i nU'R rnY. oTMiun ?t. ,o;o. Till DMI.Y M:ilKSK ! mm com in MIOlAl MATCH Four Teams, Named After Schools, Hold Shoot; California Wins. SUNOEEN TAKES HONORS Second round of shoulder to sn.niwer maun nm firing was arid Thursday evening on lb ranae ta A mire we hall, f our Uinu composed of those trying oul for ins varsity wain, competed aiatnat ta'h other. Only on complete inraM in. The "Califor nia inn turned In acora of JO" a 2UOU, Ilia lea ma are. composed of flva mm each and ara named after I ha van-ma acl. H.la having rifle teams. Tha "California" team waa cap tailed by Gla.la UnJ.rman of Grand Island. Tha -'Kanaaa" unl-T-raity tram, which mada tha hiarb erore on tha flrat night of tha com petition U atlll leading with a arora of livn. Tha "Hamper" taara waa expected to win tha second round but provad a disappointment to tha Interested apactalora. Fred Hundeen. letter man of laat y.'sr. and captain of tha "Wash ington" squad mada tha niftiest In dividual acora of 369 x itKi. ThU waa Hundeens flrat fum of tha season. J. Paul Yocum. a aopho mora and a new ' man thla year, tuned In tha eecond htf heat score of the evenine. Ilia acore of S w aa unuaual considering hla tnes- penence. eccordinf to Serjeant IcGlmsey. Morrill Flood, captain of tha -Kemper" team and laat year let ter man wma expected to b hla:b man. but dropped to third place wita Sol. Tha "New York atork e change" team acora waa completed haulm J5D1 pulling Ihem In third place. Tha four remaining teama will flra Tueaday evening with Wok Koaaek'a "University of Mis souri Tigere" doped to win by Ser geant HcUlmeey. RUSXZRS KP BIO SIX RECORD CLEAN (Continued from Page One I acooped It up and returned It 10 yards. Tha flrat play of tha af ternoon waa a punt with Red Young and a strong: northern wind on tha kicking and. Ilia punt aalled to the Aggie 15 yard line and tha Purple eleven took up Ita offen aiva play with no decided gain at hitting Nebraska's line ao Cronklte runted out againat the wind, the ball going to hla own S3 yard line, la three playa Nebraska rolled up a total of tw-enty-nlne yards with Young. Farley and McBride lug fins !Met. Makes Spectacular Play. McBrlde's 20 yard dath waa tha first spectacular play of the after. Boon and was followed by numer ua other plays by the former Lincoln Jblh - backX leld ace. In ty& more plays Nebraska had Its -second first down and the Hunkers la flrat downa. Nebraska lav! rolled up three while tha Aggira ware unable I i acore una. In yardage tha Musters oul yarded ibair Kanaaa nval four lo una. Agglee Came tack In the second half, the few thmiaand fmithall (ana who watched the title clash saw the, The duHoorasrd ctl turned and Aggie eleven come beck ailh a'H, delmledlv back. Mhe V. A. A. JNTR AM URALS Ten puis were lmg in Ihs alley powerful and ei-e taculer aerial game and roll all Ita flrat downs, tnit of 2i pasara tha Aggies com pleted 10 for let yaitia and f-- braved a Blah, picked up an b- jet I from tltr ground and once mora turned to eye the puia with a growing align if only aha oul. I nrsi u-iwna uia Aggies gaine.1 (r ,,. j.i ona. H.iddrnly oht while Nebraska gamed but a. , hurled the object In hrr hand at I Tha Nebraka game completed th pine Hurray! Her about split I the Kanaaa Ml ate eleven's Hig his the cviling. tHia up! And It l.n t , comtuion while lZ.e l.'unkera will i a golf linka either. Hie bad meet the low a Ktate t'yclonea in knm-ked d-mn all but one of the kleni.