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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1929)
, - - - I in , i r i i i -r i 1 11 ' 111 mm m m ' " "''T"1" " """ ' ' ' ' ' " ' J "' " "' " Tin hsi) w. si:i'h:mhi:k v. if-'- Till: DULY M IIH SK W i Msker Gridders IE STRESSES T illl FIRS! DRILL Nebraska Mentor Has ,1ore Than Sixty Men In Initial Call. 1. U. OPENS CALENDAR of Toughest Games on .Schedule Will tome I In Three Weeks. break Corohuskere report 'or the Initial gridiron drill of !aaaon Monday afternoon and Dan X Bible, Ine new jkar tutor, haa a aquad of mora aUty man reporUrn dally for practice session. Monday and day were spent In Umbering , ixerctaea and fundamentala be j. Intensive training starts for j opaning game of the aeaaon .x tha Southern Methodist Mua a from Dsllaa, Tax. Bible baa taken over tha . i of tha coaching poaltlon, hav- , looked over hla men laat spring l&g that training season. Al agn be baa spent alx week with squad this week la the first nee be baa had to look over the ire squad of moleskin warriors, t Hunker coach haa three weeks 4 whip the Scarlet into shape for u)ruui( uuua oi ine Benson, enlng the schedule for 1929 Is i of the most powerful gridiron una la Ik. ......... W O f IT fven from Dailaa. Have Tough Assignment. rhe Oornbitsker schedule for the nlng year Is as tough an a.vfgn nt aa any gridiron eleven In the -intry will face. Sport critics ve predicted a bard path for the lsxer skipper with four of the rdeat games of the season com ; out of the box before mid-sea- n. Three lntersectional tilts are oked on the Nebraska slate early . the season. Following the M. U. game the Scarlet and -earn will journey to Syracuse to eet the Orange eleven and tangle Ith the Pitt ran there on Me ortal stadium field In the third tersecttonal battle. Nebraska handed the Mustangs handicap right at the start In tat the Texas crew started its rat practice on Sept. 10 while the j ujtkers first appeared on the field I n Sept. 16. In addition to the vrly start the Mustangs open j g ieir acneauie ctaiuruuy, w uno oach Bible and his cohorts will 1 pend the next three weeks In In- j enlve training for the hard , chedule of eight games ahead. asic mo ! Slight Work Monday. 1 Bible was able to do very little ; j n the way of giving bis men any ! ntensive work Monday and most .if the afternoon was spent In tak-1 ;ng pictures, fitting the players In j uniforms and getting limbered up after the summer vacation. Tues- I day evening was the Initial day of hard work for the moleskin war riors of Nebraska. The Hunker tutor sent bis men through the afternoon workout with a series of prldlron fundamentals and ball lugging, while v Coach "Bunny" Oakea, bead line coac.V put his linesmen through tK Initial paces -DANCING School Lrsarn to dance for $5.00. Pri vate Lessons any time. Class every Tuesday and Friday. 8 p. m. JO Losaona for J5.00. Lessons free If you fail. Join now. Franzmathes Academy X018 N. Thone B7845. to vjnor.i IT MAY COnCERH- Hear ye, hear ye! ! Come all ye fresh men and other col lege gents who seek for yourselves that smoothness which char actenzes the man about the cam pus. Slide up and slick up here. at that horribly knobby dive, the - S.3BERTY llutkrrt f'nrf II vary I'oothall SrhvtUtl' At Vnutirv Start t Nebraska's fotttttall sthetlule this yesr u on of lh hanlest in many seasons in Hint the four biK games i't lhi year con at the start. Willi Com h Ulhle t Ak lliC lirtit f In flint Nehrask team, he hnea to turn xit a Starlet anil rrenm eleven that will tin Jutt rrnlil to the t'ornhuaker t html. TIIK M'HKIH'I.K Oct. tvt. russ. tM. coin. I VI. bia. Nov Nov coin. Nov n 8. M. t'. at'nln 13 