MY .10. 1)20 tiik nvuv rnnsKAN Tiinrn ninnr FIELD if Mil BE DIFFERENT Cay Includes Tour Around Hatcheries in Vicinity 01 This City VISIT NEBRASKA FARMS rwiirr neiddaT7 "! ily the rulnr department f the Oil. I of AHrulur haa sal . if.d.v. Jun. 14 Vnik pretrt .si, u"r I'M .ill be In the nature. f .-uliiv tur in the leadms hatch IS and pouhr, farm, la lh. ttrl.!IV Ol IJll'OlB. Be'of ih f'" of " Jour III ae lh" 10 ,Brol' Pjlll(f, ,., .. maus vouUi) house "eh 'h,, ' ,,r ,.uluy ruan baa Juat nti complied This house li h, l,rd lo be the latest and " mfld.rn in P""" house tonstro "r, At lh- Hllli poultry farm. ne' establishment. A retnum-nt btooder house tas4 for IStHl poults the turka. The apecialtjf HI .,rm or Ij R Brown at Arbor la jn . hedttled for a atop A nu- i. er ol o'hor poultry eetabllahmenta ,re scheduled for a atop lnrJud.n ih mlloK poultry plant. Dneuis Change of Oay In durussms the reaaon for ,hnrmr the nature of poultry field ilir 'his )'r froin w"n ,-revioiisiv held 10 that of a tour, j R Roddlii. poultry aitenilon .peeisltst at the illes;e. pointed mit thai the greatest majority of potilirv folks who attend poultry nM da eaoh year are. Bock own rr These folks will et much more out of poultry fle.U day thai it of practical Interest and value h, vislta to auroeaaful poultry s--ms to see for themselves bow ..ihr poultry producers solve the emblems of MOttatlon, economical r.-HIr end efficient marketlnt. roniderable emphasis will be (.li.ed upon turkey production our irt the tour. 'The turkey Industry k mrvin to the, middle west." Mr. riertdltt declared. "Nebraalta la rec th rea.1 nioneer In ei reilmemal turkey work by the rnlied Siatea department of arl .til'ure and recelvee lettera con .mint urkey problems from every state In ihe union. Many Nebras lani are not aware of the Impor tant par which thia atate haa been plavlnr In turkey production." he pointed out. "bnt it la a fact that ttirkevs from Nebraska ara recor nired for their quality and line de te'opment. Thouaanda of more Mirke are belnu raJaed in No hnV thia year than laat year." Th Ufual picnic lunch will be nbierved. all thoae wcre to. ba in nrjrd to bring their own plcnl'. luvh. RUSSIAN COMMENTS ON NATION'S FUTURE rntlniil from Tm ihe Pnlihevlata 10 reaiat roliah im "riilnm.1 Sentiment W Strong Seat I men t wan particularly r.m. Mr. Moier added, when Bin nilov usiifd the manifeatato appcal tni to all the people to forget po litical differenrea and etand to r'-the; against Poland. A' the present time there ate lib mI croiipa. to-called democrat h. and the metal revoluiionlnla. There are alto a number of other minor actions which can never find a I'ommon around. An atiempl lo unl-e tbee groupa In Karla two er ito ended In a failure. After the Ctar abdicated thia 'hronp, a provincial government f formed. At the aame liinc. 'flviets or counclla were organized. Cheae Included ieprescntaties of ilie laboring claasea. peafanta, ol liei and aallota during the war. Kmlj frictlona began between iliesc to legislative bodies when 'rh one claimed nole right to gov in the country. By a alow proc ". the provlatonal government "irnpd out to be the true repreaen ;non of the liberal nobility while 'lie Soviet became the mouthpiece "f ihe people. Conditiona Id the "I'inTy due to the war favored the :ov U is. for the latter demanded "iiinediiiie peace and distribution 'i land among the peaaant Thia a the chief reason for their am: ss In selling the government In November. 