S vnw. N t MHI R '.H, !):" THE DULY MIlRVSk ii i :: r t; FRENCH CLUB PLANS OF ohllgato, by lUmlJ Hollmgsworth. Itoogat de Ijale's "La Mareail laise." iun by (h chorus and audience. The accompanists will be Maaine lllark and Mary Alice Hall. Violin ohligatoa will h played ly lucle Aura. Kvrryone Intrrrsted n niuair t pailu ulailv Krrm h music I I Invited. The complete hrdule of Mlii- lentaming orn meetings will (he puhliahed til later date. Thi ptogram: Unef hiatoiy of leaily tn-nth niuaic, group of hie , folk songs; Umiis (ianne. "Uinh ' Uuiainr ' lv Wavne t'lmeliind' Ouperin "llui U.tna XIII" by BIZAD STUDENTS ny rrrn lUi nmond Mate; llalm iHugo. "Si mca im avaient det jailer." Hjiikii itliamaon. Mas I arnnit, "Mcgta"- Music from "l.es I Ki innyes " Viola Cuirv. leita IVnle Mamais. oignnmntton of iLlkrs. Velma Likes rfcn.h students, la sponsoring a , Kaint-Haens. "I Cygne" 'V l.u musical recllnl In Iw presented hyjule Aura; MrnilxMg. "II Nrl, lh pupils of Mary llnll Thomas aa I an. I CimiiuvJ Hugos 'Kerens. le. First Hour's Program Will Take Place in Temple Tuesday Night. the fit at of a series of prog i ants open to the general public, at the Temple Ihratrr at a 1. 1. 1 lo k. Tuesday, Nov. -6 The program till last approximately an hour. with violin ohligato liv Viola Curry: Meyerbeer, -jra lingua noia by Alvin Grelner; Mitnon, "Hl ne groyait pas" ami lilnnl i Heneuse de J.icrlyn." with violin Big Thanksgiving Week Program STOALRT A. ft 6 Ak A 1 leri- Nrtvrr ALL TALKING riCTURE ON THE STAGE COME MEET "BURT" A PleaRJint Surprise f.r Vcu. ETHEL PARKER FRED BABB with their PHILIPPINE SEXTETTE. In "Bit of Personality" OSCAR A JOE MARTIN The Ai-CO Mimical Buffoon" The College Muncil Comedy Riot! Th fmft rtd funnit-rt com dy that hftt comt to th Tdtfcin-i, S nng, Dancing fccfwnl Sn.i? v O"0 tv -tft 1 Fr ca rd, hirih-Jinkt, foot bStM I 't i r.il! SO THIS ES COLLEGE Fl I IOTT NUC.tNT ROBERT WONTf.OMERY CLIFF EDWARDS SALLY STARR HEAR THEF SONG HITS CAMPUS CAPERS I DON'T WANT YOUR KISSES (If I Can't Havt Veur Love) UNTIL THE END SOPHOMORE PROM COLLEGE DAYS 1! THE ALL TALKING LAUGH SENSATION .V V- i ' a4ati LAUGHS! LAUGHS! IT'S A PANIC! Reported "dead", these three merry adven turers aoon convinced London they were very much alive! They'll have you laugh ing till your sides ache. It h in ' 2fi f B UuudUm L gem Baaed on the Stage Succese THREE LIVE CHOSTS" by Frederick S. leham Poitively the funniest and most appealing of all dramatic farces. You'll fall In love with each "live ghost" three times over! A. 7 Jp ajBasjsajaaaeapsWWte - II i W7 J. I THIS WEEK QRPHEUf.l THIS WEEK Shows 1-S-S-7-9. Mat. 35. Eve. 50. Holiday Watlnee Night Prlcea Child. 10. ATTEND ANNUAL COLLEGE DINNER (tVntlnueJ from I'ajt tni Iwr of tha nillrja faculty, tver ln- tha rolleaa aa eataliiahnl. Ciiani-ellor K. A. Putnrlt. w. pimenl and av short talk at tha rloaa of tha program. I'nU que menu rartta wera ma.le by t'alherma Itmwn. chairman of tha program commute. Taksnffe war prtnlM on tha ranis con rem me vatlmia m.vhtra of tha faculty ant on tha students of Ins rolled. A humorous account o( IVan IRoaaiRnitl'a trip on Armla lira Jay, to Kanaaa. avhera ha par tlclpatPti In a ihfM tournament, waa printed on tha manua. Musi ral antertalnmant was provided by Ionthv Kturn, who whistled sev eral aalectiima. Mia Hturn waa ar rompanled on tha piano by Neva Neeley. Tha dinner waa xmmred by the organisations of t college of btinlneas admlninttatlon tnrludinK !hl Chi The! a. I Wit a Hlgma in. Alpha Kappa Pal. tiirls' I'ommer. rial cluh, and Men'a Commercial club tieorii Holt waa chairman of the committee In charge. He waa assisted by Cat henna Rrown ml (Ilea Relchenbach. Corn (Aiba, atated that tha Col war by no mrana tha Insiifaloia or tncouragera of tlaaa Interrup tion. Homa memliera of tha faculty wars reported aa favoring Imme diate aiippraaalnn of tha oiHuurat with tha aid of police and (ire departments. Allotted to run Its rotirae. however, tha vluleme sub sided by Friday noon. Rhedta Talks. "Choppy" Hhnilea, f realm. an foot ha I coach, who baa been aa elating the Iniimente and Com Coha with the raising of spirit, made a tour of fraternity hoiieea Miday during lunch In regard to attidrnt