.riisiiw. srrrr.MiM.n i. Till: I) MIA M :II5SK.N FIVE BIG SIX CONFERENCE :oh.mum:h i.kadku : KEEPS REGULATIONS MbrasU Announces Rules Important to nusKcr Student Body -h, p . $i cf'rnc. of hich '',,,; i mirnbtr. b rule ? ih7 new ntu.knu t Nbrk n-.l -H -qttntl. Th fo. Mint art publi.h- , at Iht m.t .Jm.-M'H r-nrtrnlnn P'f Pi fmpttt in Ibt confer- i Pn'v mm ho havt rompltttj full t' Mmtattrat may ..yif on any varsity ttam. l' kiiIv men ho havt pn twnu.f'vi houm ttwmtyfour ui u M-hwU In tha Uat two at ,tfM m Mhool may cr.mrt. j a man on trholattic proba ta ir.y n-t rompett. I Th detn of the trhnol In rhi' b a mn la tnrolltd may ttop t ran from competition at any ,lirf with ont wftk'a not iff. for 'ait'ire to keep up In current work. . TV" yetrt It the maximum (..ir.peii'ion permitted In vaitity h'rtir Competition In any con. tet in any uporl rountt m a year ,f ptr'u -ipation. Thert It no di. tnctin in thla rule between con-ffrem-e an.l non-conferenct Ramet. 6. A man mutt complete, tht te ir.Mter work tn which h com Mtrt or be Inrliflblt until ht hat vin nicceitfully pasted twenty ttvtn hourt of work. That It. he oet h: eligibility for a full year. 7. Participation In any lnttltu tiMi In any Intercolleclatt (tame fount a year and thall be de diicted from hit three yeart per mit'.ed. . Vtrtlty teamt may not com pete tfaiiitt any high school, aculemv. or Independent team. Nfl'her" may they tcrimmage aytinst them. t. rsrtlcipatlon on any team outjule the university at any time ii not permitted except that on application, permission may be grunted for summer baseball or an nL.nit.iT tram or competition In sn amateur meet auch at swim ming or track In tummer vaca tion. 10. Only amateurs may com pete. A man taking- money for any athletic competition, for offi ciating In any athletic game for i km ' PTAIN GtOAGt FARLEY. ('omhimker fullback, who will pilot the S'-arlet eleven thla yetr on the srld'.ron. Karley hat played a barkfirld ( '.vUun on tht Ne braska eleven for the past two yeart and Is one of tht best defen sive men on ih H'iker eleven Parley's work at blockinf and run ning interference has mde him a va. uahle ijmct In the Husker back fieM. Crltlrs predict that this year ill see the Husker leader lugging the oval instead of majoring in running Interference and blocking. 'pay or coaching any athletle team for pay loses hit amateur tt.iivllng. 11. 'Freshmen are limited to athletic competition within the In stitution. 12. No team or group of play ert except the regultrly reongnlrrd xai.-ily team may um the uamt of the University In any way. I 13. Freshman numerals will be awarded only to men who finish the aemester In which ihey com pete and pnat in a minimum of twelve hours. ! 14. Varsity awards msy be de nied men who leave school without satisfactory reason bfeore the end of the semester in which the award ' it won or who fail to past a major ity percentage of thrtr work In such semester. L WILL HOLD TRYOUTS Pershing Rifles Urrje Men In Upper Classes to i Enter Contest. Tryoutt for I'erablng rtiflet, honorary orgamrttion In tht de partment of military tcience. will' take plait tometimet (luring the next two weeks. Incoming fresh men will be Ineligible lor tryoutt. due to the ruling passed last year ieiurlng men In university activi ties to havt tventy-itven credit hourt in thlt fi.iversity. Por this reason. uperclassmen are ured to try out in greater numbers than tver'befort. Men att chosen for tht organi sation on their ability with the manual of arms and their soldierly appearanct and conduct. Pershing .Unlet it a national tiety. Sev eial new chaptera havt been re cently Installed, and more tchoolt are petitioning for chartert. Ol fleers of tht group art plan ning a large number of activiliet for the coming year. Exhibition drilla In Lincoln and possibly In other cities of the ttatt will ht held from lime to time. Tht first time that the men will appear In public .will be Armistice day. when tht Pershing Rifles will head the R. O. T. C. unit In a parade. Activities will not be entirely of a military natura. however. Plans are being made for either a fall or spring dance, and monthly dinnrea and smokers will be held. Officert of the organization for 1029-30 are: captain. Stanley Pay: first lieutenant. lien Cowdery; sec ond lieutenant. Dirk Deveraux; and fiict teiKeant. Al Lucky. The Parla opera house It the largest theater in the world., cover i tng a ground area of three acres. Announce Cross Country TfMtu Tnoiiis! Jtmmla l.emit htt tssi.ed hi first tall for the Musk-r iron country tenuv lie wants all randi- j tlatat iti irport to bun at Wis sit- ilium for the opri.ing of thr pr. lice season. levMs, who asuisia Coach llenry fl hulte. will hae charge of