Svrnruno at Svra- 19 --Pittsburgh at 2t5 Missouri aL i'tiluin- 3 l 53 Kans at l.mroln. Oklnhom at Kaneas A'i;les at Iowa Stat at l.m- Manhattan, Nov. 2H rln. of limbering up and iharging the sled. With th loaa of three of the great ml Imemnen Neliranka ever ' t'latnied. t'oai'h "liiintiy" tke has' a Urire tank ah"ad. A renter and strong pair of juurila niut le tle velt'peil to replnt MfMullrn. Jamea and Holm. The reserve ma terial for those positions Is small and Oakea will concentrate his ef forts the first few weeks on build ing up men tor these three pom-1 tlona. In tackles, oukea has a fair supply of veteran men but will need them In view of the coming four fames. At end. Coach Kd Weir will have to build up a wing man to replace Cliff Aahhurn who graduated last sprinfi. In hackfield niatenil Nebraska seems to be more fortunate than In the line. Blue Howell, all confer ence back. Is the big loss In the Scarlet barkfleld while Sloan. Far ley. Rowley. Krahm. Wttte. Me Bnde and other veterans are back , tt bid for ball lupglng positions. Coach Bible has not Riven out any ', Information on the llusker pros-1 pects for the coming year and only states that the team or teams that beat Nebraska this year will have to be the strongest in the rountry. Nebiaaka'a backfleld this sea son should contain plenty of speed with such men as Wally Morrow, former Husker backfleld ace, Vic Schcrzinger. who displayed his wares for the first time last sea son, Marvin Paul, a sophomore and Bill Homey. Coach Bible will have plenty of men for aerial work in both passers and receivers and veteran ball toters In Clair Sloan. Bud'" McBrlde. Dutch" Wltte and Claude Rowley. Tunters will hz;3 i pr a 1 e S H pE s East of IIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK HI i III I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllliiii mm" "" ' 5 Engineers Outfits for A. M. One J ... PriVioe 2000 2895 rrices 21.95 32.40 Includes Name Engraved on Case. 1-T q. Celluloid 24 in. 1 -Triangle 45, 8 in. 1 -Triangle 30-60, 10 in. 1 -Irregular Curve, French Curve 1-Nebr. Eng. Rule. 1-Bx. Thumb Tacks. 1-Each, Venus H-4H-6H Pencils. 6-Shts. Drawing Paper 12x19. 1 -Penholder. 1-Asst. of Pen Points. 1 -Bottle Black waterproof Drawing Ink 1 -Metal Erasing Shield. 1 -Flexible Pencil Eraser. 1-Artgum Eraser. 1-Red or Ruby Red Eraser. 1-Sandpaper Pencil Points. 1 -Bottle Alcohol. 1-Pen Wiper & Dust Cloth. 1-Ames Lettering Instrument. 1 -Large Red Envelope. Complete $7.70 E3 J Conklin & Sheaffer Fountain nol he al'M-nt ith Witt. Sloan and lln ley Ni k. Will Be Orilled. In the nei sixteen daya Ihe llti.Wer I will l ttnllnl and ninul.letl in an at tempt to break Itiiii one of i he schedules tf nuinv eira. beginning with the Texna eleven. t'uMi-b Hibl and hl i't,ithinc a'arf trail what Ih HuAera fat and although rom rutn'a ate not coming forth from the atatf. ttiev ar aware that the fiikt four tinmen on Ih Nehraaka . Iio.lulo u ill lala Ih lllm.Uit nf ..... -- - .... - - v 1 1 1. iniri wik ...... - tht" llusker team aji.l rivat hea tojt(l en deck. Th Southern Matho- win. rut. one f the fastest d,,t Mustsngs effar followers of elevens In the east, la tlrawtni; the Cornhuaktr football an lntratlng heaviest fivnit -all erowd of th aea- j (ea(0n opener on Memorial eta- son afcoritiiij. to pre-aeason re- um ftt6 October 5. when th potts from the athletic office. John Huakers take on th Tana tam K S-lle, k .....mesa manager of T-e ih. Vrtt t.m. In hl.tory. Put 'oiiihucker hthletic states that they will hav lo turn thousand! of fitotliMll fans away from the I'lint hrr-lluskrr tilt on Memollal Sta.iium field tvt. 19 In reirard to fivnthall crowds thla season, they should