toniluit of that morning. "We Baked for spirit state,) Rhodes, "but we want clean spirit rnmuragement of your football team tinea not necessitate vlo. lence. Better tone It down this afternoon." onfire Rally Held ( A ttonftre rally waa held on tha drill field fYlday evening at T o'clock. Pexpite cold weather crowd of students waa present at thla affair. One of the largest fires In recent (Vrnhuaker rally history waa the center of aitivi Ilea. Throughout the day, raids upon clauses were noticeably without leadership "Fight. Nehiaaka. right." and 'Iteat the Agcies." supplemented by "No More Clar es," were the theme songs of the day . Freshmen Nay Brave Harsh Winter Gales to Obtain Tickets for Iievue Ktifiitift riiist (.rmltistlfa Are Cmihihu VUilorn SPIRIT BREAKS VP FRIDAY CLASSES (Continued, from Page Onel such pranka aa breaking tip class es were earned on... the athletic department had no hand In this, although It did want to stir up spirit for the game." Day Makes Statement Stanley Pay, president of the VTorltl lruo I Tonic Of OMfallirr'a Talk Kalia! Ksirs! Ilia News KTealiman a sat a fiosen off while waiting in line to buy revue lick eta. Kstreme could causes eara to drop off in front of Uberty tha ler. IVople hi lug lunch and stand In front of tha boa olflie for hours in futile attempt to iret tu keta for show. Tickets at a premium. Mow reputed best In years." These are not the notes of he- clnnins hradline writer. It la en- lcclrd by Kosmet Klub, however, that If the extreme cold rontlnura, something such aa that pictured above might really happen. For several fintemitlea have already Indicated their Intention of sending freshmen down to buy tickets for the Koamrt Thanksgiving Morning revue when they are placed on sale Tuesday morning. The club expects a full house at Its morning revue and this la one ahow which deserves one If any ever did. A large cast from the various fraternities, aororltlea anil! other oiganlattlona on the campus has been enlisted to furnish a pro-1 gram of diversified enteitainmsnt neertng during th Kveryona la vurlous to know who! rltl,,: Ltnrolu VlMlora at the college of nin ths past week III- Jones, 'a1!!. WHO Is wild the Nrbiaaka department of public works, and James W. Jalloay, '27. who has accepted poaithai aa cxi.tructl.o engine' for the H. C. Greening W Ire conn pny. at Hamilton. Ontario, Canada. the Nebraska sweetheart la but the only way to find out la to at tend the revue, tthe'll be preM-nted In the grand fin -vie of the show In a court svene which would rital that of King Geoige hlmaelf. Not only will aha tie presented In the show, rrowned aa princess, allowed to preside aa queen of the court next year and have a full page pic tnre of herself In the Cornhusker but she will also be given national pulilu-ily. Kastero newspanera and magatlnea have made arrange mrnta to rarry her picture and an article about her. We don't know whn llbetbe sweetheart but we're betting on several. All participant and spectators are urged to get to bed early Wed nesday night aince dark circles un der the eyes are not Inherited. A big show followed bv a big game In the afternoon should be enough to keep any Cornhuskrr away from Aunt Kmmy'a turkey and cran- - - i nerry sauce Second Quarter Classes Begin Monday, Nov. 25 New rlassee will be organized In all departments BOTH DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS Tism bow fo business poaltloc.e H al I ,i, Call or ante unlimited nfp"rtutiltie Lincoln School of Commerce PAH 8t. Lincoln. Nebr TKSTS INDICATi: FA I LTV HK.l)l(; Cl SKS FA I LI RES Ir. C. It. Oldfather, chuuman of the department of history, will talk on world aflaira ami world peace at the Ves,er service. The meeting will be held Tuesday at A o'clock In F.llrn Smith hnll.'Bere nlece Hoffman will lead the dis cussion. A program of special mu sic will fr.llm- RENT CARS Model " rXirds. Chevrolet aitaa and fours and Reo Wolwrlnes asd "lying Clouds. Special (JlvvnjM on Chevrolet t ti Under cars snd Keo Woltsnr.ss. Kesercatlons neld until J p. m. rims cliarxs (mains at I p. iu. Plenty of ears st sll tlmss. Ws trill spprerlste vour bualnssa Motor Out Company 1120 P Street Always Open Any Time of the Dj Is