5 t ? f two THE I) MI.Y NFltKK VN The Daily Ncbraskan TViST NINTH VCAM tUUio! tvr) euonui dant the ai0init yea iia (u c(4tu u riua) Muoaa. 4 0un&4 U4 ttnuui rtuUu (MnuO of ta .duartai of fu- L airUj HaU i. Stat A vjf rw L aivr-i) ruui m. Talstitiona IMitirnal IMaVl 1 1 out f.t) kJ c&c im aa tot Uauy .swfcm uniicauaa bidi parual oaairea Aru I p oa can jr HMI (Uncoia Journal I and u for .SbrAax Cnlarad s mcooJ claas atauar at tM puatfca ia Uaoua, Ntb. unoai act cuefraaa. atarva I. 17. tod at apcij rata ol provvjJ lot ia mum UOJ, tdttuctl 1U. auiaonaa Jaa U2A ptr; 11 26 par aWtaacnpuoa rata. I J par Ur; M copy ft onta CLIFF IANOAHI CDlT0J NMlt . tOilNkH MANAUkH ... rllrJ. uuiurn.u. -kUaV ! I" " j lateral by .iu.!rul. aa lJ' f One f the ili!iiUUi. I - Nt "' the iLing U iUipraitUal un..rkl.ir. l n ( iKir.V ifoii.ir k!ui.ir aiuoothly im.w, a H M)' . . . i !.. . .... t.. I tlit itrcM r n.eut. of o.un. tbat a ut i.r.riii.fc 1,4.1 l.u chV.fc' frt.ni the muj..nt ri. il.r irriiup tii iii "j'fr." tu. .iri..v .. -v. iLai' ut lU wun' i,,.t ..f Il.r ,.j...Oi..t.. Tl..rr. a....il..r tfi-..nj' riifag i" ' : Tl'- r-ri'" ar r r-" e ",rillv Mu' r ..i .1 . .. . -t-.i-t. i f f. .iTli.il.. ol ti ... I. ...i .1... .Ir.. in. Itir p. .ill I lit' - i ,i...tl r..fc'tiiimil -f !"- ' " '' "'r,,j'1 hr f.'.ll.u.: -rii.-n in il.r mwii-Wm : -N-H' in in Hm. M.rn.Jiii.-r.l 1.H iiiru.-1 1i.nr miv fcMi.rnt ..f ih ricit t. M- .Wn.l.-i.f Vi.n.li.Ut.-. T. i l.-l thai h fiiu.S ..r.f..rtii t. ru'.- rr-ulati-i. tiu.lf-tii ..nnril JT..O.I.- .v fniiiiv -tirtinn " An ..r.rit. unlt n-tan-l. rl..M..n.f ! nuiii'iii.M--ii'Mif nm.v -I" : liUi--. 'f a. I,,...! ..f t Il-f H liH- ."ln- PROMINENT ATTORNEY SPEAKS AT I UNCHEON COMMA SPKAKS at mf.i:ti' in - Tin Rn w. otrronru si. iv i k j.mutH f.r th ComhuakiT'i all w,, ftaaa fr lb JrZ." 4i -kit AU laU ur, ,f NtrM.a .po. thf I arm Mon4.. Bk,r. a- -aa Tbt JUia:.o i Crta a ts.au w-J Sur to TALKS ON WORLD PEACE -D'VBua,r.. lfc. ,.t).uai - - ... ... r ..p..!:tior.a ir.ai iai- iTJitif aut ar Guy C. Chambers Addresses World Forum Croup in Ncbraskan Hotel. 14 1 (- I IUI 0 aanf 'ata tVoitoc Jc)c Ayr ataaaau k-a.lur-i.ua Ud rwM rrra txntora Uuftajo caiaoa rA.orri nuiy WtUiaja aicOry. U((M VcK.m tlaxxjt Mail M porta KCitor Jata tiaott 0tniuua Extort, ltaia l,'lottuL,'! CjT'a DoaaM r atka Lv4 Kaunas W Uliam aicOry. IZsntt f kov. Aiaa Wu:iata uana tuff AaalatASt Boaneaa Mr.afra-Urfy Jafa. Rrfcn H. Lax Trwr Representation. rV.rr lim. a... af'.r lU firt m-iii.-'.t hai Un fc-!.J. Th l-ir Ne.r,.L:... .ai.w cot miih a i.r.rrm t"T ii.ij.r..w i,,. i.i ..f rallM -dirTT" i-lni. "r,,,,n i.ao.M rarr.V !--ti"' TK "nv ta rr mi-n-U mnM. at tkm " fir. ivara n oj-i-rtoniti tln k Um .ver. ... KoTTint m.rg il, pn N4.ra-an .n.j-riii.l r.-prv-ii '""' 1 plan. u..t orijrir.al rnitb thi s"-1". '"' " r.