The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1929, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Tin: imi.Y m nmK w
Meet Haivkeyes on 1930 Qrid
Tiirnsnw. nrriMm k
i rraiicr I ottr-t.imc
Mrml.rr of Ui Trn
1 ill W ill Ho
M imvMvV urn. i:c.v.i:
;Hdirm Mali for Not car U tomnlilr I il
llig H Official IVnnit Scail.t l
Dnnrr l'nioiil for Ninlli am.
wi.l iiinl thr" l'i.ii ioit ! !.
i lir.iWa
i.luvn slate,
J i i.t Hi
V.l.i.L Mi.l I,x!t MV iil.l tint
..... i;... ... n .i-.. ..f tie
V ' KlinMl. Id ' h
ti'iktT t.tla'l li-iorv. With
Trn nrt -rr. thnr ftr-all " hr1'
'lit- w mm mT-nni ' i
ihr lYMThunkrni on N. 72 vnth l
tm.r vrar contra, t txir.g mn.lf ,!
Oct. 4-Tea A. M. In tin-!
Oct. 11 OKIahoma at Norman
.! otvnril fr a Ran-. im
Oct. 18 lewa State at Amet.
Oct. 2S Orn
Nov. 1 Pttt in Lincoln.
Nov. S Kantat at Lawrance.
Nov. 1i Mittourt In Lincoln.
Nov. 22 lowa at Iowa City.
Nov. 27 Kantat Aggiet in Lin
rnr Year Contract.
The f.rrt trim of th four vrar
, .rt Art" .if rla in the nr
own a, adu.m at Oly and the
,'1r,,S. ,.me ,n'ni.,rco,n w,U i
In tl a C.i-nhu.t.krr';
flay tame an1 the lfH2 irme al
Iowa Citv will also r piayra on
Thankujovinp -1th the Haw: -yet
letuminu to Lincoln tn 1M2 for a
came on the aame date, l nia pmn
in pmn
nreniiij the most advisable)
athlrllc heads. Mated Wed-
riMx' anil Nebraska will acw
renew" relalioriship with the lowa
school which started when foot
hall was inaugurated at the Hus
ker school,
r.ish stated that the four year
rontract with Iowa was a desirable
contract with Iowa was a desirable
thing from the rtandpoint of both I
schools and me ia i inai icwa wna i
ousted from the Big Ten last week
was no matenaJ matter lo .Ne
braska for the two schools plan to
compete annually in all intercolle
giate sports over a long period of
venrs. Nebraska's athletic offi
cials predict tbt the relations
with the University of Iowa in
athletic event will be a pleasant
and satisfactory and that this 1n
ter will find the two schools com
peting In numerous athletic events.
Schedule Closed.
The scheduling of Iowa for Nov.
22 closes the Comhusker football
.-Lite for 1930 aa the Big Six limits
its members to but eight games
nd these are scheduled by th
H'jsker school with Texas Aggiea
bnd Iowa being the non conference
Providing the conference Issues
permission for a nine game sched
ule which was taken up at their
recent meeting, Ncbra-ska will
schedule Denver university for the
open date In Lincoln before the in
tersectional game with the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh. Denver
through its chancellor, a former
Nebrs-skan, proposed a game with
IVnver for next year and Ne
braska officials are seriously con
sidering the Denver school.
Interfraternity Basketball
Gets Under Way; Close
Games Feature.
Phi Sigma Kappa. Kappa Sigma,
Sigma N, Phi Gamma Delta, Sig
ma Alpha Mu, Deita Upsilon. Pi
Kappa AJpha and Alpha Tau Ome
ga were winners in the opening
session of interfraternity basket
ball games Tuesday night.
Phi Pigma Kappa had a long
evening, downing Alpha Sigma Phi
i'6 to 22 after a hard battle. Kap
pa .Sigma had an equally hard
time in grinding out a 34 to 11
win over Phi Alpha Delta.. Sigma
Xu s job ras easier, l ne team won
27 to 16 from Phi Kappa Psi. Phi
Gamma Delta had a fairly easy
row to hoe. downtntr Sigma Cbi 19
to 9.
