The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1929, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    IHIDW. mClMUFR ft. 1020.
Tim nvn.Y nk.hhask an
rot in
nnrri uadn
Vogclcr Pairs
Quintets for Class A'
Hoop Race.
innn r.ou " ift n A,ina
ll II II I IMfl Haying I he opening gam on
the Mine iixirt at T o io. k In
league flv no game hr.1ull
f. r th ocniug instil tlli.HiKh on
Wednesday. I II thiee
ar echeduled with lwita l "til meet
ing ih tu ki p "iiim nv t
7 and Phi Kappa meeting Kapa
I II on floor S mi T S.V ivita riigm
Phi UI meet the rami Hou flv
on floor . at T 2S in the laet im
in Umiii five that nttfht
1 tumult Imtr finds the Tbeta Til
nmniri meeting the cagtre from
Fraternity ih n k a ruu on Tuesday
MKHI on iioor o m t i
th Alpha Tan Omega crew mt-
imh the law students rrom ne
'lelte Theta Phi hou- on nor 5
, at 7 25 o i l.x k.
WCrW ! A complete alat of th fratr
rLLIMny tji,ling anil th a. lieduled
irsms will l inn in ine auy
Nt-liikin en. h tiny during ma
ii, t,,-,, rA- Almott 1 NrtiraaKnn ea n uny uunns mi
Many Teams Enter Aimosrtn.e tourr,,y .i.,, wuket
Innrt from linmcs ici.imn pre.ii.uog imn f-uo-
initlCl HUIII UUIIILS advance of th tourney
- -1 o . . . . i
L4H OCdiUII. ;In"
ne of th grraleM interfrater
rity basketball tourneya ever held
in the Vnlversity of Nebraska will
r,et under way next w.-ek with eix
leapncs in tiaaa A fighting for me
upteniacy of th court. Kudy Vog
1.t, director of all Intrnmural
lf2t-!0 Intramural program at Ne- . UClta Gamma 300 N BCla
bianka n by far tha groat!
program til inlvrlty has evr .
oui lined. '
Kvery fraternity on th campus I
w-.ll compete. In tha cage totima- I
m.-nt which ta to get under way
Plii Win Games from
Weaker Teams.
Pei'a i;mma an.t n Hta Thl
im in-. u-nn fritm Oil Omca
rtxt Tiietrtay evening. wt:ti twrlv Alpha l-h, omopa In the worn
caTia tn claaa A ihlulJ for th iirnu.rl Nrhranka hall
orninR niRht on th coll!um ,ournnm(nt . ch, Omrt ha.1 onlv ,
floor. Vofrlr annoniKM that to j MVf n plllvfr, , thtr tam to
kra th whlt of the btK touma- .k..,,, th. nMn.i.r ..n th'
mcnt rmn-tnfr alone in (ioivl ahan lvu Gamrna tPam Rn(1 for that!
that vnf fratmttv nterl In
th tourney rhoiil.i play thir
Km an pr cboilulfil, b on tim
anl hav thlr otficiala dMilt aa
two gma ar latd for rach
court cvry ntght.
"B" Will Start Water.
"Hia claim B tourry haa not yet
hn complated in palrinca but
this ta xp-td to Rt aiartd aa
noon aftr the opcnlnc whltl of
tha claaa A toimy. Kappn Sicma.
wnnjwra of the fag- till laM yar
are arly aeajion favorlta to cop
tha title ain thin yar althoiic!
rpoTt from rariona Grk let tor
ramps are to the effect that th
1930 ca rr is (foins: to be a
fast iLffair with plenty of compe
tition. Alpha Sigma Phi. rhl Sig
ran Kappa Sigma Alph Kpsilon
and Ielta Vpailon are all rat'i aa
atrong favorite in Uie grt 1930
Practice Iim been goinp cm for
ihe pant tliree weeks and the
treek letter tejur.a are in top
shape for tha ftm gong. Openliy;
'he aeajion TiteadJiy Bight will be
the Thl Pal and Sigma Nu game
which la scht-duled for court 2 at
7 o'clock. No advance dope ha
Imcii acnt out a to th'a gnme a
both quinU seem to be dark horses
In the cage race. Following this
game on the same court at 7:23
wiil be the rhl Gam-Slg Chi game
which will be another high light In
the opening games.
