he Daily Nebraskan rnT "xXVlll N. THOMAS ORDERS MORE COPIES OF 1929 YEARBOOK Cornhuskcr Receives Warm ... am Pimnnt m WeibUUiV vm w..r- First Day's Sale CONTINUE DISTRIBUTION Business Manager Arranges Time Extension Through Same Hours Today With the prospect tht the oris mil upplv of 1S! Cornhuakcr be tone by Thursday evening, n-ure Thomas, business manager of the publication, ordered :X) fopi, Wedneaday afternoon. M o'clock lothlrda of Ihe book hid" be.n taken and the Cornhus ker office s f",P(1 "n ",u,'n, rr io get them. ;ale of IM Cornhusker have been greater than were expected, tceordiog to Thoma. Studcnta may. obtain Cornhusker today from 9 until V30 oclork at the Cornhus In 'fire in the bailment of I nl ,fritv hall. In the main corridor tt Social Science, and If the wea ther U favorable. In front of An rs halL rproximaiely U booka wr old last fall when students bad an opportunity to purchase or re true Coinl.uskera at a reduced price The sale of the extra copic ill continue today at $500 each anid they are sold out, according to Thomas. Rtcaiva Favorable Corxmant We bare received ome very favorable campus comment. Every ene seemed plcaaed with It." was ih statement of Thomas In regard to the 1?: Cornhusker campua reception The 192. Cornhusker la one of the lateen In year. containing aheat fifty pagea more than last Ut ear annual. William C. VfBtier. Cheyenne. Wyo.. la rd tor In-chief, and Bmce H. Thorn i, tf. Mound City. Mo., la business tr.ar.sger. Work on the book tarted 11 fall and continued all :hTtuth the year. Colorful" la the word that la be int gf d to describe the 1JI9 Corn stoker. Campus buldings and cene art dona in natural color, rivitf aa attractive appearance. The art work there and all through ibe book la considered eicellent. Divided Into Books The annual ia divided Into booka. Hv on being on administration. The section ia prefaced by a color fal picture of ihe eaat entrance of Aiminuiration building. In add! lien to pictures of the administra tive offsets of ine I'niversltv, the Board of Reeents. chancellor and !&. the administration aection cniain pictures of these men at their deks and in typical labor ion- and classroom scenes. Book t o is the Junior and senior - - I f II rt- 44lft I MMl . IUI.IUUIUK f clafs officers and the honorary eirtnizattons. Innocent and Mor tar Roatd. Snapshots of campus ev and prominent personages ike a prominent place in book itote. The snapshot editor of the tormliu.ier has caught ih-:s year's iiBpus life from the biggest rally f the vear to fraternity scenes twm uwu.iv tMttnii dramatic w6 innate, student a'fairs. and pub lic' ions are alo In hook three Thef.e sections ate complete, with in j'i'iict;lr innotationa. Attttattcs Get Section Rook four d-als iih alhletics. Ttie athletic Miction contains nap tota and action picture of rarait Cm imm4 mm rae 1 'lather of Waters" h Scheduled for Today The taisivejwit y rhorwl union ill ptent Charles Wakefield fad man's cantata. "The Faiher of tv.ir" at 11 o'clock todav ir. Uerrjonai hall. The cantata : btfd on Ibe ilinoiny of the MtsFiasippi river. In "The Fath er f Vaier," Cadinan present aa hour of tnelodv which will be i-ag as group number or dueta. linn Hi, an for C.hih Proaresses In Construction Aid. j rioanciaJ Benefctcr . Aid i w v. ..-,; Worker With Addition to Coffers. Enahlinr Wheel i Colfers. Enabling Wheels i To Get Under Way Again IwTeraliy Glider club I making s-aey P-ocre. oo the glider they l-1 exwatrnctlfir in anile of the et4. U D. Mile, publicity bus- of tie o:gnixann. h writ tie following account of ihe CTivJUe of tie club: "Tw .we and .even year, ago 1 m . . . m uoiauseT Drougnt torts mpon y lad a new naHo. conceived UbertT. aa4 o,cte4 to the osTOoe tJsat all men are ere- free and euaL Vet Tuesday -1g foend la swon an ardent of potential crafumen bent tie 2rfmnc of e law of n roooth ,..t,.