Sigma Alpha Mu and Alpha
Theta Chi spent most of their time
playing defense, with the former
linsllir rrjerr!T!"' On tb lOTlg "fid
of a 14 to 9 tally. Delta Upsilon
uncorked a fast offense to romp
over Sigma Phi Sigma 29 to 3. Pi
Ksppa Alpha and Theta Chi had a
close fight, with the latter finally
bowing, 9 to 13. Alpha Tau Omega
had little trouble in the other tilt
of the evening, disposing of Delta
Theta Phi. 21 to 6.
Dr. O. J. Perrlne of the Amer
ican Telephone and Telegraph
company gave a talk on the "Ap
plication of the Photo Electric Cell
to Communication" at the meeting
of the American Institute of Elec
trical Engineers In Social Sciences
auditorium Tuesday night.
His t8lk was illustrated with
talking pictures and slides. Tech
nical processes for making talking
pictures we?e explained and the
part of the photo electric cell was
shown. The three main type of
alklng picture machine were
)l'H'l t
I i
onftmnt llt-rraflrr
n 'llakpiiij:.
iow in ai.i. mmiuts
iW l'l.ln
ml.t. ti..
ili tils i. Iirii tor i
. r
Iirst csiiim ivi t'lili 1 in rn
tiif nNk... otn in inr oiKidpna
11 3
W X afk V' ,
4Vlf fC.'
B 1 Ti
Nebratka tenior gridiron war
nor are havino a hard tim in
O'ttmg definitely t.tcatea ii
th.t ro.t ea.on game on the we.t on New t day between '
quiahed by the eattern coachet in
order fit he may compel
pithed by th, e.ttem co.che. ,n
n . writ. . i v " a ' v ..
vitationt from both section of te
country but becauw the eatt put i
In their bid firit. Richard ac-.
v'? - . ----- j
trt theiv.ted oy we.Tern ottic... T
P w in xne n. """..V. . . " .
m.a aprmg ,,r . o u
will not permit him to Mmpne in ,
...... - J ,
- ' - ----
hat once competed on such a team ,
aa th tha all atar from tn wetfl. I
With it make. htt.. d,f -
ferene at th big tackle goe in
for only football and now ne ooes.
Th Uorky Mountain conference,
realizing how wise the officials
in the old Missouri Valley loop
were In forming a six school con
ference, have announced now that
they likewise have done the aame.
Six of the schools from the moun
tain league withdrew from the old
group and have formed a new
circuit. The new conference em
braces schools in two of the west
ern states, those being Colorado
and Utah, the original conference
being made up from four states.
The new conference was formed
when the moguls of the conference
met to form their school sched
ules for 1930 The six leading
football institutions emerged from
the meeting with a football slate
all of their own and announced
they were forming a new confer
ence. The new conference wnicn
is called by the same name as the
conference in the Mlsouri Valley
region is made up of Denver uni
versity, University of Colorado,
University of Utah, Utah State
Agricultural colege and Colorado
Areies. For a treat number of
years these six schools have given
the most impressive dlplay on the
gridiron and although the plan has
heen smoldering ror a numner u
years, it came to a head when the
schedule drawers convened to
make plans and agreements for
the 1930 slate. We predicted this
Imrt. vear and we also predicted
that the same thing would happen
to the Krg len. Already me rsig
Ten is the Big Nine so perhaps a
few more years, it too will be the
Big Six.
University of lowa officials are
anxious to meet teams from the
8ia Six in athletic eventt for thit
year, according to reportt from
various school within the confer
ence. The Hawkeye athletic head
had not looked forward to getting
booted out of the loop and there
fore made little or no tenatlve ar
rangement! In cate they should
which left them with no athletic
schedules In all events for me
Nebraska wil in al probability
be on the 1930 football slate if
onlv the satisfactory date can be
arranged between the two schotjls.
Missouri wil be on the baseball
schedule and perhaps a basket
ball game wil be arranged be
tween the two schools in the rert
few days. Nebraska may appear
on other schedules in addition to
football if Nebraska athletic besds
can see their way through this
late In the season to put the
Hawkeye on their slates. Rolie
Williams, head basketba.1 coach at
Iowa, is in a bad way because of
the short time he haa to complete
a basketbal schedule.
Taking a glance st th band of
football ttara that Dick Hanley
and. Andy .Kerr sre taking to
for students to make extra
money while at home during
Xmas. vacation. Inquire Friday
and Saturday. Dec. 13 and 14.
