iour the mii.Y M:nru5K. FRIDAY. MAY 17, 927 HUSKER DIAMOND ARTISTS DEPART FOR KAGGIE MIX I Thirty seven Comhutktr liii k Ur pulled ay fiem Lincoln1 at night bound for lew Sttt. ' jth frea et Big tracfclltr - 'thi wee and. Thi afternoon t T n j n r ui ' Am( prolimmarie of th an TCam BOardS bUS I0 triablC ' null Bg 8 eutiioer get under way Coach Rhodes to Take ' irurTvii.Vr.aV.Twm f?Vun. for first BIN' honor on th out- . SPIIL BIG SIX DOPE Missouri and Kansas Look Like Relay Winners To Iowa Fans FAVOR TOMSOM IN JUMP Larger Squad NEBRASKS CLIMBS RUNG Scarlet and Cream Jumps From Fifth to Third Place in Week Ifuiker diamond aiilst Irfi i tin yeeietdai fieinun for Man hut. whie ihev mill tuii in a twogwme eiee lodav ami Ssiiir dav with Ihe Kansas Ars The r mail the nip Ma him. enah ling roach Hhode to take a large quad. The men who made the trip are i follow.: riiketi. Annan, dan ger. I'rban. Porhop, I'llMn.m. Hett. I. Wlll.ams. Mauri, Krvrn. lirare. Will. Kow. Halhelssen. liaaton, angg. M. W'illiama anil Sloan. Managet Kav Hall aim ac companied the squad. Bath Game Ait Battlaa Roth game should dvrloi Into battle-royal, although Nebraska managed to take both amri In 'he Ac teilo here two week aco Th farm) a weregoing speedy clip until they mrt the Rhodes men and were Iradinit the nig Six rlrcult hefora their Lincoln engage ments. Armatla and Pickett turned the trtrk against the Aggie but both men fr favored with alrtlelit aupport. The flrat game ended S i leading, to 3 In favor of Nebraska, after l" have they had been trailing Manhatian lie until the ninth when the Husk era pushed over all of their nina. The second game waa a pitchers' due' between Hank Armatla and I Ms ell which ended with a 1 to n verdict for Nebraska. Nabraaka Climb Nebraska haa made a sensational rlimb In the Big Six at and In no In the past two weeka. having won four game straight from the Kag ties and K. I". Any faltering, how ever. In this week'a game will b diastroua to Nebraska' pennant hancee. and Rhode will be bend ing every effort to keep the airing of consecutive rlctorle Intart. Aa a result of the K. I'. aerie. door cmdara. Nabraaka with an an try oi thirty (van man, th largtal In tha ronffonra, will attemupt to bring b'k to tha Huakar atata tha championship honora of tha Big Im. Not in tha patt four year haa Coach huita a Nebraikana lookad ao powerful and tha dopa buckat the ava ofth great maat favora tha Nabraaka laam with Kanaaa and Oklahoma clot bahind. Coach Schutir yr the team that la hot Saturday af'cnoon will win tha maat and that ho aspect Kanaaa to coma through with a let of aur. pruta but ha lot net aay anything about the Huskei copt that they ar rated too high and that la tha Cornhuakor all over. Ha knows hi beya and knows what they can do and ho al-o knew the Big SI Warn and what they have bssn do ing for a great number of year. It la Schulte a day and hi time to bring bark to Nabraaka the Cham, pionahip o fthe Big Si on the out door cinders. T. N. Mn.alf. director of ath let Ira ai Iowa Slate and director of the Hi Sn meet making gteai Un to entertain the ron-feiem-e tram and fan. The Amr director aialrd that new feature wll be in vogue at the Pig Ante.. Iowa Mat 17 Die I'nl eisliiea of Missouri and Kanaa appear in be Ihr cls til !lg 8la i-unir lent e irlay 'eama .lti slinulil J win liau.lil) In the mil trlay and had' r lav tipi cm el , al Hie , ninlei f,iii- mi diiiti luet-t al lna Siaix iiilli gi I ilil.. v and ralunl 1 i.r llgi t mill- gunri baa hoi , is'.ed u (en I tills rar at the lis ml ( itif a luiifi'tftice oi'i'Oneni and haa a l-ne teioid In outer lu.ii 1 Tin- Tlgi-ia plarrd fiiai In Ihr, li ilimi coiilciem e meet, flisl al ile .s,iuil:rin Melliudisl relay, f.isi i the Kansas tels. second a1 iht- I'uke laiultal, secund at II mcils and aei und a Hie l etas i. ls.