be unusually larse. The Southern MethiKliat game on (Vt A will draw one of the Indent crowds of the season and should fsir weather prevail, the stadium will not accomnuvilate the crowd that will be in Lincoln for the Knu-. Oklahoma and Kan sas sanies will also be witnessed by ca,vntity rrowtls and the an nual Turkey day battle with Iowa Stve as the Husker foe. will be listed in the big g.imea of the sea son. tili C.iiU IMrrlinp lo IM.ui Inlruiiiiirul SMrl Athletic Director Herb Glsh has mini iiirt-niiK itii tiMiifim 111 l lir trophy room of the coliseum for nil fraternity presidents for the purpose of planning the Intramural Proliant for the coming year, dish stated that this year's athletic pro gram among the non-varsity men will he the hir.-eNt ftver slaceii At Nebraska and he is calling the t.rcek letter presidents together to get a better Idea of w hat the'lntra niural program needs for 1928-29. (!oiilitimirI Sludrnt W ill Take Kxniiiinatioii All students who have a "C" ; grade upon their record for either Chemist rv 1 or Chemistry 2. will be given' opportunity to remove ! that condition by a special exam- ; ination on Saturday morning. September 2S from S till 11 o'clock in Chemistry Hall 208. Students i planning to'take the examination j should bring a special examination ' fee receipt. . i-i, .mm. th.. io sm-'ant without I " ..mi iiiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiillllllllllllllllltlllllllllllMIIIIIIMMMIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHIIIIIinllMIIIIIIMIIMMMItltllll'' Book Temple n Open III tin Vallrv B, J.h flliall The Big conftrance soma highly Interesting games In i..ik.ll this a a inn mmlt manv In- i....,.i.i him., tnvhieh will be watched by football o the entire country. Nebraska, chsm- plon tha Big tia contarenea In aa . t.nh arhadula ahead '......'.... km i.l..urllail.l hit. comes to Lincoln on October tor ?.t. second .,nt.r.,ct.ons. battl. wh.l. th Musk.r. spend the In- to me.t the Orsng. ei.ven. Missouri also haa an ambitlou schedule. The Tigers Journey to New York to meet New York uni - vera.., on November H. also meet-1 i.... u'a.inn -i.m univeraiiv ano lrake. The Kansaa Jayhaw kers will waste no tim in Jumping Into lntersectional limeliRht aa tbey meet the Illlul eleven at frbana on tvtoher a and follow up with a practice game at Emporia, the old home of Coach llargiss. Word comes from th camp of in Kill rumnrri t" .-..; eleven will play befor flv cspso- Ity crowds this season. In the i!-,ni.K,r:v:.DMi: ."in'joiiN brown hkad oheny st En and Ohio Stat and Carneole Tech st the Pitt oval. .. . k :rT-. - ! rvi.n uiii.i uu.ii'ih ...... : . - e U If alnuan A th limit. th. Mu.tang Huaker gams should rin. a eanacitv crowd aiao. n- port from the eouth are that the Susines. men of th. city are plan-; ning on four special trains to Lln Fifteen thouaand t.cket. h.v. been sent to Dallas and reports are that th. majority of them will be sold to S. M. U. rooters. . . - Missouri is Bolre t have a fresh-, . man football aquad thia year that : bids to be the largest tn the nis- tory of the Tiger school, .'resent ; reports are that equipment has , been issued to 160 frosh guilders. I'raciice mr mr tifc gan Monday and Anton Stankow ski, freshman coach, expects his squad to increase as the practice season gets under way. The new ruling in the Big Six conference that narmlra conference freshman i.i.thall taama to nlRV tWO ITamefl iiniiuni, . ...... .v . - r- H.iiirinir the vear probublv ac- 1229 Complete or Botany .... 3.00 Bus. Org. 3 . . 1.10 Charcoal . . . 2.00 Zoology .... 3.25 Bacteriology . . . 