1828 Harrison Ave. F-6S82
Clair Sloan of Nebraska. S.o.n ac- j Ah,ri C,. Pi in the Ne
cepted and R.chardt refuted. Now 1 r Alpha IVIta l in the Ne
K. i.,-.,! ,v the ' braska ball tournament held M
Richardt ha been released By ";,. athvtic association
west Sloan it turning it over i b 0 8 th-"
in hi mind whether he w.Mt to YL !?d.f; and
. .... .,fc ... u.,.L.f winner from Sifrma a itii ana
play, bateball .with Hui f-t )f) f
fntca tr Ihi big " n Nt
Year' 0ay, it pl that rnigM
be long afternoon far In on of
tn migMy vat. title! on tha
Mimty Ktrr aggregation lm n
AH tmnrm tackla af Purdu
Haniey err aggregation im m
Atl AmtrKin tacfc.1 f PurOJu nd
. m .lm j . k . A II. A M.anr art .
Uckta from MmnateU. With tnn
J . . . tA.,ktAN th lilt Mill
hav on e txi greatett rta
af All-American t-ber that any
na coach hat avar gathered to
gether. Their name appear on
nearly avary itir selection and
hen they line up agamtt th
watt, wall lit going to be a let of I
fun to litten In. On th Meat tbere I
ifimi to ba little information
coming Out. lither th watt go
ma to ba minus of their great
tlart thu traaon or tit they are
they ar their tight under buahel
and ar going to wait until New
Year's day to the tht football
orid who it king en the gridiron.
)n fa, t New Year a tlav i r''
mc to tmd the f.tball tan uh
trnil"rl I nt rr mil rw inr
tiiurament f in the laa-
H.vm !.!. tha Hi Trn
Southern conferrn.- earn at lal
I lat ami th eat -el rame ai rn
I r"ran. imw IMt fm.J the
Truant plenty to'";h tn thia an-
al iin.lrfraleu Tha MiC i'i
ij,xj::1 ::;h,hof ',v: ;
.m i M cvir tarat
for the year
MorC GamCS Are Scheduled
Today as Four Teams
Enter Contest.
Kar.ra Kanna
Kappa Kappa Gamma won from
hv ,.' vt..' VU. team one. and
a'r.h Omicron 1
nirney fnr champmnthip
will continue i nursusv m o o t m
CVmnaMum: Karra
. ' ,
"IT,7Z iaiT vr
team two. and Delta Zeta versus
Alpha Delta Theta. Kriday at the
same time, games will be played
by Delta Gamma versus Sigma
Delta Tau. and A'.pha Xi Delta
versus Alpha Phi.
Husker Back, With Others
From Big Six, Is on
Coast Squad.
The Big Six conference has
given C!a,r Sloan, veteran Husker
halfback, permission to play in the
east-west game in San Francisco
on New Year s day, according to a
report from Sloan Wednesday
Ploan was invited to play with
the western eleven in the annual
game but due to the fact that a
Big Six ruling would have kept
him out of basketball competition
during the spring, he did not want
to accept the invitation. Both
Sloan and P.ifhards will play with
the west in the annual classic.
Other Big Six stars who will
travel westward for the New
Year's game are Tom Churchill of
Oklahoma and John Waldorf of
A twfif' la rstlmfl . noid rn IB lh
m'r4 r,f th lvr. Sn'-a
Mrrlt wlra, rr tl lfi t mtril
Tli inort xi.u)i.r mr, ! -1-ti Mm-
lf ttia papular h ! with othr
Rri,rM'1nn 1a ! pjrrrm
to all pointt os
th Burlisaten
and conscctini
linct In low.
Only of One -Way
CfC 1. . . 1. . f 4 ta-Ta . Caaw !.
KjLiJi Ear
DK fl.t-T. r. torn. M-. Iw Han haa-
IWtwa. Mlaaaaata ts-'
Petomtno to reach original lrt.n point rsot lefer tnsn
jANUAjry 12
Ticktt ere dati and
car, cpon payment of
Hall Fam
Inlormalios 6trvatlorit TickeH
Bvrlingtort Travel Burtsut
Klr: SaUa tTI't OSv
lav Sa Ti,irr'l' Sc
Shaw r1
E.jy Tkeft r6
frtervetioni early
Kostcr. HoV.ii! and Stipsky
Star in Workout Against
First Team Five.
a,.,,.-.! - lv Phw lnu.1 in
Ht.Ui ta ma, .