-s Tin Ir besi time is .1 1. Kantas and .Vehtarka are the only oilier teams ihai aipar able lo push them In Una event. Temaon Sure Winner In the half mile ieay, Kanaaa should win. but will be pnshe I by Missouri and Nebraska, with Iowa Siaie as the dark hoise. In the btoad Jump. Tomsnn of Nebraska. he only Individual who Jumps ron sisienlly al Z3 (eel will probably win Hie exeni. Oihera who mar place are: lwrr and MeGulie of Missouri; (iiiiluie. rhi'rchlll and row less of Ok...homa: Wall (itiBtafion Tkr I'lace On Cyrlonr ? 7Vim Ames. loaa. Ma IT - Clar ence tiuaiafaon. ophomoi lUhl bander who is rieilued wl ihe only ronieieme irtoiv to dale. ill I'Mrli Hie opening gamo against Ml tnui I fur Iowa hiato collige. and l.rsirr Land, bard billing purhei, will be used at first basr in place of t'apt. lieorgo tie.limsn. who la out wih a spialneH ankle, according in t'oarb Noel oik man Ihe t'vilnnea plat twn game ae His with Missouri heto Thura ilat and li;ilat aa a att of Velaht-a. annual tbteedav eio anion of loo a tiie rnllog SOURS BID FAIR 10 NAB RACQUET HONORS o nate a rlisnre in r ip Indhidual I. mois The siamllnts of I lie lug Mi omfeienre tenuis teama al ihe rinse al all dual met la I as fol ln a : Cenmtiia IjhiiIkIh Plan Tor rin Inilialion r'rederlck lltandhitrai. liatmond lliichco.k and t'artoll I'auley trill be Initialed Into r.amm lambda, honoraiy O T. V. baad fraiem llv. al aprlng ceremonies at the V. M. ('. A , neil W ednesday pre ceding dinner. Ion Mrlmer, president of the 01 ganliailnn, la In rhaige of arrangement Dope Concedes Heacock of Nebraska May Get Top As Individual ! AVIKS. Iowa. May IT. - The ok lahnma Pnoneie. who won ihe Mig Kn tennis championship In dual meet competition. ie ihe ouisiand Ing fa tor ilea lo mnnopoliie ihe In dividual cliampionships at ihe men to be held on lite low State college rotni May IT and IR Ihe aomherneia will bung three tsrguei wieldeia of Ih first wait-l. Thurntan. Ilioan and Runkle. Thui- man tanks at ihe U-adr-r and ehnuH be ihe haidesi man to beat for Ihe alnglea lilies The number one doublea combination of ihe hoon er team, Thurman and Runkle. ap pear lo be the class of Ihe per forniera of Hie ronfeienre. trl) two other members of Hie rnnleisnre. Ileacmk if ml Robins of Iowa S'vie. uptxai I I. T I'cl Hon ooo 3 t I .TM 1 0 .T I S I .Mil I I 1 not A 4 I .000 Oklahoma Kansas Missouri low Hial . ' Ka hlaie MUCK ADDRKSSKS lHI CPSILON IU)I)Y j Lducntlonal ProfenionaJ i Takes Stepi to Join , National Group At a meeting this week of Phi Fpsllnn. professional and honorary physical education fiaietnlty of Ihe I niveialty. Waller I. Illark. eierii tit sen nan of ihe Nebraska High School Athletic association, discussed ihe alma of Ihe organisa tion rifttia were made al this time lo affiliate with Thl Kpallon Kappa, national fraternity, some time be fore the school year la over. Requirement for membership In the fraternity are thai one be of Junior or nior aiandlng. th,. k have a physical education or i letic coaching rouraa major s4 moel trholaatle requirements. Chi. ler merobet and officer are- William n. r'Midssi: Ki..,k U.ii.,.. i. k a.s ". V !. Hrllllir'niiunr; M, .' ". kurl w. UM,r, lsii. i Iiih r.r' ini j And.s.s. Allium t gi;'"' i " M.ii. i urer i,Ur ,,; V", J Sirissj. pl CLUB ILICTI ratOFtlloai Lincoln Knife and Tnrk ..... yeiterday elected lrof it . Whlto prealdent. and Trof. j0h, m uirertora Shorthand in SO Days Written with A. B. C.'e. tintels. rapid, accurate, esrvea an aur. ressa bsttsr. Individual lntru len. aeecial rat to cisss of three er mere. 'Dioldruon SoereUrii School Ki t Richards Bleck 11th O at. Six met-1 to make ihe meet ! jnrfoid of K,nM,: , i10. .n more interesting lo Metal flag painted In of each school and bearing the school's Initial, hate been pre pared for use In field event lo Inform (an which school la Special scoreboards been prepared. Iowa state l also enierrd In a con ference baseball game Thursday and Friday with the Tnlverslty , of Missouri. The Rig Sii tennis championships are also scheduled for today an dtomorrow- and a swimming circus will be stgged Friday nlehl as part of the fes tivities for the big meet. Iowa State is now celebrating Velshe week, an unusual tradition at 1 the low school. ieriaiora. ,1.1.