4.00 Geology Note Books . .1.75 Hammermill Bond Note Book Paper g The Paper that Does Not Tear Out jj and Works best in Hinge Note Books, Made Notebook on New and Used Books 1929 'rmmll for tha Urea turnout of flrat year men. Th froah teanm In the ronferriit tliia year will 'lay Ti limi at home and one away frtm home. George Farley, captain of tha 1t2 Huskee alaven, haa never stood out In tht Nebraska back ti.M a brilliant ball luaoer. hi 'main aaiianment In all games d mg intarfarenee. blocking and the heavy defensive work. In this Ims of work Farley wss tocond to none. Ha alto floured In on braakmg up tha niuuiinll' Hilling OISII and wr-r- - - many times mad long gains en .r , urcepad paaata. Bui critics pre- gict that this year Coach Bible la going to develop Farley Into on of his main ball luggers. I - With hi. ability on defense c. m- , Mne.l wun oau "";; ""'' 'should atanj , I ' ''' ba" kf.el d a. e . In i h I ,h1 Nhrll,ka raP- tain should pilot his team through a succeshful season. ; i.ri7kma,i at Iowa C..e- No 1 WorUm.n .. low. -- - - - that Cosch Bible Is at Neorasna. , Th Cyclon coach Is long on back-1 field msterlsl but short on lines- : men. Filling th gaps left In th i lln will b Workman1 hardest Job and his backfleld Is almost Intact , from latt season. Ths Cyclones and Husker meet on Thanksgiving day In th season final. rniv ik'l-X I LIIMlF IUI . . l A M .7)OTI.I 1. IN(KK John R. Brown has been selected as th senior manacer of the Corn "''- f"" team during the. The decision was '"""B mane l.iescay ov .. .,.,. - . be een J "d O to Bau in it n, win jmm'i nwiai . .... -vr. Both men wer" of equnl ability In both scholastic work and work as manager of the foctt-11 , team. : ther were no Junior base- iball managers from last year. It wa decided bv th athletic dlrec- t0r that th loser In the flip should i grl the senior managership or me baseball team this spring. llrinlior Made Mrnilirr of ; 1 .ivil Kncinorrinc Staff, 1. M. Member, graduate student ; of the university, has been ap- , pointed psrt time assistant in structor In the department of me chanical engineering for the com ing year. R Street Outfits Our New Metal m the Strongest m Store the Market. Pens Trmig Session RHODES SENDS FROSH THROUGH RRST DRILL More Than 150 Aspirants For Prc-Varsity Grid Positions Appear. Citach John "Choppy" Rho-ies sent his freshman squad of foot ballers through the Initial workout of the seaaon Tuesday afternoon with more than l.V griddera re Mrting for Ihe first practice ses sion r .indamental drills and Urn trnng up exercises were all that occupied Ihe cost lies' time during the Tuesday and Wednesday ses sion. Rhodes announced last eve ning that signal drill and dummy scrimmage would follow thla week Captain lhman and Assistant Coach Huslw-e will handle th frosh gridders this fall in the Hig Six freshman football campaign. The freshman team will meet two Rig Six yearling elevens one fame on Memorial stadium field and the other on foreign soil. The home game is wiih the rnlverslty 'f Miisotirl frrhmen while the game on the road is at Norman with the Sooner. I'.li'Klt's is using a system with the similar to that of last season. He will have a regular varsity eleven and divide the re mainder of the squad Into league teams although the vsratty eleven will be changed from time to time as the coaches see fit. Each team will have a regular coach through the entire season. The athletic board Is using men In the univer sity who are majoring In coaching to" pi;t the various freshman teams, llcib Ciisli. athletic ui reclor. stated Wednesday that anyone interested In coaching should see him at the beginning of the practice season. A partial list of the frosh team follows: HiKrhcr. I. . K.IM. far! lav.nirl Pick Hm.ni1 Hm-ni-n-v r A!vtn. lifantriwl Hk. A'll-rrt. Hrok.n Horn. Hi-ntl. Hum Omaha. t'onaaat. t'liflon. I.l-tcoln lir..... R. Slanton. littoraa. Lincoln. 