VOU XXVIII M. 117 Lyman Tells Of Pharmacy As Vocation CoUrff Dean Explain rrrtary Work nil Avr rajc StUry piu(;;ist JRS vaky Hilar' : Tbia U th nth ef iiriH of pial ariiel hicH will caver all e the eel lee " athaela ' th U"'r- Th aim U th spcte-.ee countered by fraauataa h'r f.rrt ytif But f tho'. The arg Iarj of a gradu ate of the lolreg f Pharmacy rut f"n 3 week." declared Dr. R A. I.vmao. deaa of ,h. collage. Tnia how er. la dlferent poaitions and la 4 ffe'rent parta of the country Thl w a good aalary la coropar ,ce 10 ibat paid atudenta engaged In rlarioai poeltiona. Th heihth . .. . nrrn in Ibta field de- rnda upon what department of pharmacy h enters. Managerial) ro.iUoaa la chain drug atorea par Ularfe which range from $10.KK! to $li.0O a year. Then there are; maav privately owned drug tore ; , the tat which pay aa high a IS" a year for manager." i Manufacturing Draw Soma j Honor Lyman staled that a large .umber of graduatea enter manu ; farturtng llnea. aome become ales- , ir-en and Others become Interested ; in Uboratory work. The men Draw a salary of .: to ISM a , month. A atudent ahould on hi, ea drug aUxa italdr o' even vear. according to Honor Lyman. " The "hard knocka" to be eiperi-' nred bv a recent graduate of the; Toller of Pharmacy are not Terr i much different from thoae occur-j teg to a graduate of any other ol-1 tre according lo the pharmacy wn ! Hard Wark NKMMry : -The hardeat tak for a recent craduat will be fitting hia diploma to hi Job. He muat learn that pee-1 rle It buuness are not buying tit- j 1 .. ,A that he will be eipect-1 4 to do menial labor. No matter I how high we get In life we always j hare a certain amount of menial , labor to do. , The recent graduate muat also . adapt himself to the condition thai ; find la hia community Then i h. muat create new condition. TXMeir.a of all kind will constant-1 lr re presenting themselves." i tagin at Battem Pea- Lyman think people muat j aia tart at the "bottom ' and o'-k up regardlese i wnai pro.. cfi they ara engaged la. rrogre j ,1 the educated peraon. however. i Truth mora rapid than the prog m of the uneducated. I If a man la gotng to mare a big j urt in hla bnaine he muat j haie a rundamenul knowledge of .ii it. i ff.rni tihasea. Th1a can nniv be obtained by atarting at the hortom.' Undoubtedly a onlveralty eilucation equipa a peraon for a h rher poIOon than the nneducat ed although pharmacy may be alo learned without the aid of a uni versity. pprf)t'Ce Learn Trada large number of druggiata in ibe tate have gained tbeir knowl edee of ibe profesaion through ap rrenticeahip. ln Idaho eighty per cent of the druggiata are college gTiduaie. Tbia aiate at preaent 1 in a tranaition period." Ian Ljman declared that if a boy likea scleDtific atudle be will like the work in tbe College of Pharmacy. Pharmacy i a acieniifie nudy aDd la made up of such basic stiiic- aa beiiii6try. biology, and philology- When aked what Interested bim in ihi ort or work, Dean Lyman implied that bis mother wanted bira 10 nudy medicine. "1 went lo unl icrfilty'and took a general educa- EXTENSION AGENT BEGINS NEW WORK ran Jt. Hoff Taltc Place of H. T. Baker, BeaifBe From Potitioa Paul E. Ho'f begin work May 15 aa the assistant atate evtension asetit in agricultural cfigineering i. 1 be agricultural college, takin ihe place left vacant by the resig nation of H. T. Baker. Mr. Hoff ill work this apummer on eroaion conurol and farm building problems of Nebraska farmers assisting 'ounl;' eatension agenta wberevei 'her 1 a request lor auch aer i ('.