1917, and In retaining it since then. Government Changed Greatly "Th government has changed a erei p1 during the lsi twelv rs." remarked Mr. "If has adopted a milder policy toward home social Classen in the country a well u towards foreign na iinns." 1 he present government of Rus h's consists of an executive coun 'II. the head of which cortesponds 'o our resident though ihe former hss fewer powers. The country has sysu-ni of icpretemaiiun. too. In birh each city or village has a o.ei or council which sends r-p-!j'""i"ivp to a regional council. Ilfse in turn snd tepreaeniatiTea " the caplial of the ante. The. 'r-e siaio which form the union u'h as RussiK proper. L'kraine, "' He Kuaxia and oihera i.end ip "snidtives to Moscow forming tir union government. 'then questioned about nsian Mr. Moier replide. "No one cat. gay how niany h(re ..,, eihap, t.ill'lon or more, and Ke sci lered all over Ihe ''U. Tin- tragedy of the exiles ' Hiai tl.ey ere divided into so ny different political sectiona ,," 1 ""'r 'ould not come to an un 'eiatanding with Hc'i other." Many iKllea.Laft nf"' of '' because onifr f:;,;i" lion. '"''"V' f i-e-r .ociil posi i uch ai. te.ozi.ized no eenl. , 'bers herauae of Ihe s 0 . ', cndiiion of th countrv. back , 01 'h" xiifa have turned are .mi ,i:''",'a- b' many of them 1st. "'iTing Thev are r.o l iT" '" for ",PV hp I,,' "" iii7.enhip in Kus la and - noi j Hl. .,1)m)1 Rus..V1,Min ?vter.d 'In "a-l .v. ' x' More den,. ,.' ,hr are sm "i mmoet erery university In ih world Thero la a large ausa Her Of atudeait i attortj nalver u lea la ihia rauairt aad iieai many in talitomla ton Most of them tie taking engineering or business administration. which .outset indicate the tenet a I move nieni now prevalent among Rua alea young people. Some eipect to J go Bars to ineir countiv, waeri to remain bete end r.rry out their Interea'a Mi Moier explained dial he intruds o teach in thia country hr be complete! hi edu i a' ion "Maay question the futura of Russia." Mr Moier le marked In rioting "the conditions of the country leading to the recant up heaval ran be regarded at blatoiy. but no otto can aay vbai the em corno of lit niovament tince HIT aiil be, aa the country la I the aiocett of reformation The main problem la lo introduce modern In tlustrlal meihodt develop Industry aa much aa possible, and raise the agrlrutiuial aiandardt" Mr. Meter bellerea that the fnlted S-aiea will torn eio recog nue Kuasia for the I . S alone with her huge amount of capital la able 10 supply the market Hutsia pre trail today. DEAN'S OFFICE ISSUES NEXT YEAR CALENDAR lI'Mllin Irmtm It net 1 Samrdsr evanlaf: All I'nlvarsuy party. Parb council, t ol laeum. Nevambar N 1 -. Rsiurdav: Kansas Na- braaka gam. Honiecomlng Nov. -Saniiday. Missouri ."a braaka game, freshmen teams. Nov. 11 Monday: II noon to a p m . Armlatica nay ceiearaimn Nov. 11 IS Monday Kaiuraav. Mid semester exauiinaiions Nov. It - Satur.l: Oklahoma-' Nehraska came: lud'a day Nov. I 1 hui sday : inanasgiv. Ing da?; Iowa Slate College Ne braska game. Nov. 2s .in - Thura. Saturday: Thanksgiving vacation. December Iter. I -Friday: Military ball. Coliseum, opening of formal ara ton. Her. 13 -Friday evening: Torn- huaker banquet for men. Dec. 14 -Saturday: Third quar ter repotti. iw 14 Saturday : Barb council party. Coliseum. Isec. 21 Saturday noon: thrist- maa recess begins. 