The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 30, 1929, SUMMER SCHOOL EDITION, Image 1

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he Daily Nebraskan
voTTxxv"' m- !p6 .
30, 92')
School of Fine
Arts Director
Explains Field
(YofrMor Crumminn j
IfutK, Drama, An
(tier's net: TM artlda toL
lwa the eleventh
r ftt cover all the cel.
aea of te U"iveralty. Tha
t4o a h aenea la baaad upon
teeaitieea vartoua flalda
tat eeea.e graduataa must face
tet firtt ysar out of school.
1928 Graduate Dim
-Mode, drawing and dramalk-a.
pVest'.ont Included In the School
Fine Ans. ara Just remtoc Into
ir own." declared Prof, raul H.
Caancaca. director of tb School
f Pise Ara. whu Interviewed
wtterelft' tha poeaibilltiea of a
ptifaata of that ar hool.
-7 teaching of music Id both
tboo:s and prtvata Institutions la
very lucrative practice, and be
lles this, ihe musical fi14 la
j-eaMv enlarged because of tb mo
ies pictara Industry. Practically
rrry tcade boos in tba roue try
its aa organ and many of onr
g-idua-es ara employed la rocb po
aJens" Pro 'e or Ommmano stated that
ee rrarfosta of his achool
-itg a aalarr of OTer 1 10.000 a
year at the praeent time aa organ
's la a thaaier la Buffalo. N. V.
H sutad that tba phonograph and
rUo. Instead of diminishing the
trzJtaA tor aalctans. hava In-
i n
! . J
.V r 1
I Xs I:
rfi' r ef Til lusr'a Jmrml
Roland Looa. aho received hit
A. M. define from the University
laat spring. as found dead at Par
go. N. I. Monday. He waa profea-
aor of Fogltah In the state agrlcul
tural coleg there,
lira at Cairo. Neb.
Two-Weeks Term Starts
On June 12 to Benefit
Experienced Men
Bible Is Scheduled for Grid
Instruction; Schulte
Handles Track
Summer Term Registration
Begins Monday After
Mozcr States Successful
Reconstruction Will
Be Modern
Institution Offers Work To I
Qualify Teachers of
Athletic reaching courses given
In the summer school term of nine
eeks will be different from those
of former yare. In past yeara lb
coarhirg ilaMts hare been con
ducted only In the flrat of the two
Hla parenta I all week summer tertna. With the
lone nine week term a new ayctem
hat ben dev Isd.
A two-weeks court from June 12
to 25 haa been arranged for tboee
already engaged In athletic roach
Ing during the regular school year
and for thoae alth eiperlenee.
Thli ahort course will be held the
first two weeka of the aummer ses
sion. The short session will Interfera
very little with the regular sum
mer work of iboee m'ao lh lo al
tei.d Tor thoae enrolled In the
regu'ar aummer arhool a ali-weeka
courae Is Intended. To care for
varying degreea of experience, sec
tions will b arranged. Regla
tranta In the two-weeka cottrae are
ex-ected to a'.teni all of thee
rctvertl'y calendar for 1JIJ-J0 iciaaaea.
wsa released at the office ef Dean '" "
Am.nrf. Heooner veaterday. The Pana X. Bible will ias'rnct In
complete achednle for all university foo-ball coaching throughout the
fanrtiona haa been arranged as j short course and the first two
usual for tbe cora!og year to pre- f weeks of the rraJar six weeks
vent conflicts In dates of campus ! term. Coach Bible brings a re-
ii'iirt. ;maraatie record irom nts tnmeen
live datea have been reserved J years of coacblng at Texas A. M.
r all-nnfversiir rartle to be i college. His teama in th laat
Schedule Is Arranged to
Prevent Any Conflict in
Campus Affairs
University Senate Responds
To Demands of Students
And Instructors
Class schedules for the summer
session will be available at the
registrar's office next week, and
buletins of the aesslon may be
obtained there now. It was an
nounced yesterday. Registration
Hi begin on Monday following
commencement, and close Tuesday
at S o'clock.