(-a. Ha comes . to Nebraska from Til.in k.M v -aa intn and du- 'aid. Ha jrraduated from Ohio SUte university lal year. WbUe lie vii aUll In college be wa em l'loyid liy tbe aieriion aeica of 'hat ta.te a a special engineer. In college he apeciallaed in agri f.ulruraj engineering and vaa most miereatd 1 farm fcuildinga. Ohio itaia official recommend him 'enr highly. Work ha already teen lined up lor him ia Sarpy. Uougla. Madi im. HaU, Hamition Cass. Haxiaa. Uay. and Scooabluff counties. He lli be helping timid cooling tanka on tbia aehea of meetings. Sigma Upfcilon "Set Mreling for Today Siga Cpsilon, national literary 'aiernity, wlU bold a wpocUU mt-k- la Vr. V. C. Wfmberlya ufflet, tidrewa atall thia aftei-nooo at 4 a-.iotk. EiecUow or offlcera. aettitig aphng Initiation date, and iia cassipn of chapter buelDeaa. at teilg the Jtema 1hat mual be dl Toewu of at this sneering. All mem hw muat be present at ihi call bin. he Daily Nebraskan llrada l-unrhcon (Juli Prof H. A W'htia who ha been elected president of the Knife and Fork luncheon club of Lincoln for the coming year. SIG EPS FLEE WHEN Blaze Causes Much Damage; i James Doctor Jumps ' Off of Porch fire originating from an un I knomn source In the basement of the Sigma Phi Bpallon fraternity boiite. 17H F 'rel. erly Thnra day morning, caused damage et pecied to amount to eTeral thou and dollar. One member. Jame Ioctor. m slightly Injured when ha Juirfped from the aieeping porch. The fire, which atarted about i o'clock, wa dicoered by one of the member. ho awakened oihera before smoke overcame anone. Starting in the basement, the I flame partially destroyed the j basement stair, and spread to one) comer of a room o.t the first floor. Linen Damaged I Unrtii. table furnishings, and other materlala on the first floor were damaged by fire, smoke and waler. Ctoihing and tiouae furniah ings kept !n upsiairs closeia and di-esser swere not o great. THinng the fire, personal be .1. rrm Af all kinHft ware show ered from upstairs windowa. Trunk, typewriter, and one Jresr. were tossed out of the burning house. Concert Will Be Presented la Temple Auditorium Next Thursday The Father or Waiera." an American cantata by Charles Wake field Cadman, will be presented by the choral union of the I'nhersity of Nebraska, Thursday morning, Mv tZ. at 11 o'clock in Memorial hall, tinder the direction of Howard Kirkpatrlck. Tbe concert ia founded upon a aeries of episodes lii early American history, relating to the 'discovery of tbe Mississippi river. The medium or a nistonan is used to connect the episodes. Historian in the product ion will be Paul Pence. Duets will be of fered by Viola Butt aDd Jack Wheelock, and Theodore Wera and Harold Hollingswonh. A quartet w-ill consist of Harold Hollings worth. Jack Wheelock. Roger Rob inson and Uoyd Robinson. The concert closes with a splendid emi-patriotlc chorus, "Spirit of Freedom. CHEMISTRY GROUP HOLDS INITIATION pbi "Lmbda Upsilon. bonorary chemical fraternity, held an initia tion and banquet last night at tbe Lincoln hotel. Pr. B. C. Bren acted aa toastmaster. and Prof. R. C. Ab bon gave tbe address of welcome. Prof. William H. Adolph. the speaker of tbe evening, talked on "ChemistiT and Rcbolarahip." Tbe men initiated are: Oliver C. Ames, Lvle Vernon Andrewa. How ard Bonnett. Clifford Edward Carr, Leonard Cook. William Fiugibbon. Albert Ughtbody. Paul Shildneck, Omar K. SDjder and Fobert Void. Deadline Xeart for Publication Filings Student intereted in filing for poition on three of inc major casipua publicatloiia. are again reminded that tbe oead 