the cross country team at the opening of the season as t'oaih Si hull it at prewnt out of town. prosectt for a winning cross country team during 1P2 art very promising and yi state. I that he exacted a large number of men to report for the first session on the track. Whitney hten Itrsrnrrh Work During Vacation Dr. Davit Whitney, professor of oology, hst for the past summer been on the research staff f the Carnegie institution at Cold Springs Harbor. L. I. Hit research It In experimental evolution w.th rotifen to learn of hereditary traits and determination of sex in hljher life through the study of lower forms. POl.ICK LIMIT miK ON CAMITS I'AKKIM; Ten minute limits have been placed on the four parking spaces immediately In front of the Admin istration building. It is a new regu lation this year and students are warned by police to watrh the clock carefully when they leave their cars In one of these placet. .; sn dkms plan to wmii: news J OK H ni.lCATlONS Three agnculturnl college stu dents will d regular riewswritiiiK for daily and weekly newspapers this yrar axordirg to an an nouncement from Prof. R P Crawford of tht agricultural Jour nalum drpartmrnt. They are Uly Danieisnn. Mrlm Mttske. and tteorge Round. Miss lisiuelson hat had ont year of exp nonet in writing on iiome torn mi t.ibjerts She will furrish tiewa ijy t.ir Tie Daily Nebrs.ikan an I other dui'y and weekly j'tpeis. Mrrl.n Mtke ant Ceorge Round will cover some stu dent affairs and agricultural top ics on the colli fe of rgilculture campus Matrkc Is editor of the Cornhusker Countryman and Round Is a new agricultural stu dent who has hail some exprlcnre in reporting for the Ord Quia of Ord. Neb. Agricultural college students each year do wrttir.; and r'purting for the news service which ,'es out regularly from the college. A few students work for pay. Some writing is required In the sgrirul tiiril joiirn-ilism courses ii n re qulrement for college credit The Dally Nebraskan will have coverage of all agricultural college activities this year. A special ar rangement has leen made wllh students ihere to take enre of all large affa-rs. The ed.tors will make additional BRilg-nn.ents of regular staff members on that campus There will also le some material rtirnisne! ry tne various departments on experiments and investigations underway In agri cultural research. MORITZ ADVISES C0MBIN-, ATION IN SUMMER 8CH00L Continued From pagt 1 i ths summsr term. f Ihote tn n lted. !i3 bal meived previous degreet at (ther Institutioiis I .rty-five of the f, rty r.tne In st rut tors of the summer aeenloii agn-ed tha: ths ttsr.dard of work done and tht attitude taktn bv summer studentt wat siierir to that of the regular ttudentt of tht nine mor.tht term. Roth instructors anil students of the summer term voted in favor f a nine or a six to nne weeks term. Thert was still a strong sentiment among tht studentt for two six wrekt terms, howster. ac cord. ng to Professor M iriti. POSSCSSCt SMALLEST TOOTH. The tmallett wisdom tooth or thir l molar ever known to b ex tracted from the mouth of a hu man being Is poshessed by Dean i). A. Urul b of the rollcgt of den tut rv. and Is in the roiicctnn in Andre'.vt ball The tooth Is only one-ftfth of an in h long and one twenty-fifth of an inch In diam eter, but has a complete crown and root. It was taken from tht rr.o'.jth of a woman twenty flvt years of age. niHIXTOK Ol ICK 1'I.A.NS mm; aims Ml SIC ENsniHIJ. A new university rconal organ isation known as tt.s I ns arts in strument eisemli!e Is t be. formed t..n. it was ai.nounred t'ly by Prof. V. T Qiiik. director of ti.e R tl T. C t!ll who w;ll ror.d'Jit trvoutt in the near future fr thiwe interested in J"l:.:rff tie group. The ensemble, wl.nb wi'l I composed of seleited student musi cians, will play prim .pal y I t pro. d ii turns of the rmvtis.ly J,:arrs and will be strictly in the uatuit r f a pit orchestra. A irhesrsal tla will e hell in Mornil t'tll at hours whnh will I announced li ter, and one hour cie J.t will given for the toure. Mr. nk stated The course is to be known as Fine Art IT.'. M l-u sbi-.k int. tcHed ui joining the instrumental ens n-.