irrnvvgniV XUVKMUKW 27. 1929 friii.- nut V vi'nniCl'AM jrfrft , iiif.iMiiii nu'in-'"'"' SENIORS GET SET FOR LAST BATTLE l-'arlrv, Lrua-ndoHrki. Marro. Kit Intnl.. ; lYalrr. Sloan ami Willr Will IJnr l'p fr Htial Time Apaiiifl Ion a Slate Tram Tli.nla. CROSS COUNTRY TEAMS PLAN TO Tl RUN 1URSDAY coach pus rimoicn mpp. mmi. All Big Six Squads Enter to Decide Championship in Thanksgiving Race. li llich SdoI of r.:tni in l or Corti.iuWr I ill; Came W ill Hr .No Sri l'p, UiMc tf til Coaching Stuff Import. Cnrki Hurt Enter Intramural Lirnlt lly Uradlinv Ttnlay All frattrnitiea mull have an try list In awimmlng. beslng. wraatling, and claas A basket bll filed at the Intramural ath Ittici office by noon today. That waa tha mandate laaued today by Rudolph Vogeier. di rector of Intramural athlttici at tlx univaraity. Ha pointed out that aach fratarnity haa to havo tour man competing In each of tha firat thrte aoorta namad. Competition in all of tha four sports will atart tha firat following Thanks giving vacation. TIhit-s.Iax nftor ! By JACK ELLIOTT. K ui.t Con.hufcki r footb.i'l warrior wi-l football catvrr for iho l"ni rrit of NYbrnska .. Ui, v.i, -mv1..i ( :iihiiskori .! t tlo -ior.a on .i.-monal arai:ni firl.l in th- c-idiron final, of the . avn and tl.e mn!otion f h firit rar of conchin,r liw Mm X nil) if". in miih-p--- ,'jaker grid nana 11 the lat .ame r.r Nebraska and a Hi 1 . i-aferenc tilt h'.ch have tearing on the ,han;pion;.hp of ;be conference. liMed amoi.2 the graduating lcatliiiei K. AGGIES DOPED TO WIN ! C Fastest TimcSLMdadeU,:jiOWA STATE FINISHES ' By Griffin. PI KAPPA ALPHA IS WAIEI I POLO WINNER .tut ma) as Nehraska football fol lurta hat planned at the begin ning of the aeason. Nebraska la doped to win from Iowa fltate an.l con it a aevond Ilia Sis cham pionship but ar.j-thtng fan happen ttv puaiwi . . - - ftn- rvr h.i w.i: don the scar'.et . "v . m 'V.- v.v...v. v. noes irom ine tyciones. iw ana l ream " cbamplouah.p would t decided .Ifrnn art Cap m .rg. r a P Columbia when the y. Husker halffcuk. LWU , tv,. .-m. . cr I r of'that uld then - fn!ihffc- v;iv Marro-A, hal"- back; McBrMe, fullback; Ad . . . ... 1 r?t CROSS COUNTRY tNTRIES. ki.w...L . r-. i.aa Ratia 4ar. n-ruraaaa-u' n m. Iowa Str.lo ("v. ,vay. Sprague. Ctharton. Wllllan'a. r uniriai. Iowa State Putman. Thompaon, atcll. Howell, Poadcap. Core. Kanaaa Agglea Millar, Cile, Carter, Hoyne, Toadvmt. Backua. Stepa. Oklahoma Dawaon. Moore. Bar. rett. Dudley. Oavidaon, Phillipa. Kaniaa Fortune. Henahaw. Le vine. Bowers, Stovar, Roberta and Mathewa. Miaaourl Wemkein, SartX. Steele. Craig. Trowbridge. De Lo-aier. nose PREPARATION Halfback Bennett Returns to Fold to Bolster Cyclone Team. '. elated winner of the title. But avip- ' V A I . . I m .,1 T.ra-A Stat I The Ut would atiTi remain at the by AMKS. la --With the poaaibility , f OeU-.ronin-r last year'a Uif SU champions. Nebraaka, In tha gama at Thanksgiving ly. H Iowa Stite colleire f.wttAll aquad lat nijtht N-j-an Ita final week of pi-artioe with hard K-nrnmiiH Coacb lann HiMe a c'omhuakera need j trhl i.nlv to win from the Cynon''e. to n, s,x croM coun.o- ians .rl them of their aelond auc will meet tomorrow on the Ne- j " Kr..w roi m to decide the rham-i cr,T',r ' L. " , i jpionah-p for 1929. The race Irorn" ytxte announced that only Ue on laea 10 ne a inruifr. uu '..,-.. n-ntild b