1lne i Saiurday, May IS. 11 o'clock, noon. Early eaterday few aludenia bad filed ftv these poBitiona aa compared wi To She number in lat year. Application for the following position will be received by be S.udent Publication . board At TniveraUy ball 10: 1830 Comhusker editor, tec managing editor ; buaineaa Ban ner, twa a:tain buaineaa suauageia. Tbe Dailv Nebraakan firt aemeater. editor l- cbief. t manaarina edliora, ait; new a editota. bualneaa man ager, three aasiataul . buslneaa manageta. Awgwu firat semealer. lr J0): elitor, twa aaaociate ed' lor':' busrneaa manaarer. two aa aisiant Tnnattie fnanrr. J. K. ?TC1XIX"K. f'ecre'ary. .. , llftllftr niTftlirn nnrlror. uouiae rouna. i-rmu ri Meanwhile tnree biore cova ! Hll r I All HI- r Kr ! . Alabaaterof Nebraaka Wealeyan ben nnr. M wera aaoa ra IIUUOL UnlUIILO I IIVL unHeraliy. Pr. L. A. Sherman, and (h, deacrlpilon of the the two ranking enlora of tha p-1 fi.hi the lll Nebraakan tell bow r. .- .i ..... . V. i . VI r lH 1 . . . . ' - . . A .... . . IJNCOLN. PHI BETA KAPPA HOLDS INITIATION i CcrCITOnieS PrCCede Annual j Dinner of Nebraska Alpha Chapter MANY GIVE ADDRESSES Camp. Sherman. Tellt and Pound Are Teachers On Toast List FOR NOV CLASS Fifty rnieralty "f Nebraaka j Cda Captjra Fraah senior aere Initiated Into Phi Beta j Nl( th( coeds Joined la by caa Kappa. national arhoUatic fratar- turi0g ivo freahmen girla r.allani nity. laat night at the Lincoln bo-(vatDt hoaerer. secured their re tel. preceding the annual Thl P"a M When the freahmen gatb Kappa Initiation dinner and pro-: trtKl la h hall, the aopha cama grant aponaored b' lha Nebraaka I WB B pnj, and broke dowa the Alpha chapter. Addteaaea oy rroi. fiiiitr nit Umiwi Rrdfksir. compoaed the banquet program. Special tribute waa paid to Dr. L. A. Sherman, one of the charter member of the Nebraaka Alpha : chapter of Thl Beta Kappa. IT - Lawrence Foesler. the second char- ter member of Ihe Nebraaka chap-j Novel Folders Are Mailed for f?urt7 Tin Vitk aaVM..a . 1 Alumni returning for the Round i- hiuiM rini i I rial about the T. C. Camp aho preaided oer ha!,B. mn0 n4j jaiherad and broka !: banquet. Prof. Sheldon Tefft. up fl.ht. 1 half-hour too laie. v ot-u 1 i . 1 , n - - - newer enlarged rampua. All the In- " h,.ni i0 prarent pu bl lea-! walk around the old campua Kr . ... h.ita ir. made tiona tnrwrn to n. p ..... . .t.nK that h noma I In full mai.-. - .K..... - : known to them by a folder sent out todav bv the alumni office Thia folder preaent a meesage and give tba program for the three-dav reunion on the outer rv.r.a miina the entire inner sheeta. the siae of rVebater die-' 1 drawinc of the pre- . , ent campus oy jamea nnrnm. dents mention ma '''"'' ' ren a'ti It I replete with bumorou publicitv gi'" by papera ofthjani) tl pot and bright aaying. Tbe,.(a( oinmg attention to the fact, I whole replk-a 1 tbe outgrowth of i,hl, -a head In the midt of j Altboun an Idea of Prof. F. C Blood. ,.. xr,tement 1 a algn of.,.r1iy. ent cam mis bv James Pickering. Idea of Prof, r . t w,ooa- inacer-of tha campalaw to bring! . j ... V . . h .m. iKia vurl rraduatea back for ihi year 'Round Cp. I All BuiWiobs Portrayed I Every building of any importance at .1. 1. reprented.Old-U; hall Is there, and It naa tne upper emr- lonminu.. - - ie. long since .horn away. Tbe mud with -With j aaeh rtw b beside it 1 labelled while on the mittae will give a copy of laat rrt west aide ia a large aign "no cow day f.r.t edition of tha r.e allowed." One of these very cow. Ibrr-skan. ft certificaie entiUIng lha has come up to ihe algn and ia de -; ji0lder to a life subacrlption 10 ptcted aa amaaed that her freedom - Happy Homes." one copy or ina of tbe campua ahould be ao cur- rfunct freshman poster, and ona tilled. bottle of "Bud.