1110 January Jan. - Monda.v: I a. nv, Chiisi- maa recess ends Jen. 8-11 Monday Saturday : Second aemeater regiat ration for resident students. Jan. 27 Sl-Monday Fri lay: First aemeater examinations. Jan. 81 Friday: Registration for new students. February Feb. S Monday: Second aemea ter claasea begin. Fe-h. S Saturday: Iniei -fratar-oltv ball. Feb. 14 Friday: Coed Folllea, Temple theater. Feb. 14 Friday: All L'nlveralty party. Barb council. Coliseum. March March 1 Saturday: First quar ter reports. March 7 Friday: Junior - Sen ior prom. March 14 -Friday: Spring party, rershing Rifles. March In Saturday: All lTnivei sltv party. Barb council. Coliseum. March':!! lo Anril 4 Monday- Kriiiay: Mul t-rniexier examinations. April April IS - Friday: Good Friday; closed to dances. April I ii-Saturday: Noon. Spring recess begins. April 20 Sunday : Kasler Sun rfav. Anril 24--Thursday : S a. m., spring recess emis. i April tin to Mrtv 3 W.l..Raiur- ..... .- i, ri : wer-k. May 2 - Friday : Pre-Med day. 3 - Sat inlay: Third quarter May May report a May- Saturday: Farmers Fair. May S-10- Monday - Saturday: Registration for resident students for first semester 19. ,0 ?, May 28 Wednesday drama. May 29-31 Thuts.-Sat.: Alumni day; Class day. Dance Ivy day; June June 1 Sunday : BHCCKlauieate sermon. June 2 6- Mon. Fri.: Second se m.'Kter examinations. June 7 Saturday: Fifty-ninth an nual commencement. PERSHING PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED JUNE 8 Honor Goes To Merber of Drill Group During Commencement Announcement of the Gen.. John G. Pershing award will he made at commencement exercises on Satur day. .Tune I. The a aid is made to the junior or senior member of Per.-hiiig Rifles selected on the basis given by (ieneral Pershing. Scholastic standing, military stand ing, and tcneraj military efficiency are considered In equal proportion. Tii award has usually been made to a member of the graduat ing class. Kit lough the provisions allow Ii to b made to either a junior or t-enior. The committee In chart e of the selection is made ui of T. .1. Thompson, dean of stu dent a.f.i ,. Lieut. Col. F. F. Jew it. and Opt. H Y. Lyon. IJTKIl'.KY SUCtETY ELEl.TS Ui'TiCLRS At recent meeting of Pifma fpsllon, national Library fraier nily. the following wete elected of ' cera for the next a. hool year: l.a Ulle (;ilman. 'SO. Lincoln, presi lent; Dcugias Timmtrnisn. 'Sn .Incoln. vice president: Frederick iirisi'-n -pi. L'ncolii. fcinaiy .'he ot eani?.aiion lon -ors he pub of the rrairie ScliMner. literary msgarine of the university. ENGINEERING SENIORS ITRACT FOR J Graduating Students Take Work With Companies Over States Itsv Itlimasn w hn will e.iliisie (r mo the departniem of Riechanical ( ei.iai mi. ha e utrd K)snlon ii me auioinetivf ana 1 1 at or tie psrimeaii u.' .ha Intei ua'ional Hat vea'er company of t'hicago flareuce lemklau. another senior hat a oiiiinn with the low, and Nebraska I'owei cotui-anv at I. in eoln Thendoie IStigler will be eru ploved In the refrigerating dervan ment of the Oeneial Kleu1r com paay at Koi1 Wayne. Ind .1. D N'nvotny will attend the Undents' trsining couise g.ven li the 'esiln(hnue Klectrical and Manu.'aciiu m rnminv mi l-lasi fMishmgh, I'. W 8. Onani and heiben a. rtedeiicka. who giadu- , it the mechanical engineer i ng dcpartmenl last January a.e at tending this schiN.I at ieent. I flumar Cts Air Jb j M. 1. rinmer. another M. K , senior, has a position with the Ar j row Aaroplaae cm poiatlon at Have l lock Yed M t hase who gtadu tied at mldyeat la am ployed in the manufacturing department of ihe J. I Caae riow company at Moline III. W. and I.. S fan. also midyear g lduaies. ate In the de signing department of the Knoll vlicrafi corporation at Wichita. Mns ". P Solleea. a native ol the rnii- ppinr.a. la In the employ of the state htrhws.