- inw ii.i- sn,1 Crlswold Ihe color of Nebrk. Among tli javelin throwere of! 'he conference there la no con- tender of outstanding caliber. How eter. Smith of Kansas Aggtea. who has tossed the spear 11 feel ft inrhea. should be able 10 land In the placing thera who are counted upon for points are: Oil herl of Missouri: Faytlnger of Ne braska; and Livingston and Rich-i-rlnn o' Ksnsss Siate Ijinde probably will be called upon 10 pitch Ihe second game, but the problem of filling the flrat base station Is atlll unsolved. It la probable that F.Imer Hollgrewe, reserve third baaeman. will be given a trial at ihe position. Poach i Workman say a. Here's Smartness! Here's Comfort! BLEND SUITS with Super-Shorts Two jump ahead of the moat faatKliona tlrrescr on the rampua 1 . . iii. 1 J r r vtd!?;fl In both Jumpa! " Th new npr-hort , that hare, hart iahrd renter srini discomfort, that never hind or pull, are pre aented in Blnri-Sitit .. Knitted ahirla match the fine hroadcloth of the ahorta in a choice of five tno-tone e(Tect the belt and the banda around arm-hole and 15 , tH neck emphaaicina; in deeper ahadea the htiea of the atiita. Smart to I heir very color-rim mrd button, theae new llaon Broth era Blend Suit a are priced at $2.50. Feel the new luxury of Supcr-Shorta. Know the new aat iafactionof Blend-Suita aa rorrect aa your outer-wear. They are aome thina; to write home about. Good dealer there well them aa well aa your college haberdaaher. Roland "Gipper" Lock, former Cornhuiker cinder act. ran an ex-' -- Zlt VhV intnVn tOKD DIVERS GET Fall. City fan. and the Hu.k.r READY FOR SWIM flh turned in a time of 22.5 for 1 the furlong. It wa the first exbibi Nebraska ascended to third place. tion dllh ot th, form,r Nebraska IntrftITlUra.1 Plunffers Expect h.ln. I At a.Iv K v Ifiasonrl snt l)V. . . w . being led only by Missouri and Ok lahom. The Kaga. however, ate hard on the Hunker heela in fourth place and thi week- games will he most important to both nine TRI DELIS CAPTURE To Hold Beach Meet Next Tuesday track atar since his Europen cam pnlgn after the Olympic earns laat aummer. The "Gipper" may com pete in the National A. A. U. meet In Han i- Ki- tuMMap rui 1 m 1 imum swuiiniins: m-7ri One record a broken and two t to he held al Capitol Reach Tuea equalled in the Falls Cltv meet ' dav. May 21. A rrogTm Including this week. H. Lvdirk of Morrill balloon race, candle ract. reecti heaved the shot 47 feel R Inchea to break hi own mark of 4R feet R inches. This tos I a better mark or at least a good a the ma.lorily of the Rig Six losser of the iron ball can do. Shock of Wrliratfl CfiPrte Alinnt NPW Fall "ltv reeled off the century imav be entered by each group. rorm or ropuiar uame on took the high jump at s 1 feet ! inches. Horn tnese marK race and boat racea. besides two twenty-four evenl of free style and breast atroke has been planned. Reside the competitive event, there will be demonstration diving. Twelve girls. Iwo for each event. As Spring Sport Dolt Delta Pelta won ilie tr.tra mural deck tennis tournament with Katlictme Allen and Ilorolhea' Ma son a their representative team. Iu:e Westover and Croline Coo per were runner-up in the tourtu ment. rrticlpnl In the semi were Evelyn Simpson and Marjory Hyde; f hi Omega were Lois Gram mer and Bernardlne Olson: lvlta Louise Weatover and Cro line Cooper. Delta .eta: Katherli.e Allen and Horothe Mason, lelia l-lla Delta. The last two team mentioned were the winner of the semi-final, and played In thv final. Over 100 Engage More than one hundred gills par ticipated in the deck tennis tourna ment throughout the season. I'll Is Is the. first lime that thi spo. t has been played on the Nebraska cam pus, and N'ebMk Is one of the first schools of the mlddlewest in take it up. The gamn I played much like doublea tennis except that rubber rings are ued insleaj of the ball and racquet, and i a popular pastime