-i.lt f.f cv.nrft.tratl n.! : pn 'f ani.ient ctv.uthJ.-1 in s.!vn-1 i-Iiti.-al M ienr. coopM miih iroe lnW!' ' fair on NVI.raaV rarrj.u. A -mp'"-4-riptiAii '.f lh pr.j-t P5- ' l,T-ir ..m. and air.r itat Tim Th rna"-r l.a. l-n I,, britf.'tb pJ ia rlfPi,I C.- q rf -.tiiatin m tr. fiu.ln.t -m ! ' ' frtiBlW rtina, inrlr..iT,S L.-i.tr-lhrw fralMTitw; TfUr, incn.ng v- f .i-niiTi; nl tb t.arU. in:uiii.t' " ,..i,n not conr)MH with nv U-ek M' t tan;ition. . tbe y.TiEfil i ti'.w n.a tip. n .-.j-nir ,.f cats are bM v uij"riij Tl. ,.r.tnt itTjati xn Nt ninml up in ,1, r,rda .f lb. ftriciTHior of lb- plan. 1h. .i at tbe Uat mwiirig .f ib- p.titi.iti? t-.y: The atudent cv.uii-ilxbi t i-rU2- i;-lv. I monJd like lo it tru!v rf.r.nia ,:re-" . . Tbe VebrnV8T) rr.nrT-i'' llj- -I-"1- "r ilee word f'r bi f.wiplil nl -,ur in ant-mptitj M.roetLiT): bib mill i'ht. ij.u-I' u, Ibe Nbraka campaa. Tbu far. l.owcv.-r. be idea ba not v-rr well rewuJ. A tl.fs.n'ii. al . --rj !.. in 'hi far. it b 1 ihr aan..- t ruil.k'r. In ..Hirr ..r.i. ii.r i...t nnt ai.v ..f llf fc..p.ri'i-' aii'l.iti"! lit I.lt- i--.-- T- ti tl.e .r...al rm lit- " I'" ii..n r. r!.tk' j-.liti.a! inn-M!-. At onj r'e a tri;il -..i;.ln t l.i:rt u u rn-.n tlin H r.!.1.,..M in l.Kb I.k. I -ii "-l ' ir.t..ii -l.-i f'-r .""f - . .r. factor fr -.. v i- mam- 'r ancu.t-ra. (.tiv an J rh la rft..r fa.u.t). dlarr.1 at lfc. WI4 Fonm Bi.;.tarr anu- in ranc and aaM that h aaav Bh.r.f a.lur.r.fi or tr.-4:.ful --n a:iof raud. frai;r. ttr..-sa tarb frr..r t.r.(t a i-r ba an.J b;r.g .Sore4 -a poiaoo ou ce ar.J bu:t." Tt ar 1.S not cra:t a lot r.f rn-.tar.at ' Mr L-tan.rr d- c:ar3 !. : T.Tii.. r. oo m tr. cnl t -- He aa:d that lh a-.i.r. b,11b ,Mr.er.leJ U.e t rrcra oT ax tft cr.c-- asxua to p"- . M . .... ta n aurxava c ttr bul .n a raT f n.1.r.f tv to a U. fcnual nol ! ft of th taait factora FOKMKR TKACTIKIt s HONOR (U KST OF FAC1 LTV MEN Pr F E Wolf fV-rrr.r profa ir in th coV.rgr of B if'.r.caa AJ-rri-..ttra!:.'in a rft of h'tior at a ":..r..t.ri a: th l'r.ivra:y club, rt i.ntfton aa rtvui y th C.;f f Bu:r.aa Adrrtnutra- v tto:f t- (tx to th I nl-v.--v of Nhraaka in 9Z aa Cue Them a llreak. sianiHa. N.. -. riii-tit. ..f Nrbra-ka Crn.1uf r.ti..- t.;. k M tbir aim. ma'er. an.l r h.. ar.- in -rb.-l tkr 1 1. - ..pi-.run.il t" ,.r.- tl.at N.-.rka ia a bijJk'-r "'"I ,-,,"r ,n tiiuti'-n. ... , UV Tl.:n the !:W l":i.'irjr ml.irh tt j.r..UMv .'" "f"1 '"r Uf,''.r'- We ii.tr. I;in- tl.ni to tbe fr-!.ni-Ti ni I-1'"' out .I..I.T) .l.-ii. "ho o.icht to rnak- a vartity i U' nikh thfm Kl-'tl' imr'i Ik-v inn futurar rraro r-rfW rf ata'ia'ica arJ bua:naa ,. WLrr. fc''- avoab , rrarrb utt.l I H a varar.ry c..b-J tuaaM tr. ,-rm-rc tit r-:4T.a:s'm Dr. program .'..4 km . at th fBivr.Sty ct TMr.r or..y p.aa for .h a-, .. n o. ,4 Wo; j, for air.;.. -'! aleq-- rrrr irr.r and Gaabl. c f-.r war fK.. o-. Coeparv at Onr:r.r.i:i a a rr.m- f..mrr.cr. rror.