- Sleeping on the top of tbe law building la ft law arudant. Between ; . rtr af TtirSICIAS there and Brace laboratory arcn-, aeologlat. have Juat uaearthed another fossil. "Blue Howell ana Johnnv Bender are practicing foot ball in the Memorial atadium while tbe crowd.- send up their hoarae ye 11a. Andrew Hall Opn A aetter ia looking for a place to set jut outaide tbe east gate to set ju.t outaide ttetP Elephant, are walking Wo MoniU v.11 a nit a tnitc la crawling to ward a picnic spread upon tba graas in Memorial ball. Pointing to Andrew, ball, "now open," a algn proclaJma "new and ahghUy used teeth for aale cheap." Noted persona are Included aa fixHirea on lha campua. General John Perahing la drilling hla army .-h it Hil rteld while Cboppy and John Green shew lie cow. off the campua. "Do not feed tna ani- Cohvaa aw raw - Lincoln Artists Guild Auctions Off Paintings Tonight for Scholarship Organization Expect! Sale To Stimulate Interest in Work and Hope, to Set Up rand for Worthy Student (By Gone MaKIm) Plana for tbe auction aponaored br tbe Lincoln Artist' guild which will take place thl evening in gal lery B of Morrill ball have been urogreasing very aatUfactorily. ac cording B. A. Benaoa inatructor in drawing ad gwinting. The service of Al Poaka -dramatic atudent and aasialant ao nouncr at KFAB have been ae cured aa auctioneer. frocaada Co te Schetarehia All of tbe paintinga hanging on .v.. .h vaJl of Uia caUerr will be eoJd. aa well a aom or the ei I ample of eraftamahip ia tbe abovcaeea in tbe hall outalda of lb gallery, will ba Bold. Tbe pro- ceeda of ine aaotion win a toward tbe etabH)iment of a fund for aome worthy art atudent. A great deal of inlet t a been aboma by tba tmivere ty .rndetita la tbe exhibit iurinp tb- a-Bt week, aa well aa among people a'uont the city wba ara lo tererted la 1 rt work, ttimulataa An Intarest Tbe vorpoee of tba eabibita wbuh the guild atagea 1 mainly . lo atimulaie interest la art iu 'work aJoug that line. Thl 1 the I first spring eahibit which baa ever j been abowat. Heretofore the et nltolta have takea place la the fall 1 of the year, and awa?ly have heea I held in one of tbf ow-ntowa torea. There are oa exhibit eamtuple of 'nil ralctinga. water color, eiora aea ! prtn. etcbtng, phdyography NKHIUSKA. r'lUDAY. MAY Spring Antics Recall Coed Capture of Girl Freshmen Ticcnty-fivc Years Ago Wild Tracat Included EtC Tbrowiof. Hair Pulling And Genuine Kidnapping Around Uniteraity Campug An It aw. IB yaaierdaya "lata journal in mt i Ago column mentlonaihe fact that i njiiAr Andreaa aaterely cea 'auted I h unnaieity rowli aho 'took part la lha arnaailonal kldoap Ing of lis fraatimea girla. I rtlea of Tha liaily Nebraakaa ra !eal the detail of ih arrap. Tha 'trouble tnel alih tha kldnapiai of tao member of the fieahmen rlaaa. one of whom aaa t-apiuied k. k.in lined to lha Phi t'-am hnnia bv a rhona tall. rTeahmen aecurH a t na in ilia reacue. earrh aarraai. and fieed their member . u. uwa m.i ahelled from the pod.- Eamle Allen was B1 raP(Urad atd taken to "the ,0,11 auMirb of Haelock. and nmi there until a lata hour." the party een went ao far as the ,nrowlBg 0f a few egga. iiahta Out LlgMa Out I At tha part at Walah hall, tha aor aa "dancing waa Indulged In." ami "renturesome spirits sought to tap tha r main in tha ' a. rMi anil ahnt off the ni. thus out all the lignta in im -j N,brMklB ,n. .