riCU mia Betas Take Second, Alpha Sigs Third, and Sig Chis Fourth. PLAY IS FAST AND HARD i-t Kirn Alnha today ruled tha , Nebraska water polo aea, by vlr- tue or beatinf ii-ia j uci i j 6 in a r hampionhip encounter laat night. It waa the Detaa' flrtt de feat in three aa n The 11 Kappa Alpha team took tha lead early In the game and piled up 11 pointa in the firat half. The aconng dtlva waa led by Lln dell. who made two touib goal. Morkler made a fret throw food, for the olber point. In the aecond half. Foarammn of the !eta club J tied to narrow d u n tha It K. A.' margin, but could mk im-.1v aix nolnta. hlle Hod I on ma.! two free throwa for the op-. poaitlon to eind tha count to 14 Koavnimaji waa eaaily tha atar of ; the Beta club, dcaplto the fact that be plaved only the lat half. Alpha Surma Phi defeated Sigma j Od in the play-off .wnf. 2 t- 0. to take third pUtt and relegate tha Utter to fourth. Tw free . throwa made by Cannon of the Al .,ba Sin ftr the onlv lu !Mmla ! acored In the rteire tilt. Sigma' miaaed luet enough fn-e . TISUKK rOHMIHSKKHS AI'l'KAU I AST TIME . I I ''- r i ill Li.-.! . in J their game h I . J .1 I . K. ill I.Ihv tba fccarlet and Cream for Nebra-ka. 1 he Iowa Mai. ganiaj M Mt. mortal atduim field Thuraday will find many Cornhuakera plajlng their laat Hud MfPride. Hukfr back who haa been playing a ereal game In the Nebraaka backfield tht year, will graduate in the -pi in. Hed lUy. Muakrr tackle, baa awn t hrre yeara of "rtM with i the Oumbuakera. ihn LewandowuKI. wing own, will finish his career a a Cornbunket. la aet at Monday noon. Dec. 2. ao cordmc to the office reiHirta. The tournament will be played from tirt 3 in r. 20. There will b One menw r may b maioitns In physical education. Itrpreaentativoa are aaked to re- playera are on a team. bet l lirir win . , . . ti -. . rtii rv.t at tha intramural ornce 10 o'f b- plaved la the women a gymna- tain Information on tha game, ami alum, from 3 to 6 p. m. Fifteen j to get a aporta bulletin. chancea to tie the acore. CYCLONE MI'SICIA.NS will ;ivk immm;ham AMES. la. Tha Iowa atata col- (CnfffLsT GnffttsY THAT MAKi: A 1'LKASAXT XMA KOli THF. i:ntikk famiuy Nippon Art Goods Co 128 So. 12 Phont B1711 in a-.itlnr hi moakin war rf"ra Into ah.r for the coniing : i?a.!tla with the Cyclones tomor row. Ho aent fcs squad through a auappy praxtle 1nU on tre sta-' drum turf last evening and will I taper off tonight in the lst P--; 'ica aeafion of the 29 yeaon. iha Nebraska txv.L;i:g Af' is not taking- tha Iowa State game as aet ud and rlana to launch sa aerial attack atatnrt t!se Work man eleven from Atr.ea. The V-iX c,Tc. oiuuiu .-r-j Karrnaa AK.iea aj pear o nave f j,, a beating from the the on ,,ap,r. but it t-kea , "clic time bi a .-id the P.gers and , ,he conlt txt to Uociue the a for U. aiia.r wouiq ruii nn j K-Afgica in croaa coun'ry mia MUs.-uri and Oklahoma j.r. i,ut a rhauce to prove the a,i- f r'.r hnnnr. nut i 1 . . r . k ian f ho' t. tMt .mrtllratrl an.i . 'i i TV . . - U'an. letl hope that di not happen. ,, n,j Oklahoma enoh ha Wfclt awTatera are getting eo (fnsi.tfnt. team llr.ed up. at common on the Hunker camptia promjie to b ven- D.uch thrt ?wiM ba to the Ml;inririj tra-:tion abolished a ao ttnr."Mir C K.nae. ARg;ea w -I t V. iw. Ium m V j-vO at p - . . i i ' a .... a IK ' IK Win U Will piCUn.l. HIT ar.d pra. M,e .n o.. auaday aftemn moM- before the aq-iad de-, R.mdav afternoon. " ism IU it- a uiinoi, " - - - . U-Alllil J.,! u.k Tn another! ' " 'lY ! d.wll, present the firat of ... M . W. .0 . aa . a W . . .all I t. V' ial 1 Ufii l-al. fJ IVUOa .tjy.Vr.;.. Ihm.ka t.k. a heat I':.,... v:ioa eleven ai-i the Tt.era and ! 