The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 24, 1929, Page THREE, Image 3

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    riUPAY. MAY SI. 1029
Historical Society Head to
Give Address at Grave
01 Pioneer
itr the TuriM of speaking at
tkl unfiling 1,0 monuments
Sand.". Ms St. Ir A K. heMoa.
', wrWj, I'll fr the western
" ef the state last nnhi.
The firm dedication HI he of
vMiumiBl over ihe grave of Mm.
winter, "ho ,n u"2 nil
"lib P"' pf Mormon Imn.l
ltt on the w alt l.ske
Cr hn waa but led on the prml
t nillea rsl Of SroMt
smff. lirr rave marked ly
Itoq waoa Ur. A number of
.n ,tn a ben tbe Burlington ihU- a line .t Scoitibluff. It
rta iro-uh the grave of Mrs. W In
t.f but lh line x,n rhanged
, run shoot twrlre "X
(mm it Mr. Winter as the grand
2Thir of Mr.. Jleber J. Grant.
vhoe hUsSaud ll president of the
Wormon church at Slt Uk Clt).
Vr anl Mrs. Grant will bo present
tn unveiling of the monument.
Trail Monument Dsdkated
The otr-fr dedication will be of a
000 pound granite boul.ler which
hi ben presented by the Lnlou
Iirl'lo railroad and v.nlcb will be
rlteed at the place where the prea
int state highway U crowed by the
old Oregon trail ner the town of
Lrman. about three and one ha f
miles from the Wyoming line. This
Bonament will commemorate the
rnirc of the Home Creek treaty
of September 17. 5L A large
number of Union Pacific and Bur
lington officials will he present at
the unveiling.
Bo'h unvetlings are under the
MPtces of the 1. A. R. at Scotts
b!Uff The U A. R. are a loo giving
t Historical banquet Saturday
night at seouabluff. where Doctor
Stfldon will answer to a toasL
Dakota Cadets
Sci New Mark
In Corps Area
Vtrmllllnn. sTTT -Cadets In
the R. O. T. C. at tbe rnlverslty of
South Pwkota ret a mark for all
o'br colleges In the corps area to
ihoot at" Major J. J. I-orkrft. of
he serenth corps area, declared In
commenting on the high quality of
iiri',1 and basic ")ur work shown
br the nr.lversl'y students Jn 'he
annual inspection, Monday and
In the knowledge shown of basic
theory of military tactics the
young reserve officer at the unl
Terslty axe better than anything I
hT seen." stated Major LorkeM.
Hold Mock Battle
Turs barked, machine (runs rat
ttsd. and light artillery boomed 10
the race of pianea whirring over
head, in a "battle" between oppos
huj forces of the university cadet
following the regular Inspection.
Planes from SIooj ify, 1., Un
eoS. Neb, Siotut Falla. V.'atertown.
sod Yankton were In VermJIllon to
'ake part In the orents connected
wrh I hi Ins pert Jon.
Vmbors of tbe Reserve Officers
'orpa f f the Vermillion district
fre present at tbe Inspection, and
i-tri a banquet in tho evening. Misa
ttn Lass, Ipswich. Honorary Col
er.1 ef tbe student cadet corps,
was a (-test of honor at the inspec
'fn. A'ttred in the Honorary Col
oc:'s tini.'orm. and accompanied
Cadet CoJoeei Charles Canton
w'r. of Huron, and members of
Galiina't, women's military oriranl
:lon. Miss Tads reriowed tbe
iw-h paeelcc; in parade.
Tbe cadetA vrps at tb nniver
tv Is under tbe direction of Cap
ffa W. D. rowell, professor of mJI
rary science.
Nw Haven. Conn. (IP) Robert
Mrr.krti Horr-hlns, iblrfy, baa been
Sected prestd'.-nt of Cbica;o nnlver
ify, the yminfH man in the na
rlrir.. and probably la the world, to
ho!d ch a poiif(on.