In response to the demand from
Instructors and studen's the Uni
versity Senate approved a change
from tao six-weeks sessions plan
used In the past, to a single nine-
weeks session. This change maketlaia without any trouble
it possible for the regular students
In attendance during the long aes
slon. aa well as those wbo attend
the summer session only, to carry
the rrr-!-" coursax and corcp'.ata
them In the summer work.
Organization of the summer ae
slon will be such aa to make It
equal to that of the regular aa
alon. This m sites It possible for
students to continue their regular
work without Interruption, either
with the regular staff of inst nic
ies or with some of the distingu
ished educa'ora from other tnsHt
(By Mjrjorie Could)
"Ruisia is pasdeg 'hrouch a pe
riod of eronotnlp reconstt union
and her fu'ure lll depend upon
the success atth ahlrh she Intro
duces modern Injjttnal methods
and wina the ecenomir recognition
of the I'nited States and other
countries." stated Antone Moier.
sn'or in the InUerslty when
questioned regarding the Russian
political situation
Mr. Moxer has been In the I'nited
States about six jesrs. He left
Russia after the civil war In 1)21
bad thrown the young people out
Into tba streets In a state of unem
ployment. He succeeded in getting
a place on a snip used by the
League of Nations to transfer war
prisoners and left the country with
out the permission of the govern
ment. He did not leave for polit
ical reasons, for he had aerved In
the army and might remain In Rus-
be did not agree with the policy of
the government.
-Until 1921 the policy of the gov
erament waa very rigid." explained
Mr. Moiei, "einl this can oe ex
plained by war conditions when
antagonisms between the two sec
tions, Bolshevist! and Ami Bolshe
vists, was very great. Better un
derstanding came, however, when
Poland attempted to restore the
boundaries of 1793. This arousd
patriotic sentiment, and regardleaa
of political alienations the people
affiliated, some temporarily, with
iiln I race i
Hoffman (rla Anaril
. . .
- " r r ',4
1 V - . e
i l&L-J
(Eleven Groups Enter Fcst
Set for 9:30 O'clock
This Morning
Class of 1910 Will Gather
At Agriculture Campus
For Discussion
Interfratemity sin, in !-
eeen iwv-ial f ratertiif.'s he eo
tered, il bgin tli lni;n1 l'p f
tllties at S.3't o' lock 'hi? tr.rn-
School of rine Arts Many of the I Ing at the rampun imtift o' Artnj::i
ef T I !' ''.
Melvln Ho-mao. 19. Kort Col
lint. Colo. ho was awarded the
Morey scholarship at the Chlrago
An Institute lor next year lie was
the hlchest ranking atudent In the
drawlnrs In the 1S2J Comhusker
were the work of Hoffman.
council. ! eleven years have won five Sourh-
for all-nniveraity pa
f&onsored tv the Barb
These date, however, are riot, western conference championships
closed for other university paries. ' and have been runner-up once.
" , . ... ' tant In football, will be an inatruc
Tbere are two cigbts which are , (h. -Jmm.r (-,. v-.
closed for danoea. The Crat cornea j w,k- , mmcbl br Oak'es are
Sew. ,feiJ la eaaxad.Xfltipa-H0W1jr--rsj-
all-univeraity charcb night. Good :
years of
! m.wrm , . i r-.uj. wdko reiii nyiu . Illinois fouryear coaching acbooL
a ceec ih needs of leathers of j Attention la also called to the
sg-VrJ-ara. will b offered daring dates of tradiilonal university tunc-:
ae mnjr eeask. The regular ' Dons by the dan's off;c-. Among
wc-se ex-.ecds thioughoat the aes- tfcese are the Mili:ary ball, Corn-
bjt a special short course of busker banquet. Corhusker Co
' eeks wia alxo be given. A. tume party. loirf ra'emliy ball.
lledr a cd Brt Coo;er will ' Junior -Senior prom. l"nDr fair.
axd the all-uc1ver1ty parries.
The complete scheyJule of evenu
for the nxt k hool jear follows:
1 isept. 1
Sept. 17 U Tuesday-Wed.: Rg
iatration for tvw studen'a.