-a (. ihe fra. An injunction fTMlt publication w. 1ued a 0 v . n v 1 1 .. on ----, Ben nvai lao- tion tha entire atatr gatnerro ai u ''?"'" v.-aoarvar I nlon 10 pea- tect Ihe Issue. nua mr r- papers wera spirited awaj. a fake bundle waa taken In plainsight lo the c m pus. - -' - - t td'tor Cor-manu rvtimrial comment on the incl- 1 mention the unfavorable popular .ar- Th aftar aeemi to have ended 1 wf ari . with the raffle In which the ona lunbumed freshman cap waa rrtven ; away. In thia way tbe damage dona ,by the Hghts was P..d for . Tha " irkXV A CITY j GO TO IOWA U I 1 Lincoln School Orchestra Learet to Play in National Meet Lincoln high acbool orcbeetra. r;t p,ac. , tDe .,.t b;hcn., coneat. held I blrt achool music conteat. held in 1 thia fnnminc at Liincoin iv-- o'clock for low. City, to compete in the national orcheatra conteat there. The organisation la under tbe direction of Cbarlea B. Rlgbier. lr'preliminarie of tbe conteat will be held Friday afternoon. If the Lincoln group survlvea tba prellra inarlea. it will play in tba finala Friday evening, and return to Lin coln Saturday afternoon. GIRL ADVERTISERS SELECT OFFICERS Gamma Alpha Chi Cbooes Martha Brinkerhon for New President Gamma Alpha Chi, women a hon orary advertising aorority, Tbur dav erenJra elected Martha Brlnk- erboof. Pawnee City. 30. aa prei- dent for tbe enulng year, mjb Brlnkerhoff 1 a member of Delta Gamma, social aorority. Other fncera cnosen were: W4r. 11. Dell Delta Delta, aecre Lary; Caroline Bthm, 20. treaaurer; and Helen Whiunor 10. Alpha Chi Omega, blatorian. At tbe meeting Thursday evtaing Helen Whit more. S0. Alpha Chi Omega aad Beth Weir. J1, were initiated. Miss Brinkerhoff. tbe ner president, will represent Ibe chapter at tbe national convention rf Gamma Alpha Chi at Seattle, Waah May 22 lo 25. ;rnnrARSHIP GOES TO KATKRYN DEAN Kathrya Dean, a graduate of the I ttiveraiiy. haa received a acbolar ahip ia tha voice department of the Curtia Ustituie of Music, at Philadelphia. MiaB Dean weal to Philadelphia aome weeka ago to sing before a committee composed of eminent musical authorities, in cluding gem brie h. Harriet aa Ea 4 Unnila Conwelt. It ts j probable that ahe w ill arudy with I vaa tanafn. door, juazv ob'' m 17. 102) ALUMNUS'GETS state L W. Kemmcr Secures Place On Commission Board Lately Vacated U W. Kemmer. an alumnua of lha CnlTerstty of Nebraaka. haa been aelerled chief accountant for lha ataie railaay rommiaalon. ac cording to official announcement made last etenlng. lie aa for merU an ainanl accountant war king under I. J !eoe. aha tin rMlmed lo enter the serf lea of tae Lincoln Telephone a Telegraph comian Graduating from lha Stroma ; burg high acbool In ll. Kern- mer enter tha Inl.er.l.y in 117. Immediately after hla ma. ! ACCOUNTING POSITION irlnilallon In thl insnttuion n.im nn ' nliatMl In Ihe army where he 1 nniil PVbruary when ba waa gleen an honorable 4ia.harae. I n-v. Klr arrauniant be- I .an his work with lb railway I eomrelaalon aa a rpeelal iamlner in July. 11- Ha again entered j lha I nlTeralty where ha puraued ; work na looa tne povumn j aistant accountant for tha com-1 mission. Mm. Kemmer, belter , known aa Harriet Cruise Kemmer noted for her -oral talent. 