(ioo a4 the convention, of ma- "The glider club an W1 T cauu ot Ue mail -carry ing to which all .tudent. of the t niTer rifteiT Uity of Nebraaka are eligible for "SniJeelT ,fc. ,B. of pro -3 membership. Is fornje I for the pnr ..kicb d roJle5 .tlr?ry(Po stodx the la-aero- rewt, and latere ed .pec-; dynamic through HM to wonder why. Ah. tion and oreratio- of gl ders JUr tbe triumphant kocomotire ever, it n only 7 wt-h iatew, erry and.diata.t nnUlthe Power. ,rt-ts and roo leg an nPM!a.e r-odH f roT to a lifele.. ret a her I or inooorla B'3"T APPLICANTS GET CALL F( Students Are Requested to Be Available From 3 Until 6 O'Clock STAFFS ELECTED TODAY Studrtila ho Imte applied for luikllmn. nn I ha kl I fTk nff 'I'hrt llAllv Nebraskan. t'ornhusker. and Aan. ar retuited to be prea ent in l'nleiliv hall today from S lo oclork hn the u1-nl PuhlUation board meet 10 select aiM'i'rania to ITI the tarinua posl tiotta open. ortv five spplirailons were re- ciled bv the Sludent Publication hoard befoiv Ihe deadline laat Saturday nixtn. Twenty-two l plied for positions on The lally Ne braskan. fifteen for the 1930 t orn hunker, and eight for Ihe Awgwan. Twenty-four poMtlona on the arl ou publlcationa are to be filled. Kditota and btislneiui managers of publication may be preaent when the ataffs of their respective r..,kiixiLnn in holitv nicked, ac cording to a new rule passed by the Student Council ana approver oy the Student Senate. Purpose for i i.i. .to w to aid the board In the selection of applicants for posi tion. Two students filed for editor-In-chief of The Daily Nebraakan. This position Is filled eacn semeater from the two students who serve as managing editor. Two manag ing editors will be aelected from the five atudents who applied for appointment. Managing editor mll4 M lta S BANKERS, REALTORS ATTEND LAND COURSE More Than Are Expected During Valuation Class More than seventy-five banker and realtors from Nebraska are ex pected to register for the fourth an nual land valuation course which begins at the College of Agriculture today and continuea over Satur day, according to Prof. F. I). Keim, In charge of the course. Registration will begin this morn ing at 9 o'clock. A aerie of cUss will be held during the day. fol inrH h a dinner program this evening during which students of, th college will entertain with mil- aic. The class work win deal with problems relating to iratntai -Ing. Friday and Saturday will be apent in touring the aoutheastern part of the stale. Soil lypes. crop ping practices and weed control are some of the matters to be dis cussed. BE JUNE 10 FOR SUMMER Session Consists of Single Nine-Week Term, Change From Old Plan Registration for the summer aea th I'nlveraitv of Nebraaka will be at the ame time and In the Mine manner for all siuden itni ciuden's of the un ni ihAW aiiendme only mer seion will remitter Monday and Tuesdar. June li and 11. Reg ictranon i!l be al the Armory and all tees are due at that time. Clastet w ill atari Wednesday. June 'Vhi year the ajmrner sf hool will he one term of nine weeks, a chance from the former two ii week terms. The preem arrange ment allows for as many instruc tional hours a doea the winter ecion. The charge was requited by th Uniterslty Senate and ap- Board of Regent. It becemen i-c- live for the first time at the com j HnwA nf RcfmH. It Ing session. of Novel Machine i i . . th . ,h, born and determined " ? To.ar-! -"--'-- ilf by matenal need. " Find Friod Indeed Find Friod indeed j A uhb6 in need a Mend in- ideL Thus a friend Indeed the club found Tuesday evening when , bey JJc .Ttne Col lege Book toie. Ihe much needed fund had been generously enlarged and a new birth of contagion en .. ..hwt forth which will inu-i'."' - . ,ni all obatacle and make aurrooiini , " ler the new watcn-ord b- I THIer Lj j.M -MvirH and iiowara. o"-'1-' . . r trea -Iw to the '" aw www Haney and Bunting, who alao i . - hat ruin mrvi ma. an mt..rh -ui rngements ere made "WA permit grow th "T the ctlvt'ie lng the aummer REGISTRATION llratl Pcrh.n Kiflr Courleay of The l.lnrotit Journal. Stanley Kay. 