- deitsrtment in I. In coin. He expects to leiurn to his home in the Philippine IsUnds In the future. Senior Music Student Will Sail for Tokyo, Japan As Missionary Emma M. Johnson presented her graduation recital tor the degree of bachelor of line ana. last evening at 8:li o'clock In Ihe Temple The aier. Miss Johnson la or the data of Howard Kirkpatrlck. She was accompanied by Earnest Harrison. Mias Johnson leaves the latter pait of the aumniet for Tokyo, Japan, where she will enter tha Foreign Mission Field of the Kpia copal Church. She baa secured an appointment as a teacher of rauale In one of the church sclioola In Tokyo. SIGMA DELTA CHI OFFERS PICTURES Original Photographs Used In 1929 Yearbook Ar Placed on Sale All original pictures iiaed in the 1929 Cornhusker will be sold from a booth in front of Ihe rnlveralty hall today, according to an an anouncement made by members of Sigma Delia Chi journalls'ic fra ternitv In charge of the aale. The' booth will be open between ihe morning and afternoon Ivy day programs and following the after noon events. The prices will be lower .than cost, according to Wll- mm jnein.. -..-. - - book. Gordon frson. managing - j ; , r ih. i?fi Cornhusker. la Memzei. edtior ot tne y. of the committee in ! chairman charge. SUMMER SCHOOL CHANGES TIME IN COACHES COURSE (fnianr4 from Paa l coaching at the I'nlveralty of Ten nessee he came to Nebraska in 1927 Ed Weir. all-Ameiican. tackle of 1914 and 192S. who Is now end coach at ihe I'niveraliy of Ne braska, completes the football coaching staff. He will assist in ,he two wefks course. Nebraska's grand old man of the nsck. Coach "Indian" Scliulie, will instruct in track and athletic train ing Schulie produced a champion track team of the Big Six I his year and In past yeara has in ored nu meroua famous track stilts Among these are Roland l-ocke. present pokier of the world's record In Hie :;i-vrd clash, Ed Weir, a great uurditr. "Choppy" Rho.ies, ail around champion of the Illinois re. lavs In 1925. and Fait KlUins. A V f. decathlon clmmiion and lit. 7 iecord holder. Before coming to Nebraf-ka cliitlie coached Ftob Simpson, hurdler. and Jakon ScUolz., at Missouri. Coach Schulie . as a member of the 1928 Olympic eoa.hmg staff. His wide knowl-i.g.- will he si the call of those a-ho enroll for the summer term. Basketball will be uken care of hv Charlea T. Black. hU coach of varsllv baakeiball. He is consld ered the greatest all-around athlete ever graduated from the I nlveralty of Kansas where he compt ied under Thog" Allon. He lias had success n his three years at Nebtaeka. .onii Black will give a compla e ourse in theory and practice of vnsketball. In the sn-weeks couise liber V Knight will condoet course In phy sical education. It le composed ;.riinar1iy of floor wort: with aorue hie given to claastooui atutly Ibis is Intended tor coaches who teach physical education as nuss i-hlc ics in addition to tbctr rcgu ar caching work. Heriiert - Uish. director of in .ercolleglate and Intramural ath letics at the university glts Him couise in aihlatlc organisation and tdnpniairation. Mr. tilsh also di -ecis the summer coaching courses The new arrangement of aummer ;uurses offers lust ruction of every isture to meet the demands of all Ines of s-hle'i- Mach ,u. Fnoi oall. bifklha:i. .ruck, training ootii m!bis r- ot if nidation ind Iminir-trailon make a com r.lle prcrrsm. CON GIVES PROGRAM Only Two Mor lnutt Of tiftff IT ill ipnrar ( in i v ntnie Isuea of The I svily Neh.askan will appear this )ei Will 'le puhllranoa of Tl.uils)' and Siin.t's edl inns. 