Sewr. It 17 14 Monday - Tue.-
tt'ed : Pan;es in Ellen Smith hall
Summer Session Schedules
Freshman, Trjps jn Addition tO
Classroom Work
ae ic -targe of toil work
Tb com work will Inrlude a
sncy t4 !b plasta aod ao:itals of
"bwilc tcporasi'e. ao!:a aad fer
"i! sr, eaaimoa wda. and aciasal
lri Mr. Cooper will lake up a
riitt of iacntxg "vliaJixiBg ag-
Tv-fTiL-e" wtlch pmreeda froa the j
ltm-s lo the aakxew-n. connecting
t.' taa .a tba aamiMast aad most ,
r-aJ fatfcloa . ,VL ' " iTii ude-jta will tare an opportu-
Pery a. Holden. In charge of ag ' fof vomf.a gg.,. lo n p m. 1 ,c "abin ,tody ib plea
nciihsi exiosioB work for the In-U Thurtlay: First aemea- ure and recreation during the com-
''ZJZZEZ SS-JJiS n-Frv- lBiver.,yr-:,B -
; gtu,0 of ,be moi b, Mr ! i&lTZ intM W'"d 10 14
ojr. The system haa ba , ftjt. 2 Thursday: i:Vt - .VS. , ditln to h regular classroom
- , . v - j ra tor umvrsuy firm Ja Liifa irwn iw i;-ia on n vk
ea-s aad vat tried out 'a the Vnt- isbaiH balL i given In agronomy, botany. g-
e8it last year, according lo Mr. 27 Friday evemag: AU-'graphy. and gxmry.
eT. wfao arplajBed ibe plan la qeiverssty church nigbt. closed tol The field trip In agronomy will
1fc Jdatu-ea. 3 be conducted by Prof. F. It Keim
eiaos New Plan J Fpt. 2 Saturday evenirg: Agr. I fbroagh western and northern Ne-
Wf the jntruor la aa ag- college faculty rpt.oa for AgT. j braska from July 2 lo Aigust 19.
ekfsJtvte oue beifJos wit see ; rlg siudects. Fiud?ot Activities . Those enrolling for the botany
utrruf-Hoi, of a chicken feeder, 'bai Id ;g. 'trip will work under the dlrecioa
Tt ciJd will 4B4W what Ji !s. asd i October 1 of Dr. R. J. Pool in Este park, '
i'J iav snie ld of Ma cotvalraw (JfiL 2 Thursday: tw V- m- A. i Colo beginnicg June 11 and coa
'Mn. Tbe assu-f.-ior mill lake t --ca. in' : ilnuina until July 1. '
j . - ' ww . i ra tvi uu.itik r a-u
tau iu apadty. coBairactlon. ; jsojj.o baij
a workjs pfia,p). 1 Ot. S Rarday; Switbera
'-' 'S Dgjua sg in ciass ; Meiiwlisi-Nehraalia
' vrqri to CiKn lumber
fisu'eBj.sD-a, learner to think In u r
en of bMH 1 tea ie 3d
t vHn, aS jvriwu the way in
nica uj 3sbr waa aecareyl.
JukW as5j and lt,nckrii wiJl
J'"s-ri tairrt)xig naa-terJal for
'tfw, -aJks. At every Cc1 !a
it i?v.(-fM f ,,, laiMwa, vrt
itie flaFttnugi Cj4 .-HI rj4-n
ir c"wei.j kc4 ledga of ibe .jXebraaka
win t rratjy ls:reaH.
Prof. K. F. Scbrama win condtct
he field trip In gotogy la the
Black hills region from June 12 lo
i Saturday eveeuvc: T. A ugim . ana use geograpsy trp
A.-V. W. C A- party. Hlea comucji icrougn teuow-
atose trk to f ait laka Ci'r aad
Old. itucday; AH I'tiirersity 3 return ifcrocgh Wyoming: iH
Cbvreb day - rado. The party leav iJn-7n
Oct. Il-fbrs4ay: 4 p. m, T. AugTist . aod return A- r rv
W. C. A tea. E33e jtjmlilj fcajl. ,1- Anyoo lmeried In in
firi, l ifaiurday: Flrat qijar-if'" ! cour roay ae the in
terly reports siruclors la charge for additional
fxi. Satardar: Pitwburab- torornvatson rarreg reg:stratioa.
i rrin given, ana le co( ot ine
f If '-SdKli lrfrfni:tT T
aVRC ranl 1 CTeP. f---
I ''l-raf lr-rrii ar
J 41 r-ij Mr' AoM 7rk
ih W rr. Gdr- Ce4rm. ffis.aT
r ItfAfcTaV.