'SI. Oshkosh. who haa been elecleil captain of Persh ing Rlflea. military organitatlon of Ihe University. JEWETT LAUDS DRILL OF R.0ICJEG1ENT 'Best We Ever Had,' States Colonel After Period Of Inspection STAFF WELL SATISFIED "The parade today was the very beat we have ever had. weui. cou F. F. Jewett said yesterday In com menting on the twodsy inspection of the R. O. T. C. unit of the Uni versity of Nebraska. "The staff was very well satisfied, especially with the effort put forth by tha men. The work of the men was very pleasing In that they put forth all they had." d r nirt nl the aeventh SPVPrltV-Five corps area of Fort Omaha, who ln OtVtlllJ I " . (, .hat the men marched better than at any other institution, and waa well pleased with the way the entire work waa being handled, according to Colonel Jewett. Inspection of the Nebraaka unit was a part of the final Inspection ('anlln-Mt a rac S Y.W.C.A. ;t .... . j t n Musical Numbers and Talks On Estes Park Camp j Are Features j University Y. W. C. A. broadcast ' its last program of th year last i night from KFOR. Lincoln. Spon ' sored by the conference staff of the j organization, the entertainment con ! sis'ed of musical numbers and a 'discussion of camp life and It ' benefits at the Estes Psrk Rerional (conference of the V M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Alice Wing played "Toccata." a ninin anln hv lie Bonsaev. and Der- nice Giesler sang "Spring'a Awak- ening." by Sanderson, and "Shep . herd Play a Little Air." by Stlcklea. j Other numbers of the program : were three saxophone solos by ' Katherlne Cruise and piano selec tions by Mercedes Wochner. Miss Wocbner sang the chorus or one oi her numbers. "Honey." PRESENTS BROADCAS PROGRAM flEX-STUDENT WRITES OF 1ST INDIES JOB Former Engineering Senior Informs Oean Ferguson About Conditions J. Kenneth Myers. seor !n the department of chemical n.. mi. .ho withdrew from in Uirrh Ia arcot a ooi!.on wlh tb nn wnan . - " - Transport rmiiiy at Aruba Dutch a ; ..a DaI a aIii ff at deactiblng his ex periences. The letter, which wa ', recently received by the dean. 1 beans the dase of May 4. -Tin aw klyer wrttea: I nave now aw B-hl la- I m ft m W al H M ( 1 1 II flop, althoub it t irowhat dif- . . - a Ji Oi.lAa That iferenl trom ine m.ij cm'.. trip was gu!te enjoyable and " " rather laacinaung ior m--. j.jy , , no, r, sea -The climate here is fin Ick. "ir h. lafiui here la fine. 1'he trad, winds re blowing across the laland consiaJitly and although the aun la very hot :he cool breese causes the temperature to remain about X degreea. At night u ia cool enough for a covering ot aome kind such a a sheet or blanket. I was In twimmtng the Ant part of ... Mm - ihe eek for a nan nour ana i cer tainly did get aun burned which QILRQI STUDENTS FIX DINNER DATE Congregational atndents win bold a banquet Fnday evening at Vine church. Friendly Bitle cla mem ber will aerve at Ibe d.nner. Dec orations will follow a "rainbow" motif. Margaret McGregor. Flor ence Situ and Emillo del Roaario will give musical number Enid William, will preside at toaaUdi stress. Response, will be given by FJiaabeth Crone. Martha Boerkl. Milton Roetf. and Gny Ftifkett. Reservations may be made with the Reverend Mr. Leavitt. ihe miiTersi'y pas'or. In Tefcple 12 not later than Thurtay. LINCOLN. NKHKASKA. Tilt USD AY, MY 21. Walker Shows Possibilities In Country Paper Jniirnaliam Instructor in llnivrraily Diaruaara I lr ll of Work MAKES riVK DIVISIONS Editor's not: Th articl fol lowing la tha ninth of a ria that will covar all tha coliags of h Unlvtraity. Tn tham of th atria It baad upon th condi tion In various fild that col 10 gradual must fac thir first yar out of aehool. 