma game.
Tom Bishop ana Kusseu inora
forwards, have been
making three to five field goals to
tho game, anri james tsauscn 01
Wichita, new on the squad and
playing at center, is also getting
into tho scoring.
Oklahoma took both games from
the Jayhawkers last year, but the
past record shows 11 victories for
Kansas and seven for Oklahoma
17 tn 12: ovpr Wanhhurn. 42 to
22; three over the University of
California, 36-25. 31-15, e.nd 38-28,
and one over the City of Mexico
team, 39-30.
Mickey Speaki on
Program Willi Norris
Prof. Clark K. Mickey of the de
partment of civil engineering
talked at the flood control meet
ing held at Minden, Jan. !, on the
"Conservation. Control and Utili
zation of Water Resources of Ne
braska." Professor Mickey was
accompanied by Senator Norris,
who also spoke at the meeting.
They sure ran and thy're all
party houne
It s
clean and respectable and will
Good Music and a Good Time
Friday and Saturday
5 Miles West on "O"
I r g
Facing Campus
I III Bill. 111! I ft U I
Basketball and Wrestling
Teams Have Heavy Bill
During Week.
. ,
Kansas Aggies and Montana
Will Provide Tough
Nebraska athlrti have a full
ek ahead with the opening of
the winter season this week with a
pair of basketball games on deck
which Include the formal opening
f the Dig Six court season and
the opening of the home season
agninM the mu h touted Montana
Slate UiibcKtu In addition to two
encounters within the Big Ten by
tn fr Us share of the winter
Kcr mm
light as OniIi Henry t. 'inainn
c.-hiit nnnnun -es that the Indoor
practice season is under full sti-am
on yie newlv improved lnd.vr
track under tho ea.-t wing of Me
morial stadium.
' Coach Charley Black'a Cornhus
ker basketeers got under way on
the home maples Tuesday evening
after their tour of the east and
opened preparations for the com
ing season in the Big Six confer
ence, the opening game of which
comes Kridav flight down at Man
hattan against the Kansaa State
quintet. The KamaB five promises
to make a great bid for the Big
Six title this season anJ with A.
11. Freeman. Wildcat guard, who
towers six feet four inches tip into
the ether, the Aggie quintet hopes
to stop the powerful Husker for
wards in Friday's opening tussle.
In addition to Freeman, the Man
Imttan five also boasts of H. O.
Cronkhite. football star, who meas
ures six feet five Inches above the
ground. These two giants of the
couit are booked for big things
this season and will get their fimt
conference test against Nebraska
this week.
Lineup Is Unchanged.
Coach Black plans to use the
!nme lineup against Manhattan
Friday and Montana State Satur
day as started in the four games
on the eastern Journey. Fisher and
Grace at forwards, Maclay at cen
ter, Lewandowskl and Witte at
the guard posts. This quintet rep
resenting Nebraska is bolstered by
a great array of reserve strength
which Black can inject into the
lineup at any time without weak-onint-
thi team strenrth.
The game on the coliseum floor
Saturday night against the Mon
tana State Bobcats, champions of
the Rocky mountain region, will j
una XNenias'Kii (inieu
of the greatest teams In the coun
try and it Is against this crew that
the Nebraska coach hopes to turn
out his fast breaking defense.
Witte and Lewandowski. the two
Husker guards, will have a big
task when "Oat" Thompson, cap
tain of the Montana five and AU
Anierlciin forward, starts his bas
ket shooting against the Huskers.
Thompson is heralded as one of the
greatest basketball forwards of all
time and is high scoring ace for
the Montana team.
Nebraska's wrestling team,
which left yesterday for its two
meet engagement in the Big Ten,
look a big slump in the market for
victories over Purdue and Indiana
whon it was made known that
Adolph Simlc, holder of the Big
Six 14Vpound class, "would not
muke the trip with the Corohusk
crs. Simlc is ineligible to compete
this semester and is one of the big
point collectors for the Husker
Doris and Wally Marrow
New York School
223 No, 12th St.. Eagle Apts. Bldg
Lincoln, Nebr.
Lit-t Steps nd Routines
From Eastern Stages
Special Rates Per Week
and Semeater
Kiddie Clasaes baturdays
out to Lincoln's brand new
stay that way.
Oklahoma Annies Prendre to Defend
----- .
National Wrestling Champwnsmp
BTILLWATKIC dkla .-Under
the strut uperilon ft K. C.
Ualiagher. dean of American
wrestling coaches, the nation!
ehsTpinn oUhfis ArT"" s1-
rapidly rounding into form to de
fend their record in another sea
strongest wrestling teams lit tht
Sims wrestling was brought to
the- Institution tn 191. tbe Aggie
varsity h lt but three dual
matches. Th fimt match the
Rtillwster crew ever engaged in
wet with the Texss university
team w hich pnveJ to imiu lor me (
Inexpei'enced farmer boys. Under
the careful guldenre of Unllagher
members of the im developed at
a rspid pace and did not lose a
match until IMl '"' r,,h ,ow
SUle and Nebraska took their
Elgh Winning Seasons.
Since the eventful season of
the Orange and Black grapplcrs
have struggled through eight sea
sons of undefeated conietltion
during which time a string of
forty-nine dual victories have been
Basket Sharpshooters Arc
Required to Learn
Many Systems.
Bunny Oakes has done remark-1 nounccment with great en
ably well In drilling the yearling I thusiabm.
cage team, giving the varsity Just ) This idea of giving the men sea
about as much competition as they t Hr,r, hnos Is a good one, because j
can stand. Before the vocation, the frefhmen basket bailers do not'
the freshmen were lucky to mate ply any game- with onponents f
more than one or two baskets: but outside of the varsity. The foot-,
. . . - j. ... IM, nA It Jli.-l; .. 11 a - . m a I a H a nl.u lu.i
now incy me unjii imnvu
fail to make more than ten or
twelve two pointers.