! at ta l"ajr-
m'.r oe.
PI Kapra Pbl laet a th
sr k.&& at :
i'7aa Sj. A'fr nBl brr
a'" r. a c 3 at ic l',tii-
rTr a " 4 It jck.
'inrrt V flftgm tA4 m( a
Hi rriarai-f
Irjcoorrta ia,f at tM Mca.
sbvA a rr.
A iff. ml fwf I ma .
1 4 aV ta
ic Taosyi
f I f. i TVnr-il aaASaJ
t p aa,- Ba-( a" . VtraaJav wa,
"JlfwnaiaJ Fffl'i'." rtcsi
wlKBaHO a );-"- law fg
at U.a Ht. ';rria-uar-
AJaa ri,!'fi P feQl a4 t
tAww.n fcdH.
ItAp-a j:a at M a
Pl jnr Pi -. Os L"j--nir
a 4.X-
anwa a' rAva at njc bat
fir nvdmar a 3-
T-- A jvfca a5'aH a 4 ! a
H-vdM 1- rv a'!
IMra 7ia PI aavjiic; rr a
Kait j- f g-aua MtiMK at tib
-gtm, A r X tb
rai' 'it"
A. w aur.w a- ' m 'ifc at
Pt r hA; iv at
felt a ?S.-r4 y
4ia' fu tn "'j riai'-r Mom
.'1 fuft P33 lva-t at
(La. 7m Onvja ltft a4 ta
rw F aauteTawX at fka
Aft.Ma rrv i ar
PaJtas-aia i
4im-9 fca'l a t i.a.
Wfvai- IV-arA mdtl at " a1
a3 oniiuM,
M Wa
it I'atvarafrr
"aaa af
C"vavaa v
raa bfaAaatjj) a tba .aaw af
14 :. aicdj t at tba laiaaraatr
lmb a' t.lf aVIb
GLa faa- r ta -. a of
'ft. 44. T an-1 - tna I clr
r : a ft i
Saaa JVrait fajva of '!af f
H 1ft 14 a-4 27 a ir.a I mf
.f a-lvsv at ft. 14
11-4 a ra Hnory Ha-!.' ea
4r tka (iaaa of tern Ag c..a raxa-
11 1ft r Th .ufBBl tMr.taa,
A HIa tfjll'i K(
1 24 p. tn Aliva yjfm b-
.Joara-i tr aa m4Arm bf ftaari
a. U U 4. P a -astruia
ft ft tb. Bave.l, X.'raaa
A .aa KaRauat at 4 M At 'fea
A pra 'tt. a-prr.A i-ane; a at 4
c:at at lsa Raar aai f-k-4
y tace f fdkr f .
A ta oamna ftna twfla'vt at "
cAri w-ar baja
a rm Taa O imm at 4
' at tba HiaffT
Ta.a Tn l ta MAavat at tea
Ha"- "brravaar a 4 ft4
C'a i.'ra at ba Pal
Crtataa- at 4 1.
Iacnaca i"tii A pfe baat at afaa
rt.mA9 baaa a? 4 idKb-
Pn A tM r-' tvfa at tfca
ffcayar at 4 a
Phi tfiaBiTI,a lba baxa ax tba
fftatr hva
Pbi ft aTr a kpM Uim at ta
H'-a; fvcuniflyrw aa I )t ak.
Pi kifja A:ba baxdivat at tba
H'n a
PI KApa A;ta faajbqai at tka
Ti-v K aa Sra4aa avjoa a tt-
HrJ 'riraf a 4 14.