'V.reat possibilities may k found by the graduate of the School of Journalism In the small town newspaper field." declared Oayle C. Walker, acting director o' me arhool. In commenting upon the op portunities for a young man or woman upon graduating from that school. That phaae of work opena up a mnal aat infaotorv career. Satiafao- tory from two pointa of view fi nancial and Ihe return in aeir mf act ion and - contentment. Self aatisfartlon may be derived from the performing of community ser vice which I certainly a part of tha necessary duties to be fulfilled by a small town paper." Mr. Walker stated that there wer naturally Imiortant flelda of newspaper work but in a man un field I the moat proapectlva to Ne braska graduates because of the na ture of the atate. If on were to eraHnata In a metropolitan State his goal would l"i lb HiaioHjllUu newapaper field. In general, there are live main CWiaaMl an race PLAN JOINTMEETING Pi Lambda Theta, Phi Delta Kappa Get Bevcridge To Give Speech Supt. J. H. Beveridge of Omaha will be the speaker or th evening when Phi Delta Kappa, national hono.rary educational fraternity and Pi Lambda Theta. national honorary educational sorority, hold their annual Joint meetln d banquet at the University club Sat urday night at 6 o'clock. Member of Phi Delta Kappa are Invited to bring their wivea or friends. A musical program has tuun irrinH hv the committee in charge according to the chalr ( man, Roy E. Cochran, associate pro fessor or American niaiorj. n Hollar a nlatff will ha charred for the informal dinner. Omlcron ' chapter, the Nebraska group of Phi j Delta Kappa, naa neia tn.a auuum ladies' night for eight or ten years. About 200 are expected to attend. SENIOR CLASS PLAY High School Students Will Present Drama Next Tuesday Night "When Ted Came Home" I the title of the play to be presented by the senior class of Teacher college high school on Tuesday. May 4. There will be no matinee and the evening performance will begin a' 8:15 o'clock according to Coral Du brv who in coaching the play. Commencement of the high school will be heid on Thursday. June Complete arrangements have not yet been announced. Seniors who will receive diplo ma ar: Lyle Anderson. Walter LjlDMtroBi. Albert Baumgart, Mar J gwref Bool, F.roily Borner. Mary ....ike. Dorothy Char! .on I ea -nitaeJ lc-Dal 'iTll'teD t M.raar-,'1 ' Jean Field Helen h a " Die Heatb. Bertha HeUerich, Paul Ine Hopkins. Hay noy. iau.a lAhncAn Valetta Iek. Rob ert Madden. Mildred Mathre. Elx ada Meer. Rose Minne. Bet'y Mor riB-elTn Parka. Violet Paltenson. Vorls Peden. Bemice Sakett. Wil liam SchrelPer. Simeon Mr. Leons ?hader, Gladys Phafer. Fern Shellenherg. imro.n, Bele Tansreman. Itototny i .. heter. Myra Wood and Ru'h Wurm. R. O. TTtToFnCERS ENTER RESER ES Capt. Lehman Oires Talk to Graduating Cadets Friday Night Student In the department of who will iraduato this year were Uat night taken into the Laacaater ner. V- T" aociallon at a meeting at 1"" halL Capt. R. - ,bn1"- university department of miburr acience. .poke to the group on -Infantry Camp." Vatiou. phase, of army o wer dlncnssed by member, of the aaaocUtlon. Thoee who .poke were: Col. John M. Birkner cm -BeminUceoce.