HasiifEs, who is now Aao of the
Vi U 'h'y, is fully cognizant
vf h!i "Haft4fat of bzitsf only
'?-!; f-ars of
' 1 tare hoeti forcibly reminded
rr.y yuh try this promor km," be
"! in an cf-rier. "And )'-' me
-;' fi:s in ri. records rtnV now
t.ft tr.atr of tiirrfy jr of aare knows
" ntfva.'l dare to fa' k!e
K if r ef- nf fir the irtl In
" ft wx offered," h ad'Jed.
Hrt'ch: hiHl as a boy at Ober
ii fMn, irr. bf father, now
f',di iA Kerea College, ftera.
K? , w rrtTi a rrffe,r of Bib
n f?re Okf-rlin radjafe school of
7heolKy. n. rrdoared rrrm the
Ohrlin fd(nif, nd rfftt two
v '. from i!r. to ll7. in Obertin
trtHi-Tf-. 'tht-n be (f to wstr, and
-rtr1 o' f-r?. after whifth be
to 'Sutf, bere be graduated.
fre o,t m'te eerrrtary of an
my, aft! inn-t reforr.ed to Yale
ir rr(-irj. lit- was then act
wg ,f f-re school, and
f.lily rrtd-v ittn
Am:ir. Jl - (IP John B.
fr, Jr. i jrsrvtor t Ma.sachn
"'r Agf(.-;itrral College, was
k.r:r h- fell from x tail pime
' rf. e,, ariiing f'r a
' r' r's .
i -e :. 3-K i fra'rto.-ed.
e .-I r Tt-nltd in itrerna! in-Y-:t:-
wifh rMn.. f tji death at
'o;vjt- trftrmirj sfo after the
rr ,t.n.bed the tree to
-: n,. ,,1 for o in
(,f ornithology. He was a
of tie Sigma PM Epsilon
'r"i'y, eTetry of th honor
acj. ril recently was elected
of The Collegiate, th college
a' Wgradrjate weekly
A'hlet c i.ref-tors at MeGiif onl
vval5y baT giring a erle
'f fa:a on football to the cTleg
They are andertaktrig h
'""ores Wac they fe that one
'fcovjll nndervaod football in order
t.-.pport it ecthoJiarja::y.
Social Calendar
Friday, May Is
ll'a Hums IH-Iia bous party.
Saturday, May 29
Alpha Iflta Theta bousa party.
I'hi kappa rl bouse party.
Sigma Nu house party.
Iielta eta houe paity.
llammi I'bl Beta bousa part).
I nlon l.lteiary Society plrnic,
Official IIuIMin
Membeis ur tin ma I'psiloa are
requested to mel at 4 o clock thla
afterutMMi lu t" 10. Special busi
ness and inuistion.
Alumni Succeed
In Various Lines
Of Chosen Work
Huiker! From Far and Wide
Show Interest in Round
Up Festivities
Man rommunlrailons are being
received d-lly by the atumnl office
from Nebraska grads In anticipa
tion of Round l p week. I-ettera
have been received from all cor
nrrs of the country and some from
foreign territories. Many were
printed in Uie recent Issue of tbe
Nebraska Alumnus.
Atnnnv the members of tbe rlasa
of 1SS8 whk-h scheduled to hold a
special reunion during the roundup
festivities Is Dr. Roscoe Pound,
dean of the Harvard Uv School.
He has been recently appointed by
PreiiHenr Miwirrr to act on a s De
ris 1 commission for the Investiga
tion of law enroreemeni.
Evnir r Tavlnr 'St Is serving
the second year as dean of tbe
faculty of Pacific university at rar
est fJrove. Oregon. Lucius S.
Storrs of the same class baa been
recently appointed as chairman of
the board of the United Railwaya
of Ralflmore. which orers'es all the
electric, car lines end busses In
that city.
Pound Rscelvee Boeet
Mlaa bourse Pound. '92. who baa
been connected with the English
rionsrtment or the I'nlversitv for
many years, baa been appointed a
member of tbe educational advisory
board or the John bimon ouggen
hefm Memorial Foundation of New
York City. The foundation waa ea
tablished for the assistance of
American scholarship.
rr H. Winnett Orr of Lincoln
was elected temporary chairman of
the Lincoln chapter of the Archae
ological Institute of America. Prof,
f H DM fat her of the I'nlversitv la
alio connected wr.n the organisa
Paul Weeks. 'M. connected witb
the Caterpillar Tractor company at
San Leandro. California, Is now liv
ing at 21 Hillside Avenue, Pied
mont, California.