-nal aladlum at iJncoln i' r ) pma Uow lm in a great game tha final game of the eeaaon and for marble wrU and it la ni tha deciding game of the confer- mored that women aie more prom inent at the art thnn mm Here's Kuu.t "" v,M,r chance, glrln, to get Into training and ahow these men up. T...i Howling will start immediately miri tin- imiiHaEiviiijt vaiatii-n, so If you've ever played marhlrs or wielded the rolling pin thia Is your big chance. IWauae of ecrlve caauullies and the recent anowfall. snerdtall nnt...i. h..i im- etn, boen Indefinitely discontinued. lo the numlxf of ninety-fmir. whuh la yvl large erwrngh lo or gamia a national guard. Klliul-iialii-ns are coivlmuing to be elim inated and sooner or later the girls rule tram may be rhoarn. The padule leunia ttHiinamrnt is l-ell l; hri.1 thla week also and aa moat of vou don't Iwlieve In yint will lie tallrd atoMit the Uale you ara scheduled to play. k m:i i n rn.M)s c ity (;ovi:irMi:.vr m:(;i i: .Mi:i:ri.N(;s hmak - (kjiKamt ... J r rite , . , . , Itfkftawloim lUkilf .. U Ht4m . . r h Vung (to . NeXrk A . . . Ma ilii tilt ... t rwikit . . T-- f , M fcfnin Niru UiMiirir H'xtkD. flr4 Pr. 1. M Knrirr of the drprt. niriit of Mhtit'al iM-irnr aVJi in ftttvnttam e At I ho eaum of th NatUinnl MunuiAl IrAffii In Oil rK' rrk ltrprri?nts(ivra of Anirnran roltrya anil univer pilln ml uy offuula rom,He4 th lf kuut hm to the mvnu nwl. IHK 4vrrnmrnt of mrlnplitn rtunmunit irt. thr re Ultoiuihip of the nty nt) rounty And th po ihtluy of rlly-rminty ctinmilt tint Inn rr th muin topli a dt cuiuti at this year mertlnf. A K A ft I to A c 0 rt1 lint niaka Kirt na fnaffn Mniiy i rw o of txv ftrl K A A ' i. N- AST tain lr pm . K A (' S. tffni mri paM K A A atimf!M n. rati'll4 0 for IM Ma. Nffunka atle'ntptsMt 7. rtanip eft1 J fr 17 ri1 ntaYaM4. H K. H A l I b Nrk.a t PAimot K A A t IV. .NM'tatavA 4 lumMM rcord K A A. t 3 Ni raa 4. hinia k A A ivrt( itf S varrta aru an ivtru of t nit A vrca runt., a f rum. K A. C M am. Nrr)ia mn Total arda itwi from vnmm tmn toiiKiin( r-iinsj afir p'- K. A A 1. 1" yard. Nhrha Il anr1 Utektt. K to A T 4 ff 10 rvli N'rhraikA nono f,r nn )ar1g I'Mia.ttM K A A a for 40 anla Khrtaa a M -aria arvi trmt fnm eXTirnmaft: K. A A C 13. NH,raska lu. Tim nut K A A O 3. Sbrmaka K.-ortrij tmKfMitiwna K A A. C , XI c Mi i ' in Nriraaaa ourtg Hartia Hnr an4 I'ninhttt isint anr touchnovm. k A A 0 .. Nebrmaaa it. r.N(;ii:i:K c;im:s TALK TO mi:ihi:hs OF AC, SOCIKTV Ihs Kelly Well company Ve.tnea. day evening brfore the Antertan Hoclaty uf . Agricultural Kn ginaera. Itia organisation AH for supper at the agricultural en gineering bunding, followed by the regular meeting. Mr. fVnitiam waa formerly city engineer at tirand liland Kolloming the talk, plana for miser to be held the second week end In le-eitiijer at the etudeut activitiea building were diacuued ,(; LNsnu croK is m:li:ch:i) to jmm;k comlst J. K. lwten-e. aaalatant direc tor of lha agricultural eatenst-a aervlce. will be In rharce uf the reremonlea at the Amines a Itoyal Uveet-Hk show In Kanaaa tlty when the light and heavy team contest for the pulling champion hiii. The show atari! Nov. II ami will be continued until hatur day. . ! Itobln Hpem-e of Unroln. who graduated from the College of agn- culture laid year, will assist in meaaunng the strength of the horses entered In the contest in , oel-r to determine tha winners Itie aame ma-nine will be ud at the atate fair in Lincoln, for meaa. Kanaaa t'lty. whwh waa used at unng lha trama 'anility to pull. Aulttirii l)rii"j(ia (ihra Joiininla lo l'iiirrailv mataa teat IM volumea are in-when Ibey meet in their regular ...... i ....... T. b.iiin. ! univentil f U ' A. rvuricil unavailable at the -rernl lime, will be la.-l In the pharmacy li brary. V TLNS IHKMIMK dim :iio i.uoi rs tVe.tnes.tay jnghl. ' Th mredi.g -nil atart at 7 o clock. lacUMion will le led by t. I Hayea . M. C. A. sa. relary. and ;ay Kamaay. Agnculture college Irrsknirn will dix uu tha pur-j-ea and Bin . . .. i..... i i k . . Tha university la the recipient; I II l .1 "III ' ' ' r" l"' " ' " of K H. lort. pioneer AulNirn ; rampua of the university win me-iwiu .! - druggist, who baa retue.1 front ua the aulijetl, buinrss. IH. It. A. l.yman. deaa of the college of pharmacy, estl- Are We H-nr.t ' downtown meeting Rent Cars We tic cars of all make ami ili-MTiptiotta for renting to stti.tVtiia W't rni cn I rraountible prict lSc u at oner. Arcade Garage 1011 N Sl Phone B1C47 The feminine population of tha achoo) was in danger of being wiped out If thla