-: M.r JC. Fa, on -Artillery Camps : Capt fharie H. Anderson "A,r Camp": Ueut. Cot F. A. Kldwell on The Old Army-. IJeot. FJton Fee on -C. M. T. C ": and Uent. Rolla Van Kirk on "a'lonl Guard Catnp." EDUCATIONAL GROUPS TEACHERS ANNOUNCE Munapm 1'nrnirr I i r ' ' t' -. , . t -' . '.;iV. ... 1 i " t - i aurtemr of lh ln.n J.xiriiAl. F.lvln Frollk. '30. Iewltt. ho was recently chosen to b in charge of th 1930 Farmeia Pair. LAYS IVY DAY PLANS Mortar Boards Announce ! Daisy Chain Program Is Complete ! PROVIDE FOR CEREMONY, Mortar Ttoard. aenlor women'a honorary society, has completed plana for the y day protection. U'nnion in all aororltlea and dorml- I torles are requested to select two! representative irom tnetr renprc-1 five Junior, sophomore and freah man rlaaaea to carry the daisy chain. A list of then girls should be handed In to Julia Marlowe dc,k in Kllen Smith hall by Tuesday. May ;s. The abolishment of class honorariea made it necessary devise this new arrangement for the daisy chain. Senior women will wear white dresses and carry the Ivy chain. The underclasswomen will wear pAstel dreses. carrying the daisy chain. Special feature of the Ivy day ronllnawt as rac 1 LAW BARBECUE STAFF Seniors Sponsor Traditional Affair, to Be Held on Friday, May 31 i nmmifieea lor inp annual ta . i i . i j . DarDecue, to oe neia r nuaj mum Ing Mav 31. at the Lincoln Auto . .' V ,iar. "lUO par. r B II !1VU u vv-J day by Edwin Cassem. general chairman in charge of the event. The law barbecue is an event an nually sponsored by the senior class In th Law college and is of the nature of a reunion for all grad uates and former students of the v-kr..ii jvtire of I .a w Members of the law faculty and Juitlces ofj the Nebraska State fcuprene roun will be special guests. Tne under graduate membera of the law school will attend the barbecue in a body. Plan Scandal Sheet "Ijiw Bull.' a scandal sheets, is - , published especially tor ine mibt- cV George Johnson and Mll.o, , take charge of the publication of vrt;rew nave ot-ru - - - the edition this year. Members of other comtniueea are: Ticket, t.iarence n-u'. chairman: Gerald Hallstean, "" Becker. James Mansiieio. i jiu ..n .nH U'illard MeGraff; food. Lumlr Otradovsky. chairman and Merle Jon: transportation. u- tin Sturdevant ii ."uiuf"- i.u Ti. irm law harhecu wm nei.j .nThe'sTrtng'oT iTll. while nr. Wl. p Ham Granger nas-inss w" . ii. Prior to thi time annual picnics, started '''r,n n....r. service as Oeafl. held Capuo. beach. 1 round Is at present n- " Harvard iJiw school. TEATERS INSPECTS , rilARMACl ,,uu Iowa Dean Visits Lyman anu , Dean Visit Lyman and Tv Over Nebraska College Plant . - i Tealers of the Col lege of Pharmacy of the Vnlversi-y ... ... Tneadav on the cpusocaing h. MM? of the C'Olleee OI rnarm i ,n.,.1iinir with IT. R. A- '" man and other member of the taff- , . . i Dean Teater Is one of the In spectors of he American Assoeia r rniiees of Pharmacy. HI mission here w. similar to that cf Dean I.yroan wnen n- "'' .h. coll.ces In the northwestern fates In April . ENGINEERS GO TO CAPITOL THURSDAY Forty seniors In the College of Engineering will attend the award Ing of contract In the house chamber at the tt capitol today. Th will attend the bidding ses sions to get a practical knowledge of the proceedings. Contracts will be awarded oa for ,..,hree road proect. and twelve maintenance gr.el job. ',n ii 1 mites Of grading. ?1 S ""te. of rrsrel'ttg n-: sineen bridge. WOMEN'S HONORARY CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCES FACULTY PUTS END TO VARSITY PARTY Committee on Student Orfaimntioni Remove Control Of All-Univertity Function From Hand of Council, Favoring Barb Unit VETOES PROPOSITION