Basketball it Schedule
Is Possible.
rnirmtu.!ira of thr vaiaity
hot a complcia iTrrl of
f.rm U.t nnht. an.l javr th f'.rat
tnnkci every it a much
thrv wcivr'l vTiff Jfiwn
Spl.'lrn !a-ev epr twinc tha All
thr. ujth tha h.'p tilth coni.1rrlp
rrciilanty Put.h K.trr a r)'
rnuih in i.rnc a lng at he re
rr.ainr.1 in thr " timmasc.
If tho Hinl tram ontinuat io
. ' vh.iriiv artrr
- - -
a nurry.
Hotter' Bad Kne.
piilrh Koeter and Pte-a M. kuf
! ti-er breaking up a v.1ly ahare of
the varaity play before the t-o
loint ohjevtive w a,t oblaine.1. Kit
1 ter haa a b.l kne and had to
; leave the w nmrr.afe early. StipaVy
itvk Koi-ter pla.e. and he pro (o h the on!o'kert that
! he had an eye on the fir-t team.
Har-e tlra.-e waa back m mi.l.
but hia akill at making the two
pointers was not at evident as it
usually is. Ijewandok is a reg
ular Trojan when it comes to play
ing basketball. Time after time
he broke tip the seconds' plays, and
earned the ball down the floor.
Whenever anybody cages a basket
off liew, he is doing mighty well
Black Is Pleated.
Charley Black has the team
coming along fast, and with a few
scrimmages such as were helj last
night, the team should be in top
shape before the first game. Most
of the men were tn good physical
hape before the season started,
and all they require now is to get
the eve for the banket functioning.
Herb Gish reports that the bas
ket ball game against Towa univer
sity is still in the embryo stage.
He" has offered the Iowans the 24th
and 2Mh of January, aa possible
datea for the competition. Ne
braska is already scheduled to
meet the Hawkeyes in swimming
Feb. 1. wrestling Feb. 15. and pk
ball Nov. 22.
Veteran Lineup.
As the teams are now lined un.
Charlie has Harvey Grace. Morns
Fisher. Don Mot-lay, Afioipn lw
andowski and Willard Witte play
ing on the first team. Cliff Jen
sen, Selden Davey. Lon Konklin.
Steve Hokuf and George Korter
compose the second team. The
rest of the aspirants for varsity
positions are: Klrner Skov, Robert
Homey. Aubrey Morley. Russell
Sr.ygg" Jim Elliott. John Goodman,
Kd" Stipsky and Hugh Rhea.
Coach Black will not be em
barassed by a lack of material
this year, as most of the men sre
potential varsity timber. With men
Doris and Wally Marrow
New York School
228 No. 12th St.. Eol Apt. Bldg.
Lincoln, Nrhr.
Latret Strpa and Sioutlnea
From fcaatem btaoea
Spaclal Watea Per Week
and Setriratrr
Kiddie Claaaea Saturday
Soutk Dakota,
North Dakota,
Wert ane) Northwest
Fa ro the Round Trip
. Catena
will bt good in keeping
tne uwal Pull-san (.
lor Children
thkt n Atku irishmen
To tfMirf litculatlv
lor Hutiv Ttttiiiinit
Frethmen batketball coach.
Bunny Oahe anneuncea that
he would ! lo hav all freth
men batketball candidate! re
port tor bataelbail today. He
ttatet that frethmen batattball
thould not inttrfer In any way
with intramural apoMa. If any
fraternity man withrt t play
t,ith the frrihmen, Oaaet will
tttuM h.m from practice on
the day that he bat a gam
Nebratka bat long been
troubled with th interference
of Intramural batkelball, but
Coach Oaae hopea to cvad
th trouble thu year by th
abov mentioned plan. Many
valuable candidate for batket
ball ro loat to the vartity, be
cant they fail to get th bane
training with th frethman
au h aa i-omiiwe the first an.J aec
opd atrlnita. it la fxpetleit that ti
araity a ill finish on top of tie
rt aniling thit yrar
Amato and Wengcl Start;
In First Tangle of
Friday Session.