& a Pr1 Pa: rt at ta 'Wp'
Aa faa-'a Pf feasatM at 7
a taa t:-arar7r
Da8a avrfKA PHI Aaroftg prf a
lAa caar K.4-aa
"iS BTa tmaajcat At uta coiaar
Pfcl tfn fcAa;ac ar r e-Otptr
rarai Haasav pVvr at tba Aa-
bf'ia .
A pit '" 'na
A -A f'a Tbaa Mim( a tt-a
'fpr vi
Thrt "s aavavat aA tba rlnaaa
A fca Ptu baat at ci Lmp
l4a ikcw.a Pi 9ta s lira Pn
a-.rx kavy 4 caur At tra W ,tJ
A if X fcav;at at tb H-
ftwj Lets fc
rarr. Ptol KfaJ a a b
Company K Heads Parade
Which Will Pass in
Annual Review
Company K will open the thirty
fifth annual military compel, which
will b held In the Memorial s'a
dlum Friday, beginning at 1 o'clock.
Three companies, however, m ill be
on the field at all times throughout
the drill, and la addition one pla-
toon may alfo take part. While
'one company begins with lnspec
! tlon. another will be drilled In man-
ual of arms, and a third la clone or
!der drill.
1 Order of appearance will be: K.
;, C. A. I. U H. Headquarters. D.
j B, E, F. M. Companiea K. M and
1 F will take part first. All men rg
; tatered for military aclence are re
i quired to be present.. wih a penalty
'eual to three boure absence from
I drill for those bo do cot attend or
who are not excused. Men In the
i Individual compel must report to
Capt. H. Y. I-. on at K:S5 o'clock
at the football field, 1h r!fle and
Officers tn command will be:
first pla'oon. Company U. Capaln
; Robinson: second piatoon. loij
pacy I. Kecond Lieutenant Ban hoi
omew: aecocd piatoon. company
Serceant Hansen; second platoon,
Company n. First Lieutenant Cha'
field; first platoon. Compacy M.
First Ueuteaact Fulk: third pla
tnnn. Cottnarr K. ,Seranl Wil
son; first platoon. Company D, fee-1
ond Lieutenant Helsing; nrat pia
toon. Company G. llrst Lieutenant
Reefe; first piatoon. Company I,
eergaat weipion; i;rn paiown,
Istration building Th 'nnr
the sing alll D ire-r''1 l'h te
Kosme; Kluh t-o:!.?. whfh U
given by that orfan'iatlon. whir;-,
sponsors tb sonc fejt each year
Acacia. Alp!ia Tan Orticra. AI;h
Thia Chi. Lw'lta Tau Il'a. Il'a
lP!lon. Phi Kappa Ps. Phi Sisrr.a
Kappa, PI Kapia Alpha. Kappa
' Mortar Board, jentor women's
. honorary society, lnvl'es ail
! senior women to tak part In the
! Ivy chain prrrelon of Ivy dv
I They will assemble at ' 30 :
l o'clock In the Armory. Wclte .
' drerses will be worn by the
I senior women.
Sigma, Slgtra Al;ha Epxllon, and
Sigma Nu have cigcified their in
tention of entering the sing, accord
ing to Harold Turner, manager of
music for the Kormet Kluh.
Alumni of the Cornhus&er institu
tion are celebrating tht wek end
with many events rlanned by clas
membra and the Alumni asser
tion. Members of the class of l?iO
will meet at the fountain at the
College of Agriculture campus Im
media'ely precedina th alumni
luncheon Saturday noon to formu
late plana for the 1330 Round Up
and elect officers to direct their re
union. Next Year Class
The class nf 1910 will h the
honor class of next year's Round
l'p, observing its twentieth anni
versary of graduation. Mrs. . M
Cline, ne Mildred Holland, Is pres
dent of the class of '10 at the pres-
CuHl mm rwc at
Senior Receives Money to
Provide for Training
At Institute--'
Melrin Hoffman, m, Fort Col-
Holt, First Lieutenant Pobson.
Kappa P&i's Nab
Prowlers With
beadTiarters company. Sergeant . j?na. Colo., haa been awarded a
scholarship fund of 1500 to be tied
f--r iEitrucUon at the Art inaUruie
. f- i 1 1 . 1 1 . r . . V. - .