1'".. i...rr. Art-ailia Klt'Ul. K'i1artl. Omaha l.t. Iar.nrf. (.rand l.ranrt Kim.-. Htil. Ftuari ht'1i. K.rn. Aiirora. lil. K. ilma? .r. F! Mlrha.i lia.Kl.l. Krr..t IV. N.lira-ka t'ltv. Huff, l.fiir. Omaha. IH tii r Ik lima. Kami H . W apln W .l.t. , I n..m Hiii. urr , ' HuiHMil. t't.rin. Ila..l.ra Jaaa l-n. Tan). N.ira i J al.rliM lai I K-ni. It-m l'l)m.ilh ' JiinvMt I Jr. . i. ' Ciaml.. I Un .i, lorMI I) . I'lanmla. la j Mui.r. Jarh. Omaha j M. (hrrmoti. John Witn4 fll.p U..II Hiiiaraa.. N.ihan IMi.r Aumra III , omul, t .. . llinmiimi , f.nnt Ta'" la let A tttt.n Itiilitw.i4t H.iio JtNhtt. N.t...i S--hii.l.. Ial S.I-.-S. Iav.ptt. :iari Mtnin. William J. Ann". HI kli .id. I'harlM, ll..nn. a HUM, Won. BfttkM H H. n.a. Iimv VlUKli- - kmim.ra. William.. Haatrw. I H. minima, rrana. Alma j Si lirk. . Hoh, I Tn.imn t.lvm Val.non. t,l.ard Uarahail. aiiaa . i,h.l. tt.. rommiih. I W.lMil.r, JatHHi I'aium I Tnrk.r. b.manl. Im.mnnl. I'nio Those w ho drew equipment be-1 fore noon Tues.lay: j llarna.. Ja.S rrfnrtl I H. ntM. lM.tliiilmta H'tirand. I'aul l.mroln Hmi. Karl. H--u-1 Hrun. im.r A . s.Hh Smmi l'lt. Hnmn. Mia II . Wl.n.r Miiltitrff l-.l., Orlna t n. Thonia.. Cslit Kapld. I.ln(. H.rolrl timaha. Is.llv.n I'aul. Si Umii.. M" Imnn. M. Ix-imaiim iiirn. H.t R . K---II l-iana. I" i.n. N.Mih. I'.nirm' ") Hi.. i. lavHi. I'.nirml ciit Inland. M.rtitn. H.njh.t 1 .i... ill.n. (hm.. V. I . rum. .t.'i-.m. Vlflll. I innn. Hutll B M'alrl. . t.artn.r. I.iii1i l.lnfuin I. twtrt.. JamtMt. l-rimvlnn i.ins.nrh. KiiHt-t. Hiiinholdi The Well Groomed College Man realizes the Important psrt played by his LAUNDRY In the game of keeping sartorially fit. That's why many of the best dressed men on the campus USE OUR BACHELOR SERVICE - which assures perfect laundering and, In addition, WITH OIT EXTRA CHARGE. SEWS ON BUTTONS. DARNS SOX, DOES SMALL MENDING. ETC. IT'S B337T ? sofas mmmm A New Management now operating under the old policy of ... . STUDENTS WELCOME Fine cooking Speedy Service Neat surroundings A Congenial Crowd Our Specialties are . Student lunches Student dinners Punch for student parties Join The Gang AT Hair. Iin( It. !.. J.n. O.. Iiatntim. Pul... i IndiattapAii.. Ina liarlman, il-' li" l'-tT'l M.I..I MUX" WllMi. ka. IM-M fnnii i riivi. la llii.t K H l h.t.nn. Wti Una anl. Mnh. I inr-tin ItiiiiM-. Unrtiin Mumt-r(.r. I" I . Jan. Miimi'hi.t, Carl li . Mind." K.mnoll H. "1' ki..i.ta.H .lnr'a lalnr.1. Armand. t'ld)a. ka !. J.rrt. K..-.II lt.i Mr. n laio"h ka.. Ild..v. Arthur Santa lii. I'aul. U.iln. f' Twumr.h Martin. Sitr.t. t..litrd. ka. Iil.t.r rtudtili'h. I.inrnin mii-vmi. tltisartl W . Omaha tlnrrll-vn. I . Waaklnaltm. I. , Arthur. MiinitKtldl NMiniin, Nnrna. W'aun.i I'ari H.. l-nmin i .. k l. Martin. KairMirv. I'alllni. Wallrr. Or.nt.tvt fmnxtn. rl.rb.r1. t'lrda. ka. l-.i.tattn, M. HiniiiiMi Julr.hurf. Tain ttnh.rl. Alan. Omaha KimlnaiMI, Alvln, H.(nrt1, Kaa. Sanitahl. AKrad. Uind.n S..n.r.. H O , Omaha Shlld.r, ianr. V . rlll. Shiri.y. Ittinaid. Vlinl.ura. la. Smldl. John, Adam.. Snip... Tom. Lincoln Sian.b.rry. rt"l.n . Nnrfnlfc. ThlnllAh. l-.i.r. Mn-tlork T.l. I"rani-I. Turk.r, t' Omaha. WMl.rhofr. Mannw. Al.aandrla W.irh, Ralph. Nahra.ka c;n. W.lla. Hun. Unroln W IImmi. Irad II . Unmln. Witt, it.rtnan. IJnr.un. Yat... Ivan. Itamiphan. The bird spider of South Amer ica with a leg spread of seven or eight Inches, is Ihe largest spider In the world. XII 131 N. 13th. A l!!!!li!l!!!l!!!!!!!llll!l!!!l!!l!!!IIMlH!!l!iniM! auiiMiiliiUii Illilliliilililillllilllliillillllllillllliillllllllll i - ?