CONCERNING FINANCE Staff Representative Refuse lo Allow Electiw Body Ue of Fund Left by Defunct Societies; Raike Appoint New Group Varsiix 1'artif. tni'lor llie rtiaiiafc-t merit of a committer iMiniil by the Sment ronncil, htve been diseonlinued. -forH inp In act inn taken by the faculty committee on student orRani at inns Tuea.lny. This infornmtion was presented to a mcctinR of the Stmlent t'oiinril thmuch a letter written to Ralph Kaike. president of the eouneil. by Amanda Ileppner ehairinan of the committee. The faculty committee also notified the Student Council that it had re'eofjnired the existence of a Hsrb eotineil. The r ... ii i. . . . I -. (.L.u i..ntK I e r faeultv pet II Kill OI ine Jru ruumn w eommittee for approval instead t'oriiing to custom. 7 . - Doctor Poor Botany Text It Being Printed Flowers and Clasalflcatlon of Flowering Planta" la the tltla of rr. R. J. Pool's oew book w hich la now being published by the McGraw-Hill Book company. New York. Dr. Tool, head of the department of botany, haa done much experimentation. wl.Uh la abown ia thla book. It has about a thouaand illustra tions and a chart and scheme of classification newr before published It will b uaed in the flowering plant claasea next year- AG COLLEGE WOMEN Home Economics Students Select Members for Campus Groups Home economics student, at the College of Agriculture have elected member of the Farmer Fair board, officers of the Home Eco nomics club and representative on the Coll-Agrl-Kun committee. New fair board members are: Ruth White. Uoi. Pavlea and Mar garet Hallstrom. Ruth White was also elected president of the Home Economics club with Dorothy Mar quardt as vice president. Mabel Johnson, secretary, and Elizabeth Williams, treasurer. To the Coll-Agri Fun committee were choaen Dorothy l.tichsinger I . i rt-it - Theta eiria ann (.eorz i itikv. .. .. r. i ... - nwiA fit nn e vear. , win wn iwi r - j I College of Agriculture men elected .anniilinllllVM lifit Week. Imilar representatives last week. Holmes Congdon Wins Award for Glee Club Work W. Holmes Congdon. son of Pro fen.or A. R. Congdon, has been awarded a gold crown for his ac tivities In the glee club at Colum bia L'nlversity. Mr. Congdon will enroll in the College of Engineering t .... ..r arcordlne to Dean . iitri ij ' .- " , O. J. Ferguson. r, f w rnnwrinn I on a ieat mi.. w" " , , of -."degaTct i." -' . . i : 1. - rnflfiMn nia ion. ia a .ophomore in the College of En gineering. . . Fifteen gold rrowrs are awarded by the King Crown board of gov ernors, a non athletic ..uden. coun ell governing organization. Three Uo io members of the glee r,u. e.gb. to the varsity show caste !,o to the staff members of the . . .k. e nubliranon, hii-i -jpmfr. y"- .v-.- . Une each .. nVcZ w , metcner. OFFICIALS VISIT CAMPUS 1 . .... ..relarv. R. 'uli an4 H. K. Cartwngm. rr '. ' engineer, all representing h- Northwestern Bell Telephone j- gmen. IwinV (pjment with a telephone com (p, pan jLAW FINALS BEGIN MONDAY MORNING Barbecue and Memorial Day Alone Interrupt Two Weeks of Tests Final examinations tin college begin at S o'clock Monday morning. May 27. A .cbsjdul- f exam appears on bulletin board fn the law bulldluy. wlll continue tm'Jl Ju"" ruptei only by Memorial dy and the Law Barbecue. t i. ayhedttl Is: Mon- 1 ne cumi""" - - .. . . . " k a m r.viaencv.. i COMPLETE ELECTION W lUiu . . . . . . I 1.1. iu 1" May 27. a. m.. Enoenc... l j, tim. M powlble In prepara ., Conveyance: Tneaday. MTltOII for the annual event. r-jtnveva Practice: Wednesday. May 29 craiiJn. m.. Pleading. 1 p. m Thursday. May 30. A e. aw1ttaaA. iinWuU day Friday. May 31. a. in- Ag, Property Monday. Jun a. - m , : nm. mA Vm ea 1 O. m Equity 11; Ttteadsy. June v suretyship. 