- bit may arrangt for tryoutt wit D.rct tor Q t.i k. CtTS NAVY POSITION. Word hat len rctitd by Dr. U A ilrul t) ue&n of tht collsgt Of dentmtry. that It L. R. Vaugha, rn'.i'ry grtduatt of 193s, w as oi.e i f ti.s setn applicants from group of svnty-six to ass sue ir.ii ill)' the ia.xstiun fur on tal service In the felted flutaa navy Okeh Hot Records Ol 1 1. mm f.' t '.' f y li' ' o ' l'iirs ,M... Its (juite the thing to atop at the "friendly drug ttort" after the theater or an aft ernoon f t'.opplng tht food is tt delicious and aat islying. and our fountain ex perts havt many new spe i tallica to tempt a Jaded appetltt. DcWitt's Formerly Tiller t rrtt'-rtptlon Pharmacy M. W. OfWltt Prop. 16 and O B4423 Spanish women are credited with being the most graceful dancers of all women in the world. Your Drug Store Pons Ptineh Ssms iixvi Ks' s Stmt Good Service The Owl Pharmacy Thone BIoSS 146 No. 14. SPARE TIME WORK Af'r regulsr Classes ss mir Bnile'l Represents! Its on "Varsity r't 0"0d" ntttl s Nntrs Dima Siu'Uni over SI200 In sis mr.nl In. B( esrnlnss. ditnlfleil, con sen I si sork. luhl eansrlsne snd no inemient required. Your imii-t won't be open ry lore Writs for fres partleulsrs Iik.hv. Bradford A Co., Ine. SI. Joitph, Michigan Use a Conklin Lifetime Pen Rector's Pharmacy C. E. Buchholz, Mgr. 13 & P St. "The Students' Store' Srrvinjr Special Nooh Lunches .- IK 1 All Fountain Specialties ime air Dim dlsrnvBimg t'nless vou have vour steering geometry O Ked by the Scien tific Brake Service Co. The only way you can lose control of your car then, is to miss two consecutive payments. We check your steering mechanism and test your brakes with out cot or obligation If you see a car stop-quick - smooth - quiet -you know it's one of our Jobs. Yon can't expect to rate a date unless your car is equipt with one cf our modern heaters. In fact after we get through with your car the only thing you need Is her first name and phone number. '.1fcr yni Nfof llrrr you ran fitoi Atnjirhrrr" x Scientific Brake Service Co. HARRY HENSON, Mgr. 14th and M St. Ideal Oarage Bldg. E6784 Sons and Daughters oS Nebraska Welcome Back May the coining colW-iciatr .vmr W n li.ipl'.v nmi profitable one. n year rich in pbiisniit iiii-tnui'ii t. Wo invito vou to vUit at your com onic uco. either of our two shop, to inspect ll.o Mnart fall Shoot wo nre fotttirinp: for 1 he oollope mnn nml woman. or:;!-:":!:':':'::.':: $6 ,.,$10.00 f;r.:w:.":r.:h:.r.''.'$5 ,0 $10.00 Buck's Oooteries Two Busy Shops 13 s. (I 1 1' The most convenient ttudent note ayttem yet devised Condensed data on sll Technical subjects in Loose-Leaf LEFAX (Leaf-fact) Pocket Size 200 BLANK FORMS ASK FOR LEFAX CATALOG Your Professor Will Explain Lefax TO(CIIEI&I HIEAEJ 1123 "O" STREET Students Supplies for Every College Department Laundry Cases T. M. C. QUIKPAK and others in Brown and White Duck Canvas. Extra fillers and labels. Chemistry Supplies Milford Aprons Chemistry Note Book LOWEST PRICES Drawing Instruments AND SLIDE RULES For Students in A. M. Genuine Richtcr, Dietzgen, K. & E., Post and Others 1 ''il-S " "... All instruments and outfits offered the students are examined and approved by your professors. We personally guarantee every instrument thruout your Uni versity course. Your name gold stamped FREE on instrument case. BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES We put only the best quality instruments in our out fits and they cost no more. STUDENT EXPENSE BOOKS FREE SCRIPTO Pencils with 2 Packages Leads SIP ECEALS The I-P Brown Whirl Grain Leather HISTORY COVER With U of N Seal $3.75 The finest and most popular cover on the Campus. Your Name Gold Lettered FREE on Leather Covers. Other Covers -all standard sizes $2.00 down LAW NOTE BOOKS Specially Made and Approved for Law Students up Prices Are Lowest MONROE MILLS HISTORY PAPER Finest Grade, Boxed in Beam Packages Round Comers Green Edges 90c per ream "Capitol" Stanard Grade at 50c per ream LOOSE LEAF FIELD BOOKS FOR C. E. STUDENTS LEATHER BRIEF CASES Specially Made for Students with Your Name Gold Lettered FREE ART STUDENT SUPPLIES Water Colors Crayons Papers . 3 IV. The Right FOUNTAIN PEN is an important and neces sary item of your equipment. We have the largest and best assortment in the city, including Waterman's Ideal Shaeffer Lifetime Parker Duofold Wahl Pen and Eversharp Pencil I liULi to 6 ILCIEr Optical Department Before you Uke up your school work you should have your eyes examined by our graduate optometrists if you need glasses or a change in your present pre scription is indicated they will tell you. We guarantee all refracting satisfactory. Fine optical repairing,, broken, lens duplicated. Watch Department In this department you will find all the new things in ladies' and gen tlemen's wrist watches Elgins, Hamilton, Walt hams, Hampdons and fine Swiss, special attention is drawn to our Slurdy True time telling sport wrist watches prioed at $7.50 and $10.00 I Clock Department Here you will find just what you want in a good clock from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you. Thf OMest Established Students Supply Store HJIKIE TTD HEART ON "O" STREET BET WEEN THE 10 CENT STORES. Manufacturers of Sorority and , Fraternity Rings, Pins and Charms Designs in Colors and tstimates Furnished rree in Lincoln