-bL. Low Excursion Fares EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY all H.tta la N.braaka aiwl Karaat tMs b.aa .f P' ,or rooM trt- SBil piiig 1 Tkhtta aaa ra ''" "dy R.tun.ino ! raaeh Llaooln bafora mldl8M Moe,-. BUY TICKET AT BURLINGTON STATipN on BURLINGTON CITY TICKET OFFICE , M11 142 0. THIRTEENTH T. 'U f usuittr&Xaitii:i:iiiialSui jna irhrifk TjIN to b arr..o lo i- ima. - byra d:. rd. K A11 U.al va tfcn tL I'tiied Statea ou.d v4 b uf.' c;-t::y U prpard. h r.roved . :ateaitt by ciutg tt iar(f air.o-t.ta of cosey -b wtre &--te-3 ia the at ar arl fcv xtt itffi".oJ! in tb arnsy. "He c.ted aa trtance u bjct . j. ... t- I"r.:vra:tV of a crii.ii4T TaM-I Mrrling Today TasaU mt th'a -er.Ing at 7 P. M. la EUen Snuta ball tl , we nin irifin -' - T,.f.r. o . ,. i. t.t.. it.,.!r Vk.raia aci an Inocec, learir ma.i iLe .-.... . . . .v. .-v aa rxjuie a -ntrnr. to the urnreri'r. iVrtain''. tl.e aiuiiii.i art- iiiTer-t-l hi thi. and pretend t like it. List tbev !,,,. t:-.' r..ne k for ufh tn-atni.-M. Tbey ..nl.j raTl.er U lope'ber ith tbeir ro!.-?.- p. and ,a;l ,.rr oM tirr.ea. Tfcer arotiM ratter atn.ll .v I'. ball bi'b tbe S.il rVieTi-- build irff of their Tine. Thev M l.ouionjii k la t.. 1 il.ir ufty. i, Student SUDDEN SERVICE SANDWICH SHOP JJ.r'-'s ore co-:p lb P'-litifr . r.r-'t r. , ,r,,;irii.' ! .'. It' tl.t crcs'..7.a :ion fo'j-.d d l.y a lo.-ijy p.-o.Vs.r.r in hiM. n,ei,.i .-ship iv i.ui.td "Ii -r.k. pro . -v. oo. T e ..iber l..v Mi i ".. w hs oi.ly fi. if b e.,n h-skii-k' eoj.V-st. eornbusker. i' i.' irAtrriMor .e wjnr.er irj a TW-oH 6t:ci:da'iee reix.rted t tb 11 T.i"T p. Th- re w.r- iblne.-n mMead of predated dcn p.-;'.T.s j.reseut fct iLa'. tb- tin.f. f ibe s1"'-k ni&ik't k'fj on the wfiv .h 1bere wi, h- n.any stud-n I'avii c i Ti'iiv.rsjty for otber rt-asons lejU M-i'.ar- kbip. Jt Y. W. COEDS SPONSOR FIRST RADIO PROGRAM Women Initiate Series of Monthy Programs by Cajnpus Talent I IIH'Xl, J afcJJ iivuurw- A rafflo prorram tbe T. W. C. undlev. and MartUa Ermkerboff X. of tbe VaiverBlty oi -veirH. )ori Make Change In Orientation Plan The program -for &aturcliy, Nov. 2. cf the freahmen engi neering orientation das will b a general aaeembly in Social Sciencea auditorium at 6 a. m. Thia it a revision of the sched ule announoed at the beginning of the Quarter. Dean O. J. Ferguaon. MRS. POLLEY WENS APPLALSE IN FINE ARTS CONVOCATION waa broadc&at Wednesday nijrat from 7 to I p. m. Tbia aa tbe ftnrt. of tbe eertea of monthly pro rrama to charge of Eernic Hoff- into tnre lecunui iVwt iniikiufh R.UfioTb - i . . i t -, JuiLOita anvum. n.aiun iriu- - Hjr lflllf h dlKrjlaVfj h,,ri t.vt-ard Brodkev. Cbaiie "-i f.j. . r,rr.t, Eromltv. W mttdiifc-eiice. truck dr.ver. t-e aa une3jfci f;rek rKaurar.t or-erator a cf.rL.:!