Most of the vearlmrs activities.
have been confined to drilling on
fundamentals anu plays, but they
have found time to provide the
varsity with some first class com
petition. After the frosh get their
team nlav down better, the var
sity-freshmen practices should be
..! - I . ... I
lull Ui rAuiiciiiciii.
Many Styles Used.
T i hard for tit first vear men
to get their team play down to aj
fine degree, because incy nave 10
constantly change their style for
the varsity's convenience. At
present the yearlings are using the
type of defense that Is employed
by the K-Aggies and next week
they will probably have to acquire
the Missouri formations.
Oakes has been working Lenser,
Classes every Tuea. and Thura.
Beginning Jan. 14.
Private Instruction by Appointment
Phone B4819 for Information
103 Neb. St. Bk. 15th and 0 St.
yLn.i,., -"assssBBasjsjMsssBgr 1 " '" " 1 1 1
1 - - 1 1 1 mi - - - j
It c wmB
Winning the war against weather
In the telephone business, research man,
manufacturing engineer and construction
supervisor are carrying on a successful
war against the unruly elements, enemies
to service.
Cable, for example, housing many cir
cuits and covered with protective coatings
. . 1 .
hung up Besides the dual matches
.1 . ' . . - ...... ....... ..,,. naf i.inftl .
ine nmvw " - - -
Intercollegiate titles and have won
tha Misoun title every year since
the Hillwater school ha been In
the rotiferenre
. . it.. . 1 u n I n if nf COn-
ir.rii wiih Virelnia Polytechnic.
institution for a match March 6.
the Aggie schedule is full and they
w ill tangle with Paul Veen's Okla
noma university mat men Feb. I
at Stillwater. Kansas will come
here Feb. 15 for a match and the
Kansas Aggies will fill the Feb.
S3 date.
Eastern Trips Planned.
Aggie matmen wil nnsist in run
ning of the state high school
tournament Feb. 28 and March 1.
They will leave Immediately for
' 1 ... I .v
MOIganiuw... "
a',"n' . a .!. k. the winner In an elimination 1.
March in New York. J
' Purdue grspplrrs touigut and in-
Pavidson. Il-irst. and Farner l , lli ina university's best Saturday
the forward positions; Cnrr and ntKhl arc; lsh, 115 poun(lB: vwb
Smith st the center pust; and b,r, 12 I pound.-.; Reos. 1M: Robe t-
.. j e,.i .t'.-ton. 155 pounds; Skinner,
Beatle. Martin, and Slmstxrry at . . .-.s
iho tniard noritlons
These men
have all been teaming witn tne
freshmen ngainst the varsity. I
Bunnv Onket annoniiced yester-;
dav that about fifteen of the tint-;
Htnndlng men on the yearling ,
squ.nd that have turned out regu
larly will be given season basket-'
ball" book' The list of men that I
receive TiV books w ill be posted ;
Kviitav The men out for the
i vfmli'i.p team received this an-
hall teara is allowed to Dlav two
scheduled games, but the men of j
the mapli floor do not receive this j
opportunity. Freshmen compcti-;
lion should be enlarged to include
more sports than only football.
"Your Drug Store"
Try th,e tvilrlmis Tonnrwlchee
at our I.unrneonctte.
Whlttnian l"amiie
The Owl Pharmacy
148 No. 14th & P.
Give us the order for your
next party.
Our ruiich
rrcxh I'm it
Made from
19th & 0
A mtioH-tvidt ijsttm of inttr-etnutcting ttltfhmii
nsnvv. .ivm.akv . . im
nrmnr rnr niinriirw
utrAKi run ruKuut
Injury Keeps Margaret Out
Of Trip; Smith Will
Replace Him.
University of Nebraska wretlei
are on their way today tn lfay
ette. Ind.. where they meet Purdue
university In a dual match tonight.
The team left last ntiht. but
without Msgaret, who was to :a
wrestled In the 1S pound clat,
MKrt a not taken on th. tr.p
due to a serious infection in n.
arm. which developed the for im-t
of the week. In his place mis
The class seems to be itis
kVllo""- "tonah" toi K.I.
, .. ',,
,w r
of the
Tentative Schedule
Second Semester, 1929-30
Arcrainllnc 4c
Alhra ll"
Anicrlian History 112
himlneiui KnsliKh 12c
Bunnc!" Law 172c
rump Klre
trumatic Interpretation 52c
lraitiE ....
Ki-nnnniic Geography of the U. zi.
Eclii'-ailon 63c, 83c. 8S0. l)a, 131k.-.
FncliKh Composition ?c. Mc
KnKllh Uternture lT3o
Firm AM
Krenrh 2c
Geography of Europe 16Sc
Home i;.onomUs li'le
Home Nursini
Juvenile Art
Lip RraditiK
Met-hsnicHl DrHinp
Office Huncemcnt 24c
Philosophy 1G2:
I'hysioloKV lbiic. 111c. 170c, IMlc
I'kvclioloky in Husiness Belutlona
Fuhllc SpenkiiiR 102c.
Short Story 94c
Sociology 14ic
Spunlsh 52c
Trigonometry 12c
Classes beginning Feb. 4 to
Feb. 9, 1930
Inquire of
Extension Division
202 Former Museum, a-6891 No. 60.
of proved strength, withstands storms w huh
might seriously threaten open wire lines.
Thus in the Bell System growth is in
tensive as well as extensive, impro ing
present facilities as well as adding nrw
ones. And there is no end to su.ll