1 ,t ,toi to doc.aa the P 1 xmcti tiLi ii. uu. , .. . , run" ...-' .lis .'.-v-... . corr.ered affa.r Nebraska, tivl for on Turkey day. Kan- ma enoh have very ma llr.ed up. and they in the m. Sunday afternoon. . ttw, Pn.r ftarar Hatch mommg. in ! Mawlev. director. The muwcaiea No chnngeiiare contemplated in j n., bv tiie Memorial the lineup. The open da. lwt n(, lh. dppartn,tlt wrrk aerved to get the aquad in Cxl condition for Uio final game. mu- L-rt nnnit halfback, who , --Tr"t inturfd in the Drake game, ia j lAJlMI? .!.- I f- t ftnfdM! to be ready to atart ;ff;ea Law i.nff-.n or agitinal the Huhkri. other rood about school are. i .on cf iklahoma. and Nfbraka are the outstanding ca The type of footbal! played by for th, individual cham Six championship will be at stake tn Nebraska Cornhuskera againtt rif,Tl8h.p. The contret between the Nebraska must put the game me rvanaaa a.ggea ai mmnim;lllrM .ao-jid t ui tbo vlctorv column to retain the Saturday certainly reflected great ln)f tnf.,r i,s. ip sr (.nampionabip of the conference. credit on Dana X. Bible, the Corn- Tn. foc,tb&:i fars i. tjwi .,.t.i ivrf.ntiv hLikfr football coach.. In all the -v,,nra. n th 1 ;hat It would bo a MicceRyful sea- cmes we have aeen this year and ia for any conference eleven to some in past years, never has a al tha Cornhuf-ker! and although 1 Husker team played the heady and Towa State has not turned in a brainy type of football Nebraska r.gla conference win this season, ; played against the Aggies.. It was 'fcey 1U b on edge to keen their, nat a dumb team, neither was it ieaioa from a to.- l fiilure. Thobig.. If only the sport critic at HuVer mentor is f-grtng on a Kansas City could have aeen that hard fight from the northern ele- Scarlet team in action last week, ven and aUhout tbe Hutker will he would probably have asked n-.m aould trtr.inate dur- und the track. will have a chance to see the firt of one of the bet cro?s ccuntry met that has ever been b!d here. Finish Will Be Cose. Authorities at Nebraska laid 0Jt a w coiise this ycr. and the fasft time over this course was mm STATE SENDS HARRIERS TO MET NEIlinSKA BALL MONDAY M(;iIT tead;ine for the entrance of In tramural teams in Nebraska ball Six Cross Country Stars Comprise Ames Team at Lincoln. eicht and fr eed, the Cyclores ; a1:i b keyed to their hifhert point and after a week cf rest aiII be la good condition pSj-si-cal'.T. In thfi crlmrcaga session -gainst tha frosh. tha Iowa State aerial gama was launched Against i.V varsity to a great deal of sue-; e.s and It la on this phase of tbe jraw.a the Husker mentor will di- rct hla attention for the remain- j aer or the season, it wiu oe n recorded by Griffin. The d'min- U -Six Iowa State col- utive Nebraska covered the oountrv men will prob- rmirae in twenty-. rciButei . and . to'Uncoln to com- l'SJZTZ th. Bg Six conference Husker. for ever ...uing auch Ifi" tt Orim. M.hM.1.1 rlrarlv I . . .