The Daily Ncbraskan TWCNTY-NINTM VtA Official Publication of th I'ntversiiy of Ne hraska and under the direction of the Student Publication Buard Published every tnomms dunr.c th acaJemic ear with the exception of Monday a. and dumif the venous vacation periods of the acbooL fcdilonaJ Office Cniversity Hall 4. Station A. Bualneaa Off lea University Hall AMalion A. Off tea Houra tutorial btall: 3 lo p. m. daily sweep Friday and Suaday; buiineaa ataff: 1 to 4 p. m. dally except Friday and Sunday. Telephone-.Editorial: BfiWl (Unlveraity Ka- hansel and aak for "I wily NebraakaiT indicating hich department desired. After 7 p. m. call mni RJAJ3 (Lincoln Journal I and ask for Nebraska editor. Entered aa aecnod class matter at the poatoffice in Lincoln. Neb under ait of ronjreaa. March J. is:9. and at special rate of potje provided for in ection U03. act of Ot. 3. 1917. autbonted Jan. . Subacrlptton rale: ti per year; H 25 per semes ter; single copy 5 certl CLIFF F. A N DAHL '. .' E D ITORI N -CM I EF J. M. PITZER BUSINESS MANAGER Editorial Staff Associate Editor Joyce Ayrea Mansfin; EJitoro Edgar Btckus and Eugene S. Hobb. Neva Edttora ivnald Carlson. Robert Kelly. W-lliam McCleery. Eugece McKim. Elmont Watte 8 porta Editor Jtk Elliott Business Staff Assistant BusiteM Manage rs-Leroy Jack. V ernon Laughku. Dr. C. C. Engbcrg. WITH th death of I r. Carl I'. Engl., i s. professor, executive ami vholar, the University of Nebraska has lr one of iis nio.t valuable assrt.. Al'houzh feared by many tudnta because of his extreme position on s-liarhip. the former t x cutive d'-an was un .'.uhtrdly the mo,t respected and admire! member of th" faulty. Hi ability to nmem lr names and faes was a specially meritori ous trait: a rharaetenstic which did much to .-.ssure him a !crp place in the 1 carls of h ihe were fortunate enough to meet him. The value of Dr. Entrant's services to the university defi. enumeration. In the number if the capacities that he served during his luarter of a cei.tury with the institution, the d.-ceav-d alwayn had its welfare and further ance foremost in his mind. He ,-.. a continuous and arduous supporter of its ideals, its poli cies .its faculty and it students. While executive dean. Dr. Kngberg came in contact with many students, most of whom have now be n irraduated from the university. His work in this capacity proved to be of th. highest caliber, especially because: of his Mrin nt views on atude-nt vholan-hip. He was irever unmerciful in his decisions concernhe :he fate of unfortunate htudents; Jet he was ver mindful of the university and its duty to the state and ud that as a basis for his dec larations. There is no substitute for health. When the elcan found he could no longer continue STUDENT DISCUSSION CSOCP CtJfst Workers h? Htultti' lixS-urr Surfer at a- Inrntsstar s 7 All So tils Unitarun Church SL DAT. tfVFT. 3 Hcnf Cars We have cars of a'l makes and descriptions fvr renting to ttodenu. We rer.t cars at reasonable prices us at once. Arcade Garage 1011 H 8L Tbont B1MI Barbara Gould Creams-Skin Freahner-Roug Lipatkk FACE POU'DERS Karen Franee Coty M sncerte." 