1 P- -. S rJimZm Wedneay. JuneS. Sa. in-Crimea. . r.nltrrttUI 1 Bura-j-7. l.VWr m; m . . . . " . team. Pale. rjay. jij.i- - PRICE S CENTS n nn """,' of to the Student Council, . The faculty committee on stu dent orraniiationa a so vetoed a nlan r ihe Sfnitenl fnimcll to Ute the surplus from the Junior-Senior Trom and the money In the treas ury of abolished ramus organiza tions for Its own purpose. Postpone May Quen Method of selecting the Mar Queen for next year was left bang ing fire by the faculty committee. The Student Council bad previously vArt m-4 nii r.ln fnr the arlrr.lion of the May Queen and bad submit ted It to the faculty committee (or approval. The letter from the committee fnitent npranlullnni VI a eon. sldered at the regular meeting of the Student Council yesterday. The only other business conducted was the appointment or committees py Ralph Raikes. Part nf tha letter which haa to do with Varsity PartJeg follows: "Tne request to arrange tor ioor Vertffv Pan ira next Tear With closed night was rejected. Like. wise, the date auomitiea oy May Sabata, the varsity rarty chair man, were not considered, for the reason that the committee decided to dlscontinae Varsity Parties on- the direction of a Varsity Party committee, appointed by the S'u dent Council. Cit CommitU' FaHur "For the past three year lh aforesaid committee has no' been successful in the management of these parties from the standpoint of the receipts, and creating a de mand for the events. The commit tee on student organization fur ther decided that since these psr ties were of great Interest t the unorganized students on this cam pus that the Barb council waa to have the authority to arrange for a series of parties next year. 'These parties will be schedule! In the university calendar and open to all students on the campus. The Barb council Is to have permission to withdraw Uieae scheduled event In case they are not a financial succeM. They have been given p'r rMlllmMl m Tare MATHEMATICIANS ARRANGE PICNIC Pi Mn Epsilon Fraternity Plans Antelope Park Onting Today Pi Mu Eplloa, national honotary mathematical fraternity, will hold picnic thla afternoon ' 5 o'clock in Antelope park. In case of rain the affair will be postponed in definitely. M. K. Hetitenea, In structor In the department of mathematics. Is making the ar rangements. Baseball and other game, win furnish amusement. Twenty ne members -'II be Initiated Into the ort-anlxatlon. Flection of officers will also be held. Rlchatd Warner ia chairman of the commltte io make the nominations. O. E. Walder and M. R. Hesfenes are the candidates for director: J. H Holton and F. R. Bartunek. for vice-director; J. H. Holon and Miss Jensn. for secretary; P. L. Roth and F. R. Banunek. for freas i.rer- and W. C. Brenke or C r. Camp, for faculty adviser. On of each of the two canoiaaiee ... .re elected. DRILL CONTINUES UNTIL WEDNESDAY Military Officers SeeK to Oct Companies Beady For Competition All R. O. T. C. military com panies scheduled for drill th re- i. a ni th week and up through Wednesday of next week. will meet according to me num.. -i lima fantain Lehman KIINUIJ . ' stated Wednesday afternoon. Com pany M. the Baturoay nroram fit. will report for thwir regular scheduled work tbl Saturday, con- trar-v to anr otner repon siaun that they would not. With tne annual un:i twr-"- .k4.ilyt tnr a week from Fri- day, military officer are anxious aw. unnanlH tA TMlt In a SQUARE. COMPASS CLUB GETS bPfcAKfcll I i tjmum r TS-i rh rn 1nu( v i n- spector genera! of Scottl.H Tl Masonry tor inn .- - . b. Vnlver.it, of N- hrwika at their regular monthly brt t ttr ill address tne iquare anu v....- I ----- . . faulty -Me.. c!ub room In the ' ""