-'.'.:.-J a f.r.'t f:pa-'-t Bob &b were trt ab to aerv U,e coitry best :a U.e p .Uoci in r.:ch U-ey were f la:d. A call's. ?ucb aa OiJia never ti:-s tii lead ui a raove naer.t ir c.rrr.an:est or Jn asy of-r -orta wh:i sooveniett, Mr ciabtrs declared. He pojJtd o tfje r.oen:rit tor ha.tisiE arra mebts tad to be led by son atror.g Bat job Mi u Ua-ttd Staiea c: Ore-at Er.::n. ! He slated l.-l be "a heart ..y ; in favor of ly ila-f-Bd s plan of caU-i-e a wor.d djrn-ia'-tt coiJereare aid a-d ttat -t Wifited it tt.ptt rseet "-''r trt-fct? x suc-ces ttaa the (''..-' Lava: conference. t)ca te de- ' cnbed as a T.at faJure. Ke t- ! preswd tte t.itf ar.d tie n1-.;- tbat Raaasav Msd'or-sd aid Hoo ver rxfe-tt "be atit to get aay from tfce ii.rueiic of tfce tectrica advisors. bjic tbey rx.lt were '-.dt:v tiavtied asd coBeq-JefJy ftou'i'j be I'-ss njFpic-joua oi otttr coEtry racftivea. 'RajBsay Hb.LlMjz.iZi is the t:7 of a r-jfcn we cac tx;ct ti of and a mtin of c-oiuiiod wbm-". Mr. ' Ch&iLbt-rs ettted. He t.id ttat peo ple tbould not become prtatly aJa.rn.ed because of tbe premr't acciaJjstjc tendtBtit bee as Uac D'..iifcJd tad been jnae cjiisOer before aid did Bot put aiy rd:caJ sot lalirtic seb'-mes itto ojra.tion. Tbe diBicg room of tie Nebr- . lean botel, in wticb the luEcbeos wsts teld. wfci attractively decor-..ti-ri in t.'.us V aad veUow. Witcbea 'eat'irtr.g' tiliow- e'en were in evidence. A new aenea cf lectures wH be trrted next wk. accordxg' to Jferedltb Nel son, ctairman of tbe V.'orld Forum. Mr. Ctambers ia a gnAwX of XDf LlilVfrriJL W -trav- . ForHomecoming Ultra Smart New Selectiona in VeitiUir 11 a f Frit Combination Nothing Over r j s5 UKDLL BandBoX HOTEL OVILDtNG ' ,.733 So 's i'a' B ;j Fine Arts Btudtnts ecjoyed a coDoert pven Tuesday morning by Mrs. Policy, soprano, ia tbe Tern- . ud kiat)t caie pit. M.ar(fam. iviinaer .-txiiijj-nied tbe aing-er Mra. Polity showed great color, depth., and c-raftaniacahip in ber Fiiifring; at the end of ber first song the had won tbe beartf of her audieDc. Wins Kiinlter also de- tTi-;iate -jt Jjelta Vpsilan fra-uf-rvKi uTitilauae. ior ber exceiieot Welcome, Homecomcrs Use the Conveniences of Our Store! la co-? 'HYCprL Taa atao Man near THE DiyLICLHT bTORi HUNDREDS OF BEAUTIFUL ternity. divided Talks between the rroups by the announced told 1 Wallace Bunnell. Hubert Vernon ErookH. Catbrrine Brown. John E:rown, L,mdHey Brown, fru clence Brown. Philip Bruce, Mil dred Brvan. Martha Euerkie. Gil uiihrmun. Carlon Bullock, Bundy. of ih n.irnrnie ana acruviiiee oi w r i mi -This camouB. Tbe fimt group cone-ialed of tbe BOBfrs toy Dorothy Ellermeire, ac companied by Ardetb Pierce. "In an Old FaMhioned Tou-n," by Squire; "Joy of the Morning." by Harriet Ware; and "In tbe Lur.en burf Garden," try Mannini?. were tbe nong-s rendered. Piano