Langer Haa Record
Capt, Jerome F. Langer, '01. baa
been engaged In the Improvement
of the fire alarm system of Brook
lyn, and nas received mucn praise
from the press for h(s work. Cap
tain Langer has been very active in
mllitsrr affairs both while In school
and after hta graduation. He re
ceived some of his military train
ing from Gen. John J. Pershing,
who was a second lieutenant when
be served ai tbe University. Cap
tain Langer saw service in both tbe
Mexican and World wars.
Neil G. Fltchpatrick, '02. ia gen
eral superintendent of traffic for
the British Columbia Telephone
company. He is sifrared at Van
couver, British Columbia. -
Mra. 13 ma Marsland Chandler,
't)Z. is engaged in social work in
New York City, being connected
the Friendly League of Christian
Service as musical director.
National President
John Stevens. '05. Is national
oresidenr of Sigma Tau. Following
his graduation from the Untverslij,
Mr. Stevens was in tne l. n. necia
marlon service for a number of
years. Since ISIS be baa been in a
private engineering firm,
iiftvld P Weeks. '14. is a member
of the famitv of tbe department, of
agricultural economics of tbe Uni
versity of California. He haa been
(making a tour of the country seek
ing Information for use in bis de-
fpartment in California.
j Willsam A. Noma, "1. has re-
eenrly resigned from bts poflflon In
the Wyoming State Highway de-
partmect. to take over the duties of
Wyoming manager for the Levy
Const ruction company of fenver,
pewey in India
Mrs H. E. Dewey. '21, has writ
ten of her life at Asansol, India.
Both she and Mr. Dewey are
interested in the schools for tbe
natives and have doae much work
for their advancement.
A. H. Cercey, '22, has been re
cent.y transferred by the North
western Bell Telephone company
from Norfolk to Fargo. North Da
kota, where he will be division sale
manager lor the same company.
Ralph Terr?. "24, is now con
nected with United States Rubber
company at Passaic. New Jersey.
He received his masters' degree
from Nebraska.
Thorn sn Coaches
Fred C. Tnosftsea, 2, famiUarly
knon as "Terrible Tbomsen" dar
ing bis collegiate career has been
appointed af.bieile director at the
University of A-tansas. He fol
lows Francis Schmidt, another
Coruhciker grad, who goes to
1 1
Plan Now for
New Classes Begin June 3 and 10
H.rfi mM Bwateeea 'framing win pay you w-B.
Afc for Catals.
Lincoln School of Commerce
Ltneete CeOoso NeSrsowa ceo ef Im'oom
P and Uill St. Ce-eavstea UncolB, Keb.
It ii
1 A I aasaaaaaasasTB n n m Z
Dakota Students Find That Alcohol
Strychnine, Camphor Depress Heart
Teaaa Christian university aa ath
letic director,
W. P. "lo" Jones. "J I, Is doing
advertising work with Meredith
Publishing compsi) at ls Mninra.
M. J. Kepac, who has been doing
research eork In Hie l'niterliy In
Ihe department of loulocy, has
been amsrded a reseated fellow
ship ( John Hopkins unhrrn.
lion Elliott. I. Lincoln attorney
has aerepied a position In Ihe
credit department of the Standard
Oil com pan) at Omaha Klliott la
well know as football and bas
ketball official.
Itaymond H Jolley, 'M. Is rnn
nected with Mestlnghouse Klectrlc
and Manufacturing company at Chi
ragu, Illinois.
First round matches In the Inter
fraternity g-oir tournament are
practically complete, with Mgnia
Nu. Ivlta Tau IH-Ka. Kuppa Sifina.
Sigma Cbl. Theta XI. ami It-ta
Theta Pi emerging victorious. One
i game In the erond round has a No
been plstod. with Ieia Taq lelta
defeating Kappa Sigma. This win
advances the Ilts to the semi
Oberlln. O. (IP) Broken In
health, and fearing that be was
about to go Insane. Howard L.