-i ' to Crn Bn blmpaon. . miwe it a ur- '"-' While the state team has ably be written on the book, after ft dulU roMtJ the race on day . ,hl.PVlTi honea for the champlon- Th rare will start m ta KM- " ." . iJt Vi. iatement.. Nebraska was clearly the amarter team on the field at Ahearn jtidlum and although the Kinsn Acoie eleven waa a cever ri,a n -' -' " - - ' I TIT rar t.l tlrw ill l-v- machine, they could not cope with , )uJn antj fimh between the halves inc UIUVI mtiv mi i m j w y - launched by the Comhuskers And the v this Buddy Mc- Brice poundfd and drove that AtiTie line was ;'JEt nobody's busi ness. .The former Lincoln bieh hfLrVfifld are has more or less I In the stadium unless one of the men runs too fast. F-axh B p Six achool will be represented by a team of at least six men The scoring will b? based oa the low total for five men. riJ a-aint a line driving remlated to a rserve rosition Huaker elevea that will appear be- ; during bis three years of varsity fore tha Thanksgiving crowd in ' competition and in the Oklahoma Memorial stadium Thursday. j gme he stepped in to fill the gap Th Xrbrajika souad emerred , if ft bv Clair Sloan and arein tn from the Kanaaa Aggie grama 1 n!the Afiririe t-ame. tb Lincoln flssh Ine physical condition ana wrm the exception of Elmer Grecnberg, thai lTihinf list la verv ooorlv oat- ronized. Green berg came out of , Ac-rie aerial attack and triple the Aggie game with an injured i plays. When be waa called to go assumed the role of Slona end how well be filled bis booU. XlcBnde is nil over that field for the ankle and big Jim Gilbert bas re placed Greenbenr In the Husker forward walL Indications from the office of John K. Selleck are that a large thmiirh the line or around the winy, he could alwaya be figured on for yard.'-.e. Although Mc Rrid lacks Rjoaa's art at punting and passing, he easily made up for jona iv. eeuecK are uw. a. large anj passing, ne easily maae up ior fana wtl watch the Iowa SUte-! ra lugging the pellet and playing XI,i-a.lra TiirVfV rlHV purnf. Re- i Ar.--r-rsm fc.. --' ' j j a. uciciifli fjervationa now at the office are far In advance of those for the Oklahoma game two weeks ago and the aire of the crowd will be determined by the condition of the weather. Should the good wea ther prevail that has existed this week, a crowd of from 15 to 20 thousand fans will be in the sta dium for the finale on the 1929 gridiron schedule. Reservations a.r now in for 15 thousand tick-eta. ramt Of course if we are going to mention who'a who In the Aggie game we would have to include Ray Richarda, Dutch Koater, Cap tain George Farley, Red Young, Ralph Jeffries and quite a few others who were wearing the Scar let that Saturday afternoon. There were eleven men playing the Aggie team with everything they had. It was a championship game and how well the few thousand fans in the stadium knew it was by the way the title holders of 1928 were niavina the oame.. Red Youffg carried the triple-threat role in the Musser DacKTieia ana m vmi. punts in the first quarter were one of the main sources of Nebraska playing the game in Aggie terri tory most of the time.. And now for the Iowa State eleven and one more E;g Six championship for the University of Nebraska Com huskers. The Cyclone game will probably find many new faces and new ramea in tiie Cornhufker lineup. lV,fif h Ri-hi. has wanted to see some more of his material in ac CONDUCTS BASKETBALL PAIRINGS Intramural Director Plans Tourney for Quintets From Colleges. Davjs Coffee Shops Day and Nwibt 108 M 13 Taeteg Oampni 1131 R Fountain 8emca The Big Six Championship HELPS BL'T SO DOKS Waanin? Or (trrnsii'K Car Washing A (irrasinir A. B. A. OIL COMPANY 0. A. Barber, Prop. $1.00 ."