'Ihe Vehiatkan will au .pend (eiailnns un'il nril fall. Huff alo Skins Take Place in Coed Luncheon At ihe W. A. A. luncheon Friday at the CorrUtiisker hotel, buffalo skins will be a aided the winoeia In Iniiannnal spotta Compatativa landings of the ginupa in Intra mm a I spot is foi this year will be announced at that I line Coeds who have scored enough liinia will be turn an 'N" nirt (-is will hii-lir class numerals for la nplllls. Tnete are skins you love lo losirh and banana skins Imii right now buftalu ak ns ate l .n featuied As the lovetnni of Notih Carolina 'said. "To I lie i liampinna belong the ' skins." or woids to that effec. Light aiiinmei fiorks will lake me pla. e of bloomera and middies when the ' N" wonun gei together. Vs the governor of Soiiih Carolina answered. "Tiuee cheers for the women'" u wotds to that effect. Viae Mabel Lee. riuth IMamond and Flea nor Flaiteimereh will speak at the Inu. heon. loroihy Nit-timley :s In rhaige of arrange ments. Tickets 'or the luncheon inay he bought at the Inttamural omce or from the intrsmural rep represenianvee for sevenl) five cenis. All university girls are In vited to attend and alumnae or the organisation will be gtiesta of the W. A. A TRATERNITY SINO OPENS ROUND UP PROGRAM TODAY ((ntlnM4 tram Tf l ent time, and Is calling the Satur day meeting. She la the wife of Fji'iI Cline. prrsldent of the Board or Kegenta of Ihe Cnlversity. At 10:30 o'clock the May Quren will he presented, with the usual reremony. The Ivy day poem will be read and the author recognised. Preaidents of the Junior and senior classes for the second semester will plant the traditional Ivy. Orchesis will present a short program, hsv ing performed lasi night with their regular annual characterization. Perry Morton, univetrity atudent. will conduct the short Memorial ei erclses. Seventeen aocial sororities on the rampua will compete at 1 o'clock in the annual Intersororlty alng. Itelta Zeia. last years win ner. will again compete for the cup. Bruce Snyder, recently elected Ivy day orator, w ill apepar at 1:4S, the nature of his oration Is not yet known. Williams Will Speak Dr. Hattle Plum V' la scheduled to speak this arternoon before the annual masking of the Mortor Boards. Tapping of Inno cents, the closing afternoon cere mony, will be preceded by a speech by Dr. George Condra. concerning the history and purposes of tha In nocents society. , Various affairs of entertainment "alums" Friday and Saturday, with the annual frolic to be held at Cap Itol beach topping the list. The Fniverslty Players will present a dramatic performance at Capitol beach Friday evening for the visit ing graduates. Greeks Plan Banqeirt Banquets planned by fraternities and sororities will occupy tJie greater part of the time of the alumni for the evenings. A list of the greek-letter orgsnlratlons who are entertaining their former ac tives Is printed in today'a Dally Ne braskan. Feature of Friday afternoon's program will be the annual compet staged by members of the univer sity R. 6. T. C. reglmenl. Awards w'l'l be made to the men winning tne various events at that time and . i ill K tne winning coiniu. wm irr u...tU by the Judges. "lnmnl come bark to the uni versity campus each year with tha Idea of renew