Thomas, brilliant organ studept In
the Oberlln College Conservatory
of Music, shot himself In the head
with a .22 calibre target pistol aa
he sat in his coupe, parked near
bla rooming bouse here.
Thomas, who was accompanist
Tot the Oberlln College Glee club,
and would have been graduated
from the college In June, had
worked hia way through school by
playinr the organ at churches In
nearby communities.
He waa laat seen aitve ss be left
tbe Wellington Methodist church.
He shot himself a few hours later.
In a note to his parents, dated.
"On the Border of Time." the youth
asked forgiveness, explained that
he waa In poor health and feared
Insanity, and declared that the col
lege bad nothing to do with hia
New York (IP) The atudy
O'Connor of the General Electric
company, speaking before tbe So
ciety for the Promotion of Engin
eering Education here recently, se
verely crtlcised the use of psycho
logical testa by colleges either to
bar candidates for admission or as
a basis for dropping students.
"No school has a right to use ap
titude testa for Ita eelflsh purposes,
to exclude men whom the college
does not wish lo educate." he said.
"Industry baa learned to replace
men not snlted to a particular Job;
the colleges haven't. It Is time for
the colleges to accept aome respon
sibility for tbe men that they fire,
as well as those whom they sradu
Pittsburgh. Pa. (IP) 8u
dents of the Liberal club of the
University of Pittsburgh held a
meeting last week on the campus
in defiance of a university decree
abolishing tbem as an undergradu
ate organisation.
Tbe meeting was the latest chap
ter in the alleged fight for the right
of free speech and free assemblage
which began recently when a meet
ing of the club, assembled to hear
a discussion of the Mooney Bllllngs
pardon case, was ordered off uni
versity grounds.
Wesfervllle, O. (IP) Don't
try to fool yourself when you go out
Into tbe world Just be yourself."
Tbfa was the advice given stu
detls by Governor Cooper of Ohio
recently at the Founder'a day cele
bration of Otterbein college.
"Do not try to bide behind a
sham," be said. "Search out your
own Imperfections and act natural,
because a clean, clear record
should be the goal of every tu-dent-"
Columbus, O. III) The mu
'nicipsf eoiirH of b; rfsf fca con
tinued Indefinitely charges of petlf
larcenv against rul Siewan. 22,
of TifOn, O., student af Ohio fi'af
aulversity who la accrued of steal
' Ins fifteen city owned red lantern
Ifrom a water works egravafion.
Tbe alleged theft ocrurrnl Apr!
a. Police ProsemroT Hensel said
I Service Mreetor Imffy bad recom
mended leniency; that the aiolen
I lanterns bad been recovered and
1 that fa all probability young Stew
ran will not be proeecuted.
; Princeton. X. J. IP) The i
hre rrcun of the directors I
of Princeton Theological seminary
have organlied In n attempt oi
rnrb tbe powers of President J
Rose Stevenson. Tioctor fttevensm I
is said to bare liberal tendencies
which f re not to tbe lllur.g of the j
minority group. j
Summer School
Vet million. S 1 1.. My 23 His
mt eties mIikIi ui't long repec
tr,l iliroilr bl nu . U In hate ben
mail b I II a tit J K -!. Ver
million, and Itainaril RalayJUn,
Paikei. two young stuilenia (
medicine at Ihe Cnlvrraity ol
huuib, lkoia
Alcohol. . irxrhDUic, and ram
plior. long iH-licvril lu be of great
alu as heart Mlmulenta. and
ued In ill- 1 1 eminent ol various
heart dleet, hate beeQ shown to
he heart depressants and Irritants,
rather than stlmulaaia. On the
other band, chloroform, generally
auperiel aa a some hat danger
ous anaemhetlc baa been found to
be from Ji to 3i times more poison
ous than ether
Ir II. V .Atkinson, professor of
phsiiilog at the university, under
hose direction Ihe lo student
have tarried on their naearch.