a Good Tine in the Day tor Good Eats MOP A 1 THK University Candy Kitchen 244 No. 13th B-7M3 The teachers college high school Is making an attempt to attack the problem of reading as a cause of college failures, by giving high school students a number of standardized reading testa during the year. In recent studies, college failures have been found to be caused to a great extent by the lark of readme ability of the student. This year the tests are being given to" de termine the impils' general read- I IHK inn, iu , t: i,pimr,i , uing- 1 nostic tests to discover individual needs. According to Pr. W. H. Morton principal of the teachera college high school, the preliminary tests, In both speed and comprehension. show that the scores in each of the four high school grades range from that of fourth grade amlitv to that of the best, for high school aenlors. The Davis School Service Kor Years Nebraska's Icadiui; Teacliem' AeTfiiot Catabiishtd '' MS Sluait Blda , Lincoln. P-(tM ir'nrnwrljr 13s No. 13th St. I New Lincoln Delicatessen Our Address 1439 "0" St. Open Till Midnight and Sundays Everything for the picnic, Dutch lunch and wiener rot We make up all kindj of rondwichei and lunches. Where All Students Meet D5585 We Deliver 1) HOTEL CORNHUSKER LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Price Reductions Coats Dresses- Continued On Sport Millinery. Also Our of Dainty Monuay Special Lingerie. KKZKirS ARTICLE ON CIIl RCII FORMS DISCI SSIO.N TOPIC Phi T.tu Theta. Methodist fra ternity, will hold Its regular meet- I ing Tuesday night at 7 o'clock in : the Wesley foundation parsonage. Bernard Malcolm is in charge of j the program, which will consist j largely of the discussion of "What . Does the Church Mean to the Stu- , dent of Tiav." The viewpoint of Munro Kezer I In his es.av on, "Youth Ixioks at ' I the Church," will be especially I considered. Dr. IVsn Leland, Pres- b1erian student pastor, liev. W. C Fawell. Methodist student pas tor, nnd C. D. Hayes, secretary of the university V. M. C A. will be present at the meeting'. , WASIIBFRX WRITES MAGAZINE ARTICLE Big Thanksgiving Week Program Spectacular! Lavish! Dramatic! Amazing.' "You married me. when you thought you would never ee me again now claim you . . . I have come t .,-fV tW"r I, ll J ' 1AA)Pi Cecil B. De Mille's first TALKING picture H M o1 by Jeanie MacPhemon with CONRAD NAGEL KAY JOHNSON CHARLES BICRTORD ' JULIA FA YE A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ALL TALKING Picture A TALKING Picture of gaiety, aplendor, women, wine, blended with spectaou lar drama only De Mille can produce! J ' Cpubiix J Now Now yusSeUg HOLIDAY MATINEE NIGHT PRICES. SHOWS 1.S-7-" CVE. CHIL. .35 .50 .18 "The Kxiatence of Potassium Alum in the Surface Layer of Aqueous Solutions," is the title of an article in the November issue of the Journal of Physical Chemis try, which has been written by Dr. K. K. W ashburn, assistant profes sor of chemistry. ALEXIS AND PEEILEK WORK ON TEXTBOOK Dr. J. K. Alexis, professor of ro mance languages, and W . K. Pfei ler of the department of Germanic languages, are preparing an ele mentary German reader which they hope to have available for textbook use by the beginning of ! the next college year. Dr. Reynolds Write In Historical Review I V-rt.l, rit-l Jluillll Ul LUC 01!UIU l I I niioiogicai ana Historical Keview j contains an article written by Dr. J R. L. Reynolds of the department of history on "The Market for I Northern Textiles in Genoa, 1179- liOO." Dr. Reynolds prepared this I article during a year's research at the University of Ghent. SPECIAL PRE-H0LIDAY y2 PRICE 1 SALE 72 On a Wide Assortment of Christmas Gifts Smoking Sets. Asl Atomizers. Trays, Photo Frames, Cut Glass, Silverware, Book Ends, Door Stops and MANY OTHERS. THIS WEEK TUCKER-SKEAH 1125 0 St. had C mfct ft Mm Mkatw I lUr Whenever Youth gets together Be it Youth in Years or Youth in Spirit You will find smartly dressed men and young men wearing HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX OVERCOATS Single and double-breasted coats - - fitted coats - -university coats - - great coats in Dark Blur and Grey AND High Pile Camel-Hair Coats $65 to SmSmwu&SonS- FORMERLY ARMSTRONG S