." $1.50 jl' Thanksgiving Dinner Served before and after the game. $1.00 Turkey Dinner 11:301:30 5307:30 Other Dinners f0e. Also Short Orders. CRANIO MOTTEIL ship title were raised considerably hn it became known that Fred Rot tll u-,nhomore. would be eligi ble to run. Battell ranks next to Captain Ray Put r. am as the fleet est Cyclone distance man, but In eligibility haa kept him out of con ference competition all fall. Cap- ! tain Putnam ia expected to be among the leader in the race, out will be pushed hard by Miller of Kanaaa State, Griffin of Nebraska and Dawson of Oklahoma. The men who will be taken to Nebraska are: Captain Putnam. Battell. Thompson, Howell, Gore and Roadcap. CYCLONE SWIMMERS SHAPE TITLE HOPES AMES, la. With a squad of about twenty working out three time, a week, prospects for an other championship swimming earn at Iowa State college are good. In the opinion of C. E. Dau- i hert head coach. Six letter men from the 1929 team, along m1th several newcomers who will be in th. th-v rt the flrht for varsity positions, are the chief reasons for Daubert a optimism. io rar, prac- 1 tice ha been devoted to gym work 1 in an effort to ret the athletea tn I good condition before they take to the water. The letter men who are practic ing rerularlv are: Capt. Robert Runner. Wilmette. HI.: Georre Un- ser. BernardviJJe. r. J -. i-ynn Hummel. Ames: Layson Voorbees, , l s Moines, and Maynard Smith, ; Gkoboji. Another wearer cf the Neil Chicken, Anon, uotu Preparations for the first inter college basketball tournament ever staged at the University of Ne braska were under way today, as drawings for leagues were made by Rudolph Vogeler, director of tntramural athletics. The eight teams were placed in two leagues, with the colleges of dentistry, agriculture, teachers, and arts and sciences in league one, and the collegea of business administration, law, engineering, and pharmacy, in league two. Each of the teams will play a round-robin tournament within its own Icag-ue. The champions of the two leagues will meet for the uni versity title. It is expected that the T,r'i?ram will ret under way I - o - T u soon after Thanksgiving vacation. ... v 1 ui... Cn.,H ' .... . . 1 earner. n.w r... w-- nrhooi at present out : expeciea The inter-college touniaments , k inter quarter in time to are new m uuc "") '"'" compete. year. Toe teacner. cojiec tquAu . , tor the championship of tbe firat , ; j EdHa,ion tournament, m which each of the ! . T-... r- . . eighv colleges entereu a play- j UUU v ui r-rut-riaiij ground baseball team. inter-- ... college sports competiti-.n waa Faculty and taw major, cf the started to give more students an j department of physic euueation 1 'j' 'j i.