solos by Ardetb Pierce made up tbe second flection ol the program. She played "L.lebers traum," by Franz Lirt, and "Ln to," by CyrD Scott. Tbe tnurd trroup was presented by LVerae Jacobson and LuciUc Aura to violin duets nccoinpawed by Ardetb Pierce. Th duet were "Ixrve's Old Sweet Sor.gT' "Per fect Iay," by Carrie Jacobs Bond; and Cant yo Hear Me Callin' Caroline?" by P.oma. Students hae date at haick's or townsemj's A nnciintmt5iita have been made r . for the following: seniors to have Ti,..i Murrert.. Harriet Burkey. Hyle Burke. William Burke. Joseph Fiuikhart, Hrlen Burns. Uollie Burvell. ClarDC Busby, itnd Viola Butt. Bemice Ozad. Ned Cadwalla cler. William Cad well. Edwin Cthow, Mary CaluweU. Genevwve Calbour, Jn.rr.en Callaway Donald Cumr.tK-n, fieryl Canrmn. EdwarQ P.. Caredis, Arthur Oaress, EIki Cartie'-t. Joseph Cariotta. Jvorman ;ar!son. Or rlrude Carp ter. Ki'b"r-n'- C-rji'-ntr Malhoun Ci.rp"nlr. Clifford Cart, William and under- i , m 4 c Hi.njidinir: these elements are India- L.f-KlL.t pensable to a singer, lira. Polity's concert was one of the best ax ranged programs given this year. Concert program -foliows: Tt .Kun-rrri.!) B-fclm Tlif Jfcl.fcr.'wr t'Miri J.w.ti Mitr Ali S iu. n I'll Rlnlrd DlrtUM A t. Old h-ti Bjr lOLl.ifcn Tw Hiorl. K.i.l. . 7v,, t,:t O Ewe Blu By --Olaonmi A Soft 10 a l.fi f--l blfKlnr iiBluxiifcO. Tt u Hui - Kv, TI. Mill f'wnn Engineering Cradxujle Install Movietone Equipment in Ireland HOLDS MEETING FOR SECOND TIME Cercle FrancaiB beld its second meeting of tbe year in University hall, room. 5, yesterday afternoon I at 4 p. m. Tbe meeung a v j ened with tbe sinjs-ina; of The Var ineillaiHe in French. Preaident Les ter Vaughaa made several an nouncemects and was followed by Secretary Koontz who read the minutes of the last meeting:. ! Mjbs Mildred Baer played sev eral numbers on ber violin. Miss Cooper told of ber experiences on a recent trip to i-ranoe. jne nwi- Lavithly Fur Trimmed Pile Fabrirt Broadcloth Suedet CamAi Hair evel ami CountLen Olher$ Deep Ebawl Collars and Cuffs of Marmot, tffolf Saverpelt, Beaverett. Opposaum and Fox. SILK AND VELVET DRESSES Including Scorea of the PrinceM tnd New Silhouette- Transparent Velreta. Prlwtal 'eli-eU, Crepa 6aUsa, Ctanruaa, Flat Crepes and Otbera. meeting Tuesday evening at tbe vr-uir FtiuudaLion naxBonage. .i ioi,u i i t t;...,oh tuIj. infil ti chairmaa oi iuic Hauck s Studio lor the 1930 Corn- program omm'ttee. and Jonn bufiker. Rjeiner led tbe & scuBsiun. Tbey are: Adelaide Bata.i " Evelyn Bauer. Kathrxn Eauman, ! i- a ft 'f 'TX' PI.4S Otto Bauman. Amando BauUBta. ----. t,otnUd Bii'-iK, Henry Beacbell, i Dosiaid Beaier, Arthur Beard, ' P.utb Beck. Hal Bee. bee, P-alpb , Boechner. Helen P-ecker, Carolyn 1 Behm. Elitaoelh iSell, Frank Bell. Word has been received from' tog closed