1 also I a graouai- Nenraasa. I Campus Posies ni Proof of - Cnvtrtf Arrirnll riprWU HrriVUl . (By Alice Can"") t. here 1n earnest and If; . . ..... ..1. . you non i - 1 .u.. - . ibloom now. the plrea and lilac 1. -1 1 - Mtui rtienre pmi umvuiK -- - - being In greatest evidence These shrubs hava even been ruthlessly transplanted to the much talked of new csmoua." bordering the still more discussed drill field. Th. harriv aMrea. however, la not v. rfiarourac ed. even by the bar- atmosrhere of the drill field. acent every waia on inf anntiMi f BurTOundtnga. i.k.ai. thai lilara have aeen bet ter daya they are still blooming In orftrlent profusion to allow few . v. t F.,1 afnitenta to DiitCk a . I liv.u II ' I - iltpray for appreciative teacber. Campua 8 How a Evid. .a If tbe campua Itaelf does not of fer enough proof of the coming warm weather, visit the green boose. Every t.te In tha cation is represented by ft ahrub. or a flower of aome kind. Most of them Beam to hava contributed cactus for fourteen varieties are nounsn- ing in tba greenhouse. However mere are iwner moiv .n.iiv. ami a little more pleaa- Ing pedmena too auch a orange and banana treea. nuaj o"'ri" vina f mnaa and flowertnc plant which cannot eiit out of doors in Nebraaka. Among the moat inter esting of all the planta ara tbe palm and cactua which are bow over twenty-five yeara old and .bow no aigna of dying. Many plant bare oeen removeu from the greenhouae to the campus rAmmm anrt IMIIT IT) Ore Will be ta.ken out later, according to the gardener. GOVERNMENT OFFERS CIVIL SERVICE JOBS Competitive Examinations Open Sew; Education Is Qualification To student., contemplating en tering ihe united State, civil aervice tbe government offera a number of position in keeping with tbe training of the college student. Competitive eiamlna tiona for these position, will toon take place. Position of research fei'eciaJist in agricultural education draw a aalary from JJ.800 to I4.&00 ft year. There' are varioua position to thi line open. For federal agent for home economic educa tion and for trade and lndutrial education tbe a!arie range the am a In agriculture education. Application a for apecialiat in agricultural education, home eco nomic, and trade and Industrial education must be on file with tbe Civil Service commission at Washington, D. C not laier than June 18. Competitors will not be required to report for eaotxina tloa at any place, but will be rated on their education, expe rience, and ft tbesia and publica tion to be filed by the appli cant. . . Full Information may be ob tained from the United State Civil Service Commissioti. an ington, D. C or tbe aecretary of the Civil Service board of exam inera at tbe post office or cua tomboue in any city. ARCHERY TOURNEY BEGINS TOMORROW Intramural archery tournament will be held tomorrow at tbe Sta eioaa from ! to 12 o'clock Ptac tiicee for archery will he held to day from 1 to X o'clock and from to i oclock at the Ftadiura. AH ritiversliy trla are elifble to com pete ia the tournament and no practice are reoaired. Wina Promotion - um. 111 l-lfi! Journal L, W kemmer. former atuaeni at the I nivert ty ana mmw i ana ira.ernnj. - "''t"- running for rnclea In the four I J- leoe aa chief rco',"'n,,r''ofncea of Ag club, three member the .'ate railway commlsaion. He pf jrn)erB Kttr prj, member "ITASSELS ELECT NEW MEMBERS TO SOCIETY Organization Announces Twenty-Six Coeds as 1 New Pledges Twentystl girl were recently .)c,i to membership in Tasseis. alected to membership In Tassels. ..i.n Plxlrlne ' air., r-w - til 1 nunlit Itav 7 at I he ' will ba Thureday. May -3. at '"e annual TaaU pltnl'. I-arn o roniT I allowed no more than two active membara. several nor aororlty girla are chosen annuall; Tt). fo,OW1nK rl were elede. . 1 . . 1 1 mi rv.Mil!' two actlre membara. Several non-1 y. lecied 1 to memberahlp: Alpha Phi. Porothy Clarke, Margaret Munn: Alpha XI j Delia. Ruth Schill; Delta Delta , rwii, rinatrhan Pee: Delta tiamma. .