'At Art at Steasonibie Prte. $5 Uni Drug Co. 14th & .S B377I College FiClXa THE Carry a Complete Line of SHEAFFER PENS with hi duli.a lie was granted a jtar'a leave of al'Mii.'i during which time he wna able t'i recover a'lflieii ntly to return to the university ns a pmfissor of nuithi mittirv He nerved in this poMtioii fur only one- year, part of which whs very burdensome to him due to ill health. Hut he was determined to keep on until furce.l to discontinue nu uetiv lliv. , The university will iuis Demi Kiigbcrg. j The faculty will miss him. The Undents will j miss hm. Nebraska, as a ta1e, will miss him. j May his memory be revered by all. AJtvr Sixty Year f iiioration Monday of the sixtieth Anniversary the laving of the conn rstmie of historic University hall, bring attention to the changes wrought not only in the physical pliint, but in the student body as will, from a single building constructed on the prairie at a cost of Icks than a hundred and fitly limn- snud dollurs, the institution has irrnwn until the xhIuc of the laud, buildings and eiiiipmiiit of the three campuses mid outlying stations romprisis nil i'Metioelit of well over tell mil lion dollar. Kai king thirteenth in size among the uni versities of the country, mid first among those in the Missouri xnlby. Nebraska offers train ing in all of the major ofcssioiis of a rank comparable with any. During the m-xt year , the unmpdty will serve nearly twelve thou sand students, ci rtainly an nchi nn nt beyond the dreams of the hhi score of stu dents that entered in th first clas in 171 Unlike tin ceremony of sixty ytars ago. no bra-, banc) brought in from Omaha. nr im pressive service ly the Masonic order, will mark the beginning of another period of progress fully as great as that jul completed. it it is safe to estimate, judging trom the present rate of progress, that when another sixty years have passed, the changes evident in the university plant will be even greater. A unified building program, emiliued to care for many years of growth and advance ment, provide for the construction of a series of building between Twelfth and Sixteenth streets, with an adequate library facing down Fifteenth street, toward the new state rapitol. In the n:'M of the propo'd campus-, on dis play in Morrill hall, alumni look in vain for University hall, for the sweep of progrevs calls for the de,t ruction of Nebraska's first univer sity building. ' Old U hall has seen its days of glory, from the time it once boasted three stories and a lower, until now it has but a sinjle story, with flat roof, but from the Mine spirit of educa tional leadership thai bd to it construction will come a finer university to s. rve better the vonth of Nebraska. The boy who came to college with the that, he would never go into anything without his ey open registered for five o'eloeks. During the recent ru-h week it seemed to be a case; of "button, button, wholl take the button." Registration falls thirty-two below lat year's record, says a headline. What a chilly thought! So decidedly youthful! . So diitinctively different!' ihe mode for fall That university co-eds will want to be wearing ntic. of these, attractive hats on display at Male's. Kp-cially, when tSi'v ( know- than sneh smart nes. may I hd for $7i0 and $10 GbAfiCH PCKcJ&Xt STOR CAMPLS T jr w sMsjty Book Stores "Fsrte for Frelimen." a little booklet given all new slu.lenli dining registration week, will be 'come the bsndiebt thin in -. sion of the new atuileiil unfamiliar with the campus and way of the university life Organisation of Ihe university, explanation ,h . nomenclature. ili'usi..n of tne 1 emplovment. morning and board I ing proi.lrm of the student are rhraka FrraliHivn l.o 1'rnlant Tint Early in Svmvttvr Green. That's what they aav about the collect frtohmsn all over the counti). But the University ot Nebra.