D. U. Favored.
On court 8 Tuesday night the
TV U. five will open up against the
slgma Phi Sigma quintet. The boys
frnm (he D. U. houne are rated as
a strong club In the early seaion
dope column and are doped to take
sn easy victory as a season starter
while the Alpha Thet-6igma Mu
game Is listed in the doubtful col
umn aa to the outcome.
Court A will see the champion
Kappa Sig five pitted against the
lawyers from the Phi Alpha Delt
imm service
3ay 1m fey th Sek
1141 Q Bt 1718 P Bt
reason mat a poorer ahowtng
than otherwise was expected.
Keep It up! keep it up: were the
rallying cnea on all the teams. In
endeavoring to send the ball over
to the opponent'a side. Many freak
plavs -ere mad, and th rfrea.
Jean Whitney and Hetty kelao, en
deavored to shout above th
clamor during the games.
Fvery day at 5 o clock, tourna
ment games ar being played tn
the women's gymnasium Th
schedule will continue aa follow:
Friday. Dec. 6.
Kappa Pelt a vs. Sigma l!ta
Phi Mu vs. Alpha XI llta
Monday. Dec
Delta Delta Delta, team 2 vs
Phi Omega PI.
Alpha Dlta PI vs. Alpha Omega
Tueaday. Dec. 10.
Sigma Beta Chi vs. N'Trgettes.
PI Beta Tht. team 2 vs. S'grna
Wednesday, Dec. 11.
Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. Delta
Delta Delta, team 1.
Dr. Rolf T. Johannesen. cine of
the visiting summer school profes
sors, coming from the Mississippi
college for women, has gone to De
troit university aa professor of an
cient history this fall.
arc something; you
shouM select noiv while,
our slocks ere complete.
Wr have th things
that incuse the most,
And TSverythlng Else
That Pleases
Llohter Sets
Pen and
ft , ,
Wmk. -.-.-7i,r - -umB,
But the Hat's still going strong!
A hat that makes itself
at home on any
hat rack
Yet, it's a
5 bucks
Dick Hanlcv. Coach ol All
Star Eastern Team,
Invites 'Big Ray.
Nagurski, Brazil. Cannon,
Welch. Consent to New
Year's Contest.
lUvmond "ltig" Uuhanla. All
I'lg Mx ta. kle and on of tha most
mil nt an. ling linemen tn the coun
try, will play in the rnnual at
west game at fan Kram-isco on
Jan. 1. Itirharda received an invi
tation from Pick Hanley. cch of
Northwestern who Is asiting In
th ctwting of th all-star east
eleven, and haa accepted to play
with th eastern star. Richards
will ln th eastern aouad at
Fanrton whr they will work out
a few days tx-fore treking across
the country to th west coast, th
scene of tha annua) ball!.
Nebraska haa had a representa
tive on the all-star team from the
east for a number of years and as
th gam grows to be a tradition
an d.x-s tl.e fact that Nebraska I
always represer.ted on the team
Th game at San Krancisco was
played In December last year and
two Comhuskers saw action
against th Pacific ct star.
Blue Howell and Dan Mt Mullen
"Blue" Shine.
How well do Nebraska footta'l
lovers remember that gam last
year tn which th great Hlu How
ill. lV.mhuskr fullback. mahd
his away across tr western goal
line to gain the spotltght during the
entire game. It was Howell's driv
ing w-nrk at th western l!r. that
enabled th east to capture the
gam. Th 1P2" gam saw Glenn
Presnell and Kay Randels of Ne
braska latug In tbt all-alar
lineup from tha at.