dainty game con tinued on elippcry tiri-ls. Ne- brankalMtll has been elected to re- A talk on wells, and a detailed place apee-lball. Thla la a bit more . diacuxtion of tha manners of con tame, but still good exercise. It I struct Ion and raueea for failures played Indoors so that ctiMstire to 1 were given bv K. W. Hennison of pneumonia is less likely, though -- - - there la still danger of broken nones. But be brnve. It Isn't so bad: Hall games will also begin after Thanksgiving vacation. Tad-lie tennis and rifling are still stniggling alons. The shnrn- n f..r j:j r.r-n. an j sh-Miters have been narrowed down i NtttraaMfc. 1 1 f.if 4 J 'i I First State Bank Checking and Baring? . Account! The Bank of Personal Service Sharp Bldg., Lincoln Davis Coffee Shops Day and Night 108 N. 13 Facing Carapm 1131 R Fountain Service , j The cost to replace the chimney of the I'nlversity of ebnuka hos pital in Omaha la estimated at I7..VX). It was strurk by lightning In the early part of July. CLASS! Fl EO ADS. FOR AAl-K: 13?. V tuinlo. altt 38. sllrM' worn. 113 M. A 4M BLACK A NO AILVKR Watirman ffTloat, pmhaM v nrar Tmpt trutklirii Ktward. lrtn Aheiid. B.1.MI7. f-OKT- Delta AiBma V pia,""Findff 'call Bvrnarr U'Uaon. K43M LeOT: Whdt ford iriAn'i wrut watch. wi'J, whita rord atrap Fit; in with cinjai'ar mnnofnm of inita.a E N. T rata. Reward. Phona F4to21 or RlAt 1. CT: Pal Phi pin, plain yellow filf with Mark center. It fh haaemeni cf , Amtrewa hall. Ftncler rail B31to. Reward. , AFTFR ALL IU a Tnvmaeod photrag raph ' you want. OF roi'RAK yor photoaraph from Hauck'a Atudva wilt piaaaa. 1 Do Not Forget Book are Friends and Companions, Not Merely Required Reading Form the habit of stopping at The Prairie Schooner Book Shop 122 N. 12th Paul Alcorn VOU AMC WILCOMl TO inOWII AS L0NO AS YOU WISH Nobody's jjoincj lo cheer if you dio for your ilcur 41m a Mnlvr at'li-r kliivcring. i'n in. 1 1 1 rt 1 1 itli -iu u nioiiia thru the tssar rnlly IVi.ljsy it uoiil-1 be a Iiti that wmilil fg tiiiKiing'' Hut ihr ht-ro uhom firv sinf tthoul uvurt The Rally Hat I f., if . a i 5 bucks ffordiii Doing justice to one's legs itli the very finest of hosiery i nt the e travaganc it might have Ixrn a hile ago. For now, even the most delicate stockings can be worn oitli the assurance that if they run they can leiiaiie whole again on the marvelous Knithac machine. Small rrpairt 24, Other in proportion KNITBAC Ilosicry Service Department !Aidrte,c0iPizci Co A were well on their way to a touchdown when Farley fumbled with Tackwell recovering- for the rg1ea on hla owu 10 yard line. Swarts lost five yards at an at tempted drive through the Corn husker line and Cronklte droiiDed back behind hi goal line to punt when the Huaker forward wall caved In on him to down him for a safety and the first score of the j afternoon. 1 Young Punts. After an attempted drive through the Aggie line Young again punted to the Wildcat 15-1 yard line with no return. McBride i recovered an Aggie fumble on the twenty yard line and the way for j the first Husker touchdown waa , open. McBride made mx yards on tjh first play and made It first and en on the next play. Farley added one yard and Red Young crashed through the Aggie team for the touchdown which brought the acora 8 to 6. Tbe first half ended with Ne braska completely outplaying and outdancing the McJWlin- eleven. Eat at the Sadden Service Sandwich Shop A Club Breakfast for M 230 South 14th Ph B788 "Your Drug; Store" F"iMhr m for WMttman Cand ies anl Lur.--heonelle Serrloa. The Owl Pharmacy Phens B'Ofx; . 