ing old acquaintances and having good limes," declarad Harold Holm of the alumni associa tion, 'and we're going to put over a real Round I'p week for them." SCHEDULES FOR SPECIAL SESSION ARE COMPLETED Intinne4 rmm ra- It lions who are on fhe summer staff. Mew Features Added In edition to the regular courses Offered In llif vsrlotis colleges, a WANTED Students who wish te wor. Either Men or Woman , Blue Bell Toiletries' 754 Stuart Bldfl. Typewriters For Rent All i-iani3rl msks p'-i"l rat it t.idnl f"r loi.a- ter-m. I"sd inchln pertshle typewriters monllilt pa.i.nenls Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 O St. B2157 )4Tour Drue Store rtnett Trasts In Csnil and Sods THE ; OWL Pharmacy J14 North 14th St. B1068 ( LOU HILL Anivwmcin "Fieldcrest Clothcs,, A ManhaJl Field k Ootnpaay Prod act "The finest ia Hen's Wear" Phone B3975 or Appointment Display Room 1309 O St. number of taw fea t a res have bee added thia year. A aummer surve) ramp will ba readuried the Coi lege of .iigineerr. in il enal neenng. from June 10 to July 2i t Aauland A two weeks coaching arhool beginning June II. and end lag Juae it. will be readuneu by Head Coach Bible and the emite university roarhing ataff ' A field trip la planned b the department of geography to ering the siatea of yoming. I'tali and Colorado. beg:nntng August .' and enaing tugtut ; r !4 Many disnngulsbad lnuui.irs will devote all or part of theli lime lo Instiut-llon. IH. Finest An deraoa, bead of the daps it ment of chemistry at the I'nlveisuy of Chi I cago and alassarbusetts Agri.ul 1 lural college, will gle eotk In! chemistry He setved ae'-eral veara t Pretoris unlvetsity in youth Af ilea, and la well known as a le 1 search woiker In ihe field of cat bohydraia chemistry falser Takea Mittary. Dr. loula Pelter of the Calver alty of Iowa will offer gtaduaie courses In Ametlcan hia'oty Doc lot Peiier Is secretary of the IVg ' Tea. oi Western aihteur confet ; ence He has Issuej thiee hooks aod a 'ourth Is now in manus.iipt form. In addidt'.on to many articles for historical publications His spe rial intereti In teaching is In esi er.i history and iecein history ' while in writing he la loteeste. faiticularly In the TiansViasia , stppt est. He has studied in many ; leading llhtartes. and In niosi ol i Ihe state historical society collec-j tlnns In the middle west. tir. Julia M. Shipman. who Is recognised among geographers as one of ihe leading women geog raphets of Ameitca. will gi work In thai department. She Is now at Clark university, and was lor merly at the State Normal arhool l New Britain. Conn Inning the psst year ahe hsa been cojiaber atlng 'wlth Doctar Van Valkenburg at Clark university Is a textbook on the geography of Kurope She haa traveled extensively through out Kurope and spent two sum mers In special geographical re aearrh work at ihe 1'nivarsltles of Cambridge and lxndon. Prof. Lelaad Paine, who will be vlalttng lecturer in geography during ihe summer susion la graduate of the University of Ne braska. Ha w ill offer courses In the geography of Nebraska and in phyatography. an will have charge of the field work, arilng as lesder In conducting the voluntary encut lions lo various places of Internet in Lincoln. Spent Tims in Ressareh Professor Paine spent several yeara In field work aa soil scientist in ihe Called States bureau of soils. After aervlr.g as a graduate aaaiatant here he continued his studies at the University of Wis consin. reeivln hia master's de gree there. He is