Tin a year tha ratwet gams
will be 'layd on New Yeara day
In Keier atadium In Han r ran la o
instead tf last week In ltttnilr
a tieen tha iuiom in tha past.
Th llg rllc la eHnored by tli
Hhriuris and th gal leturna will
so to th hospital In Nan r ranciaco
for ruppled thildren.
Nation's tt.
(Naihing th western team thla
year wilt Ix the same ataff of
i'oai'hea as has l-n la the past.
namely. Pit k Hanley of North
western and Andy Kerr of Ool
gate. I.I Med on tha all-star east
ern lineup will b Nagurski and
Hon Tanner of Minnr44a, Ui (Jr
don and r'orreat I'rteis of Illinois.
Henry Anderson ajd Wilton Ander
son of Nrthwetern. Klmer Sleight
and Halph W el. h of lurdue. Jack
Csnnon of Notre Pam. Willia
i;iaiuigow of Iowa and l.lovd lira
sil, star halfbark and captain of
th fniversity of IVtilt team.
lilt hards will ese for FXan.
ton on le-. lit where the squad
assemblea on Monday for a two or
three day practice session before
leaving for the west.
Seek Definite Schedules for
Snorts Program of
School Year.
A Mrs. la right members of
the Iowa State college athletic
staff will attend the confrtene
meeting of ltig S;x moguls to be
held at the Kansas athlct'c
cluh. Kansas Otv. Mo. this week
end. IVan S. V. Heyer. Ikculty
representative. Athletic Director
T N Metcalf. Secretarx- Merl J.
Ross, and coaches Noel Workman,
Hob Simpson. Ixtuia Menre. Hugo
ltopalik and Harry Schmidt will
rcpreaent the l.val institution. j
Schedules for baseball. Indoor
and outdoor trak. swimming and;
tennis will be arranged by the di
rector, as well as def.nit lc
tln of football officials for next
vear and a iuin(l lioa of basket
ball official aaslUluents for III
current a-aun.
Harry J. .U attend
th Intramural directors' meeting
and Merl Itoaa lb ticket man
agera' iimfeienc Saturday.
Cvn th grand and spectacular
military ball cannot atop or cramp
th tactics of Cosch Charley Black,
Hukr basketball coach as hs
sends h's caors througn tneir
dally grind foe th opening of th
court season. This Is Blsck I
fourth year as basketball coach at
Nebraska and In four year hs has
been only fairly successful but this
ysar th court tutor haa a squad of
veterans back in th fold which
mak th prospect foe th 1910
season look exceptionally bright.
Th two regular Husker forwards
ar back, th regular pivot man
together with th two regular
guards ar working out daily on
th coliseum floor and If Nebraska
cai com through with a Big Six
championship in basketball thl
year, it will mak It unanimous
thst th Cornhusker rule th Big
Six. Dutch Witt and Harvey
Qraea would delight any court
coach to start out the aeason to
ssy nothing of having th uncanny
Don Maclay to hold down tn pivot
Job. But when you throw Lew
Lwandowkl and Morris Miner
in with th rest, you hav what is
known smeng taikstbsll coaches
as - heney." Th sn gsis
undif wsy during th Chrlstmss
holidays with th Huikiri making
Ing om of th stronger quintets
In that section f th country and
tha teirl.1 will return to
tart It Big Six campaign.
Tb agreement between officlala
of th tug Ten and lb Southwest
conference haa been rear lie J anj
th star football player of lha
two conferences w 111 lueel lu Italia
on New Year s day In th annual
Ihxle (laaaio sponsored by the
Shrine club of Texas. Jlmnil
I'belen of th conferenr winning
lurdu eleven will coach the all
star from th Hig Ten while Hay
Morrison of tha Southern Meih
Mut champions will tutor th
southern stars. Their n haa been
given permission to call on Notre
Dam atar for tt big gam and
ho Intenda to ask Jack KUer, th
Notr Dam flaeh, to play with th
Hig Ten atara Tb eastern el are
will assemble In iTilrago on De
cember 3 and from there go to
Pallas for a week'a wtrkoul on
the Pallas field.