The second round of the inter
fraternity boxing r'imination tour
nament will get under way Friday
afternoon at 4 : o'cl.xk. when
two 12 .sunders. Amato. Delta
Sigma 1 hi. an.1 W engel. Tau
Kappa Ups.lon. will meet.
In the secc.n.1 round. Moore.
Ieita Upsilon. will tangle with
IVtrick at the same weight.
Miiore showrl power In hit first
twitt V.-tna.1jii- ahtn he hlintf- a
kayo on his opponent only a fewj
Eastman Kodak Stores Inc- S
)5 Salesman's Entire
i.Ti rr: : m .
iJr I ' k.
n ; .
i T I
; : r i . .i j? - . &
a i .
ill . Sr - - ' W ) '-:
7 -Earring.
1ji Bracelets
y Matched Sets of Costume
Jl Hand Tooled Bags
Men's Toilet Cases
f- Vanity Cases
aeiondt after th firat round had
started an alkenbeig. IVIta
Mk-ma l-amUta. and William. It
Kappa Abha. will a!o meet In lh
lU M!.l!.t lllWt.
The remainder of th pairing:
U poinds: Wtikwlt. IVlta
H'.ni lambda, v. Itink. Alpha
Theta Chi; Cnilaon. Higma Alpha
Ki'tilon. vi llurnrn, Tau Kappa
r ptiton; Hutchinson. Phi rtiina
Kappa vt IVklund. lambda Chi
147 pounds. Ho.. Alpha Theta
Chi. vs. Huston. IVIta Tau Ivita:
Malcolm. Ivlla Pig. ma lambda va
bwohods. Theta Xi; Urn. Lambda
Chi Alplia a. Meredith, aim
lrtrt pounds: Grace. Ihl Sigma
Kappa, v St hure. Tau Kappa Kp
silon ITS pounds: Hcpp. Pigma
pha vs Undell. Pi Kappa I
Alpha. j
Heavyweight: Hahn. Sigma Phi,
Fpailon v. Jenkingt. Tau Kappa
F.psiliHt. j
AM ICS, la Farm management j
in four oountnea outside th
United States will ls t1tscnsse1 by,
speakers at the first farm man-1
agers conference and ahort couro
in lowa to be held at lotva State
college Friday and Saturday.
The short course Is pl-vnned by th
department of asncultural fco-!
ponucs for thote v ho ar man
aert of two farms or wore,
it A. Wallace, editor Wallace's
Farmer and the Towa Homestead. I
will discuss Fngltsh farm manage-1
ment at a banquet Friday eve
ning At the same Meeting rrof.
J. M. Davidson, head of agrlcul-1
tural engineering here, will discuss
Russian farm management and
alter J. Koth. United States de
partment of agneultiire. will dis
cuss farm management in Ger
many and Swiwrland.
The leasing system, tenancy,
real estate situation at relateil to
tj-pes of farming, soil management
and price outlook will be discussed
during the two day conference.
You want them Engraved Embossed or Printed.
You want them for Sweetheart Family -T riend.
You want them Comic Serious Sympathetic.
You want them Big or Little High priced or low.
Come to Our Store
1217 O St
3f000 IBcautifiil
Sample Line Bought at Tremendous f
oncessions and oeinner nerc at
lalll" II
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Sell. m, OffiriaU l'r
Tmclirr'a Hurruti Moit
Itti.taxJ i.ticiaal U Uiut l. Au
thia year In th teacher's aervus
bureau of lh teachers college, ac
cording to H. l. Mont, director
of th summer school. 1h bu
reau Is maintained by th learhert
college to help teacher and tupei.
Intendents throuctirait th state.
Recent vlaitor al the bureau in
clude Supt. li. F. Uebrndorfer. oi
Sidney. Kupt. Millard Hell, of
gar. and It. Colson, pnndpal of
schoola at Alliance.
New Hi own 0ruh Skin
Covered I'amera.t
IVtfect llcturet
$4.00 $12.W-$13.00
New Pcrfumirfri
Special $1.50 all colors
Vantyne'i Incense Burner
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Uni Drug
14thA S St.
t0 Vs
Beautiful Imported Mesh
Bill Folds
And Pearls
Gold. SterllnR snd beautiful Antitjue Metal