14th A P. LEARN TO DANCE Guarantee to teach you in six private lessons. CLASSES EVERY MOOAY AND WEDNESDAY Private lessoiu morning, after noon and evening. Call for Appointment Two instructors students of university, both gentleman and lady. MRS. LUELLA WILLIAMS Private Studio Phone B4258 1220 D St. j Ouarnsttanraais I I CireBlnirDg Cajirdlsf f a 2 g lor our Christmas Card stock this year we have selected cards w J with that "something different" sppeal Exclusive designs just ! g a little more artistic and unique. B J You may buy any quantity - with name engraved, printed, process j engraved or black -as you choose. May we show them to you? j s I I Graves Printing Company jj S Three Doors South of Uni. Temple. J5 312 North 12th St. Thone B-2957 g ...AFTER THE CAME Y-m'll !vavfi find m mijnial rrr.d at IWJtt. Tb friemdly .ntf ntrir Jth personal Borvicc vjvg oiiri("ji luncocs ana fmuiLi DEwrrrs M. W. rEWITT. Prop. Bucreuioni to Fillers Phannary lsih and n B44M Nebraska Wins 10 to 6 So Does the VCV11 Appearing C'Oilt-gL- Man Come to LIBERTY BARBERS For rMI Work. TG-flA.T VOU ivaoTfum.' 1 This is Helen . . . Oh. we're all well . . . Just thought I'd call and tell you that we'll be over for Thanksgiving . . . Yes, we are planning on driving . . .Bob says the roads are good and you know Mother it only takes three hours . . The kiddies are just dying to see you all . . . Yes, we'll be there early. . . Edith and Tom are coming? . . . Isn't that fine that they can spend Thanksgiving with us. . . If 3'ou want me to bring anything call me. you know our number, F6254. ... All right, g'by. Mother. . . Love to dad." sif that lotiff dittaixe cal (Out only u Ictc emit. Vte ihr telephone t keep in touch Vfth the or& onet ot HOME Lincoln Telephone A Telegraph Company "A Nebraska Comoany i Tl Servinj kf People" WeCivo Ifoull 6nioyShopptoq at. 1 a - ' . - : - " Corner Bltb and O Streets Features- All Through the Store! itep- Di Formerly 39.50-49.50 Also All I'eh'ft Drvtscn Formerly 25.00 I pwards Certainly it is a highly unusual opportunity when you can purchase liigli tjpc Dtckk.'k of such smart fashion at so marked a reduction and right at the height I of lh: M-ason, too! Sizes 14 to '44. All of our 39.50 and 49 50 Dreases are included at thla reduction Satins, Crepes. Velvets- also all of our usual 26.00 Velvet Frocks! Kvery one n"s an individual style touch and mark of quality that will make It always in good taste and good style. COLD'S Third Floor V ! Unusual Qroup of New WINTER DRESSES sfl 7 i Off Regular Prices Sizes 14 to 46 and 14i3 to 6i2 Bfrt h rru lar and hal f ! Tpa for rimn end tnlnatMi' And to our already vaat IiaiiUUiis at this low prira hav aila many ftev arrival -also many Xrean Utnn rKir hiKher-pricd atorka, brln- you al umi in-quaJi In a lonif, lone time' A r rnarkatfle ranga of colon, material and Piyla dovrm and dtztm of raptlratlnf Winter ttrnm to rhooa from and all of fered at thia one low nnoe GOLD'S Third Floor Fur-Trimmed Coats and Sports Chats of Fashion & Beauty Coats of superb smartness and beauty vet only $25! We know 3 .'!pP1 rtle. Beautifully lined - - Tin I'riM in ininv f nr trr-u t 6 i nr At them to be the best values we have yet offered at this modest price will you not come in and see what resily marvelous Coats you can buy at this time ef tha season for 125' Thers are Coats of rich Broadcloths, in black, lu. brown, etc.. with collars, ruffs and trimming of beautiful furs. And Sport Coats of tha wanted CunellaJn and other new fabrics. There are straJchtllM models, flared, circular afclrt effects. Coata showtns; every aw ;- trend aad every lata faahloa touch. All slsee. 14 to K. GOLD'S Thiol Floor NEW CtAJvrS of Fine French hid S'o ensemble is complete without a pair of Gloves of harmonizing color. Here you will find unusually lever styles in ellpon and cuff styles of fir f Mr French Kid and Cape. At VaV? Kayger Lined Silk Cloven A host of prettily designed Gloves in tbe smart cuff styles will be found in this lot. With contrasting shade m aaa trim, and lined for warmth. At Xa4 SMART BAGS For Every Occasion The season's cleverest effects are .-vi- denced in this group of Hand Bags and Purses. lA pouch, back strap, envr Iod NEW SPORT SCARFS 4UHf 3 of Vnique Dei(n g fi s. 5 Br'P'U colorful Sports Scari. A-er f wv (j square and oblong styles and are fea- f I I J t'Jred at this low price. Fascinat- j rs r J ng hand blocked designs at... , laS J;