-.. c.i.k riiubeth Relmer. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Be'ty Wahlqutst. Mary Jane Swett; 7.eta Tau Alpha. 1 j u.ll I'vI. m Iah.i- CM Omera. Marlorie Hyde. Phi Omera Pi. Dorl root, . member at larre Thus as tne re -.-.. a... twlaa- lnha Chiiault of the election the board will Ornega. Lucille Wright; Kappa . . v n..a Delia. Mildred Glsh; Alpha Oml cron Pi. Mary Alice Ley; Alpha Delta The-a. Emma McLaughlin: PI Beta Thl. Doro'hy Weaver; Sigma Delta Tau. Ruth Dimond: Sla-ma Kappa. Mabel Heyne, Alice Wldman; Tbeta Phi Alpha, Mary Louis Utir TJllian Rtrhlagr Ttrm umHtr l.nln Jo H viand. Julienne Dletklti. Lucille Idwith. Pernlrelof PalmauisL DEBATE PUBLICATION MENTIONS NEBRASKA Gavcl' Records Activities; v Places White on List of 'Who's Who' A record for the season of the Nebraska debating team is in cluded in the May number of The Gavel, monthly publication of Delia Sigma Itbo, honorary rorsenic rra terni'y. H. A. White, NebraaJa' Included in the Wnos Who aectlon of the maga-l rire. The survey of the debaung rec ord of the Nebraska tram dis close that eleven dinerent t-j?n competed In the various debates. Notable among tne oen o-dst- thi vear were the Nebraska-Sd-nev debate on tho parliamentarv- nrf r.ra.atlten4tal ffirTO of aTOVeni- ment and the jury debate on the campua which attracted so much Interest among etuflenis. Ccnteat Outaide School everl of the debatea tbia year. arcording to the report in Tbe Gavel, bare been held outaide the campua including onea at mair, Omaha. De Moines, North Platte. Duner and Greeley, Colo. Men who participated in debates ihi vear were ravld l-ellman. Joseph Finkeleiein. Joseph Gina- burg. Wslter HOMr. e-Aerev m. Hunt, Gorge fv Jocnson. jr.. Nathaa Lvy. John P. McKnignt. Carl J. Marold. Uoyd U. Speer and Alan S. WlUlams. naroia. nuun, and McMillan were elected to Delta Sigma Rho this year. tha iqvnartmecit of Who's Who in tbe magazine Professor While is listed aa having attended wesiejan university of Connecticut, Yale and Harvard. He haa been instructor in Frglish at Purdue and profor a' Lombard College, professor of the loric and public speaking at Uash inrtoa Jefferaon. and professor of English at Nebraska since 196. He is a member or the Modem Language association. Pi Delia Epfiloa. Delia Tau Delta. Sigma Tan Delta and various other socie tie. STANLEY OLIVER DIES IN ailCAGO A. ?tanlev Oi.ver. who graduated from the Colleg. of Business Ad ministration la ;JI. Wednea- . .n a ChiCMZO bOSPi- tal Reporta received here atated , that death waa cauaed by epinal , mecingi'l- . , r,. : Vr Oliver wa a member or Lei- : U Sigma PI. honorary buslneaa ad- j ministration t ateralty and also ac tive la the De la Uteiary aociety . while la echooi After grad oat ion Mr. Oliver did poblie account jxg work ia Ont or the paet two yeara he had been empiojed with Se Fraer Bond Compear of CbKtgo. as a waiea. ... Hi. home wit ia Great talla. iMoftt. nucr. 5 cents AG MEN ELECT F Anderson Heads Farm Club: Board Chooses Frolik As Fair Manager TEN SECURE POSITIONS College Selects Facka for Member at Large on Executive Council Ten offioea were filled at tha an ,h. Acreul,ur. wh,n candidate at large lor tha eaecutira coari and two membeta of lha CoUagrl fun committee wera electe4 MwlKhi Andersen. "SO. waa elected president of Ag club by ft largw $ lurallty wltn avrerat wner nam mtmm 4irltinv the minority. Claude Hoe. "SO. waa elected Tie president rifh alnvnal no ODOOelHon. 0 Winkler. 