With th close of th football
season at Nebraska. Cesch Dana
K. Bibls, th Crnhwssr foelkaH
tutor, I much la demand a a
speaker hrughut stata Th
HutMr coach haa list of speak-
.kt ki.a IKa ItHirlMI
of a political campaigner. Msbeaa,
Frmnt. Holdreg and m the
. . . - . , A kA
Nebrasxa town nin -
M...k Mk ta anaak al verfea
i..i la thale lawns. This week
end he will spend In Kaness City
whsr th Big SU official mt
tor their annual business session.
Last evenlno in llusxtr msnier
dined with hi Scarlet football
i miail af (ha Llnealit Klka
Coach Bibi may tak vr basksl-
though this baa not been decided
aa yet but the Husssr rooiaau
ooach was a greet cage coach In
n south as well as football.
II I trial v M fim
raa4ra m harrr - Mai.
Good Haircuts
This theory haa been proven
llmo after tim. Maaaagea
clean th akin and add attrac
tion. W ar experts In all
lines of barb ring.
The Mogul
127 N. 12
B7830 I'copie
A Mi Tl'KN Tti
for the rineet founlaln arrK- In
nn Templlnt lunrhaa thai IH
delight . rtellahl fra-ripll.
Srr lr.
M. W. PtWMl. Pmp
filler frearnpllf n rbnri-r
lih and O P"s
ori m:TTi:i. took ixto tiiij
11 1'L WIIITI-:.1IA. ll.lTTIMtJ
It rxr'S a new Tsui hilenun record ihsl's s real iniib
1 Just s ilit, tHe King .( Jart et the pace for the
tiiet io modern dunce nuinr.
If on pride yourwlf on Vnning the emsileM end llel
rliince srrsngenierts (" mini hear lbee two great talkit
hits plsved by this mter lnnln.
And these others sre orilihilc, too. ....
Record No. 2010-D, 0-inch.
I'm DsrsMra AsfatUf Auf (Inmi
im i
1-11 .: !......,- P.rJM,,.n "Simnv I ' " irofS
lliliKK I n nut ....... . .
Side I p") V Pul TXhilrmai
lr I IUr Tikivt. rirnsr. o Yor ( and
(from Talking Picture IWuclion I Orchettrs
.uanv Sde I p")
Record o- 201 2-D, l(-iorn, 7.e.
IxiOX TTh T Y Ol f Dont TO Mr (from i l orofo
Motion Picture by l-sve Home )
lr I (.o r Hvt Y'or (If You llan'l
Have Me)from Molion l,ictureFoot
lights sod I coin")
Record o. 200.VT1, 10-inra, 7."c
XClTH Yor Him Mr. (from Motion I ox Trnt
Pirtiire Production "Tanned l-g") I Merle JohnMoi
Y"ot bf Rfponsisi.f! (from Motion ( and His
I'lcture rrodii.1on-l aDued Ugs") J t co Comiera
Iee More
and Ilrr
Blue Gra Fovi
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ome decisions can't
be put off till tomorrow!
The basketball player who took very
lonj; to decide between passing; the ball
and trying for a basket would soon lose
his chances to do either.
And the man who keeps putting
his decision in the choice
career may lose his chance
to be very effective at anything.
Isn't k true that not a few men
up to their senior Year are still very
uncertain what work to take, up after
graduation ?
The result is that many a born artist,
becomes an indifferent engineer, and
many a potential lawyer, a poor
Put yourself under the micro
scope and then be yourself.
You are rctiiJECSled to be present at the apemng of
Meet the
at the