statea that even more important
and far reaching than the findings
connected with the study Is ihe
technique orkel in carry on the
New Heart Acten
Mamallan hearta hate been kept
alive and beating normally for
more than sis hours by a process
perfected by the two young medi
cal siuden'a. Although what la now
lertned a "pnifu'e heart action."
hss been known atid produced by
many scientists, nothing so exact
and certain In the matter of perfus
ing fluids has previously been de
tlsed. according to iKvrtor Atkin
son. In the fare or repeated and dis
heartening failure to produce and
maintain normal puliation In the
hearta, the two students continued
their work until a perfnsing fluid
has been worked on' which means
capable of maintaining the heart
action almost Indefinitely. The ob
ject of the flnld Is to provide the
same stimulus, temperature and
osmetic pressure as that afforded
by the blood within the body of the
animal. With the heart exercised
and normal beating maintained the
exact effect of various drugs on the
heart action could be determined.
Alcohol Depressing
"Alcohol Is any dlllntsna was
found to produce no effect on tbe
Isolated perfused mamaltan heart
Ita action Is either Irritant, depres
sant or toxic, and . It cannot be
classified correctly as a heart stim
ulant." tbe papers written by Kal
avllan stated. "Strychnine B not a
heart sffroulan'. Its action la also
Iiean C R. Albertson. of the uni
versity school of medicine, w hen In-
trrviewed concerning Ihe findings
of the two students, declared thst
the discoveries made were of con
siderable Importance, and that the
Gassified Ads
Siimmir Employment!
l,l!TEt number to fin territory Ou.r
an'r1 N'o ha to ouoo -n-vawlnc
cut" :mplivmnt tc. Tom
r'o .r . rririar rM
work ;urJ-t4d Inromo. OM owoh.
ih. con-irony. So Vr. OlbooD. lri
Ti-mlnl Mt. l.ln-ln Vounf rr.n to ooltrlr for
raroff tnd o:t truHu on rmm !
von Port or fo.l tlmo afoot boo
oomo ooiilrs irr-r'-o oa't ooi rof
rroi-Mi P. i. bom Hit. I.ln-oln. Non
rtm a
Wftn PeefsMletel loolo
Davis School Service
1M No. 1h -4M4
Joofti as (Uswtalrs)
Guard pins 1.50 to 15.00
Official pins
5.50 to 60.00
White jrold ami jIatinurn
pin, any fraternity or soror
ity, diamond or rxarl act.
Get our prirp we an v
yon money on fine good.
University Jeweler
117-119 So. 12
Estb. 1871
Slip Your Feet
Into a Pair o
and feel the difference
t4 Cscinstvoiy ar
nJT If V
wutk done the best ibat ha had
seen in some lime
The research carried on by the
students waa done In partial fulfill
ment of the w ork (or I lie tinnier of
arts dt-gret. Swede) s paer was
written on "The Comparative Tox
icity ot Eiher and Chloroform on
Ihe Isolated Mamaltan Mean
while kalaJian wrote from his
findings on "The F.fferts of Alro-!
hoi. Htryrhnine, and Camphor on '
Ihe Isolated Perfused ManimstiMn
Heart " Sweeley, after graduation .
this June, wilt attend Kush .Medi
ral College at Chicago, while Kl .
ayllan will art as Instructor In the1
unttrrslty school of medicine.
All molt liking tsnnis for j
credit must report to Mr Stan
ton for esamleatlon en the tennis ,
courts (main floor ef Coliseum In
esse of rain) between 4 and S '
p. m. May 23d or 24th. If any .
student cannot be there at either i
ef the hours Indicated, Mr.
Hedeen In 307 Coliseum before 1
May 24th. Office hours It to 12,
2 to S. I
Dspartmanl ef physical oduca-,
tien for men.
NFW YOKK (IP) The study
of bujiuess is being earned on In '
more thsn setrnty universities snd
colleges through depsrtments of
rommerce or schools of commerce,
finance and business admlolM ra
tion, acrording to Kdward A. til
ene of Boston, president of William
Filcn Sons Comi-any, whose ad- j
dresa given here recently waa re-,
ported by the New York Times.