on board ships. Intramural points toward the in ttamural championship are to he awarded. Five, points are given for each girl that participated in the eient and ten for each round mf play. The, committee in charge of 1 ii- tournament was made up of Retty Rider, chairman, Alice Rich tank. Mary Helen MoGlnley, Retty Harrison and Mildred Glxh. equalled present records. any swimming meet for the unlver slty coeds It la being planned by .lean Rathburn and Betty Norrl. chairmen of lntrmur w-!mmlng Intramural points will b awarded. ten for every first, five for second. Today Coach "Choppy" Rhode takea hi Huiker bateballer to Manhattan, the home of the Kanaaa n(j flv, for every girl wittered. rarmere. Tor a return game in oig Six baseball. With Nebraska's double victory ever Ksnsss Aggie last week and University of Kna this week, the Hutker were able to advance to a tie for third. The tie has 'o be broken In the fifth game ar it it with the Kansas Ag gies. Both echool have good ball club and the Huaker should re peat their victory of last week. Coach IhoHes haa turned out a good team thia apring cenaidering the fact the Nebraska ha been Idle en the diamond for the paat five year. But Nebraska has alto been rnniiilcrafl a hftm tsm and with th wnrri nt th ftcarlet An a far. eign diamond this week, the result may be anything but satisfying Pickett, the are of the Huiktr hurl er will most probably take the mound for Nebraska In the opening j game with Armatla er Clair Sloan getting the call for the second , game. j I can t gO OHIO ESTABLISHES j never attempt this trip ELECTKIC MUSEUM Without a full suddIv of '0 u - South Dakota Is Named Host To Conference Conclave First in History Of University; Many States Included COl.fMBlS. O. May 15. -The es labllsliment at Ohio Stale univer sity of one of the three largest elec trical and 1ndiitrll collections in the world i seen by Trof. Frank C. Caldwell of the department of elec trical engineering a a result of th hord of irustee approval of his propoaal to use old university equipment In the formation of such an enterprise. Al present there are but two electrical museums of major Im portance Id the world. Magee's Shirts and Wilson Brothers Super Shorts! VERMILION. S. D.. M Ay 14 The I'olverait.y of South Dakota will be the. meeting place of the next an nual conference of dean of the L.iddle western state universities, Pen E. S. Spark of the College of Arta and Sciences at the Unl vetsity announced today, after re turning from the recent meeting held in Rloomington. Ind. Thi will be the fust time that such a gathering has been brought to a South Dakota school, Dean Spark t fated. More than twenty state will be represented in the ' gaitering which will be held some time in May of next year. At the recent conference held at th Indiana university . the entire curriculum ot the College of Liberal Art wi placed under the fire or Tittcism and discussion, according to Dean Sparks. I Tfcst more required wotk and lea elective subjects should be j cItcti for Itsdent in college of -liberal art waa the general opin-! "n of tha detr.s taking part in th-1 I 1 lf3"v:VJ I I I I: .It': ff ''.' 1 Us.lAiis eflVrtat t Vio hlt and dalrw trior auU I hem aa well aa I I j I j la! 1 the banda around arm-holes and your collrte haberdaaher. I 1 0SuPcr Short mr-U gp- 1 Ut f UI f Vft rt- Mr I iw w CmterSettm I J DISCOMFORT ! KILLIAN has them at Twelve Twelve Q Street 1 For the Smartest Occasions! Milady of fashion will ap prove these new arrival o charmingly different. Summery Braids, Vlca., New felta these are the mediums m which these charming summer hats are developed and the loveliest new shade to match or complement the summer costume. Our Policy Continues No Hat Over $.".(K) 'he Band Bo &2sk i LINDCLL HOTEL QUILDlhlQ mmMMMMMMMMmmmmm IMMMMMMMMM presenting wilson brothers super shorts in the up to the minute patterns and colors acceptable to university men $1 and up SmSiiiiciiSiScnS' fe3 t'i i 6 r s li'scuseiom. I L5S33