with French conversa- J. L. Phelps, mechanical engineer- jtion. The w-hoie meeting was eon- i (,'r. tkn. ha is TlfMV nllTr- - AixrlttA in prnf'.h With abOUt TrXTcr T Casev ' vo c' thestlaUof mov-ie- ; persons Resent. CurterHor-rt carter, k. l JA t d vitaphone equipment for j The next meeting of tins orgam- CHH.le. Lyle Cv. Haymcmd tneana ? ' cbfcr?e on will be beld Nov. 3? in tb- Eh.Tl.m. Vn-.an F- 0 engineers connected w-ilh I Bame room at 4 p. m.. at which John B 'nbers. Frank aap cjrieal Researcb Products, ti me two short plays in French rr.;.n. Hsrn'tt -Cheney-. Hal Chiiufl, u.e main eventa on tbe pro- V. aren Chile., and Clyde Christen- . e,Vat tbey have a great ! gram. Ben. ! fmiihi 'w.Tih Lhe ixweT I ; lines of that country. Tbe eleo I'hi luu TTiftJl Meelfe trjcity nupply is greatly varied o - , w V.leA Patronaer ! different type and ire of trans ' Z- r"nat i former bas to be installed in each Phi Tau Tbet. men's Methodist theater. oreamzation. beld Jta regular MISS HOKTON HEADS DISCUSSION (;IU)IT Dicusnion hour on book reviews will be held tor the Interracial irroun todav at 4 P. M. in Ellen , 8mith ball. Books such as "Scarlet I Sister Mary." "Fire and the Flint.' ON FT? ID A I NOO dis-Tiased. Harriet Horton is to ehai-ge ol the group. YOUNG LUNQIEON Learn to Dance Guarantee to leacb you in em Private lessons. Classes every Monda- ana Wednesaay Private leasona morning, after rroE A evening. Call for Appointroert Mrs. Luella WLIKaiiii Prrvate Studio 1220 D Ht M.mbrs oi the laculty in buBi - Ions Bemia Iora Bender. Henry nesa administration and represen- j,,., Beaiedetto. Gi-ace Ken is mm, .saina muvt i"" - . - -p-" Benlamm, Glen Bennett. Gordon attend a joint luncheon Initiate '- Courts Bennett. Margaret Bennett Eu- versity ciud rnaay jouu Spb cKS. rS ; marroVLTak Sxffi ; rT SaT. W I Tcfung is acbeduled to lee- : hlfb a.bool. where BbeJaching Ha.fen'oren BBslCts a-.udUrt. of th -unlvery Th bom econotnic w-rk , new l- 1 eTT' tWh Ferris ta th Temple theater Thursday, to the entrr group of etudenta. Rn TCcfle Brf En 8 p. m under th auspice, of At the district ,vention at Aliv Strt Bmrli. P bil the college of bustoes admtoir.ra- ! ano. Oct 81. Miss Smrha win lEB'cTarie. Unnr Penalities and , Wa c, plated Art to Hb Brist, Clara Bratt. Eaul Br , Policies - I Schools. A.ET Time of the Day It a Good Time la the Day for Good Eats Tor aT the University Candy patch en 244 M. 13th S -7V31 T BUch Win Shadrt Tunt Brotrnt Qrettn and Redi SIZES rOE EVZETOJfE BECOSTD FliOOR. Elffanr h AtJtd With Attractix. Metallic Tourhrt Li 0z if II 0m B!sek. -54uila. M.irw5bo, Erglili jren Wiue Monst, Nary, Iniepend ne. "VVe iardJy riiBrr ieu ii aaa powiye pr)eBt aueh aa all em- liraeitj grcrup of fjij -.jualjly uew Lai ftiaWoua et iew jiriee. f ews Jn n5 ke ahau 1e f ti, in 1UJI uku value. 2