11. and Glen Hedlund. 10. wera elected threaurer and sec retary respectively. Frolik Heads Board Only three candidate were fTlel tor the vacancies on tha senior .i iinl all three of whom wer . . .in malorttv over ,nota polling a score or more of ,no,a polling a aarireH votes Election 01 in w- -.-.c,h- ih. manaarr wa n manager on the ballot. f.,v,n proiiit, "SO. carried tha man- agershlp b a corcfortabla margin ,n, other two elected being VA ward Janlka. rtn. and Ralpn ntt -30 Kor the member al laige of Ih" newlv created Ag college eiecutiv" board Donald Facka received the rreaiaat number of TO'es or in" threa candidates running. Tha e ecuUre board will b made up of the president and treasurer of the Ag club, the college 01 Agncutnir- student Council member, and the mw. ! ai na-irni AnnvriM. consist of Dwlcht Andersen, ry Winkler. Frd Grau. Donald Facka and a similar repreaeuiatlon of women from the college who have not aa yet been elected Grau, Clark Ara Elected rha maniian nf the Poll-aarrl-fon committee who will have charge of ha annua? urtevU. TtrofracUona in he College of Agriculture, two hotn were eiec.tea yeateraav. Fred Grau. '81. and Eaton re I Clarke. '30. Both aerred oa the : committee the past year ao4 were elected from ft fleid of four cand'- The election only concerned of fices to be filled by roen student Tbe officer of the Home Econom Im -I11V1 iha vrnmen member of J tie Farmers Fair board, the woman member at large or me execuuv- I board and ithe women mber. of in,. rvill.aa-H.fnn committee will b tha Coll-agrl-fun committee will b elected at a la'er date. Y. 31. CABINET PLANS OUTING Leaders Arrange to Spend Week End at Camp Near Lincoln T M. C. A. cabinet member will bold their annual cabinet retreat Saturday and Sunday at Magee'a csmp, twenty mile, northwest of Lincoln. Tbe group will leave the Temple at 1:30 oclock Sa tarda afternoon, and return about 4-Zn Sundav afternoon. William B. Braiated. acting field secretary of the student "V" fir Nebraska, will .peak at the re'reat. nd will lead discussions. Joe Hunt will appear on the program Sun day morning, speaking on 'Tbe In fluence of the rniverslty T. M. -. A on tbe Individual." The theme running through the dtscuaaion will center on tba tc-'ls of student life at th rniv-rf1'. the purpose of the. university " ." and the kind of program and lead er required to meet these tiee5. Twelve men will make tbe trip. Michigan Pro fetter States World Lacks Independent Spirit i.m ihinkinr and inde pendent acting are at low ebb. ac cording to Prof. William A. Prayer of the University of Michigan. If a man dare to be an individualist he is taken to the psychopathic ward, he charges. "The world is becoming too standardised." Profesor Frayer holds. "We all read tbe same books wear the same clothe, live in the same bouse and arrange our fur niture in tbe aame way. "It Is one of the atrangest poli tical phenomena that tbe world, in tbe laat ten years, ha ateadlly h come more conservative. The elec tion In tha L'nited State bowed tht we want a rovemment that will do our political thinking for u. Our worship of the eipert Is probably our truest religion." Professor Moritx Son Escapes Cleveland Fire Prof. R- D Morit received word late Wednesday that hia .on. Pr. A!!i R Morii. atari phyalciaa of tha CVeland eUnlc hospital, where over 1M lost their live ln a fire, waa jnia Jured. Hia wife, auperlntendent c aaraea. waa aain)ura4 aad took charge ol early reecae work. Dr. Joha Monti of Lake ide hospital add ia carte for aoany of the inj'fed NEW OFFICIALS OR NEXT YEAR