-- -I f H tSfJXU U1 hoouyh aaioci J-irtf XV0XY ' S r ci la atiDGl letics. Manatrers of tae college opportunity to participate in atb teama are: Law, Leon Sprague; Teachers. Charles Miller; Agri culture. Hansell Phipps; Engineer Jack Faimin; Arts and Sciences. Art TTajrter: Business Administra- Jonn Coach Dana X. flble, football a taking no chances on the Iowa 1 tic this year but with the tough State game Thank.g.vlng day, schedule and the injury jinx mak wrich If won will mean champion- i ing pace with the Husker- tbe ship of the B.g Six conference. The 1 Nebraska mentor baa been forced Huaker grid mentor told hi. .quad i to au LT pro- t . Jake Maaer; lamtlalrj. MMidiv that tha Cyclone, were in arid let has reserve r-ai-eruu pro- , ' ....... . .. . v., .t.iT inn rim fLCLion. the beat of condition oom mentany .t - --- -and physically after their week of ! Although the Cyclonts- have pu rest atvd could hap- I ssion of the pbi? pen in the pawing game the Cy-1 by viri ii the fact that tbe Tone, will launch '.g.inrt Huaker. Th. Iowa State eleven can va .at turned In a slnole win In'?a2 Ti. J-sdry. I. baa been , . rrmmnr. T mi M . arrir.wu VII iMmJJ . . uu ' ' ! cellar team stepped up and j v-nftclred off the conference leaders ; : i-.:t cnort r r;tic ti the . ti--r nm are col jonatcc kmi Ames, z jt adouh for women will be entertained at a folk dancing program in the wom en a gynaaium Tuesday evening, Nov. 28. Thia is a part of the physical education club program. the inference all season and to beat Nebrs.ka In the Turkey day final, would mean a sucoessrui ..a th. aYna ftlevftat. Iowa Mata haa rot beaten Nebraaka i inoa 1906 and a victory at this tint wouid aink Nebraaka'a hopea for the. champion.hip. the title going to the winner of the Sooner Tiger gama at Columbia. Verrhera of the airniTur teem in the toumament will t pven icter college medals. IWOCEVTS Ii5iLE FOR IOWA GAME -7 1u3?ntl Ftw" Lunch RECTOR'S 18 P pi. Oir tore 1 our fiitore ' great many tfcinga cn hap Thar.VeriviEC day besioes ftiEj a b.g turkey d;aner and en- - A lea .ar iutict u.u i , . - a thrLJitr TCOloau zaror. i . - - lJj ,. . r, - e- ,., ,.. .-c rrrin on the colieEe or arn- erVouMr be turned Into a tur- j cultural camp, She chc-e aa ber oj of confusinn or ft cmJd come I torte. -Tbankarlvma-. forward to anytbmg of that nature j picmeaip." baa been adapted by sxd predict Nebraska the wmner ( xyte Ineocenta society aa the battle of the game and champions of the , crv or Uae Thankiv-ng game. B.g Six for the second cons-cutrve j Cards bf-aring this slogan in flam ve&T. ing acariet were dirtnbuted 3"es- . terday and signs prorlaimir.g the WR$. HUNT ADDRESSES Y. W. I gaua. to the world will be erected; ' r:air Htrnt of LlDW-ln apoke 1 . tiv . . . r.t, mr . a&tl . . . . ., ... r-.n . . Xj ui nnmc ri. umj r. . JNeoraswa silk vuu.i unt in the turkev cav struEtse n toe Corxbuakers are to retain the B:g, Ftx chaacpjonsh.p. 1 Hear Ljle De Mos sing at the K0SMET SHOW then bear turn wrth 'Tba Collegians" Sat. Kite . HoieJ All in a day's work for telephone men A specimen of construction work in the Bell System is the new catenary span carrying telephone wires across the Gila River, Arizona. The "natural" obstacle is no longer an obstacle while there are tele phone men to f.nd a way through it or over it. Th:s is but one evample in a general ex pansion program. Others are such widely varied projects as linking New York to Atlanta by cable, erecting 200 telephone buildingsin 1 9:9, developing a 1 c,coc,ocp factor)' at Baltimore. The telephone habit is growing apace, and the Bell System will continue to keep a step ahead of the needs of the nation. BELL SYSTEM rf :!fr-r;KKrrtr 1 f . ft tut , 7 . OUR PIONEERING K O K H A S JUST BEG U N ' I