; IU ti:cg'F. n will l.rni i..r
certlflra'e in f n arts from th Fci
i versi'.y of Nebratka -bis sprir.a
Tttln nf C.lllhA'.'iW-H Ulent for drawing and
AM v iintyo ptlD.lcg Tb, or four ot B!i paict.
v . I 'i-gs. including sveral portrai'a
lyitcfceon clubs, golf lubs. aadl of tu;p,. are now h-ir.g la clubs, in fact Jist clubs. 1m ,,,J(jA.. Mtjb(t !n Morrill hai:.
brics and bateball bats aided a, Th , . award-d to Mr Hft-
' Mrs. Anr.a More of Haa' who
i served as a; cha.rrr.n of art for
the Nebraska Fedra'Jon of Worn
en'a chib for msny ye and In
Oiher aaya f;;r5.,ered ir.'eres !n
art or. Cor.df'Jon of trt tr'f r-
g.'alia'e of
few merosers or Kappa is., v-, TU e.ab!lr.ed by the 1st
maieuucaj rraierjiy. "i rp.j:
two prowlers last eight In the back
yard of ihe fra-'emity Louse at
132 R atreet.
The fu'ure dn;g:or operatOTS
further deveiopicg their sne of
s-ipit-g candy from the counter d!s- J"e that
plays, heard a n;mbiir.g noise ,B ib ualreraj., hool of
e backyard around their b t;d a s-udy at fh- X
U- cars. I i"'-f-:-
Fjn-nctg from their reverent j fw 4TTFKrl r,.Nr...
Ai,,-.. ! anrmiciodl JEWETT ATTENDS FUNERAL
the two men. nrjcb In the same
manner as oce of th "ring
around Roi" rames. wr.ile one of
the men called the po!,c. Hence
i wo men rest In the rfy ciorroi'or
3es pecdicg icve!ga!loa.
Lieut. 'ol. F. F. J" yes'erdar
attended th funeral of MaJ Geo
Harrr A. Smith. cmmar.der of ih
seventh corps area. -hch inclcde
ihe unit here Tb funernl was bejd
in Omaha.
if " " " 1
a i
rT 01 l-mr tiaasd Aa cutsundiag an'boriiy aad
. lT I ooutrlbator Ja the fH of u-
ZZ"; - T. Paula
Tyk ' m ateded es- j faruly. Many of Ma prwsaJs fa
- wjvt rsswe).! f mirl i edcatym hire ba ave
: a.ioo.. jcept-J.
y '" ., -M- .) A. !"
1 . - Ty, ......... . . - - y- . , I . " '
s J rt . ..
- ) .
Dr. Emewt Aaderaon. bead of the
department of cbemlstr- at the
University of Aaizooa. will glva
work in chemistry during the sani
maa. uatiMi It iii !! eeveral
r,4. (..IT edtayon. H
js-wb Afr-a. ja sady ot tieae obea.
Work oflered by Dr. Ernest Horn,
of the University of Iowa, will glra
last ration to Nebraska leaebera la
regard to adeBfe aoglea of !-
baa made
Dr. Kolf T. Jobaoaesen. formerly
of the University of Indiana, wbo
will serve la the department of his
tory dvlng rummer sewsioa. He la
at preset;! with the M'.ae'.esfppl Col
lege for Women.
. . y
. is.
lr X..
' 1
' ::
; I.
4 : : ...
: -,: . . - 4
. -' ' .
iv Jclia M. Shiornan. reoogniaed
aa on of the edrg women geog
raphers ta America, win give work
la that department during ihe nine
weeks aeaalon of wanner rboof at
tba Univerwl'y. Fbe waa formerly
wrtb the Rtate Normal avhool at
New Brl'aia, Cona.
rrof. R. D. Mori who will direct
th 192S summer achool seaaioa at
thi University of Nebraska. Pro
testor Morita Is at present con
ceded with the Teachers' colteee,
bit will assume his dTies as direr
tor at the close of "h;a term.