"While the number Is only small
percentage of the total number of '
our higher educational lostitu'ions.
snd otily a smsll proportion of this
number is rsrrvlng on extensive
research work," be Bald. "I feel
confident that they will increase
rapidly as tbe value of business re
search becomes more apparent to ,
both business men and educators.
"The colleges and universities of
this country also are co-operating'
What is the big idea?
BLEND-SUITS with Super-Shorts-.
TVo idea, in fart. The smartest atjl Idea
join a the biggest comfort idea since under
wear began, eo Super-Short have moved
eenter-aeam discomfort out of the vay and
et you more with a new peace of mind and
body. They never pull or bind in any pos
ture. Add the la lee t thing in two-lone
effect and a shirt to harmonize . . . and
you hare iti Blend' Suits. You'll never know
what the alumni missed until you try them.
Ymir campos tab
erdaaber is new fea
turing Mtmti-Suit
for So ere the
stoves back home.
Killian has them at twelve-twelve 0
"' ' 'tanuL. in iiu ii ZJL? f-i' "
lis 1 i
P lis!
with commercial and Industrial or
g irtltsHiiDi This work le rsrrlt-d
on through fellow slilii rvtablinlie.1
by corHiratl(in and eao utioui at
various unlvrrolllfs. through bul
ness schixiU and by the frequent
co-operation nf scunnsis from uni
versities with buolPcuo tinn crn in
the solution ot ofiecifir problems
The support ol fellow liiw in e-1u
rational InotPutloii. I inicht sild :
slo train men (or future srrtice!
In a blghl) iniiKinsnt field" '
Ripon, Wis - III') The cam-'
PUS of Itipon Ctilli ge hi'ie will be
Ihe scene ol a large celebration to
be held .lune . comcnioi at ing the
founding of the Itepuhllian l"
on March in. Ikil.
Men and women will either hfi"
from all over the couturt to im
tribute to the memory of Alwi
l-jtrle llovay, geneislly t'ciet!i'ei
with having been the f.iiin'tei of
Ihe ) O. I
PreideM llvir i lionmsty
rlislrman of the 'nimiiiee which
Is In charge of the ai t alitfi no il' -
One of the feature ol the tele
bratinn will be a histnrtml pageant
doplcting the crowtli of the Kepuh
hcan party. The jnii;ei,nt ii t
staged on the riinii'iie of Ulin col
lege, centering aro!t the liintotlc
School bouse whuh ieur. the In
scrltitlon. "In tills. ehoo b"Ue.
March ?. lM. s held tht fiti
iniM meeting in thl cnun'ij Hist
definitely and pitneiy cut lie
from old ps.ties ami advot nte a
new psrty under the nmr KcpuMi
csn "
The niHn tweponsible lor thl
mreting. AImi.i i:rle l!ova. wsh
born In Je'fernn count. New Vol I.
on July K. lolS lie came to Wis
rntimn to practice law in l'.""
' -"" -' ' '
V. il.m Urn.
ii. ii nf mn o itir-oa (" f'srif nWt'''-"'"' "; ' J
the weather's getting hot
so you better take
out a bit
of "cool insurance"
that's what they call
wilson brothers
they're cool and comfortable
$1 and up
.t' .J TT:rTT,riT:
tH Bat.
Tlielo Nu. pre moil lu homuary
finttvnity. will hold n aniiual mi
' ' Ion and banguet ( the I nlver-
n. club I'n.lm oenuiK. Voy ;i,
ai i' .'..i u'clot k Those desiring to
KMend tiisv nmke nuertstion wnli
Ion l;uihiU-e at 'In- Kitmo Nu fiu.
leriltt houe
ehi.k lielimn tocW 't
tl rnitile IM. mnlinl lu ihe
I'.ig Siv tcleh-ia;tiic nie. i Indi
twl in l title a-e a' iskc AMiourn
ll- aft. .It I krrin a "lele.
graphic men.' the ittul'i are
tn: iletl aiol not w Irr-I
Like iSe liirly Bird
;lio made lite miser
able for the famous
w orm the fellow
who invests in Wilson
Brothers Super Shorts
is ahead from the
Buy them at
ii ii ii ii ii
i3 ti
h t
I s
ll, d
d f