-k ha taken utepa to ca thl lt freshmen, hundreds of them from every aection of Nebraska. aoon lose that anxious, long tared countenance and become regular among me inun- Utile book. IWh downtown and coll nrirniiiire eammis are grammed for the aludent in a snn umr ' We Aire Still GSVHNG AWAY ESasilss os3 the f?o)EE run EE (Belt COLLEGE BOOK STORE FACING THE CAMPUS At 73 of 119 Colleges Sheaffer leads in actual sales! QHEAFFE1TS ty PINS fCNCILS 0ISK lTS'$KRI' PINS f CNCILJ 0ISK iCrS'SK.!- V A. SHEAf FIJI M.N COMPANY Fan HtAm. lem.V 'turn " ' Qff.Ll r. For Hieafer IVn and VtxwW and Ml Your Wants in Jewelry HARRIS - SARTOR JEWELRY CO. 1323 O St. TUCKER Complete Lint SHEAFFER Pena, Pencil. Desk ftet STAT10NERS Skrip Ink and Sheaffer' Pent at EASTMAN KODAK STORES, INC., 1217 0 ST. i in search a iiasaiumn. value , 1 K.Mtd health, the importance of us- I ! ing the lihrary farilitiea. points of 1 uuerest alxa the campue-these ; re some ot the thmga that are e.ilained In the little pocket sued guide for freshmen University of Nebraska freh on t be green very long! i ........- - PfRSMINO RIFLES MEETING. Perahmg KiMea will meet Tue doy evening at 5 o'clock In Ne hi at k a hall without uniform. ge of dia- student, to elimi fflmairs .... .km.iiii sii over int isnii'ii'i f (Oj k IE In this day of lectures and themes the student's y sn must be swift and dependable to catch a usable picture of class instruction- That's why Sheaffer's school standing is so interesting; Sheaffer leads in sales to students at 73 of the 119 foremost Amer ican universities and colleges. One reason for such dominance is the permanence and reliability of Sheaffer's Lifetime'. So durable, so well built Is this smooth-writing pen that we guarantee it without hesitation fot your entire life . . . against everything except loss! Write with Sheaffer's Bal anced Lifetime", note its smartly molded lines and the balanced "feel" that fcives it flashing per formance and makes lon& themes short. You'll un derstand its leadership and fcive it your vote, too! 'Ptrrrfly m Auirtrntl nrttmtltin mrrrrptd ' th 'Jlti Tr mnrkrt ttlli t"rrA Shtlfr anttuputfl tlt UaAr Onaimems amount thtt ipt Artum art madaYU le wtymt. At better ctores everywhere AH fountain pn are bmnnttei aairue defects Vl SneaSW ' Lifertma is feaarameed oncowiitvmally !" yonr lift, snd other Sheaffer prodacu r forever ftoarsnreed against defect in msiehaU enl workmanship. Green awl black LiftIIe, pen. 14.7J; LaHie'. J7.50 ni 13.25. Black and Heart De Loxe.ilO.00; Ladies', 4.M sad HM. Pencil. 15.00. Others lower. r.AFZTY strip. P.tUi 3 Inr 2Se. , 'radically rnr hrrakahltsar 'tft1t. Carry H to ctaual S K rjo . ll Lincoln, Neb. - SHEAnHn For The Stndent We Have It - 1123 , 0" 8t. ij JI3 V SALE Students' Supplies For All Departments of the University Yc curry flic liMpt flu-1 mnt com plrto line of all makes of FOUNTAIN' PKN'S. from $1.00 up. u6reenbaclt,, Note Books in KHAKI. IMITATION" LEATHER ami GENUINE LEATHER in Mack or brown, and your name engraved on them FREE, rricr.l from 00c to $4.50. "Greenedge" History Paper is still the finest ami most popular history paper on the market. BE WARE OF IMITATIONS. Special Pens For 00 School J I JS0aee ee gT ft arsasMHMMfnRVW"IMIBaHHal,M Cll flO lifcU'r WiMK ivr.n runn rER-l'OST or DIETZfJEN' dr.iv injr stl. ' ! IwA produce pood work. BOTANY-ZOOLOGY KHAKI LAUNDRY ' CASE ' No! the Ciieapcs! T?'it the Best. J (nir Botany and Coolojry f t ccmtain lh txiit material that can be aold at "i reasonable price. RT SUPPLIES LAW BOOKS-LEATK KK BRIEF CASES COMPASSES PEN r-ILS TABLETS - RULERS and TM .... ...... T . I 1 Mlr.i il'.l i.r BOOKS in faet, cverylhinjf yon need for xehool. KE Ol'R SPECIAL rc and 10c COFN'TEl.' ..t I. i ill. I; l:l' BROTHERS STATIONERS. 1118 O St. . i . i 1 1 J -