now In rhsrge of geo?rsphy Instruction in the Ag- , ricultural and Mechanical college ; of Tesas. at College Station. Tetas. Prof. Bert Cooper of the Mia Classified Ads rOI.l.t-OK HAS W'antaS tor lumniir worlt. (iusrart1 Incem Citrt a's tlah'il mmi'in), St Mr. 0lhsn. SOt Trmlrtl Pl-ts.. I.larala tiprt tiptsl rsadv eon., i.rm rsrt-s ana rsporra. rati Vtralnls riA-rn:ns at !.;; ifmr I p m. tV'SVCGIi fttuSftiili UN. f sn tn nrk. Cithsr msn oi- me stl'it Wstt Tllirl TauJird mill 173 D 11 QDG ' ODD ! ODC QBG H J II A? II JT 1 V W . aaw y L 1 . no -with suits that are comfortable and gay as your mood Jow bacK "suntan" suits, "brassiere in" type, two toned effects, and many other models. Sizes 34 to 42 5.75 to 8.75 And all the accessories to go with them u jrjr nn! aq dc aa euri atta.e leacheta rntlrse ihn will dlterl ihe ot k HI wtailred agriculture is we'l krt.ian b touaty auierln'enlvni and I'usl teachers In Seb'atka his ion intuition in sinnula'ltig 'l .nkl Summar Scheel Program June It'll ltegitrann. t to I) and 1 to j.i'.l.rfk. U-inm-U hall June I Siiinniei e a s I n i laset lei-lii 7 n c'" k tiilv 4 N hoi na Atigiut ; t r i n a I fvaniitia ton of leathers in total s.hiu.-t In Rolf T .lohannesen lotniertv of ttifi lntveiait of I nd sua and at w eel chairman of the ilepsi i ttini of lh.- Mississippi l o lrge fm W'.imeii al Columbia. H oft.i wntk In hi . lory In Tatil K M'lt'. of U leaih'-is college of I'olu lib a unn -i any. Uo' ill he on ill similiter a trxil fsc ulty. is Amrrin ouisianding S'l thni v and mnt i ihii'ory In Hi field of s.ate s-ilvort of eilu. att.ui Ills oil oi im eiiul, ration of ed'icational oi-i inn v 'lunttgh, imp.n.ed liii.; si-honl o'smia . I nn is epe islu inneo tt lit pioiMissI ha In nn w .- -.-. hv Ihe states nt r oik. A ahsma. and Okleii.mirt Hin! I" tug n aidered hv lli . ol "-: It S vania Kansas N.-hiavka oI'IhimiIo and Mi.'hiran Aimoiim .-.ifni hs Jual tie.-n r.-ieii. of Ins M'l"'iii' ment as .tiiectni of lh Si IhniI oi Kit'!' H ton . of the Iraclicis inllvi;. a Cohinilna Offers Teachers Ceurs. Wnik lo he o.'teted this iiiii:ii. by I ii Ijn ttesi llni-i. cliaiiman o,' teh di-pi.rim. nt ol el.-nn iitt.: y Ciln ration and director of tin- -li ittentaiy training i liol it the I'm versity of Iowa w.ll glM- n-aciiei renew or at I a mitt matter . , . when too har the ad antag of rlear, co rapletr notr . . . typed on the Royal Portable. MM MM " 1 1,111 '" ' 1 111 "--- "-V --- ta sv vr ja.-a. jlu. a-av m t m I I Vj TYPEWRITERS &J Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 0" t of Neh'aka aa eppenaaify ot he- i. in laminar with ihe aelea'irte i ultra m spelling aad leaning "'"It h haa aia.ia. aa I which have out 1 1 Imirj ao nw h to the charge in ml. ten mailer and method In the eiMitien'aty school suhyncts A se.iea of Ivi iures Intended art instil) 'or cono'y superlRieadenia ot . i.riM.n.L nl srhnoia mill he ron ilme. hv ir Msna H Puisne a. P'ii'( or of rd nation aad director ' t iial e,iuaiion of the ata'e If. . n. a .oilrge at Vpsilaail, Mich Ihi.ioi ruinian is ihe author of t In bonks which have been of In tl'l. n. e jtirmighout the rouottv (fiii.tio indiu rmtwyp ahrdl uu WH.t H1 THE UNI BARBERS sire; lwny n your en'irn 319 No. 12th NEW CARS FOR RENT Jutl adrttng ou. l't e fly "J c inurt Cftur: Chvrit torn Miiiri A StfiaMt.tra. Caucas sue Turto.s ffcn tmmad a.siy .if r. mil rtisroifM on citfar Chavroiets. all nioa4s Alwayi Open B 6819 Motor Out Company 1120 P St trM. u a aHmrJf a -W-i. -ar- -B 173 -Second Floor.